
3rd International Competition of Satirical Drawing, Dzhmelyk 2020, Ukraine

III International Competition of Satirical Drawing
Dolyna, Ukraine, 2020
The founder: Dolyna City Council.
Organizers: «The City Center of Culture, Sport and Tourism»
of Dolyna City Council, Ukraine Association of Cartoonists.
1. The Competition can be attended by citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons.
Participation in the Competition is free.
2. Competition is held in the following age categories:
Category I (from 7 to 11 years old);
Category II (12 to 17 years old)
Category III (17 years and older)
3. Theme of work: bumblebee, bee, wasp, bee products and others.
4. The winners of the Competition will be awarded with prizes and monetary rewards. Prize fund
of the Competition is 40 thousand hrn. The organizer may assign additional prizes in any
form or quantity determined by him.
5. To participate in the Competition, the competitioner fills in the Entry Form and sends the work.
The works are accepted in two variants on a choice:
- original versions of the handwritten drawing or qualitative copies on a dense paper at the address:
Dolyna city council
5 Prospect Nezalezhnosti,
Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region,
Ukraine 77504
- by e-mail: contestdolyna@gmail.com
Necessarily! For an electronic version the title of the file has to be next:
surname → space → country → space → work number
6. A competitioner can submit no more than 3 works, on a sheet of paper from A4 to A3. For the electronic version: A4 format, RGB color concept, 300 dpi resolution, maximum file size up to 3 MB.
7. The deadline for submitting works is May 20, 2020.
8. Each work (original or copy) must be described in reverse way as follows: surname, name and address of the author, year of birth, telephone or electronic contact, optional work title. Also, with the drawings, the participant's Entry Form must be sent in printed or electronic form (if the work was sent by e-mail).
9. The submitted work must be authored. The participant accepting the terms of this Regulation confirms that he is the author of the work he sent and has the right to his unlimited copyright and related rights to use and dispose of the work submitted.
10. Works submitted to the Competition that do not meet the conditions set forth in this Regulation will not be included in the Competition. Also, works that promote violence, religious and ethnic hatred are not allowed to the Competition.
11. Submissions will be evaluated according to the following main criteria:
- having a sense of humor;
- interesting plot;
- creative approach;
- technique of execution;
- conformity of works to the subject of the Competition.
12. The quantitative and personal composition of the jury is determined by the organizer, approved by the mayor's decree. The jury selects works for the exhibition and defines the winners of the Competition in three age categories. The jury's decision is final and can not be appealed.
13. The organizers of the contest provide catalog printing. Each participant of the Competition, whose work is included in the number of selected works of the winners, will receive a catalog of the Competition.
14. The winners of the Competition will be announced and awarded during the Festival of Humor «Vesela Kopytcya» on July 7, 2020. The selected works will be exhibited in The Dolyna Regional Museum of Tetyana and Omelan Antonovych «Boykivschyna» (Dolyna, Chornovola St., 2a).
15. This Regulation is the only document that determines the conditions of the Competition. Changes and additions to this Regulation are made in the order of its adoption.
16. The organizers of the Competition reserve the right to use works in conducting further exhibitions, to prepare and publish informational materials, printed products (catalogs, calendars, booklets), publications on the competition, etc. in the media and on the Internet. The organizers are obliged to provide the corresponding reference to the author of the work in any public reproduction of the works of the participant.
17. E-mail for help: dmckst@gmail.com
Tel.: +38 (050) 6405330 - Galyna Kurus, Director of the Organizing Committee of the Competition.
Dolyna city council, Nezalezhnosti ave. 5, the city of Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Ukraine 77504.
More on http://www.cartoon.org.ua/?page=dgmelik_20.


Participation regulations of Festas de Lisboa Sardine Contest 2020, Portugal

Article 1
(Object and copyright)
1. The “Festas de Lisboa'20 Sardine Contest” is an initiative run by Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, E.M., S.A, hereinafter referred to as EGEAC. Open to everyone, it aims to encourage people to produce sardine designs to be used in the Festas de Lisboa’20 publicity campaign.
2. A contest called “Turma da Sardinha’20” (Sardine Class´20) will run alongside the “Festas de Lisboa’20 Sardine Contest” to encourage the participation of basic education school pupils from across the country. This contest also involves the creation of sardine designs, which will then be used in the Festas de Lisboa’20 publicity campaign.
3. Ownership of the copyright of winning sardine designs belongs to EGEAC, in accordance with the provisions set out in article 14, paragraph 1 of the Code for Copyright and Related Rights. As such, EGEAC will hold the rights over them as provided for in articles 67, 68 and 159 of the abovementioned Code, namely the right to: reproduce, distribute and publicly communicate the designs, including the right to disseminate and publish them in the press or otherwise display them in public; to distribute them or disseminate them by any means of sign, sound or image reproduction; to adapt them to any physical structure; to make any modifications to them; to use them within other pieces of work; and to reproduce them, directly or indirectly, temporarily or permanently, by any means and in any form, as a whole or in part.
4. The foregoing provision (paragraph 3) includes any type of use for non-commercial purposes, with their commercial use being the subject of a specific and separate contract.
5. The attribution of copyright ownership for winning sardine designs to EGEAC is definitive and not time limited as far as non-commercial use is concerned, with commercial use being the subject of a specific agreement to be defined within the contract mentioned in the previous paragraph.
6. In relation to the provisions set out in article 14, paragraph 4 of the aforementioned Code, it is hereby established that the use of winning entries for the purposes described in these Regulations does not confer on the respective author(s) the right to any supplementary payments or benefits, be they financial or of any other nature, with copyright ownership belonging to EGEAC.
7. Entrants give their consent for their sardine contest design entries to be used for promotional or publicity purposes (in accordance with paragraph 2 above), such as in exhibitions or in freely-distributed publications, in accordance with the terms set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 159 in the abovementioned Code.
8. Sardine contest design entries must make reference to their participation in the “Festas de Lisboa’20 Sardine Contest” or “Turma da Sardinha’20” whenever they are used by their creators or third parties. EGEAC must also be made aware of their use beforehand.
9. Participation in this contest, through registration, presupposes the complete acceptance of the conditions set out in these Regulations, as well as acceptance of the collection, use and processing of the personal data provided during the application process, in accordance with the terms of the Declaration of Informed Consent, which is a part of the entry form.
Article 2
(Conditions of Participation)
1. “Festas de Lisboa'20” Sardine Contest:
a) Aimed at people of all ages: Portuguese nationals and foreigners, both residents of Portugal and non-residents, groups and individuals;
b) The following persons may not participate in the contest: employees of EGEAC; employees of the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa; members of the Jury. The spouses, partners, children and parents of the aforementioned persons also may not participate;
c) Entries may be submitted individually or jointly (co-authorship), with each applicant allowed to submit a maximum of three sardine design entries.
2. “Turma das Sardinhas’20” Contest
a) Aimed at all Portuguese basic education schools;
b) Entries must be submitted by a school staff member representing the creators
c) Part of the Festas de Lisboa’20 Sardine Contest;
3. Entrants are responsible for the originality of the designs submitted, which must be of their own authorship, and are legally liable for any third-party claims relating to copyright, related rights and personality rights
Article 3
(Essential requirements for design entries)
1. Sardine design entries must be previously unpublished and original.
2. Design entries submitted must be recognisable as sardines and not confused with other any fish; a sardine-shaped outline is available on the following website: www.culturanarua.pt.
3. Sardine design entries may be produced using any technique, manually (on paper/cardboard, collages, photographs or three-dimensional objects) or digitally.
4. Sardine design entries may not contain any element identifying their creator(s), or make reference to brands or logos, including Festas de Lisboa.
Article 4
(Registering for the contest and submitting design entries)
1. You can register for the contest on www.culturanarua.pt or by completing the entry form included at the end of this document.
2. Registration of contest entrants must follow the following rules, where applicable:
a) “Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa’20” Contest:
i) Entries by Minors: registration must be completed in the name of the minor, with the responsible adult entering their own details in the relevant section;
ii) Entries by entities, companies, educational institutions, IPSS (Private Social Solidarity Institutions), non-profit organisations, and other groups: the registration must be completed under the name of the group, with the person responsible for the application entering their own details in the relevant section.
b) “Turma da Sardinha’20” Contest
i) School entries: registrations on the website must be made under the name of the school, with the entry representative identifying himself/herself in the appropriate section.
3. Each entrant must submit their designs in one of the following ways:
a) digitally on www.culturanarua.pt: as a photograph or digitalisation in a JPEG/JPG file (max. 50MB), A3 size (42cm x 29.7cm) and with a resolution of 300dpi;
b) by CTT (Portuguese postal service), via registered mail, in a sealed envelope and accompanied by the completed entry form (included at the end of this document). Design entries should be sent to: GPEP, Rua Manuel Jesus Coelho, 4, 4.º andar, 1150-228 Lisboa. It should not exceed 250g, should be no larger than 50 x 50 x 50cm and must not be made of perishable or degradable materials.
Article 5
(Contest calendar and announcement of results)
1. The contest calendar is as follows.
a) “Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa’20” Contest – deadline for submission of designs is by 18:00 on 6th April, 2020 (EXTENDED:) 30th April, 2020.
b) The winning designs will be announced by 31st May, 2020.
2. “Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa’20” contest winners and honourable mentions, as well as the winning school in the “Turma da Sardinha’20” contest, will be informed by email and/or telephone.
Article 6
(Contest stages)
This contest consists of the following stages:
1. Stage 1: Checking of design entries and disqualification of “Festas de Lisboa’19 Sardine Contest” design entries which do not comply with the regulations set out in this document.
2. Stage 2:
2.1. “Sardinhas Festas Lisboa’20” Contest
a) Shortlisting of 100 (one hundred) sardine design, as selected by a Jury designated by EGEAC, from amongst all the designs accepted at Stage 1;
b) Selection of 6 (six) winning sardine designs, chosen by a Jury designated by EGEAC, from the one hundred shortlisted designs mentioned above;
c) Selection of 3 (three) sardine designs earning an honourable mention, chosen through a public vote held on social networks from the one hundred (100) shortlisted designs, excluding the six (6) winning sardine designs set out in b).
2.2. “Turma da Sardinha’20” Contest:
a) The selection of 1 (one) winning design by a Jury designated by EGEAG from amongst the design entries accepted at Stage 1.
Article 7
1. “Sardinhas Festas Lisboa’20” Contest:
1.1 6 (six) winning sardine designs will be awarded prizes.
1.2. Each winning design will be awarded a net cash prize of €1,500 (one thousand, five hundred euros).
1.3. 3 (three) designs will receive an honourable mention and be awarded a non-cash prize, to be decided by EGEAC.
2. “Turma da Sardinha’20” Contest:
2.1 – There will be 1 (one) winning sardine design.
2.2. The basic education school with the winning design will be awarded a net cash prize of €1,500 (one thousand, five hundred euros).
2.3. Honourable Mentions may also be given should the Jury deem them justified.
3. Prizes will be awarded with a receipt in accordance with Portuguese financial law.
Article 8
(Contest Jury and selection)
1. All accepted design entries are selected by a Jury to be designated by EGEAC.
2. The design entries will be selected anonymously, with no elements identifying their authors allowed.
3. The Jury selecting the winning sardine designs will take the following factors into consideration:
3.1. “Sardinhas Festas de Lisboa’20” Contest:
a) The design’s legibility and adaptability to other publicity materials;
b) The design’s creativity and originality.
3.2. “Turma das Sardinhas’20” Contest:
a) The originality and creativity of the design.
4. The Jury’s selections will be made by majority decision and are not subject to appeal or complaint.
Article 9
(Return of non-winning designs)
1. Designs sent by post, which have not won a prize, can be collected until 30th October, 2020, by prior appointment by emailing concursosardinhas@culturanarua.pt.
2. Designs not collected in the manner described in the previous paragraph, will become the property of EGEAC.
3. The originals of the winning designs are the property of EGEAC and therefore cannot be collected by the respective entrants.
Article 10
1. Any queries relating to the interpretation of these Regulations must be sent to the following email address: concursosardinhas@culturanarua.pt.
2. The resolution of any issues provided for in the previous paragraph, as well as any other issues, is the exclusive responsibility of EGEAC and will be communicated by EGEAC by whatever means it deems appropriate.
Entry Form + Declaration of Informed Consent and a sardine-shaped outline are available on culturanarua.


Theme for Caneva Ride 2020, Italy : You learn by making mistakes

Pro Castello di Caneva promotes the international award Caneva Ride! (Caneva Laughs!) for humoristic sketches and satirical costume about the theme “Sbagliando si impara” You Learn by Making Mistakes
The award is open to all cartoonists of the world from 16 years old. Participants can apply individually or in groups (in case of several authors, the referent for all communications with the award’s promoters shall be indicated).
Up to three unpublished works, realized by any technique, color or black and white, which haven’t been awarded in other prizes. The maximum format shall be A4 (21 X 29.7 cm).
The works must be received no later than midnight on 24 May 2020 (EXTENDED:) 25 JULY 2020 at canevaridecontest@gmail.com in .jpg, .tiff or .pdf format at a resolution of 300 dpi, together with a registration form with personal data (name, surname, full address, telephone number, in the case of minors the name of one parent authorizing the participation). The individual files must not exceed the weight of 5 MB. For more works, proceed with individual submissions.
5 - JURY
Luca Salvagno Cartoonist, President of the Jury
Pietro Francesco Manfè Pro Castello Caneva
Mario Zorzetto Heirs Toni Zampol
Vicenzo Bottecchia Cultural comics operator
Giancarlo Rupolo Photographer
FIRST PRIZE euro 600,00
SECOND PRIZE euro 250,00
THIRD PRIZE euro 150,00.
The premium is gross of witholding tax, according to the tax legislation in force in the relevant countries.
The Jury reserves the right to report further works, which will not receive cash prizes.
During the exhibitions of the works there will be the possibility for visitors to indicate their favorite work. The authors, participating in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the works on any support for promotional purposes of the Pro Loco Castle without having anything to claim as copyright.
Opening of the exhibition and prize giving will be held (Saturday, 14 June 2020) at the end of August 2020 at Villa Frova, Caneva.
Registration Form on Source.


International Cartoon Contest " We Defeat Coronavirus" 2020, Iran

International Cartoon Contest " We Defeat Coronavirus"
Theme: We Defeat Coronavirus
- Each participant can submit up to 5 works.
- Artworks must be emailed in png or jpg format, 300 dpi resolution and 2000 pixel width or length.
- A word file containing full name, postal address, email address, phone number, photo and CV is kindly needed.
- A PDF copy of the catalog will be sent to all the artists.
- Only the Finalists will receive a volume of the catalog.
- Email address for sending artworks: coronacontest@gmail.com
First Prize: 1500 € with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 1000 € with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize:500 € with Trophy and Honorable Mention.
Deadline: March 30, 2020 (EXTENDED:) April 09, 2020
Closing Ceremony and Award Ceremony: We will announce as soon as possible.
Site: www.irancartoon.com
List of Participants
Source: irancartoon.


The 3rd International Cartoon Festival Cartoonmag.com, Bojnourd 2020, Iran

Third International Cartoon Festival Cartoonmag.com, Bojnourd 2020, Iran
Theme: Corona virus
- Personal hygiene, the way to deal with coronavirus.
- How to protect ourselves from coronavirus?
- Nurses and Doctors, pioneers in the fight against Coronavirus.
- Maintaining individual peace of mind, an effective way to prevent coronavirus.
- Coronavirus and the Global economy.
- How to defeat Coronavirus?
- Don’t be afraid of Coronavirus.
- And everything relatead to Coronavirus.
Terms and Conditions:
- The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
- Each artist can submit up to 6 works.
- There is no limit on the techniques you can use.
- Artworks must not be larger than A3 paper.
- Artworks format must be “JPG” with 300 DPI resolution and the size of each artwork must not exceed 5 megabytes.
- Selected artworks will be included in the festival catalog.
(Festival catalog will be published as a downloadable PDF file in the Cartoonmag.com website and if we publish the print edition of the catalog, a copy will be sent to all participants.)
- Along with the artworks you must also send this information: full name, mobile number, exact mailing address, biography and a photo of the artist. (All included in a word document).
- The Organizer reserves the right to publish the submitted artworks in the internet, press and … by artist’s name.
First Prize : Exquisite Persian handicraft, statue and honorary diploma.
Second Prize : Exquisite Persian handicraft, statue and honorary diploma.
Third Prize : Exquisite Persian handicraft, statue and honorary diploma.
10 Honor Prize : honorary diploma.
Deadline for submission: 31 March 2020 (EXTENDED:) 11 April 2020
Address: cartoonmagfest@hotmail.com
Festival Director: Abbas Naaseri
The festival website: www.cartoonmag.com
The cartoon used in the festival poster is the work of master Igor Smirnov.


Cairocature International Exhibition 2020, Egypt: Ahmed Zaki

Cairocature  Exhibition
Egypt 2020
Conditions for participation
THEME: Ahmed Zaki ( November 18, 1949 – March 27, 2005)
He was an Egyptian film actor. He was characterized by his talent, skill and ability in impersonating. He was also famous for his on-screen intensity, often genuinely hitting co-stars during scenes of violence. He is widely regarded as the greatest and most talented male star in the entire history of the Egyptian cinema.
DEADLINE: 15 March 2020
PARTICIPANTS: cartoonists from all countries, of all ages, male or female.
ENTRIES: maximum 3 works.
by e-mail: cairocature@gmail.com
All artists whose artwork is selected for the Exhibition will receive a certificate
COPYRIGHT: The participants allow the organizers to publish certain works in the media, with the sole purpose of promoting the artist and the event, without restriction or request for financial participation. Any other copyrights remain the property of the artist.
Source: cartoonandcaricature.


Mugla Metropolitan Municipality 1st International Caricature Competition 2020, Turkey

Application Conditions:
1) The competition has been organized for national and international for competitors who is amateur or professional throughout world.
2) The caricatures including out of public decency, containing offence and politics, undesirable and harmful declarations cannot attend the competition.
3) The relatives of jury cannot attend the competition.
4) Drawing style is optional. If the caricature is wanted to be sent as printed out, it must contain the sign (wet signature) of artist.
5) Caricature size must be at least A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) and uttermost A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) and it mustn’t be glued on any surface.
6) Caricatures that will be sent must haven’t been get any award. Any caricature that is subjected to replica, similar or comprint will not be received for consideration.
7) Caricatures that ranked as a result of the competitioun will be exhibited on the official website of Muğla metropolitan Municipality between the 3rd and 10th of June. Carricatures that are found to be similar will be disqualified from the competition. In case of such a determination, the reserved works will be rewarded. Participant will be responsible for all possible discussions, stolen and similar claims.
8) Short autobiography of the artists must be added to their caricatures.
9) Participants can send 3 (three) caricatures maximum.
10) Participants must write their names, surnames, addresses, cell-phone number and country name at the back of the caricature.
11) Any participants under the age 18 must add their identification copy to their caricatures.
12) The deadline for the delivery of the works is 18th May 2020. “Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi 1. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması”, name and surname of the artist and the work must be sent to the Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi Müştakbey Mahallesi Belediye Sokak no:6 Menteşe/Muğla till 18th May 2020.
13) Any participants under the age of 18 one of his/her parents’ accommodation and transportation fee will be paid. (The expenses of the guests who came with competitors will be their own.) The transportation and accommodation expenses of the competitors, who won the honourable mention and special prizes, will not be covered. Accommodation and transportation expenses of our award-winning participants under 18 and a parent will be covered.
14) The prize winners reward will be transferred to their IBAN which will be given before the competition. Beneficiary must have completed the papers in full and sign it. If the beneficiary doesn’t inform his/her IBAN number, the prize is going to be lapsed within a year. In case of lapse, participants cannot have any rights on prize, copyright.
15) Any caricatures sent to the competition won’t be sent back. The ranked or unranked caricatures may be used or shared by Mugla Metropolitan Municipality for cultural purposes. Among the sent caricatures, an album will be organized by Mugla Metropolitan Municipality with the help of Jury members. These albums will only be sent to the participants who are ranked in the competition and published in the album.
16) The right of publication of the works awarded as prize, honourable mention or works that will be exhibit at the end of the competition will belong to Mugla Metropolitan Municipality according to Law of Intellectual Property Rights numbered 5846, 21st title, 22nd, 23rd title, 24th title and 25th title. According to these rights Mugla Metropolitan Municipality can use these works in Turkish or all other languages, all kind of publishing contents by indicating the artist’s name for indefinitely. Muğla Metropolitan Municipality doesn’t allow using of the works for any other purposes under any circumstances. No payment will be done for the works that will be exhibited or chosen for album. All participants who have submitted their work for the competition are deemed to have accepted the conditions above.
First Prize: 7.500 TL
Second Prize: 5.000 TL
Third Prize: 3.500 TL
Honorable Mention (3): 1. 500 TL
Under the age of 18 (10-18) : 750 TL
Turan Özdemir Special Prize: 1.000 TL
Gürbüz DOĞAN EKŞİOĞLU (Ass. Doc. Yeditepe University Lecturer – Caricaturist)
Savaş ÜNLÜ (Humourist)
Şevket YALAZ (Caricaturist)
Abdül Kadir USLU (Caricaturist)
Mehmet SELÇUK (Caricaturist, General Coordinator)
Sait MUNZUR (Caricaturist)
Rudy GHEYSENS (President of Belgium Caricaturist Association – Caricaturist)
An Authorized person from Muğla Metropolitan Municipality
1. The deadline is until the end of working hours on Monday, 18 May 2020
2. The jury evaluation meeting will be held on Saturday, 30 May 2020
3. The results of the competition will be announced on Tuesday, 15 June 2020
4. The award ceremony will be held on a date determined by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality. Carricatures that the jury deems worth exhibiting will be exhibited on the date, time and place is going to be decided by Muğla Metropolitan Municipality.
Competition Coordinator: Ahsen GÜNAY
Phone: 0 537 983 61 03
Operator: 444 48 01 Interior: 1142
Address: Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi
Müştakbey Mahallesi Belediye Sokak No:6 Menteşe/Muğla
E-Mail: ahsengunay@mugla.bel.tr; cihanbulut@mugla.bel.tr
Web. www.mugla.bel.tr
Application form of Muğla Municipality Carricature Competition here (PDF).


The 44th Italian Lies championship graphics section contest dedicated to Lie 2020, Italy

The Italian Championship of Lies was born in 1966. The reasons that led to the creation of this competition are to be found in the traditions of our little village over the Pistoia’s mountains, on the Italian Apennines, when in last century people used to meet in front of a fireplace to tell stories that mixed reality and fictious. The Italian Lie Academy, in occasion of the 44th Italian Lies championship, declares the graphics section contest dedicated to Lie.
This year theme is:
Fables and Lies
Traditional fairy tales-tales-tales revised in a liar tone.
1. The competition is structured in a single section.
2. Participation is free. Deadline for cartoon submission is Wednesday, 1st July 2020. Each participant can send up to 2 cartoons.
3. The entry form below (also in PDF on source: labugia) must be completed in all its parts and sent along with the presentation of the works that take part in the competition.
4. The paper must be sent by postal mail to: Accademia della Bugia - Pro Loco Alta valle del Reno, via della chiesa, 27 - 51100 Le Piastre PT, Italy. Otherwise you can use our electronic mail address: accademiabugia@gmail.com
5. The comics can be written in italian or in english, but we advice that you can make a cartoon simply draw, without any text.
6. Italian Lie Academy will award the top three as follows: 1st place: "Gold Bugiardino". 2nd: "Silver Bugiardino". 3rd: "Bronze Bugiardino". The Bugiardino is the symbol made in resin of the Championship and is the bell tower of the village with a long nose, like the Pinocchio’s one.
It will be awarded with the "International Bugiardino" the best cartoon coming from abroad or drawn by a foreign national.
7. All the winning cartoons will be published on the website of the Italian championship of Lies (www.labugia.it).
8. The authors waive any fee related to copyright.
9. Prizes will be delivered during the 44th Italian Championship of Lies that will take place in Le Piastre on the 1st and 2nd August 2020.
10. The works will be judged by a jury headed by the italian cartoonist Marco Fusi.


Catalog of the 11th Salão Medplan de Humor 2019, Brazil

Received yesterday the color catalog of the 11th Salão Medplan de Humor 2019, Brazil + the 2020 calendar showing the awarded works in the event. The book is 20.8x30.7 cm in size and arrived a bit damaged in the post which is no surprise nowadays! It has 80 pages and contains the awarded + selected cartoons of  the 11th Salon with theme Narcissism.
The awarded + selected works in the Caricature section are also included in the catalog in 18 pages, each with 3 portraits on average. There are the awarded + selected works in the Comic Strip section in 6 pages. Yet not finished: in the following 5 pages are the awarded + selected works by young cartoonists that took part in the 2nd Salãozinho Medplan de Humor 2019. Totally are 216 cartoons/caricatures covered in this great catalog.
It is noted that they received 1.445 artworks from 41 countries mostly via internet I suppose. While this helps more artists to participate, it might have some negative consequences: The files of some cartoons are of less weight so that they are not clear enough on the printed page. This is obvious in the Honorable Mention winning charge in the event: the contour lines are all blurred. Some other works in the catalog also lost some effect due to this technical matter. This makes one contemplate on why some organizations still insist on accepting only original works, or some offer the prizes only if the originals are sent to the organization after the prizes are awarded to the electronically sent in works.
Engin Selçuk, Menekşe Çam, and Oğuz Gürel are the cartoonists from Turkey whose works are published in the catalog.
Possibly because this event was announced through some emphasis on taking a selfie, there are a lot of works depicting the act. And that is the reality of these days of course. But the theme was Narcissism which has never needed a cell phone to manifest itself. The 1st Prize winning charge by Rafael Corrêa shows one of such instances and deserves the front cover page as well (Top).
Thank you to the organizers, esp. Welington Teixeira de Araújo Júnior, for sending me this super collection of international humor.


International Cartoon Festival Competition & Exhibition, Malaysia 2020

The organizer of the competition is the Rossem Cartoon House (BKR), Malaysia Cartoon & Comic House (RKKM), Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Kelantan.
Eligible Participants:
• Opened to all artists from all over the world above 18 years of age.
Save Our Heritage
Technical Criteria:
• All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi.
• Size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPEG format.
• Entries: Max. 3 cartoons.
• Submitted works can be in color or black and white, in any style or technique.
• Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
• By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permit the organizers to have full right to reproduce all or a part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition.
• Send your cartoons and your CV (Name - Address - Phone number - Email address) via the following e-mail address:
• Deadline: 23 May 2020
• Exhibition: 01 June 2020
• All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalogue and a digital certificate of participation.
Prizes and awards
First prize : RM 2,000.00
Second prize : RM 1,500.00
Thirt prize: RM 1,000.00
Five special mentions
The Coordinator of the Gathering: Rossem
Facebook : Balai Kartun Rossem https://www.facebook.com/kartunrossem/ .
(Updated: 02 February 2020 17:30).

20th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2020, Canada

20th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition
(Theme and Regulations)
1. The theme for the 20th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
Pulling the plug on social media
After a storm over the publication of a cartoon deemed anti-Semitic, the New York Times stopped publishing editorial cartoons in their international publication.
In August, India stripped Kashmir of its constitutional autonomy and isolated it from the world by cutting it off from the Internet.
Thirty years after the fact, the Chinese are still kept in the dark about the Tiananmen Square massacres.
Iran can claim, without risk of contradiction, that its response to the attack on General Soleimani killed 80 American soldiers.
Increasingly, we see that the powers in place do not suffer contradiction.
2. Three prizes will be awarded: a first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third prize of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in colour or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.5 by 11 inches. Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the right to use any of the cartoons entered for promotion of the Editorial Cartoon Competition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day luncheon to be held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on Tuesday May 5, 2020 and will be advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site.
8. The winning cartoons will be published in a program distributed at the luncheon.
The deadline for reception of cartoons is midnight (Eastern Daylight Saving Time), Friday, March 27, 2020.
Send submission by e-mail to: info@ccwpf-cclpm.ca .
Source: bado-badosblog .