
Valeriy Chmyriov: Plagiarizm in District Heating Cartoon Contest 2016, Hungary

Dear Kelemen! You have disappointed me in that directory is not indicated my name as the author of the drawing with palm trees on the road heating system. Also, how did it happen that the Chinese cartoonist sketched competition medalist fragment boiler with my cartoon? Explain!
С уважением
 20160225 Valeriy Chmyriov Ukraine

20160308 Zhan Sheng Bo China.
More on facebook.
See the prize-winning + selected works here


27 April 2016: Press Cartoon Exhibition by Javad Takjoo in Tehran, Iran

More on facebook.

11th Biennial International Cartoon Contest, Hlohovec 2016, Slovakia

Click on the image to enlarge.

The Second Salzburg Caricature Competition 2016, Austria

Prize money:
Winner €1000 | 2. place €500 | 3. place €250 | & Special student Prize „AK-Schülerpreis“ with €500
Other Prizes: drawing sets and more…
Theme: all submissions must pertain to the theme: “(un)fair (In)justice
Submissions: must include the filled out entry form (as pdf or jpeg + minimum 300 dpi) and the title of the caricature and be sent to us only via e-mail to office@karikaturenverein.at
until July 31, 2016.
Jury: Thomas Wizany, Gerhard Haderer, Prof. Sybille Moser-Ernst and Gerald Koller
Awards Ceremony: Odeïon Salzburg, Waldorfstraße 13, A-5023 Salzburg (probably on friday, september 30. 2016, 18:00 h)
This will be followed by a traveling exhibition. To participate in the exhibition please apply separately in august 2016.
The contests rules and conditions as well as the theme must be observed and may be found at http://www.karikaturenverein.at/de/2-skp-teilnahmebedingungen/.
Please understand that for legal reasons the rules and conditions and the entry form are in the German language only.
Please send questions to office@karikaturenverein.at
Entry form on source.


2nd International Cartoon Competition theme "Let's Remove the Barriers" 2016, Turkey


with the theme
to be realized within the context of

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, departing with the goal to be the pioneer of accessible life, is organizing the "International Congress of People with Disabilities' Urban Issues and Their Solutions" between the dates November 2 - 5, 2016, for the second time in Turkey. ACCESSIBLE IZMIR 2016, besides being a scientific congress, also includes a variety of artistic, cultural and social activities that will bring people with disabilities into view in the daily urban life. Accordingly, a cartoon competition with the theme "LET'S ELIMINATE the BARRIERS" will be held.

10% of the world's population has a disability. They can't hear, can't see, can't walk and face multiple barriers in social life. Many people with disabilities in the world are in need of nursing, in comparison to the ones in developed countries. Most cannot attend school and are devoid of any medical support. The discrimination they are exposed to and the fact that they are ignored by society give cause for them to live "invisible".

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, which started certain practices that lead people with disabilities to enjoy the benefits of urban life more actively and opened the first "Training and Culture Center for People with Disabilities" of Turkey, now conveys the problems of people with disabilities to the public through this international cartoon competition.

Hereby, we invite you to think on their behalf. We wholeheartedly believe that the cartoonists, who enter the competition, will make obstacles "visible" and create social sensitivity as well as social consciousness with their cartoons.

Theme of the Cartoon Competition is "LET'S REMOVE THE BARRIERS".

This competition, which is being prepared in accordance with the related articles of 4734 numbered Public Procurement Law and organized by taking "Regulation for Competitions of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning and Fine Arts" as a basis, is a free, international, single stage fine arts competition.

The competition is open to all artists around the world. There are no restrictions. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum 5 cartoons. The cartoons that will be sent to the competition may have been published previously; but cannot have been awarded from a competition. The cartoons that are found out to be rewarded before will be disqualified and the prize will be taken away.

5.1. Original:
The drawing technique is free. The cartoons can either be colored or black and white. The cartoons to be sent should, in maximum, be as big as an A3 paper (29,7 x 42 cm). The original cartoon work will be counted as one point in favour as per the jury evaluation.

5.2. Digital (Computer based work):
If the cartoon is to be drawn on the computer and sent afterwards, it should be sent with a wet signature. Photos or photocopies will not be accepted. The maximum size of the cartoons should be A3 (29,7x42 cm).

6.1. Name - surname, telephone number, e-mail and mailing addresses should be written on the back side of the work. A photograph of the cartoonist, curriculum vitae, bank account (IBAN no) and identity number should be included. Applicants are obliged to fill in the participation form on http://www.engelsizmir.org/39/Yarismalar and send it together with their cartoon work.

6.2. Competitors who are under the age of 18 must participate in the competition with the permission of their parents. A document, which shows the acceptance of the conditions, must be signed by the parents and submitted to the Organizing Committee.

6.3. Participants who send cartoons to the competition are considered to have declared and committed that these works belong to themselves. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality does not accept any responsibility for permission and copyrights about the participants’ cartoons.

6.4. The cartoons can be used on different platforms (brochures, exhibitions, periodicals, calendars, etc.) by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality with the artist's name. Participants cannot demand any royalty under any circumstances and are considered to have accepted these conditions beforehand. The works of the cartoonists who did not win any prize will be sent back payable to them, so long as they apply in writing to the competition Spokesmanship subsequent to the exhibition. The Administration is not responsible of the works unless the request is made within 15 days. Prize winning works will pertain to the Administration.

6.5. Transportation (international, intercity and local), catering and accommodation expenses of the first three (first, runner up, second runner up) will be covered by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Regarding the other award winners (honorable mentions), Izmir Metropolitan Municipality will cover the expenses of accommodation and catering; except for transportation. Prizes of the winners who cannot attend the awards ceremony will be deposited to their bank accounts or be sent via Western Union etc. The cartoons which the Jury finds worth displaying will be exhibited. In case an album is made out of selected cartoons, the cartoonists of those works will be sent this album.

6.6. The cartoons that do not comply with the terms and conditions of the competition will be cancelled and disqualified from the competition.

6.7. The following are not eligible to enter the competition: Members of the Jury (permanent and substitute members) as well as their first degree relatives, official partners, assistants, workers and Municipal employees of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality.

Regarding any disputes that may rise between the competitor and Izmir Metropolitan Municipality by the time between the announcement of the results and the signing of the contract, first, the arbitrage of the Jury is sought. If no result is achieved, then the Courts of Justice in Izmir will be in entitled.

İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Basın Yayın Halkla İlişkiler ve
Muhtarlıklar Dairesi Başkanlığı, Tanıtım Şube Müdürlüğü
"Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması"
Cumhuriyet Bulvarı No:1 Konak 35260 Izmir / Türkiye

Deadline for application: 14/07/2016 (EXTENDED:) 17/07/2016
Evaluation: 18/07/2016
Announcement of the Results: 22/07/2016
Award Ceremony:
On a date to be determined by the Administration in November, 2016.

Championship: 8.000,00 TL and Plate
Second Prize: 5.000,00 TL and Plate
Third Prize: 3.000,00 TL and Plate
3 Honorable Mentions: 1.000,00 TL and Plate

Yoshiaki YOKOTA (Cartoonist), Musa GÜMÜŞ (Cartoonist), Massoud Shojai TABATABAİ (Cartoonist), Eray ÖZBEK (Cartoonist, İzel ROZENTAL (Cartoonist).

Ömer ÇAM (Cartoonist - Graphic Designer at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Promotion), Özgür SARAÇOĞLU (Graphic Designer at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Promotion), Betül GÜNDÜZ (Chief of Events at Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Promotion)





Curriculum Vitae:


Bank Account (IBAN Number):



E-mail Address:






I, hereby, declare, accept, and commit that I have completely understood all items in the specification of the International Cartoon Competition and will participate in the competition by fully accepting these conditions, and that the above written information is complete.

Date                                                     Signature

6th Red Man International Humour Art Biennial 2016, China

1. The Competition is open to all artist -- Caricaturist, Illustrator, Cartoonist, Printmaker and Painter around world regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc.
2. Theme:
1)Artificial Intelligence (AI)
3. Entries: At most 10 works (pieces or series) for each Theme.
4. The size of the works should be unbounded.
5. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or Children’s painting will be accepted.
6. Artist should summit the original works. Produced using any technique, including computer graphics. Please send electronic copy of your work to the following email address redmanart@126.com After your works was selected, the committee will notify you, send your original works mail to the committee, to participate in the final awards.
7. Works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
8. Author's resume and photo (entry-form and biography) should be submitted with entries together. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number and category should be written on the reverse side of the works.
9. Please down load the entry form on our web site: www.redmancartoon.com/en
At the same time, the self made entry form is also accepted.
10. Authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright.
11. Organizer will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
12. Deadline: August, 18, 2016
13.The jury meeting: November, 2016
14. Prizes:
GOLDEN PRIZE (1) : 5000 RMB + Trophy + Catalog
SILVER PRIZE (1) : 2000 RMB + Trophy + Catalog
COPPER PRIZE (1) : 1000 RMB + Trophy + Catalog
RED MAN PRIZE (1) : 2000 RMB + Medal + Catalog
EXCELLENT PRIZES (10) : Certificate of merit + Catalog
SELECT : Catalog
GOLDEN PRIZE (1) : 3000 RMB + Trophy + Catalog
EXCELLENT PRIZES (5) : Certificate of merit + Catalog
SELECT : Catalog
E-mail: redmanart@126.com
16. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition without additional information and cost.
17. Remark: the works will not be returned.
18. All the copyrights are reserved by the authors. Host unit may use some works on web site and other media for spreading competition and artists.
19. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
20. For Information
Web site:
redmanart@126.com .


Smartphone is the theme in the 9th international cartoon competition Grafikatur 2016

9th international cartoon competition Grafikatur 2016, Germany
The Town of Lübben (Spreewald) announces
the 9th International Cartoon Contest Grafikatur®
on the topic of “Smartphone”.
You may submit a photocopy (no return) of up to three cartoons
each of which should not exceed a size of 297 x 420 mm.
The cartoons may not contain any words.
The sender must be clearly indicated on the back of each photocopy.
Your cartoons need to be received by 30th June 2016 
to the city council:
Stadtverwaltung Lübben
Fachbereich II
Postfach 1551
D-15905 Lübben (Spreewald)
˝Goldene Feder˝ (Golden Plume) – EUR 1000
˝Silberne Feder˝ (Silver Plume) – EUR 800
˝Bronzene Feder˝ (Bronze Plume) – EUR 600.


Call for action for visual artists – submit your work before May 31st!

Are you a professional visual artist ? Would you like to propose a new or existing piece of work on the theme of satire? Your work could be exposed in the heart of Montreal’s Quartier des spectacles during the Just for Laughs Festival from July 16-31st for the pleasure of over 1.5 million viewers…
The rules and the participation form for the 2016 edition of the Contest – which must be submitted before May 31, 2016 are here.


Winners in the 7th International Tourism Cartoon Competition 2015, Turkey

You can see the list of awarded cartoons of the 7th International Tourism Cartoon Competition. As you know International Tourism Cartoon Competition has been organized by cooperation with the Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists and Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research since 2009. The theme of the competition in 2015 was Tourism and Peace. Cartoons were accepted in two sections:
Category of Adult Cartoonists: This category is open for the all of cartoonists who are 17 and older.
Category of Young Cartoonists: This category is open for the cartoonists who are 16 and younger.
These are the awarded cartoons in category of adult cartoonist:
The Grand Award: Olena Tsuranova, Ukraine (Top)
The Second Award: Mehdi Azizi, Iran
The Third Award:, Galym Boranbayev, Kazakhstan.
Professor Atila Özer Recognition Award: Alla & Chavdar, Bulgaria
Mention: Seyran Caferli, Azerbaijan
Mention: Vladimir Semerenko, Russia
Mention: Vladimir Kazanevsky, Ukraine.
These are the awarded cartoons in category of youth cartoonist:
The Grand Award (Youth Category): Mehmet Ali Mesut, Turkey
Mention (Youth Category): Bartu Tekinkaya, Turkey
Mention (Youth Category): Mehmet Deniz Hubup, Turkey
Mention (Youth Category): Büşra Esen, Turkey.
All winning cartoons here.
More on turizmgazetesifacebook.


5th Biennial of Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2016, Portugal

By: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa
"The humors represent the healthier of all philosophies, which is from those who can laugh.
Humorist commenting through its irony, men and facts that revolves around it,
Producing, when it’s done with a higher spirit and a sententious criteria, a deep moral work. Therefore, the joy of the humorists not always ceases to be illusory.
How often the small pink mask that they bear on the face,
hides a stinging tear! The irony that detaches from his "word" clever disguises,
in a way, the drama that the world offers day-to-day. To its blatant comment. "
(LOG. In "Between us that no one hears us" p. 68)
What brings together the bee and the cartoonist, the spirit of honey or the satire of the sting?
As with everything in life, it depends on the perspective of each and if the truth is never on one side or the other, and a lot less in the center but in the essence of beings, things and relationships, my metaphoric wanderings for this theme are just crutches, wanderings of thought, doors which allow each one to follow their humorous journey of reflection on the selected topic for this Biennial, fully agreeing or not with what is written.
The bee or the beekeeping, with the exploitation of all derivatives linked to the activity of this insect, it is linked to Man, since this became aware of his spirit, energy that also opened his mind allowing Him to look around the world beyond appearances, being aware beyond the mirror and to think besides the fog of words and perspectives.
Graphically we find the first images around 7000 BC, in cave paintings of Araña - Valencia. In Ancient Egypt (from 3200 BC) is associated with pharaonic royalty, aggregating in a single hive - federation of all regions of Egypt: the true title of Pharaoh was NyswBit where Bit means bee and it is the symbol of Low Egypt. According to their mythology, Bit was originated from the tears of Ra (the sun god) falling on the earth, establishing itself as a being of multiple richness’s and therapeutic characteristics, while it takes the iconography of the Divine human soul .
This spiritual connection arises in almost all of the ancient cultures, representing, often, the belief of survival beyond death, resurrection / reincarnation. This inference to the path of soul evolution leads to an association with initiation ceremonies, in which the Spirit / Word (in Hebrew "Bee" is written "Dbure”, meaning Dbr verb / word) is purified by fire, nourished with honey (mead is the drink of the gods) destroying the impurities / obstacles with its sting.
Also Christianity absorbed this allegorical universe in which Jesus takes the bee image and honey is the sweetness of his word / thought as food for the soul and the sting as Christ's Punisher role. As for Islam, we find in Surata 16: "And your Lord inspired the bees: «Build your hives in the mountains, trees and houses» / ... From their abdomen comes out a variety net of colors which heals men. In this are signs for those who reflect." The bee, in the Vedic texts of India, is the spirit that is drunk with the pollen of knowledge. Briefly, in this brief digression in spiritualities, the bee represents the spirit versus materiality, geometry (divine) against ignorance, social order against disorder.
Turning again to the theme of the Biennial, it may be said that the principle is the "pollen", which in the case of the humorist are the news, the daily which is collected by the worker, and if in the bee that nectar is processed by digestive enzymes, the cartoonist is swallowed by a philosophical mood look, deconstructing superfluous to regurgitate in irony, humor or satire. As honey, not all humors have the same color, not all laugh in the same way or of the same issues, however we want to impose the global village for all beings, things and thoughts. Depending on the fields, blooms, the collected pollen and the preparation techniques, there are several colorings, flavors and tastes in honey. Laughter, even universal as the divine light in the recognition of human fragilities, is looked upon or reacts in every culture, every geographic area and in each educational field very differently. The laughter, comic and humorous, is the result of collected pollens that, depending on their treatments, can be tasted in a territory and not in another. As the honey when its pure, with time tends to crystallize since it was not subjected to temperatures which destroy its bacteria’s, also the pure humor crystallizes in time and along the years with the turns of life, is always present, incisive and active.
The bee is a social animal, a working symbol and loyalty, but also a warrior in defending the community, when threatened, using his sting. Similarly, humour is a sweet thinking formula that makes us break sociability barriers, combats pessimism, dilutes the sadness, building social balance through the philosophical smile, but it can criticize when the political, the intolerances and the abuses of power put the community in danger.
The sting of the bee / humorist is connected to a venous system that causes an allergic effect, severity which is dependent of the immune system. In the case of satire, the standard reaction to toxicity is concomitant to the educational level of the victims, in terms of their sense of humor, self-criticism capacity, deafness, blindness or mental intolerance. The Greek philosopher Epictetus said: "The world events are not the problem, but the way we look at them." Like the tolerance or intolerance, the sense of humor must gush from both parts.
There are many ways to look and not want to see, and now since we are living in a serious displacement of people, migrations, in which the needs sometimes mingle with opportunism, mafias, fundamentalisms, where the tolerance plays with other intolerances, the allegory of the bee is one way to look at this phenomenon because it too, as mankind, is facing a serious crisis. Einstein said : "If the bees disappear from the earth, mankind will have only four years of existence, without bees there is no pollination (it is responsible for 80-90% of this natural phenomenon), there is no reproduction of flora, and without flora there are no animals, and no animals means no human race." The balances of biodiversity as the multiculturalism are the main keys. What endangers this being? The pesticide policies, the bees keeping overpopulation (which recommends 800 meters between each apiary), which creates conflicts between hives and migrations, the parasitic disease Varroa, the Velutina Nigotorax wasp.... By comparison, we can also say that oppression policies destroy the freedom of humoristic expression, that the parasitic disease of the "politically correct" suffocates the philosophical mind and the terrorism wasp kills creativity. The wasp besides cutting the head of the bees, installs right next to the door of the hives infesting this with stress, fear and consequently die of hunger ...
Honey is one of the nutrients with higher calorie content, rich in vitamins, minerals and bactericide, which gives to it a high therapeutic power (as other products related to bees), complicity that has with the humor. The "apitherapy" as "gelotherapy" are fundamental alternative medicines, because laughter, a byproduct of humor, when "explodes" has an impact on the muscular system, central nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, immune and endocrine ....
What separates the bee from cartoonist? Honey is consumed by all, regardless of religion, the clubisms and partisanships distributing its richness democratically, as well as its sting is only used when the security of the hive is threatened. The comicality has subjective components, because the human being is fallible, the deconstruction of the facts, which are not always global but partial, can mislead, to factionalisms, and that is only created with the true freedom of spirit, being above the tolerances and intolerances, being greater than the ideologies and beliefs, being democratic recognizing and accepting differences, also requiring others to recognize and accept his differences. There is no better criticism, constructive philosophy, or comicality than the one which is made through a smile.
"/ ... / The smile is the good time of the spirit. The souls who only
know how to laugh and sob are souls who have only summer and winter.
They lack the spring and autumn - which are actually both smiling seasons of Nature "
(LOG in "Weekend" of 15.03.1948)
For all of that, we can say "Follow the Bee", which, if it is a barometer of the balance of ecological systems, also humor is the warning barograph of the sanity of society, the democratic balance of power, and reason which both must be protected in order that so that do not become an endangered humanity.
So the theme of the 5th Biennial of Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2016 is "From Honey to Sting" and we invite artists from around the world to meditate about the role of the bee / honey (and other derivatives, in addition to their role in biodiversity) in our society and at the same time, the role of humorist / cartoonist. We can not forget the allergies that were developed against the sting of satire / irony, the fear of the terrorist wasp that has killed, persecuted and oppressed the philosophers of freedom and actuality which is facing an important moment in the game of tolerances and intolerances. Let us not forget that integration only works when the other also integrated, tolerance requires tolerance, and intolerance creates intolerance.
Every artist can participate with a maximum of four works, in which two must necessarily be on the subject (or four), the other two can be caricatured portraits of cartoonists (self-caricature or any pf your country masters).
An Organization: Municipality of Penela / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal
A production: Humorgrafe - Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe.oms@gmail.com)
1 - Theme: "From Honey to Sting" invite artists from around the world to philosophize about the role of bee / honey (and other derivatives, in addition to their role in biodiversity) in our society and at the same time, the role of humorist / cartoonist. We cannot forget the allergies that were developed against the sting of satire / irony, the fear of the terrorist wasp that has killed, persecuted and oppressed philosophers of freedom and actuality which is facing an important moment in the game of tolerances and intolerances. Let us not forget that integration only works when the other also integrated, tolerance requires tolerance, and intolerance creates intolerance.
2 - Open to the participation of all graphic artists with humor, professional or amateur.
3 - Deadline: 25th of June 2016. They should be sent to humorgrafe.oms@gmail.com, humorgrafe@hotmail.com or humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com (If you do not receive confirmation receipt please resend new email).
4 - Each artist can send via e-mail in digital format (JPEG 300 dpis A4) up to 4 works in black and white (one color with all its nuances - not accepted drawings with 2, 3 or 4 colors – is compulsory that two should be on this subject, and the other two can be portraits-caricatures of cartoonists - self-caricature or any of your country masters), open to all techniques and styles as caricature, cartoon, humor design, strip, bd board (story in a single board) ... which must be accompanied with information of name, date of birth, address and e-mail.
5 - Entries will be judged by a jury consisting of: representatives of the Municipality of Penela; representative of Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal; representative of the family Oliveira Guimarães; the Artistic Director of the Biennal; a representative of the sponsors, a local media representative and two guest artists, and will award the following prizes:
* 1st Prize V BHLOG- 2016 (€ 1,800)
* 2nd Prize of V BHLOG- 2016 (€ 1,300)
* 3rd Prize of V BHLOG- 2016 (€ 800)
* Humor Revelation Prize V BHLOG- 2016 (€ 250) (for national authors under 25 years old).
The jury, at its discretion, may grant "Special Awards" (António d’Oliveira Guimarães, Municipality of Penela. Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal and Humorgrafe), an honorific title, with a trophy.
6 - The jury grants the right to make a selection of the best works to exhibit in the space and catalog edition (which will be sent to all artists with works reproduced).
7 - The Organization shall inform all artists, by email, if they were selected for the exhibition and catalog, and also the winning artists. The works awarded, are automatically acquired by the Organization. The originals of the winning entries must be submitted to the Organization (the original work made by computer is a high quality print in A4, with hand signature and numbered 1/1), because without such delivery, the monetary prize will not be unlocked.
8 - Reproduction rights are owned by the Organization, to promote this event, and eventually will be discussed with the authors in the case of other uses.
9 - For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe.oms@gmail.com) or V Biennial of Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães Culture Sector, Municipality of Penela, Town Hall Square, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal.
10 - The V Biennial of Humor Luíz d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2016 takes place from 3 to 21 September in the Cultural Center of Espinhal, but the woks can also be exhibited in other locations to be designated.
Source: fb.