
More similarities

About similarities between Shibu's prize-winning 2007 and Borta's 2005 cartoons, Julian PENA - PAI reminds Muhittin Koroglu's grand prize cartoon 2003 (see above): http://www.cartoonvirtualmuseum.org/imagens/orisodomundo/2003/vpc01.jpg
Well, the problem seems to have two aspects:
A) A jury should be more careful about similarities and repetitions. Especially, if there is a pre-selection jury, the runners-up (finalists) should consist of such original works that they wouldn't lead to any controversy.
B) What is the mechanism of humoristic creation that causes the same ideas occur to artists from diverse parts of the world? Huseyin Cakmak has collected a great number of cartoons closely similar to each other yet made by artists from different countries and at different times. They don't necessarily be thought always as plagiarism I suppose. There are hidden or intrinsic patterns of humoristic thinking. Umit Mufit Dincay has once told me that he has thousands of sketches or drafts which he would develop any one into a cartoon in a short time. Muhittin Koroglu also has sets of unpublished cartoons on specific themes like Noah of the Ark, etc. What makes a cartoonist think of so many variations of a theme is deep concentration on a subject I think. Yet a cartoon is something more than an idea, isn't it? The perspective, figures, style, technique, colour, and the MESSAGE is also important. Shouldn't there be some criticism too?


Saloon of Humor for the Amazon Forest

1st International Saloon of Humor for the Amazon Forest / Brazil
1. Dates:
Registration: From June 27th to August 31st.
Result of the previous selection: September 2007
Result of the selection by the International jury and the releasing of the final result: October 2007
2. Participation: All cartoonists, professional or not, are allowed to submit original works, since they have not been awarded in other saloons up to the deadline for registrations (August 31st 2007). Each author may submit up to 3 (three) works developed under any technique, including those ones done by computers. For each work sent, one entry form must be filled up. The entry forms are available at http://www.brazilcartoon.com/
3. Theme: Humor for the Amazon Forest
4. Sending the works: All works, including those ones drawn by hand, must be sent by e-mail, resolution 300 DPIs, color mode RGB, JPG (average quality - 5) or PDF up to the limit of 1,5 MB for each work. Each e-mail must contain only one work and it must come with the respective entry form.
5. Prizes:
5.1 The guiding criteria for selecting and awarding will be:
Originality (The work must not have been published in any kind of media and must not have been awarded in this kind of competition either).
Quality of the drawings.
5.2 Prizes: The prize for the first place will be R$ 10.000,00 (Ten thousand Reais) plus a trophy and a certificate. The second and third places will receive trophies and certificates. The jury may give honorable mentions to the participants.
The awarded works will be part of the brazilcartoon Artwork Collection.
Prizes not taken in 90 (ninety) days after the releasing of the results will become worthless.
The value of the prize for international works will be converted to dollars according to its value on June 27th 2007, date of the beginning of the competition. The prize will be paid in March 2008.
6. Copyright: By submitting their works, the authors transfer automatically all copyright of their awarded works to brazilcartoon, which may use the works freely. The awarded works will be part of the brazilcartoon Artwork Collection.
7. Disagreement on results: If the jury verifies any kind of fraud or plagiarism on one or more works, it will cancel the prize. The works will be on the website http://www.brazilcartoon.com/ in October 2007 and the results may be contested up to 10 (ten) days after the opening of the saloon, supported by proper proves of any mistake made by the jury. Works sent that are not according to these rules and regulations or those containing any kind of plagiarism will be automatically excluded of the contest.
8. Where to register: To ensure that the works will be sent properly, we suggest that the works be sent through our website, using the system bellow, filling out the entry form and attaching your drawings.
Deadline: August 31st 2007. The date the e-mail was sent will be observed.
9. Further information: Brazilcartoon Organization.
Marcio Leite 55 38-3216-1109 info@brazilcartoon.com


Special Gallery: Woman

Syria cartoon web site and Nesasy website organize a special gallery
Theme: Woman (wife, family, work, love, honor killings, violence)
Entries: max. 3 cartoons on color or b/w (from archives too)
Size: JPG or GIF, 72 dpi, max. 1000 KB
Deadline: 1/1/2008
Prizes: Monthly Prizes: The certificate will be awarded for one cartoonist only. The Monthly Prizes will be awarded from May 2007 to Jan 2008.
Remark: only the best cartoons will be published and may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, etc.
Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
Send your cartoons by email: womencartoon@yahoo.com


The Image of America

Call for entries - Deadline extended -
WittyWorld is conducting a worldwide survey on the "The Image of America"
WittyWorld is conducting a survey of international perceptions of the United States, its influence, culture, and people. Cartoonists and artists are invited to offer their own version of opinions. A balance of views (positive and negative) is preferable, although the study is not necessarily looking to achieve that. The main goal is to mirror true images of how the world sees the U.S. as a whole — not only the present Bush Administration. However, all submissions, regardless of their points of view, will be considered and evaluated.
We are looking for visually exciting art directly addressing the complex image that the United States emanates to the rest of the world. An example (by Davor Trgovcevic, Croatia) is provided within this announcement.
Dr. A. William Menzin, a Harvard psychiatrist with a long-standing interest in using political cartoons for gauging social attitudes, is a strong supporter of the project and is advising and cooperating with WittyWorld founder Joe Szabo, who is writing a book.
A broad selection of the finest submitted examples will be the highlight of this study, while a traveling exhibition is also in the planning. Although high quality reproductions and electronic versions are also accepted, for the purpose of the show, original cartoons are preferable.
We have received wonderful submissions, however the deadline has been extended until further notice to allow for a broader geographic representation of opinions to come in while the book is being written. There is no limit as to how many cartoons/art may be submitted, but the size of the images must be at least A4 (21X30 cm). Original artworks should be sent to WittyWorld, 214 School Street, North Wales, PA 19454, USA. Electronic submissions (must be in high resolution — minimum 300 dpi and in either .tif or .jpg format) and inquiries should be sent to editor@wittyworld.com.


Annual Homer Davenport Cartoon Contest

Contest Info & Rules for 2007 International Cartoon Contest
Format: 8.5" by 11" (21.59 x 27.94 cm) maximum. Black & White.
Subject: Contemporary political, economic and social ideas of interest; an “Editorial Cartoon.”
Entry & Fees: Must be postmarked by July 15th, 2007.
US residents 17 and older = $5.00 for each cartoon (Check or cash). Youths 16 and younger are free. Non-US entries are free.
Prizes: We offer First Place, Second Place, Third Place, an Honorable Mention, and a Public’s Choice award — all certificate prizes.
Monetary prizes are only applicable for First, Second, and Third Places for USA residents 17 and over (the only group required to pay for entry).
Prizes (all prizes in US dollars)
First Place $100.00
Second Place $50.00
Third Place $25.00
Submission: Anyone may submit a cartoon, and as many entries as you wish, but each must be accompanied by its own entry form. Your entry must be your own work and unpublished. We encourage you to send good copies of the original art on bright white paper. Originals cannot be sent back, but you can pick them up at the end of the festival. Libelous, slanderous, racist or salacious entries will not be accepted. We encourage you to mark your artwork with a copyright notice. Example: “© 2007, Jamie Doe.”
Address: Homer Davenport International Cartoon Contest P.O. Box 781 Silverton, OR 97381 USA
Cartoons will be displayed in an exhibit at Homer Davenport Days (Aug. 3rd thru 5th). It is local tradition for winning cartoons to be published in the local newspaper, and we now post winners on our web site (davenportdays.com). For future festivals, we would like to post certain cartoons that still have topical merit; these are not in competition and not posted near competing cartoons. We will contact you prior to the festival to secure your permission to do this. In all cases, your name and state/country will be clearly labeled.
Entry form
(Source: http://www.cartoonblues.com/)


12th Mercosur Salon Diògenes Taborda prize

Basis of the 12th Diògenes Taborda Salon 2007
Can participate: painters, photographers, printers, humorists, etc.
Theme: free.
Format: 40 cm x 30 cm only on paper, cardboard, cloth.
Jury: Integrated by critics of art residing in Mercosur.
Deliveries: the art will be personally presented or sent in a sealed envelope (no framing, not paspartu) to the
Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation, Caseros 2739, CP 1246, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
until August the first 2007.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one mention will be awarded in the following categories: Graphic humor / illustration / painting / digital art / popular naïf art / drawing / photography (monochrome or color up to 6 per artist).
36 works of art: 8 paintings, 8 sculptures, 8 engravings, 8 drawings from great masters of painting from Mercosur will be awarded valuated in 5000 US dollars.
Cost: 50 Us dollars will be changed to participant artist to pay edition of brochure, packing/transportation in returning works, send fee by Foundation Cultural Volpe Stessens, cuenta corriente Bank Frances Nº 012-009379-9 - Buenos Aires – Sucursal Parque Patricios /Jorge Volpe DNI 12087670, Caseros 2739, CP 1246.
In case of not sending the money asked works will be considered a donation to the Volpe Stessens Foundation to become a part of the acerbity of the Itimuseum / Diògenes Taborda Museum / Paillet Museum or to be given away to some public welfare institution..
Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation will care for good preserving of consignees works, but will not be responsible for theft, loss or breaking of them. When participating in these salons Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation is authorized to reproduce images of the exposing works on books, magazines, newspapers or any place where Jorge Volpe Considers convenient for the best diffusion and promotion of the prizes.
Looking forward to counting with your participation and spreading of this information to achieve the best realization of these three salons,
cordially greet you,
Jorge Volpe,
director of the Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation.
E-mail: diogenestaborda@gmail.com


First International cartoon contest (Naji Al Ali)

Dear Cartoonist: Under the auspices of Syrian Ministry of Information, Syria Cartoon website invites you to participate inThe First International cartoon contest (Naji Al Ali)
Themes: Naji Al Ali – Caricature & cartoon. A: Palestinian Cartoonist, B: Palestine.
1- Each cartoonist can submit a max of 6 works. Original and made by computer will be accepted: black & white or colored.
2- Size: strictly A4 (21 x 29.7)
3- Deadline: 25/7/2007
4- On the back of each work the following information should appear: First name - surname - address - tel & fax - e-mail – theme section & title.
5- NOTE: entry- form is necessary.
6- The works will be displayed at Syria Cartoon website: http://www.syriacartoon.com/ or may be used for promotional purposes; cards, posters, newspapers, catalogs, books, etc. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submitted works may be reprinted and used without permission.
7- All entry works must not be submitted as neither folded nor rolling form.
8 - The works will not be returned.
9 - All the cartoonists whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.
10 - The prize winners will be informed by mail.
11 - The results will be declared in August 2007.
12- PRIZES: Golden prize, Silver prize, Bronze prize, special prize: all selected works will be awarded.
13- All awards are subject to necessary adjustment. Please check web bulletin.
14- By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
Contact: President: RAED KHALIL
All works should be sent to:
The First International cartoon contest (Naji Al Ali) SYRIA- DAMASCUS – P.O.BOX: 6540
(About Naji Al Ali click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naji_Salim_al-Ali)

KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival 2007

Contest: open to all cartoonists
Theme : News
Technique: free
Entries: max. 3 cartoons
The works must be original, including digital artworks if the print are signed by the author, accompanied by the author’s entry-form / biography /. The awarded works in other competitions, photocopies, etc... will not be accepted. /
Size: max. B3 / 50 x 35 cm
Deadline: August 01, 2007 / The postmark will provide the proof /
Grand Prize.........10 000 Euro,
First Prize:............5 000 Euro,
Second Prize:........4 000 Euro,
Third Prize:...........3 000 Euro,
/ Including travel and accommodation expenses in Kosova, during the Awards Ceremony... / and 5 Special Prizes......
The international jury: August 23-25, 2007
Results: September 01, 2007
Exhibition: Museum of Kosova / September 21, 2007 / from 19.00 h
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: The awarded works will become property of the Gallery / KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested, after August 2008. / Artists may also leave the cartoons to the Gallery / KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival. /
All rights reserved : © KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival
/ The organizer holds the rights to publish the cartoons, on media and other publicity materials, such are web-page, catalogues, posters, calendars, cards etc... anything that has to do with animation, affirmation of the Festival... /
KOSOVA World Cartoon Festival P.O.Box. 257, 10000 Prishtina KOSOVA / UNMIK
+377 / 0 / 44 666548