
Winners in Caneva Ride 2018, Italy : With the head on the clouds

Winners in Caneva Ride 2018, Italy
Theme: With the head on the clouds
- 337 participants
- 51 participating nations
- 720 Works submitted.
1-Paolo Ortensia Basile (Top)
2-Carlo Campaner
3-Elizabet Alves de Franca e Silva.
Source: Caneva Ride.


19th International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine, Spirito di Vino 2018

Spirito di Vino 19° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine
Art. 1 – Subject of the competition
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia, together with the the Accademia di Belle Arti G.B. Tiepolo in Udine, holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge.
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2018 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old.
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually with any technique, black and white or colour, only in A3 format with 1 cm of external border. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The works shall be sent as hard copies and signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page.
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works
The works can be submitted from Wednesday 18 April to Tuesday 28 August 2018 (EXTENDED:) 11 OCTOBER 2018. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form.
The hard copies of the works shall be sent (properly protected) by registered mail, together with a signed copy of the registration form filled in every section, to the following address:
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia
Via del Partidor, 7 – 33100 Udine (Italy)
Only the works delivered within Tuesday 28 August midnight will be accepted.
In addition, the works shall also be uploaded on the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format.
The hard copies received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. The organisers have no liability for any deterioration and/or damage to the works sent by mail or resulting from any other issue connected to the submission of the works (delays, no delivery, etc.).
Art. 5 – Return of the works
The hard copies of the works will not be returned.
Art. 6 – Exclusion
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted.
Art. 7 – Members of the jury
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable.
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic showing their manual designing skills, creativity and a precise technique. The works drawn using digital techniques will also be taken into consideration.
Art. 8 – Prizes
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows
1° prize - “under”: 75 bottles
2° prize - “under”: 50 bottles
3° prize - “under”: 25 bottles
1° prize - “over”: 75 bottles
2° prize - “over”: 50 bottles
3° prize - “over”: 25 bottles
Art. 9 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition
During the awarding ceremony, the works selected by the jury for the finals will be put on display in Autumn 2018 in an exhibition held at Villa Manin in Passariano di Codroipo (Ud).
A booklet with the works displayed at the exhibition will be published and one copy will be distributed to each author of the selected works and, upon request, to the authors of the works excluded from the selection. The event will be promoted in the Italian and foreign press. The exhibition could then become itinerant and put on display in other locations to be defined.
Art. 10 – Copyright
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the non-exclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation.
Art. 11 – Approval of the competition rules
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document.
Pursuant to the Italian Legislative Decree n.196/2003 and subsequent modifications, the personal details and data that will be collected in the different phases of the competition shall be processed by complying with the principles of correctness, legitimacy and transparency, to guarantee the confidentiality and the rights of the involved parties. The collected data will be registered and stored for the purposes connected with the management of this competition. Personal data can only be processed by Movimento Turismo del Vino using both digital and non-digital tools. Under the terms of the aforementioned Decree, the personal data can only be processed provided that the involved party has granted his/her authorisation. By registering for the competition, participants explicitly agree with the processing of their personal data.
REGISTRATION FORM (to attach to the works)
Born in
Date of birth
Tel / Fax
Mobile phone
ZIP code and city/town
Technique used
Title of the work and short comment
Source: spiritodivino


See you in SICACO 2018 with theme: Construction + Destruction

Dear Sir,
See you in SICACO 2018 !
The theme means (Construction + Destruction).
The deadline is August 31st.
I don't take your copied works by e-mail!
Only you'd better send me your original ones by mail.
Dr. Lim,Cheong San,
Cell 010-5425-6115


11th Anniversary of the Indian Cartoon Gallery in Bangalore, India

Dear Cartoonist,
IIC is organising 11th Anniversary of the Indian Cartoon Gallery,
Prize Distribution Ceremony of MKMA Competition 2017 and
150th Exhibition of Cartoons on 2nd June 2018.
Please find attached invite.
Thanking you.
Managing Trustee,
Indian Institute of Cartoonists,
#1, Midford House, Midford Gardens,
Off M.G.Road, Bangalore-560001
Ph:080-41758540, Mobile:9980091428
WebSite: http://cartoonistsindia.com/htm/home.htm
E-mail: info@cartoonistsindia.com


Results of the 23rd International Exhibition of Cartoons, Zagreb 2018, Croatia

The 23rd International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2018
has seen the arrival of 788 works of 357 authors from 62 countries.
Theme: Meteorology
LUKA LAGATOR, Montenegro
More on www.hdk.hr.


Annual Cartoon Contest, Olen 2018, Belgium: Safety at work

Annual Cartoon Contest – Rules and regulation 2018
1. Participation
All contestants will be admitted with no distinction made regarding nationality or age. There are two categories:
Youth category up to 15 years inclusive;
Adult category: 16 years and older.
Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are allowed to participate in this contest.
2. Theme
The main theme is ‘Safety at work’. This year Amnesty International offers the best cartoon with the theme ‘Right to decent work’ a special prize.
More information about the main theme is to be found in annex to this regulation.
3. Entries
• Contributions have to be digital works. They shouldn’t contain an explanation of the drawing.
• The digital works have to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of resolution of 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels).
• Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm (A4).
• Number of entries per contestant: maximum five for each theme.
• You have to record your contact details through www.olensekartoenale.be.
• You can sign up your participation from 1 July 2018.
The originals of the rewarded cartoons and your curriculum vitae will be asked and must be sent to Community Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen, Belgium within 2 days after the request of the organization.
4. Property rights
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or theme sponsor. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the contest and the village of Olen.
5. Evaluation
The jury consists of artists, cartoonists and laymen. Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged.
6. Catalogue/Cartoon book
Selected works will be considered for inclusion in a catalogue. The authors of these works will receive a free copy of the catalogue during the prize ceremony or it will be send afterwards by mail.
7. Deadline: 10 September 2018
The deadline is 10 September 2018 at 12.00 AM midnight. The entry form you can find on www.olensekartoenale.be where you also can upload your works. Do not send your works to kartoenale@olen.be!
8. Prizes
For the adult category:
1st prize: 1500 euro
2nd prize: 700 euro
3rd prize: 400 euro
4th prize: 300 euro
Prize of the city of Bialogard (only for Polish participants): 200 euro
Special prize Amnesty International: 350 euro
For the youth category:
Prize for best international work: 250 euro
Prize for best Belgian work: 250 euro.
9. Prize Ceremony and Exhibition
The prize ceremony will take place at Friday 9 November 2018 at approximately 20.00 h in the council room of the town hall of Olen, Dorp 1, 2250 Olen. Every participating artist will be welcome on that occasion. Only the winners are personally invited.
A selection of the cartoons will also be exhibited at the same address and can be visited:
• Sunday 11 November 2018
• All working days from Monday November 12, 2018 till the end of December 2018 during the opening hours of the town hall:
o Monday 09.00 u – 12.00 u13.00 u – 16.00 u17.30 u – 20.00 u
o Tuesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Wednesday 09.00 u – 12.00 u13.00 u – 16.00 u
o Thursday 09.00 u – 12.00 u
o Friday 09.00 u – 12.00 u.
Main theme: SAFETY AT WORK
In every job, in every professional activity, risks are involved. Some problems hardly have any physical impact but can cause psychological disorders. In other professions accidents with physical damage are hardly inevitable.
What if safety regulations are practised inadequately? Manuals are not observed? Carelessness and routine have the upper hand? Which consequences does it have for the materials which are used, the product, the construction, the project in general?
Regulation in languages on source.


International Satirical Picture Competition "Karpik" Niomedlin 2018, Poland

The Regulations concerning the International Satirical Picture Competition
„KARPIK” Niemodlin, Poland
§ 1
These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) lay down terms and conditions of holding the International Satirical Picture Competition „KARPIK” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
§ 2
1. The Competition is organized by the Cultural Centre in Niemodlin, Poland.
2. The Participant must be a natural person of legal age, who has a full legal capacity irrespective of the place of the residence.
3. Participation in the Competition is free of charge.
§ 3
Submitting an entry to the Competition is tantamount to the full acceptance of the Regulations by the Participant. The Participant commits himself to comply with the rules laid down in the Regulations as well as to confirm to meet all conditions which make him eligible to participate in the Competition.
§ 4
1. Submitting entry to the Competition consists in sending an original version of a hand-made drawing to the Organizer. The subject matter of the drawing shall cover such topics as fish, fishermen, cast-net fishing, etc., and meet the conditions laid down in these Regulations.
2. The format of the works submitted to the Competition shall not exceed the A-3 size format.
3. Each participant of the Competition is entitled to demonstrate the maximum 2 of works.
4. Each of the entries submitted should be described on the reverse in the following manner: the date of completing the work, the author's full name and address, contact details such as the telephone number or the e-mail address.
5. The entry submitted to the Competition must constitute the participant’s original work. By accepting these Regulations the Participant declares that he is the author of the entry submitted to the Competition and the author hereby declares, that has exclusive and unlimited copyright (personal and proprietary) to the entry and related rights to use and dispose of the submitted work.
6. Entries sent in order to be submitted in the Competition which will not comply with the terms laid down in these Regulations shall not be included in the Competition.
§ 5
1. The Competition is announced by the Organizer annually, not later than by January 15 of a given calendar year and lasts till November 30 of the same year.
2. The entries must be sent in a package preventing their damage.
3. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained during shipment of the entries.
4. The entries may be sent from the day of the announcement of the Competition by September 30 of the same year.
5. The entries shall be sent to the following address:
Ośrodek Kultury w Niemodlinie
ul. M. Reja 1
49-100 Niemodlin, POLAND
marked "Karpik".
§ 6
1. The selection of the award-winning entries will be based on the following criteria:
1) idea corresponding with the thematic scope of the competition,
2) the technique.
2. The Competition Jury shall be responsible for the selection of the winning entries and the Jury’s composition will be made public after its session.
3. Determining the winner in the given year will take place in the first half of October of the same year and will be carried out of the entries complying with the criteria of these Regulations.
4. The final result of the Competition will be published on the Cultural Centre’s website: www.okniemodlin.org
5. The winners of the Competition shall receive the prizes specified in § 7.
§ 7
1. The prizes of the Competition are as follows:
1) Grand Prix – PLN 2.800 gross
2) three main prizes – PLN 1.150 gross each
2. The Organizer may also award prizes or distinctions in a form or amount set freely by him.
3. The winner will be awarded in the form specified in the Regulations and the award shall not be exchangeable for other non-cash awards.
4. The main prize may be handed in at the Organizer’s office during the award ceremony after the winner appears in person, or it may be sent by post to the winner’s address.
5. In case the Participant fails to collect the award in person, it shall be sent by post to the winner’s address.
6. In the case referred to in the paragraph 5 above, the winner shall bear shipping costs which will be deducted from the sum of the prize awarded.
§ 8
1. The organizer has the exclusive right to determine the winner of the Competition based on the rules specified in these Regulations.
2. Pursuant to Article 30, section 1, point 2 of the Personal Income Tax Act on the income gained by way of wins in competitions, games and pari-mutuel betting or prizes related to premium sale in a European Union Member State or another country which is party to the European Economic Area, subject to Article 21, section 1, point 6, 6a and 68 of the Act, a 10% flat-rate tax is charged and deducted from the win or prize. This tax is collected without lowering the income by the cost of its generation. The winners are liable for the payment of the tax due on the prize.
3. The organizer shall pay the monetary prize and collect the appropriate amount of the flat rate income tax of the prize’s value from the winner of the Competition and shall pay the appropriate amount of the tax in question to the account of the relevant Tax Office in accordance with applicable law regulations in this scope.
§ 9
1. Upon the submission of the entry to the Organizer, the Organizer will obtain non-exclusive licence for an indeterminate period of time, which will authorise the Organizer to free use of proprietary copyrights to the entry in the following areas of exploitation:
a) using the work on the organizer’s website,
b) presenting the work during the post-contest exhibition,
c) placing reproductions of the work in catalogues presenting the entries which will be distributed by the Organizer for promotional purposes of the Competition.
2. On the issuing of the prize to the Participant, the Organizer gains free proprietary rights to the awarded entry of the Participant in the following areas of exploitation:
1) with regard to the right to record and multiply the work using printing and digital techniques;
2) with regard to distribution of the work – in form of public exposition and making the work available in such manner that everybody could have access to it at a time and place chosen by themselves, in particular by placing it in the Organizer’s advertising or promotional materials.
3. On handing over the entry to the Organizer, the ownership of the drawing will be transferred to the Organizer.
§ 10
1. By entering the Competition in the manner permitted in these Regulations, the Participant agrees to be bound by the provisions of these Regulations, including consent to the processing of personal data by the Organizer, and agrees to comply with these Regulations. The personal data provided will be processed by the Organizer pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law of 29 August 1997 for the following purposes: organization and conducting the Competition; determining the Winner and notifying possible winners; handing over the possible awards; achieving the broad objectives of marketing and promotional activities of the Organizer; obtaining statistical and analytical data; contacting the owner of the data.
2. The Organizer informs that he is an administrator of personal data in terms of the Act referred to in Art.1. The data owner has the right to view and correct his personal information at the Organizer’s Office. Furthermore, the data owner at any time has the right to object processing of their data by the Organiser as allowed by the above mentioned Act. Due to safety reasons the data owner shall contact the Organizer in person or in writing.
§ 11
1. Personal data of Participants will be processed by the Organizer solely for the purposes and solely in the scope necessary to conduct the Competition, i.e., in order to identify the Participant, issue the awards and the possible public disclosure of the full name and the place of residence of the Competition winners, as well as to publish the entries in the Organizer’s promotional materials.
2. The Organizer will store the personal data according to the applicable law and implement appropriate measures to protect the processed personal data, in particular against their unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized takeover, processing with violation of the Act, as well as against any change, removal, damage or destruction.
§ 12
1. The Participant grants publishing permission to use of his full name in promotional materials related to the Competition, in particular on the Organizer’s websites, as well as gives consent to use them for the Organizer’s promotional and marketing purposes.
2. Participation in the Competition shall not constitute grounds for requesting any remuneration of any kind whatever.
3. All materials used to promote the Competition are of a purely advertising nature, whereas the provisions of the Regulations have a binding character.
§ 13
1. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any problems arising during the course of the Competition if they took place as a result of the events which may not have been foreseen by the Organiser with the preservation of due diligence or which may not have been avoided, in particular in case of force majeure events which are not possible to predict, participation in the Competition which fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Regulations and the potential subsequent damage caused.
2. The Organiser shall not be liable for impossibility of receipt of the award for reasons beyond the Organiser’s control which lie with the Participant.
3. The awarded Participants are not liable to transfer their rights to the award to third parties.
4. The Winner of the Competition may renounce the award in writing, nevertheless, shall not be entitled to receive any equivalent in exchange.
§ 14
The rules of these Regulations constitute the sole ground for holding the Competition and their binding and final interpretation lies solely with the Organizer.
§ 15
The Organizer has the right to exclude the Participant or his entry from the Competition in case the Participant fails to obey the provisions of the law, good manners, these Regulations or in case he infringes any other rights or interests of the Organizer.
§ 16
1. These Regulations constitute the sole binding document specifying the rules of the Competition.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations in case of a change of the law or for other important reasons, in particular when the change allows for efficient organization of the Competition in accordance with the rules, provided that it will not undermine the rights that have been already acquired by the Participants.
3. The text and any changes to these Regulations will be publicly announced on the Cultural Centre’s website www.okniemodlin.org.
Source in PDF.