
Results of the III Internatio​nal Humor Festival - Rio de Janeiro BRASIL

3º Festival Internacional de Humor do Rio de Janeiro
De 10 de agosto a 25 de setembro.
Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (MNBA)
Avenida Rio Branco, 46 – Centro - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Telefone: (021) 2233-1209
Resultado Final
1° Prêmio/ 1° Prize
Paulo Cavalcante (Rio de Janeiro – RJ) Título – Amy Winehouse
Alan Souto Maior (Rio de Janeiro – RJ) Título- Maria Gadu
Alan Souto Maior (Rio de Janeiro RJ) Título- Neymar
Alves (Lagoa Santa- MG) Título- Laerte
Alves (Lagoa Santa- MG) Título- Ronaldinho Gaúcho
Baptistao (São Paulo – SP) Título- Pixinguinha
Darko Drljevic (Podgorica- Montenegro) Título- Khadafi
Glen Batoca (Rio de Janeiro-RJ) Título- John Yoko
Leo Martins (Rio de Janeiro-RJ) Título- Kim jong Il
Lezio Junior (São Jose do Rio Preto –SP) Título- Adoniran Barbosa
Lezio Junior (São Jose do Rio Preto –SP) Título- Dilma Rousseff
Manohead (Garopaba-SC) Título- Monalisa
Nei Lima (Rio de Janeiro- RJ) Título- Rogério Ceni
Paulo Cavalcante (Rio de Janeiro – RJ) Título – Roberto Carlos
Samuca (Recife- PE) Título- Zeca Baleiro
Samuca (Recife-PE) Título- Cartola
Venes (Palmeirópolis- TO) Título- Jô Soares
Tiago Hoisel (São Paulo – SP) Título- Keith Richard
Tiago Hoisel (São Paulo – SP) Título- Lenine
Valentin Georgiev (Ruse- Bulgária) Título- Christo
1° Prêmio/ 1° Prize
Cau Gomez (Salvador-BA) Sem título.
Alves (Lagoa Santa- MG) Sem título
Daniel Kondo (São Paulo- SP) Sem Título
Duke (Belo Horizonte- MG) Sem título
Elihu (Rio de Janeiro- RJ) Sem Título
Elvis N. (São José do Rio Preto-SP) Sem título
Jota-A (Teresina- PI) Sem título
Jota-A (Teresina- PI) Sem título
Junião (São Paulo- SP) Sem título
Kácio (Brasília- DF) Sem Título
Kácio (Brasília- DF) Sem título
Léo Martins (Rio de Janeiro- RJ) Sem título
Léo Martins (Rio de Janeiro- RJ) Sem título
Léo Martins (Rio de Janeiro- RJ) Sem título
Mello (Jaboticatubas – MG) Sem título
Rucke (Itu – SP) Sem título
Samuca (Recife- PE) Sem título
Samuca (Recife- PE) Sem título
Valtenio (Uberlândia- MG) Sem título
1° Prêmio/ 1° Prize
Minêu (São Paulo-SP) Sem título
Cau Gomez (Salvador- BA) Sem Título
Alves (Lagoa Santa- MG) Sem título
Behnam Akharbin (Ardabil- Iran) Sem título
Bruno Galvão (São José dos Campos – SP) Sem título
Duke (Belo Horizonte- MG) Sem título
Duke (Belo Horizonte- MG) Sem título
Elihu (Rio de Janeiro- RJ) Sem título
Elvis N. (São José do Rio Preto-SP) Sem título
Fred (Campina Grande- PB) Sem título
Kazanevsky (Kiev- Ucrânia) Sem Título
Moises (Mogi Guaçu- SP) Sem título
Pavel Constantin (Focsani- Romênia) Sem título
Rafael Corrêa (Porto Alegre- RS) Sem título
Rodrigo Rosa (Porto Alegre- RS) Sem título
Rodrigo Rosa (Porto Alegre-RS) Sem título
Santiago (Porto Alegre- RS) Sem título
Seyran Caferli (Imishli- Azerbaijão) Sem título
Tiago Hoisel (São Paulo- SP )Sem Título
Waldez (Belém- PA) Sem título
William (João Pessoa- PB) Sem Título.

2nd International Cartoon Contest Sofia 2011, Bulgaria

Sofia Municipality,
Cartoon Section at the Union of Bulgarian Artists,
THEME: The Artist in Art
The art of music, dance, painting, sculpture, poetry, literature, theatre, photography, and cinema, seen through the art of laughter: the cartoon art.
Participants may send maximum 3 entries in a digital format (JPG) via the internet to this e-mail address: bgcartoon@abv.bg
The works will be shown in the open air on enlarged copies (nearly the size of a billboard). In view of the exhibition’s high quality, the cartoons must be A4 / A3 size, JPG format scanned at 300 dpi.
The artists should mention in their email: name, surname, address, e-mail address, title or number of each entry. The cartoons submitted for the competition must not have been awarded in other contests.
DEADLINE: September 1, 2011
A jury will make a selection of 120-150 entries and their authors will be considered for prizes and included in the exhibition catalogue.
First prize: 1000 EUR
Second prize: 500 EUR
Third prize: 300 EUR
5 Special prizes.
The prize winners will be asked to send the originals of the awarded works.
The technique is free, black and white or colour; the entries may bear no captions. Digitally created artworks will also be accepted.
Photographs or copies of the original works will not be accepted.
The exhibition is to be opened on November 10, 2011. Enlarged copies of the works will be shown in the open air in Sofia.
The entries selected for the exhibition, as well as the awarded works will be included in the catalogue. Every participant in the exhibition will receive a copy of the catalogue.
The results of the exhibition and the accompanying events will be announced on the website of the Bulgarian cartoonists: http://www.cartoonbg.com/
By virtue of their participation artists agree to allow the organizers to print their works for promotional purposes.
Source: cartoonbg


2nd Shirozhan International Cartoon Competition 2011 - Iran

Contest: 2nd SHIROZHAN International Cartoon Competition
Deadline: 2011-11-22
Subject: Free
Country: Iran
Shirozhan International Cartoon group, with the target of development and growth of pure cartoon and keeping artists persevering and hardworking, is going to hold its second international Annual. The most important feature of this competition is that the winners will be selected by the visitors through an online voting.
1. Participation
This contest is going to be held online and the applicants must send their works via "contact us" section in shirozhan group website. Each applicant must attach a document to the works containing name and surname, address, e-mail, telephone and cell phone number of the artist.
The works sent to shirozhan by any other way or lacking requested information in the explanation part will not be submitted.
2. Specifications
maximum file size: 500 Kilobytes
maximum resolution: 100 dpi
maximum dimensions: A4
format: RGB, JPG
3. There is no limitation on the number of submitted works.
4. Choice of subject is free and there must be no text as caption or dialogue included.
5. The works must be sent from 13th Nov. 2010 to 13th Nov. 2011.
6. Judging
All received cartoons, according to the propriety of the date received, after the initial selection by shirozhan will be immediately published in the shirozhan group website as the cartoon of the day for 24 hours and then it will be available in the cartoon of the day archive. The viewers can score each cartoon from the time it is displayed until the deadline.
7. How to score:
For scoring the works, after entering cartoon of the day section, in the archive, click on the name of the cartoonist and then submit your score. Obviously, the works which are displayed for being judged and commented have higher chance of achieving scores.
After the deadline, forty works which have the highest scores will be judged by the team and finally ten will be awarded as winners. If more than two works of an artist are among the final forty works, the two which have the higher scores will be considered and the rest will be put aside. Also, if there is any work by the members of shirozhan group among the final works, they will be excluded from the competition.
7. Prizes:
First award: Persian Handicrafts with approximate value of 6.000.000(six million) Rials+ appreciation plaque
Second award: Persian Handicrafts with approximate value of 5.000.000(five million) Rials+ appreciation plaque
Third award: Persian Handicrafts with approximate value of 4.000.000(four million) Rials+ appreciation plaque
Fourth to Tenth awards: appreciation plaque+ SHIROZHAN gifts.
8. If you have any questions or for more information please contact info@shirozhan.com
WEB: http://www.shirozhan.com/


Invitation to Online Salon A Tribute to the 10th Anniversary of September 11

Dear cartoonist,
The BOSTOONS Foundation invites you to take part in the Online Salon A Tribute to the 10th Anniversary of September 11. The Salon will open on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 8:30 am, U.S. Eastern Standard Time.
One cartoon by each artist
$500.00 in awards
Cartoon reception deadline: (Sunday, August 28, 2011) EXTENDED: August 31
Check out the Salon website for the Rules and Regulations:
Your tribute cartoon will be welcome.
Best wishes,
The Organizing Committe.
- - -
Estimado caricturista,
La Fundación BOSTOONS te invita a participar en el Salón Virtual Un Homenaje al 10mo. Aniversario del 11 de Septiembre. El Salón será inaugurado el domingo 11 de septiembre de 2011 a las 8:30 am, Hora Standard del Este de los Estados Unidos.
Un dibujo por cada artista
$500.oo en premios
Cierre de la recepción de dibujos: domingo 28 de agosto de 2011
Visita el sitio oficial del Salón para que conozcas las Bases:
Tu dibujos homenaje será más que bienvenido.
Un saludo cordial,
El Comité Organizador.


Received catalog: Concurs Dibuix Esportiu I Humoristic 2011

Received the other day this "small is beautiful" 50 color pages catalog of size 15.8x16.2 cm. It comes from Unio De Federacions Esportives De Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Remember the results published on this blog: http://caricaturque.blogspot.com/2011/04/pavel-constantin-wins-3rd-international.html.
Hope they organize the new edition next year so that I shouldn't miss it for this catalog is really nice and the works impressing.

In the catalog are the awarded and selected works by 86 cartoonists + awarded and selected works that participated in the 1st International Sports Art Competition.

Among the cartoonists presented in the catalog are Erdoğan Başol, Oğuz Gürel, Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu, and Tan Oral from Turkey.


Received catalog: LINES 2009 from Cypriot - Turkish Cartoonists

This catalog, prepared by Huseyin Cakmak, is published in Ankara, Turkey, in February 2011.
In his introductory article, Dr Arif Ali Albayrak says,
"Although we were living isolated from the world, with the power of art and culture and especially the power of cartoon art, we have managed to reach places where we politically couldn't. Tens and thousands of our political representatives were travelling abroad and the goal has always been to try to meet the modern world and explain the hardships the Turkish Cypriots have been suffering from. How interesting it is that the world understood Cyprus more easily with Cyprus Turkish Cartoon Art."

They had this catalog published by combining the productivity potential of the members of the Cyprus Turkish Cartoonists Association and the ministerial contribution to culture and art associations.

In the catalog are the works by Arif A. Albayrak, Bertan Soyer, Celal Deniz, Cemal Tunceri, Devran Öztunç, Dolgun Dalgıçoğlu, Ezcan Özsoy, Hüseyin Çakmak, M. Serhan Gazioğlu, Mehmet Ulubatlı, Musa Kayra, Mustafa C. Azizoğlu, Mustafa Tozakı, Serkan Sürek, Sevcan Çerkez, and Zafer Tutkulu with their bios in both Turkish and English languages.

The catalog has 72 color pages and is of size 20x21.5 cm.

(All the works are copyright except reports and reviews).

1st International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Competition 2011, Turkey


Exhibition "Water: Energy of the Earth", São Paulo, Brazil

Exhibition "Water: Energy of the Earth"
Itu, São Paulo, Brazil
The Museum of Energy (Brazil), in partnership with the website Brazilcartoon, presents the cartoonists´ work from 26 countries, who used their art to bring about awareness about the urgency to use water more efficiently and in an intelligent and ethical form, perceiving it like a patrimony to be preserved and ensuring a better quality of life to the future generations.
The Exhibition will be opened on July 14 and will be finished on November 13, 2011.
Rose Araújo, Brazil - Mauro Lira, Brazil - Luis Ligarribay, Argentina - Tonho, Brazil - Alecrim, Brazil - Alex Larcher, Brazil - Alireza Pakdel, Iran - Amir Fathali, Iran - Biratan, Brazil - Ares, Cuba - Rampazzo, Brazil - Arturo Rosas, Mexico - Araimaneh, Iran - Pour, Iran - Pires, Brazil - Jordan Pop-lliev, Macedonia - Ashif Ahmed, India - Wesam Khalil, Egypt - Casso, Brazil - Mokthar Jazani, Iran - Zhengy Yin, China - D'oliver, Brazil - Dereck, Brazil - Marcio Diemer, Brazil - Dani Varela, Argentina – Dmitry, Russia - Leszek, Australia - Elmer, Argentina - F. Pontes, Brazil - F. Pica, Colombia - Guon Zhong, China - Floreal, Brazil - Satson, Mongolia - Jing Shan Li, China - Juan Camilo, Colombia - Mikhail, Russia - Khaled Al Swin, Saudi Arabia - Leon, Colombia - Mello, Brazil - Mohsen, Iran - Jô, Brazil - Ombaddi, Sudan - Oguz Gurel, Turkey – Phu Nguyen, USA - Pitsalidis, Italy - Raed Khalil, Syria - Amâncio, Brazil - René, France - Jorge Inácio, Brazil - Rocha, Brazil - Richel, Philippines - Resad, Bosnia - Panduranga, India - Saeed, Iran - Caferli, Azerbaijan - Makhmud, Uzbekistan - Tawa, Thailand - Xue Hong, China - Kagar, Iran - Wang Hai, China - Wang Rui, China - Waldez, Brazil - Kéti, Macedonia - Marian, Romania.
Museum of Energy
669, Paula Souza St, Downtown.
Itu, São Paulo, Brazil

5th International Cartoon Contest Urziceni 2011, Romania, with 2 themes

Entries: max. 5
The works must be accompanied by the author's biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: November 21, 2011
First Prize – 1000 $
Second Prize – 700 $
Third Prize – 400 $
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 $
Exhibition: DECEMBER 17, 2011
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy.
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain
the property of The Culture House of Urziceni Municipality.
Works will be sent to:
925300 – URZICENI

Contact details:


XIII PortoCarto​on 2011 - On-line Voting until 31 December

Dear Cartoonist,
We are very pleased to inform you that is open the on-line voting for the PortoCartoon 2011.
You can choose your favourite cartoon, independently of the choice of the jury of this festival. People all around the world can vote in the Cartoon Virtual Museum at: http://www.cartoonvirtualmuseum.org/f_portocartoon_2012_vote.htm .
30 artists are in contest, and each cartoon can be seen in detail. The candidates are the awarded, the honourable mentions and the finalist ones of the 13th PortoCartoon-World Festival.
The voting is open on the Portuguese Printing Press Museum and on the Cartoon Virtual Museum until 31st December.
Your vote is very important for the better decision!
With my very best regards
Luís Humberto Marcos


Results 4th Baja Cartoon Competition 2011, Hungary

Results of the 4th Baja Cartoon Competition 2011, Hungary
1st prize: Lugosi Károly (Hungary)
2nd prize: Klaus Pitter (Austria)
3rd prize: Heinz Pfister (Switzerland)
Special award: Lehotay Zoltán (Hungary)
Diploma: Ba Bilig (China)
Diploma: Grigori Katz (Israel) (Top above)
Diploma: Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)
Diploma: Leonid Melnik (Russia)
Diploma: Valeriy Chmyriov (Ukraine).
See all winning cartoons at


Koroglu Exhibition 2011: About labor, about eating together, Turkey

Theme: About labor, about eating together
Ruhi Su, says about KOROGLU who is an Anatolian legendary hero:
"He is a brave person and a legendary hero who rebels against atrocious and advise people not to touch to the old and poor people, to contend with the covetous-rich people, to care about aggrieved ones and their difficulties.", in his album, named "Poets & Folksongs” (in Turkish).
As do Ruhi Su, my brother, Mehmet KOROGLU, spent his whole life as a revolutionist and artist with respect to labor, too. In the second year of his decease, we want to commemorate him with an exhibition.
Aim: To make a fine excuse and a cause to create something which give meaning to our lives for the people who make the labor valuable.
1- The works which will be take space in the exhibition: cartoons, pictures, photographs... which are made by all techniques and types, in parallel with the aim and the theme.
2- All participant works will be put in a CD and it will be sent to each participant.
3- On behalf of all KOROGLU Exhibition participants, totally 100 trees will be planted.
4- Parcitipants should send their works in digital media, as A4 or A3 sized, 300 dpi resolution.
5- The works’ copyrights will not be paid to the owners of the works due to the Organization of KOROGLU Exhibition.
6- In case they are used for other purposes or by third parties, then permission will be obtained from the owner of the work.
7- The works must be sent to the following adress: muhitcartoon@hotmail.com
8- Deadline: 15 July 2011
Thanks in advance for all participants.
Muhittin Koroglu.
Note: The CD of the Köroğlu Exhibition 2010 had posted as of the date of 29.06.2011.
For more information:
muhitcartoon@hotmail.com, http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/


Deadline extended and new theme added in AYACC 2011

Dear artists,
We appreciate all your supports to Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2011. It is decided by the Municipal Government of Guiyang that the exhibition of AYACC 2011 will be postponed. So the deadline of the AYACC 2011 will also be postponed to August 1, 2011. Meanwhile, one new subject is added: Car and Traffic. Welcome cartoonists all over the world to send works on this new subject. Wish good results to all the artists.
Secretary in general
The Committee of Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2011
Liuyi Wang
Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (AYACC) 2011
Competition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
New Theme:
1) Car and Traffic
2) Free .
Entry Deadline:
August 1, 2011
(See sources for rules:
rahimcartoon & ayacc)