
Our earth–The way we like it: International Environmental Cartoon Contest 2017, Hungary

Our earth – The way we like it
International Environmental Cartoon Contest
Karakter Kommunikációs Iroda
Application begins
4 October, 2017.
Deadline for entries
19 November 2017.
The Karakter Kommunikációs Iroda invites all professional and amateur cartoonists, satirical artists and graphic designers to an international illustration contest with the theme:
The earth is all of ours. We can’t live without it. Can we make our beloved planet aware of this?
I. prize: 300 €
II. prize: 200 €
III. prize: 100 €
General rules
Entries can be sent via post or e-mail to the organiser of the contest.
Size of entries received by post should be A/3.
Cartoons sent by emails should be in JPG format (300 dpi), sized at about 2500 pixels wide if in portrait format and 3500 pixels wide if in landscape format.
Competition details
 All participants must be 14 or older.
 Previously published cartoons are not allowed for submission.
 Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 3 cartoons.
 Postal address for entries: Sopron, Pf. 101, 9401, Hungary
Entries received by post will not be returned.
 Email address for entries: palyazat@zoldbicikli.hu
 Cartoons sent by email should contain the surname of the participant. A txt, doc or docx format text is required which includes the data of the participant and the cartoon. (listed below)
 Attachment of works received either by post or by email should include:
o Title of the work
o Name
o Address
o Phone number
o Email address of the applicant.
Works will be judged by a professional jury. The jury will automatically disqualify any submission deemed offensive or inappropriate or any submission that violates copyright law or the rules of the competition.
A notification of the result of the competition will be sent to the provided email address by 24 November 2017.
The best pictures will be part of an environmental awareness exhibition, which will be accompanying significal events and will be presented as a travelling exhibition as well.
The works of the exhibition will be seen on the homepage and on the facebook site of Zöldbicikli Productions.
Further information about the competition will be constantly posted from 10 October 2017.on www.zoldbicikli.hu homepage.
Special professional advice can be asked of the competition’s artistic director Szénási Ferenc at the following email address: palyazat@zolbicikli.hu
The competition organizer claims the rights for all submission.
By taking part in the competition, all participants agree to the conditions and regulations of the competition.
By entering the contest, the participants accept that any decision made by the jury is not negotiable.
We wish good luck to all participants!
Karakter Kommunikációs Iroda.
Source: zoldbicikli(pdf).


Int cartoon contest, “Enough!”, dedicated to the centenary of Russia’s October Revolution

The Big Digital Encyclopedia of Caricature has announced an international cartoon contest, “Enough!”, dedicated to the centenary of Russia’s October Revolution (November 7th, 1917).
Conditions of Entry:
Participants are expected to produce work that is based conceptually on the theme of revolution, whether this references specifically the events of 1917 or any other revolution in history, be it red, black-and-white or indeed of any other color.
We encourage the participants to caricature famous historical figures, making use of allegory and allusion.
Technical requirements:
We will accept works employing any drawing technique, in digital format, size A4, at a resolution of 300 dpi.
An individual artist may enter any number of works without limit.
Collages will be judged along with cartoons in the same category.
Caricatures in the form of portraits will be judged in a separate subcategory.
Deadline for submission:
Works must be submitted by email to postmarat@gmail.com no later than November 1st, 2017
Winners will be announced on November 7th, 2017.
1st Prize: 300 USD
2nd Prize: 200 USD
3rd Prize: 100 USD
Best caricature portrait: 50 USD
The Contest catalogue, poster and diplomas will be emailed in PDF format.
Please note:
At the close of the competition, we are planning to exhibit the best works in Barcelona. We will be happy to provide the works to those wishing to organize their exhibition at another location.
Founder and editor of BEC
Marat Valiakhmetov.


The 12th HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest 2017, Romania

The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest
The International Site BestCARTOONS.net,
The CULTURE CENTER of Deva city,
CRISAN Publishing House,
The ACCES Association Deva and
The Founders,
Are very glad to invite you to participate in
The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest, the 12th Edition / 2017 Winter
The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest is an open competition for artists all over the world. Anyone may take part, with no restrictions.
The participation is free of charge.
1. Theme: WINTER (winter holidays, new year, winter sports, Santa Claus, snow, snowman, gifts, christmas tree, etc) - maximum 5 works
2. Free Theme: MY BEST OF 2016-2017 - maximum 5 works
Graphic Humor - Cartoons or Caricatures without words! (we accept also drawings with little text in english)
DEADLINE 30 November 2017
The Jury, made up of renowned cartoonists, will award the following prizes for the best works:
GOLD PRIZE - 500 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
SILVER PRIZE - 400 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
BRONZE PRIZE - 300 $, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
10 PRIZE for EXCELLENCE, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
Jury’s decisions are final.
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges.
The original drawings of the prize winning entries should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wrapped and protected against damages. The mail address for sending winning originals is: CRISAN Publishing House, strada Mihai Viteazu, bl. 47, ap 1, 330091 Deva, jud. Hunedoara, Romania.
Works should be sent exclusively through the web page https://goo.gl/FZbKk4 . Detailed instructions here.
Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork.
Entries can be either black and white or coloured. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format.
The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB, JPG or PNG format, with the maximum limit of 5 MB.
The name of the cartoons, in english, must contain the entrant’s family name, given name, country and a few keywords related to the work. Example: CRISAN Horia - Romania - hunter - plane - dog
The biography in english, containing the author’s details (photo or caricature, address, date of birth, education, profession, awards, publications, books, exhibitions, etc.) should be sent exclusively through the email address humodeva@gmail.com .
The cartoons selected for the contest will be permanent exhibited, free of charge, on BestCARTOONS.net, for the visitors around the world and for the attention of all cartoonists (to prevent similarity, copying and steeling). Any cartoon which is similar, copied or stolen will not be awarded.
The contest results will be announced on the HumoDEVA 2017 Winter web site .
The eCatalog, in .pdf format, will be sent by email to all selected artists.
By participating, the entrants grant the organizers the right to use their entries as advertising for the HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest and for the site BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogs, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and /or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors.
By submitting the works to The HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
All copyrights are held by the authors of the works.
E-mail: humodeva@gmail.com
Horia CRISAN, founder of HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest & owner of BestCARTOONS.net
Liviu STANILA, co-founder of HumoDEVA International Cartoon Contest & illustrator
Source: bestcartoons.

International Cartoon Contest Golden Hat 2018, Belgium

All persons over 18 years of age are eligible to participate in this international contest. Participants shall agree to the terms and conditions of the rules and the decisions of the jury. Belgian law governing withholding tax on prizes won by foreign participants applies.
Participation is free of charge. Deadline 31.12.2017.
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This may be a caricature of a famous person, a parody of a real situation, or simply a picture of a funny situation. The cartoon may consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. No moving images allowed.
Participants are free to choose the theme of their entries.
Maximum 5 submissions per person, black and white or colour.
The cartoons must not contain text.
Drawings can also be made digitally.
They must be packaged flat and not folded.
Works under glass, framed or in other materials will not be accepted.
They must not have been exhibited in Belgium or awarded in other countries.
Digital entries: min. 2480 x 3500 pixels (A4 300dpi). Allowed file types: jpg jpeg eps tif psd pdf.
Entries may only be sent by post after the form has been completed on the website and the form is enclosed with the entry. Dimensions min. 21 x 30 cm or max. 30 x 42 cm. The entrant’s name, first name and address must be written on the back of each cartoon.
Your participation is only valid if we have received your fully completed entry form on our website.
Entries are submitted at the expense of the entrants.
The selected cartoons wil be framed with a passe-partout for the exhibition.
The sender remains responsible for the originality of his work. Discussions and possible claims concerning all forms of plagiarism are the responsibility of the contributor.
By participating, entrants grant the organizing body the right to use their entries as advertising for the “International Cartoon Festival” and the seaside resort Knokke-Heist (e.g. as cartoon book, catalogue, advertising in the press and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon festival organizers, calendar).
A professional jury will make a selection from the entries for the exhibition and will declare the prize winners.
All submitted works shall become the property of the organizing body.
In collaboration with “Davidsfonds” Leuven, a cartoon book will be published, subject to budgetary and technical constraints. Selected participants will be entitled to one copy.
Golden Hat 5.000 € *
Silver Hat 2.000 € *
Bronze Hat 1.000 € *
Audience Award 500 €
* + flight and hotelaccommodation in Knokke-Heist during the opening (one night)
Cultural centre Knokke-Heist vzw
Maxim Willemspad 1 , 8300 Knokke-Heist BELGIUM
Phone +32 50 63 04 30
Entry Form on source.


The 11th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2017, Romania

The Cultural Centre of Urziceni Municipality, The Municipality of Urziceni and
The International Site BestCARTOONS.net, are very glad to invite you to participate in
1. The 11th ICC Urziceni is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge.
2. The artworks must be presented on a FREE THEME or/and on
3. Deadline: November 22, 2017.
4. You can submit max 6 works for the FREE THEME and max 6 works for the THEME SECTION. The cartoons must not contain any text. The name of the cartoons must contain the entrant’s family name, country and title of work (in English). The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format, with a maximum size of 2 MB.
5. Send your cartoons and your CV to the e-mail address: graficcontesturziceni@gmail.com 
6. The cartoons submitted to the contest will be exhibited on the Urziceni 2017 website so the cartoonists can carefully study them, in order to prevent similarity, copying and stealing. Any similar, copied or stolen cartoon will not be awarded. The contest results will be announced on the Urziceni 2017 website .
7. The International Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no matter the categories:
GOLD PRIZE - 500 euro, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
SILVER PRIZE - 300 euro, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
BRONZE PRIZE - 150 euro, Special Honor Diploma and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
Ten EXCELLENCY Special Honor Diplomas and a Personal Gallery on BestCARTOONS.net
The Jury’s decisions are final. Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
The prizes can be paid in Urziceni or can be sent by post and the recipient will bear the cost of sending them. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding the taxes or bank charges. The originals of the winning drawings should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wrapped and protected against damages.
8. By participating, the entrants grant the organizing body the right to use their entries as advertising for the Urziceni International Cartoon Contest and for the website BestCARTOONS.net (e.g. as cartoon books, catalogues, advertising in the press, internet and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon contest organization, calendars, etc) without any special fees paid to the authors.
9. For further information, please e-mail us to: graficcontesturziceni@gmail.com .
10. By submitting the works to Urziceni 2017 INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
Nicolae PETRACHE, General Manager of CH Urziceni.


Results 1st International Festival of Satire, Humor and Caricature "Me, Itar Pejo" 2017

Awarded participants at the Competition for caricature, humor and aphorism "Me, Itar Pejo"
The awarding commissions for the Caricature, Humor and Aphorism Contest "Me, Itar Pejo", held on 13.09.2017 (Wednesday), starting at 11:00 am held a meeting announcing the participants of the Competition. The awards will be presented at a ceremony that will be held on October 27, 2017, starting at 19:00 hours at the Ministry of Culture in Bitola. The commissions worked in the following composition:
President - Ivan Bojadziski
Commission for caricature:
1. Jordan Pop Iliev, President
2. Jordan Gjorchev, member
3. Hasan Fazlic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), member.
Commission for aphorism:
1. Mile Gjorgjioski, President
2. Ivan Bojadziski, member
3. Igor Damjanovic (Serbia), member
Commission for humor:
1. Hristo Petreski, President
2. Trajche Kacarov, member
3. Vasil Tocinovski, member
Winners of awards
1. Caricature Awards
From the received cartoons of 78 authors from all over the world, three main and seven special awards were awarded:
First prize - Miro Georgievski, Macedonia
Second prize - Goran Cellican, Serbia
Third prize - Mehmed Kahraman, Turkey (Top)
2. Awards for aphorism
From the received aphorisms of 49 authors, three main and six special awards were awarded:
First prize - Vasil Tolevski, Macedonia
Second prize - Vitomir Velinski, Macedonia
Third prize - Rade Gjergovic, Serbia
3. Humor awards
From the received aphorisms of 30 authors, three main and three special awards were awarded:
First prize - Tomislav Drvar, Serbia
Second prize - Angelina Laposka, Macedonia
Third prize - Vladislav Vlahovic, Montenegro.
Apart from the main awards, the commissions decided to award special awards to some of the students at the competition, which will be announced on the day of awarding the awards.
Source: https://msu.edu.mk/itar-pejo/.


Selected artists in the International Cartoon Exhibition Ymittos 2017, Greece

The Jury evaluated and chose to participate in the exhibition:
Abdolhoseini Javad
Adijaya Aan
Alawi Ali
Albayrak Murteza
Amjadipoor Efat
B.V.Panduranga Rao
Babei Esmaeil
Bakoulis Serafeim Μπάκουλης Σεραφείμ
Bondarenko Marina
Bu Wu Fang
Cai Weidong
Celicanin Goran
Cem Koc
Cornejo Santiago
Cornel Chiorean
Dabrowski Dariusz
Dagres Vasilis Δαγρές Βασίλης
Demirci Hicabi
Descheemaeker Luc
D'Oriano Ciro
Drljevic Darko
Dubovsky Alexander
Eshonqulov Makhmud
Fathi Panah Seiied Hossein
Ferrom Murillo Fuentes Ferreol
Fousteris Nikos Φουστέρης Νίκος
Ganji Ehsan
Georgievski Miro
Georgiou Grigoris Γεωργίου Γρηγόρης
Guibao Gai
Hilal Ozcan
Horia Crisan & Bogdan Petry
Jakovljev Miroslav
Janlops Sandoval
Jin Di Cheng Shibi
Jiri Srna
Jordan Pop-Iliev
Karry julio carrión cueva
Kazanevskyi Slava
Khakhanov Vladimir
khire alshrif
Kustana jitet
Lagator Luka
Li Jing shan
li shen hong
Liviu Stanila
Marra Sophia Μάρρα Σοφία
Marzabad Jalal Pirmarzabad
Miraee Ali
Momot Valery
Mozhdeh Malekoghli
Mpekiaris Giorgos Μπεκιάρης Γιώργος
Nadarevic Senad
Nazanin Fazeli
Nwokocha Azuka
Ospina Elena
Pavel Constantin
Pecchia Andrea
Peev Tsocho
PeraleEdwin s
Pérez Omar
Prokopljevic Jovan
Prynkovskyi Mykola
Przęzak Czesław
Rahim Baghal Asghari Baghmisheh
Razmhosseini Mohammad Saleh
Rochez Jean-François
ROMAN Michel
saatçi seyit
Semerenko Vladimir
Sepideh Seify
Sichenko Sergey
Silva Pedro
skopintsev viktor
Smal Oleh
Smirnov Igor
sogand seydjoo
Soter Τασιόπουλος Σωτήρης
Stankovic Stabor Borislav
Sultanovic Resad
Sviridenko Nikolay
Tarasenko Valeri
Tcholakova Maya
Tomaschoff Jan
Ulisses Araujo
Vahid Armoon
Valeriu Kurtu
Victor De Raeymaeker
Victor Eugen MIHAI – VEM
Vranas Theodosis Βρανάς Θεοδόσης
Waldez Raimundo
Wang Yinxiang
Wenczel Stefan
Xagoraris John Ξαγοράρης Γιάννης
Yang Lijie
Yoemnis Batista Del Toro
Yu Sef Alimohamadi
Yustinus anang jatmiko
Zakerzadeh Hosein Seyed
Zevallos Omar
Zlatko Krstevsi.
Source: Facebook.


Prix Mémorial, The International Cartoon Awards for Human Rights, France

Prix Mémorial, The International Cartoon Awards for Human Rights
“United Sketches”, the International Association for Freedom of expression and Cartoonists in exile,
Kianoush Ramezani, its founder president & “The Caen Memorial museum”
are organizing the “Prix Mémorial”, The International Cartoon Awards for Human Rights.
Cartoonists from all over the world are invited to send their applications from 11 September 2017 to 30 November 2017
The theme is: “Defending human rights”.
Applicants should send maximum 2 cartoons [in high quality] together with their short biography and photo portrait via email.
The only address to send your applications is prixmemorial@unitedsketches.org
Mémorial de Caen award: 3000€
Siné award: 1000€ [in the memory of Siné, the great French cartoonist and founder of Siné Mensuel magazine]
People‘s choice award: 1000€
Young citizen award: 1000€ [an special award by United Sketches].
Award winners will be officially announced at the Speeches for the Defence competition which will take place from Friday 26 January to Sunday 28 January 2018.
The selected nominees will see their cartoon published on the Internet and the social media in January 2018.
Link to the regulations on source.