
Philosopher Lao Zi & Zen Master Huineng Caricatures 2019, China

“2019 Philosopher Lao Zi & Zen Master Huineng Caricatures” in the “Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition”
“2019 Philosopher Lao Zi & Zen Master Huineng Caricatures” in the “Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition” is an open competition. The objects of the competition are cartoons, drawings, graphics and other works of fine art created by artists.
◆ Theme:
A. Philosopher Lao Zi
B. Zen Master Huineng Caricatures
Both themes are open to submission without limitation of quantities. Works awarded in other competitions can be included in this competition.
a) Maximum A3 (297mm x 420 mm), minimum A4 (210mm × 297mm).
b) Printed submissions will not be accepted (work can be submitted in either digital or hand-drawn format; however, the electronic-version of all submission are definitely required).
c) Participants can also send digital files (scanned copy) with a minimum size of 300 dpi in “.TIFF” or “.JPG” to cmiassn@vip.163.com 
◆ Contest
1. Works for the competition will be judged by the international Jury.
2. The Jury will award the following prizes and electronic Diplomas for each winner.
3. Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them. Jury's decisions are final.
4. The competition results will be announced after the final selection in May 2019 at www.cmiassn.org. Awards are subject to taxation according to Chinese tax regulation.
◆ Awards and Prizes
Grand Prize (1) 1500 USD
Gold Medal (2) 1000 USD (1 for Theme A and 1 for Theme B)
Silver Medal (4) 800 USD (2 for Theme A and 2 for Theme B)
Bronze Medal (6) 600 USD (3 for Theme A and 3 for Theme B)
Special Prize (30) 300 USD (15 for Theme A and 15 for Theme B).
◆ Participant Privileges
1. Artists of work qualified for the exhibition will be given an electronic catalogue.
2. Artwork sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition.
◆ Competition Provisions
1. Organizers reserve the right to use all submitted artwork for advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the artists that include being exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organizers and will be included in the collection of the Gallery.
3. The exhibition organizers are the final judges in interpretation of the rules and regulations.
4. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations.
5. By sending his/her work, the artist agrees to the publication of the author's profile in the post-exhibition album.
6. The finalist artworks are requested to send the original artworks to the mailing address so that the organizer can keep them in the museum permanently.
7. No submissions will be returned.
◆ Notice
1. Participation in the competition is free of charge.
2. Organizers reserve the right to include the submitted works in the Gallery and publishing.
3. The submitted artworks would be promoted on the internet and media.
4. Works should be accompanied by their author's photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form.
◆ Timetable and Contact Information
Submissions (original scripts are preferred) for receipt of artwork:
From January 28, 2019 to April 18, 2019
Deadline: Date of the postmark April 10, 2019
Deadline: Electronic submissions midnight April 18, 2019
◆ Contact Information
E-mail address: cmiassn@vip.163.com
Mailing address: 902 Suite, 3 Flat ,No.3 Building, Tianle Yuan, Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107 CHINA
Tel: 0086-10-84937681
(Organizers are not responsible for damages during transport.)
Introduction of Lao Zi and Huineng on source.


XXI International Biennial of Graphic Humor Cuba 2019

The Humorist and Cartoonist Guild of the Union of Journalists of Cuba and the Museum of Humor of San Antonio de los Baños, convene the XXI International Biennial of Graphic Humor, to be held from March 31 through April 3, 2019 with the co-sponsorship of the Provincial Direction of Culture of Artemisa.
Cuban humorists and historians inspired by the motto "Humans with rights" invite cartoonists around the world to defend individualities, as a proposal to come together and fight for a world where human rights are respected.
Participation in the meeting is open to all cartoonists from around the world who can compete with a free theme and the original works must be sent printed or in digital format- with the signature of the author - made in any technique, with a maximum format of 30 x 40 cm. It is possible to compete in:
- General Humor
- Political satire
- Humorous comic
- Personal Cartoon
- Humorous photography
- Tomy online prize for political humor - in memory of the beloved cartoonist Tomás Rodríguez Zayas, who would be turning 70 in 2019 - which on this occasion will have as its theme "Migration, the background of a tragedy" (JPG 300 dpi).
Each author may submit one work for each of the categories, plus the Tomy on line Prize.
The works may be submitted in digital format (JPG 300 dpi), printed on photographic paper, or made on cardboard, always specifying the following information about the author:
• Names and surnames (also artistic name)
• Country
• Title
• Category
• Technical
• Home Address
• E-mail address
• Telephone
The same data must be included in the information of the digital works, the holder of the file with the name of the author and country of origin, as well as clarifying in the body of the message and the subject if the work is for the Tomy online Prize.
Digital works may be sent to the following e-mail address: humor@upec.cu. Those made in cardboard or printed, must be conveniently packaged. All of them will be received at UPEC headquarters until February 17, 2019.
Union of Cuban Journalists (Upec)
XXI International Biennial of Graphic Humorism
Calle 23 no. 452, Vedado, Cuba. CP 10 400
Telephones: (53) 7 8323722/ (53) 783245 64 ext. 116
About the Juries
The admission jury will select the works submitted to the competition to be exhibited at the San Antonio de los Baños XXI International Biennial of Graphic Humor.
An international jury made up of prestigious figures linked to graphic humour - whose decision will be final - will award the prizes.
About the Prizes
- Eduardo Abela Award, the highest award in the competition, is given in homage to the outstanding Cuban cartoonist (1889- 1965), consisting of a diploma and 1000 CUC.
- First, second and third prizes in each category and as many mentions as the jury considers, consisting of diplomas.
- Tomy on line prize consisting of a diploma and a reproduction of a work by the author.
- Dedeté Prize 25 x 2 - for the 50th anniversary of the publication - to be awarded to the work selected by the collective of that publication.
- As is already a tradition, various Cuban cultural and social institutions join the competition and award collateral prizes.


International cartoon contest and exhibition on theme Submarine 2019, Serbia

Submarine cartoons
Apropos 56. International Submariners Congress, Belgrade, Serbia, from May 21-26, 2019, Union of Submariners Belgrade and Union of Cartoonists of Serbia FECO organize International cartoon contest and exhibition on theme SUBMARINE (submarines, crews, divers, torpedoes, mines etc.)
Send cartoons at e-mail adress:
submarine.cartoons@yahoo.com till April 20, 2019 (JPEG, 300dpi, A4, max 4MB per one cartoon)
1st Prize – 300 euro and Diploma
Special Prize Nikola Otas* – 300 euro and Diploma
2nd Prize – 200 euro and Diploma
Selected cartoonists will get a printed catalog if they send their postal address or could download catalog in PDF format from website www.fecoSerbia.com .
Organizator could use cartoons for promotional purpose of the unions, contest and the exhibition.
*Special Prize Nikola Otas (1960-2016) is dedicated to submariner and prominent cartoonist, vice-president of FECO Serbia.


Finalist works of the 10th International Tourism Cartoon Competition 2018, Turkey

Dear Fellow Cartoonists,
After the meeting of the Pre-selection Committee on January 19, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey, the finalist cartoons of the 10th International Tourism Cartoon Competition were specified. 222 cartoons in the adult category and 57 cartoons in the youth category were chosen for the final evaluation. The finalist cartoons will be displayed on the organization website between January 24 and 31, 2019 before the evaluation of the final selection committee.
When you see any similar, copy cartoon/s or received an award before, and any fraud cartoon/s among the finalist cartoons, please write to organizing committee (There are numbers on every cartoons, you can use numbers when you are reporting). Any objections to authenticity will be considered until January 31, 2019.
The finalist cartoons are displayed on the following web pages:
Youth Category:
Adult Category:
Please write to:
E-mail: tourismcartoon@gmail.com
http://tourismcartoon.com .
Nazmi KOZAK.

12th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2019, Luxembourg

12th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2019
The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of
Les Amis du Château de Vianden and Naturpark OUR
are pleased to announce their
1. Subject: TIME
2. Deadline: 31 March 2019
3. Prizes: 1st prize:1500 €, 2nd prize: 1000 €, 3rd prize: 500 €, 3 honourable mentions.
4. Entries: Each participant can submit up to 4 entries in digital format by sending them via internet to the following address: cartoon@caricature.eu. The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number and the title or the number of each submission. The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1,5 MB per picture. Out of these submissions, will be made a selection of 60-100 drawings. Only the awarded artists will be invited to send the original work by mail. All these works will be shown as prints at the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size should be between A4 (210x297mm) and A3 (297x420mm).
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles.
6. Prizes and Exhibition: The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on 4th May 2019 in Castle of Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 5th May until 26th May 2019. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities or country.
7. Returns: The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
8. Catalogue: The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail.
9. Results: The results will be published on the website www.caricature.eu on 5th May 2019. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright: The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities: The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest. By taking part in this contest the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address for the awarded works:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48, Grand-rue, L - 9410 Vianden, Luxembourg
13.Further informations: cartoon@caricature.eu
Source: Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Vianden.


Illustrated Political Satire Contest: Lands of Disobedience 2019, Italy

Title of Competition: Lands of Disobedience
This political cartoon competition is organized by the Oltreconomia Festival of Trento together with the #MyTakeOn project of the political cartoonist Emanuele Del Rosso.
Its theme is in line with the one of the sixth edition of the abovementioned festival, i.e. “Lands of Disobedience”. Lands – real or metaphorical – where civil disobedience takes place are everywhere. A positive and peaceful change has been achieved several times in history, and any of these experiences of civil activism taught us something. This competition asks cartoonists to tackle the theme of civil disobedience at large, so to give the public the chance to reflect on it in a fruitful way.
The contest is also sponsored by the Dutch and the Norwegian cartoonists collectives Cartoon Movement and Cartoon Home International and by the Italian Association “Strike!”.
Terms of Participation
1 - The competition is organized internationally and it is open to all amateur or professional cartoonists.
2 - The SUBJECT of the competition is "Lands of Disobedience". Under this title are topics like activism, peaceful protests, movements that oppose the status quo. Such lands can be real or imagined/metaphorical.
3 - As the competition is organized on an international scale, works without written text are most welcome. If a text is present, it must be accompanied by a caption in English.
4 - Any illustration technique is accepted. The size of the artwork should be at least A4 (29.7 cm x 21 cm), A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm), 300 dpi, and JPG format.
5 - The works to be sent to the competition may have been published before but they should not have been awarded a prize in any competition. The award will be cancelled if the award-winning works are documented to have received a prize in another competition.
6 - It is possible to participate in the competition with maximum 3 works. Participants will not be given more than one award.
7 - Illustrations must be sent to the email: terre.contest@gmail.com
8 - The DEADLINE for the reception of the works is April 1, 2019. The illustrations submitted after this date will not be evaluated.
9 - The Oltreconomia Festival and #MyTakeOn project reserve themselves the possibility of using the received cartoons in various media and publications, newspaper and internet sites. All the participants, by sending works to the contest, acknowledge that they accept the conditions of the competition, and will not seek any future compensation in the event that the works they submit are used in the abovementioned ways.
10 - Members of the jury and members of the organizing committee cannot take part into the contest.
11 - The cartoons found appropriate by the jury might be exhibited at various events in different countries other than Italy.
12 - An exhibition will be held showing the first 30 cartoons.
Awards of the Competition
1st Award: Prize Plate, exhibition, catalogue, Big “Mistery Box”
2nd Award: Prize Plate, exhibition, catalogue, Medium “Mistery Box”
3rd Award: Prize Plate, exhibition, catalogue, Small “Mistery Box”
2 Honorable Mentions (given by the Cartoon Movement and the Cartoons Home Network International): Certificate, exhibition, catalogue.
Selection committee of the competition:
Marilena Nardi (President) – Cartoonist / Italy
Tjeerd Royaards – Cartoonist / the Netherlands
Anne Derenne – Cartoonist / France
Fadi Toons - Cartoonist / Norway
Emanuele Del Rosso (Secretary) - Cartoonist / Italy.
Source: oltreconomia.

The 3rd Beavers Laugh Cartoon Competition 2019, Ukraine

1 – PARTICIPATION: 1 February to 1 July 2019.
The 3rd "BEAVERS LAUGH" Bobritsa Cartoon Competition is open to all graphic artists, who can enter works that have not been awarded until the closing date of the entries, in the cartoon, caricature and comics modalities (The comic strip should have only one page).
The opening of the Exhibition will be 7 September 2019, with the official announcement of the winners.
Each artist can enroll with the maximum of five (5) UNPUBLISHED works in the preferable format 30x40 cm (А4 minimum) and using any technique. On the back of each drawing, or in registration must include the author's full name, address (with ZIP code), email, phone number, ID number, social security number and bank account (or send this information by email along with electronic copies of the artworks).
The artist can participate by sending their work to skonnov@yahoo.com (with maximum size of 5 megabytes) or sending the originals to:
Bobritsa Cartoon Competition
27 Naberezhaya Street,
Bobritsa, Kiev-Sviatoshin District,
Kiev Region, 08142, UKRAINE
The theme of the 3rd Bobritsa Cartoon Competition is TOURISM.
Although the name of the contest is BEAVERS LAUGH (in Ukrainian language the name of the village Bobritsa originates from "beaver"), this does NOT mean that your works should be only about beavers. First of all, they should be smart and funny, please do not restrict yourself by beavers as heroes!
But we have a SPECIAL AWARD for beavers’ theme as well!
So, if the "heroes" of your artwork are beavers your work shall be considered for BOTH (a) main awards and (b) special award BEAVER AWARD nominations with a chance to win both of them!
First prize: euro 300 (three hundred).
Appreciation awards (10): euro 150 (one hundred and fifty) each.
Special BEAVER AWARD (for artworks where beavers ARE the heroes): euro 200 (two hundred).
The awarded works will be considered acquisitive and will become part the property of the organizer, and all winning artist assign their copyright and property rights to the organizer from the date when their artworks were submitted.
The works will not be returned.
May not participate in this competition officials of Bobritsa villiage community, their relatives and anyone involved in the organization.
The simple inscription configures automatic participant's agreement to all such terms.
The award amounts are payable only upon the receipt of the original artworks of the winners by the organizers of the Competition to the personal bank accounts of the winners providing in writing (email) with copies of their passports.
The organizer of the completion is Mr. Sergei Konnov (of Bobritsa village community).
For any information, please, contact: skonnov@yahoo.com or +380 67 235-2536.
Source: Beavers Laugh.