
The I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring” Anti-Coronavirus Int. Cartoon Competition 2020

The I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring”
Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition
UYACC 2020, China
The I U I Youth Cup “Longing for Spring” Anti-Coronavirus International Cartoon Competition (UYACC) is an open online competition.
1. Anti-Coronavirus
2. Expressing positive attitudes such as hope, warmth, bravery, environmental protection, joint efforts for a better Earth, etc.
*Both themes are required to be expressed in the artworks.
1. The objects of the competition are cartoons, drawings, graphics or other works of art created by artists.
2. The minimum resolution of electronic editions or scanning copies should be 300dpi in the form of TIFF or JPG.
3. The minimum size of paper works should be A4(210mm×297mm) and the maximum size is A3 (297 x 420 mm) to make sure that the scanned original is clear, undistorted and complete. Original works are also welcome You can find the address in Contact Information.
4. Only submission by email is valid and should be sent to cmiassn@vip.163.com by May 30, 2020. All the submissions should include the entry formthe work and a brief introduction to the work. (No word limitation).
*Photos and Videos are welcome to express support for this global fight against the coronavirus.
*Based on your works, a letter to those who are still struggling against the epidemic, poetry, songs or any other forms showing your feelings are also welcome. Your words may be selected and published in the e-book of selected works of this competition.
All above-mentioned works can be sent along with your entry to the designated email. Let’s contribute our strength to the global fight and hope for the best!
1. The contest will be divided into 2 Groups:
· Adult Group - 18 and above
· Youth Group - ages under 18
2. Timetable
· Submission deadline: Beijing Time 24:00 on May 30, 2020
· Jury Meeting: June 2020
· Contest Result will be published on the website wwwNaNiassn.org in June 2020
3. The Jury has the final right of the ranking of the works, as well as distribution of the statutory prizes. The Jury’s decisions are final.
The Organizers will award the following prizes and diplomas for each winner. AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO CHINESE TAX REGULATIONS.
Adult Group: (Ages above 18)
· Grand Prix (1) 1000 USD
· Gold Medal (2) 800 USD
· Silver Medal (3) 500 USD
· Bronze Medal (4) 300 USD
· Outstanding Nominated Awards (40) 200 USD
Youth Group: (Ages under 18)
· Creative Star (1)
· Gold Medal (2)
· Silver Medal (3)
· Bronze Medal (4)
· Outstanding Nominated Awards (40)
· Presents and certificates will be provided by Qingjin Tec.
*All the participants will receive an e-book of the selected works in this competition.
Final Provisions:
1. The Organizers reserve the right:
· To use the submitted works for advertising purposes such as news reports, media broadcasts, as well as circulation on the internet and social media without any special fees paid to the authors.
· To use the submitted works for the post-contest art-related activities such as: to be published materials, printed materials, circulated on phones, the internet, in publications, video materials, etc.
2. Organizers are the arbiters of the rules and regulations.
3. By sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.
Contact Information:
Email Address: cmiassn@vip.163.com
Mailing Address: Organizing Committee of UYACC, 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tianchang Yuan Media Village, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107
Tel: 0086-10-84827182
Source: http://en.cmiassn.org/contestrules .


Open Call XXVII MIAH 2020 with theme: Our Planet (Threats, disasters and solutions)

XXVII International Exhibition of Arts of Humor 2020
The Quevedo Institute of Arts of Humor through The General Foundation of the University of Alcalá announces the XXVII International Exhibition of Arts of Humor around the subject “OUR PLANET (Threats, disasters and solutions)”. There will be more information about the subject in the website.
1 Participation is open to all the persons older than 18.
2 In order to participate in the Exhibition, every artist must send a piece on the theme “OUR PLANET (Threats, disasters and solutions)”. It can be a vignette, a comic strip or a caricature. Together with the piece, the authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements. The organization reserves the right to invite those authors that the organization members agree to consider important for the exhibition.
3 The works must be original and must be signed. They can be made with any technique and in any format, with maximum dimensions of A3 (297x420 mm). For digital works, they must be made in formats JPG or TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and they must be sent to miah@iqh.es.
4 All pieces will be sent properly wrapped. It is recommended to protect them with flat cardboard. The organization won't take responsibility on any possible damage occurred during transportation. All shipping charges will be at the participant's expense.
5 All art pieces will be sent before June 7, 2020, by mail (miah@iqh.es) or to the following address:
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá
Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor
C/ Nueva, 4.
28801 Alcalá de Henares
Madrid (España)
It is essential to comply with the noted date for the adequate planning of the catalogue and design of the exhibition.
6 A Selection Comission will carry out a selection of the pieces submitted, that will be exhibited in the XXVII Internacional Exhibition of the Arts of Humor in september-november.
7 All pieces submitted will be kept at the Graphic Humour Archives of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, except specific indication to the contrary, for which the artist must write on the reverse of the piece “Devolución/Return”.
8 The submission of the piece means that the author authorizes the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá to reproduce it and exhibit it, as long as the name of the artist is displayed and the objective is the media coverage of the Exhibition and the rest of activities of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá within the field of Graphic Humour and/or of this call (edition of catalogues, posters, leaflets, media coverage, web page, etc.), and in any case it generates any type of obligation on the author's part.
9 The organization will communicate through the Exhibition web page the list of participants with submitted piece and the list of selected pieces.
10 At the end of the exhibition in Alcalá, those people with selected pieces will receive a copy of the catalogue, which will be edited to mark the celebration of the Exhibition.
11 The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those pieces considered to infringe individual or collective rights.
12 The participants will be responsible before any claim on the authorship of the works. The organization will not be responsible before any claim made by a third party upon the violation of intellectual rights or property of the works.
13 The participation on this Exhibition means the acceptance of these conditions of entry
Source in languages: https://miah.iqh.es/.


Similarity: Restaurant and the Ambulance

Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition
2004 entry.
Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition
1983 entry.


The 16th International Humor Hall of Limeira 2020, Brazil

Registration until June 30 of 2020
All freehand artists are invited to participate in the competition. Registration is free. Participants must only enter their own works. Competition registration ends on the 30th of June of 2020.
Entries can be sent either digitally by email or on paper by post and must be a minimum size of A4 (21 x 29.7cm) up to the size A3 (29.7 x 42cm).
All works must be ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED. If the regulations are not respected, the drawings cannot be selected and awarded.
All digital works must be send to the e-mail: piuhumor@hotmail.com 
The works must be send in JPEG in the minimum size from A4 to A3, with 300 dpi.
For jobs sent on paper by post office:
Secretaria Municipal da Cultura de Limeira - Palacete Levy
Largo Boa Morte 11
Centro, Limeira SP
CEP 13480 188 BRAZIL
(Wins surgical stainless steel trophy + certificate + R$ 300.00)
(Wins surgical stainless steel trophy + certificate + R$ 300.00)
(Wins surgical stainless steel trophy + certificate + R$ 300.00)
(Wins surgical stainless steel trophy + certificate + R$ 300.00)
PIU (Only works submitted on paper compete for the PIU award)
(Wins surgical steel trophy + certificate + R$ 1000.00)
Note: There are four categories and each artist may only enter up to three works per category, therefore no more than 12 works have to be submitted per artist.
All four-category winners will receive R$ 300 (three hundred Reais), however any winning paper entries will receive a bonus of R$ 200.00 award as part of their prize award, totaling R$ 500.00.
All prize winners will be paid by electronic bank transfer, all trophies will be sent by post, and certificates by e-mail.
The winners of all 4 (four) Categories: CARICATURE, CARTOON, CHARGE and COMICS - will each receive a prize of R$ 300, 00 (three hundred Reais) for digital copy via email or R$ 500, 00 (five hundred Reais) in case of an original paper cartum via post. There is also 1 (one) Special Prize PIU of R$ 1000, 00 (One thousand Reais) for entries made on paper, sent by post.
Each of the 5 (five) winners will receive a trophy, a certificate and cash for their prize, plus there will be 10 (ten) HONORABLE MENTIONS selected by our esteemed, world class jury members that will be notified by email. The 5 (five) trophies will be sent by post to the winners in the 4 Categories and to the PIU Award, and the certificates by e-mail.
The selected winners will be announced via our blog (wwww.jornalopiu.blogspot.com) in July 2020.
The selected works will be exhibited from 7 to 21 September 2020, at the Palacete Levy, headquarters of the Municipal Secretariat of Culture of Limeira, and in the permanent virtual exhibition on the blog of “Editora O PIU” - www.jornalopiu.blospot.com - in addition to the exhibition promoted by the Secretariat City of Limeira Culture and highlighted places on the city of Limeira SP.
“Editora O PIU” will consider all entries acquisitive. The possession, use and any other rights over these works will become the property of “Editora O PIU”, which reserves the right to use them as it sees fit. The simple registration configures the participant's automatic and full agreement with these Regulations.
01 - First Name:
02 - Last Name:
03 - Date of birth:
04 - Address (Street and number):
05 - Quarter:
06 - Town or city:
07 - State (or province, region):
08 - Country:
09 - Zip Code:
10 -E-mail address:
11 -Number of submitted works:
12 - Application date:
Source: jornalopiu.


The 47th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2020, Brazil

47th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2020
The 47th lnternational Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2020, realized bythe Piracicaba City Hall/Cultural Action and Tourism Secretariat/National Graphic Humor Center of Piracicaba in will be held in accordance with the followings cheduIe
Registration: until June 26 Opening Ceremony: August 29 Closing: November 01
a) Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished and authorship artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries.
b) The works - all categories - can be sent by MAlL or ELECTRONIC (applications over the Internet on the official website, in the format and 300 DPI, JPEG, attached Images at once).
c) The theme and technique are free.
d) Digital works must contain the signature of the author.
e) Humorous sculptures should come with the author's data.
f) Maximum measures allowed: paper- 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,8 1inches (width).
g) Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category: CARTOON (graphic humor with universal and timeless themes), CHARGE (graphic humor with journalistic themes of now a days), CARICATURE (graphic humor that expresses the physical and/or personality of a known celebrity), COMIC STRIPS/COMIC STORIES (graphic art in sequence. Caution: for comic stories will be accepted a maximum of 02 pages per work and Thematic (only for works that address the theme COMMUNICATION, proposed by the organization:
Verbal, non-verbal, mixed. Communication (from the Latin communicatio.onis, which means "action to participate") is a process that involves the exchange of information between two or more interlocutors through mutually understandable signs and semiotic rules. It is a primary social process, which allows to create and interpret messages that provoke a response.
The basic steps of communication are the motivations or intention to communicate, the composition of the message, the encoding and transmission of the encoded messages, the reception of the signals, the decoding and finally the interpretation of the message by the receiver. The communication process is defined by the communication technology, the characteristics of the senders and recipients of information, their cultural reference codes, their communication protocols and the scope of the process. (by: wikipedia)
h) In addition to the prizes for the categories, special prizes will be awarded, offered by our supporters:
FUNDIART SCULPTURE AWARD (open for sculptures that deal with cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, strips), UNIMED HEALTH AWARD (works addressing health issues) and
ÁGUAS DO MIRANTE AWARD (destined to brazilian authors in any category).
i) Along the registered artwork, the artist must attach a complete registration form with legibly writing. lt is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the CEDHU's data base. 
To make sure your work is original, it is suggested to the artist to check on specialized websites if there is no match of image, text and / or situation of your work with another already published in newspapers, magazines or websites. If there is confirmation of plagiarism the work will be automatically disqualified.
2.1 - Sent by MAlL
45º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba - Av. Dr. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 Piracicaba- SP - Brasil
IMPORTANT: The work submitted must be accompanied by the registration form, duly completed and signed by the author.
Inscriptions works in JPEG format, 300 DPI (attached images at once) only on our website, on
IMPORTANT: Uploaded files should be named as follows: 
artist name_country_catgegory_number. 
Example: paulosilva_brazil_cartoon_01
2.3 deliver in person
In the CEDHU - National Center for Documentation, Research and Disclosure of Graphic Humor of Piracicaba - Av. Maurice Allain, 454 - Warehouse 14A - Parque do Engenho Central - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba SP BRAZIL
The Awards are a totaI of R$ 65.000,00 (sixty five thousand reais) divided as follows:
a) Five 1st place prizes in the amount of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories (cartoon, charge, caricature, comics strips).
b) A prize of R $ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) called "THEMATIC AWARD – COMMUNICATION", destined to works of any category (cartoons, caricature, charge or comics strips) that address the theme COMMUNICATION, proposed by the organization of the event to the 2020 edition.
c) One award of R$ 10.000,00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category (cartoon, charge, caricature, comics strips, and thematic)
d) One prize called Popular Jury "Alceu Marozi Righetto", in the value of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) chosen by online open voting. The contestants to this award will be selected by the Awarding Committee. The indicated, such as the schedule and the local for the voting will be announced on the event's opening.
e) Also planned: a prize of R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called CHAMBER OF MUNICIPAL OF PIRACICABA award, exclusively for the caricature category ;
f) A prize of R$5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called UNIMED HEALTH AWARD for work for any category that explore the themes of health
g) A prize of R $ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) called FUNDIART SCULPTURE AWARD, destined to sculptures. Thus, sculptures will compete only among themselves in this category.
h) A prize of R$5.000,00 (five thousand reais) called ÁGUAS DO MlRANTE AWARD, destined to brazilian authors in any category.
Besides the monetary value, the winning authors will receive trophies (creation of Zélio Alves Pinto). Other prizes and mentions may be established, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee and Award Committee. There will be a selection committee and another award committee with recognized and trained professionals.
The result of the award may be challenged up to one week after the opening of the exhibition, with adequate proof of any irregularities committed without the knowledge of the juries. If fraud or plagiarism is found in any award-winning work, the prize awarded will be canceled.
The values corresponding to the cash prizes will only be deposited in a current account in the name of the winners according to the legislation established by the Municipality of Piracicaba responsible for the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba. It is mandatory that the winning artist has a current account in his name and he must inform it on the registration form. If you do not provide a current account within 02 (two) months, counted from the day of the announcement of the winners, payment of the prize amount will be canceled. Authors of countries that face economic embargoes of any kind with Brazil and that make impossible the transfer of the monetary values of possible awards can only compete for nominations of honorary prizes.
a) The simple application requires the artist to accept these regulations. The selected artists automatically transfer the authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming promotion of the event.
b) The CEDHU is not responsible for any damage caused to the work during the transport via post office or other carrier).
c) After the exhibition, the original works must be withdrawn by the artist or authorized person carrying a letter of authorization signed by the artist, at CEDHU - Piracicaba, within a period of up to six (6) months, counted from the closing date of the exhibition. show. After the deadline, CEDHU will exercise the right of ownership, according to its interest.
d) Awarded authors (including honorable mentions) transfer the assignment of the Copyrights of their work, in accordance with Law 9.610 of February 19, 1988 (Copyright Law). total, universal and definitive, in all the modalities of use and free of charge, protected by said law referring to the work (s) awarded at the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba, which are now part of the Municipal Public Patrimony for all rights purposes, in accordance with the Municipal Law n 2249,1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n 2486-1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n 5194-2002.
Regulation in languages on source: salaointernacionaldehumor.


The 11th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival 2020, Turkey

11. International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival
Eskisehir, TURKEY
Dear Cartoonist Friend,
Eskisehir International Cartoon Festival is a cultural organisation organized once in two years by Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association. We organize the eleventh one which started in Istanbul first and then moved to Eskisehir. The themes before were Mixed (1997), East – West (2000), Water and Life (2003), Global Warming (2005), Intercultural Tolerance (2007), Energy (2009), Philosophy (2012), Voluntariness (2014), World Heritage (2016) and the theme of the tenth festival was Black-White ‘Compromise’. The tenth festival was organized in cooperation with Eskisehir City Council and 287 cartoonists from 52 different countries participated with 961 cartoons. Festival took place with a panel and an exhibition held in Eskisehir Haller Youth Center.
The theme of this year’s eleventh International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival has been determined as “Our Differences and Similarities”.
Aktiffelsefe suggests a wholistic development way that can make it possible for both the individual and the society to create solutions for the problems of the modern world by doing voluntary works in different subjects.
With this regard, the idea that the differences and the similarities constitute a way for us to understand all the living things and our place in the whole, that they don’t seperate but unite, form the theme of the 11th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival.
Hypatia the philosopher who pioneered the education of many people in The School of Alexandria which is known for its famous library and which is one of the most effective institutions in ancient ages, lived in a time when many differences and different views emerged. She tried to prevent these differences from seperating the people and she gave importance to the things that unite us rather than seperate us. With the inspiration of Hypatia, it is worth considering that our differences besides our similarities can unite us and can help us to create a better society.
Millions of sand particles in a beach are different from each other but they can be together in harmony in a whole. We too are one of the millions of different creatures living on earth. Each one of them being unique is a part of harmony on earth. Our differences and similarities are not good or bad, they are natural factors that move us forward when we realize them.
Similarity is a very good opportunity to empower two things. Difference always shows us that there are new things we can learn from another. We think that differences and similarities don’t create a problem, on the contrary, they are indispensable in creating a better society which tolerances different life styles and different points of view. Our starting point is the differences and similarities are natural. We expect your cartoons with the theme ‘Our Differences and Similarities’.
The cartoons that will be exhibited in this festival will also be exhibited later in other cities of Turkey such as Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Izmir, Izmit, Mersin where there are branches of Aktiffelsefe and also in other exhibitions which will be organized abroad by other institutions that collaborate with Aktiffelsefe Cultural Associaton.
• EXHIBITION: There will be an exhibition of the cartoons with the theme ‘Our Differences and Similarities’ on November 2020.
• PANEL: There will be a symposium with the theme ‘Our Differences and Similarities’ with the participation of invited guests from art, science and philosophy branches.
• ACTIVITIES: There will be different activities in the exhibition area.
1. The theme of the exhibiton is “Our Differences and Similarities”. Cartoons with different subjects can not participate in the festival nor the exhibition. Organizing Committee has all the rights. The Committee works under the leadership of the cartoonist Tan Oral.
1. Technique is free. It can be black white or coloured.
2. Size is A4 or A3. Cartoons with sizes other than these will be evaluated but not be exhibited.
3. One or more than one cartoon can be sent.
1. Via E-mail: contact@cartoonfest.org
The works that will be sent via e-mail should be scanned with 300 dpi resolution and uploaded as JPEG format. (2 MB max.) Names of the works should be as follows: name and surname of the artist_country_work no.jpeg (alikorkmaz_turkiye_1)
2. Via postal office: The works that will be sent via post should not be framed or paspartu. The participation form attached should be filled and resent.
Postal Address: Aktiffelsefe Kultur Dernegi Visnelik Mah. Gul Sok. No:18 26020 Eskisehir – Turkey
1. The works will be archived in Aktiffelsefe International Cartoon Festival archives and will not be resent. (If resending is required, it should be declared.)
• All the rights belong to Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association with the exception of being used with commercial purposes. Aktiffelsefe Cultural Associaiton can publish the works domestic and abroad, can exhibit them, can use them in the published media such as books, catalogs, magazines etc., can send to another association abroad for publishing or exhibiting without commercial purposes. The cartoonist has all the publishing and commercial rights. The cartoons exhibited will be collected in a festival catalog and the news in the press with this catalog will be announced on the website of Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association (www.aktiffelsefe.org) and on the website of the cartoon festival (www.cartoonfest.org). Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association is responsible for its own sharings.
1. The deadline for the cartoons to arrive to the Organizing Committee of the Cartoon Festival is August 15th, 2020 (EXTENDED:) 10 Octobert 2020.
Participation Form and more on http://cartoonfest.org/.


30 April is the new deadline for the 25th International Exhibition Zagreb 2020, Croatia

Dear cartoonists,

Because of the well known reasons and the situation regarding the corona virus, the deadline for submitting the works for the 25th International Exhibition Zagreb 2020 (theme: CUISINE) shall be extended until April 30, 2020.

You can send original works by mail, but it’s even better to send scanned works by e-mail.
The exhibition will probably take place in the autumn.


Best regards to everyone, we hope you are all well!
Zdenko Puhin, Secretary HDK/CCA

Savska 100, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA
hrvdrukar@gmail.com .

Social networks : First International Competition "IT In Cartoons"

1st International Competition "IT In Cartoons"
Independent TV channel I-UA.TV and ADAMANT group of companies.
The competition is open to everyone, regardless of nationality, age, gender or profession. Contestants agree with the terms of the competition and the decision of the international jury.
3. THEME: Social networks.
Social networks are more and more often influencing our lives. Increasingly, we see people literally not taking their eyes off the screens of their gadgets, even on the go. They have fun, study, travel in the virtual world, communicate with people from any corner of the planet, share their secrets ... There are no borders or other obstacles for social networks. Information is spreading across the globe more than ever before, and this is accelerating the movement of mankind to freedom and progress. Is this good or bad? Social networks have already changed the world. Reporting the secret information on networks by WikiLeaks, igniting and managing the color revolutions, using personal data of users to interfere in the US presidential election and leaving Great Britain off the European Union are largely due to social networks. The role of social networks in the course of world history is growing and no one knows how they will affect humanity in the future. All this is the subject of an international cartoon competition. As always, cartoonists in their witty form will not only be able to show the strengths and weaknesses of social networks, their positive or negative role in human development, but also to foresee their future. Sharpen your pencils and turn on your gadgets! But the main thing - think! Although computer viruses are easily spread through social networks, fortunately, they are not a threat to human health.
Maximum number of works is no more than 3 by one author, black and white or color. Cartoons should not be accompanied by text or include it. Cartoons can be done on a computer. Minimum size: 500 KB, maximum size: 3 MB. Format: A4, JPG. Works cannot be awarded at other international cartoon competitions.
The submission of works will end on September 1, 2020.
The works send to the e-mail: contest@adamant.ua
First prize - $ 500,
Second prize - $ 300,
Third Prize - $ 200,
Special prize of ADAMANT group of companies
and other awards.
An exhibition of cartoons will be held in one of the museums of Kyiv city, online catalogue will be published.
The organizers invite private, state and municipal institutions and organizations to participate in the award ceremony as sponsors of the Contest with special prizes.
Famous artists from different countries.
Organizers reserve the right to publish works submitted for the competition as promotional material without being obliged to pay the author's fee. All copyrights belong to the author of the cartoons. The jury's decision is final.
For more information contact: contest@adamant.ua
Dear artists, we are waiting for your сartoons, as always witty, original, reflecting independent ideas of the author.
Source: Vladimir Kazanevsky.


Invitation: HUMOR fights COVID-19, Gallery PortoCartoon 2020, Portugal

Gallery PortoCartoon
HUMOR fights COVID-19
Dear Artists

We are preparing a Virtual Gallery to show the world that there is no monster that destroys humor.
Like the gallery created on Charlie Hebdo (and Wolinski) and 9/11, we would like to combine the best humor in an open space to the world. Cyberspace.
It is not a contest. It is a virtual exhibition of a worldwide character.

As the drawings arrive, they will be inserted in the platform that is being created, inside
www.cartoonvirtualmuseum.org. It will be called ANTI-COVID-19 GALLERY

In this time of quarantine and confinement, world humor is needed.
Sharing is necessary. With humor, the ‘screen-evidence society’ is also built.
If COVID is drama, humor is shout, battle cry…

Waiting for your participation, we send greetings

By the PortoCartoon team.
Luiz Humberto Marcos


The 10th International Cartoon Contest Grafikatur® on the topic of “Mobility”, Germany

The Town of Lübben (Spreewald)/Lubin (Błota) announces the 10th International Cartoon Contest Grafikatur® on the topic of “Mobility”.
You may submit photocopies (no return) of up to three cartoons per contestee. A single item should not exceed a size of 297 x 420 mm and must be colored.
The cartoons may not contain any words.
The Sender’s Address must be clearly indicated on the back of each photocopy, where applicable containing the contestant‘s Facebook Address.
Your submissions need to be received by the 30th of June 2020 by the City Council of Lübben:
Stadt Lübben (Spreewald)
Fachbereich IV
Postfach 1551-1561
D-15905 Lübben (Spreewald)
Please note: Submitted Cartoons may be used for advertisement of the Grafikatur® Event and may be put on public display by the Sponsors.
˝Goldene Feder˝ (Golden Plume) – EUR 1000
˝Silberne Feder˝ (Silver Plume) – EUR 800
˝Bronzene Feder˝ (Bronze Plume) – EUR 600.
Rules in languages: Grafikatur.


The 1st International Prize for Graphic Humor “Francisco de Quevedo” 2020, Spain

1st International Prize for Graphic Humor “Francisco de Quevedo” 2020, Spain
The entities promoting this award are:
• City Council of Ciudad Real
• Villanueva de los Infantes Town Hall (Ciudad Real)
Organized by:
• Francisco de Quevedo Foundation
Hosted by:
• Manchego Cheese Denomination of Origin
• Wine from Valdepeñas Denomination of Origin
• Cooperativa Ntra. Sra. De la Antigua de Villanueva de los Infantes
Anyone who wishes to participate in the contest may do it, without age limit, both individually and jointly between two or more cartoonists or between writer and artist. Each participant may submit a maximum of three works.
The theme of the works will deal directly or indirectly with the figure of Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas and will have a clear humorous intention.
The works submitted must be of their own creation and unpublished, may be in vignette, strip, comic page, etc. and not to have been awarded in another contest or to be pending of failure in similar contests. The presentation of the works will necessarily be in paper, original and signed, even for the works done digitally, in this case, in addition, it will be sent in JPG at 300dpi and 100% of the original size. They can be in color or black and white, the maximum dimension will be 29.7 x 42 cm (A3) and can be presented in horizontal or vertical format.
The texts of the works can be written in any of the official languages ​​of Spain. Those that come from outside Spain and contain text, must be written in Spanish.
Humor works are accepted without words.
The deadline for the delivery of the works will be at 23.59 hours on July 15, 2020. The date and time of the postage will be considered valid at the corresponding post office.
The presentation of the works will be made at the following postal address:
Premio de Humor Gráfico de Quevedo
Fundación Francisco de Quevedo
Paseo de la Estación, 17 – 5º D
28904 – Getafe (Madrid) SPAIN
The works in digital format will be sent by email or WeTransfer to:
In all cases, the works must be accompanied by the registration form where participants’ data are reflected, such as: name and surname, telephone number, year and place of birth, postal address and email address.
The submission of the works to the contest implies the express authorization to the Museum of Graphic Humor of Quevedo to use the images for exhibition purposes in the Museum itself and / or in the facilities of any of the promoters, organizers or sponsoring entities.
The organization reserves the right to select the works to be exhibited. The exhibition of the works will not generate any economic right for the authors of the works.
This 1st edition of the International Prize for Graphic Humor “Francisco de Quevedo” consists of the following awards and financial endowment:
1st Prize: 1,500 euros and plate
2nd Prize: 750 euros and plate
3 Accésit of 250 euros each and plate
The amounts of the prizes will be subject to the taxes and legal withholdings that apply to them.
The winners must provide the number of a bank account and its corresponding IBAN in which the payment of each of the prizes regulated in these bases will be effective.
The winners with the 1st and 2nd Prize, who live in the Spanish territory, undertake to collect the prize in person at the event scheduled for this purpose.
The jury of the Graphic Humor Contest will consist of:
• A representative of the City Council of Ciudad Real
• A representative of the Villanueva de los Infantes Town Hall
• A representative of the Francisco de Quevedo Foundation
• Two specialists in graphic humor or graphic humorists: Pepe Gallego (of Gallego & Rey) and Arturo Molero.
The Jury will act in full, being necessary the assistance of the simple majority of its members. The Jury reserves the right to declare empty any of the prizes, if in its opinion works wouldn’t have enough quality. The jury’s decision will be made within 2 months after the deadline for submission of the work and its verdict will be communicated to all participants and published on the websites of the institutions and organizing entities as well as in different media and social media.
The works awarded with the 1st and 2nd prize will become part of the Museum of Graphic Humor of Quevedo Fund. The works awarded with an accesit will remain the property of each of the private sponsors or be transferred by them to the Museum for exhibition. The authors assign all their rights for publication, exhibition and divulgation by any means, always citing their authorship.
Non-awarded works will be returned by the organization, in case the shipment is expressly requested by the author. Otherwise they will also be part of the Museum of Graphic Humor of Quevedo Funds.
In all cases, whenever requested, a Certificate of Donation of the work will be delivered.
The presentation of the works implies the acceptance of these bases by all the authors.
Source: https://franciscodequevedo.org/premio-de-humor-grafico-de-quevedo/.

25th International cartoon humour and satire competition, Bombura sword 2020, Slovakia

The Town of Brezno
in co-operation with HLP grafik, Ltd.
XXVth International cartoon
humour and satire
(Bombura sword)
CANCELLED due to the coronavirus pandemic: Source.
Competition works can be made in black and white or colour or any technique, paper size A4. One author can submit up to 5 competition works.
The topic for this year is: FORESTS (LESY) 
Please label each work on its back side with the following: the name of the competition work, author's data: name and surname, age, occupation, phone number and e-mail address.
Competition is devided into two categories according to the age. First up to 15 years of age, second over 15 years of age.
The deadline to post all competition works is 30 April 2020 (based on the post stamp date).
The jury nominated by the organizers, will award prizes for the best cartoons in each category as followed:
Up to 15 years of age:
1st place: material prize, 2nd place: material prize, 3rd place: material prize.
Over 15 years of age:
1st place: financial reward 200 € and golden Bombura sabre.
2nd place: financial reward 150 € and silver Bombura sabre.
3rd place: financial reward 100 € and bronze Bombura sabre.
If the winner is not able to attend prize-giving event, all deposit fees will be withdrawn from the winnings.
The jury has the right not to award any of the prizes or to propose only Honorable mention. The best works will be exhibited at a seperate exhibition as a part of the event “Days of Brezno 2020” held in May 2020.
The exhibition opening and award ceremony with authors will be held on May 30, 2020 in the Synagogue, Štúrova 11, Brezno.
The competition works are not being returned and organisers reserve the right to publish and promote them.
Competition works should be sent to:
Veronika Cerovská
Technické služby mesta Brezna
Rázusova 16 
97701 Brezno 
Please label the envelope as follows: “O Bomburovu šabľu 2020
Veronika Cerovská
E-mail: veronika.cerovska@tsbrezno.sk
Mr. Peter Zifčák
E-mail: zifo@brnet.sk
HLP grafik s.r.o. Brezno
Mr. Ferdinand Hrablay
E-mail: ferdinandhrablay@gmail.com .
Source: bestcartoons.


XXII International Open Cartoon Contest PLASTIC, Zielona Góra 2020, Poland

XXII International Open Cartoon Contest PLASTIC, Zielona Góra 2020, Poland
The competition is organized by the Cyprian Norwid Regional and City Public Library in Zielona Góra.
1. Both professional and amateur cartoonists are eligible to enter the contest. Unlimited number of personally made original works (format min. A5 max. A3) in an optional technique with application card, should be sent or delivered by May 31st, 2020 (EXTENDED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC:) July 31st, 2020 to the following address:
Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Cypriana Norwida
al.Wojska Polskiego 9 
65-077 Zielona Góra 
skr. pocztowa: 170 
2. Only non-awarded works may take part in the competition.
3. Each work should be signed by the author.
4. By participating in the competition, each participant agrees to a free donation of works submitted to the competition to the Organizer.
5. Participants agree to publication of  their work free of charge.
6. By personal participation in the post-competition exhibition, the participants agree to the processing of their images captured by photography and for sharing the images to promote Organizer's cultural events.
7. The condition for paying out the prizes to the winners is their personal participation in the post-competition exhibition or indication of the bank and account number to which the prize is to be transferred. Participation in the competition, as well as works and obligations related to it, including any prize claims, cannot be transferred to third parties.
8. The cost of sending the work is covered by the participant.
1. Announcement and publication of the Contest: March 2020
2. Deadline for receiving works: 31st May 2020 (EXTENDED DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC:) 31st July 2020
3. Jury Sitting: August 2020
4. Announcement of the Jury decision and the opening of the post-competition exhibition: September 2020.
1. The Jury comprises of the Organizer's representatives as well as artists dealing with art in practice or as theoreticians.
2. The Organizer has the right to change the amount of particular prizes, nonetheless, the total amount of prizes shall remain unchanged.
GRAND PRIX: 5.000 PLN and Statuette
1st PLACE: 4.000 PLN
2nd PLACE: 3.000 PLN
3rd PLACE: 2.000 PLN
Special prizes.
1. Only authorial works of submitting persons may be entered to the Competition and these persons have exclusive personal and property rights to the submitted works.
2. At the time of submitting the works to the Library, the authors transfer property rights to the Library free of charge.
3. The authors of the submitted works take responsibility for claims on the copyrights by other parties.
In connection with the entry into force on 25 May 2018 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repeal of the Directive 95/46/EC, hereinafter referred to as "the Regulation", in order to fulfill the information obligation specified in Article 13 of the Regulation we inform about the rules for processing personal data of contest participants and the rights of participants in this contest.
1. The Organizer is the administrator of personal data of the competition participant.
2. The Data Protection Officer is Rafal Wielgus, e-mail contact: iod@bhpex.pl, tel.: 68 411 40 00.
3. Personal data of competition participants will be processed on the basis of  the provisions of art.6 par. 1 letter a of Regulation.
4. Recipients of personal data of participants of the competition may only be entities authorized in justified cases and on the basis of relevant legal provisions.
5. The data is obtained from the competition participant.
6. Personal data collected during the processing will be stored for the time specified by law.
7.The competition participant has the right to request from the Organizer as an administrator of personal data of the competition participant to access their personal data, the right to rectify them, remove or limit processing, the right to object processing.
8. In the case of information about unlawful processing of personal data, the participant of the competition has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body competent in matters of personal data protection.
9. Providing personal data by the participant is voluntary. The consequence of not providing the required personal data will be the inability to take part in the competition carried out by the Organizer.
10. Personal data of the participant will not be processed in an automated manner and will not be profiled.
1. The Organizer is the final judge in the interpretation of these regulations.
2. The Organizer is not responsible for damage or loss during transportation.
3. The Organizer of the competition is planning to publish the catalogue and reserves the right to choose drawings for the catalogue and the post-competition exhibition.
4. By sending works to the contest the entrants agree to the mentioned rules and regulations.
Source: http://www.satyryczny.norwid.net.pl/images/stories/2020/ang2.jpg
WEB: http://www.satyryczny.norwid.net.pl/
Application Card.
(Deadline updated 05.06.2020 01.30).