
New Year 2008 greeting card by Vorontsov

The most recent new year greeting card is from Mikola Vorontsov.
Best wishes Mikola!
See more at:

Call from Donquichotte netmagazine

Dear Cartoonist..

Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto murdered.

World peace is striken one more time.

Would you like to draw about it?

Erdogan Karayel


International 7-77 Cartoon Competition - Turkey

The 14th International Ankara Cartoon Festival
The 14th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held from April 18th to 21st, 2008 during the 79th Children’s Day activities, which are celebrated in our country every year on the 23rd April .
The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 14th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.
All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for children.
Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.
Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.
The deadline for the competition is February 15th, 2008.
Cartoons should be sent to the following address:
The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE ($2,000) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.
The results of the competition will be announced on April 10th, 2008 in the local press and on the web.
The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 18th to 21st, 2008 as a guest for the activities to be held during the 14th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.
The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.
Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.
International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.
Top above: 2007 finalist: Miroslaw Hajnos (Poland)
See 7-77 Prize-winning cartoon by Javad Alizadeh (Iran) and all finalists in 2007 at:


Winners of Cartoon Contest 'Flexibility at work'

Results of the Cartoon Contest 'Flexibility at work' - ACV Belgium
First prize: Norbert Van Yperzeele – Belgium (See above)
Second prize: Pol Leurs – Luxembourg
Third prize: Luc Vermeersch – Belgium
Prize of the public: Luc Vermeersch – Belgium
Honourable mention: Ross Thomson – England
Honourable mention: Santiago Corne – Brasil
See all prize-winning cartoons at:











The UN Ranan Lurie Cartoon Award 2007 winners

2007 Award Winners

First Place: Ahmet Aykanat / Publication: Free lance (Turkey) (See above)

Second Place: Dalcio Machado / Publication: Correio Popular (Brazil) (See above)
Third Place: Thomas Antony / Publication: Rashtra Deepika (India)

Citation for Excellence:
Panos Maragos / Publication: Ethnos (Greece)

Angel Boligan Corbo / Publication: Newspaper: El Universal (Mexico) (See above)
Zhang Bin / Publication: Guangzhou Daily (China)
Felipe Galindo / Publication: Inxart.com & International Herald Tribune (USA)
Ronaldo Cunha Dias / Publication: Jornal O Pioneiro (Brazil)
Christo Komarnitski / Publication: “Sega” Daily (Bulgaria)

Huseyin Cakmak / Publication: Yeni Duzen Sanat (Republic of Cyprus) (See above)
Clay Bennett / Publication: The Christian Science Monitor (USA)
Tom Stiglich / Publication: Journal Register Newspapers (USA)
Steven Greenberg / Publication: Ventura County Star (USA)

See more prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.lurieunaward.com/2007winners.html


Results of CARTUNION 2007: "State & Religion"

The results of the Second International Cartoon Contest - CARTUNION 2007
Theme: State and Religion
The international Jury has announced the results of the contest:
Three main Prizes were shared between Ahmet Aykanat (Turkey) (see top above), Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia) (see below), and Sergey Sichenko (Israel).

Honorable Mentions were received by Tsocho Peev (Bulgaria), Sabine Voigt (Germany) (see below), Sergey Elkin (Russia), Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia), and Vasily Alexandrov (Russia).
A Special Jury Prize was given to Alexandr Mitnyk (Germany).

(Hey! Have you burnt any interesting books lately?)
The Administration of CARTUNION thanks everybody for the wonderful art and incredible sense of humor.
See more prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum-e/viewtopic.php?t=166


Results Africa on Rise Global Cartoon Contest

Results of Africa on Rise Global Cartoon Contest
Theme: Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crisis or Renaissance
Dear Cartoonists, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The decisions have been made: in early November 2007, the jury met in Frankfurt/Main to select the winners of our cartoon competition 2007. The 1st prize (3.000 Euro) goes to Jonathan Shapiro /Zapiro (South Africa), the 2nd prize (2.000 Euro) to René Bouschet (France) and the 3rd prize (1.000 Euro) to Wolfgang Ammer (Austria) (see top above). Siphiwo Sobopha (South Africa) (see below) received a special award (1.500 Euro) from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Congratulations to all the winners!
The winners were introduced to the public on Monday, 3rd December, 2007 at a press conference at the French Dome in Berlin, organised by the editors of the new monthly magazine"welt-sichten“, a “merger” of the magazines "eins entwicklungspolitik" and "der überblick".
In the evening, the awards were presented to the winners by the German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul during the Development Policy Media Prize award ceremony organised by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) at the historical foyer at the KfW Banking Group in Berlin. The winners’ creativity was highly appreciated, as it helps to reduce prejudice and to overcome intolerance against the African continent. The decision to combine the cartoon award ceremony with the Development Policy Media Prize ceremony was acknowledged and appreciated by the expert audience.
2.300 cartoonists in all 191 UN member states and national and international cartoonists’ associations had been invited to participate in the competition. 230 cartoons were sent in, 37 of which came from Africa, 36 from Central and South America, only seven from North America, 88 from Europe and Turkey, 60 from Asia, and one from Australia. The independent jury this time included:
Marie-Roger Biloa (publisher and editor-in-chief of Africa International, Paris), Rainer Hachfeld (cartoonist, Berlin), Al Imfeld (writer, Zurich), Prof. Dr. Dieter Kramer (former curator of the Museum der Weltkulturen, Dörscheid), K. Friedrich Schade (former executive editor of the German development journal epd-Entwicklungspolitik, Schwalbach/Ts), Erich Stather (State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin/Bonn), Dr. Jasper von Altenbockum (chief of the political desk of the daily newspaper „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ - FAZ).
We would like to thank all those who helped to organise the cartoon competition 2007, and especially the cartoonists from all over world who participated in the competition.
Dr. Konrad Melchers (executive editor of the German development journal “eins Entwicklungspolitik”) and Jürgen Weber (Project Manager).


New deadline for Yilmaz Guney Contest - Turkey

A caricature contest is organized along with short film, drama, short story, poetry, music, painting and folkloric dances contests by Yüz Çiçek Açsın Culture Center and Demokratik Gençlik Hareketi (Democratic Youth Movement) in the context of Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival, whose final is to be realized in Istanbul on Sunday 27th of January 2007. No competitive concept as to pass beyond or to go ahead is aimed but a concept to gather differing opinions or art concepts and to share it with people at the contests to be held in the context of the festival. In those days where we cannot tolerate our differing opinions and we perceive them as antagonisme, it is more significant and important to create a collective consciousness standing for goodness and beauty... Therefore our aim is not to have participants in a race and to award them but to promote and contribute to the beauty.
1-The contest is open to everybody without any distinctions.
2-The subject and technique to be submitted to the contest is free. In the context of spiritual form - collectivist, progressionist, critical, realistic and innovative values, which became concrete in the movies of Yılmaz Güney and which are already at the core of the caricature shall be particularly appraised.
3-The caricatures sent must be originals (digital prints are also accepted provided they are signed by hand) and they should not have received any award in any previous contests.
4-The participants are free to send as many works as they prefer.
5-The caricatures to be sent must not exceed A3 (29.7 x 42 cm) format.
6-The name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address and for participants younger than 18 years old the age of the artist must be written at the back of the caricatures.
7-A short autobiography and a photograph must be sent together with the caricatures.
8-Award winning and worth of exhibiting caricatures shall be published in the festival book, which shall be sent to the owner of the work.
9-The exhibition of the contest shall be realized in a place to be announced later.
10-At the end of evaluation 4 caricaturists shall receive a “Honor Plaque of the Festival” and 2 participants younger than 18 years of age a “Promising Young Caricaturist” award plaque.
11-The works must be sent to the address “Yuz Cicek Acsin Kultur Merkezi, Mahmut Sevket Pasa Mh. Mithatpasa Cad. No:3/3 SISLI /ISTANBUL” by hand delivery or by post / cargo and received by Friday 12th January, 2008 on evening.
12-The appraisal committee is constituted by the following caricaturists: Askin Ayrancioglu, Erhan Yasar Babalik, Mete Gokturk, Canol Kocagoz, Seyit Saatci and Kamil Yavuz.
13-The caricatures participating in the contest shall be kept in the archive of the organizing institution and may be published on billposters, calendars, booklets, magazines, newspapers, and similar media. In consideration of which, the artist whose work would be published shall receive a free copy of such publication.
14-The caricaturists participating in the contest shall be deemed to have agreed these conditions.
* General information relevant to Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art Festival may be found at http://www.yilmazguneyksf.org/
* We thank in advance all of the caricaturists, who will embellish the festival with their works.

Results of Africa on Rise Global Cartoon Contest

Results of Africa on Rise Global Cartoon Contest
Theme: Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crisis or Renaissance

de a r c a r t o o n i s t s a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d
After long e-mail absence we like to inform you that the global contest expert jury had decided to award three cartoonists to win the prizes of the contest on “Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance”
The winners are:
1- Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro) / South Africa
2- Rene Bouschet / France
3- Wolfgang Ammer / Austria
Note: We will send a little later more details about the results. Further all details will be available on our website http://www.cartoon-competiton.org/ (soonish).
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Konrad Melchers
Chefredakteur Zeitschrift “eins Entwicklungspolitik”
Emil-von-Behring Strasse 3
D – 60439 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY
E-Mail: eins@entwicklungspolitik.org
Internet: http://www.entwicklungspolitik.org/
(Source: http://www.syriacartoon.com/)

Results Urziceni 2007 "Superstition"

International Cartoon Contest "Revelionul Caricaturistilor" 13th edition, Urziceni 2007
Theme: "Superstition"
Jury: Octavian Covaci, Florian Doru Crihana, Alessandro Gatto, Nicolae Petrache.
Special Prizes:
Diploms of honour:
(Source: http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum-e/viewtopic.php?t=165)


Results 1st Saloon for the Amazon Forest

Results of 1st International Saloon of Humor for the Amazon Forest - Brazil

1st Place: Tommy Thomdean / Indonesia
2nd Place: Angel Boligan / Mexico
3rd Place: Omar Alberto Figueira Turcius / Spain.

Honorable Mentions:
Cristobal Reinoso / Argentina
Dalcio Machado / Brazil (See right)
Jean Carlos Galvao / Brazil
Walmir Americo Orlandeli / Brazil.

See more prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=616


Fax for Peace 2008

International Competition of faxes, e-mails and net videos about solidarity among people sent by students and artists
25th november 2007 · 29th february 2008 f a x f o r p e a c e fax for tolerance
Who & How
It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world. Each competitor may take part in two ways:
1 FAX [numero fax ++39 042 740898] or E-MAIL JPG format max 1,5 Mb [indirizzo e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it] one or more pictures or works of visual art concerning peace, tolerance and fight against racism to Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale di Spilimbergo;
2 send SHORT FILMS of maximum 45 seconds lenght that could also be broadcasted in compressed format at the following address istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it. The videos can be realized in the most common formats (AVI, MPEG, REAL VIDEO, QUICKTIME, VIDEO FOR WINDOWS etc.) which require 2MB of space on the hard disk.
Works from each competitor (individual artist, student or class) will be accepted starting from Sunday November 25th 2007 at 8.00 a.m. until Friday February 29th 2008 at 12.00 p.m..
On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/class (if students), telephone and fax number and/or E-mail address, city,country.
The works will be exhibited as they are received in an “in progress” exhibition which will open on SUNDAy 25th NOVEMBER, 2007 AT 11.00 A.M. at the Istituto Superiore di Spilimbergo (Via degli Alpini n.1, Spilimbergo, Pordenone, ITALIA). Works must be sent within the 29th February 2008.
Each author, under penalty of exclusion, will have to attach information about: name, surname, age, place of residence, nation, telephone number and fax number or e-mail address.
Students will also have to specify school address and class attended.
Competitors implicitly autorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and with different media for no-profit activities.
The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works. Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors. THE EXHIBITION WILL CLOSE ON MARCH 31st, 2008. The catalogue will later be sent to all competitors free of charge.
A jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school will award the following six prizes, according to categories:
> best work - Nursery and Primary Schools: E 300;
> best work -Low Secondary Schools: E 300;
> best work - High Schools: E 300;
> best work - Artists: E 300;
> best work awarded to a satirical or humorous drawing inviting consideration upon human and civil themes dealing with the initiative: E 500;
> special prize, supported by the President of the Italian Republic consisting in a medal, awarded to the school named for the quality of the images sent and the importance of the didactic project submitted.
Info: Istituto Superiore
via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia
tel ++39 (0)427 40392 - fax ++39 (0)427 40898
e-mail: istsuperiore@faxforpeace.it - http://www.faxforpeace.it/
Invitation in English: http://www.faxforpeace.it/faxfp/pdf/Invito_INGLESE.pdf

10th PortoCartoon-World Festival - Portugal

"Human Rights"
Theme PortoCartoon 2008
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum internationally launch the theme of the X PortoCartoon-World Festival ­ "Human Rights", on the same day that the heads of state of 27 countries of the European Union sign the new Treaty of Lisbon and approve the charter of fundamental rights of the European citizens.
With the choice of this theme, the organizer of PortoCartoon wants the cartoonists worldwide to focus on the continued violation of human rights in the 21st century, and after more than two centuries of French Revolution (1789).
According to the general rules of this contest “this is a subject that crosses the world, from the most assumed countries in matters of the rights legislation to the most retrograde in the law and its practise... The theme is even justified by the fact that every day there are individual, collective, social, economic and cultural rights in question.
As one of the most important rights is the freedom of press, it is also fair and opportune with this 10th PortoCartoon to evoke and pay tribute to John Milton, the author of the first speech on this topic. The poet of the “Paradise Lost” was born 400 years ago (1608) and his speech, named Areopagitica was made in the English parliament in 1644.
The active intervention of the cartoonists all over the world is very relevant on the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights.
For those who eventually do not wish to participate under this theme, there will be a Free Category. The international politics, the social life, the communication and other themes can always be a way of expressing the humour art.
The winners of PortoCartoon will receive a monetary prize, the trophy of the festival, designed by Arqto Siza Vieira and special bottles of Port wine.
G. Wolinski presides to the international jury that has the following members: the President of FECO (Federation of Cartoonists’ Organizations), Marlene Pohle; representatives of the Ministry of Culture, the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto, the Portuguese Printing Press Museum and any representatives of other institutions related to the cartoon.
The X PortoCartoon-World Festival has the official sponsorship of the Caixa Geral de Depósitos and will be inaugurated during the festivities of the city of Porto in June.
The PortoCartoon has been a space of excellence for humour worldwide and is considered by FECO (Federation of Cartoonists’ Organizations) as one of the three most important cartoon contests in the world, either for the participation number of artists worldwide and also for the value of its prizes.
The PortoCartoon began in 1999, and its exhibition receives every year thousands of visitors, both on the Portuguese Printing Press Museum installations and on the several cities and countries where is presented.
The works to the X PortoCartoon should arrive at the Portuguese Printing Press Museum (E.N. 108, nº 206, 4300-316 Porto, Portugal) with the entry form until 31 March 2008.
General rules http://www.cartoonvirtualmuseum.org/i_noticias_f_i.htm
The Portuguese Printing Press Museum
Porto - Portugal
Tel: 351 225304966
Fax: 351 225301071
Email: mni@museudaimprensa.pt


Results 2nd Braila International

Results of 2nd Braila International Cartoon Contest 2007
Themes: A) Braila- a multi-ethnic province B) Free
Grand Prix: Constantin Ciosu - Romania (see top above)
First Prize: Julian Pena-Pai - Romania (See below)
Second Prize: Vladimir Kazanevsky - Ukraine
Third Prize: Oleksy Kustovsky - Ukraine
Special Prizes: Pavel Botezatu - Romania, Cristian Topan - Romania, Aurel Alexandrescu - Romania.
See more prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/

Results of 16th Golden Helmet

Results of 16th International Festival of Humour and Satire - GOLDEN HELMET


'Golden Helmet' Prize: Huseyin Cakmak / Cyprus - 1000 euros
2nd Prize: Spiro Radulovic / Serbia - 500 euros (See right)
3rd Prize: Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria - 300 euros
Portrait: Erico Junqueira Ayres / Brazil - 300 euros
Comic: Slobodan Obradovic / Serbia - 200 euros

The winners of the diplomas for cartoons are:
1. Valentin Georgijev, Bulgaria
2. Vojislav Scepanovic, Serbia
3. Milan Licina, Serbia
4. Radoslav Nenadic, Serbia
5. Grezegorz Szumowski, Poland
6. Sasa Dimitrijevic, Serbia
7. Mahmood Nazari, Iran
8. Nedeljko Ubovic, Serbia
9. Walerian Domanski, USA
10. Nikolae Lehgher, Romania.