
The 4th Biannual Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2019, Belgium

4th Biannual Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2019, Belgium
1. Participation
All persons 18 years of age and older are eligible to participate in this international contest. Participants declare to agree to the terms and conditions of the regulations, and the decisions of the juries. Belgian law governing withholding tax on prizes won by foreign participants applies. Participation is free of charge.
2. Definition
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This includes a caricature of a famous person, a parody of a real situation or simply an image of a funny situation. The cartoon can consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. The cartoon can be static (drawn) or moving (animated using a computer).
3. Theme
Buses in Brussels
4. Submissions
Drawn cartoons, maximum 5 submissions. The cartoons may not contain text. They may not have been exhibited or awarded in any country. Drawings should be sent digitally and submitted by uploading them on the global mobility website >> here. Exceptionally they can be delivered by WeTransfer or by post.
The deadline is 20 August 2019
5. Registration form
Participation is valid only if your date of birth has been filled in and the form has been signed. The back of each cartoon must indicate: last name, first name.
Submission is at the expense of the participants.
6. Ownership rights
By participating, participants grant the organising body the right to use their submissions as advertising for the "Global B&C Cartoon Festival" and the seaside resort Knokke-Heist, (e.g. as cartoon book, catalogue, advertising in the press and other media, separate promotional printed works such as posters, leaflets etc., promotional gifts by the city council and/or photo festival organisation, calendar).
7. Jury
An international jury will make a selection from the entries for the exhibition, and will select the prize winners.
8. Visibility of the contest
All participants can visit the virtual exhibition free of charge upon presentation of their proof of participation.
9. Ownership by organising body
All submitted works become the property of the organising body.
10. Cartoon Book
In collaboration with Busworld INTL, a cartoon book will be published, subject to budgetary and technical constraints. Selected participants will be entitled to one copy.
The winners will be anounced on 18 October 2019.
First prize is 500 Euro
Second prize is 250 Euro
Third prize is 100 Euro.
Global Mobility Cartoon Contest 2019
Kasteel van Rumbeke, Moorseelseweg 2, 8800 Roeselare - Belgium
Tel: (+32) 051/22.60.60
E-mail: participate@globalmobilitycartooncontest.com
Source: globalmobilitycartooncontest.

Winners in Bastogne International Press Cartoon Contest 2019, Belgium

Winners in Bastogne International Press Cartoon Contest 2019
Theme: Make love not war
Jitet Kustana – Indonesia
Christian Dittrich – Austria
Luc Descheemaeker – Belgium
Honorable mention:
Brady Izquierdo – Cuba
Kostenko Alexandr – Ukraine
Toso Borkovic – Serbia.
List of participants.


The 36th Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2019, Turkey

• Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition is organized every year in Turkey by Aydın Dogan Foundation.
• The competition is open to the professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
• The Jury is composed of the international members. The Jury will meet in November 2019.
• The award ceremony of 36th Aydın Dogan International Cartoon Competition will be organized in June 2020 in Istanbul.
“Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” Award
While half of the world population is still underrepresented in the business, politics, science and academy and discriminated, it is impossible to turn the ideals of justice, freedom and equality into a reality. Only if women are empowered, the world can be more healthy, peaceful and prosperous.
One of the most essential steps towards eradicating the gender inequality which still prevails even in the most developed countries in the world is the girls’ education. It is an absolute must that all the girls in the world have access to uninterrupted, quality education so that they can make their own decisions, direct their own lives and they can reach the positions they deserve. However, this is not enough. Beyond access to education, each of us are responsible of providing all the girls and young women with the opportunities to realize their potentials inside and outside of the schools, to enable them to develop their knowledge and skills throughout their lives and to remove all the barriers they face when they participate in the workforce.
Aydın Doğan Foundation, being aware of this responsibility, works in the field of girls’ education and empowerment.
In this regard, one cartoon that will be selected among the cartoons that will be sent in the “Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” category will receive a special award worth of 8.000 US dollars.
1. Participants can select any theme.
2. Participants will submit the original copies of their cartoons. Cartoons sent as printouts should bear original signatures of participants. Photographs, photocopies, etc. will not be accepted.
3. Size of cartoons should not exceed A3 paper size (29.7 x 42cm).
4. Completing the participation form published on www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr, contestants will send their cartoons together with a short curriculum vitae and a photograph of them to the following address:
Aydın Dogan Vakfı, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No: 65, 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul/Turkey.
5. The Foundation will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during postage or for any late delivery of cartoons.
6. Award-winning cartoons will not be returned to participants.
7. By completing the participation form, the contestant beforehand declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her cartoon(s) to be submitted to the competition; that he/she grants license in form of non-exclusive simple license to Aydın Dogan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties in relation to the usage rights of financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means as defined under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; and that he/she grants power to use the moral rights to Aydın Dogan Foundation, which are obligatory for the use of the licensed financial rights as set forth in Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works, and that he/she gives consent to Aydın Dogan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to duplicate and publish them on the Internet or through other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations.
8. Where the cartoon(s) to be submitted to the competition wins a rank and/or a prize; the contestant beforehand declares and accepts that he/she is the author of his/her rank and/or prize-winning cartoon(s) and that he/she transfers ownership of the original or the copy of cartoon, submitted to the competition, to Aydın Dogan Foundation; that he/she transfers the financial rights such as processing, duplication, distribution, representation, indication and transmission to the public via audio and/or visual means he/she holds over the cartoon(s) to Aydın Dogan Foundation without any limitations on location, time period and number including assignment to third parties under the provisions of the Articles 21-25 of the Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Work; and that he/she grants power to use the moral rights to Aydın Dogan Foundation, which are obligatory for the use of the licensed financial rights as set forth in Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works; that he/she gives consent to Aydın Dogan Foundation to exhibit such cartoon(s), to keep them in its archives, to publish them on the Internet or through other media and to use them in any other way without any limitations; that he/she does not have any right of disposition over the financial rights subject to transfer and thus will not enter into any transactions with third parties in relation to transferred financial rights.
9. The Participant hereby accepts and declares that the cartoon submitted for the competition is an original work, and that there is no right arising from Law No. 5846 on Turkish Intellectual and Artistic Works on the cartoon belonging to any third party and if any, that permission is obtained with regards to such rights, and in case a third party claims a right on the cartoon submitted and Aydın Dogan Foundation is obliged to pay any compensation or any other amount under whatsoever name due to the use of such cartoon, that he/she will pay 2 times of this amount to Aydın Dogan Foundation as a penal clause, and also that the award given to the participant will be taken back.
10. The Contestant accepts and declares that the information included on the participation form completed for the competition participation will be processed and transferred with communication and competition participation purposes within the framework of the International Cartoon Competition of Aydın Dogan Foundation in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law number 6698; that even if the application fails, the personal data will be kept by Aydın Dogan Foundation for the period of time set forth by the legislation; that the information related to competition participation will be shared with the jury, press and media organs and other relevant parties; that where a prize is won or where cartoon is published, his/her information as being author of such cartoon will be shared with the public; and that he/she is provided with required information in this regard.
• The Contestant accepts and declares that he/she has been informed before participating in the competition that he/she can learn his/her rights about his/her personal data and possible modifications on processing of this data from www.aydindoganvakfi.org.tr;
• That where he/she has any request on processing of his/her personal data by Aydın Dogan Foundation, he/she can send such request in written with original signature to the address of Aydın Dogan Vakfı, Burhaniye Mahallesi Kısıklı Cad. No: 65 34676 Üsküdar Istanbul/Turkey;
• That he/she will provide clear and comprehensible information related to the right he/she requests to use during the application to be made; that he/she will certify his/her identity during the application to prove that the applicant is the relevant person and will send his/her identification information together with the application; and that it will be required to share also his/her contact information to receive the result of the application;
And that he/she has been informed about all of the foregoing issues before participating in the competition.
11. The Foundation will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the first three award-winning competitors for the award ceremony.
12. Cartoons that have not received any awards will be returned to their owners upon written application to the Foundation within 1 year. The responsibility of the Foundation ends after this period.
13. The deadline to participate in the competition is Friday, July 5th 2019.
14. Jury members cannot participate in the competition in the year they act as a jury member.
15. The decision to upload the cartoons, submitted to the competition, on the Virtual Museum belongs to Aydın Dogan Foundation.
• “Empowered Girls, Empowered Futures” Award: 8,000 USD
• Winner : 8,000 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Winner Award
• First Runner up : 3,500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation First Runner up Award
• Second runner up : 1,500 USD and the Aydın Doğan Foundation Second Runner up Award
• Success Award : 500 USD.
Rules in languages on source: sanalmuze.


Winners in the 22nd Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem 2019, "The Wall"

The Turkish cartoonist Dogan Arslan did win the 22nd edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem, Belgium. With his endless wall he is reacting to the problems of refugees around the world. The second prize was for Luis Mecho from Costa Rica, followed by the Iranian Jalal Pirmarzanad who won the Bronze award. The winning cartoonists got their prizes on Saturday at the prize-giving ceremony in Kruishoutem, Belgium.
"The Wall" was the theme of this year’s contest and no less than 985 cartoonists from over 87 countries (a new record!) sent in their works. The international jury - with cartoonist Luc Descheemaeker (O-Sekoer) as president – had to choose among 2750 cartoons and they liked the work by Dogan Arslan the best, also because he combined the theme and a worldwide current topic of the refugees.
Besides the top three winners, there were also prizes for the French Jean-Loïc Belom, who won a personal exhibition in the European Cartoon Center next year, the Polish Krawczak Andrzej (Best Entry of the EU) and Herwig Beyaert (Best Belgian).
A selection of the best 150 cartoons can be seen until the 30th of June 2019 during the exhibition in the European Cartoon Center: border walls, restriction of freedom, walls between people, social media, … these are all topics that were developed by the cartoonists. From July on a smaller exhibition of 60 works will travel around to different cities in Belgium.
First Prize: Dogan Arslan (Turkey) (Top)
Second Prize: Luis Mecho (Costa Rica)
Third Prize: Jalal Pirmarzanad (Iran)
Best Entry European Union: Andrzej Krawczak (Poland)
Best Belgian Entry: Herwig Beyaert (Belgium)
Prize of the ECC: Jean-Loic Belom (France).
Listes Nikola (Croatia)
Mahmood Nazari (Iran)
Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia)
Druzhinin Valentin (Russia).
The cartoon used to promote the campaign was from Agim Sulaj (Italy).
You can see all winning cartoons on our website.
The catalogue with a selection of 100 works is available. All the cartoonists that are published in the catalogue will receive automatically a free copy during the month of May. Other participants receive a free copy on demand and with payment of the postal cost. Please ask for your copy by sending an e-mail to info@ecc-kruishoutem.be . You can also buy an extra copy on the webshop www.ecc-kruishoutem.be.
The ECC.


The 3rd edition of the International Festival of Cartoon in Africa, Morocco 2019

The 3rd edition of the International cartoon Contest, Morocco 2019
Anyone who participates in the contest agrees with the terms of the regulation and
Jury decisions.
Street children
for cities without children in street situations
Conditions of participation in the contest
The number of works per participant is limited to 2 (two).
The works can not have been published,
exhibited or won prizes in Morocco or abroad.
Format: A4, 300 dpi, JPG / JPEG and free techniques
• Deadline: 03/6/2019
Works that do not meet the conditions
in this regulation will not be considered for the contest.
The following prizes are provided:
First prize (duck).
Second prize (Africa)
Third prize (pencil stroke)
Three special prices
Cartoons must be sent to:
Because of his participation in the competitions, the author lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions. The works sent remain at the disposal of the organizers for two years.
• The jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition and represent their own countries. Their names will automatically be added to the list of participants
(They will only participate in the exhibition, Not in competition (just honor participation).
• Works may be used for promotional purposes
(Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards ...)
Without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
Theme 2: Hammouda satirical portrait
The following prizes are provided:
Three special prizes.
More info:

The 8th International Speleocartoon Concourse 2019, Italy

Cheers to you all, cartoonists! 23 years after the latest edition, the GSL (Lavis’ speleological group) calls for pencils back to work as it announces, with ‘deep’ pride, the eighth international edition of the speleocartoon concourse.
Human beings have always been exploring aiming high, towards wide open spaces, mountain peaks, even the furthest reaches of the Universe. Speleologists, going with their gut, go against the tide and look down, to the deep dark of caves. Those places do exist thanks to the unceasing labor of the water, that rushes into mountains drop by drop, turning into a stream and then into an underground river. Cavers walk across empty spaces, tight passages and wide shafts created by water, as far as the water allows them to do it. Speleologists chase water in a world without sun, lighting up with exploration and imagination those uncharted sites.
No matter if you’re a speleologist or not, or whether you want to plunge in our world or if you prefer to remain on the surface: every reason can be a useful boost to set your fantasy free and take part in this blind date.
The concourse is open to all adult artists. Each artist can submit up to three works. These works have to be original and not rewarded/reported in other contests.
The works must be sent in A4 or A3 digital format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, JPG or TIFF format at speleovignetta@gruppospeleolavis.it
Works must be submitted no later than July 31, 2019
Works will be selected by a mixed panel, made up of members of the Lavis’ speleological group and of the Andromeda Art studio (https://www.studioandromeda.net/). The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into by the judges in relation to that decision.
1° PREMIO 500 euro
2° PREMIO 300 euro
3° PREMIO 200 euro.
The award ceremony will be held on November 9, 2019, on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of Lavis’ Speleological group. The exhibition will last from October 26, 2019 to November 17, 2019.
In concurrence with the concourse, artists are advised to design a logo which will promote the 45th anniversary, sending it to speleovignetta@gruppospeleolavis.it. The author of the selected logo will be rewarded together with the winners of the concourse. The logo has to be related to speleology and must be submitted no later than June 30, 2019. The text of the logo should simply state: 45° Gruppo Speleologico Lavis composing it as you like even with just the first 45 ° GSL, without other limitations.
By participating, authors sign away their non-exclusive rights on publishing of works on any medium for promotional purposes of Lavis’ speleological group.
For further information email us at speleovignetta@gruppospeleolavis.it.


The first International Caricature Competition 2019, Syria

The first International Caricature Competition 2019, Syria
• Participation
The competition is open to all artists.
• Theme: World’s famous Portraits in politics, culture, arts+cartoonists,
economy, entertainment and etc
• Entries
• Each participant can send 3 Caricatures + ( C.V+Photo)
A3 (29X42 cm), 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 15 . 6 . 2019
• Caricatures must be sent to:
• Prizes
All selected cartoonists will be awarded certificate + album (PDF)
• Caricatures can be used for any promotional purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards, etc.)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• For more details please visit:
Syria Cartoon website