PORTO ALEGRE's City Hall, through the municipal Office of culture, communicates the interested, the regulation and cronogram of the 17th INTERNATIONAL DRAWING CONTEST FOR PRESS, as it follows: This regulation has the goal to select artist for the 17th INTERNATIONAL DRAWING CONTEST FOR PRESS that will happen from March 19 to April 26, 2009, with the goal to stimulate and divulge, in a wide way, the graphic expression aplied to press, besides giving prizes to each one of the categories described below.
The registration may be done from February 25th to March 6th, 2009, on
Av. Presidente João Goulart, 551, Sala 603 -Setor de Mostras e Exposições, CEP 90010-120 - Porto Alegre/RS (Brazil), from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 12h and from 14 to 17h or via e-mail
salao.press.portoalegre@gmail.comTo the Works sent by mail or e-mail, the deadline will be also
March 06, with the date on the postal stamp of the envelope, and date of the e-mail sent. Works selected or rewarded on previous editions of this contest will not be accepted.
The constest is destined to professionals and amateurs, on the modalities Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Caricature, Comics and Editorial Illustration (to newspaper, magazine, book, album cover, cover, etc.).
The registered Works on the modality Editorial Illustration must have been effectively published on the period of march, 2008 to march, 2009, and must be with the original page of the publication, with date and name of the periodic identified. The participants may register 05 (five) Works distributed on any one of the 05 (five) categories.
As it is a Contest of Graphic Arts, there will also be considered as originals the printed Works by printers or any other type of image reproduction, but they must be in high quality. However, it is participant's choice to send their originals.
The registered Works must be on the Max format of 42cm x 29,7cm (A3). The registered works on the modality Comics may have four (04) pages of 42cm x 29,7cm (A3). The Works shall be conditioned in cloudy and resistant paper. The Organization Commitee is not responsible for damages to the works and/or not identified. The participants must observe with criteria the following instructions:
-Send, with the Works, the registration form that is on the end of this regulation, with all the items filled in a legible way.
-All the originals must be properly identified with the full name of the author and the modality, written on the back.
By not following this instructions will imply the disqualifications of the works.
Porto Alegre's City Hall will assign, through the portaria published on the Diário Oficial de Porto Alegre -DOPA, a Selection Commitee and other rewarding, composed by cartoonists, journalists, graphic artists, and representatives of the Municipal Office of Culture.
The Selection Commitee will have as main criteria the creativity, new idea and plastic quality of the drawings and will select obbeying the following propose:
-All the selected Works will participate on the exposition of the Contest on Espaco Vasco Prado on Usina do Gasometro, Av. Pres. Joao Goulart, 551 Porto Alegre/RS (Brazil), March 19 to April 26, 2009.
The relation of the selected Works will be to the disposal from March 13, 2009.
The rewarded relation will be published on the ocasion of the solemnity of oppening of the Contest. The selected and rewarded relation will be published on DOPA (Diario Oficial de Porto Alegre). About the Judging Commitee that judge the presented Works, in reason of not presenting what was requested, there will be able a administrative resource of 05 (five) week-days, with protocol of the Graphic Art Coordination.
The presented resource will be judge of the Max period of 05 (five) week days.
One (01) prize will be given in the value of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand reais) to each of the 5 categories: Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Comics and Editorial Illustration. The guiding criteria are, once again, creativity, new Idea and plastic quality of the drawings.
Honorable mentions may be given, according to the decision of the Rewarding Commitee.
Single Paragraph: The rewarded Works will become part of the property of the Municipal Artistic Colection.
The prizes not requested in 90 (ninety) days, counting from the publication of the result, will loose it value.
The not-selected Works will be avaliable to devolution from March 23 to March 31, 2009, on the same place and houd of the registration. From that date on we will not hold responsability for the works that are not properly taken.
The selected works may be used by the Porto Alegre's City Hall, to divulge the event, with no costs.
The registration on this contest implies the acceptance of this regulation; the cases that will not follow it will be decided by the Organization Commitee, according to the law 8666/93. The Selection and Rewarding Commitees will be soverein on it's decisions. According to the law 8666/93, 9th article, the members of the Selection and Rewarding Commitees, as well as the servers of the Porto Alegre's City Hall, cannot participate on this contest.
The costs of the rewarding of this contest will happen by espesas com as premiacoes do presente concurso correrão pela budgetary endowment 2038339031 and/or 2042-339031. The prizes will be given after the publication of the results and after the resource period. The omissive cases will be decided by the organization commitee.
May be gotten on the Municipal Office of Culture
Phone (0XX 51) 32 89 81 27 or (0XX 51) 32 89 8126
Shows and Expositions Sector
salao.press.portoalegre@gmail.comRegulation and Registration form on the site:
Registrations: February 25 to March 6, 2009
Selection Juror: March 11 and 12, 2009
Rewarding Juror: March 13, 2009
Opening of the Contest and publishing day of the awards: March 19, 2009
Visitation: March 19 to April 26, 2009
2009 Edition
Artist name:
Full address:
ZIP Code: ...............................
Phone: ....................................................
E-mail: ..............................................
Data e local de nascimento / Date and place of birth:
Title of the work / Category
01............................................................. ......................................................
02............................................................. ......................................................
03............................................................. ......................................................
04............................................................. ......................................................
05............................................................. .......................................................