Gogol and Poltava. The genius writer and the land that gave birth to him – all this is engraved not only on the souls of Ukrainians, but also on the souls of all admirers of Nikolai Gogol's writings. It's very symbolic that the great satirist was born on the 1st of April. Therefore it is impossible not to mention the author of such unfading works as Vechera na Khutore bliz Dikan'ki (Evenings on Homestead near Dikanka), Revizor (The Inspector General), Myortvye Dushi (Dead Souls) and many other genius writings, which became classic during Gogol's life and brought him international fame. Among them is a famous Nos (Nose). That's why the official prize in the nomination Gogol's World is "The Gold Nose". This nomination has become the main theme of the International Cartoon Contest CARLUKA, which is traditionally opened in our city exactly on the 1st of April. By the way, The Gold Nose is a quite "natural product", a sculpture designed by famous Russian cartoonists Mikhail Zlatkovskiy and Sergey Tyunin and made by a well-known Ukrainian caricaturist Oleg Dergachov.
The second theme of the Cartoon Contest CARLUKA-2009 is a free theme.
Best works will be published in Ukrainian and foreign papers and magazines and placed on the sites of the professional cartoonists from different countries.
1. Gogol's World in Cartoons (characters, ethnics, mysticism, black humour, etc.)
2. Free Theme
1. Each participant is requested to submit the original cartoons created in any material, as well as computer graphics with the author's signature. The cartoons may be in colour or in black and white, may have the formats 297x420 (A3) or 210x297 (A4). The number of works – no more than 5 (five). The deadline for the entries is 8 March 2009.
2. The participants are requested to give their personal information (name, surname, home address, contact phone number, e-mail) on the back of each cartoon.
3. Works sent by mail should be protected from damage during the forwarding.
4. The cartoons will remain with the organizers of the contest and may be returned to the authors upon their request.
5. The organizers hold the right to publish and use the cartoons sent to the contest without their authors' permission with obligatory reference to the authorship.
6. The cartoons' evaluation is done by secret voting according to three criteria: cartoon's conformity to the theme of the contest, style, humour.
Nomination "Gogol's World in Cartoons" Grand prize – "The Gold Nose", 3000 USD
Nomination "Free Theme" - 1st place - 1000 USD, 2nd place - 700 USD, 3rd place - 300 USD.
ASTREYA-REKLAMA (Cartoon Contest) Chapaeva Str 30, Poltava, 36039, Ukraine
Tel./fax: +38 0532 561134 E-mail: carluka@gala.net WEB: http://www.carluka.com/en/contest/
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