
54th International cartoon contest Knokke-Heist 2015, Belgium

54th International cartoon contest Knokke-Heist 2015, Belgium
Rules 2015
1. Participation
All persons over 18 years of age are eligible to participate in this international contest. Participants shall agree to the terms and conditions of the rules and the decisions of the jury. Belgian law governing withholding tax on prizes won by foreign participants applies. Participation is free of charge.
Deadline 31.12.2014.
2. Definition
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This may be a caricature of a famous person, a parody of a real situation, or simply a picture of a funny situation. The cartoon may consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. No moving images allowed.
3. Theme
Participants are free to choose the theme of their entries.
4. Entries
A. Regulations
Maximum 5 submissions per person, black and white or colour. The cartoons must not contain text. Drawings can also be made digitally. They must be packaged flat and not folded. Works under glass, framed or in other materials will not be accepted. They must not have been exhibited in Belgium or awarded in other countries.
B. Entries
> Digital entries
Digital entries may be sent after completing the form on the website www.cartoonfestival.be and attaching the cartoons. The name of the cartoons must contain the entrant’s name, first name and title. The cartoons must not be larger than A4 format (21 x 30 cm) resolution of 300 DPI in JPEG and TIFF format.
> Entries by post
Entries may only be sent by post after the form has been completed on the website and the form is enclosed with the entry. Dimensions min. 21 x 30 cm or max. 30 x 42 cm. The entrant’s name, first name and address must be written on the back of each cartoon.
Your participation is only valid if we have received your fully completed entry form on our website. Entries are submitted at the expense of the entrants. The selected cartoons will be framed with a passe-partout for the exhibition.
5. Ownership rights
By participating, entrants grant the organizing body the right to use their entries as advertising for the “International Cartoon Festival” and the seaside resort Knokke-Heist (e.g. as cartoon book, catalogue, advertising in the press and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets, etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or cartoon festival organization, calendar).
6. Jury
A professional jury will make a selection from the entries for the exhibition and will declare the prize winners.
7. Ownership by organising body
All submitted works shall become the property of the organizing body.
8. Cartoon Book
In collaboration with “Davidsfonds” Leuven, a cartoon book will be published, subject to budgetary and technical constraints. Selected participants will be entitled to one copy.
Golden Hat 3.500 €*
Silver Hat 2.000 €*
Bronze Hat 1.250 €*
Public Prize 500 €
*+ flight and hotel accommodation (max. 2 personen) in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend (one night)
Cultuurcentrum Knokke-Heist vzw
Meerlaan 32 , B-8300 Knokke-Heist
Tel: 00-32-50-630.430 Fax:00-32-50-630.429
e-mail: cartoonfestival@knokke-heist.be


23rd International Contest for the Young up to 18 year old, Krusevac 2015, Serbia

2. WRITTEN FORM (short story, poem, aphorism)
1. CARTOON - Minimum A4 (210 x 297 mm)
- Maximum A3 (297x420), free technique
2. WRITTEN FORM - maximum two typed pages
3. COMIC - original, up to eight tables, free technique
Works to be signed in full name, family name, address, contact phone and e-mail.
Written works to be send exclusively under a code.
All woks to be properly packed and sent to:
TEL/FAX: + 381 (37) 423 025, 28 983
E-MAIL: zlatnakaciga@kck.org.rs / kck@kck.org.rs
Jury decision will be announced on - 05.02. 2015.
Awards will be handed at Final Festival Evening on April 1. 2015.
The Organizer will bear travel cost of awarded authors.
Festival official languages are Serbian and English.
DEADLINE: January 25th, 2015.
Source: kck.org.rs.

"Culture" is the theme for the 12th Tabriz Cartoon Festival 2015, Iran

12th Tabriz Cartoon Festival 2015, Iran
Subject: Culture
Size: The cartoons will be drawn up to 25 x 35 cm sheets maximum.
The cartoons will be posted to the following address:
Iran - Tabriz - Golestan garden - Art Home - Tabriz Cartoon Museum
Deadline: 2015 / 2 / 20
The cartoons will not be returned back,
irrespective they are awarded or not.
Digital cartoons are acceptable.
The contestants are required to provide their IDs complete with
the name, surname, address and telephone information.
Technique: Colored or black and white.
Max: 5 cartoons
1st Prize: US$ 1000
2nd Prize: US$ 750
3rd Prize: US$ 500
5 Awards to adults and 18 Year Old Cartoonists and Students.


Results of Dieter Burkamp Award for Caricature 2014: 'Football, Fan and Fantasy'

"Fußball, Fan und Fantasie - Vom Leder gezogen"
28 June – 20 July 2014
1st Prize: Wieslaw Smetek (Top)

2nd Prize: Gerhardt Gepp
3rd Prize: Ivan Prado
Special Prize: Pavel Constantin.
Until 20 July, 80 cartoons by international artists will be on show.
More on source.


9th Braila International Cartoon Contest 2014, Romania

9th EDITION, 2014
The contest is open to all cartoonists.
ENTRIES: max. 5.
SIZE: A4 (210 x 297 mm) – A3 (297 x 420 mm).
DEADLINE: August 15th, 2014.
The cartoons will be sent in electronic format,
as a scan (JPG 300 dpi) at the following address: cult.traditional@gmail.com;
please assure to enter your full name and address, telephone no., an attached photo and a brief CV;
do not use compression programs (ZIP, RAR, etc).
• Great Prize - 1500 €;
• First Prize - 1000 €;
• Second Prize - 800 €;
• Third Prize - 500 €;
• 3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each)
EXHIBITION and PRIZE AWARDING: September 5th, 2014.
REMARK: In order to to pick up the prizes, the winners will have to dispatch the work winning original.
Edition catalog will also include a selection of the most valuable works in the competition;
the selected artists will receive a copy.
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
No. 2, Piata Traian, zip code 810153, Phone no.: +40.239.614.710, Braila, Romania
Email addresses: cult.tarditional@gmail.com.
Source: bestcartoons.


Catalog of the 19th International Cartoon Exhibition, Zagreb 2014, Croatia

Yesterday received the compact catalog of the 19th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2014, Croatia. 19x19 cm in size, it consists of 96 pages, half color and half b&w. My thanks to the organizers, the Croatian Cartoonist Association.
Musa Gumus is the only cartoonist selected out of 15 participants from Turkey and that is better than nothing I think.
In his introductory essay Ivan Haramija Hans reminds us that Daedalus who wanted to glide in the sky had a disobedient son Icarus who did not know the proverb they have in Croatia: "Who flies high, falls low" and finishes his word after telling the strange similarities between different people of different professions in different times: "The history and the experience has made us cautious: every useful work can harm us if we overdo it a little."
Anachronism as a useful tool to create humorous contradictions, with its types of parachronism and prochronism, is one of the best ways to make a cartoon on inventions and we see many examples of that here in this catalog like Roko's (p.33) and George Licurici's (p.36) works. Is there any work in the catalog that does not make use of anachronism? Let us check and see in the digital one here. Bon voyage!


15th Spirito di Vino 2014, Italy

Spirito di Vino is back!
On May 25th, day of Cantine Aperte 2014, the fiveteenth edition of the international competition of satirical cartoons concerning the world of wine “Spirito di Vino” (Wine and Wit) will be launched. The competition is organised every year by Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia together with the Istituto Europeo di Design, the Municipality and the University of Udine and the Cassa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia. The aim of the competition is to collect and select the funniest satirical cartoons concerning the world of wine produced by cartoonists from all around the world.
Since its first edition, Spirito di Vino has been particularly focussed on young artists, who have always proved very willing to take part to the initiative. Today Movimento Turismo del Vino is still carrying out this project with passion and momentum with the aim of raising awareness, not only among young people, but also among wine lovers from all around the world, on the need to drink responsibly. As last year, the competition will be made of two groups of cartoonists: the first group from 18 to 35 years old and the second one for artists older than 36 years old.
Spirito di Vino has always been characterised by its international allure as, since its first edition, it has been very well received by artists from Europe, Russia, Latin America, Japan and China. This cultural mix has resulted in a rich variety of viewpoints concerning the fascinating world of wine. Thanks to Spirito di Vino, satirical cartoons become a common ground enabling participants to express their thoughts and ideas.
To take part to the competition, applicants can send their works of art from May 25th to August 31st 2014 to Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia (Via del Partidor 7 – 33100 Udine), or by visiting the website www.mtvfriulivg.it.
The satirical cartoons will be assessed by a jury chaired by Alfio Krancic – president of the competition - and Giorgio Forattini – honorary president of the competition - and composed of eminent figures from the field of journalism, satire and graphics such as: Emilio Giannelli (cartoonist), Valerio Marini (cartoonist), Gianluigi Colin (Corriere della Sera art director), Franz Botré and Enzo Rizzo (director and deputy director of the magazine Spirito DiVino), Carlo Cambi (editorial manager of the magazine Wine Passion), Paolo Marchi (journalist of Il Giornale), Aldo Colonetti (scientific manager of the Istituto Europeo di Design), Fede & Tinto (Decanter RadioRai radio programme) , Francesco Salvi (actor).
After August 31st, the jury will meet at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milano to select 30 cartoons for each group. On September 13th 2014, on the backdrop of the food and wine festival Friuli Doc, the three best cartoons of each group will be awarded a selection of wines produced by Movimento Turismo del Vino Fvg partner wineries.
Registration: http://www.mtvfriulivg.it/index.php?pag=isc_spirito&l=eng.
To have further information on the competition:
Movimento Turismo del Vino
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tel. +39 0432 289540
Here you find the 2013 winners.
Source: www.mtvfriulivg.it.


I signed this petition on Change.org

Yesterday, I signed this petition on Change.org: "Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition and other international cartoon contests: The results of the 31st Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2014 have already shown us that the rules of such cartoon contests should immediately be revised according to the internet age".
I think this is very important for the cartoonists. Would you please sign the petition as well? Here is the link (First to register with Name - Surname - E-mail - City - Comment (not compulsory) and finally Sign) Thank you.
P.S. Below is the most recent shot of the petition page which shows how responsibly world-famous cartoonists do feel about the unjust state of affairs and sign the petition (Click on the image please).