
International Semarang Cartoon Festival 2021, Indonesia

Festival HAM Semarang 2021
Moving Along to Strength Unity, Inclusion, and Resilience
International Semarang Cartoon Festival 2021 (i-Sekarfest)
Theme: “Human Rights Violations in Cartoonist’s Viewpoint” 
Time line: 
1. Work acceptance : September 30th, 2021 
2. Submissions deadline: October 31st, 2021 
3. Judging: November 5th, 2021 
Best I : IDR 17,500,000 
Best II : IDR16,500,000 
Best III: IDR 15,500,000 
1. This cartoon festival is opened for professional and begginer cartoonist around the world. 
2. Cartoonist is allowed to submit 5 works in maximum. 
3. Cartoonists is allowed to send published or unpublished work. 
4. The submitted work has never received any awards from another contest. 
5. The maximum work size file is 5 MB, JPG format 300 dpi. 
6. The work must be original. 
7. The committee has the right to use the work for publication, branding and other purposes that are still relevant to the festival. 
8. Participants will get a digital certificate. 
1. Jitet Kustana, The Founder of Gold Pencil Indonesia 
2. Aris Mulyawan, The Chairman of AJI Semarang City 
3. Fahries Hertansyah Pohan, Komnas HAM 
Email: sekarfest@gmail.com 
Source: goldpencil .


Diogenes of Sinope, 1st International Cartoon Competition 2022, Turkey

1- The competition is open to amateur and professional artists from all over the world. 
2- The subject of the competition; It has been determined as "Sabahattin Ali Portraits". 
For information about Sabahattin Ali: 
3- The technique is free of charge for the works that will participate in the competition. The works must not have received an award in any competition before. 
4- Sabahattin Ali is a symbolic value for Sinop. It is important that he was imprisoned in the historical Sinop Prison and that he wrote the circulating poem "Aldırma Gönül" here. Now, the organization of an international competition on his portraits in Sinop is a salute to him by Sinop and world artists... 
In addition to the physical character of Sabahattin Ali in the portraits participating in the competition, his socialist, progressive, critical and realistic writings… the writer/enlightenment who rebelled against injustices will also be sought first. 
5- Participants can submit as many works as they want. However, more than one award cannot be given to an artist. 
6- The cartoons to be sent must be in maximum A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) size, 300 dpi resolution and jpg format. 
7- The works that will participate in the competition can be sent by e-mail until February 10, 2022; It should be sent to the address “sinopludiyojencartoons@gmail.com” 
8- Along with the works, all artists must send their name, postal address, telephone, e-mail address, short CV and one photograph. 
9- The exhibition and award ceremony of the competition will be held at Sabahattin Ali Cultural Center in Sinop in May 2022. Travel expenses of the participants will be their own and their accommodation will be covered. 
10- Awards
First Prize: 8.000 TL/Plaque 
Second Prize: 5.000 TL/Plaque 
Third Prize: 3.000 TL/Plaque 
5 Achievement Awards: Plaque 
Special Awards from Various Institutions: Plaque.  
11- In the selection committee; sculptor Eşref Baş (Turkey), cartoonists Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Behiç Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria), Marian Avramescu (Romania), Murat Özmenek ( Turkey), Musa Keklik (Turkey) and Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukraine). 
12- The cartoons participating in the competition (whether they receive an award or not) are published by the institutions organizing the competition, such as Exhibitions, Posters, Books, Albums, e-Albums, Calendars, Brochures, etc. available in publications. It can be published on the Internet. Apart from this, all publishing rights of the works belong to the artists. 
13- The results of the competition will be announced on February 25, the birthday of Sabahattin Ali. 
14- The cartoonists participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted the above conditions. 
15- Competition; It is organized by Sinop Municipality, Sinop History and Culture Research Association and Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association. 


Final results of the 10. International Cartoon Contest, Kyrenia 2021, Cyprus


 Nidai Güngördü (Cyprus), Öznur Kalender (Turkey), M. Serhan Gazioğlu (Cyprus), Kübra Deligöz (Turkey), Derman Atik (Cyprus), Musa Kayra (Cyprus), Selen Selışık (Cyprus), Aysun Çelik (Cyprus), Hüseyin Çakmak (Cyprus).
Evaluation Date:
01 – 03 September 2021 Pasha Otel (Kyrenia – Cyprus)


Grand Prize (Olive Section):
1.500 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Diploma
Muammer Kotbaş (Turkey) (Top)

First Prize:
750 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Kyrenia Municipality Prize (Diploma)
Mojmir Mihatov (Croatia)

Second Prizes: (*)
Silver Olive Statue + Cyprus Turkish Cartoonists Association Prize (Diploma)
Spiro Radulovic (Serbia)
Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraina)

Third Prize:
Bronze Olive Statue + Olive Festival Prize (Diploma)
Javier Zorrilla Berganza (Spain).

First Prize:
750 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Kyrenia Mayor Special Prize (Diploma)
Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey)
Second Prize:
Silver Olive Statue + Olive Humor Festival Prize (Diploma)
Ali Miraee (Iran)
Third Prize:
Bronze Olive Statue + Ramiz Gökçe Special Prize (Diploma)
Liu Qiang (China).

Agim Krasniqi (Kosovo), Alexander Dubovsky (Ukraine), Ali Miraee (Iran), Anas El Lakkis (Lebanon), Arda Kılınç (Turkey), Aurel Ştefan Alexandrescu (Romania), Ayhan Alkan (United Kingdom), Chiorean Cornel – Marin (Romania), Cival Einstein (Brazil), Danja Doroshky (Serbia), Emilio Guazzone (Italy), Ertuğrul Atasever (Turkey), Evzen David (Czech), Fahriye Çıtaklı (Turkey), Fatma Ertuğral (Cyprus), Galym Boranbayev (Kazakhstan), Gerald Peigneux (France), Gülfidan Özdilek (Turkey), Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu (Turkey), Hamidreza Mosayebi (Iran), Imri Musliu (Kosovo), Izabela Kowalska – Wieczorek (Poland), Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine), Kuznetsov Daniil (Ukraine), Kürşat Zaman (Turkey), Lazo Sredanovic (Montenegro), Liu Qiang (China), Louis Pol (Australia), Luc Vernimmen (Belgium), Lütfü Çakın (Turkey), Marco De Angelis (Italy), Marziyeh Khanizadeh (Iran), Meret Gylyjov (Turkmenistan), Mustafa Tozakı (Cyprus), Narges Javan Majidi (Iran), Nicolae Lengher (Romania), Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine), Osama Hajjaj (Jordan), Ömer Çam (Turkey), Ramazan Özçelik (Turkey), Roman Kubec (Czech), Shirin Gholipour (Iran), Sittipunt Tumying (Thailand), Slobodan Butir (Croatia), Tomas Trunecek (Czech), Toso Borkovic (Serbia), Vishal V. Shenoy (India), Yalda Hasheminezhad (Iran), Zillmann R. Imola (Romania), Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz (Poland).

Alexander Dubovsky (Ukraine), Ali Hakan Alan (Turkey), Ali Rastroo (Iran), Angelo Campaner (Italy), Arsen Gevorgyan (Armenia), Barthel Catherine (Luxembourg), Borislav Hegedušić (Croatia), Bossens Philippe (Belgium), Bülent Okutan (Turkey), Chiorean Cornel – Marin (Romania), Elahe Khoraman (Iran), Evzen David (Czech), Fethi Gürcan Mermertaş (Turkey), Goran Celicanin (Serbia), Grigoris Georgiou (Greece), Gülfidan Özdilek (Turkey), Hamidreza Mosayebi (Iran), Hasan Omidi (Iran), Heino Partanen (Finland), Husan Sodiqov (Uzbekistan), İbrahim Halil Sayan (Turkey), Jingyan Qi (China), Jugoslav Vlahovic (Serbia), Juli Sanchis Aguado (Spain), Kemal Özyurt (Turkey), Leyla Çınar Algül (Cyprus), Louis Pol (Australia), Luka Lagator (Montenegro), Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan), Marco De Angelis (Italy), Marziyeh Khanizadeh (Iran), Mehmet Zeber (Turkey), Mete Ağaoğlu (Turkey), Mileta Miloradovic (Serbia), Mojmir Mihatov (Croatia), Musa Keklik (Turkey), Mustafa Tozakı (Cyprus), Mustafa Yıldız (Turkey), Nurcan Şimşek (Turkey), Oleg Gutsol (Ukraine), Peiman Mirzaei (Australia), Seyit Saatçi (Turkey), Seyyed Sajad Alizadeh (Iran), Stamatis Kyritsopoulos (Greece), Steffen Jahsnowski (Germany), Uğur Pamuk (Turkey), Valeri Tarasenko (Russia), Valery Momot (Ukraine), Zdenko Puhin (Croatia), Zlatko Krstevski (North Macedonia).

(*) The "Second Place Award" was given to two cartoonists for receiving equal votes in the scoring of the Selection Committee Members.


Brazilian artist Cau Gomez wins PortoCartoon 2021 with theme HEALTH

Brazilian artist wins PortoCartoon 2021
Caricatures of Luther King and Maria João Pires award to India and Portugal
Cau Gomez, from Brazil, won the Grand Prize of the 23rd PortoCartoon-World Festival, organized by the Portuguese Printing Press Museum with the theme HEALTH (as per the 3rd UN ODS). 
The winning work is entitled “A Peste” (The Plague) and is a black humor metaphor about the threats of the present times (Top)
The Second Prize was awarded to Tony Tasco, from Belgium, and the third was to Luis Fernando Echeverri (Fernando Pica), from Colombia. 
The quality of the work led the international jury to award 27 Honorable Mentions to artists from different countries such as Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Spain, France, Iran, Italy, Portugal and Turkey. 
Luther King and M. João Pires give awards to India and Portugal 
This year's edition included two Special Caricature Awards about the figures of Martin Luther King, Nobel Peace Prize, assassinated in 1968, and Maria João Pires, whose “way of playing the piano has often been described as magical, captivating and profoundly poetic” (Deutsche Grammophon). 
The winners were, respectively, Shankar Pamarthy, from India and Aurélio Mesquita (Portugal). 
Shankar Pamarthy was also won the 2nd Maria João Pires Special Caricature Award. 
The Maria João Pires Prize exhibition will be at Teatro Constantino Nery, Matosinhos, from September 17 to October 31, as per the decentralization policy of the Portuguese Printing Press Museum activities. 
The winners of the 23rd PortoCartoon will receive the trophies (designed by Siza Vieira) and the Awards during the opening ceremony of the exhibition, which will take place at the Portuguese Printing Press Museum located in Porto, on a date to be announced in due time. 
Maria João Pires Special Caricature Award 3rd Prize
Halit Kurtulmuş (Turkey).


The 3rd edition of IMAGES OF JUSTICE 2021: Rights to Housing

IMAGES OF JUSTICE 2021: Rights to Housing
The Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) is pleased to participate, in partnership with CONTEKST, The SHIFT, the Faculty of Law, Common Law Section, the Ryerson Lincoln Alexander School of Law, and The Law Foundation of Ontario, in the third edition of IMAGES of JUSTICE: The Right to Housing! 
This edition will exhibit satirical and comic visualization of various facets and challenges of the human right to adequate housing. The images of this series will shed light upon challenges, inconsistencies, and flaws within the current framework of the human right to housing and its full realization. 
We invite cartoonists and illustrators to submit their work by NOVEMBER 1st, 2021 to info@contekst.education


The 1st International Caricature Competition (Moustapha M. Moukhtar) 2021, Egypt

The 1st International Caricature Competition (Moustapha M. Moukhtar) 2021, Egypt
In cooperation with the International Syrian Cartoon website and in celebration of the 135th anniversary of the birth of the late artist, Moustapha M. Moukhtar, the Egyptian Caricature Memory Project is pleased to announce the holding of a caricature competition, with the theme of the late cartoonist: Moustapha M. Moukhtar(1886-1954). 
Background of the Artist:
Introducing the late cartoonist Moustapha M. Moukhtar, who is considered one of the first pioneers to lay a foundation to the modern era school of Egyptian caricature. The competition is being held to celebrate the 135th anniversary of his birth.
Moustapha M. Moukhtarwas was born in 1886, to a father who worked as a military commander in the Egyptian army. He obtained a Bachelor of Law from the Sorbonne University in 1914, and joined the Royal Palace, where he took over the royal ceremonies of King Fouad. As time progressed, he began to feel restricted from the day-to-day of his job and the ceremonies of the mixed courts, so he turned to art – specifically caricature.
At the end of 1926, Moustapha M. Moukhtar published his first book called Caricatures of Moustapha Moukhtar(1916-1926). Besides the great artistic value of this book, it is considered the first book in the modern history of Egyptian caricature. At the end of 1936, Moustapha M. Moukhtar issued his second book called Caricatures of Moustapha Moukhtar(1927-1936).
He participated in many art exhibitions inside and outside Egypt, starting in 1917, and received many awards and honors. In addition to his professionalism in caricature, he also specialized in oil painting, sculpture, and woodcarving. His hobbies included writing poetry, playing sports, pigeon breeding, hunting trips, and playing the violin. Art was his passion.
Contest Details:
Draw a caricature portrait of the late Egyptian cartoonist – Mustafa Muharram Mukhtar.
Three promotional prizes and participation certificates will be awarded to all participants.
An exhibition of the participating works will be held (to be announced) at a later date.
Contest Terms:
1- The competition is open to cartoonists over 18 years old.
2- A maximum of two caricatures can be submitted.
3- The works must be in JPEG format, 300 dpi.
4- The size of the painting is 29.7 x 42 cm.
5- The participant sends a short CV, his address.
6- Write the name of the caricaturist and the country.
Important notice:
- The works must be new and have not participated in any other competitions.
-The works of the participating artists are used in posters, magazines, newspapers and websites inside and outside Egypt, without prior permission from the participating artists, in order to promote the event.
- The organizer has the right to exclude works that did not comply with the conditions of the competition and that are inappropriate.
- Deadline for receiving works: October 31, 2021
- Send the work to the following e-mail:
Contest prizes:
- First place ($500)
-Second place ($300)
-Third place ($200)
-Three promotional prizes and participation certificates will be awarded to all participants, an exhibition of the participating works will be held to be announced at a later date.
More on source: raedcartoon.


International Festival of humor and satire In Vinica Veritas 2021, N. Macedonia

The House of Culture „Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica
and the Council of the International Festival of humor and satire
(In caricature)
Theme: „After all...life is beautiful
1. One author can take participation with 3 caricatures, but not more than 3.
2. The size of the cartoons should be A4 or A3, resolution 300 dpi.
3. The cartoons can be sent in their original version or via e-mail to: 
4. The House of Culture provides the following awards:
– First prize: 300 euro
– Second prize: 200 euro
– Third prize: 100 euro
5. The works should be sent at the address: 
House of Culture „Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica, ul. „Bel Kamen“ 13, Macedonia, indicated for the competition „In Vinica Veritas“.
–  The works should be sent by 10th October 2021.
6. The authors will receive their awards at The Festival of Humor and Satire „IN VINICA VERITAS“ held from 25th to 29th October 2021.
7. The festival organizer keeps the rights to use the awarded works at any time.
8. The received caricatures will not be sent back to the participants of the competition.
9. After the announcement of the results, the awarded works from the competition need to be sent in original form because only in that way it will be paid to you.
Person for contact: Blagica Stojanovska, phone number: +389 (0)33 361-150, ++389 (0)78 492 423 
e-mail: invinicaveritasfestival@gmail.com
Municipal facility
House of culture
„Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica, Macedonia.
Source: Dom Na Kultura Vinica.