
NEW FECO Model Regulations for Cartoon Competitions

NEW FECO Model Regulations for Cartoon Competitions (2009)
If you are organizing a cartoon competition, the following guidelines are provided to help you attract a large number of high quality entries from professional cartoonists worldwide.
Following these rules, your competition is ensured a 5 point rating ***** from FECO which will encourage the top cartoonists to enter (Notice: in case of failure to respect the written rules, the next contest announcement could be put in a special page named “not serious contests”).
1. The name of this cartoon contest is (enter name)
2. The theme(s) of this contest is (mention other categories if there are any)
3. The contest is open to cartoonists who are professional/semi-professional/amateur (state from which group you will receive works)
4. The deadline for receipt of cartoons is (state date).
5. The jury's awards will be made on (date)
6. The exhibition will open on (date, place and period)
7. The maximum size of artwork is to be (state size in mm). The minimum size of artwork is to be (state size in mm). Artwork to be submitted unframed.
8. The maximum number of entries is to be (state number and number per category if appropriate).
9. The name, home address (and e-mail address), the value of the work, telephone number of the artist is to be stated on the back of each cartoon. The artist is to provide a brief CV and a photograph (or self-caricature). If submission of a standard entry form is required, then this should be downloadable from a website or copied from colleagues.
10. The cartoons must be the original work of the artist. Cartoons that are deemed by the jury to be the same or closely similar to that known to be the work of another cartoonist will not be judged.
11. The cartoons may not have been previously published.
The cartoons may not have been previously awarded. (State which of these sentences apply, if at all)
12. Original works and digital artwork will be accepted. Digital artwork is to numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed.
13. (Optional clause) Non-digital artwork to be provided initially as color photocopies which will not be returned. Artists of selected works will be asked to provide original artwork, which will be returned at the organizers expense (see 14)
14. Original artwork will be returned to the artists on request.
15. A catalogue will be published and one free copy will be supplied to each artist whose work has been selected for exhibition (or each entrant).
16. Money-Prizes and trophies will be awarded as follows (state all prizes).
Main-Prizewinners will be invited to attend the opening ceremony and prize giving. The costs for their stay and transport will be covered by the organizers of the cartoon contest.
If the artist’s physically presence is required to receive the prize, this rule should be clearly expressed by the organizers.

17. The organizers have the non-exclusive rights to use awarded works (meaning works who were awarded with a money prize) to advertise the next edition of the contest, without payment to the artist. The organizers of cartoon contests claim no other rights to the use of awarded cartoons.
Donation transfer of ownership of actual paper artwork to the organizers does NOT signify unconditional transfer of copyrights - these are retained, unless otherwise specifically agreed, by the artist. Should further rights be sought, they are to be subject of a new agreement between the artist and the organizers.
18. The organizers claim no rights for the use of non-awarded works.
19. The organizers will be liable for the safe keeping of selected original artwork whilst in their possession. If they intend to sell originals or copies, the cartoonist will receive the value of his works as indicated on the entree form. For selling prints or copies the cartoonists will receive 50% of the auction/selling prize.
20. The organizers will inform participants (by ordinary mail, through e-mail or website information) if cartoons are received and selected or not selected.
21. Address for delivery (state address and any special advice for customs) and contacts for further information (as phone/fax, e-mail address or websites of the organizers)
FECO does not support e-mail contests with small prize money (or just funny diploma’s) and digital catalogues, organized by un-known organizations of whom their only reason is to enrich their personal cartoon collection or to use the ‘e-mail works’ only for commercial purpose.
WEB: fecocartoon

Results 1st International Tourism Cartoon Competition

Results of the First International Tourism Cartoon Competition, Turkey
Theme: Tourism
The First International Tourism Cartoon Competition held with the cooperation of Anadolu University Research Center for Caricature Art, Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists and Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi (Anatolia: A Journal of Tourism Research) is concluded. 269 artists from 50 countries sent in 599 cartoons for the competition.
The Jury, comprised of Prof. Atila ÖZER, Kamil YAVUZ, Rahim Baggal ASGARI (Iran), Ahmet AYKANAT, Athanassios EFTHIMIADIS (Greece), Bülent ÇELİK, Fehmi KÖFTEOĞLU, Dr. Nazmi KOZAK, and Osman Nihat AYDOĞAN, convened at Medison Otel, Istanbul, and decided to award the prizes as follows:
The Grand Award: All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (7 days, 2 persons): CEMALETTiN GÜZELOĞLU (Turkey), (See SIMILARITY at http://www.ismailkar.com/)
The Second Award: All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (6 days, 2 persons): OLEG GOUTSOL (Belarus),
The Third Award: All inclusive holiday in a five star hotel in Turkey (5 days, 2 persons): JORDAN POP ILIEV (Rep. Macedonia),
Mentions: MEHMET ZEBER (Turkey), ÖMER ÇAM (Turkey), LUC VERNIMMEN (Belgium), VLADIMIR KAZANEVSKY (Ukraine), VALERIU KURTU (Germany).
Prize-giving ceremony is on Thursday, February 11, 2010, at TUYAP Beylikdüzü, Istanbul, Turkey.

3rd "Red Man" International Cartoon & Humour Contest

1. The contest is open to all artists worldwide, cartoonists, caricaturists, painters, illustrators, etc.
2. Theme:
(1). Collection.
(2). Monument, Myth, Moon, Flying, Woman, Marriage, Wine, Fish, Football, Forest, Shopping, Festivals, Christmas Day, Hallowmas, Valentine's Day…
(3). Free.
B. CARICATURE: Famous people (Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Shirley Temple, Bruce Lee, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Zhang Yimou, Elvis Aron Presley, Michael Jackson, Luciano Pavarotti, Madonna, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Ilya Yafimovich Repin, William Shakespeare, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Hans Christian Andersen, Lu Xun, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Karl Marx, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Confucius, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Isaac Newton, Mikolaj Kopernik, Stephen William Hawking, Napoléon Bonaparte, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Sun Yat-sen, Michael Jordan, Maradona, Pele, Cristiano Ronaldo, Alan Greenspan, Bill Gates III…
3. Entries: unlimited.
4. The size of the works should be unlimited.
5. The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted. Participators should summit the original works. Photographs, photocopies, etc... will not be accepted.
6. First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse. Accompanied by the author's entry-form and biography.
7. Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Print, Watercolor or Children’s painting are all acceptable. Black and white or in colors.
8. Deadline for entries is July 7, 2010.
9. The works must be original. The authors should have full copyright and be responsible for all the legal responsibilities related to the productions copyright. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage and handling.
10. Prizes:
FIRST PRIZE: 4500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
SECOND PRIZE: 2000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
THIRD PRIZE: 1000 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue + Award
GRAND PRIZE: 3500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
FIRST PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue+ Award
SECOND PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue+ Award
THIRD PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue+ Award
HONOURABLE PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue
PRIZE FOR BEST ANIMATION: 500 RMB + Medal + Catalogue
HONOURABLE PRIZE: Medal + Catalogue.
11. Some of accepted works will be printed in a brochure, on posters, in the world press or other printed matter for the purpose of publicizing the exhibition. In these cases, any fee for the use of works will not be paid.
12. Remark: the works will not be returned.
13. Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's.
14. Address: HU ZHEN YU, Room 341 Building #364, Jinqiaoshidai, Yunjing East Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing 101121, CHINA.
15.E-MAIL: redmanart@126.com , redmancartoon@163.com
HTTP: http://www.redmancartoon.com/ , http://www.redmanart.com/
Source: http://regulamentoscartoon.blogspot.com/


Sad news: Pyotr Kulinich passed away on January 20

Pyotr Kulinich passed away on January 20, 2010
He was born in 1950. He lives and works in Sochi - a Russian health resort on the Black Sea coast. He has published many thousands of his works in the central and local press of Russia and abroad since 1970. A number of books, collections of humorous drawings was done, among them: "Do you have a sense of... humour?" (Krasnodar, Russia), "The history of Moscow mouse Verochka" (Cologne, Russia).
He is a laureate of many cartoon contests held in such towns as Ancona (1987), Montreal (1988), Zelena Gura (1988), Tokio (1987, 1990), Moscow (1991), Seoul (1991), Istanbul (1992, 1994), Mexico City (1994). He organized a number of his personal exhibitions in his native town of Sochi, visited by tens of thousands of residents and visitors of Sochi. His personal cartoon exhibitions also took place abroad, particularly in Germany, Bergisch Gladbach (1991) and Ludwigshafen (1996). He is a member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation.
For more info: http://users.livejournal.com/_cartoonist_/204862.html
Source: irancartoon


Results 9th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest - Iran

Results of 9th Tabriz International Cartoon Contest - Iran

Section: Correction of Consumption Habits
First Prize: Ali Shabani / Iran (Above)
Second Prize: Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria

Third Prize: Omer Cam / Turkey
Special Prize of Tabriz Cartoon Association: Bayram Hajizadeh / Azerbaijan.

Section: Editorial Cartoons

First Prize: Ahmet Umit Akkoca / Turkey
Second Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine
Third Prize: Jordan Pop-Iliev / Macedonia.

See prize-winning and selected cartoons at

International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers’ rights

International Cartoon Exhibition – Exploitation and workers’ rights, a critical look through a humoristic Line!
At a moment like this, in which, with the excuse of the actual economic crisis, the exploitation and the assault to the rights of the workers, in order to pursue with the accumulation of scandalous profits by economic groups, the Portuguese Communist Party challenged Humorgrafe to collaborate in some journeys of reflection with the participation of cartoonists from all around the world and from different political and ideological choices to, from their own philosophical and humoristic thoughts, contribute to this initiative - Exploitation and workers’ rights through a humoristic line, with their artistic works about the important questions that at this moment, affect millions of Portuguese and worldwide workers: the unemployment, the low wages and the precarious job.
a) The P C P, in collaboration with Humorgrafe prepares a journey of enlightenment about the rights of workers. The struggle for the dignity of labour, the exploitation of millions of human beings and the outrageous profits of big business, increasing unemployment and social trail of destruction, the struggle of workers as a factor of rupture and change the life of the population, are elements compelling when we look at the world in which we live. We invite cartoonists from around the world to meditate on various topics within this area include: job insecurity as a factor in the return to a past without rights, low wages versus paying a fortune for managers and scandalous profits, unemployment and its trail of poverty, destruction wealth and productive capacity.
b) Each artist can participate up to 4 entries, in black and white (one colour) sent by e-mail (300 dpis - jpeg) to humorgrafe_oms@yahoo.com . Sending work to the exhibition requires the waiver of copyright for publications (with no lucrative aims) of these journeys.
c) The deadline is February 26th 2010, and the exhibition opened next March 18th, in Lisbon. Eventually the exhibition will be displayed in other locations.
d) The work will be selected by jury for the exhibition catalogue and other publications involved in this event - Exploration and workers' rights by the stroke of humor. The campaign held it during the years 2010 / 2011. Selected works may be used by prosecutors in this period of this initiative. All artists will be notified and will receive two copies of all publications (on paper) where they used their work.
e) It is a project with the organization of the Portuguese Communist Party, Humorgrafe production, and as artistic director Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa.
Source: http://regulamentoscartoon.blogspot.com/


Results Cartoon Contest Strumica 2010, Rep. Macedonia

Result of Cartoon contest Strumica 2010, Republic of Macedonia
Theme: Carnival - Mild erotic
First prize: Rumen Dragostinov - Bulgaria (Above)
(See SIMILARITY at http://www.ismailkar.com/)
Second prize: Mikhail Zlatkovski - Russia
Third prize: Spiro Djajkov - Macedonia
Special prize: Valeri Aleksandrov - Bulgaria.


16th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition

16th International Haifa Cartoon Contest and Exhibition 2010 - Israel
This year Haifa Municipality and the "Pencom" - Association of Israeli Caricaturists are organizing the 16th International Cartoon Contest and Exhibition.
Cash prizes will be awarded as follows:
■ 1st Prize: $500
■ 2nd Prize: $300
■ 3rd Prize: $200
Special Prizes and Honorable Mentions will be awarded to artists submitting the best cartoons.
The International Cartoon Contest comprises the main topic: Positive Thinking, "Healthy Mind in Healthy Body". Sport Activities, Entertainment and Hobbies, or Preventing ilness by Fighting Alcohol and Smoking Abuse.
Entry deadline: 21.7.2010
Our Address:
HAIFA MUNICIPALITY, P.O.B. 4811, HAIFA 31047, Israel
"Pencom" - Association of Israeli Caricaturists, P.O.B. 45598. Haifa 31454, Israel
1. The Contest is open to adult cartoonists from all over the world.
2. The number of cartoons sent by each participant is limited to five per category. (by post mail!)
3. The submitted works in all sections must be originals or digital copies (high resolution file – 300 dpi required), standard size being A4 (21 x 29.7 cm, 8 1/2 x 11 inches), using Indian ink, watercolor, pen or other graphic and painting techniques. (only two cartoons by email!)
4. Name and address should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
5. Entrants should pack their works securely and send them at their own expense to the International Cartoon Contest. Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation.
6. By participating in this event, caricaturists agree that all cartoons submitted can be used in exhibitions throughout Israel and abroad.
7. Once the exhibition in Haifa closes, the original cartoons may be returned to the artist at his/her request (The organizers are not responsible for loss of original cartoons).
8. An Exhibition Catalogue featuring the best cartoons will be published and will be sent to the best participating artist free of charge.
9. The organizing committee reserves the right to reproduce the cartoons for the promotion of the Contest.
10. The cartoons for the exhibition will be selected by a jury.
11. Note: Caricatures on political leaders should not be submitted to the Competition.
For further information please contact:
Ronit Eshet - coordinator of marketing, Haifa Municipality, P.O.B. 4811, Haifa, 31047, Israel, E-mail: ronitcartoon@gmail.com Mobile: 972-54-4913383
You can access our site at: http://www.haifa.muni.il/ by opening the "English site" link of the International Cartoon Exhibition.
Source: ecc