
The first International Exhibition of Graphic Humor Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano - Bogotá, Colombia

Contest Bogotá - Colombia: The comic strip Magola, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano and advertising (marketing) department:
The first International Exhibition of Graphic Humor Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
* Subject: Women are; Women.
The first international exhibition of humor Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, wants to reward the creativity and humor about the issue of women and power. And everything that inspires authors humorously women's issues are.
The year 2010 has been proclaimed by the OAS, as the year American women.
* Participants: The call is open to all artists worldwide, professional or amateur over 18 years.
* Each participant may submit one work.
* The work could not have been awarded in other contests or competed in other events.
* Technique: Any technique will be accepted (digital or by hand. A color or b / w).
* Size: The work may not exceed 21 cm x 29 cm or in proportional size, with resolution not lower than 300 dpi.
* Delivery of works: The work must be sent to mail: humortadeo@yahoo.es with the following information about the author:
- Identity card.
- Short curriculum
- Photo or self-caricature
- Title of Work
- Full name, phone, address, nationality, pseudonym.
* Exhibition: The selected works will be exhibited at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bogota in August 2010.
And also on the blog: http://saloninternacionaltadeolozano.blogspot.com/ created for this purpose.
The winners will be announced in the month of August 2010.
* The organizers reserve the right to withdraw from the contest work that is offensive.
1 - First Place: A trip with all expenses paid to Alcala de Henares, Spain, to participate in the Ibero-American cartoonists of the General Foundation of the University of Alcala de Henares and diploma.
2 - Second Place: Course; national school of caricature in Bogota and a diploma.
3 - Third Place: Diploma and books.
Note: In no case were paid in cash prizes, the prizes can not be declared void.
The call is open from the day March 8, 2010 and closes on 8 June 2010.
The results will be announced in the month of August with the exhibition at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano.
- Christian Schrader Valencia: Dean of the School of Advertising at the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano
- “Nani Mosquera”: cartoonist of the comic strip author Magola
- “Vladdo”: Cartoonist Colombian
- Alberto Martinez: Colombian cartoonist “Betto”
- Helman Salazar: Director of the National School of Cartoon
- Gustavo Bolivar: Writer and screenwriter
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogotá)
Magola comic strip 15 years.
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
General Foundation of the University of Alcala de Henares
National School of caricature in Bogota.
The delivery of the works involves the acceptance of these rules, the right of using the selected works to promote the event in print and online.


II Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Portugal

Organization: Câmara Municipal de Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
Curator: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
1) The contest is open to all caricaturists / cartoonists, all graphic artists with humor, professional and amateur.
2) The subject matter of the exhibition is: Theatre (Theatre Drama, Musical, Caricatures of the theater ...)
3) Deadline: May 1, 2010.
Each artist can send until 4 works in black and white (one color - not accepted drawings 2, 3 or 4 color) format not exceeding A4, open to all techniques and styles (the work done the computer, beyond their transmission in electronic form - CD or floppy disk 300 dpis Jpeg - must also have an A4 print, hand signed and numbered 1/1) as a caricature, cartoon, design humor, strip, plank bd (a story board only) ... identified and they should come on the back with name and address, e-mail, telephone and Nº taxpayer. The works must be accompanied by a brief curriculum.
4) The work will be judged by a jury consisting of: a representative of the Board City Hall, a representative of the Parish of Cord; representatives of a family Oliveira Guimarães, the Artistic Director of the Biennale, a representative of the sponsors, and two guest artists, and awarded the following awards:
1st prize - € 2.000,00
2nd prize - € 1.500,00
3rd prize - € 1.000,00.
5) The Jury has the right not to exhibit any submitted work with no quality
6) The organization shall inform all the artists by e-mail have been selected, and what the artists awarded.
7) Will be published book, as well as postcards
8) The winning works are automatically acquired by the organization. All others will be returned after the exhibition, with its catalog at the end of 2010.
9) Reproduction rights are owned by the organization as soon as it is to promote this Hall, and occasionally discussed with the authors, for other uses.
10) Entries must be submitted by May 1, 2010 for II Bienal de Humor Luís d’Oliveira Guimarães, Sector de Cultura, Câmara Municipal de Penela, Praça do Município, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal.
11) For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com)
12) The Second Biennial of Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2010, will take place from June 5 to July 30 with extension to Lisbon in September.


International Cartoon Exhibition on workers' rights

Convite para a Inauguração
International Cartoon Exhibition
"Exploitation and workers’ rights, a critical look through a humoristic line!"
Opens on March 18th, 2010 at 18.00 h in Lisbon, Portugal.
Click on images for details.
More info & participants list at


Jaka bede 2011: International competition on drawing

International competition on drawing for women - "Jaka bede ...2011"
The topic of the competition is a woman in the satirical presentation, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman... Everybody knows that it is not possible to live without her...
In the competition will take part drawing, cartoons and other plastic acts made in optional technics; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in categories: DRAWING.
2. Format of work - max A3, amount of work - up to 1 works.
3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.
4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later than 25.02.2011 /deadline/
Miroslaw Krzyskowul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1, 11-400 Ketrzyn, Poland (with additional note: Konkurs)
5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.
6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forname, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.
7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.
8. Rewarded works will belong to the organisers.
9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author's agreement for the regulations of the competition.
10. They can participate in the competition above the person 16 of year of the life.
1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.
(Tomasz Wołoszyn (2001), Krzysztof Toboła (2002), Dorota Chwałek (2003), Andreas Malecki - Niemcy (2003), Daniel Strzelczyk (2005), Sławomir Łuczyński (2006), Bretislav Kovarik - Czechy (2005, 2006), Anna Sokolska (2005, 2006), Stanislav Aszmarin - Rosja (2005), Małgorzata Gnyś - Polska (1998, 2007), Dariusz Wójcik - Polska (2002, 2007), Valentin Georgiev - Bułgaria ( 2009), Oleksi Kustovskiy - Ukraina (2009), Mirosław Krzyków - (organizator).
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Jaka bede..." or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.
Privileges of the entrants:
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The decision of the festival is predicted to be announced on 12 March 2011 r.
3. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact: mirek@krzyskow.pl


Results XXII Jaka Bede ... 2010 with theme: Woman

Results 22nd Jaka bede ... 2010 - Poland
485 participants in 2010
First Prize: Sonia Churova / Bulgaria
Second Prizes:
Jurij Kosobukin / Ukraine (Above)
Anatoli P. Radin / Russia
Third Prize: Henryk Cebula / Poland
Internet mention for contest 2009: Katarzyna Rubin / Poland
WEB: http://jaka.krzyskow.pl/


Deadline in the 1st Rotterdam Cartoon Festival: May 1st

1st Rotterdam Cartoon Festival 2010 - The Netherlands
Cartoon theme: Working in the port of the future
Deadline: May 1st, 2010
• First prize € 1000,-.
• Second prize € 750,-.
• Third prize € 500,-.
• € 100,- ( 3x ).
Main-Prize winners will be invited to attend the opening ceremony and prize giving. The costs for their stay and transport will be covered by the organizers of the cartoon contest.
Number of entries: max 10.
The cartoons may not have been previously published.
The cartoons may not have been previously awarded.
Format: 210x297 mm.
Original artwork will be returned to the artists on request.
Artists of selected works can be asked to provide original artwork, which will be returned at the organizers expense.
A catalogue will be published and one free copy will be supplied to each artist whose work has been selected for exhibition.
Copyright issues:
The organizers have the non-exclusive rights to use awarded works (meaning works who were awarded with a money prize) to advertise this and the next edition of the contest, without payment to the artist. The organizers of cartoon contests claim no other rights to the use of awarded cartoons.
Donation transfer of ownership of actual paper artwork to the organizers does NOT signify the artist.
Further rights are subject of a new agreement between the artist and the organizers.
The organizers claim no rights for the use of non-awarded works.
The organizers will be liable for the safe keeping of selected original artwork whilst in their possession.
If they intend to sell originals or copies, the cartoonist will receive the value of his works as indicated on the entree form. For selling prints or copies the cartoonists will receive 50% of the auction/selling prize.
Address to send the artworks: Cartoon Festival Rotterdam, Wessel Gansfortweg 65, 3052KM Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Complete regulations in PDF
Contact for further information: info@cartoonfestivalrotterdam.com (This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it).
tel : +31 (0)6 46770517
Web: http://www.cartoonfestivalrotterdam.com/
Source: fecocartoon


6th international cartoon competition GRAFIKATUR 2010

The town Lübben (Spreewald) announces the 6th international cartoon competition “GRAFIKATUR” on the topic “money”.
The submitted maximum three cartoons are not allowed to bigger than 297 x 420 mm, have to be without words and must are submitted as copy (They won’ t be send back).
The sender must be written down clearly on the back of each copy.
The cartoon should reach town administration until the 30th of April 2010:
Stadtverwaltung Lübben, Fachbereich II, Postfach 1551, D-15905 Lübben (Spreewald) GERMANY
Every participant who was judged with least one cartoon for the exhibition from 3rd of November 2010 to the 14th of January 2011 will get a catalogue.
Winners 2008 .

Brazilian cartoonist Glauco & son murdered by robbers

Goodbye, Glauco
by Anna von Rebeur
We regret to report that the Brazilian cartoonist "Glauco" (Glauco Villas Boas) 53, was killed this morning along with one of his two children (Raoni, 25), in an assault on the door of his home in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He had been assaulted several times and was negotiating with the criminals at the door when his son arrived and the assailants shot them.
Born in Jandaia do Sul, Paraná interior, Glauco began publishing his cartoons in the "Diário da Manhã, Ribeirão Preto, in the early '70s. He was awarded in 1977 and 1978 in the 4th and 5th International Exhibition of Piracicaba Humor. In 1977, he began publishing his work in the Folha de Sao Paulo sporadically and only since 1985, Glauco regularly published his strip.
Among his characters are Geraldão, Cacique Jaraguá, Nojinsk, Dona Marta, Zé do Apocalipse, Doy Jorge, Ficadinha, Netão y Edmar Bregman, among others.
In 2006, he launched the book "Política Zero", bringing together 64 drawings of political humor on the Lula government published on page 2 of Folha.
His friend the cartoonist Angeli says that the swiftness of his drawings printed in the toughest times of the dictatorship made Glauco the "Rita Lee of humor."
Glauco was a gifted humorist and very personal and also an excellent person, who will be greatly missed and will be very missed by his friends.
His works can be viewed at: http://www2.uol.com.br/glauco/publicacoes.shtml
This is the last cartoon that was published alongside the tribute Glauco undergoing the site Charge online:

Source: cartoonando . (Translation by Google).


Results 42nd Umoristi a Marostica - Italy

The jury’s report – Theme VICES
On Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th February 2010 the “HUMORISTS AT MAROSTICA” Jury came together made up of:
Paolo Bertuzzo - President
Maria Teresa Costa
Maurizio Minoggio
Alessandro Pettenuzzo
Giovanni Sorcinelli
Alessandro Tich
Piero Zanotto
Organizing Committee made up of the Marostica Graphics Group
and with the extraordinary participation of Tinto Brass.
The Jury, having examined the works that have reached Marostica from 235 Authors of 42 countries, notes a generous participation which is also rich in enthusiasm, and at the same time perceives that it is conversely difficult to clearly define and remain faithful to the proposed theme – VICES. It has, however, recognized the value of a series of excellent works.
It therefore assigns the traditional awards regarding the cartoon and strip categories:
“for the ironic synthesis of a captivating graphical work and of undoubtedly humoristic impact which deplores, amplifying the theme on vices, a bad habit both individual and collective”.
THE INTERNATIONAL HUMORISTS PRIZE AT MAROSTICA of the finalist works is awarded to the joint winners:
For the STRIP section the jury awards the 2010 INTERNATIONAL CHESSBOARD GRAN PRIX to:
“for the provocative representation of an upside down reality in which vices, instead of destroying, make a person’s identity”.
THE INTERNATIONAL HUMORISTS PRIZE AT MAROSTICA of the finalist works is awarded to the joint winners:
THE “SANDRO CARLESSO” SPECIAL PRIZE for experimentation or graphical-stylistic technique is awarded to:
“for the proposal of a graphical pictorial technique based on the contrast of light and shade and on the gradual passage with swift strokes to minute expressive details, evoking the ambiguous relation between vice and virtue”.
THE “MARCO SARTORE” SPECIAL PRIZE available to the Jury is awarded to a historically known Author:
“for the consistent evolution of a personal and recognizable style, which through apparently simple elements, specifically solid colour geometric backgrounds and a selected colour palette, builds complex situations in a wise method”.
A SPECIAL PRIZE for this edition has been personally chosen by Tinto Brass and is awarded to: HUEY NGUYENHUU (UNITED STATES).