
International Caricature Festival on Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas 2011, Iran

Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas
(Consumption Optimization and observation the gas safety tips)
Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks.
Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Tel) of artists just by word file is necessary.
The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their artworks published in the catalogue.
Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 1500 pixel by jpg format.
Catalogue of the festival will be dedicated to all artists whose works are printed in the catalogue.
Secretariat of the festival has the copyright of printing and exhibiting the received works.
Attending in the competition means the artists agree with all rules of the festival.
Grand prize: $1000, Honorable mention & Trophy.
First prize: $750, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Second prize: $500, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Third prize: $250, Honorable mention & Trophy.
5 Honorable mention & trophy.
Address for sending artworks:
Sending through internet: jashnvareh@nigc-nkgc.ir ; talangorcartoons@yahoo.com
Sending through courier:
Public relations Dept. of North Khorasan Gas Company, Behdasht St. (Sarv Alley), South Ferdowsi St., Bojnourd, North Khorasan Province, Iran.
Postal Code: 94186-54145
For more information, please send your questions to the following email address: talangorcartoons@yahoo.com
Source: donquichotte


4th International Caricature Competition Nota Bene 2011, Russia

4th International Caricature Competition Nota Bene 2011, Russia
The project is a collaborative effort by the The Artliga Gallery, the Independent Culture Organization and the Museum of Nonconformist Art continue to develop the project, with support from Department of Culture of the City Administration of St. Petersburg.
"Nota Bene or Pay Attention!"
The project's goal is to raise awareness of social problems, which are the cause for concern in Russia and around the world.
This goal is achieved by capitalizing on the creative power of artists from all around the world by organizing an international caricature competition. Selected entries will be shown in exhibitions. Top entries will be awarded prizes and artists will likely see their work used in awareness campaigns.
The project started with the "Beware: Nazism!" exhibition which took place in 2005.
The second exposition "Watch Out: Femida!" was held in 2006.
The third exhibition "Danger:Corruption" took place in 2008.
Participants included artists from Brazil, Uzbekistan, Spain, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, USA, Italy, Armenia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ukraine, Slovakia, China, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Australia, Iran, Bosnia and Russia.
All of the exhibitions are available on the internet at http://www.notabene.org.ru/, where they have been viewed by more than 60,000 people, who left more than 140,000 comments.
The best artwork was displayed at exhibitions in St. Petersburg and Moscow (The House of Journalists, The Andrei Sakharov Museum and Center, and the Museum of Nonconformist Art).
The project’s success convinced us that it needs to continue.
Thus, the topic of our latest international competition is:"CAUTION: PEOPLE"
We hope the artists can summon enough humor in order to show us a hilarious, multifaceted, contradiction view of the phenomenon known as the contemporary person and a contemporary society.
1. Entries must be submitted by August 1, 2011.
2. The competition will be held at the Pushkinskaya 10 Art Center, 10 Pushkinskaya Ulitsa, St. Petersburg.
3. Exhibition will be displayed at:
The Artliga Gallery,10 Pushkinskaya Ulitsa, St. Petersburg.
4. The jury will evaluate and award entries with prizes. The entry that receives the most online votes will also be awarded a prize.
1st prize – 50 000 RUB
2nd prize – 45 000 RUB
3rd prize – 35 000 RUB
The Viewers Choice Award (determined by online voting at http://www.notabene.org.ru/) – 15 000 RUB.
Each contributor will receive a certificate participation and an exhibition catalog. The catalog will be sent to a number of Russian libraries and public organizations.
5. The format is open. Participants not based in St. Petersburg can submit their works electronically on CD/DVD. Submissions made by e-mail should be either in TIFF or JPEG format and have a resolution of at least 300 DPI.
6. Submissions are not returned. After the competition, the work of the participants will be sent to the fund of the Museum of Contemporary Art, and the "Nota Bene" project will receive the right for the non-commercial use of their art. Artists are required to allow Artliga to publish their submissions free of charge in a catalog and other non-commercial publications.
7. The act of submitting a work to the competition will constitute that the artist(s) agrees and accepts these conditions.
Mailing address:
10 Pushkinskaya Street, Office 1, 191049, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email address for questions or submissions: mailto:uar@notabene.org.ru?subject=Completition
Presiding Jurors: Victor Bogorad, Yuly Rybakov.
For more information call: +7 (812) 764-5371, fax: +7 (812) 764-52-07
Source: http://notabene.org.ru/


International Book Cartoon E-Contest 2011, Iran

International Book Cartoon E-Contest 2011, Iran
Country public Libraries institution holds by cooperation of Iranian House of cartoon.
Theme: Book
Book and Library
I Read Book
Everybody Read Book
Read Good Book
Grownup with Book
Future belongs to book readers
- Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks.
- Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Tel) of artists just by word file is necessary.
- The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their artworks published in the catalogue.
- Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 1500 pixel by jpg format.
- Subject of “Book Contest” must be mentioned in the send Email.
-Artworks should not have won any prize before!
First prize: $ 2000, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Second prize: $ 1500, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Third prize: $ 1000, Honorable mention & Trophy.
5 Honorable mention & trophy.
Deadline: 6th Sep., 2011
Address for sending artworks: Info@irancartoon.com
Source: http://irancartoon.com/2010/daily/contest/book2011.htm


9th International Cartoon Biennale 2011 Pisek, Czech Republic

Organisers: City of Písek and the Czech Union of Caricaturists
Potential participants: authors from around the world older than 18 years
Number of works: maximum 5
Size of work: A4, A3
Format: in electronic form only (pdf or jpg format, 300 dpi, up to 3 MB)
Entries to the Biennale must be original and still not evaluated in any international competition. Any apparent plagiarisms will be disqualified from the competition.
Applications: Works are to be sent exclusively by using the entry forms located at http://www.cartoon-pisek.cz/ .
By submitting drawings, the Biennale participant consents to these particulars of the competition and to the rules laid down by the Competition Statute (located on the competition‘s website). Contestants agree, among other things, that the drawings may be used to promote the Biennale.
Deadline for submitting artwork: July 11, 2011
Jury: The jury holds members of the organizers as well as Czech and foreign cartoonists and professionals.
It is the exclusive right of the jury to choose the works to be entered into the competition, to choose a collection for exhibition and for the catalogue, and to award the prizes.
Prizes (5 total):
1st place: 1000 € + diploma + trophy
2nd place: 800 € + diploma + trophy
3rd place: 600 € + diploma + trophy
4th place: 400 € + diploma
5th place: 200 € + diploma
The organizer will invite those awarded to the opening ceremony and pay their accommodations for 2 persons for 1 night. Holders of awards from abroad will also receive a contribution for transportation at the maximum amount of EUR 100.
Award-winning authors absent at the opening of the authors will be sent only a financial reward and a certificate.
Financial awards are paid to the authors in EUR in the amount before taxes and subject to taxation under applicable laws.
The exhibition and catalogue: The exhibition will be launched at the ceremonial announcement of the results on September 21, 2011 and will last until October 26, 2011 in the Sladovna Písek o.p.s. (Malthouse), Velké náměstí 113, 39701 Písek, Czech Republic.
Each of the authors whose work is selected for the Biennale exhibition collection will receive one copy of the catalogue which will specifically name all participants of the Biennale.

21st International Festival of Humor ... at Gura Humorului, Romania

Gura Humorului Townhall
„Best Western Bucovina” Hotel
„Terra Design” Print Shop Gura Humorului
„Bucovina” Cultural Centre
The 21st edition, 2011
The 21st edition of „ Humor......at Gura Humorului”, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held between 8th and 10th of July, 2011, as part of the Festive Days of Humor City.
1. The Edition theme: Getting Over the Crisis.
2. Original works are accepted, in digital format, created after January, 1st, 2011, which were not published and submitted or awarded prizes to other competitions.
3. Three (3) is the number of papers accepted.
4. The works will be submitted by June, 30th, 2011 (posting date) on the following addresses:
email: umorlahumor@gmail.com
or postal address:
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piaţa Republicii, nr. 2, 725300-Gura Humorului, judeţul Suceava, România.
5. Technical requirements:
- Papers sent by e-mail: minimum 1600 x 1200 pixels, JPG format
- Papers sent by regular postal mail: format A 3
- The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be added to the patrimony of the „Humor......at Gura Humorului” Festival and the organizers are entitled to use them later as edited materials with the name of their author on them.
7. The participants are required the following documents enclosed with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photography/cartoon self portrait of minimum 6x9 cm ( on paper) or 710x1065 pix. (digital format).
8. The prizewinners will be notified by July 9th, 2011 to be present for the Awards Festivity held on Sunday, July 10th, 2011.
9. Transport expenses, accomodation and meals are the responsibility of the participant or the organization / institution he/she is part of. The organizers will be notified in due time to make the necessary reservations
10. The prizes to be awarded:
1st Prize : EUR 500
2nd Prize : EUR 300
3rd Prize EUR 200
The "George Gavrilean" Prize for the debutantes from Bucovina - EUR 200.
11. The jury are the ones who decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide upon the works or the authors to be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons, with their consent.
12. There will be no participation fees.
Further information:
The Bureau of Press Relations of „Humor......at Gura Humorului” Festival
prof. Elvira Romaniuc - director, Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina
telephone: 00 40 730 650 741 ; 00 40 740 926 479
e-mail: umorlahumor@gmail.com


11th Barakaldo International Graphic Humour Contest 2011, Spain

.- To pass the public announcement of the 11th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies –Barakaldo Hermes Prize 2011, which is an official announcement regulated by the guidelines established in the regulations of the Barakaldo Cultural Competitions, published in the Official Biscayan Bulletin on February 12th, 2010.
SECOND- The budgetary limit for the aforementioned is set at four thousand five hundred Euros (4.500 €) charged against the Budget allocation 00700 451802269902. In compliance with rules established under Article 7 of the regulation, prizes awarded will be as follows: First Prize – 1.500 €, Second Prize – 1.000 €, Third Prize – 800 €, Fourth Prize – 700 € and Fifth Prize – 500 €.
THIRD.- Legal regulations which the competition will adhere to are as follows:
Sketchers will send in a scene depicting graphic humour relating to new technologies which impacts on daily life (INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC...) and which allows the citizens to reflect on new spheres of scientific progress. It can also be vignettes depicting geek attitudes generated by users of social networks or taking part in Web 2.0.
Anyone who so desires may take part with no age restrictions. Each contestant may submit up to three pieces of work. Anyone who was a Hermes prizewinner at the previous year’s renewal will not be allowed to submit entries to this year’s official announcement.
Scenes and characters must be the personal creation of the author and unpublished. Work can be submitted either in black and white or in colour. Works must not exceed a single page, with a format not exceeding 800 x 600 pixels per inch, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
Works may be labelled in Spanish or Basque. It is permissible to enter humorous scenes without text written for those artists from different linguistic and geographical backgrounds.
Contestants must send an email containing their name, surname(s), address, date of birth, National I.D. Number or NIE number (Foreign Resident ID Number) and contact telephone no. This email is to be sent with the picture file attached in JPG format.
Works containing the author’s details should be sent exclusively by email to:
hermesbarakaldo@barakaldo.org before October 13th 2011.
Presentation of works will imply the granting of permission to the Local Council for the reproduction of images entered, for purely exhibition purposes only. Any such exhibition of the works does not mean that financial benefit will accrue to the authors of the illustrations.
The awarding of the Hermes de Barakaldo prize carries a financial reward amounting to 4500 Euros and is divided into five categories: First Prize: 1.500 €, Second Prize: 1.000 €, Third Prize: 800 €, Fourth Prize: 700 € and Fifth Prize: 500 €.
After the winners are notified individually, and by email, of the resolution, the prize winners will have a maximum three months term to supply their details to the awarding organisation in order for the cash prize to be transferred to them. Should the time period of three months since the first communication have already elapsed, without the relevant data having been supplied, it is understood that the prize winner will relinquish his/her right to the relevant prize and the corresponding illustration will likewise be withdrawn from any medium the local council has published it in.
Any of the prizes may be declared void if none of the works come up to the required minimum qualitative standards.
Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria:
a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points.
b.- Adherence to the theme of the Competition and to the humorous language pertaining to it: 30 points.
c.- Social and cultural impact of the cartoon in relation to the thematic aspect set out regarding new technologies and their implications for everyday life: 20 points.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and regulations as already laid down in the current Decree.
FOURTH.- Prizes will be awarded in accordance with the competition rules system, through comparisons of the works presented, and through the establishment of priority criteria amongst them, in conformity with the already outlined criteria, and the awarding of the corresponding financial amounts in compliance with the same with limits as stated in the official announcement, not exceeding the available credit.
FIFTH.- In order to analyse and evaluate the works presented, a Qualifying Panel or Jury will be convened, composed by Mr. Carlos Fernández Martínez Delegate-Councillor of Culture, Education, Basque Language and Sport, who will assume the title of President of the said panel, and, Mr. Prudencio Díaz Lopez de Armentia, Mr. Sergio Román and Miss Gloria Alvarez Casquete, as people of renown prestige in the world of graphic humour and illustration, and Mr. Juan Manuel de Los Santos Aranaz, a Technician in the sphere of Culture, who will take part as Secretary.
SIXTH.- The maximum allowable timescale for the resolution and notification of the prizes’ awarding procedure will be two months, starting from the closing date for the submission of entries.
SEVENTH.- All interested parties will receive notification under terms outlined in Article 58 of the Law 30/1992, dated November 26th, of the Law Regulation of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedures.
EIGHTH.- in case of any appeal against the decision, which exhausts the administrative procedures, an optional administrative reconsideration appeal may be lodged with the Council President to set aside the current resolution within a timeframe of one month starting from the day after the announcement of the results, alternatively an Administrative Reconsideration Appeal can be entered at the Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings by virtue of the distribution of authority outlined in Articles 8 and 10 of the Law 29/1998, dated July 13th, which regulates the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction within a timeframe of two months, also commencing, like the previous, on the day after receipt of official notification.
Rules in languages at source: http://www.barakaldo.org/hermes_2011bases/


Theme in Cartoonale Brugge 2011: Revolution!

The Bruges Cultural Department presents
Cartoonale Brugge 2011: Revolution!
This year marks the fifth edition of Cartoonale Brugge!
Theme for this year is 'Revolution!', a subject that has been headlining the news for months and that may be interpreted in the widest possible sense. Can you find inspiration in the news of the Arab revolts that have taken the whole world by surprise, or in the green revolution? In the digital revolution and the instant success of the I-phone, Twitter and Facebook? Or do you have other original ideas on the subject?
Cartoonale Brugge is open to all creative minds. Every artist may submit up to three cartoons and the deadline for submission 27 July 2011.
Do not hesitate to participate; there are nice prizes to be won! From among all entries, the jury will select three winners who will be awarded with a cash prize! The winner will walk away with 1,500 euros, the second- and third-prize winners will receive 1,000 euros and 500 euros respectively. Click here for the contest rules. You can also obtain these from Cultural Department or via the City of Bruges website.
The best works will be exhibited in the 'Hal voor Cultuur", AC 't Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge, from 23 September until 12 October 2011, daily from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
For more information:
e: dienst.cultuur@brugge.be
t: 050 44 82 72


Cartoon contest rules Cartoonale Brugge, Belgium
Article 1 – Concept
The cultural department of the City of Bruges organises Cartoonale Brugge, a cartoon contest followed by an exhibition. From among the entries, a jury will select a number of works that will be exhibited, and from among these exhibited works, the same jury will also appoint three prize-winners.
Article 2 – Organisational committee
The Organisational Committee consists of:
• The Alderman for Culture (chairman);
• Representatives of the Cultural Department of the City of Bruges.
All administration work concerning this contest will be carried out by the Cultural Department of the City of Bruges, A.C. ‘t Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge (050/44 82 84, 50/44 82 80, dienst.cultuur@brugge.be)
Article 3 – The jury
The jury consists out of three members who are selected by the College of Burgomaster and Aldermen on the basis of their knowledge and experience.
The prizes will be awarded at the suggestion of the jury. Their decisions are final and cannot be challenged.
Article 4 – Prizes
There are three prizes: the first prize is 1,500 euro, the second prize 1,000 euro and the third prize 500 euro.
Article 5 – Theme: Revolution!
Article 6 – Participation conditions
The members of the organisational committee, the members of the jury and the curator of the exhibition are excluded from entering Cartoonale Brugge. Participation is free of charge. The entrant guarantees the originality of his/her works. Disputes and potential claims in relation to all forms of plagiarism etc. are the sole liability of the entrant.
Every participant can send up to three cartoons before 27 July 2011, by post to:
College van Burgemeester en Schepenen
Dienst Cultuur
Cartoonale Brugge
Burg 12,
8000 Brugge
The cartoons may also be hand-delivered, against receipt, at the following address:
A.C. 't Brugse Vrije
Dienst Cultuur
Cartoonale Brugge
Burg 11
8000 Brugge.
Opening hours: from Monday till Friday, from 8.30 a.m. till 12 a.m. and Tuesday afternoon also from 2 p.m. till 4 p.m.
In both cases, it is recommended to put the cartoons in a sealed protective envelope bearing the words “NIET PLOOIEN – DO NOT FOLD”. This will allow us to display the works in an orderly fashion.
The cartoons must be original drawings or digital prints on paper or on light cardboard. The maximum paper size is A3 (29,7 cm x 42,0 cm). There is no minimum size.
In addition, the registration form must be attached to the back of every cartoon.
All cartoons may be displayed at the exhibition or published in a virtual catalogue created for this purpose, without any financial compensation for the artist.
Furthermore, the cartoons may be used to make publicity for the cartoon contest and for the City of Bruges.
The three prize-winning cartoons will become property of the Municipality of the City of Bruges. The cartoonists who stated that they wanted their cartoons returned will receive their works by post. Cartoons returned will be handled with care, but the organizers cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the postal service.
By entering the contest, i.e. by sending in one or more cartoons, each entrant agrees to abide by the contest rules.
Article 7 – Exhibition and prize-giving
The exhibition will take place from 23 September 2011 till and including 12 October 2011 in the ‘Hal voor Cultuur’, A.C. ‘t Brugse Vrije, Burg 11, 8000 Brugge.
The exhibition is open every day from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. and entrance is free.
The public announcement and the prize-giving ceremony will take place during the vernissage on Friday 23 September at 7 p.m.
Article 8 – Disputes
All disputes over matters that are not dealt with in these contest rules will be settled by the organisational committee whose decision will be final and cannot be challenged.
Complete regulations and entry-form at source .


IV International Exhibition of Graphic Humor - Lima 2011, Peru

IV International Exhibition of Graphic Humor - Lima 2011
1 - Recycling is the raw materials from waste, introducing them back into the cycle of life and occurs at the prospect of depletion of natural resources.
2 - You can send up to two works from his personal archives or have been published or awarded. Can be prepared using any technique and should only be sent email in no case shall the original.
3 - The play must have a resolution of 300 dpi or more and a minimum size of A-4 (30 x 21 cm.)
4 - Along with the works should send their information (Name, address, telephone) a short biographical sketch, a photograph or caricature, and mailing address.
4 - The works will be sent to E-mail:
5 - The works must be sent until June 30, 2011.
6 - The reception of the works will be undertaken by the organizers of the IV International Exhibition of Graphic Humor - Lima 2011.
7 - The selected works form the exhibition that will open on September 1, 2011.
8 - Selected artists will receive a copy of the book luxury publish the papers submitted to the Hall.
9 - The artists authorize us your drawings can be used on posters, shirts, press releases and printed material to promote the event.
10 - The artists accepted all the conditions set in the base call for the IV International Exhibition of Graphic Humor - Lima 2011.
More info:


Results 39th World Gallery of Art on Paper - Cartoon 2011, Rep. Macedonia

Respected participants, friends,
We would like to apologize for our late announcement, but it was a very busy period for Osten gallery.
We have the pleasure to announce the award winners of this year the 39th World Gallery of Art on Paper – Cartoon 2011.
The other participants who were in the list of accepted artists and potential awards will have a reproduction in this year’s catalogue.
Moreover, every participant, even the participants who were not listed in the accepted ones, will have their name listed in the index of participants in the catalogue.
We would like to thank you once again for your participation and your help to make such a successful manifestation with a lot of participation from all over the world. It has been a real pleasure to have all of you as participants and that we will have you next year as well.
For any questions you have please do not hesitate to ask.
Here is the list of the awards:
First prize for cartoon: Tsocho Peev – Bulgaria.
First prize for satiric drawing: Makhmudjon Eshonkulov – Uzbekistan
First prize for comic/strip: Hamidreza Mosayebi – Iran
Special awards:
Tawan Chuntraskawvong – Thailand
Vladimir Nenashev – Russia
Ricardo Clement (Alecus) – El Salvador
Toso Borkovic – Serbia
Valentin Georgiev – Bulgaria
Nikola Listes – Croatia
Faruk Soyarat – Turkey
Nikola Angelkoski – Macedonia
Mile Manchevski – Macedonia
Anatoliy Stankulov – Bulgaria.
Mice Jankulovski.


The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial 2011 - China

The Second Master Cup International Illustration Biennial 2011, China
Thanks to the artists all over the world, the First Master Cup International Cartoon and Illustration Biennial had been held successful in 2007. It was a big pity we could not continue the Biennial in 2009 because of some obstacles beyond the exception.
This year we restart the Biennial with the great support from the institutes and gallery of Beijing which are in the list as below. The Biennial aimed to spread the art of illustration, cartoon, printmaking and painting more and more globally. And we believe the art has the great power to touch our soul, increase the culture and to make the development of the real world. The name of the Biennial changed into the Master Cup International Illustration Biennial as the reason of the opinion – cartoon is a kind of humorous illustration of life.
Host Units:
Master Illustrators's Federation
Beijing Ziteng gallery
Joint hosts:
Beijing Yingbao Printmaking House
Beijing Cartoon Center
Caijing Visual Arts Center
Sanchen Publishing House
Red Man Art International.
1. Participation
The contest is open to all artist--Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
A) Noah's Ark -- New World, New Age, New Hope...
B) Free Topic -- Live and Create Freely...
3. Entries
1) No entry fee.
2) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests and exhibitions previously will be accepted.
3) Artist should summit the original works. Any computer prints, slide, photograph, xerox will not be accepted.
4) The maximum seven entries should be submitted for each category.
5) The maximum size of the works should be 350 x 500 mm (13.78 x 19.69 inch) respectively.
6) Author's resume and photo should be submitted with entries together.
7) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
8) There are unlimited technique and medium of works, any painting, print making (cover any printmaking except digital graphics) and mixed art will be acceptted, works finished by computer or xerox will not be considered.
4. Entry Form
Please download the entry form on web site: http://www.bjcartoon.com.cn/ ; http://www.redmanart.com/
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
5. Deadline and Exhibition
1) The deadline for entry is September, 15, 2011.
2) The Opening exhibition will take place in Beijing Ziteng gallery on October 1, 2011.
3) Host unit will invite winning artists to hold personal exhibition in Beijing after biennial.
6. Delivery
1) The entries must be flat protected with hard cardboard, or rolled in a hard case. The folded works will not be considered.
2) Please send entries to the address as follow:
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
3) Please write "Don't bend" on the cover of envelope to prevent any damage.
7. Judgment
1) The jury will cover the well known panting and printmaking artist, cartoonist, illustrator and critics.
2) The jury meeting will be held on September 25, 2011.
3) Biennial will announce the result on October 1, 2011; host unit will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email directly.
8. Prizes
1) Grand Master prize
1-A) Grand Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
1-B) Grand Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: Gold Master Cup medal plus 5000 USD for 1 winning works.
2) Master prize
2-A) Master prize for Category A) Noah's Ark: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
2-B) Master prize for Category B) Free Topic: 5000 USD in total for 5 winning works, each Silver Master Cup medal plus 1000 US Dollars respectively.
3) Best work prize of Master Cup International Illustration Biennial
3-A) Prizes for Illustration: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning illustration respectively.
3-B) Prizes for Cartoon: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning cartoon respectively.
3-C) Prizes for Printmaking: Silver Master Cup medal plus 500 US Dollars for 2 winning Printmaking respectively.
4) Special Prize offered by Host Units and Joint Hosts: Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 12 winning works.
5) Special Prizes of Jury meeting: Silver Master Cup medal plus Certificate for 15 winning works.
6) Honorary Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 30 winning works.
7) Excellent Prizes: Master Cup Certificate for 50 winning works.
8) Host unit will also give selected prizes.
* Each Participator may win multi-prizes in same category or different category.
9. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries, of course Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading biennial and artists.
10. Catalog
The authors whose works has been selected will receive a copy of the catalog made for biennial.
11. Provisions
1) The winning works will not be returned, Non winning works can be returned by request in due form and participators should cover the charge of return and package.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
12. For Information
Secretariat of biennial
Ms. Xiaoyu Hu
Master Illustration House
No.364 Lou, 341 Shi,
Jinqiaoshidai Community,
Yunjing Dong Lu, 101121,
Tongzhou, Beijing, P.R.CHINA
Telephone: 0086 – 010 – 13161975421
Web site: http://www.bjcartoon.com.cn/ ; http://www.redmanart.com/
mcartist@163.com .
Details at http://www.redmanart.com/master/ .


1st International Cartoon Contest "Smile tomorrow!" Ozersk 2011, Russia

Rules of the I International Cartoon Contest "Smile tomorrow!" Ozersk, 2011.
The founders of the competition:
Ural club cartoonists "CRANBERRY";
Newspaper "School compass."
Organizing Committee:
Sarantsev Gregory M., editor of "Compass School";
Chernyshev, Nikolai Fedorovich, president of the club "CRANBERRY".
Participation accept all comers, regardless of gender, age, political or religious beliefs, nationality and citizenship.
Competition Jury:
The competition jury is formed of professional cartoonist and the organizing committee.
Competition Schedule:
To participate in the competition must:
Send work to the address:
s_kompas@ozersk.com (see "Requirements for Work"), be sure to specify the subject "Smile tomorrow!",
And in a letter to include your name, age, country and city of residence, contact telephone number.
Or: to send work to the postal address:
456780, Russia, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region. Str. Quay, 21, sq.. 163, Sarantseva GM with a cover letter, which give their name, age, country and city of residence, E-mail, contact telephone number.
Winners of the competition are determined in two age groups: Young (18 years) and Master (19 years and older) based on Internet voting and the jury. Jury has the right to impose additional nominations for the promotion of talented authors.
To vote:
- Visit the site http://www.kompas.ozersk.com/ to "Smile tomorrow!", An album with drawings;
- Hover your mouse over the bottom right corner of the picture and follow the link "View details";
- Vote on a 5-point scale for the best work.
Note: once you vote, your ability to vote for the same job is blocked.
The prize fund is formed by means of sponsorships and other sources.
Works sent to the contest will not be returned. As a result of the contest produced a directory organized exhibition. The contest covered by the media.
Requirements for work:
We only accept in any technology (including computer graphics and photography bulk operations).
Technical Requirements: picture format A4, 300 dpi, file format * jpg.
Work with indecent content, promotion of war and violence, cruelty or hatred, or offending the honor and dignity, to participate in the competition will not be admitted!
Dates of competition
Reception hours: from 01.01.2011 to 15.07.2011.
Internet voting: from 01.01.2011 to 30.07.2011.
Awarding of winners: August 2011 at the festival "ZhURavlenok".
The results of the competition are published on the Internet and other media. The time and venue of the awards ceremony will be announced later.
GoogleTranslated from source: http://www.kompas.ozersk.com/smile_to_the_future/about.php .


7th International Cartoon Festival - Solin 2011, Croatia

The organizer of 7th International festival of cartoon Solin 2011.Is the city Solin.The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age,sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works, also, will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40x30 cm)
Entry deadline is the 01 August 2011.
Kralja Zvonimira 50,
21210 Solin, CROATIA
GOLD PLAQUE....................................................1007 EUR
PRIZE CITY SOLIN.............................................3
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“ Solin on the 20.08.2011.
Authors of works that quality to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue (DVD). The works will be returned only on the special reqest of an autor. The postage EUR 5 will be paid by autor. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2011, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ---------------------------------------------

FIRST NAME --------------------------------------------

PSEUDONIM --------------------------------------------

STREET ---------------------------------------------------

POSTCODE -----------------------------------------------

CITY -------------------------------------------------------

COUNTRY -----------------------------------------------

TELEPHONE --------------------------------------------

E-MAIL ---------------------------------------------------

FAX --------------------------------------------------------

NUMBER OF ENTRIES ------------------------------- .


Theme in IV Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan 2011 International Cartoon Contest: No to Narcotic.

IV "Molla Nasreddin" - Azerbaijan 2011 International Cartoon Contest
Dear friends and colleagues!
The Azerbaijan Cartoonists Union by the support of the World Customs Organization, the State Customs Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Azerbaijan Republic announces the International Cartoon Contest.
IV International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin” has been arranged on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the satirical magazine “Molla Nasreddin”.
The subject: “No to Narcotic”.
The deadline: 10 August 2011.
You can send your drawings to the Azerbaijan Cartoonists Union by the e-mail mollanasreddin2011@yahoo.com
I wish success to each of my colleague and the participant of the contest.
Best regards,
Bayram Hajizadeh
The President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists Union,
The Author of the Project ““Molla Nasreddin” – Azerbaijan”.
WEB: http://www.azercartoon.com/


5th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA 2011, Romania

The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA the 5 th Edition, 2011
Organizers: Bucovina Museum, The Country Council from Suceava.
The Bucovina Museum from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic BUCOVINA - ROMANIA, the 5 th Edition, 2011.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Dictator in the XXI century”.
2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
4. Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
5. The exhibition prizes is:
- Prize Bucovina = 500€ + diploma + gold medal
- Three mentions = diploma + medal.
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: contact@artboa.ro and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour, or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Bucovina Muzeum,
Str. Ştefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania
7. All the events of the exhibition will be published in the web page of the Bucovina Museum http://www.muzeulbucovinei.ro/. All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition.
8. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 15 th of September 2011.
9. The exhibition will be opened for the public in november 2011.
Members of Jury:
Mihai Panzaru Pim - cartoonist
George Licurici - cartoonist
Ovidiu Ambrozie Borta BOA - cartoonist.
Secretary: BOA.

Results 1st International Competition ‘Cartoonist without borders’ 2011

Results of the 1st International Competition ‘Cartoonist without borders’ 2011, Istanbul - Turkey announced on 23 April 2011:
Organized by http://www.duyabilirsin.com/, the competition received about 750 works from 20 countries. The prize-giving ceremony will be held in the Week of the Disabled, 10-16 May 2011, with the opening of the exhibition. The exact time and place to be informed on the website.
The selected cartoons with the prize-winning ones to be displayed soon at the special website http://www.engeltanimayankarikaturler.com/ .

Burhanettin Ardagil, Muhittin Köroğlu, Hicabi Demirci, Kemal Özyurt, Metin Övün, Nevin Yıldız.
First Prize: Murat Sarı / Turkey (see top above)
Second Prize: Samira Barati / Iran (See above)
Third Prize: Mehmet Kahraman / Turkey (See below)
4 (Equal) Mentions:
Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria, Konstantin Kazanchev / Ukraine, Murat Gök / Turkey, Kürşat Zaman / Turkey.
Jury Prizes of Encouragement (to young cartoonists):
Zhang A He / China, Selim Tanrıseven / Turkey.
List of participants at source: duyabilirsin.com .