
The first Cartoon Contest on Waste Management 2016, Iran

The first Cartoon Contest on Waste Management 2016, Iran
Theme: 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
Pre-Collection Waste Preparation And Separation At Source (Modifying Consumption Patterns, Waste Reduction, Compression, Volume Reduction And Drying The Recyclable Waste)
Recyclablewaste Separation (Paper. Cardboard. Glass. Plastic , Wood ...)
Organic Waste (The Foods, Tea, Vegetables, Fruits, Residue …)
Each Participant Can Send Up To 5 Cartoon.
Must Send His (Full Name, Post Address, Email Address, Phone Number) Via Word File.
All Participants That Their Cartoons Publish In Catalogue Will Receive One Catalogue.
Send Cartoons Must Be 200 Dpi Resolution, Width Or Length 2000 Pixel & Jpg Format.
Send Cartoons Must Not Be Won A Prize Before.
Mention The Title (Waste Management) In The Subject Of Your Artworks
First Prize: $ 1,500, Honorable Mention And Trophy
Second Prize: $ 1000, Honorable Mention And Trophy
Third Prize: $ 700, Honorable Mention And Trophy
And 5 Special Awards.
Deadline: Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Cartoon Must Be Sending To:INFO@IRANCARTOON.IR 
Source: irancartoon.


The 12th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2016

The 12th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2016
T h e m e : Art against terrorism
• 1 cartoon, A4, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 10 /4 / 2016
Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants
(They will participate only in exhibition,
Not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards....etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
Syria Cartoon website:


47th International Graphic Humor Competition "Umoristi a Marostica" 2016, Italy

1. Theme of the competition and participation’s rules
The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It is possible to participate also out of the competition. This request excludes the author from the award of the prizes.
The theme of the contest is: BREAD
Authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips), inherent to the theme proposed in relation to man, his existence and the society where he lives, seen in a humorous viewpoint. In order to be understood worldwide and beyond every linguistic barrier, the works must be without dialogue or texts.
Works must be inedited (that is, neither published before nor used to participate in other competitions). The organization can decide to exclude from the award of the prices those works that are found to have been already edited
2. Shipping of the works and deadlines
Works and entry form can be sent both by email to: concorso@umoristiamarostica.it
Otherwise, they can be sent through the following services by April 2, 2016 :
WeTransfer https://www.wetransfer.com/
Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/it/
Google Drive https://drive.google.com/
Mail: UMORISTI A MAROSTICA Pro Marostica - Piazza Castello 1-36063 MAROSTICA (VI) – ITALIA
The works, in black/white or color made with any technique, must be in GIF, JPG, PNG or PDF, 150 dpi resolution, saved in high quality, weight max. 3 MB. Larger files will not be accepted.
The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the Jury nominated by the "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense". The Jury's decisions are unquestionable and uncontestable
3. Delivery of the Original Works and the Award of the Prices
The authors selected by the jury will receive an email with the informations about the deadlines and the modality to sent the original works. If the work is realized exclusively with a digital technique, the author will have to send a dated, numbered and signed copy of the work.
The Jury will award the "International Grand Prix Scacchiera", the Special prize "Sandro Carlesso", the Special prize "Marco Sartore" and 10 Special prizes "Umoristi A Marostica". Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded.
The results of the Jury will be given directly to all participating artists by email and published on the web site www.umoristiamarostica.it.
4. Opening Ceremony, Awarding and Acceptance of the Regulation
The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will take place on May, 21, 2016 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will be open until June 12, 2016.
All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue. Non-selected participants will have the possibility to demand the catalogue compiling the form on the web site www.umoristiamarostica.it
The works selected for the exhibition and for the catalogue will not be returned and will be included in the collection of "Umoristi A Marostica Museum".
The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" reserves the right to authorize the reproduction of the works and the diffusion of them through various communication means citing the author with the words "Taken from Umoristi A Marostica", without any payment. The "Gruppo Grafico Marosticense" is not responsible for transport damages.
The participation in the contest implies the complete acceptance of all the conditions and rules from the author.


Winners in the International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2016, Poland

Satyrykon 2016. Jury verdict
The protocol
of the jury session of International Exhibition
SATYRYKON – Legnica 2016
20 February 2016
Jury represented by:
The chairman
having seen 2.519 works by 741 authors, who come from 58 countries of the world, the Jury has awarded the following regular prizes:
Grand Prix Satyrykon 2015 and money award in amount of 8.000 PLN to Mr GERHARD GEPP (Austria) for his work Closed (Top).
Section I: evil
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000 to Mr GRZEGORZ MYĆKA (Poland) for his untitled work
2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500 to Mr HOUMAYOUN MAHMOUDI (England) for his untitled work
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000 to Mr JERZY GŁUSZEK (Poland) for his work Soldier (Above)
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr ŁUKASZ KLIŚ (Poland) for his works: „Rec.ydywa zła”, „Hejtler”
Mr ARISTIDES HERNANDEZ (Cuba) for his untitled work
Section II: joke and satire
1st prize, golden medal and money award of PLN 6.000 to Mr MIHAI IGNAT (Romania) for his untitled work
2nd prize, silver medal and money award of PLN 5.500 to Mr ALESSANDRO GATTO (Italy) for his untitled work
3rd prize, bronze medal and money award of PLN 5.000 to Mr ANDREA PECCHIA (Italy) for his work You are here
and the two equal distinction awards of PLN 4.000 each for:
Mr LEX DREWIŃSKI (Germany/Poland) for his work Li(F)e
Mr ILYA KATZ (Izrael) for his work Freedom of expression (Above)
That way the protocol was close.
s p e c i a l a w a r d s
The Director of Legnica Culture Centre Award in amount of PLN 4.000 for Ms BLAGOVESTA TSVETKOVA (Bulgaria) for her work Evil’s joke.
Source: http://en.satyrykon.pl/.


10th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic, Bucovina 2016, Romania

The International Exhibition
of Satirical Graphic
the 10 th Edition, 2016
Bucovina Museum – muzeulbucovinei.ro
„Gândeşte” Association – gandeste.org
Suceava County Council – cjsuceava.ro
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava has the distinct pleasure of inviting you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 10th Edition, 2016.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “NEW WORLD ORDER”.
2. We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world, regardless of their age.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five (otherwise you will be disqualified).
4. Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV) (otherwise you will be disqualified)
5. The exhibition prizes are:
- Grand prize – 500 € + diploma + gold medal
- Second prize - 300 € + diploma
- Third prize - 100 € + diploma
- Three mentions - diploma + medal
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: competition@muzeulbucovinei.ro and they must be of 300 dpi resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or coloured.
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum and also on the webpages of the partners. All the artists who will qualify for the exhibition will receive the printed catalogue containing all the selected cartoons.
8. Deadline for sending your cartoons: 31 May 2016.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in June 2016.
10. Bucovina Museum – muzeulbucovinei.ro and „Gândeşte” Association – gandeste.org reserve the right to use the works submitted for the contest in any way suited to promote the contest and its results.
Jury Members: Mihai Panzaru Pim – cartoonist; George Licurici – cartoonist; Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA- cartoonist
Artistic manager: BOA www.artboa.ro; www.artboa.blogspot.com, boa-caricatura.eu.


9th DQ International Cartoons Contest 2016: Quo Vadis Europa?/Journey of Hope

Dear Cartoons Lovers,
We would like announce the title of the 9th DQ International Cartoons Contest as "Quo Vadis Europa?/Journey of Hope".
As we are all aware that in the Middle East, there's a bloody war going on for years and no one knows when it will end. There is also the worldwide Syrian refugee crisis that adds up to millions of people and is still going on since 4 years. Most refugees try to land in Italy via Turkey and Greece in order to reach other European countries.
For some time now, the EU's been applying immediate precautions and taking action against this major problem.
Unfortunately, some dark forces have started a "refugee trade" in order to take advantage of this tragedy.
Having sold everything they own due to ongoing war, Syrians flee ending up in a death voyage. As Germany having held its promise and has opened up its borders to millions of them, refugees have started flooding in. However, upon the opposition parties and society’s protests, reverse decisions are made and the immigration has been stopped.
One of the decisions made is to contribute 3 Billion Euros to Turkey in return of stopping this immigration. Thus, a form of "concentration camp” will be realized in Turkey in order to save Europe from the presence of refugees. Will this plan be successful? It is a big question mark for both Turkey and the European countries!
“Most of the Syrian refugees being Muslim and try to reach the Christian European countries instead of wealthy Muslim ones is another point to be considered. Positive and negative social reactions in Germany also lead us wondering how this situation will be reflected in other European countries. Unfortunately, while such decisions are made, the refugee trade is going on and new tragedies are under way every day.
The objective of the contest is holding a mirror to the states and societies to question themselves.
We have 3 questions:
These people…
1) Why are they fleeing Syria?
2) Whey do they choose Europe?
3) Will they ever come back?
The Rules of Competition:
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. quovadiseurope@donquichotte.org
2) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 200 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The closing date of the competition is 1 May 2016.
5) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 15. and 30. May 2016. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 1 June 2016.
6) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in 26 June 2016 in the municipal art gallery Filderstadt.
7) Received caricatures will be securely saved in Don Quichotte's archive. We certainly will get permission from you if we need to use your caricatures for purposes other than displaying it in exhibitions and album. If we are able to obtain sufficient sponsorship, we will publish the caricatures from our contest in a hardcover album. Otherwise, we will publish it as an electronic album in pdf format.
Die Prizes:
- First Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Second Prize: 750 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- 10 Mentions
Jury Members: DQ Cartoon Committee Members Cartoonists…
Source: https://www.facebook.com/events/175833629456441/.


The 16th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the CCWPF 2016, Canada

The 16th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom
1. The theme for the 16th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
The “right” to be forgotten
In a 2014 decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union, a Spanish lawyer was granted the right to have a previous brush with justice deleted from Google search on his name.
While protection of one’s privacy is an essential right, erasing public records could have untold consequences.
Could this decision jeopardize the reliability of the Internet and make research by journalists and historians impossible?
Could this precedent lead to the breakdown of the Internet and the creation of national networks vulnerable to state censorship?

2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1000 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, second and third prizes of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence,’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our Editorial Cartoon Competition and World Press Freedom Day.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Canada on Tuesday May 3, 2016 as well as being advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site.
8. The winning cartoons will be exhibited at the luncheon.
The deadline for receipt of cartoons is 5 p.m. GMT, Friday, April 1, 2016.
Send submissions by e-mail to : info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca
Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.
See also bado-badosblog.


Greek cartoonist Giannis Kalaitzis, 71, dies of cancer on 12 February 2016

A leading political cartoonist since 1961, he has been at the forefront of militant criticism against politics of power. He studied graphic design, theatre, and drawing and collaborated with a lot of printed media, most importantly, Avgi, Streets of Peace, Panspoudastiki, Ntefi, Anti, and Eleftherotypia. He has also published cartoons for Manos Chatzidakis’ “Tetarto”. In 1984 he published the album “The Gypsy Orchestra” which is regarded as the first Greek graphic novel. It was followed by “The Black Image of Aphrodite” (1990), “The Typhoon” (1997). He has also published collections of his cartoons (“For The Money’, “November”, “2000 out of 4”). From 2005 to 2010 he was the editor of “Galera” magazine. Unconventional and bold, Kalaitzis draws, writes, and speaks in a very personal style expressing his anger against the state of things.
Kalaitzis was most recently working with Efimerida ton Syntakton.
The funeral is set to take place in Athens on Tuesday.
Sources: aicf & ekathimerini.
Illustration by Giannis Kalaitzis (http://gianniskalaitzis.gr/)


International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK”, Niemodlin 2016, Poland

The Regulations concerning the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK”, Niemodlin, Poland
§ 1
These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) lay down terms and conditions of holding the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
§ 2
1. The Competition is organized by the Cultural Centre in Niemodlin, Poland.
2. The Participant must be a natural person of legal age, who has a full legal capacity irrespective of the place of the residence.
3. Participation in the Competition is free of charge.
§ 3
Submitting an entry to the Competition is tantamount to the full acceptance of the Regulations by the Participant. The Participant commits himself to comply with the rules laid down in the Regulations as well as to confirm to meet all conditions which make him eligible to participate in the Competition.
§ 4
1. Submitting entry to the Competition consists in sending an original version of a hand-made drawing to the Organizer. The subject matter of the drawing shall cover such topics as fish, fishermen, cast-net fishing, etc., and meet the conditions laid down in these Regulations.
2. The format of the works submitted to the Competition shall not exceed the A3 size format.
3. Each participant of the Competition is entitled to demonstrate the maximum 2 of works.
4. Each of the entries submitted should be described on the reverse in the following manner: the date of completing the work, the author's full name and address, contact details such as the telephone number or the e-mail address.
5. The entry submitted to the Competition must constitute the participant’s original work. By accepting these Regulations the Participant declares that he is the author of the entry submitted to the Competition and the author hereby declares, that has exclusive and unlimited copyright (personal and proprietary) to the entry and related rights to use and dispose of the submitted work.
6. Entries sent in order to be submitted in the Competition which will not comply with the terms laid down in these Regulations shall not be included in the Competition.
§ 5
1. The Competition is announced by the Organizer annually, not later than by January 15 of a given calendar year and lasts till November 30 of the same year.
2. The entries must be sent in a package preventing their damage.
3. The shall not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained during shipment of the entries.
4. The entries may be sent from the day of the announcement of the Competition by September 30 of the same year.
5. The entries shall be sent to the following address:
Ośrodek Kultury w Niemodlinie
ul. Mikołaja Reja1
49-100 Niemodlin, POLAND
marked "Karpik".
§ 6
1. The selection of the award-winning entries will be based on the following criteria:
1) idea corresponding with the thematic scope of the competition,
2) the technique.
2. The Competition Jury shall be responsible for the selection of the winning entries and the Jury’s composition will be made public after its session.
3. Determining the winner in the given year will take place in the first half of October of the same year and will be carried out of the entries complying with the criteria of these Regulations.
4. The final result of the Competition will be published on the Cultural Centre’s website: www. okniemodlin.org
5. The winners of the Competition shall receive the prizes specified in § 7.
§ 7
1. The prizes of the Competition are as follows:
1) Grand Prix – PLN 2.800 gross
2) three main prizes – PLN 1.100 gross each
2. The Organizer may also award prizes or distinctions in a form or amount set freely by him.
3. The winner will be awarded in the form specified in the Regulations and the award shall not be exchangeable for other non-cash awards.
4. The main prize may be handed in at the Organizer’s office during the award ceremony after the winner appears in person, or it may be sent by post to the winner’s address.
5. In case the Participant fails to collect the award in person, it shall be sent by post to the winner’s address.
6. In the case referred to in the paragraph 5 above, the winner shall bear shipping costs which will be deducted from the sum of the prize awarded.
§ 8
1. The organizer has the exclusive right to determine the winner of the Competition based on the rules specified in these Regulations.
2. Pursuant to Article 30, section 1, point 2 of the Personal Income Tax Act on the income gained by way of wins in competitions, games and parimutuel betting or prizes related to premium sale in a European Union Member State or another country which is party to the European Economic Area, subject to Article 21, section 1, point 6, 6a and 68 of the Act, a 10% flat-rate tax is charged and deducted from the win or prize. This tax is collected without lowering the income by the cost of its generation. The winners are liable for the payment of the tax due on the prize.
3. The organizer shall pay the monetary prize and collect the appropriate amount of the flat rate income tax of the prize’s value form the winner of the Competition and shall pay the appropriate amount of the tax in question to the account of the relevant Tax Office in accordance with applicable law regulations in this scope.
§ 9
1. Upon the submission of the entry to the Organizer, the Organizer will obtain non-exclusive licence for an indeterminate period of time, which will authorise the Organizer to free use of proprietary copyrights to the entry in the following areas of exploitation:
a) using the work on the organizer’s website,
b) presenting the work during the post-contest exhibition,
c) placing reproductions of the work in catalogues presenting the entries which will be distributed by the Organizer for promotional purposes of the Competition.
2. On the issuing of the prize to the Participant, the Organizer gains free proprietary rights to the awarded entry of the Participant in the following areas of exploitation:
1) with regard to the right to record and multiply the work using printing and digital techniques;
2) with regard to distribution of the work – in form of public exposition and making the work available in such manner that everybody could have access to it at a time and place chosen by themselves, in particular by placing it in the Organizer’s advertising or promotional materials.
3. On handing over the entry to the Organizer, the ownership of the drawing will be transferred to the Organizer.
§ 10
1. By entering the Competition in the manner permitted in these Regulations, the Participant agrees to be bound by the provisions of these Regulations, including consent to the processing of personal data by the Organizer, and agrees to comply with these Regulations. The personal data provided will be processed by the Organizer pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law of 29 August 1997 for the following purposes: organization and conducting the Competition; determining the Winner and notifying possible winners; handing over the possible awards; achieving the broad objectives of marketing and promotional activities of the Organizer; obtaining statistical and analytical data; contacting the owner of the data.
2. The Organizer informs that he is an administrator of personal data in terms of the Act referred to in Art.1 The data owner has the right to view and correct his personal information at the Organizer’s Office.
Furthermore, the data owner at any time has the right to object processing of their data by the Organiser as allowed by the above mentioned Act.
Due to safety reasons the data owner shall contact the Organizer in person or in writing.
§ 11
1. Personal data of Participants will be processed by the Organizer solely for the purposes and solely in the scope necessary to conduct the Competition, i.e., in order to identify the Participant, issue the awards and the possible public disclosure of the full name and the place of residence of the Competition winners, as well as to publish the entries in the Organizer’s promotional materials.
2. The Organizer will store the personal data according to the applicable law and implement appropriate measures to protect the processed personal data, in particular against their unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized takeover, processing with violation of the Act, as well as against any change, removal, damage or destruction.
§ 12
1. The Participant grants publishing permission to use of his full name in promotional materials related to the Competition, in particular on the Organizer’s websites, as well as gives consent to use them for the Organizer’s promotional and marketing purposes.
2. Participation in the Competition shall not constitute grounds for requesting any remuneration of any kind whatever.
3. All materials used to promote the Competition are of a purely advertising nature, whereas the provisions of the Regulations have a binding character.
§ 13
1. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any problems arising during the course of the Competition if they took place as a result of the events which may not have been foreseen by the Organiser with the preservation of due diligence or which may not have been avoided, in particular in case of force majeure events which are not possible to predict, participation in the Competition which fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations and the potential subsequent damage caused.
2. The Organiser shall not be liable for impossibility of receipt of the award for reasons beyond the Organiser’s control which lie with the Participant.
3. The awarded Participants are not liable to transfer their rights to the award to third parties.
4. The Winner of the Competition may renounce the award in writing, nevertheless, shall not be entitled to receive any equivalent in exchange.
§ 14
The rules of these Regulations constitute the sole ground for holding the Competition and their binding and final interpretation lies solely with the Organizer.
§ 15
The Organizer has the right to exclude the Participant or his entry from the Competition in case the Participant fails to obey the provisions of the law, good manners, these Regulations or in case he infringes any other rights or interests of the Organizer.
§ 16
1. These Regulations constitute the sole binding document specifying the rules of the Competition.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations in case of a change of the law or for other important reasons, in particular when the change allows for efficient organization of the Competition in accordance with the rules, provided that it will not undermine the rights that have been already acquired by the Participants.
3. The text and any changes to these Regulations will be publicly announced on the Cultural Centre’s website www.okniemodlin.org.


XXIV International Festival of Satire and Humor, Trento 2016, Italy

XXIV International Festival of Satire and Humor 2016
Deadline: April 17 (EXTENDED:) 15 MAY 2016
Enrolment conditions
Any Italian and foreign artists can enroll.
The minimum age is 16 years.
Each participant is allowed to submit max 3 original works, not rewarded or reported in other competitions.
Artistic languages
Illustration/ satire/ humor: size A4/A3.
Cartoon max 2 pages size A4/A3.
Animations video maximum running time of 1 minute.
Rules concerning the dispatch of works
The works must be sent in digital format to info@studioandromeda.net. Images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and saved in jpg or tiff format at the highest quality.
Important: the images can be max 5MB, for images larger than 5MB use www.wetransfer.com
Entries must be received no later than April 17, 2016 (EXTENDED:) 15 MAY 2016
Selection of works
The international jury will select the works that will be exhibited in the exhibition and published in the online catalog and sent in pdf format to the selected authors.
The three winning authors will be hosted at the expense of Study Art Andromeda in Trento within three days of the inauguration.
1° prize € 1000,00
2° prize € 700,00
3° prize € 500,00
Cartoon special prize € 300,00
10 mentions
Prize winning ceremony and exibition of works
The award ceremony will be in October 2016, the exact date will be announced later..
Rights and royalties
The authors, taking part in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the work in any medium for promotional purposes by Studio d’Arte Andromeda not have any claim as copyright.
WEB: http://studioandromeda.net/.
Download rules (PDF Format).


9th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2016, Luxembourg

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of
Les Amis du Château de Vianden and Naturpark OUR
are pleased to announce their
1. Subject: MY HOME IS MY CASTLE (home, house, refuge, refugee... )
2. Deadline: 11th April 2016
3. Prizes: 1st prize:1500 €, 2nd prize: 1000 €, 3rd prize: 500 €, 3 honourable mentions
4. Entries: Initially, each participant can submit up to 3 entries in digital format by sending them via internet to the following address: cartoon@caricature.eu .
The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number and the title or the number of each submission.
The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1, 5 MB per picture.
Out of these submissions, the jury will make a selection of 60-100 drawings.
Only the awarded artists will be invited to send the original work by mail.
All these works will be shown as prints at the exhibition and in the catalogue.
Their size should be between A4 (210x297mm) and A3 (297x420mm).
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles.
6. Prizes and Exhibition: The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on 7th May 2016 in Castle of Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 7th May until 29th May 2016. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities.
7. Returns: The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
8. Catalogue: The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail.
9. Results: The results will be published on the website www.caricature.eu on 8th May 2016.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright: The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities: The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest.
By taking part in this contest the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address for the awarded works:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48, Grand-rue, L - 9410 Vianden, Luxembourg
13. Further informations cartoon@caricature.eu .


Finalist cartoons of the 7th International Tourism Cartoon Competition 2015, Turkey

Dear Fellow Cartoonists,
After the meeting of the Pre-selection Committee on January 23, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey, the finalist cartoons of the 7th International Tourism Cartoon Competition were specified. 123 cartoons in the adult category and 25 cartoons in the youth category were chosen for the final evaluation. The finalist cartoons will be displayed on the organization website between February 1 and 10, 2016 before the evaluation of the final selection committee.
When you see any similar, copy cartoon/s or received an award before, and any fraud cartoon/s among the finalist cartoons, please write to organizing committee. Any objections to authenticity will be considered until February 10, 2016.
The finalist cartoons are displayed on this web page.
Adult Category:
Youth Category:
Please write to:
E-mail: tourismcartoon@gmail.com 


33rd Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2016, Turkey

• The Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition is organized every year in Turkey by the Aydın Doğan Foundation.
• The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
• The Jury, composed of international members, will meet in June 2016.
• The 33rd Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in October 2016 in Istanbul.
1. Choice of subject is free.
2. Only original cartoons will be accepted. Cartoons sent as printouts should bear original signatures of cartoonists. Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42cm (A3 paper size).
4. Participants are expected to send the filled out participation form, with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph, together with their cartoons. Please fill out the form attached or download it from www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr. The documents should be sent to Aydın Doğan Foundation, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No 65, 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul, Turkey.
5. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage.
6. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to their artists.
7. By filling out the participation form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he grants license in form of non-exclusive simple license to Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means (s)he holds over the cartoon(s) which will enter the competition as defined under Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that (s)he gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media or to use them in any other way without any limitations.
8. Should the cartoon(s) which enters the competition earns a rank and/or a prize, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means (s)he holds over the cartoon(s) which earned a rank and/or a prize to the Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Work; and that (s)he gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media or to use them in any other way without any limitations; and that (s)he does not have any right of disposition over the financial rights subject to transfer and thus cannot enter into any transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights.
9. The Foundation will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the first three award-winning cartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
10. Cartoons that have not received any awards shall be returned to their owners upon written application to the Foundation within one year. The responsibility of the Foundation finishes after one year.
11. The deadline for entries is Friday, May 6, 2016.
12. Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member.
13. The decision to upload the cartoons sent to the competition on the Virtual Museum lies with the Aydın Doğan Foundation.
Aydın Doğan Foundation 20th Anniversary Special Award : 8 000 USD
Winner : 8,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Winner Award
First Runner up : 5,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation First Runner up Award
Second runner up : 3,500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Second Runner up Award
Success Award : 500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Success Award
(In the event of a tie, the monetary awards may be shared equally among the winners. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.)
Millions of children all over the world are continuously affected by various inequalities between girls and boys. Adolescent girls need to be empowered and their skills for daily life need to be enhanced through education in order to resolve this predicament. Investing in the future of young girls will also help fight against poverty, inequality, and sex discrimination.
Innovative solutions are required for improving the education levels of girls and young women. Education of girls is an impetus that supports national development objectives, according to findings. An incomplete education signifies a squandered potential.
The Aydın Doğan Foundation puts forth efforts on education of girls in order to enhance women’s position in society in line with the universal principle of gender equality.
The Aydın Doğan Foundation on its 20th anniversary has decided to present the AYDIN DOĞAN FOUNDATION 20TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL AWARD along with the standard awards.
The first prize among the cartoons with the theme of “Powerful Girls, a Powerful World: an end to poverty, inequality and sex discrimination” will be awarded $8,000.
Source: aydindoganvakfi.


International Cartoon Festival Ymittos 2016, Greece

Organization Municipality Dafni-Ymittos, Ergastiri
With the support of Feco Greece Levadia
Web: cartoonexhibition.org
Information: Τel.: 2107623568, 6987046005
e-mail: cartoondafniymittos@gmail.com
Subject to cartoon and sketch: The Refugeeism (becoming a refuge) & Immigration
We want to highlight the Refugeeism and Immigration are global phenomena with great
history and great intensity in our days. The causes that generate these phenomena
and issues arising for departure societies, reception and installation.
The Caricature and Cartoon Exhibition will be held
October 22 - November 5
Events Hall Municipal Community Hymettus
To organize events which will include lectures, performances
and various artistic and other events.
• The drawings must be black and white or in color.
• Each participant may present up to 3 drawings (size A3).
• Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
• It would be preferable that the drawings should not contain any text or comments. In case they do, the English or Greek language should definitely be included.
• The use of collage is prohibited.
The drawings must be sent via e-mail.
• The drawings that the Artistic Committee will judge that have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified.
• The drawings should not have been exhibited before.
• The drawings should not have offensive content.
• A short CV, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
• All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad.
The drawings should not have been published previously.
• Drawings that do not correspond to above requirements will not be accepted, and the Cartoonist will be informed by e-mail.
• They will be exhibited to 200 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
• The prizes will be decided by the Jury Committee.
• Eminent experts from the world of Letters and Arts will make up the Committee.
• The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
• Participating artists will not receive any kind of payment for their participation.
• Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
• Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition.
• Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of all the above terms.
The Jury Committee members’ names will be announced soon.
Submission Deadline: June 12th
The drawings should be sent to the following e-mail address: cartoondafniymittos@gmail.com
1st Prize: 5 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi / Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
2nd Prize: 3 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi / Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
3rd Prize: Album of works by expressionist Painter George Bouzianis (in English or Greek language) edition of the Benaki Museum
4th Prize: Book, CD
5th Prize: Book, CD
Visitor’s award: Book, CD.
They also awarded 10 Praises.
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a Digital Certificate of Participation.
The Organizing Committee.


District Heating Cartoon Contest 2016, Hungary

Not many people think about the advantage of district heating, however, this well-established technology has obvious social benefits.
What is district heating like?
First, it is comfortable: consumers have nothing to do but enjoy the warmth of their home; the supply, preparation and conversion of the fuel as well as the maintenance of the system is done by the service supplier.
Besides, district heating is environment-friendly: heating plants operating with high efficiency consume relatively less fuel (so they can be operated with lower costs) than individual heating systems, so, the quantity of harmful substances after firing is also less.
Another advantage is that smoke is not produced in residential areas but farther away, so district heating is less harmful on cities air quality.
In addition, renewable energy sources (such as geothermal energy or biomass) can be applied. Since by the utilization of these the emission of greenhouse gases decrease, district heating contributes to climate protection.
It is interesting, right? Do you have your opinion about the issue? If you have, you have nothing to do but make a drawing about it. A caricature, of course. A creative caricature artist has an opinion about everything.
Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. announces an international caricature contest in the following topic:
The warmth of homes – and what is behind it
The social benefit of district heating
1. The Contest is open to any natural persons who are 18 years of age or older and have legal capacity.
2. This is a single-run contest. Each contestant may submit max. 5 entries in A4 size without text and without any technical restrictions. (File properties: CYMK, jpg, high resolution – the Gmail account is able to handle messages up to 10 MB in size.)
3. Entry form attached to the present announcement has to be sent – together with the entries – to grafikuskelemen@gmail.com, signed and scanned.
4. Caricatures can be sent to the following e-mail address: grafikuskelemen@gmail.com
5. Deadline: March 15, 2016.
6. Awards:
I. place: 300 EUR + diploma
II. place: 200 EUR + diploma
III. place: 100 EUR + diploma
7. A catalogue will be prepared with the entered works which will be sent for the Contestants included in it for free.
8. By entering this contest Contestant agrees to accept all decisions of the jury related to the contest, which decision shall be binding in every respect. All legal measures excluded.
9. Contestants submitting valid applications grant to Dalkia Szolgáltató Központ Kft. to use the entries particularly (but not exclusively) in the following ways and fields:
- digital and paper-based catalogues,
- on the websites www.veolia.hu and tavho.veolia.hu,
- free-of-charge publications (not for sale) distributed among business partners,
- exhibitions,
- for decoration.
For continuous information about the contest, write to grafikuskelemen@gmail.com.
Detailed Regulation + Entry form here.


12th International Cartoon Biennial Jonzac 2016, France

Conditions for participation
1- NAME: 12th International Cartoon Biennial Jonzac 2016, France
1- friendship (with or without connection to the grape vine)
2- alembic “al'inbïc” (still)
3- DEADLINE: 1st April 2016
4- PARTICIPANTS: cartoonists from all countries, of all ages, male or female.
5- ENTRIES: maximum 3 works. Preferably without captions. Thank you to attach a card with name, address and other information from the author:
(a) by e-mail: JPEG 300 DPI digital card format
(b) by post: original works, good quality copies or DIN A4 digital works.
6- RETURN: The original works will be returned on demand. All artists whose artwork is selected for publication in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
7- COPYRIGHT: The participants allow the organisers to publish certain works in the media, with the sole purpose of promoting the artist and the event, without restriction or request for financial participation. Any other copyrights remain the property of the artist.
8- EXHIBITION: from 24 June to 3 July 2016 - Cloître des Carmes - JONZAC - FRANCE
Saturday, 25 June: Opening ceremony of the festival and festivities.
(a) for entries by e-mail: vignumour@gmail.com OR: nolpeintre@gmail.com
(b) for entries by post:
HUMOUR & VIGNE - OMT 22 place du Château 17500 JONZAC – FRANCE
Source (PDF): ecc-kruishoutem.