
The 10th GIN-UAH Graphic Humour Competition 2021, Spain

10th GIN-UAH Graphic Humour Competition
Special edition
The GIN Foundation, the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humour (IQH) and the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer of the University of Alcalá announce the 10th GINUAH Graphic Humour Contest, with the following rules: 
The competition is open to anyone wishing to participate, either individually or jointly as writer and illustrator, in any of the following three categories: 
 Professional: They must include a short biography and a link to prove that they publish or have published in a permanent medium. 
 Amateurs. 
 UAH-FGUA. UAH staff and students. 
The entries must be humorous in intention. The subject is Science/Research
Submissions must be in paper or in digital format. The work must be publishable on paper: cartoon, strip, page of comic...and must be signed. 
Maximum size: A4. Digital entries must be sent in JPG at 300dpi.. 
Works in any of the official languages of Spain are accepted. Those coming from outside Spain and containing text must be labelled in Spanish. 
Each participant may submit up to four entries. All entries must be unpublished work. 
The deadline for submission of entries is July 18, 2021. Originals, reproductions and digital works are accepted. Works that are not returned will be added to the FGUA's Graphic Humour Documentation Centre of the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humour. In the case of originals, the author may request a certificate of donation. 
Submission of physical entries: 
CONCURSO GIN-UAH. Ciencia/Investigación 
Instituto Quevedo de las Artes del Humor (FGUA) 
Calle Nueva nº 4. 
28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) SPAIN
Submission of digital entries: by email or WeTransfer to gin@iqh.es
Along with the work, the following details must be supplied: Name and surname, telephone number, date of birth, complete mailing address and e-mail address. Category of the entry. 
The GIN Graphic Humour Competition awards two prizes in each category worth the following amounts (gross): 
 Professional: 
o 1st prize: 2000 euros. 
o 2nd prize: 1000 euros 
 Amateurs 
o 1st prize: 500 euros. 
o 2nd prize: 250 euros 
 UAH: 
o 1st prize: 500 euros. 
o 2nd prize: 250 euros 
The prize-winning works, as well as a selection of other entries, will be published on the iqh.es and humoristan.org websites. 
The jury of the GIN-UAH Graphic Humour Competition will be composed of members of the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humour of the FGUA, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer of the UAH and the GIN Foundation. 
The jury reserves the right to declare any of the prizes void or to propose a reallocation of the prizes available. 
The jury's decision will be made within 3 months after the deadline for entries. The decision will be communicated to the winners and published on the iqh.es and humoristan.org websites. 
Participation in this competition entails acceptance of these rules, as well as the author's express permission to the organization to use her/his work, provided that his or her name appears and the aim is to disseminate activities in the field of humour and scientific dissemination, without generating any obligation whatsoever with regard to the author. The organization reserves the right, if necessary, to introduce those modifications it deems necessary for the smooth running of the competition. The organization is not liable for the works submitted to the competition. 
The best works will be part of an exhibition to be held throughout 2022, organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer of the UAH, the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humour of the FGUA and the GIN Foundation. 
More on facebook .


The 4th edition of the International Cartoon Competition - Morocco 2021

International Festival of Cartoon in Africa
The 4th edition of the International Cartoon Competition - Morocco 2021
Theme 1: How the Coronavirus changed the world?
Theme 2: Sketch of the cartoonist Mustapha Anaflous
• Anyone who participates in the competition subscribes to the conditions of the rules and to the jury decisions. 
Conditions of participation in the competition 
• The number of works per participant is limited to 2 (two). 
• The works cannot have been published, or exhibited, or have won awards in Morocco or abroad. 
• Format: A4, 300 dpi, JPG / JPEG and free techniques. 
• Deadline: 15/9/2021 ( EXTENDED:) 30/9/2021 
• Works that do not meet the conditions set in these regulations will not be taken into consideration for the competition. 
• Because of his participation in the competitions, the author lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions. The works sent remain at the disposal of the organizers for two years. 
• The jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition and represent their own countries. Their names will automatically be added to the list of participants. They will participate only in the exhibition, not in competition (just participation of honor). 
• Works may be used for promotional purposes (Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards ...) without the permission of the artist and without any payment. 
• The following prizes are planned: 
First Prize (duck) 
Second Prize (Africa) 
Third Prize (pencil stroke) 
10 Special Prizes. 
• Cartoons should be sent to: 
• REGISTRATION FORM and more on source: maghrebtoon
(Deadline updated on 12/9/2021 19:25).


The VI International Cartoon Festival, Smile of the Sea 2021, Russia

VI International Cartoon Festival "Smile of the Sea"
Theme of the festival: "Competition, rivalry". 
Works are accepted until August 15, 2021
The selection of cartoons at the exhibition and the determination of the winners is conducted by a specially invited jury. 
At the end of the festival, winners and participants will receive festival diplomas and a catalog. 
The best works will be awarded special prizes and diplomas. 
Technical requirements for works: A4 format for originals and their copies, JPEG (300 dpi) - for works in electronic form. 
You can send work by the e-mail: imeempravo@mail.ru 
or at the postal address: 
ul. Karl Marx, 44, office 5 Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region, 353900, RUSSIA 
(telephone: + 7-918-9873929, telephone / fax: (8617) 72-00-47. 
Source: cartoonblues.


22° International Competition on the world of wine, Spirito di Vino 2021, Italy

Competition rules 2021
25 May 2021
Spirito di Vino 2021
22° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine
Art. 1 – Subject of the competition 
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge. 
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition 
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2021 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old. 
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements 
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually with any technique, black and white or colour, only in A3 format with 1 cm of external border. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The works shall be sent as hard copies and signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page. 
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works 
The works can be submitted from from Sunday 30 May to Saturday 16 October 2021. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website  www.spiritodivino.cloud, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form. 
The hard copies of the works shall be sent (properly protected) by registered mail, together with a signed copy of the registration form filled in every section, to the following address: 
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia 
Via del Partidor, 7 – 33100 Udine (Italy) 
Only the works delivered within Saturday 16 October midnight will be accepted. 
In addition, the works shall also be uploaded on the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format.
The hard copies received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. The organisers have no liability for any deterioration and/or damage to the works sent by mail or resulting from any other issue connected to the submission of the works (delays, no delivery, etc.). 
Art. 5 – Return of the works 
The hard copies of the works will not be returned. 
Art. 6 – Exclusion 
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted. 
Art. 7 – Members of the jury 
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable. 
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic showing their manual designing skills, creativity and a precise technique. The works drawn using digital techniques will also be taken into consideration. 
Art. 8 – Prizes 
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows 
1° prize - “under”: 78 bottles 
2° prize - “under”: 54 bottles 
3° prize - “under”: 30 bottles 

1° prize - “over”: 78 bottles 
2° prize - “over”: 54 bottles 
3° prize - “over”: 30 bottles 
Art. 9 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition 
Due to the current situation we cannot guarantee the chosen pieces will be exhibited or awards will be presented in person. Further details will be sent to those selected as soon as possible. 
Art. 10 – Copyright 
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the non-exclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation. 
Art. 11 – Approval of the competition rules 
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document. 
Source: spiritodivino .


The 6th International Cartoon Contest, Kolašin 2021, Montenegro

CONTEST THEME: Hrabrost / Courage, Bravery, and FREE theme. 
The theme of this year's festival is "courage, bravery." Man is an imperfect being and lives with fears. Can a man be free and just if he does not have the courage? Can he achieve his goals if he is not brave? Is courage madness or the strength of man? Man is surrounded by various dangers, trials, torments, diseases, wars, violence and injustices... Can a man overcome all this if he does not have the courage? Does courage make him stronger and more just? In the end, can a man be an upright, proud, free and conscious being if he does not have the courage? 
The participants can send a maximum of 3 works per one theme to compete (six works in total). 
There must be full name and country of the author, and number of the works on each work. For example: JOHN SMITH USA 1, JOHN SMITH USA 2. 
All entries must be sent on the post address : 
Centar za kulturu Kolasin 81210,Crna Gora-Montenegro  /za medjunarodni festival karikature/ 
 or : 
FIRST PRIZE: 500 Euro, Diploma 
SECOND PRIZE: 300 Euro, Diploma 
THIRD PRIZE: 200 Euro, Diploma 
Seven special prizes –Honorable mention of the salon.
​ DEADLINE: July 20, 2021
The international jury will choose the cartoons. 
THE DECISION of the jury will be published on July 22, on all cartoon websites. Winners will be officially announced and will take place in the Cultural Center in Kolašin. Award ceremony will be on August 5th, 2021, at 20h in the Cultural center Kolasin. 
Festival organizer: JU Culture center Kolasin and Darko Drljevic, free artist. 
General sponsor : Municipality Kolašin. 
Source: Darko Drljević.

Winners in the 26th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2021, Croatia

(comic book heroes and their authors in caricature)

The 26th International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2021
has seen the arrival of 743 works of 347 authors, from 66 countries.


DAMIR NOVAK, Croatia (Top)








More on hdk.hr.


31st International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature, Gura Humorului 2021

Gura Humorului Townhall
Suceava County Council
The Bucovina Cultural Centre
The 31st edition, 2021
The 31st edition of Humour at ... Gura Humorului, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held between July, 28 – July, 30, 2021. 
This year's edition will be held online. 
1. The Edition theme: The Cage of Freedom 
2. Original works are accepted, in digital format, created after January 1st, 2021, which were not published and submitted or awarded prizes to other competitions. 
3. Each participant will submit two ( 2 ) cartoons to be analysed by the jury. 
4. The works will be submitted by JULY 5th, 2021 (posting date) on the following addresses: 
or postal address: 
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piaţa Republicii, nr. 2, 725300 - Gura Humorului, judeţul Suceava, România. 
5. Technical requirements: 
- Papers sent by e-mail: minimum1600 x 1200 pixels, JPG format 
- Papers sent by regular postal mail: format A3 
- The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist 
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be added to the patrimony of the Humour at ... Gura Humorului Festival and the organizers are entitled to use them later as edited materials with the name of their author on them. 
7. The participants are required the following documents enclosed with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photography/cartoon self portrait of minimum 6x9cm ( on paper) or 710x1065pix. (digital format). 
8. The winners will be announced online on July 30, 2021, and the diplomas will be sent by mail and the cash prizes by bank transfer.. 
9. The prizes to be awarded: 
1st Prize: EUR 500 
2nd Prize: EUR 300 
3rd Prize: EUR 200 
The "George Gavrilean" Prize for the debutantes in Bucovina - EUR 200. 
10. The jury are the ones who decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide upon the works or the authors to be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons, with their consent. 
11. There will be no participation fees. 
Further information: 
The Bureau of Press Relations of „Humour at ... Gura Humorului” Festival 
• Curator Galavan Robert George - Folk Customs Museum in Bucovina (Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina) 
Telephone: 00 40 757485882 
• Professor Sever Dumitrache – cultural adviser 
Telephone : 00 40 723270520. 
(Click on the image to enlarge)