
November & December results in (Women)-Syria2007

Results of the First International Cartoon Exhibition-(Women)-Syria2007, Monthly Prize – November & December 2007.
Dear cartoonist:
We would like to thank you for your participation in The First International Cartoon Exhibition-(Women)- Syria2007.

The Winners:

First Prize: Masoud Ziaei Zardkhashoei - Iran

Second Prize: Victor Mihai - Romania

Third Prize: Skazhenyk Dmytro – Ukraine.

2nd Bucovina Exhibition of Satirical Graphic - Romania

The international exhibition of satirical graphic “PUBLICITY”, the 2nd Edition-2008
The Bucovina Museum Complex from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic: “PUBLICITY”, the 2 nd Edition.
The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Publicity”.
We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
The number of sent cartoons is five.
Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV).
The exhibition prizes are:
- one prize – 500 EURO – for the original cartoon
- three mentions - for the original cartoons.
The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: arta@muzeul-bucovina.ro and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour,
or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Complexul Muzeal Bucovina Suceava, Str. Ştefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania
The cartoons will be published in the web page of the Complex Museum Bucovina Suceava http://www.muzeul-bucovina.ro/
All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition.
If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 31st of August 2008.
The exhibition will be opened for the public in October 2008.
The sent cartoons can be bought by the public, that is why please note the price for each original work in order to receive the equivalent of the cartoon.
Thank you for participation on 1st Edition !!!!!!
Complex Museum Bucovina Suceava- Romania
Directory Constantin-Emil URSU


8th International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2008 - Canada

8th International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2008
1. The theme for 8th International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2008 is:
"Rewriting history"
2. Three prizes will be awarded.
First prize: $1500, crystal trophy, and Canadian UNESCO certificate.
Second prize: $750 plus a certificate.
Third prize: $500 and certificate.
All sums are in Canadian dollars.
Ten additional cartoons will each receive an Award of Excellence. Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies Awards of Excellence.
3. A maximum of three cartoons will be accepted from each cartoonist. They may be in colour or black and white. They may be sent as attachments to an e-mail. They may not have previously won an award. They will not be returned.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed 8.5 by 11 inches.
5. The cartoonist's name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address (if available) must be on the reverse side of each cartoon or in the body of the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached. A short biography of the Cartoonist should be provided.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of the Luncheon or World Press Freedom Day 2 May. Participation in the competition implies agreement by the cartoonist to the conditions of this article.
7. The winners of the Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Center in Ottawa, on May 2, 2008 and will be advised by mail or fax or e-mail. The results may be posted on the National Press Club Web site http://www.pressclub.on.ca/ the 3rd of May, 2008.
8. Entry deadline is 5 pm Eastern Standard Time, Friday, March 28, 2008.
Mail entries to: 8th International Editorial Cartoon Competition,Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom,Suite 405-350 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. K1R 7S8
E-mail entries to: combroad1@rogers.com - JPEG format at 300 DPI

December 2007 results "Nature & Man" - Turkey

December 2007 results of “Nature & Man” International Cartoon Contest on the net organized by the Association of Cartoonists, Turkey in collaboration with Cartoon Publishing and TEMA Foundation:


Valentin Georgiev – Bulgaria

Ümit Müfit Dinçay - Turkey

Louis Postruzin – Australia


25th Aydin Dogan Cartoon Competition - Turkey

25th Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition - Turkey
The Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition is held every year in Turkey by the Aydın Doğan Foundation. The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
General Information
1) Participants take part in the competition with an original cartoon. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as computer print outs. Photographs, photocopies, etc., will not be accepted.
2) Size of cartoons should not exceed 29.7 x 42 cm (A3 paper size).
3) The Foundation will not be responsible for damage that may occur during postage and handling.
4) Competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
5) Choice of subject is free.
6) Participants are expected to send the filled in participation form, a short curriculum vitae with photograph together with their cartoons. Otherwise applications will not be considered.
7) The Jury composed of foreign members will meet in June 2008.
8) The Foundation will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the first three prize-winning caartoonists for the award ceremony in Turkey.
9) Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to the artists.
10) By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to the Aydın Doğan Foundation without limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under Articles 21-25 of the Law on Intellectual Property Rights for publication. (S)he agrees that the Aydın Doğan Foundation may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the Internet or through other media.
11) Cartoons which do not win awards will be returned to the artists upon written request.
12) Participants may also leave the cartoons to the Cartoon Museum, to be established by the Foundation.
13) XXV. Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition will be celebrated with an award ceremony in November 2008 in Istanbul.
14) Deadline for entries is Friday, May 2nd, 2008.
The Prizes
First Prize : 8000 US Dollars and the First Prize of the Aydın Doğan Foundation
Second Prize : 5000 US Dollars and the Second Prize of the Aydın Doğan Foundation
Third Prize : 3500 US Dollars and the Third Prize of the Aydın Doğan Foundation
Awards of Success : 500 US Dollars and the Award of Success of the Aydın Doğan Foundation
Should the vote be tied, the prizes will be jointly awarded to the winners. A minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 success awards will be granted.
Aydin Dogan Vakfi,Aydin Dogan Uluslararasi Karikatur Yarismasi
Oymaci Sokak No:51, 34662 Altunizade – Uskudar / ISTANBUL


BuzziNews international cartoon competition - Israel

I would like to invite you to take part in the new International Comics & Cartoons community, BuzziNews. People from over 74 countries and 384 cities have taken part in the rapidly expending BuzziNews family.
The vision of the BuzziNews portal is to convey a positive outlook on current world, business, sports and entertainment events in a language that’s understandable to e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e – comics and caricatures. BuzziNews is a business with clear social objectives: 25% of the portal's revenues will be awarded to the illustrators who contribute their time and talent to the portal, and 50% of the portal's net profits will be donated to charity.
BuzziNews has initiated the "Good Word" worldwide comics illustration project. We invite you to say a good word through illustration about all the positive things that surround you or choose a less-traveled road and find the positive side of something that upsets you, a singer with a failed album, a disappointing team or coach, an irritating company, a business rival.
To register as a member at the BuzziNews website: http://www.buzzinews.net/members_only.asp?send_illus=1
For more information about the "good word" competition: http://www.buzzionline.net/
The last date for submitting entries is February 28, 2008
If you have any question or comment please don't hesitate to contact me
Liat Halperin,
Community Manager


9th Festival Strumica - Macedonia

IX International Festival of Aphorism and Caricature – Strumica / Macedonia 2008
• In this category each author can participate with a work, consisting of up to 15 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars of the author, set in a sealed envelope.
• Authors are allowed to participate even with more works, as group of 15 aphorisms, each with a particular code.
• In this category the author can send up to three caricatures, own choice of technique, max. dimensions 30 x 40 cm.
• Each caricature to be completed with author’s particulars - on its back side.
• The due date for works to be sent is February 17, 2008.
• The Organizer will reward three main prizes, having the right to decide about some additional prizes.
• The works should be addressed to:
National Institution - Culture Centre “Anton Panov”2400 Strumica R. MACEDONIA
with note: For the Competition of aphorism and caricature
• Both categories of received works will stay in the property of the author and of the Organizer, who reserves the rights of its public presentation, catalogue preparation or other publication.
• The works received in due date, will be reviewed and estimated by a competent jury.
• The exhibition and the reward ceremony will be organized on March 10, 2008.
• tel. +389 34 322182 (Correspondence in English: Sofija Dzibulova)