
The 4th Rhubarb International Cartoon Contest 2022, Romania: Rhubarb - Not just a plant!

Rhubarb – Not just a plant!
The 4th edition from 2022
The contest is open to all cartoonists. 
Cartoons theme: RHUBARB – Not just a plant! 
Deadline: 17th April, 2022 
Entries: max 5 
The cartoons will be uploaded (in electronic format), after creating an account with a username and password to: https://cartoons.rabarbura.ro 
Will be accepted only original works (created for this contest). 
The techniques used while making the cartoons are up to participants. 
First prize - 500 EUR 
Second prize - 300 EUR 
Third prize - 200 EUR 
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded. 
The jury’s decisions are final. 
The cartoon’s author consents that the cartoon or cartoons sent will become the property of the Organizer. The Organizer is entitled for all reproduction right for any cartoon registered in competition. 
The Organizer does not assume any responsibility for any breaches of copyright, exclusive responsibility for copyright lies with the one who sent the cartoon. 
The cartoons that will win the first, second and third prize will be sent mandatorily in original version to the Organizer. 
In the absence of interbank relations between Romania and the country of origin of the winner, the Organizer is relieved of any liability. 
By submitting the works to International Rhubarb Cartoons Contest 2022, the artist accepts the decisions of the jury and the rules printed above. 
Calendar of the Contest: 
Deadline to submit the cartoons: 17th April 2022
Preselection: Phase one: vote of the jury 20th -24th April 2022 (based on this vote, will be preselected 50 cartoons for the final vote of the Jury) 
FINAL VOTE: 27th April 2022, 16:00 GMT, online streaming on https://www.facebook.com/rabarbura/ and https://www.facebook.com/rabarburaERP/ 
The description of the RHUBARB can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhubarb 
Transilvania CLOUD 
Munteanu Mircea - President.
Source: rabarbura.


QueVedoCartoon 3rd Edition 2022, Spain: Quevedo and the Arts

“Quevedo and the Arts”
The entities promoting this award are: 
City Council of Ciudad Real 
Villanueva de los Infantes Town Hall (Ciudad Real) 
Organized by: 
Francisco de Quevedo Foundation 
Hosted by: 
Manchego Cheese Denomination of Origin 
La Mancha Wines Denomination of Origin 
Coop. Ntra. Sra. De la Antigua of Villanueva de los Infantes 
HiperCash GH, Supermarkets 
Guía Author Wines 
Soliss Insurance 
Barraquete Design and Communication 
Anyone who wishes to participate in the contest may do it, without age limit, both individually and jointly between two or more cartoonists or between writer and artist. Each participant may submit a maximum of three works. 
The theme of the works will be directly or indirectly related to the figure of Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, the character or any subject related to his life or work may appear and will have a clear humorous intention. In this edition, the theme of the works will be centered around the motto: «Quevedo and the Arts» (1). 
(1) Arts is understood to be any of the 7 recognized fine arts: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Literature, Dance and Cinema.
The works submitted must be of their own creation and unpublished, may be in vignette, strip, comic page, cartoon, etc. and not to have been presented in another contest. The presentation of the works will necessarily be in paper, original and signed. Digitally submitted works will be sent in JPG at 300dpi and 100% of the original size. They can be in color or black and white, the maximum dimension will be 29.7 x 42 cm (A3) and can be presented in horizontal or vertical format. 
The works may be with or without text. The texts of the works can be written in any of the official languages ​​of Spain. Those coming from outside of Spain must be labeled in Spanish. 
The deadline for the delivery of the works will be at 11.59 p.m. on June 18, 2022 in each time zone. The date and time of the postage at the corresponding post office or in the sending of e-mail will be considered valid. 
The presentation of the works will be made at the following postal address: 
Premio QuevedoCartoon 
Fundación Francisco de Quevedo 
Paseo de la Estación, 17 – 5º D 
28904 – Getafe (Madrid) 
The works in digital format will be sent by email or WeTransfer to: 
In all cases, the works must be accompanied by the registration form where participants` data are reflected, such as: name and surname, telephone number, year and place of birth, postal address and email address. 
The submission of the works to the contest implies the express authorization to the Museum of Graphic Humor of Quevedo to use the images for exhibition purposes in the Museum itself and / or in the facilities of any of the promoters, organizers or sponsoring entities. 
Of the works presented, a certain number will be selected, in the judgment of the Jury, for the exhibition to be held. The exhibition of the works will not generate any economic right for any of the parties. 
Likewise, a catalog will be made in PDF format, which will be sent to the selected artists and, if feasible, will be made on paper, which will be sent to the awarded and / or selected artists.
This edition of the International Prize for Graphic Humor “Francisco de Quevedo” consists of the following prizes and financial endowment: 
1st Prize: 1,500 euros and plate 
2nd Prize: 1.000 euros and plate 
3rd Price: 500 euros and plate 
1 Accésit: 250 euros and plate. 
The amounts of the prizes will be subject to the taxes and legal withholdings that apply to them. 
The winners must provide the number of a bank account and its corresponding IBAN in which the payment of each of the prizes regulated in these bases will be effective. 
The winners with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize, who live in the Spanish territory (except Canary Islands and Balearic Islands), undertake to collect the prize in person at the event scheduled for this purpose. Transportation and accommodation expenses, if necessary, will be borne by the organization. 
9. JURY 
The jury of the Graphic Humor Contest will consist of: 
• José María Gallego, graphic humorist (of Gallego y Rey) – Spain. 
• Arturo Molero, graphic humorist – Spain. 
• Adriana Mosquera, graphic humorist – Colombia. 
• Mahboube Pakdel, graphic humorist – Irán 
• José Luis Rivas, President Francisco de Quevedo Foundation 
• A representative of the sponsors. 
The Jury will act in full, face-to-face or telematic assistance being necessary of the simple majority of its members. The Jury reserves the right to declare empty any of the prizes, if in its opinion works wouldn’t have enough quality. The jury’s decision will be made within 2 months after the deadline for submission of the work and its verdict will be communicated to all participants and published on the websites of the institutions and organizing entities as well as in different media and social media.
The awarded works will become part of the funds of the Museum of Graphic Humor of Quevedo and a digital copy of them will remain the property of each of the promoters and sponsors. 
The authors assign all their rights for publication, exhibition and divulgation by any means, always citing their authorship and provided that no income is generated from them. In the event that the publication, exhibition and disclosure generates economic rights, 25% of these are set for the authors. 
Non-awarded works will be returned by the organization, in case the shipment is expressly requested by the author. Otherwise they will also be part of the Museum of Graphic Humor of Quevedo Funds. 
In all cases, whenever requested, a Certificate of Donation of the work will be delivered. 
The presentation of the works implies the acceptance of these bases by all the authors. 
Rules to download on source: Francisco de Quevedo


To the participants of Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2021, Turkey

Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2021 on "Let's Carefully Use Water, Our Source of Life" and "Cemal Nadir GÜLER Portrait Caricatures" has been completed as of 31 December 2021, the deadline for application. To the event; a total of 776 cartoonists, 620 adults and 156 youth, from 64 different countries participated with 1736 cartoons. 
To all the valuable cartoonists who participated in our event; Thank you very much again and we wish you all good luck and success. 
All participating cartoonists’ information is as in the shared list. The cartoonists who had problems during the submission of the cartoon work(s) or think that there is a lack of information must contact by karikatur.bursa@gmail.com until 14 January 2022. Any objections or applications after this date will not be considered. 
The finalist cartoons will be announced as soon as possible. You all will be informed about the finalists, in following days by the internet and via mass mail. 
Best wishes and best regards. 
Bursa International Cartoon Contest 
Organizing Committee


Denizli Metropolitan Municipality 2nd International Cartoon Contest 2022, Turkey


We will organize Denizli Metropolitan Municipality 2. International Cartoon Contest by organizing our cartoon contest, which we have held on a national scale for the first three years, internationally this year as well as last year. 
We’ve decided the topic of the contest as Family
The family is a structure that the opposite sexes found with a formal contract by coming together. In other words, it is the smallest community consisting of the man and the woman who are connected by marriage and also their child (or children) who is (are) born in consequence of this marriage by blood relation. 
In addition to the relationships among family members, their relationships with the society and environment they live in are also important. Since families are the basic structures that form the society, the durability of the family structure is also very crucial for the society. 
The family is the cornerstone of societies. Although the family has an important place in every society, its importance in Turkish culture is quite different. In the traditional family structure, there are grandmothers and grandfathers as well as mothers, fathers and children. 
As family and society are connected with each other, the relations between the mother and the father, the relations of the parents with the children and the outcomes arising from these relations become directly related to the society. So, when we analyze the family, we see the reflection of many concenpts such as education, training, sadness, happiness, birth, death, bitter and sweet events, relationships between husband and wife, marriage, divorce, trust, distrust, sharing, cooperation, love, affection, urban life, social relations, etc. 
 In 2012, our municipality was awarded the first place with ‘I Love My Family’ project in the project competition in which 127 municipalities from all over Turkey participated. Within the scope of our project: ‘I Love My Family’- the first project in Denizli about this theme- we have carried out many successful projects from healthy marriage school to pregnancy school, from family refereeing to training seminars and conferences, from family counseling centers to free sports courses. 
This time, we want to bring up the concept of the family and its importance with your valuable interpretations as master cartoonists. We desire to release the positive reflections of being a family and the negative reflections of not being a family to the public with your comments, thereby we wish to contribute to the awareness of people. 
Dear precious cartoonists, I’d like to thank you for your contributions and wish you success. 

Osman ZOLAN 
Denizli Metropolitan Municipality 

1. The topic of the contest: Family 
2.Deadline: Cartoons must be uploaded on www.denizli.bel.tr/karikaturyarismasiEN/ (official municipality website) until 12.00 (a.m) on 20 March 2022, Sunday (EXTENDED:) 23 March 2022, Wednesday. 
3.The contest is open to amateur and professional cartoonists all over the world. 
4. It is not required that the cartoons which will be sent to the contest have been published or not in previous contests. However, the cartoons you will send must not have been awarded in another contest before. Cartoons that the selection committee (jury) deems the same or similar or the ones specified as another cartoonist’s belonging by the committee will not be evaluated. 
5.You can participate in the contest with maximum three cartoons. 
6. Cartoonists will send their cartoons digitally to our contest. Every cartoon must be in A4 size, between 150-300 dpi, JPEG format and minumum 1 MB maximum 10 MB capacity. 
7. Some cartoons which will be choosen from among the received cartoons by the jury will be collected in a cartoon album. The works of cartoon deemed worthy to be exhibited will also be displayed whenever and whereever Denizli Metropolitan Municipality deems suitable. No fee will be paid for the works of cartoon choosen by the jury for the exhibition and the album. 
8. One-night accommodation and meal expenses of the winners of the cartoon contest will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
Selection committee (The Jury Members): 
* Serhat Akbulut (Assistant General Secretary) 
* Hüdaverdi Otaklı (Head of Culture and Social Affairs Department) - Coordinator 
* Arif Duru (Director of Culture and Art) 
* Samet Başer (Director of Tourism and Publicity) 
* Şevket Yalaz (Cartoonist) 
* Savaş Ünlü (Humourist) 
* Mehmet Selçuk (Cartoonist) 
* Abdülkadir Uslu (Cartoonist) 
 * Altan Özeskici (Cartoonist) 
* Ali Şur (Cartoonist) 
* Kübra DELİGÖZ (Cartoonist). 
First Prize Winner: 7.500 TL 
Second Prize Winner: 5.000 TL 
Third Prize Winner: 3.500 TL 
Honorable Mention (3 pieces of prize): 1.500 TL 
The Prize for Under 18 Years Old (3 pieces of prize): 1.000 TL. 
The Calendar of Contest: 
A.The deadline of application for the contest is 20 March (EXTENDED:) 23 March 2022, 12.00 (a.m) on Wednesday. 
B.The evaluation meeting of the jury will be conducted on 26 March 2022 (on Saturday) and 27 March 2022 (on Sunday). 
Announcement of the results: The results will be announced on the official websites of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality "https://www.denizli.bel.tr" and "eng.denizli.bel.tr" on 30 March 2022 (on Wednesday). 
Prize-giving Ceremony: Prize-giving ceremony and exhibition will be organized in Turan Bahadır Exhibition Hall on 13 May 2022 (on Friday). (The date and the location of the prize-giving ceremony and the exhibition can be changed by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality.) 
No matter cartoons get reward or not, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality will become right owner to use all cartoons providing that participants’ names are clearly mentioned, in accordance with the law No.5846. 
The participants will have accepted that the rights of use their works will be transferred to Denizli Metropolitan Municipality free of charge to be used in all activities, promotions, events and trainings of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
In addition, The Municipality has rights of use their works for providing materials such as poster, catalogue, brochure, gifted book and etc. and publishing in the media. 
Furthermore, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality has also the rights of use their works to reproduce, disseminate, distribute and demonstrate. 
The works of the participant, which received or did not receive an award, can be used in print media, radio and television and also other mass media in accordance with the purposes of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, from the moment of the delivery. 
Moreover, participants accept and undertake that Denizli Metropolitan Municipality takes over the rights of use the their works by means of broadcasts on the internet, brochures, catalogues, agendas, posters, CDs, DVDs and each digital media or calendars. 
The participant declares that the work sent to the contest belongs entirely to herself/himself. Due to this work, the participant undertakes that she/he is the sole and absolute addressee of the requests of third parties that may arise from Law No:5846 (Intellectual and Artistic Works) and other laws. Besides, the participant also accepts that the legal and criminal responsibility for the work belongs entirely to himself/herself. In addition, the participant undertakes that Denizli Metropolitan Municipality does not have any legal and criminal liability regarding the matters forementioned (the right of recourse to the owner of the work is reserved). 
The right of the works belongs to Denizli Metropolitan Municipality as the organizing institution of the contest and the owner of the work. 
Participants are deemed to have already accepted the terms & conditions of the contest and jury decisions. If disagreements between Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and contestant arise in regards to undefined matters in the agreement or in case of doubt, the selection committee (jury) will arbitrate between both sides. In case of disagreement, this commitee will be authorized. 
Contact Information: 
Kübra Deligöz (Artist of Culture and Social Affairs Department /Cartoonist) 
Mobile: +90 (554) 647 26 85 
Telephone central: +90 (258) 280 20 20 
Address: Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Altıntop Mahallesi, Lise Sokak, No:2 
 Postalcode: 20100 Denizli 
1. Accomodation and meal expenses of participants both living outside Denizli and getting award in the contest will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
2. Accomodation and meal expenses of awarded minor and his/her only one parent will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
3. Transportation and accomodation expenses of the jury members who will attend to prize-giving ceremony will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
4. The prizes of the awarded participants will be sent to their addresses, if they can’t attend the prize-giving ceremony. Their prize money will be transffered to their bank account. If a right owner getting prize money doesn’t share IBAN informations, his/her prize money right will prescribe after one year later from the date of announcing the results. If the condition of the prescription happens, the right owner can’t claim any right about reward, copyright, etc. (Transfer fees will be deducted from the net fee paid to the contestants.) 
5. Some works which will be chosen by the jury as deemed worthy to be exhibited will be collected in a digital album by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. This album will be shared on the official website of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 


The 28th International Cartoon Humour Competition GOLDEN KEG 2022, Slovakia

and the editors of Bumerang magazine
28th International Cartoon Humour Competition on the Topic of BEER
On Friday, 1st April 2022, an exhibition of the best competing works, a festive announcement of the results and the handing of prizes to the most successful authors of the 28th competition in accordance with the Jury´s decision will take place as follows:
GRAND PRIZE (Grand Prix) Golden Keg and € 500
1st Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and € 200
2nd Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and € 150
3rd Prize Small Golden KEG and € 100.
• The Jury of the competition reserves the right not to award some of the prizes, to modify the amounts of the financial rewards and/or to award more prizes and/or honorary mentions. 
• The organisers will accept for the competition all works that will be delivered at the address of the Regional gallery in Prešov by Friday 25th February 2022
• The organisers of the competition reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to reinstall the exhibition.  
• The diploma and the exhibition catalogue will be received in print by every awarded author and in the electronic form by every participating author who also provides his or her e-mail address. Main prizes and financial rewards can be received by an awarded author only in person on 1st April or through a person authorised by him/her. 
Competition rules: 
1. Each author can send at maximum five original works, including graphic techniques. 
2. The competition is open to anybody and everybody, and it is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods. 
3. The formats of the works should not exceed the A4 dimensions. 
4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the reverse and bear the author´s
full address. 
5. The rewarded works will become property of the BEER GALLERY in Prešov. 
6. Send your works at the address: 
Krajská galéria v Prešove (Mr. Fedor VICO) ul. Hlavná 51, 080 01 Prešov Slovakia 
Please clearly mark the envelope with the word „PIVO“. 
Source: raedcartoon .

International Barış Manço Cartoon Competition 2022, Turkey

International BARIŞ MANÇO Cartoon Competition
1- The competition is open to anyone, regardless of nationality, race, age, sex and profession.
2. Theme 
A Turkish Musician BARIŞ MANÇO 
He is an Anatolian musician from Taurus mountains. He spent his formative years in Kozan / Adana / Turkey. The theme is Barış Manço and Kozan, Barış Manço and Japan, Barış Manço and Belgium, Barış Manço and World music, Barış Manço and children, Barış Manço as a musician and any thing relating to him etc. 
3. Conditions of Entry 
a) Artworks should not exceed the dimensions of 30 x 40 cm. 
b) Each competitor is allowed to participate with maximum 3 works. 
c) Artworks can be black and white or color and can be drawn using any technique. 
d) Artworks must be with 300 dpi resolution, printable for A3 dimension and JPEG format. 
e) Each competitor must fill the application form and send together with the works (It can be found in Kozvak cartoon competition pages in Facebook and Instagram). 
4. Sending of Works 
a) Artworks must be sent via email to kozvakcartoon@gmail.com 
b) Artworks should be unpublished and not awarded by any competition. 
c) Artworks should be named: example >> nameandsurnameofartist_nameofwork.jpeg 
5. Prizes 
• 1st Prize 1.000 euro 
• 2nd Prize 300 euro 
• 3rd Prize 200 euro 
• 10 Honorable Prizes 
(Prizes will be paid after receiving the original artworks by KOZVAK) 
• Special prizes for applicants of primary school students of Kozan, Feke, Prishtina, and Prizren. 
6. Deadline 
From 01 February 2022 to 01 September 2022 (EXTENDED:) 31 December 2022.
The Jury Members here.


Rules of the 20th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2021, China

20th FreeCartoonsWeb International Cartoonet Festival 2021
1. Sections/Themes: 
1) Cartoon: 
(A) Clean Energy 
(B) Free Theme 
2) Caricature: 
(A) Famous President  (B) Sports Star 
(C) Entertainment Star (D) Business Star 
2. Deadline: January 31, 2022 
3. Entries: 
1) Size: Min: A4 (210mmx297mm), Max: A3 (297mmx420mm). 
2) Quantity: Unlimited. 
3) Please send digital original drawings to this contest. Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted. 
4) Participants are requested to send together with their cartoons, an entry-form with digital signature, a photograph or caricature. The form can be downloaded at FreeCartoonsWeb. 
5) Titles or entry-form must be filled out in understandable English or Chinese. 
6) All cartoonists can participate in festival through your own E-mail by submitting your cartoons to: freecartoons@126.com
Format: JPEG; 
Size: max 4M per cartoon; 
Resolution ratio: 200dpi-300dpi. 
7) The excellent cartoons will be published in Chinese newspaper and magazine. Some cartoons will be exhibited in China. All cartoons will not be returned. 
4. Prize: 
1) Cartoon: 
Grand Prize (1 award): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF). 
2) Caricature: 
Grand Prize (1 award): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Gold Prize (2 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Silver Prize (4 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF); 
Bronze Prize (8 awards): Certificate+Catalogue(PDF). 
5. Contact: 
Entry Form on source.

The 24th Maya Kamath Memorial Awards 2021, India


First International Cartoon/ Caricature Contest on Zakariya Razi 2022

First International Cartoon/ Caricature Contest on Zakariya Razi 2022
Theme: ZAKARIYA RAZI FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: His Legacy in Science, Art, and Modern Culture. 
The Contest At a Glance 
Who can participate? 
Both professional and non-professional cartoonists above the age of 12 are welcome to participate in this contest. 
The last date for submissions of cartoons/ artwork is 30th April, 2022
Rules & Regulations 
1 \ Participation 
• Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are welcome to participate in this contest. 
• The competition is open to all individuals aged over 12 * (Corrigendum) 
2 \ Entries 
Works must be originals. 
All graphic techniques are allowed. 
Works may be black & white or colored. 
Each entry should include a covering letter with the cartoonist’s full name, postal address, contact no. and E-Mail ID. 
Please mention the artist’s name and country with the artwork. 
The digital works have to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of resolution of 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels). 
The cartoons are to be drawn in A4 format. 
(maximum size of 3 MB per cartoon) for digital cartoons 
Number of entries per contestant maximum three 
Cartoons sent by post need to have the name and address of the cartoonist on the back-side of each cartoon. 
The original versions of the cartoons will be accepted. 
The organizer (RAZI MUSEUM) cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged cartoons during the shipment. 
Works should not be awarded at other festivals. 
Works must not be older than one year. 
The Razi Prizes will be taxed according to legislation. 
• The postal address for sending the selected works will be announced after the completion of the museum building 
• All rights to the works created and submitted to the festival will go to the Razi museum 
• Submitted works should not be displayed anywhere and are only allowed to be published in the Razi Museum and Razi Mobile Exhibitions 
• The works are published in the museum’s year-end book and sent to major museums around the world 
• People who submit works and resumes at festivals are given the priority of collaborating with the Razi Prize. 
People participating in the annual festivals as collaborators have the chance to work with the museum. 
For example, these people have the priority of receiving a museum card as a collaborating artist. 
At the discretion of the museum, according to the need of the Razi Prize, works of art are ordered to be created and purchased from them. 
• Participants in each course will be invited to the Museum’s raffle for the workshop, along with accommodation and catering. 
• The final decision is with the museum and no objections will be accepted 
• We invite you to participate in the annual events and pay tribute to the valuable services of the great scientist Zakaria Razi by creating works. 
Razi has taken useful steps for humanity and the world owes it to him. 
Razi was a capable and dynamic artist and served the world and humanity honestly and unconditionally with a high artistic spirit. 
3 \ Deadline 
Deadline for submission of Cartoons / Art work is 30th April 2022
Cartoons must be sent to: Festivalrazi@gmail.com 
4 \ Disclaimer 
• The content, thoughts and views expressed in thez creatives / illustrations will be sole responsibility of the participating Artists. 
RAZI MUSEUM will not be held responsible for any content, views expressed by the artists in the creatives / illustrations developed. 
• By entering the contest, each entrant agrees to abide by these rules. 
Publication Rights 
Property rights – works will become the property of the organizer (Razi Museum) & (Razi Prize) or theme sponsor. 
Further the cartoonist provides Royalty- free and license to publish and publicly display the entries (Whether winning or not winning an award) for purposes. 
• By entering the competition, the cartoonist represents and warrants that the work is an original work of the cartoonist and does not infringe on the rights of any third parties. 
• All selected works for exhibition may be used by the organizers to promote the contest. 
• Submitted works will become the property of the organizer( Razi Museum). 
• Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged. 
• No correspondence with the jury will be allowed on their decisions. 
The 10 selected people will receive an honorary diploma from the Razi Museum. 
An exhibition of the selected works will take place in the gallery. 
Source: razimuseum.

The 24th PortoCartoon World Festival 2022, Portugal: Education and Gender Equality

24th PortoCartoon World Festival 2022, Portugal
General Rules and Regulations
Quality Education and Gender Equality are the UN bets to improve the world. 
With these themes, corresponding to the 4th and 5th SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), PortoCartoon calls once again the artists to two fundamental concerns for the future of humanity. 
Education continues to be a factor in the expression of inequalities, with around 260 million children unable to attend school, especially in the southern hemisphere, especially in countries in central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. This is a drama with great implications for the future of these countries. The UN goal is to access inclusive, quality and equitable education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. 
In terms of Gender Equality, the situation is more serious: 2.8 billion women and girls live in countries that do little to eliminate the discrimination they face. 
This will be one of the most lagging global goals, relative to the international commitment (signed by world leaders in 2015) to ‘social development’ by 2030. 
Education and Gender Equality converge in dramas and need answers on a global scale. 
Humor can be a good contribution. And so the challenge is given to the sharpened pencils.
GRETA THUNBERG (2003- ) became known worldwide, after going on strike in front of the Swedish parliament, in 2018, in defense of the climate. She was 15 years old and, with the plaque “School Strike for Climate”, promoted a campaign that had a global effect, inspiring thousands of young people around the world. In December 2018, more than 20,000 students – from the UK to Japan – joined her, going on strike at classes to protest the lack of environmental protection measures. A year later, Greta Thunberg receives the first of three Nobel Peace Prize nominations. She faces powerful leaders, make engaging speeches, unsettle the installed power. “Everything remains the same and everything is blah blah blah,” she said at COP26 (Glasgow, Nov. 2021). 
GAGO COUTINHO (1869-1959) was a Portuguese Navy officer, geographer, historian, mathematician and aviation pioneer. In 1922, he carried out the first aerial crossing of the South Atlantic, connecting Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, together with Sacadura Cabral. With this they earned them international notoriety. In addition to several cartographic works, he developed navigation devices, such as the sextant with an artificial horizon. Known as the “precision astrolabe”, the device was internationally registered as “System Admiral Gago Coutinho”. In 2022, the centenary of this Air Crossing joins the bicentennial of Brazil’s independence. Is there another better opportunity to choose this personality?
Cartoonists can submit works for the MAIN THEME and for the FREE CATEGORY, as in the previous editions.
4 Artists who don’t wish to compete can send us their works EXTRA-COMPETITION, informing of their decision.
5.1. Cartoons must be original. We accept any kind of graphical techniques, including digital artwork sent by e-mail, as long as the drawings are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, are identified as PRINT NUMBER ONE and as an original for this contest. 
5.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.
6 The artworks cannot exceed the following measurements: 
- IN PAPER, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3); 
- SCULPTURE PIECES, 42 x 30 x 30 cm.
7 Cartoons should be sent with the author’s Resumé, in Portuguese or English (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) and must be identified on the reverse with the following information: 
- Author’s name and address; 
- Year, title and theme section.
8 Entries should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until February 28th 2022 (EXTENDED:) March 07th 2022, along with the filled Entry Form.
9 The works should be sent to: 
PortoCartoon-World Festival
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum, 
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206 
4300-316 PORTO, Portugal. 
Or to the e-mail address: portocartoon@museudaimprensa.pt
10 The participation in PortoCartoon automatically implies that the author waives copyrights of his works in any kind of platform, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.
11 The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following: 
Grand Prize PORTOCARTOON 4000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
2nd Prize PORTOCARTOON 1200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
3rd Prize PORTOCARTOON 800 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
Special Award for CARICATURE 1st Prize 1000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 2nd Prize 300 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 3rd Prize 200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Honorable Mentions 50 Euro and Diploma.
12 The organization does not ensure to send prizes on bottles of wine. 
13 The Jury will have an odd number of members and its decisions will be final and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or complaint.
14 The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will take part of the INTERNACIONAL CARTOON GALLERY. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested with the entry form, after the exhibitions (during PortoCartoon and others in different cities and countries). 
15 In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PortoCartoon exhibitions or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists.
16 All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a DIGITAL CATALOGUE, that will be sent by e-mail to download. If the artist wants to receive a printed catalogue, he should request it and support the shipment costs. 
17 The winning artists will receive the prizes in June 2022, in a public ceremony.
Also on facebook .

VII International Cartoon Festival "Smile of the Sea" 2022, Russia

VII International Cartoon Festival "Smile of the Sea"
Theme of the festival: "Pandemic". 
Works are accepted until August 15, 2022
The selection of cartoons at the exhibition and the determination of the winners is conducted by a specially invited jury. 
At the end of the festival, winners and participants will receive festival diplomas and a catalog. 
The best works will be awarded special prizes and diplomas. 
Technical requirements for works: A4 format for originals and their copies, JPEG (300 dpi) - for works in electronic form. 
You can send work by the e-mail: imeempravo@mail.ru 
or at the postal address: 
ul. Karl Marx, 44, office 5 
Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region, 
353900, RUSSIA 
telephone: + 7-918-9873929, telephone / fax: (8617) 72-00-47. 
Source: cartoonblues.