
Results 2nd International City & Citizen Cartoon Contest 2012, Iran

Results of the 2nd International City & Citizen Cartoon Contest 2012 - Tabriz, Iran
First prize: Sasha Dimitrijevic - Serbia (Top)

Second prize: Mehdi Azizi - Iran

Third prize: Vahideh Fallahi - Iran

Selected Cartoons: Diploma + Memorial Statuette
Yuriy Kosobukin - Ukraine
Mohammad Ali Khalaji - Iran

Ahmet Öztürklevent - Turkey
Amir Dehgan - Iran
Sergey Elkin - Russia.
All prize-winning works on source: rahimcartoon


2nd International competition of cartoons "Football unites us" 2012

Football unites us -2
Dear colleague, colleagues.
We invite to participate in a competition.
Report please about our competition to the cartoonists / caricature .
We send you the terms of competition of cartoons to Euro-2012:
(The first competition of caricature passed in 2010)
and http://art-krug.com/News/show
Organizer of competition:
Valery Krugov, Mikhail Shlafer.


Reply from Mr Seyran Caferli, Cartoon News Center website director

Mr Seyran Caferli, the director of Cartoon News Center website, sent the following message below requesting me to publish it on this blog, caricaturque.
In his message, Mr Caferli writes that the announcement of the International Restaurant Cartoon Contest arrived in his e-mail box sometime ago and he demanded extra info from the organizers while publishing the present info on his website.
Although promised by the organisers, the extra info has not arrived yet, and with the right notice of my previous post yesterday, Mr Caferli says he has deleted the info about the doubtful Restaurant Cartoon Contest from his website.
Many thanks for his concern and kind answer.
Kemal Ozyurt.

Seyran Caferli: Rica ederim
From: Seyran caferli cartooncenter@gmail.com
Date: 22 Feb 2012 19:32
Sayin Kemal Ozyurt,
Azerbaycandan sevgilerimle..
http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/ Sitenizdeki The International "Restaurant" Cartoon Contest 2012 hakindaki yazinizi ve hakli iradlarinizi okudum.. Bu yarisma benim E-mail adresime gelen duyrulardan biridir ve ben yarismaya sitemde yer verdigimden sonra organizatorlerden bana daha fazla bilgi vermelerini rica etmisdim.. Teesufler ki, onlar detayli bilgileri bana yakin bir zamanda gondereceklerine soz verselerde sonucda bu gunku tarihedek hic bir cevab vermediler.. Sizin sitede yazdiklarinizdan derhal sonra ben hemin yarismanin kosularini web siteden derhal iptal etdim.. ve Sizin hakli iradlariniza gore tesekur ederim Zamaninda bize yardimci oldugunuzdan ve hakli dusuncelerinizden dolayi bir daha tesekur ederim.
Sevgi ve saygilarimla,
Seyran Caferli
Uluslararasi Karikatur Haber Merkezi Web sitesinin direktoru
P.S. Degerli Kemal Ozyurt yukaridaki yaziya http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/ Web sitenizde yer vermenizi rica ederim.. Once tesekurler.

XIII International Cartoon Competition "Independence" 2012, Ukraine

Theme: Football
Deadline: 5 May 2012
Source: ecc-kruishoutem


A letter, a blacklist, and a fake competition

From: tawan chuntra tchuntra@yahoo.com
Date: 16 Feb 2012 06:59
Dear kozyurt
I send you the information that the contest that not pay the prize.
Please inform other cartoonists for consideration.
Pease post in your blog, http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/
I won special prize in 39th Skopje 2011,Macedonia, but until now I do not receive the prize anymore. This contest is so fake. Belowing is email that only thing I receive, on Friday, 22 July, 2011 2:20 PM
Tawan Chuntra

Dear Tawan Chuntra,
Thank you for the participation in the World Gallery of cartoons and congratulations for the award.
The participants who win the Special Award, as you are, are granted with the Special Award Plaque, beside the Catalog (available for all selected participants). We have sent the Catalogs first to all the participants, and afterwards we'll send the Plaque as well.
Sorry for the delay. We are looking forward our future cooperation
Regards from Macedonia,
Mice Jankulovski
Director of OSTEN Skopje.
Unfortunately, we notice that World Gallery of Cartoons Skopje is among the blacklisted cartoon contests by FECO: In this page you could find contests where the cartoonists rights are not respected because the organisers claim copyrights:
Of course, there is still hope:
Hopefully these contest rules will change and then, these contests announcements will join the main contest list !
And some fake cartoon contest news again released by only Mr Seyran Caferli's Cartoon News Centre: The International "Restaurant" Cartoon Contest 2012 !!!
Unfortunately Mr George Licurici re-published the info about that fake competition although with a question mark about the organizer. Somebody (with the e-mail address from China !!!) needs original ideas of you honest cartoonits about food and restaurant to copy from! For what? For nothing!
Serious website editors will not promote that false competition I hope and must protest the person behind it and he is already condemned by many editors and cartoonists for sure indeed.


XIV International Cartoon Contest - Zielona Gora, Poland

XIV International Cartoon Contest - Zielona Gora, Poland - Invitation
The Society of Supporters of Cultural Activities “Debut” and the Voivodeship and Municipal Public
Library in Zielona Góra cordially invite to participate in the XIV Open International Cartoon Contest.
This year theme is PLANE - AIRPORT - FLYING.
Attached are the rules for the Contest and the Entry Form.
Yours Faithfully,
The Debut Society,
dr Andrzej Buck, President.