
16th International George van Raemdonck Cartoon Contest, Boechout 2023, Belgium

16th International George van Raemdonck
Cartoon Contest, Boechout 2023, Belgium
Theme: Source 
Everything has its source. Of course, the sparkling water stream from which the broadly rippling river grows is a source, from which we can bottle refreshing spring water. However, the greatest artist of all would not be able to put a strip on his canvas without his source of inspiration. But scientists too know sources all too well: they have to write them down correctly in their citation (although this is a source of frustration for many). Problems are best tackled at the source, as I heard from a good source. And how do we solve this shortage of energy sources? What is the source of all evil? 
Making a cartoon with this theme does not seem a problem to us: a theme as a ‘source’ can only serve as a source of drawing pleasure. So let that ink squirt out of your nib, and good luck! 
vzw. International humour in art with their partners Boechout Municipality, Boechout Cultural Council, DF-Boechout-Vremde are pleased to announce their : 
1. Subject: Source 
2. Deadline: 31st of May 2023 
3. Prizes: 
1st prize: 1500 € Prize George van Raemdonck – Boechout Municipality 
2nd prize: 750 € Cultural Council 
3rd prize: 500 € ZEPPO 
4th prize: 250 € IHA 
5th prize: 150 € DF-Boechout-Vremde (Best Flemish cartoonist). 
…. other prizes possible, they will be announced on the website …. 
4. Entries: 
Initially each participant can send before 31.05.2023, at most 10 works in digital form via this link. The author must indicate in his e-mail the following information: his first name, last name, his complete address, his e-mail address, his phone number, his birth date, the category and the title or the number of each work. The characteristics of these electronic sending are as follows: format JPEG, good quality and max. 500 KB per picture. The organizers agree the sending of originals by post for those who do not have a computer. 
Out of these e-mails the jury will make a selection of 100-150 drawings and will request from the authors of these works the sending by mail of the originals for the choice of the prizes and the publication in the catalogue. All these originals will be shown in the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size will be DIN A4 (210x297mm), good quality paper, not folded and without a passe-partout. 
On the back side of every work must be clearly mentioned the first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number, birth date of the author, the category as well as the title or the number of the work. This deadline is 17.07.2023. 
5. Technique: 
Free, black and white or in color, without subtitles. The organizers prefer classic cartoon artwork but digitally created works are accepted but will not be sent back. They must be signed by their creator on the back side and be numbered by 1/1. Photos and copies of original works will be eliminated. 
6. Exhibition: 
The opening of the exhibition with prize distribution will take place on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at 7 pm. in Theater Boechout Vooruit, St.-Bavoplein 17, Boechout where the exhibition will also be held in the Foyer from September 30, 2023 to October 29, 2023 during the activities in the Theater (see: www.Boechout.be ) and also especially on Tuesday 3 October (day of the fair in Boechout) from 10 am to 5 pm. and on Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 1 to 5 p.m. The exhibition may travel and be shown in other cities and countries. 
7. Returns: 
After these exhibitions and only if the author asked for it, the selected original works will be returned to their authors except the works selected for one of the prizes. The awarded works will become property of vzw. IHA. The organizer cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of the return postage. 
8. Catalogue: 
The participants whose work has been chosen for the exhibition will receive a digital catalog via PDF. Prize winners and selected participants will receive a printed catalog when they attend the opening of the exhibition. 
9. Results: 
The publication of the results will be done on the website www.iha.be after September 30, 2023. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed by e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury, which will meet on the 22th of July 2023, are incontestable. 
10. Copyright: 
The selected participants allow the organizers to use their works only for promoting the author, as well as the event. All other copyright remains property of the author. 
11. Generalities: 
The works should not have been awarded before. By taking part to this contest the participants agree to the abovementioned rules. 
12.Address to send the originals to: 
Culturele dienst gemeente BOECHOUT 
George van Raemdonck Kartoenale 
Jef van Hoofplein 21/A 
B2530 Boechout 
13. Further information: 
Ronald Vanoystaeyen (iha@yucom.be – Phone: 32.(0)3.455.58.44) 
Cultuur Dienst Boechout (cultuur@boechout.be phone:32.(0)3.460.06.84) 
Source: iha.be.

The 28th International Cartoon Exhibition, Zagreb 2023, Croatia

The organizer of the 28th International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2023 is Croatian Cartoonist Association. The exhibition is open to all authors over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, gender or profession. 
Conditions of entry: 
1. The works can be original or digital. The author must number and sign the cartoon by hand in the case of a print of a digital work. 
In addition to the original works, works in electronic form, A4 format, 300 dpi, jpeg are also acceptable. 
2. Entries can be either black and white or in color. 
3. There should be name, surname and address written on the back of each cartoon. 
4. The cartoons must not have been awarded at other festivals. 
5. Maximum 3 entries may be submitted. 
6. Size of entries may be A4 or A3 format. 
Entry deadline is April 28th, 2023
Send your cartoons to: 
(Format: JPEG; Size: A4; Resolution: 300 dpi). Maximum 3MB for a digital work. 
Name of digital work: name.surname.country.number (if the autor is submitting more than one work) 
First Prize 1.000 EUR 
Second Prize 500 EUR 
Third Prize 300 EUR 
Five Special Mentions 
Every author whose work is included in the exhibition will receive a catalog. At the special request of the author will the original works be returned at the end of the exhibition cycle. 
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2023, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. 
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.
More on www.hdk.hr.


5th Rhubarb International Cartoon Contest 2023, Romania: Rhubarb - We need more green!

Rhubarb – We need more green!
The contest is open to all cartoonists. 
Cartoons theme: RHUBARB – We need more green! 
Deadline: 17th April, 2023 
Entries: max 5 
The cartoons will be uploaded (in electronic format), after creating an account with a username and password to: https://cartoons.rabarbura.ro 
Will be accepted only original works (created for this contest). 
The techniques used while making the cartoons are up to participants. 
First prize - 500 EUR 
Second prize - 300 EUR 
Third prize - 200 EUR 
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded. 
The jury’s decisions are final. 
The cartoon’s author consents that the cartoon or cartoons sent will become the property of the Organizer. The Organizer is entitled for all reproduction right for any cartoon registered in competition. 
The Organizer does not assume any responsibility for any breaches of copyright, exclusive responsibility for copyright lies with the one who sent the cartoon. 
The cartoons that will win the first, second and third prize will be sent mandatorily in original version to the Organizer. 
In the absence of interbank relations between Romania and the country of origin of the winner, the Organizer is relieved of any liability. 
By submitting the works to International Rhubarb Cartoons Contest 2023, the artist accepts the decisions of the jury and the rules printed above. 
Calendar of the Contest: 
Deadline to submit the cartoons: 17th April 2023
Preselection: Phase one: vote of the jury 20th -24th April 2023 (based on this vote, will be preselected 50 cartoons for the final vote of the Jury) 
FINAL VOTE: 27th April 2023, 16:00 GMT, online streaming on https://www.facebook.com/rabarbura/ and https://www.facebook.com/rabarburaERP/ 
The description of the RHUBARB can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhubarb 
Transilvania CLOUD 
Munteanu Mircea - President.
Source: rabarbura.


The color catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama 2022, Japan

Received today the color catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama, Japan. It was the 32nd year of the festival in 2022. I participated in the event with two cartoons of mine, one titled "Sharing food" on the theme of Kyousei which means "Symbiosis" and the second one of Free theme. Works on both themes by 38 Japanese and 46 foreign artists are included in the catalog of the exhibition that took place at Plaza North in November 2022. 
Saitama City is the place where Rakuten Kitazawa - the father of modern cartoon in Japan - spent his later years. The Saitama Municipal Cartoon Art Musem in the home to Kitazawa in his later years hold the Saitama-City Rakuten-Kitazawa Manga Awards competition each year. In 2022 they held the 37th edition and the winning cartoons are included in this collection book of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon" which are also displayed on the museum website here.
The standard A4-sized (21x29.7 cm) catalog of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon 2022" has 100 pages, over 70 of them covering the color and the monochrome cartoons participated in the festival and selected for the catalog. The remaining pages are the lists of the Japanese and the Foreign artists with their personal histories in both English and Japanese. With the help of this perfectly designed book of art, it is possible to compare the style and wit of the native and overseas manga/cartoon artists and enjoy the great humour in their works.
From Turkey are published the works of the following cartoonists in the catalog: Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu, Behiç Yalçın Ayrancıoğlu, Erdoğan Başol, Kamil Yavuz, Kemal Özyurt, Musa Gümüş, Seyit Saatçi, and Hüseyin Çakmak from Cyprus.
Thank you to the festival organizers and the staff of Plaza North who sent me this great collection of manga/cartoon art.


Denizli Metropolitan Municipality 3rd International Cartoon Contest 2023, Turkey


Healthy Life and Sports
We all know that doing sports is a must if we want to stay healthy and live a healthy life. Both scientific data and the health-related situations we experience show how much a healthy life is connected with sports. 
Sports: Sports is the body’s protector against many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, blood pressure, joint and muscle ailments, stress and depression. It contributes to many conditions, from increasing human energy and mobility to increasing body resistance, as well as supporting the treatments we receive. Scientific data has proven this. Therefore, doing sports regularly improves one's mood while also providing a long and healthy life. 
As Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, while contributing to modern urbanization, we also made great efforts to ensure a healthy urbanization. Nowadays, we know the importance of sports in order to stay healthy, to be protected from diseases and to regain the health that we have lost. We act with the awareness that we can provide a quality life to our people only if quality physical structuring is supported by parks, green areas, sports fields and sports venues. While creating professional sports facilities, implementing sportsman training projects, and providing free sustainable opportunities for our citizens to do sports, we are also building sports halls, sports fields, walking paths, swimming pools and increasing the number of them day by day. 
As I emphasized above, we know that a healthy life is possible with the sustainability of sports. The reason why we have determined the subject as "Healthy Life and Sports" is to bring this issue to the agenda again and to contribute to the awareness of our people. 
We wish success to all our artists by expressing our belief that you will help us with your interesting and original cartoons on this subject.
Osman ZOLAN 
Denizli Metropolitan Municipality 
1. The topic of the contest: Healthy Life and Sports 
2.Deadline: Cartoons must be uploaded on www.denizli.bel.tr/karikaturyarismasiEN/ (official municipality website) until 12.00 (a.m) March 5th 2023, on Sunday. 
3.The contest is open to amateur and professional cartoonists all over the world. 
4. It is not required that the cartoons which will be sent to the contest have been published or not in previous contests. However, the cartoons you will send must not have been awarded in another contest before. Cartoons that the selection committee (jury) deems the same or similar or the ones specified as another cartoonist’s belonging by the committee will not be evaluated. 
5.You can participate in the contest with maximum three cartoons. 
6. Cartoonists will send their cartoons digitally to our contest. Every cartoon must be in A4 size, between 150-300 dpi, JPEG format and minumum 1 MB maximum 10 MB capacity. 
7. Some cartoons which will be choosen from among the received cartoons by the jury will be collected in a cartoon album. The works of cartoon deemed worthy to be exhibited will also be displayed whenever and whereever Denizli Metropolitan Municipality deems suitable. No fee will be paid for the works of cartoon choosen by the jury for the exhibition and the album. 
8. One-night accommodation and meal expenses of the winners of the cartoon contest will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
9. Selection committee (The Jury Members): 
* Serhat Akbulut (Assistant General Secretary) 
* Hüdaverdi Otaklı (Head of Culture and Social Affairs Department) - Coordinator 
* Arif Duru (Director of Culture and Art) 
* Samet Başer (Director of Tourism and Publicity) 
* Şevket Yalaz (Cartoonist) 
* Savaş Ünlü (Humourist) 
* Mehmet Selçuk (Cartoonist) 
* Abdülkadir Uslu (Cartoonist) 
 * Altan Özeskici (Cartoonist) 
* Ali Şur (Cartoonist) 
* Kübra DELİGÖZ (Cartoonist). 
10. Prizes 
First Prize Winner: 10.000 TL 
Second Prize Winner: 7.000 TL 
Third Prize Winner: 5.000 TL 
Honorable Mention (3 pieces of prize): 3.500 TL 
The Prize for Under 18 Years Old (3 pieces of prize): 2.000 TL. 
11. The Calendar of Contest: 
A.The deadline of application for the contest is 05 March 2023, 12.00 (a.m) on Sunday. 
B.The evaluation meeting of the jury will be conducted on 11 March 2023 and 12 March 2023. 
C. Announcement of the results: The results will be announced on the official websites of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality "https://www.denizli.bel.tr" and "eng.denizli.bel.tr" on 15 March 2023, on Wednesday. 
D. Prize-giving Ceremony: Prize-giving ceremony and exhibition will be organized in Turan Bahadır Exhibition Hall on 05 May 2023 (on Friday). (The date and the location of the prize-giving ceremony and the exhibition can be changed by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality.) 
12. No matter cartoons get reward or not, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality will become right owner to use all cartoons providing that participants’ names are clearly mentioned, in accordance with the law No.5846. 
The participants will have accepted that the rights of use their works will be transferred to Denizli Metropolitan Municipality free of charge to be used in all activities, promotions, events and trainings of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
In addition, The Municipality has rights of use their works for providing materials such as poster, catalogue, brochure, gifted book and etc. and publishing in the media. 
Furthermore, Denizli Metropolitan Municipality has also the rights of use their works to reproduce, disseminate, distribute and demonstrate. 
The works of the participant, which received or did not receive an award, can be used in print media, radio and television and also other mass media in accordance with the purposes of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, from the moment of the delivery. 
Moreover, participants accept and undertake that Denizli Metropolitan Municipality takes over the rights of use the their works by means of broadcasts on the internet, brochures, catalogues, agendas, posters, CDs, DVDs and each digital media or calendars. 
13. The participant declares that the work sent to the contest belongs entirely to herself/himself. Due to this work, the participant undertakes that she/he is the sole and absolute addressee of the requests of third parties that may arise from Law No:5846 (Intellectual and Artistic Works) and other laws. Besides, the participant also accepts that the legal and criminal responsibility for the work belongs entirely to himself/herself. In addition, the participant undertakes that Denizli Metropolitan Municipality does not have any legal and criminal liability regarding the matters forementioned (the right of recourse to the owner of the work is reserved). 
The right of the works belongs to Denizli Metropolitan Municipality as the organizing institution of the contest and the owner of the work. 
14. Participants are deemed to have already accepted the terms & conditions of the contest and jury decisions. If disagreements between Denizli Metropolitan Municipality and contestant arise in regards to undefined matters in the agreement or in case of doubt, the selection committee (jury) will arbitrate between both sides. In case of disagreement, this commitee will be authorized. 
15. Contact Information: 
Kübra Deligöz (Artist of Culture and Social Affairs Department /Cartoonist) 
Mobile: +90 (554) 647 26 85 
Telephone central: +90 (258) 280 20 20 
Address: Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Altıntop Mahallesi, Lise Sokak, No:2 
 Postalcode: 20100 Denizli 
1. Accommodation, transportation (bus tickets) and meal expenses of the award winning participants living outside of Denizli will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
S: Transportation will be provided for only within the borders of Turkey. 
2. Accommodation, transportation (bus tickets) and meal expenses of award winning minors and one of his/her parents will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
3. Transportation (bus tickets) and accommodation expenses of the jury members who wish to attend the prize-giving ceremony will be provided by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. 
4. The prizes of the award winning participants will be sent to their addresses if they can’t attend the prize-giving ceremony and their prize money will be transffered to their bank account. If a right owner getting prize money doesn’t share their IBAN informations, his/her prize money right will expire one year after the date of announcing the results. If the condition of expiration happens, the right owner can’t claim any right about a reward, copyright, etc. (Transfer fees will be deducted from the net fee paid to the contestants.) 
5. Among the received cartoons, some of them will be chosen and collected in a digital album by Denizli Metropolitan Municipality. This album will be shared on the official website of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality.


13th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition 2023, Milas - Turkey

13th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition 2023, Milas - Turkey
THEME: Open 
1. The competition is open to any cartoonist. 
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition. 
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reponsibility will be assumed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened. 
4. All cartoons must be 30x40cm maximum. 
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope. 
6. Cartoons must be sent to the address below by April 30, 2023 at the latest. 
Milas Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğü 
48200 - Milas - Muğla / Turkey 
7. The results of the competition will be announced on 17 May 2023. 
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘Milas Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğü’. 
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album. 
10. The reward ceremony will be held in September 2023. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘Milas Municipality Conference Hall’ for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until 01st October 2023. 
11. Accommodation and meal expenses for participants who have won a ‘Special Award’ will be met. Travel expenses will be borne by the participants. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses for competitors who come first, second and third will be met by Milas Municipality. 
Muhammet Tokat – Mayor of Milas 
Ruhan Selçuk 
Kamil Masaracı - Cartoonist 
İzel Rozental - Cartoonist 
Betül Yılmaz - Cartoonist 
Vladimir Kazanevsky – Cartoonist / Ukraine 
Esmaeil Babaei – Cartoonist / Iran 
Kutlukhan Perker - Cartoonist 
Ali Fuat Süer - Cartoonist 
Ali Şur - Cartoonist 
Mehmet Nergiz - Coordinator. 
Winner: ₺20.000.00 
Runner up: ₺15.000.00 
Third: ₺10.000.00 
Other Special Prizes will be awarded by various establishments, societies, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, news agents and individuals. 
Note: The jury meeting will be held on the 13 May 2023. 
Source: Izel Rozental

Amazons: 2nd International Cartoon Competition, Diogenes of Sinope 2023, Turkey

1- The competition is open to amateur and professional artists from all over the world. 
2- The subject of the competition; It is designated as “Amazons.” 
Amazons… Female warriors of ancient times. Free women who have attracted people's attention and sympathy for thousands of years. Historians such as Herodotus defined the homeland of the Amazons as North Anatolia. But the Amazons are a myth that everyone from the Baltic countries to North Africa is trying to own from one end. 
The theme of "Amazons" was indispensable for the cartoon competition held in the city of Sinop, named after the Amazon Queen Sinope. The women of Sinop continue to set an example as the free, dominant characters who best reflect the spirit of the Amazons in Anatolia... 
Our expectation from cartoonists; They should reflect the warrior spirit of the Amazons in their work against child marriage, abuse and rape, violence against women, femicide, exploitation, enslavement of women and male domination. 
3- The technique is free of charge for the works that will participate in the competition. The works must not have received an award in any competition before. 
4- A digital certificate will be sent to all participating artists. 
5- Participants can submit as many works as they want. However, more than one award cannot be given to an artist. 
6- The cartoons to be sent must be in maximum A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) size, 300 dpi resolution and jpg format. 
7- The works that will participate in the competition can be sent via e-mail until 15 June 2023; It should be sent to the address: “sinopludiyojencartoons@gmail.com” 
8- Along with the works, all artists must send their name, postal address, telephone, e-mail address, short CV and one photograph. 
9- The exhibition and award ceremony of the competition will be held in Sinop- Ayancık on a date to be announced later. The travel expenses of the participants will be their own and their accommodation will be covered. The awards of those who cannot attend the ceremony will be sent to their addresses. 
10- Awards: 
Grand Prize: 10.000 TL/Plaque 
4 Achievement Awards: 2.000 TL/Plaque 
Special Awards from Various Institutions: Plaque 
11- In the selection committee; sculptor Eşref Baş (Turkey), writer Tufan Bilgili (Turkey) and cartoonists Adnan Taç (Turkey), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Elena Ospina (Colombia), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), , Isabela Kowalska (Poland), Musa Keklik (Turkey), and Nahid Maghsoudi (Iran). 
12- The cartoons participating in the competition (whether they receive an award or not) are published by the institutions organizing the competition, such as exhibitions, posters, books, albums, e-albums, calendars, brochures, etc. available in publications. It can be published on the internet. Apart from this, all publishing rights of the works belong to the artists. 
13- The results of the competition will be announced in the first week of July. 
14- The cartoonists participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted the above conditions. 
15- Competition; Organized by Ayancık Municipality and Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association…