
The Addis Ababa Declaration for the Recognition of Cartooning as a Fundamental Right

From the DPDF Facebook page.

The Addis Ababa Declaration for the Recognition of Cartooning as a Fundamental Right, presented on May 3, 2019 at UNESCO Press Freedom Days in Addis Ababa and then handed over to the organization's Director General, is in a new phase.

We have asked the French National Commission for UNESCO to carry this text.

This week, its President transmitted the declaration to all National Commissions for UNESCO.

We hope that this dissemination will help to open up, within and between countries, a space for discussion and reflection on the right to satire and irreverence.

Five years after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, this new step is all the more significant: it brings strength and legitimacy to this text, and completes making it a reference text on which cartoonists all over the world can now rely.

We must now bring this declaration to life.

The link to the Declaration: https://dessindepressecommedroitfondamental.org/?lang=en.


12th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2020, Germany

Theme: Say NO to "violence against Women!"
We are taking on another global societal issue after covering child marriages. “Violence against Women” will be the theme of 12th Don Quichotte Caricature Contest. Violence against women and childs is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Some national studies show that up to 70% of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime from an intimate partner. To raise awareness and trigger action to end this global scourge, the UN observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November. Unfortunately, violence against women and girls is deep-rooted in our societies and the international observance serves as a symbol of resistance as well as a call to action to eliminate gendered physical, economic and psychological violence. Violence against Women has been increasing in emerging countries. Femicide-killing women because of their gender- is a longstanding issue in the world. For example, there were 430 female homicides in 2019 alone in Turkey. Although illegal, child marriage in Turkey remains also prevalent along with countries such as India, Iran, Mexico, Ethiopia, Chad and Niger. The purpose of this contest is to bring global awareness to this issue through the lens of caricaturists around the world and encourage solutions that will end this social crisis.
Rules of the competition:
1) Joining the competition is possible only via internet (with cv+address): violenceagainstwomen2020@gmail.com .
2) All submitted pieces of work should be participating in a contest for the first time. In the event of violation of this requirement, any awarded prizes shall be returned.
3) The caricatures are to be submitted in A3 size, with a resolution of 300 dpi and in Jpeg format (black and white or colour, no restriction as to technical colour processing).
4) The closing date of the competition is 31.03.2020.
5) Based upon the submitted caricatures, the jury will pre-select 100 finalists from April 10 to 20, 2020. These finalists will then be presented on social media platforms and on Don Quichotte's websites for the following 10 days.
6) The jury will evaluate the pre-selected works of art from May 1 to 7, 2020 and publish the results on May 15, 2020.
7) The award ceremony will take place in line with the exhibition opening in June in Stuttgart.
8) Submitted caricatures will be securely stored within Don Quichotte's archives. For any use other than contest related, permission shall be seeked from each author prior to use.
9) A contest catalogue shall be issued in pdf format and published.
- First Prize: 750 Euro+DQ Medal
- Second Prize: 500 Euro+DQ Medal
- Third Prize: 250 Euro+DQ Medal
- Special Awards (Certificates).
Preselector Jury:
- Farzane Vaziritabar (Iran)
- Aslı Alpar (Turkey)
- Erdogan Karayel (Germany)
Jury Members:
- Adriana Mosquera (Spain)
- Anne Derenne (France)
- Cristina Sompaio (Portugal)
- Doaa Eladl (Egypt)
- Elena Ospina (Colombia)
- Marina Bondarenko (Russia)
- Marlene Pohle (Argentina)
- Martha Barragan Mar (Mexico)
- Maya Tcholakova (Bulgaria)
- Natalia Forcat (Brazil)
- Nicoleta Ionescu (Romania)
- Ramize Erer (Turkey-France)
- Shiva Zamanfar (Iran).
Technical Assistant:
- Elif Özer (Turkey).
Source: Erdoğan Karayel.


Maya Kamath Memorial Awards 2019, India

Click on the image to enlarge.

Kyrenia Municipality 9th International Cartoon Contest 2020, Cyprus

1 – The contest is open to all (over 18 years) amateur or professional cartoonists or any one who could submit a cartoon regardless individual's race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other protected characteristic.
A) Olive
Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth.
B) Free Subject
Any topic can be drawn.
3 – All submissions must be in the form of cartoon. Any painting or illustrations will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Cartoons must be without words.
4 – All submissions must be originals. Submission dimensions: A4 or A3 in any color or black and white. Each entrant must provide name and surname, address, phone number including country code, and email address on the back of the submission; each entrant should also provide short background and a photo (optional) on a separate A4.
5 – Submission of materials which have previously been submitted and/or presented and/or published elsewhere is welcomed providing copyright is not infringed, however previously any award-wining material cannot be submitted.
6 – All work submitted for evaluation by the International Selection Committee and work of finalist will be published at official web page of the contest. In addition submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for plagiarism by international associations. If plagiarism detected and or any previously award-wining material submitted, submissions will be canceled and the next eligible entry will be considered for the prize.
7 – It is possible to participate in the contest with two works in both sections (2 + 2 = 4). However, one participant receives only one prize per episode. If any cartoonist has won the Grand Prize, he cannot receive another prize in that department.
8 – All submission must be received by APRIL 30, 2020 (EXTENDED:) AUGUST 31, 2020 at the address provided below.
9 – All submission, awarded or not, will be kept and archived by Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association at the newly established “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum.”
10 – All prize-winner submissions and selected works by the Steering Committee will be published in an album. In addition, they will be exhibited during the 19th Olive Festival in 2020.
11 – The results of the contest will be published thru media and prize-winning entrants will be informed by contact information provided.
12 – The transportation and accommodation expenses of the winners of the Grand Prize and First Prize will be covered by Kyrenia Municipality. The prize–winning cartoonist must respond to the prize ceremony invitation within 10 days. The responses outside of 10 days are not considered.
13 – The Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association will have the publishing rights to exhibition, publish or print, in any media or format, any or all submissions.
14 – All persons entering the contest agree that the rules of the contest as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. And all submissions could be published and printed by the Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot–Turkish Cartoonist Association as set out in these terms and conditions without any future compensation.
15 – For the exhibition and album, digital works can be sent to the following email address: olivecartoons@gmail.com . Digital works are excluded from prizes.
Grand Prize: 1.500 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Diploma.
First Prize: 750 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Kyrenia Municipality Prize (Diploma)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue + Cyprus Turkish Cartoonists Association Prize (Diploma)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue + Olive Festival Prize (Diploma)
50 Finalist Prizes.
First Prize: 750 Euro + Golden Olive Statue + Kyrenia Mayor Special Prize (Diploma)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue + Olive Humor Festival Prize (Diploma)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue + Erten Kasımoğlu Special Prize (Diploma)
50 Finalist Prizes.
April 30, 2020
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
9. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87 (Post Code: 99000)
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey)


Catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama 2019, Japan

Received yesterday the superb catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama 2019, Japan. They are celebrating the 29th year of the festival in 2019. Having been invited to the festival the second time this year, I did participate in the event with two cartoons of mine, one on the theme Hana which means "Flower" and the second one of free theme. Works by 47 Japanese and 51 foreign artists are included in the catalog of the exhibition that took place at Plaza North in November 2019.
Saitama City is the place where Rakuten Kitazawa - the father of modern cartoon in Japan - spent his later years. The Saitama Municipal Cartoon Art Musem in the home to Kitazawa in his later years hold the Saitama-City Rakuten-Kitazawa Manga Awards competition each year. In 2019 they held the 34th edition and the winning cartoons are included in this collection book of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon" which are also displayed on the museum website here.
The standard A4-sized (21x29.7 cm) catalog of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon 2019" has over 110 pages, about 80 of them covering the color and the black&white cartoons participated in the festival and selected for the catalog. The remaining pages are the lists of the Japanese and the Foreign artists with their personal histories in both English and Japanese. This perfectly designed book of art is a best chance to compare the style and wit of the native and overseas manga/cartoon artists and enjoy the great humour in their works.
From Turkey are nine cartoonists whose cartoons published in the catalog; namely, Alper Susuzlu, Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu, Behiç Yalçın Ayrancıoğlu, Erdoğan Başol, Hüsnü Berkalp Üstün, Kamil Yavuz, Kemal Özyurt, Musa Gümüş, and Seyit Saatçi.
Thank you to the festival organizers and the staff of Plaza North who sent me this excellent collection of manga/cartoon art.
"Decree - death penalty"
Naotake Kobayashi
34th Rakuten-Kitazawa Manga Awards 2019 Grand Prix.

The 24th edition of the international competition Fax For Peace 2019-2020, Italy

24th edition of the international competition FAX FOR PEACE
24 NOVEMBER 2019
29 FEBRUARY 2020
We wish to thank the Cultural Association "The Circle"We wish to thank the Cultural Association “Il Circolo” 
It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world. They are required to submit one or more works developing the themes of peace, tolerance, fight against any form of racism and of defense of human rights.
Each competitor may take part in two ways:
1) E-mail, JPG format max 1,5 Mb [e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu] one or more pictures or works of visual art.
2) Send short films and cartoons of maximum 5 minute length that could also be forwarded in compressed format to the following e-mail address [istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu] or forwarded by mail to [via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pn) Italia]. The videos can be shot/made in the most common formats (AVI, MPEG, Real Video, QuickTime, Video for Windows, etc.)
Works from each competitor (individual artist, student or class) will be accepted starting from Sunday November 24th 2019 at 8.00 am until Saturday February 29th 2020 at 12.00 pm.
On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/class (if students), telephone and fax number and/or e-mail address, city, country. The works will be exhibited as they are received in an “in progress” exhibition which will open on Sunday 24th November, 2019 at 5.00 pm at the Istituto Superiore di Spilimbergo - Il Tagliamento (via degli Alpini, 1 - Spilimbergo, Pordenone, ITALY).
Single students will also have to specify their school address, their age and the class attended. Competitors implicitly authorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and in different media for no-profit activities. The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works. Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors. The exhibition will close on April 30th, 2020. A catalogue will be printed, reproducing a wide selection of the works received after/following up, which later will be sent to competitors free of charge, previous formal request.
Enrico Sarcinelli, Mayor of Spilimbergo
Alberto Carlo Varnier, former student representative
Angelo Bertani, art critic
Donato Guerra, President of the cultural association Il Circolo
Lucia D'Andrea, Headmistress of the Technical and Professional Schools of Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento
Nane Zavagno, artist.
Claudia Conte, actress and writer (Italy)
Denise Tatucci, actress (Italy)
Edoardo Winspeare, director (Italy)
Hanif Kureishi, writer (England)
Valeria Ciangottini, actress (Italy).
Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia
Municipality of Spilimbergo
Woman International League for Peace and Freedom
National Coordination of Local Authorities for peace and human rights
Provincial Committee for UNICEF of Pordenone.
The jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school world will select 6 works among those received within the expiry date, according to their development of proposed themes and their effectiveness.
Sunday, November 24th 2019, 5.00 PM
Institute of Secondary Education Il Tagliamento
via degli Alpini, 1 - Spilimbergo (Pn) Italy
from 25th November 2019 to 30th April 2020
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday: from 8.00 am to 12.00 am.
The following six prizes, will be awarded according to categories:
- best work - Kindergarten and Primary Schools: € 300,00
- best work - Lower Secondary Schools: € 300,00
- best work - Secondary High Schools: € 300,00
- best work - Video or cartoon: € 300,00
- best work - Artists: € 300,00.
- best work to satirical or humorous drawing on human and civil themes: € 300,00.
Istituto d'istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento
via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia
tel. + 39 (0) 427 40392 - fax + 39 (0) 427 40898
e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.eu - www.faxforpeace.eu.


26th International Cartoon Humour Competition on the Topic of Beer, the Golden Keg 2020

26th International Cartoon Humour Competition on the Topic of Beer,
the Golden Keg 2020, Slovakia
On Wednesday, 1 April 2020, an exhibition of the best competing works, a festive announcement of the results and the handing of the prizes to the most successful authors of the 26th competition in accordance with the Jury´s decision will take place as follows:
GRAND PRIZE (Grand Prix): Golden Keg and 500 EU
1st Prize: Small GOLDEN KEG and 200 EU
2nd Prize: Small GOLDEN KEG and 150 EU
3rd Prize: Small Golden KEG and 100 EU.
The Jury of the competition reserves the right not to award some of the prizes, to modify the amounts of the financial rewards and/or to award more prizes and/or honorary mentions.
The organisers will accept for the competition all works that will be delivered at the address of the Saskia Gallery in Presov by Friday, 28th February 2020.
The organisers of the competition reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to reinstall the exhibition.
The diploma and the exhibition catalogue will be received in print by every awarded author and in the electronic form by every participating author who also provides his or her e-mail address. Main prizes and financial rewards can be received by an awarded author only in person on 1 April or through a person authorised by him/her.
Competition rules:
1. Each author can send at maximum five original works, including graphic techniques.
2. The competition is open to anybody and everybody, and it is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The formats of the works should not exceed the A4 dimensions.
4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the reverse and bear the author´s full address.
5. The rewarded works will become property of the BEER GALLERY in Presov.
6. Send your works at the address:
Sarisska GALERIA
(p. Fedor VICO)
ul. Hlavna 51
080 01 Presov
Please clearly mark the envelope with the word „PIVO”.
e-mail: fedorvico@gmail.com.
Source: SyriaCartoon.


The 16th International Cartoon Contest Syria 2020

The 16th International Cartoon Contest
SYRIA 2020
T h e m e s:
Cartoon Section: Mask
Caricature Section: Mohammad Almaghout (1934- 2006),
Syrian Writer and Poet:
He has pioneer contributions to the history of the
Syrian contemporary poetry movement as an immortal writer.
N o t e :
1- Each participant can send maximum 2 artworks
2- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions
3- The cartoons must not contain text.
Drawings can also be made digitally.
A3, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 5 January 2020
Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants
They will participate only in exhibition,
not in contest (just honorary participation).
Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, newspapers, posters, invitation cards, etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
•  Cartoons must be sent to:
More on Syria Cartoon website:


Shopping is the main theme of Olense Kartoenale 2020, Belgium

The main theme 2020 is 'Shopping: yesterday, today and tomorrow'. The theme of Amnesty International 2020 is 'There is nothing wrong with solidarity, so don't prosecute'.
How to to participate?
You can sign up your participation from 1 July 2020 via www.olensekartoenale.be.

Similarity: From (b)ovine to handbag

Jamal Rahmati, 2nd Prize
Olense Kartoenale 2019, Olen, Belgium.
M. Çağlar Soyarat, Mention
1. idesbaş cartoon contest 2006, Izmir, Turkey
(Catalog p.29).
This report by Mete Ağaoğlu.


Congratulations on SICACO 2019 Winners!

Dear Sir,
Congratulations on SICACO 2019 Winners!
I thank the fame worldwide cartoonists participated in my cartoon contest.
Next week I'll send winners prize certificate, cartoon book and cards by int'l air mail!
Maybe you'll take X-mas presents within this year.
I'll donate 40,000 cartoons of SICACO CONTEST containing yours to two Korea National Museum.
See you in SICACO 2020!.
Merry X-mas & Happy New Year!
Dr.Lim, Cheong San, President of SICACO 2019
Mobile 82-10-5425-6115
http://dicaco.kongju.ac.kr / www.dicaco.com


Grand Prize / Didie Sri Widiyanto (Indonesia)
Gold Prize / Shahrokh Heidari (France)
Silver Prize / Sepideh Faramarzi (Iran)
Silver Prize / Andrzej Krawczak (Poland)
Bronze Prize / Radko Oketic (Slovenia)
Bronze Prize / Anatoly Radin (Russia)
Bronze Prize / Huseyin Cakmak (Cyprus)
Bronze Prize / Lee, Yeo Joo (Korea)
Bronze Prize / Kim, Ga Heon (Korea)

Special Prize / Ronaldo Cunha Dias (Brazil)
Special Prize / Arsen Gevorgyan (Armenia)
Special Prize / Mohamed Effat Ismail (Egypt)
Special Prize / Sun, Shen Ying (China)

Student S.P / Zeliha Nur Mavis (Turkey), 12y
Student S.P / Arnawa Ugra Wicaksana (Indonesia), 18y
Student S.P / K.A.Raveeska Dewmi (Sri Lanka), 17y
Student S.P / Arnawa Ugra Wicaksana (Indonesia), 18y
Student S.P / Popescu Aoriana (Romania), 18y
Student H.M / Milan Hleboboi (Serbia), 17y
Student H.M / Beren Kaya (Turkey), 13y
Student H.M / Gita Rahat (Iran), 17y

Theme Prize / Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Emad Salehi (Iran)
Theme Prize / Mihai Ignat (Romania)
Theme Prize / Ilya Katz (Israel)
Theme Prize / Galym Boranbayev (Kazakhstan)
Theme Prize / Darko Drljevic (Montenegro
Theme Prize / Damir Novak (Croatia)
Theme Prize / Mozhdeh Malek Oghli (Iran)
Theme Prize / Marziyeh Khanizade Abyane (Iran)
Theme Prize / Agus Widodo (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Recep Bayramoglu (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Murteza Albayrak (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Arif Sutristanto (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Blaze Dokuleski (Macedonia)
Theme Prize / Zbigniew Kolaczek (Poland)
Theme Prize / Erico Junqueira Ayres (Brazil)
Theme Prize / Feng, Gui Bo (China)
Theme Prize / Slobodan Obradovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Viktor Holub (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Katz Grigori (Israel)
Theme prize / Milanko Kalicanin (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Valery Momot (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Olexander Dubovskyi (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Hanusic Hule (Austria)
Theme prize / Aurel Stefan Alexandrescu (Romania)
Theme Prize / Eder Santos (Brazil)
Theme Prize / Belov Anatolii (Russia)
Theme Prize / B. V. Panduranga Rao (India)
Theme prize / Sajad Rafeei (Iran)
Theme Prize / Hicabi Demici (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Mileta Miloradovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Semerenko Vladimir (Russia)
Theme Prize / Vladimir Stevovic (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Raed Khalil (Belgium)
Theme Prize / Lubomir Kotrha (Slovakia)
Theme Prize / Zhang, Ya Ming (China)
Theme Prize / Deniz Ilker Kuruoglu (Turkey)
Theme Prize / Doru Axinte (Romania)
Theme Prize / Vlado Volas (Serbia)
Theme Prize / Nikolay Sviridenko (Uzbekistan)
Theme Prize / Delaram Gholami (Iran)
Theme Prize / Fujio, Kuroda (Japan)
Theme Prize / Gopal Sarkar (India)
Theme Prize / Behnaz Bakhtiari (Iran)
Theme Prize / Darsono (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Li, Shen Hong (China)
Theme Prize / Juli Sanchis Aguado (Spain)
Theme Prize / Ye Zar Ni Kyaw (Myanmar)
Theme Prize / Patrick Heymans (Belgium)
Theme Prize / Akiyoshi, Sugimoto (Japan)
Theme Prize / Makhmudjon Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan)
Theme Prize / lzabela Kowalska - Wieczorek (Poland)
Theme Prize / Viacheslav Kazanevsky (Ukraine)
Theme Prize / Gema Samudra Sutrisno (Indonesia)
Theme Prize / Elena Ospina (Colombia)
Theme Prize / Luka Lagator (Montenegro)

Achievement Award / Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia)
Achievement Award / Ghino Corradeschi (Italy)
Achievement Award / Ciosu Constantin (Romania)
Achievement Award / Ali Miraee (Iran)
Achievement Award / Jovan Prokopljevic (Serbia)
Achievement Award / Sokolov Sergey (Russia)
Achievement Award / Oleg Dergachov (Canada)
Achievement Award / Alexander Shmidt (Russia)
Achievement Award / Bernard Bouton (France)
Achievement Award / Oleg Gutsol (Ukraine)
Achievement Award / Igor + Nataliya Varchenko (Cyprus)
Achievement Award / Bogdan Petry + Horia Crisan (Romania)

Best Cartoon / Jitet Kustana (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Marijan Pavecic (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Miro Stefanovic (Serbia)
Best Cartoon / Agus Harsanta (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Kfir Weizman (Israel)
Best Cartoon / Armin Ganjdeh (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Musa Gumus (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Sergey Sichenko (Israel)
Best Cartoon / Drean Samun (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Shahid Atiqullah (Swiss)
Best Cartoon / Sittipunt Tumying (Thailand)
Best Cartoon / Toso Borkovic (Serbia)
Best Cartoon / Chiorean Cornel-Marin (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Nikola Listes (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Maya Tcholakova (Bulgaria)
Best Cartoon / Mete Agaoglu (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Fadi Abou Hassan (Norway)
Best Cartoon / Stefaan Provijn (Belarus)
Best Cartoon / Javad Alizadeh (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Pavel Gabriel Virgil (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Kemal Ozyurt (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Ahmet Aykanat (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Hong, Xue (China)
Best Cartoon / Liviu Stanila (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Jordan Pop Iliev (Macedonia)
Best Cartoon / Bulent Okutan (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Milan Alasevic (Slovenia)
Best Cartoon / Atefe Cheragh Cheshm (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Hao, Yan Peng (China)
Best Cartoon / Zaenal Abidin (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Tommy Thomdean (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Slobodan Butin (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Octavian Covaci (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Djoko Susilo (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Resad Sultanovic (Bosnia)
Best Cartoon / Vitaliy Levitskiy (Ukraine)
Best Cartoon / Tevi Hanafi (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Bossens Philippe (Belgium)
Best Cartoon / Alexei Talimonov (England)
Best Cartoon / Aisan Shirin Cheshmeh (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Stawomir Makal (Poland)
Best Cartoon / Vladimir Stankovski (Serbia)
Best Cartoon / Askin Ayrancioglu (Turkey)
Best Cartoon / Jiri Srna (Czech)
Best Cartoon / Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine)
Best Cartoon / Henryk Cebula (Poland)
Best Cartoon / Marian Lupu (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Krotos Tadeusz (Poland)
Best Cartoon / Michal Graczyk (Poland)
Best Cartoon / Juana Camilo (Colombia)
Best Cartoon / Koundouros Nicolas (Greece)
Best Cartoon / Hui, Xiao Yong (China)
Best Cartoon / Homayoun Mahmoudi (England)
Best Cartoon / Zahramoradi (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Ismail Kera (Czech)
Best Cartoon / Victor Eugen Mihai (Romania)
Best Cartoon / Masafumi, Kikuchi (Japan)
Best Cartoon / Constantin Sunnerberg (Belgium)
Best Cartoon / Nur Rokhim (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Klaus Pitter (Austria)
Best Cartoon / Wang, Xue Wei (China)
Best Cartoon / Furkat Usmanov (Uzbekistan)
Best Cartoon / Ika W. Burhan (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Norman B. Isaac (Philippines)
Best Cartoon / Sinchinov Evgeniy (Russia)
Best Cartoon / Mojmir Mihatov (Croatia)
Best Cartoon / Pierpaolo Perazzolli (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)
Best Cartoon /Ali Shahali (U.S.A)
Best Cartoon / Sepideh Seifizadeh (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Sara Golrokh (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Partono (Indonesia)
Best Cartoon / Oleh Smal (Ukraine)
Best Cartoon / Sterpone Carlo (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Elisa Smiderle (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Shinji, Iwamoto (Japan)
Best Cartoon / Graziella Malvasi (Italy)
Best Cartoon / Qiao, Wei (China)
Best Cartoon / Li, Wei (China)
Best Cartoon / Nasim Sayaddokht (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Elham Pourali (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Yasmin Raeizadeh (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Setayesh Rajabian (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Shol-e Gordiz (Iran)
Best Cartoon / Mahmonir Babazadeh Zarei (Iran)

S.P / Cartoon / Achmad Cholid (Indonesia)
S.P / Li, Jing Shan (China)
S.P / Miroslav Jakoxvljev (Serbia)
S.P / Bambang Sulistyo (Indonesia)
S.P / Gai, Guibao (China)
S.P / Marco Ramos (U.S.A)
S.P / Steffen Jahsnowski (Germany)
S.P / Lutfu Cakin (Turkey)
S.P / Myo Min Tun (Myanmar)
S.P / Zulkuf ABA (Turkey)
S.P / Kaung Zaw Htet (Myanmar)
S.P / Myat Ko Ko (Myanmar)
S.P / Enn Ehala (Estonia)
S.P / Li, Hai Feng (China)
S.P / Zaw Zaw Hlwam Moe (Myanmar)
S.P / Musa Kayra (Cyprus)
S.P / Lj, Gao Xiang (China)
S.P / Artuche Felix (Romania)
S.P / Tengku A. Z. Anshary (Indonesia)
S.P / Konstantinos Tselios (Greece)
S.P / LI, Bu Yi (China)
S.P / Liang, Jun Qi (China)
S.P / Venugopal Galisetty (India)
S.P / Zlatko Krstevski (Macedonia)
S.P / Vitaly Bondar (Belarus)
S.P / Malatesh M Garadimani (India)
S.P / Mirsaid Gaziyev (Uzbekistan)
S.P / Jayarathna Wickramasingha (Sri Lanka)
S.P / Evez (Guatemala)
S.P / Zoran Josic (Slovenia)
S.P / Musa Keklik (Turkey)
S.P / Michael Mayevsky (Ukraine)
S.P / Louis Pol (Australia)
S.P / Bozo Stefanovic (Bosnia)
S.P / Victor Skopintsev (Russia)
S.P / Peigneux Gerald (France)
S.P / Soe Thura Tun (Myanmar)
S.P / Ferdinand Boers (Netherlands)
S.P / Cristian Topan (Romania)
S.P / David Evzen (Czech)
S.P / Gabriel Lopez Marejnez (Mexico)
S.P / Sosli Ferikoy (Turkey)
S.P / Dave Connaughton (England)
S.P / Zoran Mihailovic (Serbia)
S.P / Daniel Eduardo Varela (Argentina)
S.P / Corden Dulk (Netherlands)
S.P / Zoran Zlaticanin (Serbia)
S.P / Suratno (Indonesia)
S.P / Mark Winter (England)
S.P / Vaso Krcmar (Serbia)
S.P / Pawel Stanczyk (Poland)
S.P / Tomas Trunecek (Czech)
S.P / Roberto S. C. Rodriguez (Cuba)
S.P / Jorge A. C. Fernandez (Cuba)
S.P / Jan Farkas (Czech)

H.M / Ignjat Gatalo (Serbia
H.M / Biserka Stjepanovic (Slovenia)
H.M / Ngai Oo (Myanmar)
H.M / / Zhao, Yun Sheng (China)
H.M / Hou Xiao Qiang (China)
H.M / Serdar Harata (Turkey)
H.M / Mykola Kapusta (Ukraine)
H.M / Edo Julius A (Indonesia)
H.M / Khaddan Jamila (Morocco)
H.M / Fina Binazir (Indonesia)
H.M / Thipparthi Gangadhar (India)
H.M / Jin, Xiao Xing (China)
H.M / Kusairi (Indonesia)
H.M / Zidarov Veselin (Bulgaria)
H.M / Vasantha Hosabettu (India)
H.M / Amadeu Escorcio (Portugal)
H.M / Igor Smirnov (Russia)
H.M / Motabar Jaunboyeva (Uzbekistan)
H.M / Muzaffar Begmatov (Uzbekistan)
H.M / Ferhat Demirbas (Turkey)
H.M / Jia, Rui Jun (China)
H.M / Jacek Frackiewicz (Poland)
H.M / Haidari Natalija (Belgium)
H.M / Junko Whyte (Ireland)
H.M / Hazem Nassar (U.S.A)
H.M / Hayrettin Oturgan (Turkey)
H.M / Amin Aminaei (England)
H.M / Altan Ozeskici (Turkey)
H.M / Aboubakr Maouche (Algeria)
H.M / Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria)
H.M / Zarko Luetic (Croatia)

S.P / Setareh Soltani Shiraz (Iran), 17y
S.P / Mobina Mahdzad (Iran), 18y
S.P / Saeedeh Lachini (Iran), 16y

H.M / Kiana Shirin (Iran), 18y
H.M / Abbas Sayyad Zad (Iran), 14y
H.M / Reyhaneh Fakoori (Iran), 18y

S.P / Park, Ki So (Korea)
S.P / Park, Seo Hwa (Korea)
S.P / Chei, Kwang Jae (Korea)
S.P / Kim, Hye Min (Korea)
S.P / Jeon, Chang Geun (Korea)
S.P / Hwang, Seung Hun (Korea)
S.P / Woo, Jin Gu / Yang, Eun Jeong (Korea)
S.P / Park, Hui Won (Korea)
S.P / Shin, Jae Seon (Korea)
S.P / Yang, Woo Jin (Korea)
S.P / Yu, Yong Jin (Korea)
S.P / Lim, Sun U (Korea)
S.P / Jeong, Seung Ryeol (Korea)
S.P / Jang, Joo Hong (Korea)
S.P / Lee, Ye Rin (Korea)
S.P / An, Min Su (Korea)
S.P / Gang, Tae Hyun Kang, Ji Yun (Korea)

H.M / Kim, kyeong Min (Korea)
H.M / Yoon, Seok Hyeon (Korea)
H.M / Yoo, Byeong Woo (Korea)
H.M / Lim, Myeong Seop / Kim, Hyun Ji (Korea)
H.M / Choi, Jin Sil (Korea)
H.M / Sim, Geon Hui (Korea)
H.M / Hwang, Hye Yeon (Korea)
H.M / Park, Gi Heung (Korea)
H.M / Lee, Chae Yeun / Park, Ju Ho (Korea)
H.M / Lee, San Gjin (Korea)
H.M / Kang, Jung Yoon (Korea)
H.M / Jung, Joo Yeon (Korea)
H.M / Kim, Boh Hyun (Korea)
H.M / Jin, Su Bin (Korea)
H.M / Lim, Han Byeol (Korea)
H.M / Choi, Su Bin (Korea)
H.M / Park, Hye Jung (Korea)
H.M / Kim, Ja Won (Korea)
H.M / Lee, Seong Hyeon (Korea)
H.M / Park, So Hee (Korea)
H.M / Kim, So Yeon (Korea)
H.M / Kim, Ryeong Hui (Korea)
H.M / Han, Jae Hee (Korea)
H.M / Yoon, Ji Hyun (Korea)
H.M / Yun, Da Won (Korea), 18y

Student Grand Prize / Cho, Ywang Gun (Korea), 19y
Student Gold Prize / Kim, Min Ju (Korea), 18y
Student Silver Prize / Kim, Sa Ra (Korea), 18y
Student Bronze Prize / Han, Cha Eun (Korea), 15y
Student Bronze Prize / Lim, Ju Hyeon (Korea), 16y
Student Bronze Prize / Ju, Su Bin (Korea), 14y

Student S.P / Bae, Jun Ha (Korea), 18y
Student S.P / Kim, Ga Hye (Korea), 18y
Student S.P / Kim, Sol (Korea), 17y

Student H.M / Yoe, Hye Eun (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Kim, Da Hye (Korea), 17y
Student H.M / Yang, Se Yoon (Korea), 14y
Student H.M / Jang, Ye Jun (Korea), 16y
Student H.M / Cha, Min Hee (Korea), 17y.


International Cartoon Contest Bride's Veneration 2019, North Macedonia

International Cartoon Contest Bride's Veneration 2019, North Macedonia
ICC "BRIDE'S VENERATION is author's project of Stojanche Velichkovski, implemented by RZR PATNIK Kriva Palanka, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of N Macedonia and the municipality of Kriva Palanka.
Cartoon theme
Mostafa Ramezani, cartoonist (France);
Dariusz Dabrowski, cartoonist (Poland);
Damir Novak, cartoonist (Croatia);
Cival Einstein, cartoonist (Brazil);
Stojanche Velichkovski, graphic designer (N Macedonia);
Jordan Pop Iliev, cartoonist (N Macedonia);
Nikola Angelkoski, cartoonist (N Macedonia);
Miro Georgievski, cartoonist (N Macedonia).
Criteria for applaying
1. One author can participate with maximum three (3) non-textual cartoons size A3.
2. Any application which is not properly completed, will not qualify for further selection;
3. It is desirable for the authors to enclose their short Cvs;
4. The authors whose pieces of art will be selected shall have the obligation to submit their works in the original within 30 days after the announcement of the results of the organizer's competition. (ICC “Bride’s Veneration’’ Konopnica 101, 1330 Kriva Palanka - N Macedonia).
Rights and royalties
1. By filling out the application, the applicant certifies that the piece of art is his/her own intellectual property and accepts to cede the copyrights to the organizer of the contest;
2. By participating in this contest the author agrees that the organizer uses, exhibits, studies and publishes the pieces of art without limit for the media, the period of time or the place of its publication.
Works must be received no later than December 10, 2019.
Process of selection and judging
- All the pieces of art that were applied properly should pass the preliminary selection;
- The jury will select the pieces of art that will enter the preliminary selection;
- The authors whose pieces of art will be awarded shall have the obligation to submit their works in the original within 30 days after the announcement of the results of the organizer's competition.
Publication of the results
The results will be announced on the official FB page International Cartoon Contest “Brides Veneration” not later than December 30, 2019.
§ First prize - Trophy “Nevestulka“ $ 200,
GOLD MEDAL and a Certificate for participation;
§ Second prize - $150,
SILVER MEDAL and a Certificate for participation;
§ Third prize - $100,
BRONZAL MEDAL and a Certificate for participation;
Special awards:
Plaque - The best collection.
ICC Bride's Veneration 2019 APPLICATION FORM


International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2020, Czechia

International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2020, Czechia
Compulsory Subject: Trains and railways
1- We accept cartoons only on the topic you entered
2- Total number of cartoons per author: 3 pieces
3- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions
4- Cartoons without words are not a requirement, but they have an advantage
5- Cartoons should only be sent electronically to: mfkh@email.cz
6- Deadline April 30th, 2020
7- The technical parameters should be as follows: at least 300 DPI; JPG, PNG or PDF format
8- By sending their cartoons, the author agrees with the following:
a) The organizer can use the cartoons for the promotional purposes of this International Festival of Cartoons
b) The cartoons will be used in the humorous magazine, Tapír
Award Winning Works:
1. Prize money: Winner 15.000 CZK
2. Runner-up 10.000 CZK
3. Second runner-up 5.000 CZK.
Source: zlatytapir.


Call for participation: XXII PortoCartoon 2020, Portugal

XXII PortoCartoon 2020
Special Caricature Awards: Chico Buarque and Albert Eisntein

Dear Cartoonist, dear Friend,

From 2020 on, PortoCartoon will tune its main theme with major UN concerns for the next decade. The structuring themes of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will allow new humorous approaches.

For 2020 we chose SDGs 1, 2 and 10 for their thematic articulation: Eradicate Hunger and Poverty, Reduce Inequalities.

According to some statistics, half of the world's population is poor. Wealth is concentrated in very few people (82% of wealth is in the hands of 1%).
"Tax havens" remain a source of corruption and inequality. True (and curable) cancer of humanity!

Humor, as a rich instrument of democratic awareness, has a wide field of action in these times of greed, populism and fanaticism.

People deserve the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be the regulatory document of the societies. PortoCartoon wants to contribute to this.

Following the line started in 2013, with the introduction of the Special Caricature Award at PortoCartoon, two great personalities were chosen to honor in 2020: the singer and writer Chico Buarque (Camões Prize 2019); and the Nobel Prize in Physics Albert Einstein. This choice is justified by the museum with the note that, in 1920, a wide spread of its famous Theory of Relativity began in the world press.

We would like to receive your most appreciated participation until: 31 January 2020 (EXTENDED:) 16 February 2020

Greetings, with universal humor,

Luiz Humberto Marcos

The Portuguese Printing Press Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206
4300-316 Porto, Portugal
Tlf: (+351) 222 031 159
General Rules & Regulations + Entry Form.

The 7th KalDer Bursa Internatıonal Cartoon Contest 2020, Turkey

7th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest
The Caricature Contest will be held with collaboration of KalDer Bursa Branch Office and Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi (Anatolian Caricaturists Society) for the 7th within the 18th Quality and Success Symposium which is going to take place in Bursa between 17th – 18th of April 2020.
1. Contest topic: "CHANGE IS IN THE ESSENCE
“It is not enough to know, it is necessary to think. Life is lived by looking forward, it can be understood by looking back," says, Sören Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher who lived in the 19th century.
The future is founded by progressive ideas, revolutionary discoveries and inventions. The owners of scientific knowledge apply it to life and reinforce it with technology. On the other hand, despite all these advances, we see that hunger, thirst, ignorance and poverty cannot be prevented in the vast majority of the world. The political arrangements put forward are not enough for humanity.
When we look at this picture, has ‘human’ been forgotten in the flow of life?
What should we remember for human understanding and happiness?
What should we look at to continue the journey of revealing the essence of human?
Is it possible to establish a social structure that can adapt with the new world of production and consumption?
What does it take to find our creative side without getting lost in the uniformity of life?
In line with this content, we organize our contest with the subject of “Change is in the Essence”.
2. Last date for application: 15 January 2020, Wednesday
3. The contest is receptive internationally for all amateur and professional caricaturists.
4. Application: Limited with three (3) caricatures, may be e-mailed to bursa@kalder.org in 300 dpi jpg format.
5. The caricatures can be published, yet should not be awarded in another competition. The caricatures will be published at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account between 20.01.2020 - 31.01.2020 for detection of plagiarism and resemblance. Objections will not be considered after these dates.
6. Competing caricatures may be printed and used in KalDer organisations (posters, books, albums, postcards, brochures, invitations, exhibitions, etc.) and published in internet environment. One of the artworks may be used as the main visual of the 18th Quality and Success Symposium which will be held in Bursa between 17th to 18th of April 2020. All remaining publication rights belongs to the author. Competitors are considered to have an agreement in these conditions.
7. Prizes:
- 1st Place 3.500 TL and Plaque
- 2nd Place 2.000 TL and Plaque
- 3rd Place 1.000 TL and Plaque
- Three Honorable Mention Plaques
- Anatolian Caricaturists Society Special Award (Plaque)
Explanation: Reward money and plaques will be sent to respective winners in March 2020. Reward money will be paid according to exchange rates of the date of payment in USD for international artists.
8. Results will be announced at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account on 7 February 2020, Friday.
- Ahmet Aykanat (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Mehmet Kahraman (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Mehmet Zeber (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Halit Kurtulmus (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Recep Özcan (Turkey) Cartoonist
- Marilena Nardi (Italy) Cartoonist
- Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria) Cartoonist
- Erdal Elbay (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
- Aykan Kurkur (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
- Arzu Ozel (Turkey) KalDer Bursa
Person in Charge of Organisation:
Arzu Ozel
E-mail address for the works to be sent: bursa@kalder.org

Application Form

Name, Surname:




Number Of Works:

Sending Date:

Person in Charge of Organisation:
Arzu Ozel
E-mail address for the works to be sent: bursa@kalder.org
Contact Information:
Phone: +90224 241 60 10
KalDer Bursa (Turkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Branch Office)
Source: kalder-bursa.

The 9th Sejong International Cartoon Contest SICACO 2020, Korea

The 9th Sejong International Cartoon Contest SICACO 2020, Korea
The SICACO Committee is inviting world cartoonists to take part in SICACO 2020 (the 9th Sejong International Cartoon Contest).
1. This year’s contest comprises a Thema section (titled Freedom + Equality) + Free section (Sports, Children, etc.).
2. The size of works should be smaller than 297 mm × 420 mm.
3. Any color, free style, and unlimited items. (+3 Works)
4. Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, e-mail, and telephone number on reverse.
5. The deadline for entry of original works is Aug. 31, 2020 (EXTENDED:) 20 September 2020.
6. Entries should be addressed to the
Sejong Int'l Cartoon Institute
450, Wolpyeongdong
Daejeon, Seoul 35221
7. The most creative cartoon will win the Grand prize of $3,000, Gold prize of $1,000, Silver prize of $500, Bronze prize of $300, and 300 Selected works will be awarded.
8. Exhibit the cartoons at the City Gallery in Oct. 2020.
9. Submitted+donated cartoons will not be returned, but exhibited forever in Korean museums, art galleries, & public halls.
10. Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes : cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine, and books etc.
From Dr.Lim, Cheong San, President of the Sejong Int’l Cartoon Institute
450, Wolpyeongdong, Daejeon, Seoul 35221, Korea
C.P: 82-10-5425-6115 Tel: 82 (070) 7757- 9944
E-mail: csanlim@naver.com www.dicaco.com
http://dicaco.kongju.ac.kr (all works).

Winner works in SICACO 2019, Korea

Theme: Hot x Cold
+ Free theme.
Grand Prize: Didie Sri Widiyantu (Indonesia)
Gold Prize: Shahrokh Heidari (France)
Silver Prize: Sepideh Faramarzi (Iran)
Silver Prize: Andrzej Krawczak (Poland)
Bronze Prize: Radko Oketic (Slovenia)
Bronze Prize: Huseyin Cakmak (Cyprus)
Bronze Prize: Ga Heon Kim (Korea)
Bronze Prize: Yeo Joo Lee (Korea).


International Cartoon Contest in support of the Jai Jagat 2020, India

• Both professional and non-professional cartoonists are welcome to participate in this contest.
• The competition is open to all individuals aged over 15 years of age.
Works must be original. All graphic techniques are allowed.
Works may be black & white or coloured.
Each entry should include a covering letter with the cartoonist’s full name,postal address, contact no. and E-Mail ID.
The digital works have to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum of resolution of 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels).
The cartoons are to be drawn on A4 format. (maximum size of 3 MB per cartoon) for digital cartoons
Number of entries per contestant: maximum three
Cartoons sent by post need to have the name and address of the cartoonist on the back-side of each cartoon.
The original versions of the cartoons will be accepted.
The organizer (Ekta Foundation Trust ) shall not be held responsible in the event of loss or damage of cartoons during the shipment.
Works should not be awarded at other festivals.
Works must not be older than one year.
The Prizes will be taxed according to Indian legislation.
The Organiser/EFT shall not be responsible for failure of a winner to receive the prize for reasons that are not related to the Organiser/ EFT .
Deadline for submission of Cartoons / Artwork is 20 December 2019
Cartoons must be sent to: following emails
or by post
Postal Address: Jai Jagat cartoon contest
C/o Mr. Jitendra Sharma
Gandhi Bhawan, Shyamla Hills,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462002, India
Phone: +91-9926378990, 9810616519
The content, thoughts and views expressed in the creatives / illustrations will be sole responsibility of the participating Artists. The EFT will not be held responsible for any content, views expressed by the artists in the creatives / illustrations developed.
By entering the Contest, each entrant agrees to abide by these rules.
Property rights – Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer (EFT) or theme sponsor. Further, the cartoonist provides Royalty-free and license to publish and publicly display the entries (Whether winning or not winning an award) for non-commercial purposes.
By entering the competition, the cartoonist represents and warrants that the work is an original work of the cartoonist and does not infringe on the rights of any third parties.
All selected works for exhibition may be used by the organizers to promote the contest .
Awarded works remain the property of the organizer
Decisions made by the jury cannot be challenged.
No correspondence with the jury will be allowed on their decisions.
Best 5 cartoons 25,000/- INR each
The prize will be given in equivalent Indian Rupees
The results of the competition will be announced around first week of January 2020
An exhibition of the selected works will take place in many countries--India, Iran, Georgia, Bulgaria, Italy, Switzerland, UK.
Source: jaijagat2020.


13th International Zagreb Exhibit of Car Cartoons 2019, Croatia

City Center for Culture and Information Maksimir (CKIM) kindly invites all candidates, cartoonists and aspiring artists to apply and take part at 13. INTERNATIONAL ZAGREB EXHIBIT OF CAR CARICATURES.
Each artist may submit maximum of two (2) cartoons, A3 or A4 format.
Note that other formats will not be considered.
Artworks should be sent in digital form as .jpg /.jpeg in A3 or A4 size, resolution 300 dpi, via e-mail: salon@cki-m.com. The author's signature and creation date should be clearly visible. Cartoons can be also sent via post to: Address of organizator:
Centar za kulturu i informacije Maksimir, Švarcova 18, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia.
All authors are required to fill out the application form.
The subject of the exhibit is OUR PREVAILING CAR and this year's theme is “GAS STATIONS
Deadline for submitting cartoons in digital format (A3 or A4) is 8th of December 2019.
The following awards will be presented:
GRAND PRIX - 2.500 Eur
1st PRIZE - 1.000 Eur
2nd PRIZE - 800 Eur
3rd PRIZE - 500 Eur
2 special acknowledgements - 150 Eur
In addition to monetary prizes, each winner will receive a testimony.
There will be five (5) special recognitions without the money prize but with testimony distribuited to cartoonists.
Selection of artworks will be part of the exhibit. Selection will be done by officials appointed by the organizer, CKI Maksimir.
Propositions and application forms can be found in the link.
The exhibit will be under support from the Mayor of Zagreb.
The exhibit is supported by the City Council and is part of the program of cultural activities of the City of Zagreb in 2019.
Source: mojmaksimir.


Free theme in the 9th GIN Graphic Humor Contest 2019, Spain

The GIN Foundation (Humoristán) and the Quevedo Institute of Humor Arts (IQH) convene the 9th GIN Graphic Humor Contest, according to the following bases:
Anyone who wishes, both individually and jointly between screenwriter and cartoonist, can participate in the contest.
The works submitted must have humorous intent. The theme is free.
The presentation will be on paper or digital. The work has to be publishable on paper: vignette, strip, comic page ...
Maximum measure: A4. For digital format, it must be sent in JPG at 300dpi.
Works are accepted in any of the official languages ​​of Spain. Those that come from outside Spain and contain text, must be labeled in Spanish.
Each participant may submit a maximum of four proposals. All submitted works must be unpublished.
The deadline for delivery of works is December 9, 2019. Originals, reproductions and digital works are accepted. The works that will not be returned, will become part of the fund of the Documentation Center of Graphic Humor of the Quevedo Institute of the Arts of Humor (IQH) of the FGUA. In the case of the originals, the author who wishes may request a donation certificate.
Shipment of physical works:
Instituto Quevedo de las Artes del Humor (FGUA)
Calle Nueva nº 4.
28801 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) 
Sending of digital works: email or WeTransfer to email gin@iqh.es
Together with the work, the following information must be specified: Name and surname, telephone number, date of birth, full postal address and email.
The GIN Graphic Humor Contest consists of 3 prizes, which have the following economic (raw) endowment:
1st prize: 600 euros
2nd prize: 400 euros
3rd prize: 200 euros
The winning works will be published on the websites iqh.es and humoristan.org.
The jury of the GIN Graphic Humor Contest will be chosen by the Quevedo Institute of Humor Arts of FGUA and by Humoristán.
The jury reserves the right to declare any of the awards void or to propose another nominative distribution.
The jury's decision will be made within 2 months after the deadline for submission of the work.
The verdict will be communicated to the winners and published on the websites iqh.es and humoristan.org.
Participation in this contest implies acceptance of these rules. The organization reserves the right, if necessary, to introduce those modifications that it deems necessary for a better functioning of the contest. The organization is not responsible for the works submitted to the contest.
The best works will be part of an exhibition that will take place in the first half of 2019 in Alcalá de Henares, organized by the Quevedo Institute of Humor Arts of FGUA and the GIN Foundation.
Source: https://iqh.es/9-concurso-humor-grafico-gin/
(Translation by Google).


Received the catalog of the 20th Novomestsky Osten Cartoon Contest 2019, Slovakia

Yesterday received from Slovakia the color catalog of the 20th Novomestsky Osten Cartoon Contest 2019. The 21x14.7 cm sized catalog has 56 pages (last two are left blank!) including the covers. The cartoon on the back cover is by the Indonesian artist Jitet Kustana, one of the Honorable mention-winners.
Thank you to the organizers for sending me this color book of interesting cartoons. It includes two works by Turkish cartoonists as well, namely Erdoğan Başol and Kemal Özyurt.
Below is the list of winners in the biennial contest with theme Humor is Life:
1st Prize: Alexander Schmidt, Russia
2nd Prize: Josef Gruspier, Slovakia
3rd Prize: Konstantin Kazanchev, Ukraine
Honorable Mention: Oleksy Kustovsky, Ukraine
Honorable Mention: Marie Plotena, Czech Republic
Honorable Mention: Jiri Srna, Czech Republic
Honorable Mention: Nikola Listes, Croatia
Honorable Mention: Bogdan Petry & Horia Crisan, Romania
Honorable Mention: Anatoly Radin, Russia
Honorable Mention: Jitet Kustana, Indonesia
Honorable Mention: Lijie Yang, China
Honorable Mention: Jan Tomaschoff, Germany
Honorable Mention: Damir Novak, Croatia
Honorable Mention: Josef Trubini, Slovakia
Honorable Mention: Miroslav Motycik, Slovakia.


The 52nd World Gallery of Cartoons, Skopje 2020, North Macedonia

52nd World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2020
Dear friends, cartoonists, we are already half a century together!
Pleased that during our fifty-one-years of existence we have created a network of exceptional cartoonists - collaborators and friends of OSTEN, we are proud to announce the 52nd WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2020!
It's time to conquer the world with your cartoons again!
APPLY ONLY via E-mail on the 52nd WORLD GALLERY of CARTOONS Skopje 2020!
Dear Friends, Cartoonists,
As you know, OSTEN is dedicated to preserving and fostering art on paper and in the propositions for participation of every edition of the World Gallery of Cartoons we insist hand-drawn works to be sent via postal mail, as in the ongoing OPEN CALL of the 52nd WORLD GALLERY of CARTOONS Skopje 2020.
Nevertheless, due to the appearance of COVID-19 that heavily affected the communication in our everyday life, there is a real concern among the cartoonists worldwide that their works will not reach us via postal mail! In this situation, OSTEN decided to ACCEPT DIGITAL WORKS (scanned original drawings or digitally created works) sent via E-mail only, without sending them via postal mail in the application process.
cartoons@osten.com.mk up to 30 April 2020! (EXTENDED:) 31 MAY 2020
… more on our website: http://www.osten.mk/en/prijavuvanje-2020-en
We are in this situation TOGETHER and we’ll get out of it STRONGER and determinate to make this world HAPPIER, SAFER and BETTER place to live!
Source: OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons.
FIRST AWARD (1000 $)
CICO AWARD * for a Macedonian Cartoonist (Plaque)
* In honor of the great Macedonian cartoonist Vasilije Popovic – Cico.
Fill out the APPLICATION FORM, sign up, submit the works, follow the updates on FB, and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends.
For more information on: www.osten.mk , and you can always contact us on:
cartoons@osten.com.mk .
OSTEN is inviting you to participate in the 52nd WORLD GALLERY of CARTOONS Skopje 2020.
Source: WGC .
(Updated 22.03.2020 13:00)
(Updated 30.04.2020 23:40).


Results of the 6th International Cartoon Contest Aleksandar Klas 2019, Serbia

Results of the 6th International Cartoon Contest ALEKSANDAR KLAS 2019
The competition organized by review ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA
received 858 cartoons by 218 cartoonists from 41 countries.
Zefirino Grasi, general manager, president
Sanja Lazarevic, editor-in-chief, member
Ognjan Radulovic, editor, member
Radmila Grbovic, editor, member
Spiro Radulović, editor of contest, cartoonist, member.
First prize Vladimir Khakhanov (Russia)
First prize Marco De Angelis (Italy)
Second prize Jovo Škomac (Sеrbia)
Third prize Goran Ćeličanin (Sеrbia)
Diploma Behnam Pormehdi (Iran)
Diploma Bogdan Petry and Horia Krisan (Romania)
Diploma LU Nan ( China)
Diploma Slobodan Srdić (Serbia)
Diploma Ilya Katz (Israel)
Diploma Halit Kurtulmuş (Turkey)
Diploma Slobodan Butir (Croatia)
Diploma Jakša Vlahović (Serbia)
Diploma Ngai Oo U Han Kyi (Myanmаr)
Diploma Erico Junqueira Ayres (Brazil).