
Results of the International Illustration Contest 2015, Hungary, with theme: Reduce it!

Dear Applicants!
We are happy to inform you that the jury chose the
three best works and one special prize, as follows:
1. Marco D’Agostino - Untitled (Top)
2. Kelemen István – Untitled
3. Virág Fruzsina Éva – „REDUCE IT!”
Special Prize: Horst Hellmeier – “Flatten It!”
Thank you for the many valuable and high-quality works.
STKH team.
Source: http://www.stkh.hu/friss-informacio/.


International Cartoon Competition 2015, China: Economize; Practice Thrift; Law; Justice

2015 International Cartoon Competition
Competition Rules
1. Schedule:
Original submission deadline on October 30, 2015
Postponed to ---- November 20, 2015 (the new deadline )
2. Increase the theme: “Economize; Practice Thrift; Law; Justice
3. Email: mhds1@sohu.com
Only accept the digital works.
4. Prize
First Prize [1 competitor]: 900 USD and certification
Second Prize [2 competitors]: 600 USD and certification
Third Prize [3 competitors]: 300 USD and certification
Excellent Prize [50 competitors]: souvenir and certification
Top-over-List Prize: souvenir.
5. The Jury
1) The jury is made up of famous cartoonists, university professors and experts.
2) The jury will maintain an objective, fair and just principles of the entries submitted for judging and voting, and recommended the winners.
3) The winner will be announced in December 2015
6. Copyrights
1) The organizers reserve the right to refuse entries they consider morally, politically or religiously offensive, as well as work that is considered in violation of the acknowledged moral standards.
2) If a contribution has any intellectual property rights or copyright dispute, the organizer holds the right to revoke the participant’s eligibility to participate in the competition. Participants are solely liable for any consequence that may arise from submitting work to the competition. The participant must be the owner of all rights on the work submitted and it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that his or her contributions to the competition do not generate any copyright or other intellectual property rights dispute.
3) News Cartoon reserves the right to use the contributions for presentation and media use.
4) Organizers and participants share the copyrights of the contributions; the organizers of the event have the right to display and distribute the works of the contestants.
5) By submitting a contribution to the competition, the participant is agreeing to accept all of the rules.
Responsible editor:redman.
Source: http://www.redmanart.com/en/bencandy.php?fid=6&id=612.


Results of the 7th International Cartoon Biennial Jiaxing 2015, China

Re-evaluation results of the 7th International Cartoon Biennial Jiaxing 2015, China
1 巴•毕力格 梦想与现实 内蒙古 最佳主题
2 盖桂保 阳光下的思念 山东 最佳主题
3 贾锐军 鸟 内蒙古 最佳主题
4 刘志永 牵手 天津 最佳主题
5 吕佳 牛市梦 浙江 最佳主题
6 宓风光 宇宙之梦 浙江 最佳主题
7 Alexandrov Valeri –Walex No Title Bulgaria 保加利亚 最佳主题
8 Eray Ozbek My Dream Turkiye 土耳其 最佳主题
9 Ilya Katz No Title Israel 以色列 最佳主题
10 Katz Grigori Twins Israel 以色列 最佳主题
11 Neda Tanhaee Moghaddam No Title Bulgaria 保加利亚 最佳主题
12 SEYED ALI MIRAEE My Dream Iran 伊朗 最佳主题
13 侯晓强 书的魅力 山东 最佳自由创意
14 李建华 无题 吉林 最佳自由创意
15 宋晓军 象牙之殇 山东 最佳自由创意
16 陶开俭 前进的步伐 江苏 最佳自由创意
17 王慧玲 白骨铺就的T台 浙江 最佳自由创意
18 卫吴元 劳动奖章 山西 最佳自由创意
19 魏铁生 竞技场外 北京 最佳自由创意
20 肖承森 无题 北京 最佳自由创意
21 周喜悦 因果 吉林 最佳自由创意
22 B V Panduranga Rao CARTOONIST India 印度 最佳自由创意
23 Darko Drljevic, 无题1 Montenegro 黑山共和国 最佳自由创意
24 Hamed Mortazavi No Title Iran 伊朗 最佳自由创意
25 Katz Grigori Harmony Israel 以色列 最佳自由创意
26 Nikola listeš No Title Croatia 克罗地亚 最佳自由创意
27 Peiman Mirzaei No Title Australia 澳大利亚 最佳自由创意
28 Roberto Castillo Rodriguez Precio de la Libertas Cuba 古巴 最佳自由创意
29 SLOBODAN BUTIR No Title Croatia 克罗地亚 最佳自由创意
30 Vladimir Stankovski A little bit of Mom and a little bit of Dad Serbia 塞尔维亚 最佳自由创意
31 高翔 我的梦 四川 主题入选
32 郭冶 梦之缔造者-科比与邓肯 浙江 主题入选
33 海全 维修 内蒙古 主题入选
34 李海峰 环游世界 北京 主题入选
35 刘晓东 无题 山东 主题入选
36 孙宝欣 愿景 山东 主题入选
37 王成喜 人才梦 山东 主题入选
38 王海燕 小书包 安徽 主题入选
39 王慧玲 洗肺 浙江 主题入选
40 王俊平 长城长 黑龙江 主题入选
41 王瑞生 盼 安徽 主题入选
42 闻凤刚 天天如此 北京 主题入选
43 肖文津 梦想 山东 主题入选
44 徐进 大器晚成 北京 主题入选
45 薛建 期待 黑龙江 主题入选
46 杨小薇 蓝天梦 吉林 主题入选
47 章建白 透支 上海 主题入选
48 赵国品 古镇印象 湖北 主题入选
49 庄琳莹 梦中笔山-1 浙江 主题入选
50 Alexander DUBOVSKY Dream's (3) Ukraine 乌克兰 主题入选
51 Armen Hamonangan Dream's (1) Indonesia 印度尼西亚 主题入选
52 Darko Drljevic No Title 2 Montenegro 黑山共和国 主题入选
53 Emad Salehi My Dream Iran 伊朗 主题入选
54 Esmaeil Babaei My Dream Iran 伊朗 主题入选
55 Mahmood Nazari Ghatar Iran 伊朗 主题入选
56 Hamidreza Mosayebi My Dream Iran 伊朗 主题入选
57 HUSEYIN CAKMAK My Dream CYPRUS 塞浦路斯 主题入选
58 JITET KUSTANA No Title Indonesia 印度尼西亚 主题入选
59 konstantin kazanchev My Dream Ukraine 乌克兰 主题入选
60 Louis PoL No Title Australia 澳大利亚 主题入选
61 LUKA LAGATOR My Dream Montenegro 黑山共和国 主题入选
62 Makhmudjon Eshonkulov in border Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 主题入选
63 Musa Gumus Fish Tree Turkey 土耳其 主题入选
64 Nicolas Koundouros No Title Greece 希腊 主题入选
65 nikola listeš Dream's (2) Croatia 克罗地亚 主题入选
66 Oleg Dergachov My Dream Canada 加拿大 主题入选
67 OSCAR RODRIGUEZ OCHOA "LUY" No Title Mexico 墨西哥 主题入选
68 Pavel Gabriel-Virgil A modest dream Romania 罗马尼亚 主题入选
69 Rahim Baghal Asghari Baghmisheh No Title Iran 伊朗 主题入选
70 Rešad Sultanović Dream's (1) BOSNIA–HERZEGOVINA 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那 主题入选
71 Sunnerberg Constantin Girl's Dream Belgium 比利时 主题入选
72 Tawan Chuntraskawvong No Title Thailand 泰国 主题入选
73 Todorovic Bobisa My Dream Serbia 塞尔维亚 主题入选
74 Toma'š Trunecer My Dream Ceska Republika 捷克 主题入选
75 Valeriu Kurtu Dream's (5) Deutschland 德国 主题入选
76 Victor Holub My Dream Ukraine 乌克兰 主题入选
77 VLADIMIR SEMERENKO No Title Russia 俄罗斯 主题入选
78 Yazd, Iran Dream's (2) Iran 伊朗 主题入选
79 单继新 忠诚的“守卫者” 山东 自由创意入选
80 海全 求学路 内蒙古 自由创意入选
81 郝延鹏 人行空间 黑龙江 自由创意入选
82 郝增茂 伪装 河北 自由创意入选
83 李肖扬 夫妻之道 湖北 自由创意入选
84 马建成 最后的晚餐 河南 自由创意入选
85 石甬启 时间如水 吉林 自由创意入选
86 王少华 发现有人偷拍 辽宁 自由创意入选
87 吴浩然 逢场作戏,徒有形式 浙江 自由创意入选
88 夏瑞中 仍无结果 上海 自由创意入选
89 杨树山 争 天津 自由创意入选
90 杨忠白 斗士 吉林 自由创意入选
91 张卫 双子塔 湖南 自由创意入选
92 郑华卫 无题 北京 自由创意入选
93 邹勤 不尽神剧滚滚来 上海 自由创意入选
94 Aidarbek Gazizov No Title Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 自由创意入选
95 Armen Hamonangan No Title Indonesia 印度尼西亚 自由创意入选
96 BORANBAYEV Food Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 自由创意入选
97 Chernyshev Mikhail Fedorovich No Title Russia 俄罗斯 自由创意入选
98 Emad Salehi No Title Iran 伊朗 自由创意入选
99 Erdogan Basol No Title Turkey 土耳其 自由创意入选
100 Esmaeil Babaei No Title Iran 伊朗 自由创意入选
101 Mahmood Nazari Farzande bishtar Iran 伊朗 自由创意入选
102 Hamidreza Mosayebi No Title Iran 伊朗 自由创意入选
103 JITET KUSTANA No Title Indonesia 印度尼西亚 自由创意入选
104 KAZANEVSKY VLADIMIR No Title Ukraine 乌克兰 自由创意入选
105 Louis PoL No Title Australia 澳大利亚 自由创意入选
106 LUKA LAGATOR Veecomme Montenegro 黑山共和国 自由创意入选
107 Makhmudjon Eshonkulov Femide Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 自由创意入选
108 MANOJ CHOPRA D L CHOPRA Selfie India 印度 自由创意入选
109 Musa Gumus Children Turkey 土耳其 自由创意入选
110 Neda Tanhaee Moghaddam No Title Bulgaria 保加利亚 自由创意入选
111 Neda Tanhaei moghadam No Title Bulgaria 保加利亚 自由创意入选
112 Oleg Dergachov My Dream Canada 加拿大 自由创意入选
113 Pavel Constantin Fotball Craze Romania 罗马尼亚 自由创意入选
114 SEYED ALI MIRAEE Education Iran 伊朗 自由创意入选
115 SLOBODAN BUTIR No Title Croatia 克罗地亚 自由创意入选
116 Vasilyeva Liliya No Title Russia 俄罗斯 自由创意入选
117 Viacheslav Bibishev (BIB) Shower Russia 俄罗斯 自由创意入选
118 VLADIMIR SEMERENKO No Title Russia 俄罗斯 自由创意入选
119 Yaser Delfan Yassan Galoot Iran 伊朗 自由创意入选
120 Yustinus Anang Jatmiko Light Indonesia 印度尼西亚 自由创意入选.
Sources: http://www.zgsshw.cn/content.asp?id=30567 & http://www.redmanart.com/en/bencandy.php?fid=6&id=609 .


Results 13th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies, Barakaldo 2015

First Prize: SERGIO CALDERON TAIPE, Ecuador (Top)
Second Prize: VLADIMIR KAZANEVSKY, Ucraine
Third Prize: JUAN JIMÉNEZ ALTO, Spain
Fourth Prize: LUIS EDUARDO LEON, Colombia
Fifth Prize: HELDER TEIXEIRA PELEJA, Portugal.
Source: facebook.


2nd International Competition Noticartun Colombia 2015

Alfredo Greñas:
Bucaramanga, Colombia, May 9, 1857 San Jose, Costa Rica September 16, 1949)
Engraver, illustrator and cartoonist of opinion. He studied at the Alberto Urdaneta School of Engraving in 1881 and actively participated in the "Papel Ilustrado" newspaper at the time. He was imprisoned for his graphic work against Rafael Nuñez in the weekly "El Posta" and since his release, he participated in the satirical newspaper "El Zancudo", in which a great critic to the political class was made. In 1893 he was exiled by the government of Nuñez, leaving for the United States he landed in Costa Rica, due to health issues, where he excelled in publishing until his death.
1) Open to all professional cartoonists in the world, preferably seniors (18 years).
Deadline 30 November 2015 .
2) There will be 2 categories A: “Caricature”, B “Cartoon”.
Category A: Caricature of Alfredo Greñas: physiognomic caricatures of him, not portraits.
Images and information of A. Greñas:
Category B: Cartoon: Theme Is consumerism happiness in the world?
3) AWARDS (tbc):
1. Prize: Diploma of the event.
2 Honorable Mentions
1. Prize : Diploma of the event.
2 Honorable Mentions
2 SPECIAL AWARDS FOR COLOMBIANS : "Noticartun Colombia Cartoon Recognition" and "Noticartun Colombia Graphic Humor Recognition "
Besides there will be a virtual exhibition of all the works that will stay in NEWS CARTOON COLOMBIA and CARTOON ALBUM OF COLOMBIAN.
Besides, there will be a virtual exhibition of all the works that will stay in NEWS OF CARTOON COLOMBIA and COLOMBIAN CARTOON ALBUM.
4) Each participant can present in the event a maximum of two works by category, but only one can be awarded in each category. The artworks can be in black and white or in color.
5) About the Jury:
The jury is composed of professional cartoonists. They can participate in the contest, but only for exhibition purposes and not for awards (same applies to the winners of the 2014 edition). Also, they can't and won't take in account for the awards those artworks made by their family members or people with whom they have a current working relationship.
6) The cartoons sent have to have a maximum size of 30 x 40 cms. JPG, 300 dpi.
7) You can participate with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously. The selected works will be online so in case someone has a complaint about the originality of the artwork, the jury and News of Cartoon Colombia will select a new selected work.
8) All drawings submitted must be made from original ideas, either analog (scanned) or digital, no photographs, scanned photocopies, etc. will be accepted.
9) Participants must send a brief CV in Word, contact details (name, e-mail, web or blog and home country of the participant) and a photograph or caricature with his works.
10) Each author owns rights on their work and only authorizes NEWS OF CARTOON COLOMBIA to expose it in this tribute online, without any financial compensation to the parties. Any problems with copyright shall be borne by the participant.
11) NEWS OF CARTOON COLOMBIA, reserves the right to display works that understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
12) Participation in the contest implies full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions.
13) The work must be sent to:
Source: facebook.


6th International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest, Tabriz 2015, Iran

6th International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest, Tabriz 2015
We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
Theme: Traffic
* Please write your surname and first name, address, e-mail address, phone number+ a photo + a biography.
* All participants that their works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue of the contest.
* Sent works should be in 300 dpi with 1500 pixel width or length and jpg format. Sent works could be published or won in a contest before.
* Deadline: 11 Dec. 2015
* First Prize: $1200, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
* Second Prize: $ 750, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
* Third Prize: $ 500, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
* 5 Honorable Mentions.
The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address:
info@cwn-news.com or tabrizcartoons@tabrizcartoons.com
Tel: (98 411) 5545960
Web: http://www.cwn-news.com
* Jury board of every year are the last year`s winners.
* An album will be sent to all Participants.
Source: cwn-news.


International Cartoon Contest on Bribe 2016, China

1) The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
3) E-mail work to address: sunnccartoon@126.com
4) Accept the digital works. After your works was selected, the organizing committee will notify you, send your original works to the organizing committee, to participate in the final awards.
5) Each entrant should provide title, name, age, address, career, e-mail, and telephone number.
6) Entries can be either black and white or colour.
7) The size of the work no limit.
8) The number of work there is no limit.
9) Deadline for entries is January 1, 2016.
According to the specific situation, set up other awards.
11) Submitted cartoons will not be returned.
12) The cartoonists whose works has been selected will receive a copy of the catalog made for competition.
13) The organizers reserve the right to publish the cartoons submitted to the exhibition and use them in any forms. Your cartoon may be used for promotional purposes: cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine, and books etc.
14) Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
Entry form on source: redmanart.


The 3rd International Cartoon Gathering - Egypt 2016

(To be held in 20th March 2016)
The Ministry of Culture in Egypt, Foreign Cultural Relations Sector, in cooperation with Egyptian Caricature Society, organize the 3rd International Cartoon Gathering.
Eligible Participants:
• Open to all artists from all over the world above 18 years.
1 - Education
2 - Free
Technical Criteria:
• All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi.
• Size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPG format.
• Entries: Max. 5 cartoons in each section.
• Submitted works can be in colour or black and white, in any style or technique.
• Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
• By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permit the organizers have full right to reproduce all or a part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition.
• Send your cartoons and your CV (Name - Address - Phone number - Email address) via the following e-mail address: egyptcartoon2014@yahoo.com
• Deadline: 20th January 2016
Selection Criteria:
• Entries will be judged by a prominent Jury based on the quality of each submitted work.
• A catalogue of the selected artworks will be printed, a copy of which will be sent to the selected cartoonists.
For more details please visit: https://www.facebook.com/egyptcartoon
Or contact us at: egyptcartoon2014@yahoo.com
The Gathering President:
Gomaa Farahat
Commissaire General:
Fawzy Morsy
Emad Abd El Maksud.


Results First International Kosova Cartoon Festival 2015, Republic of Kosovo

First Prize: Petar Pismestrovic - Croatia (Top)
Second Prize: Carlos David Fuentes - Cuba
Third Prize: Saman Torbi - Iran
Special Prize: Marcin Bondarowicz - Poland
Special Prize: Mehdi Azizi - Iran
Special Prize: Omer Cam - Turkey
Special Prize: Aristides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero / ARES - Cuba
Special Prize: Amir Soheili - Iran
MoneyGram Prize: Samedin Latifi with 4245 "Like"s.
Sources: facebook & cartooncenter.


VIII International Caricature Contest 2015 - Magazine "Nosorog" ("Rhinocervs")

The organizer of VIII International caricature contest is The International magazine for satire, humor and cartoons “Nosorog” (“Rhinocervs”; www.nosorog.rs.sr ; http://nosorog-rhinocervs.weebly.com/ ). The contest is opened for proffesional or amateur cartoonists, from any country, any nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
THEME: The world's greatest writers from Homer to the present day!
First Prize: 300 euros + Diploma
Second Prize: Diploma
Third Prize: Diploma
Five ( 5 ) Special Diplomas
Conditions of entry:
1. Technik: Any technik will be accepted.
2. IMPORTANT: Write on each caricature which writer you present! (you may find photos of writers on Wikipedia, or somewhere other on net)
3. Entries: maximum 7 entries will be submitted.
4. Size of entries: A4, A3 format.
5. Send your name, surname, address, country and the e-mail.
6. You may send by post or by E-mail.
7. E-mail for sending art-work: nosorog.magazine@gmail.com
Note: 300 dpi resolution; JPG, JPEG format.
8. If you send by post, address is:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Note: Please, do not send originals, because we will not send you back!
Entry deadline is December 25th 2015 (Please write on envelope: PRINTED MATTER - NO VALUE !)
10. Some Names of BIG Writers:
1. Homer
2. Sophocles
3. Euripides
4. Aristophanes
5. Cicero
6. Vergil
7. Ovid
8. Horace
9. Dante
10. Francesco Petrarca
11. Giovanni Boccaccio
12. William Shakespeare
13. Jane Austen
14. William Blake
15. Charles Dickens
16. John Milton
17. George Orwell
18. Harold Pinter
19. Marcel Proust
20. Gustave Flaubert
21. Émile Zola
22. Victor Hugo
23. Alexandre Dumas
24. Honoré de Balzac
25. Stendhal
26. Jules Verne
27. Marquis de Sade
28. Molière
29. Miguel de Cervantes
30. Mario Vargas Llosa
31. Miguel de Unamuno
32. Federico García Lorca
33. Pedro Calderón de la Barca
34. Lope de Vega
35. Leo Tolstoy
36. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
37. Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov
38. Maxim Gorky
39. Vladimir Mayakovsky
40. Sergei Yesenin
41. Ernest Hemingway
42. William Faulkner
43. Mark Twain
44. Edgar Allan Poe
45. John Steinbeck
46. Tennessee Williams
47. Henry Miller
48. Harper Lee
49. John Updike
50. Walt Whitman
51. Norman Mailer
52. Arthur Miller
53. Emily Dickinson
54. Isaac Asimov
55. Jack London
… (also, you can draw some other BIG writers)
Ivo Andrić (Yugoslavia, Nobel Prize)
Branko Ćopić (Yugoslavia)
Plus: FREE choice, not included for Prizes (only for Exhibition):
Goran Kljajić (Republika Srpska).
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the National Library of Republika Srpska, city Banja Luka
12 - IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that the State, from which the awarded artist is, under international sanctions, the organizer is not liable if it can not deliver the prize!
13 – IMPORTANT NOTE – 2: The Organizer of this Cartoon Competition has permanent troubles to deliver diploma or money-prize, if winner is from Iran! The Organizer is not responsible for that.
14. Note: Sender must be author of caricatures!
14. Jury members:
Mrs. Irina Iosip, painter, cartoonist and Editor of "Salt and Pepper" magazine - Romania
Mrs. Jasmina Bukva, satiric writer - Serbia
Mr. Aleksandar Blatnik, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Kosanovich, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Milenko Mihajlovich, painter, cartoonist - Serbia
Mr. Miladin Berich, writer, Editor, Serbs Republic /BA
Mr. Goran Kljajich, writer, Chief Editor of “Nosorog” ("Rhinoceros"), Republika Srpska.
We wish good art-work and successful participation to everyone.
International magazine for satire, cartoon and caricature “Nosorog” (“Rhinocervs”)
City Banja Luka
Republika Srpska
Balkan, Europe
Source: http://www.nosorog.rs.sr/diff/diff2.html.


19th Dutch Cartoonfestival 2016, The Netherlands / Holland

19th Dutch Cartoonfestival 2016, The Netherlands / Holland
1. PARTICIPANTS Cartoonists from all over the world.
2. NUMBER OF ENTRIES A maximum of 8 cartoons total from each participant is permitted. Originals as well as computer prints, screen prints or good quality copies are welcome. Originals will be sent back on request.
3. DIMENSIONS Max A4 (21x29,7 cm). Each entry must state on the verso of the drawing, the name and address of the cartoonist. NO CAPTIONS PLEASE.
4. THEMES “The 4 Freedoms”:
freedom of speech and expression
freedom of worship
freedom from want
freedom from fear
5. DEADLINE Thursday December 31, 2015
First Prize: € 1000 + trophy
Second Prize: € 750 + trophy
Third Prize: € 500 + trophy
FECO Award: € 500 + trophy
TULIP Award: € 250 + trophy
4 Special Mentions: diploma/certificate
Bert Witte Trophy 2016.
Travel expense and hotel stay for prize-winners will be paid by the organisers.
Opening ceremony & prize-giving: May 20, 2016.
8. CARTOON BOOK All cartoonists whose work(s) have been selected for the exhibition will receive a free sample of the catalogue, maximum four months after the closing date of the exhibition. They can also collect their books during the exhibition period.
9. COPYRIGHT By participating the cartoonists confer the right on the organizers to publish the selected works until ½ year after the exhibition, for no other purpose than the promotion of the cartoonist, The Roosevelt Foundation and the Dutch Cartoon Festival. The copyright of the works remain always to the cartoonists.
10. INSURANCE The works received will be insured by the organizers, equal to the value indicated by the cartoonist on the entry-form. If the value of the cartoon is not indicated, the works will be insured for € 50 Euro each.
Regulations in languages + Entry Form in PDF on source.


Regulations for the International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2016, Poland

Participation conditions
1. SATYRYKON 2016 International Exhibition is an open competition.
2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, completed within the recent two years (2015-2016), and qualified by artists to section (drawing without captions preferred):
3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition SATYRYKON.
4. The format of works -maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
5. Works should be sent or delivered by February 8, 2016 (date of the postmark), packed in a protective cover to:
SATYRYKON – Legnica 2016
International Exhibition
Chojnowska 2, 59-220 Legnica, Poland
Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, organisers reserve the right to include one of the submitted works in the Satyrykon Gallery. The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing.
7. Works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application form (PLEASE USE CAPITALS).
1. Works for the competition will be qualified by the international Jury.
2. Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix SATYRYKON 2016 – pure gold key and purse amounting to 8,000 PLN
2 gold medals and purses amounting to 6.000 PLN
2 silver medals and purses amounting to 5.500 PLN
2 bronze medals and purses amounting to 5.000 PLN
and 4 special prizes amounting to 4.000 PLN each
Director of Legnickie Centrum Kultury (Legnica Culture Centre) for a photography work in amount of 4,000 PLN award
Mayor of legnica award in amount of 4.000 PLN
Organisers plan to award the author of the best DEBUT and will organise her/his individual author’s exhibition at SATYRYKON Gallery included in Satyrykon 2016 programme as well.
Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non – awarding them or non – awarding the Grand Prix SATYRYKON. Jury’s decisions are final.
The competition results will be announced on March 1, 2016 at Satyrykon web site: www.satyrykon.pl.
No t e !
AWARDS ARE SUBJECT TO TAXATION ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT REGULATIONS. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards by December 15, 2016, or it can be transferred into a bank account in a currency specified by the author.
Participants’ privileges
1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue.
2. Organisers provide competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the SATYRYKON 2016 event on June 16-19, 2016.
3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2017.
Final provisions
1. Organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for SATYRYKON advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included in the collection of the Satyrykon Gallery.
3. The exhibition organisers are the final judges in interpretation of the regulations.
4. Sending her/his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agrees to publishing of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
5. Legnica Culture Centre (+4876 72-33-700; e-mail: lck@lck.art.pl) and Satyrykon Foundation (+48 76 852-23-44; e-mail: satyrykon@wp.pl – PL 59-220 Legnica, Chojnowska 2 – are organisers of the International Exhibition SATYRYKON – Legnica 2016.
T i m e t a b l e:
Deadline for works reception February 8, 2016
(date of the postmark)
Jury meeting February 19-21, 2016
Post-competition exhibition June 8 – August 28, 2016
Return of works after the exhibition cycle December 31, 2017
Download the Application Card  here.
Source: http://en.satyrykon.pl/regulamin/.