
The 24th PortoCartoon World Festival 2022, Portugal: Education and Gender Equality

24th PortoCartoon World Festival 2022, Portugal
General Rules and Regulations
Quality Education and Gender Equality are the UN bets to improve the world. 
With these themes, corresponding to the 4th and 5th SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), PortoCartoon calls once again the artists to two fundamental concerns for the future of humanity. 
Education continues to be a factor in the expression of inequalities, with around 260 million children unable to attend school, especially in the southern hemisphere, especially in countries in central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. This is a drama with great implications for the future of these countries. The UN goal is to access inclusive, quality and equitable education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. 
In terms of Gender Equality, the situation is more serious: 2.8 billion women and girls live in countries that do little to eliminate the discrimination they face. 
This will be one of the most lagging global goals, relative to the international commitment (signed by world leaders in 2015) to ‘social development’ by 2030. 
Education and Gender Equality converge in dramas and need answers on a global scale. 
Humor can be a good contribution. And so the challenge is given to the sharpened pencils.
GRETA THUNBERG (2003- ) became known worldwide, after going on strike in front of the Swedish parliament, in 2018, in defense of the climate. She was 15 years old and, with the plaque “School Strike for Climate”, promoted a campaign that had a global effect, inspiring thousands of young people around the world. In December 2018, more than 20,000 students – from the UK to Japan – joined her, going on strike at classes to protest the lack of environmental protection measures. A year later, Greta Thunberg receives the first of three Nobel Peace Prize nominations. She faces powerful leaders, make engaging speeches, unsettle the installed power. “Everything remains the same and everything is blah blah blah,” she said at COP26 (Glasgow, Nov. 2021). 
GAGO COUTINHO (1869-1959) was a Portuguese Navy officer, geographer, historian, mathematician and aviation pioneer. In 1922, he carried out the first aerial crossing of the South Atlantic, connecting Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro, together with Sacadura Cabral. With this they earned them international notoriety. In addition to several cartographic works, he developed navigation devices, such as the sextant with an artificial horizon. Known as the “precision astrolabe”, the device was internationally registered as “System Admiral Gago Coutinho”. In 2022, the centenary of this Air Crossing joins the bicentennial of Brazil’s independence. Is there another better opportunity to choose this personality?
Cartoonists can submit works for the MAIN THEME and for the FREE CATEGORY, as in the previous editions.
4 Artists who don’t wish to compete can send us their works EXTRA-COMPETITION, informing of their decision.
5.1. Cartoons must be original. We accept any kind of graphical techniques, including digital artwork sent by e-mail, as long as the drawings are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR, are identified as PRINT NUMBER ONE and as an original for this contest. 
5.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.
6 The artworks cannot exceed the following measurements: 
- IN PAPER, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3); 
- SCULPTURE PIECES, 42 x 30 x 30 cm.
7 Cartoons should be sent with the author’s Resumé, in Portuguese or English (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) and must be identified on the reverse with the following information: 
- Author’s name and address; 
- Year, title and theme section.
8 Entries should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until February 28th 2022 (EXTENDED:) March 07th 2022, along with the filled Entry Form.
9 The works should be sent to: 
PortoCartoon-World Festival
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum, 
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206 
4300-316 PORTO, Portugal. 
Or to the e-mail address: portocartoon@museudaimprensa.pt
10 The participation in PortoCartoon automatically implies that the author waives copyrights of his works in any kind of platform, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.
11 The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following: 
Grand Prize PORTOCARTOON 4000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
2nd Prize PORTOCARTOON 1200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
3rd Prize PORTOCARTOON 800 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine), 
travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal 
Special Award for CARICATURE 1st Prize 1000 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 2nd Prize 300 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Special Award for CARICATURE 3rd Prize 200 Euro 
(half in money and half in Port wine) 
Honorable Mentions 50 Euro and Diploma.
12 The organization does not ensure to send prizes on bottles of wine. 
13 The Jury will have an odd number of members and its decisions will be final and cannot be subject to any type of appeal or complaint.
14 The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will take part of the INTERNACIONAL CARTOON GALLERY. The others will be returned to the artists, if formally requested with the entry form, after the exhibitions (during PortoCartoon and others in different cities and countries). 
15 In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PortoCartoon exhibitions or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists.
16 All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a DIGITAL CATALOGUE, that will be sent by e-mail to download. If the artist wants to receive a printed catalogue, he should request it and support the shipment costs. 
17 The winning artists will receive the prizes in June 2022, in a public ceremony.
Also on facebook .

VII International Cartoon Festival "Smile of the Sea" 2022, Russia

VII International Cartoon Festival "Smile of the Sea"
Theme of the festival: "Pandemic". 
Works are accepted until August 15, 2022
The selection of cartoons at the exhibition and the determination of the winners is conducted by a specially invited jury. 
At the end of the festival, winners and participants will receive festival diplomas and a catalog. 
The best works will be awarded special prizes and diplomas. 
Technical requirements for works: A4 format for originals and their copies, JPEG (300 dpi) - for works in electronic form. 
You can send work by the e-mail: imeempravo@mail.ru 
or at the postal address: 
ul. Karl Marx, 44, office 5 
Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region, 
353900, RUSSIA 
telephone: + 7-918-9873929, telephone / fax: (8617) 72-00-47. 
Source: cartoonblues.


The 38th Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition 2022, Turkey

38th Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition 2022
Deadline: February 28, 2022 (UTC+3)
The Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition is organized every year in Turkey by the Aydın Doğan Foundation. The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world. 
One cartoon that will be selected among the cartoons that will be sent in the “Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” category will receive a special award. 
Participation Rules 
1. Participants can select any theme. 
2. Cartoons participating in the competition must be signed. 
3. By completing the participation form, the contestant beforehand declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her cartoon(s) to be submitted to the competition; that he/she grants license in form of non-exclusive simple license to Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means as defined under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that he/she grants power to use the moral rights to Aydın Doğan Foundation, which are obligatory for the use of the licensed financial rights as set forth in Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works, and that he/she gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to duplicate and publish them on the Internet or through other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations. 
4. Where the cartoon(s) to be submitted to the competition wins a rank and/or a prize; the contestant beforehand declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her rank and/or prize-winning cartoon(s) and that he/she transfers ownership of the cartoon, submitted to the competition, to Aydın Doğan Foundation; that he/she transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means he/she holds over the cartoon(s) to Aydın Doğan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Work; and that he/she grants power to use the moral rights to Aydın Doğan Foundation, which are obligatory for the use of the licensed financial rights as set forth in Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; that he/she gives consent to Aydın Doğan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations; that he/she does not have any right of disposition over the financial rights subject to transfer and thus will not enter into any transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights. 
5. The Participant hereby accepts and declares that the cartoon submitted for the competition is an original work, and that there is no right arising from Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works on the cartoon belonging to any third party and if any, that permission is obtained with regards to such rights, and in case a third party claims a right on the cartoon submitted and Aydın Doğan Foundation is obliged to pay any compensation or any other amount under whatsoever name due to the use of such cartoon, that he/she will pay 2 times of this amount to Aydın Doğan Foundation as a penal clause, and also that the award given to the participant will be taken back. 
6. The Contestant accepts and declares that the information included on the participation form completed for the competition participation will be processed and transferred with communication and competition participation purposes within the framework of the International Cartoon Competition of Aydın Doğan Foundation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law number 6698; that even if the application fails, the personal data will be kept by Aydın Doğan Foundation for the period of time set forth by the legislation; that the information related to competition participation will be shared with the jury, press and media organs and other relevant parties; that where a prize is won or where cartoon is published, his/her information as being author of such cartoon will be shared with the public; and that he/she is provided with required information in this regard. 
– The Contestant accepts and declares that he/she has been informed before participating in the competition that he/she can learn his/her rights about his/her personal data and possible modifications on processing of this data from www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr
– That where he/she has any request on processing of his/her personal data by Aydın Doğan Foundation, he/she can send such request in written with original signature to the address of Aydın Doğan Vakfı, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No: 65 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul/Turkey; 
– That he/she will provide clear and comprehensible information related to the right he/she requests to use during the application to be made; that he/she will certify his/her identity during the application to prove that the applicant is the relevant person and will send his/her identification information together with the application; and that it will be required to share also his/her contact information to receive the result of the application; 
And that he/she has been informed about all of the foregoing issues before participating in the competition. 
7. The Foundation will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the first three award-winning competitors for the award ceremony. 
8. Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member. 
9. The decision to upload the cartoons, submitted to the competition, on the Virtual Museum belongs to Aydın Doğan Foundation. 
- The cartoons which have been sent to the Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competition in previous years, will not be reevaluated for this year’s competition. 
- The uploaded cartoons must be in high resolutions for printing purposes. 
- Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member. 
You can participate in this competition with 1 entry and max 3 works
All three cartoons must be uploaded simultaneously. Cartoons must be signed
High resolution jpf, tiff, png (Minimum 150 dpi/maximum 300 dpi printable scanned document, File size maximum 10MB). 
Deadline Extended April 18, 2022 / 15:00 (UTC) 


The 6th Hilden Cartoon Biennale 2022, Germany

6th Hilden Cartoon Biennale 2022, Germany
We organize: 
We are looking for: 
cartoonists, who do classic cartoons, no series or comics 
of originals, scans or prints in DIN A4 format up to a maximum of 24 - 30 cm 
Date of the exhibition: opening Fri 05/20/22 till Mon 06/06/22 
Deadline for submission: 03/15/22 (preferably with your vita and your photo) 

then judging takes place

Prize money: the winner receives a prize money of €500 
We need: 
your cartoons (three pieces per submitter) 
your consent to the use of your cartoons for posters/catalog/buttons 
(consent is given automatically by submitting your work) 
by Email: 
by mail:
Haus Hildener Künstler e.V. - Hofstrasse 6 – 40723 Hilden - Germany
We offer: 
for the sixth time, the platform for cartoons that Germany has been waiting for
prize money of €500 for the winner
creation of posters, extensive press work, an exhibition catalog
a festive opening under the patronage of the mayor of Hilden. 
We have: 
an own artist´s house in the central city park of Hilden with an exhibition hall
own frames in the format of 24 x 30 cm
an own website at: www.hofstrasse6.de
We hope: 
for your participation and cordially invite you! 
Source: HildenCartoon.


The color catalog of The Best Cartoons of Nippon 2021, Japan

Received today the color catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama 2021, Japan. It was the 31st year of the festival in 2021. I participated in the event with two cartoons of mine, one on the theme KENKOU which means "Health" and the second one of FREE THEME. Works on both themes by 44 Japanese and 50 foreign artists are included in the catalog of the exhibition that took place at Plaza North in November 2021. 
Saitama City is the place where Rakuten Kitazawa - the father of modern cartoon in Japan - spent his later years. The Saitama Municipal Cartoon Art Musem in the home to Kitazawa in his later years hold the Saitama-City Rakuten-Kitazawa Manga Awards competition each year. In 2021 they held the 36th edition and the winning cartoons are included in this collection book of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon" which are also displayed on the museum website here.
The standard A4-sized (21x29.7 cm) catalog of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon 2021" has 108 pages, about 70 of them covering the color and the monochrome cartoons participated in the festival and selected for the catalog. The remaining pages are the lists of the Japanese and the Foreign artists with their personal histories in both English and Japanese. With the help of this perfectly designed book of art, it is possible to compare the style and wit of the native and overseas manga/cartoon artists and enjoy the great humour in their works.
From Turkey are six cartoonists whose cartoons published in the catalog; namely, Erdoğan Başol, Hüsnü Berkalp Üstün, Kamil Yavuz, Kemal Özyurt, Musa Gümüş, and Seyit Saatçi.
Thank you to the festival organizers and the staff of Plaza North who sent me this great collection of manga/cartoon art.

25th Gabrovo Biennial of Humor and Satire in Art 2022, Bulgaria: Economy of Means

25th Gabrovo Biennial of Humor and Satire in Art: Open call
Biennial theme: Economy of Means 
DEADLINE for entries: January 17th, 24:00 CET 
Contemporary art section 
Golden Aesop Grand Prix in section contemporary art – 5000 euro; 
Prize of the town of Gabrovo awarded to a promising young artist – 2500 euro. 
Eligible are works of art executed in any technique and media. 
Cartoons section 
Prizes: Golden Aesop Grand Prix in section cartoons – 2 500 euro; 
Prize for cartoon – 1 500 euro 
Eligible are original works signed by the artists, up to A3 size and digital works, including animated cartoons (gif, flash and video) 
All relevant information about the 25th Gabrovo Biennial, including the online application form, can be found on its website - https://biennial.humorhouse.bg/en 
The Biennial consists of two juried exhibitions - one for cartoons and one for contemporary art - and a curated exhibition, titled Sensitivity Training which, for the 25th edition, will be curated by the artist Olav Westphalen. 
The Biennial will open on 20th May 2022 at the Museum of Humor and Satire in Gabrovo. 
The exhibitions continue until 30th September 2022. The Biennial is organized by the Museum of Humor and Satire with the support of the Municipality of Gabrovo and the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture.


The 54th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2022, North Macedonia

54th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2022
Dear friends, CARTOONISTS, let start the year with a good news! 
Pleased that during of our fifty-three-years existence we have created a network of exceptional cartoonists - collaborators and friends of OSTEN, we announce the 54th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2022! 
- Fill out the APPLICATION FORM (electronically or manually) and send it to the e-mail: 
cartoons@osten.com.mk along with a photo, short bio and digital images of the works she/he is submitting 
- To send the electronically submited works BY POSTAL MAIL along with the printed and signed Application Form to our address: 
OSTEN – WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS, “8. Udarna Brigada” 2, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 
with a note: NO COMMERCIAL VALUE! FOR EXHIBITION ONLY!!! - up to 30 April 2022 (EXTENDED:) 31 MAY 2022 latest! 
True to our commitment to preserve and foster the art on paper, ORIGINAL, hand-created works are to be expected. If the cartoonist works exclusively in digital technique, printed DIGITAL WORKS - named, numbered and signed in pencil on the front will be considered. 
30 April 2022 – 31 MAY 2022 – Works submission 
31 June 2022 – Announcement of the short-listed cartoonists 
30 July 2022 – Announcement of the awarded cartoonists 
September 2022 – Opening of the exhibition and awards presentation 
GRAND PRIX for Lifetime Achievement (1500 $ & Sculpture) – decision by the Ambassadors of OSTEN 
FIRST AWARD ($1000 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury 
SECOND AWARD ($500 & Plaque) – decision by the International Jury 
5 THIRD AWARDS (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury 
5 SPECIAL AWARDS (Plaque) – decision by the International Jury 
CICO AWARD * for a Macedonian Cartoonist (Plaque) – decision by the OSTEN Board 
* In honor of the great Macedonian cartoonist Vasilije Popovic – Cico 
Fill out the APPLICATION FORM, sign up, submit the works, follow the updates on FB, and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. 
For more information on: www.osten.mk , and you can always contact us on: cartoons@osten.com.mk . WE ARE EXPECTING YOU!
Source: osten.mk
(Deadline updated: 07 May 2022 14:00).