THEME: “Humour, Vine and Magic”
DEADLINE: 1st April 2010
PRIZES: In kind, above all, of a liquid kind, complementary money prizes, special invitations and awards. Special mentions: diplomas.
- All artists whose work is selected for inclusion in the exhibition will receive a free copy of the biennale catalogue.
PARTICIPANTS: Artists from all countries, all ages and both sexes.
Number of cartoons: maximum 3.
- NEW Format only A4 (210x297 mm).
- Original works: yes
- high–quality copies: yes
- digital artwork: yes (printed by the artist and send by postal service). This works are accepted if signed and numbered by the author.
- The family name, first name, (pseudonym) and address of the artist should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS on the back of each piece of work.
- A short biography, photo or self-portrait may also be included.
- Enclose the complete entry-form. (Available from the 1st of December 2009 on the website http://www.humouretvigne.fr.st/ (site to be renewed)
If you will receive the regulation and entry-form for this competition send us your e-mail adress to borislam@club-internet.fr
RETURN OF ORIGINAL WORKS: Should participants require their work to be returned after the event (about the end of 2010), this must be indicated on the entry-form.
The awarded works will become the property of the organizers. The list of the participants will be published on the web-site. The exhibition will travel to other French towns.
DONATION: We are constituting a permanent collection for the promotion of our biennale. If you accept to give your works please write it in the entry-form.
EXHIBITION: From 26th to 11th July 2010. Venue - Cloître des Carmes, Jonzac, Charente Maritime, France.
Saturday 26 June - inauguration - announcement of winners, presentation of prizes.
ARTIST’S RIGHTS: The organisers reserve the right to use artist work for the promotion of the artist and the "Humour & Vine" event without financial reward. All other rights remain property of the artist.
e-mail: borislam@club-internet.fr
Source: feco-spain