
Sejong International Cartoon Contest SICACO 2023, Republic of Korea

The Sejong Techno Park will hold SICACO 2023 (the Sejong International Cartoon Contest). 
SICACO Contest expects to be activated with lots of prizes & money after COVID-19. 
1. Deadline Extended: September 1, 2023 (Application Period: June 19 - August 25, 2023 / Deferred works will be processed as the next entry.) 
2. Cartoon Part: Theme War & Peace 
- Standard size: within / up to A3 format per 1 cut. 
3. Mail Address: P.o.box 2, Sejong Postoffice, Jochiwon-eup, Sejong-si, 30087 R.O.KOREA 
4. E-mail Address: webtoon.sj@gmail.com (Digital works by computer graphics, Compressed attachment, 300 dpi or higher
5. Application & Agreement for Contest download our application form (website link: http://www.sejongwebtoon.or.kr/
6. The judges are experts strictly examine them in consideration of creativity, artistry, subject matter and content, and inform the winners. 
(Hand-drawn original cartoons are welcomed and given preference.) 
7. The Prizes: 
- Grand Prize 1 : Awarded by the Ministers, Prize worth $2,500. 
- Gold Prize 1 : Awarded by the Director SJTP, Prize worth $1,500. 
- Siver Prize 2 : Awarded by the Director SJTP, Prize worth $1,000. 
- Bronze Prize 3 : Awarded by the Director SJTP, Prize worth $500. 
- Honorable Mentions: SICACO 2023 Catalog (Many cartoonist works).
* Taxes related to the acceptance of and use of the prize are the winners' responsibility. 
8. The submitted and donated works shall not be returned, but the right of use necessary to protect the copyright shall be held by the director. 
9. Points to Note: You can submit your work through mail or e-mail. 
(Contact: The center for SEJONG WEBTOON CAMPUS)
Main E-mail: webtoon.sj@gmail.com 
Phone: 82-44-850-3842 Lee Hee-jin 
Guide: csanlim@gmail.com / Dr.Lim,Cheong-san . 
Thanks to Egypt Cartoon, you can also download the Application Form here.


Be İzmir International Illustration Contest 2023, Turkey

Be İzmir International Illustration Contest

• Purpose and Subject of the Contest 

The purpose and subject of the competition are to bring attention to Izmir with the theme of "Harmony with Differences" and to encourage more discussions about it. The aim is to create a distinctive, understandable, original, aesthetic, and memorable "Visual Design" specifically centered around Izmir's iconic Clock Tower (Saat Kulesi) and to convey it to the community. The competition is open to everyone from July 2023 to November 19, 2023, without any distinction between national and international participants. Whether individually or as a group, anyone can enter the competition. 

Start from the silhouette of the IZMIR CLOCK TOWER, be bold, original, and innovative! Let your work reflect your passion for illustration. Don't be afraid to take risks and showcase your unique talent to the world! 

There are no restrictions on the technical aspects (Graphics, Illustration, Caricature, Painting, Drawing, Sketch, etc.) of the artworks to be created on the silhouette of the Clock Tower with the theme "Harmony with Differences." However, designs containing content that goes against general morality or can be associated with any political or religious views will not be considered for evaluation. The selection of designs to be considered by the Jury Committee is under the authority and responsibility of the Izmir Planning Agency within the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. 

• Type and Format of the Contest 

The competition is a free, international, and single-stage fine arts competition organized by the Izmir Planning Agency (IZPA) based on the regulations of the "Architectural, Landscape Architecture, City and Regional Planning, and Fine Arts Works Competitions Regulation" prepared in accordance with the relevant articles of Law No. 4734 on Public Procurement. The competition is open to participants worldwide. Registration and participation in the competition are free of charge. The competition process and procedures will take place in a digital environment. 

The award-winning and selected works for exhibition will be showcased on the beizmir.org/en website. 

• Obtaining the Contest Document 

The competition specifications are provided free of charge to institutions and organizations determined by IZPA nationwide. The competition specifications and the silhouette of the Clock Tower can be obtained from the website at https://beizmir.org/en/necessary-documents 

• Participation and Evaluation Criteria 

• The competition is open to anyone, both domestically and internationally, who wishes to participate. Individuals and groups can participate (in case of winning an award, payment will be made to only one person from the group). Participants must be at least 18 years old; individuals under the age of 18 cannot participate. 

• The submitted Clock Tower illustration proposals must be unpublished and original. 

• Clock Tower illustration proposals can be created using any digital, vector, pixel, or manual technique (on paper/cardboard) and can be scanned, photographed, and/or digitized afterward (collage, photography, or three-dimensional objects are also allowed). 

• Participants can submit a maximum of three (3) designs. The provided Izmir Clock Tower Silhouette form at the website should be used as the basis of the work. It should not be confused with other clock towers, and the basic silhouette of the clock tower is also available at https://beizmir.org/en/necessary-documents 

• The submitted Clock Tower proposals are entirely free in terms of whether the work extends beyond the silhouette based on the provided reference. There are no restrictions on this matter. 

• When evaluating the works, the Jury Committee will consider 
a) the originality and creativity of the work, and 
b) the adaptability of the work in different communication materials. 

• There are no restrictions on color, background, and technical aspects in the designs. The designs should be created in a way that can be applied to various products (not limited to those mentioned here, including all kinds of printed materials, badges, mascots, keychains, posters, billboards, t-shirts, souvenirs, promotional products, etc.). 

• Hand-drawn or sketch designs will not be accepted. The designs should be in vector format, in either RGB or CMYK color mode, with a maximum size of (A3) 29.7cm x 42cm, prepared using software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or similar programs. Each design should be uploaded in 72 PPI resolution JPEG, PDF, or PNG version through the application tool on the website 
https://beizmir.org/en/application. The uploaded designs should not exceed 4MB in size. If a design is selected as a winner, the artist will be asked to provide the high-resolution (300 PPI) version of the artwork with a size of 29.7 cm (1:1 scale). 

• The submitted designs to the competition must be original. Participants are required to acknowledge, declare, and guarantee that the designs they submit are their own. The designs must not have received awards or been published in other competitions before. If such a situation is detected, the awarded prize will be reclaimed. 

• Stages of the Contest 

Stage 1: Collection of artworks and evaluation of their compliance with the specifications. 
Stage 2: Selection of works for exhibition and awards, to be displayed within the city. 
Stage 3: Communicating the results via E-mail and/or phone calls. 
Stage 4: Announcing the results on the https://beizmir.org/en website and the Beizmir Facebook page and Beizmirorg Instagram & Twitter page. 

• Participants can address all their questions related to the competition in writing to the email address 
info@beizmir.org. Responses will be given in writing. The answers provided via email will be considered as written responses. Additionally, they can find answers in the FAQ section on the website. 

• The designs participating in the competition must not have been previously registered or have an ongoing application for registration. The right to apply for registration of the designs will belong to IZDOĞA Inc. 

• The 20 selected works for the exhibition will be displayed throughout Izmir and its districts. 

• Participants cannot claim any other awards or fees outside of those specified in this document. By participating in the competition and submitting their works, they accept all the conditions and decisions of the Jury Committee. 

• Application method and timeline of the competition 

• Designs will be accepted online. They must be uploaded on the beizmir.org website by November 19, 2023, at 17:30 (GMT+3)

• Participants who are unable to upload their designs to the beizmir.org website due to technical malfunctions or any other reason may send them to the email address info@beizmir.org if necessary. 

Application Dates: August 03, 2023 – November 19, 2023 
Jury Committee Evaluation Dates: November 24, 25, 26, 2023 
Announcement of Results Date: December 8, 2023 

• Jury Committee of the Contest 

Gürcan Özkan - Cartoonist, Illustrator 
Ömer Durmaz - Communication Designer, Academician 
Sedat Girgin - Painter, Illustrator 
İlker Türe - Illustrator, Graphic Designer 
Ömer Çam - Cartoonist, Graphic Designer 
Tarık Tolunay - Urban Drawer 
Betül Çeçen - Illustrator, Graphic Designer 
Sevda Kaçtı - Illustrator, Academician 

• Contest Awards and Award Ceremony 

The first-place design will be awarded 30,000 TL. 
The second-place design will be awarded 25,000 TL. 
The third-place design will be awarded 20,000 TL. 
3 Honorable Mention awards will be given, each amounting to 5,000 TL. 
In addition, for the top 20 works selected for the exhibition, a payment of 2,000 TL will be made per artwork. 
(If an award ceremony is to be held, it will take place at a venue determined by IZPA, alongside the awarded and exhibited artworks.) 



Results of the 12th International Cartoon Contest, Kyrenia 2023, Cyprus





Murat Şenkul (Cyprus), Valery Alexandrov (Bulgaria), M. Serhan Gazioğlu (Cyprus), Elahe Khoraman (Iran), Gülfidan Özdilek (Turkey), Musa Kayra (Cyprus), Semra Bayhanlı (Cyprus), Hüseyin Çakmak (Cyprus).
Evaluation Date:
07 – 09 July 2023 Pasha Otel (Kyrenia – Cyprus)


Grand Prize (Olive Section)
In Memory of the Champion Angels Team
20.000 Turkish Liras + Golden Olive Statue.
Mehmet Selçuk (Turkey) (Top)


First Prize: 10.000 Turkish Liras + Golden Olive Statue
Olena Tsuranova (Ukraine)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue
Mümin Bayram (Turkey)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue
Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan).

See Prize-winning Free Section cartoons on kozyurt.


First Prize: 10.000 Turkish Liras + Golden Olive Statue
Henryk Cebula (Poland)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue
Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue
Musa Keklik (Turkey)


Sergii Riabokon (Ukraine)
Önder Önerbay (Turkey)
Muammer Kotbaş (Turkey)
Luc Vernimmen (Belgium)
Assad Bina Khahi (Germany)
Mark Winter (United Kingdom)
Hüseyin Orduha (Turkey)
Viktor Holub (Ukraine)
Altan Özeskici (Turkey)
Radko Oketic (Czechia)
Chiorean Cornel Marin (Romania)
Boboc Mihai Gabriel (Romania)
Ali Reza Pakdel (North Cyprus)
Evelyn Soraya De Paz Samayoa (Guatemala).


Nahid Maghsoudi (Iran)
Assad Bina Khahi (Germany)
Hamed Mortazavi Alavi (Iran)
Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukranie)
Natalia Varchenko (Cyprus)
Mehmet Zeber (Turkey)
Boris Erenburg (Israel)
Valerii Momot (Ukranie).

See Prize-winning Free Section cartoons on kozyurt.


The 32nd International Biennial Exhibition of Humour in Art, Tolentino 2023, Italy

32nd Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte
Tolentino 24 November 2023 - 28 June 2024
The Municipality of Tolentino convenes and organises the 32nd Biennale Internazionale dell’Umorismo nell’Arte (32nd Festival of Humour in Art) – a prize contest focused on humour in art. The contest is divided into two sections:
1 - “Premio Internazionale Città di Tolentino” (“City of Tolentino International Award”) - for humorous art with a free theme. 
2 - “Premio Luigi Mari” (“Luigi Mari Award ”) for caricatures of illustrious figures.
The contest comprises:
• a selection of the competing entries by a qualified jury. The artworks so singled out will be exhibited at the venue of the 32nd Biennale Internazionale dell’Umorismo nell’Arte, from November 24, 2023 throughout January 28, 2024.
• publication of a complimentary catalogue that will be presented to the authors of the selected works;
• a prize awarding event;
Against the backdrop of the festival is a commendation for Humour on the internet awarded for products at the cutting edge of communications technology that shatter the stereotypical patterns typical of traditional comedy.
The contest is open to contemporary artists of any nationality and any age, who are allowed to enter a maximum of three works which must be unreleased and authentic, free in size and technique, and performed in whatever form of visual art, material and support – pictorial, graphics, sculpture and installation, photography and video. 
Computer-aided digital visuals, as well as photographic source artworks with purely structural digital fix are also allowed to enter the contest. 
It is required that all works be submitted solely in digital format – paintings, sculptures, drawings and the like must be photographed then sent by email or through file-sharing services such as WeTransfer (https://wetransfer.com/), Dropbox (https://dropbox.com/it/) or Google Drive (https://drive.googlr.com) to the email address info@biumor.com in GIF, JPG, PNG, or PDF format, with a resolution of 150 dpi and saved in high quality, with a maximum file size of 3 MB. 
Each author is required to attach the participation form, completed in full and duly signed. Each work must be accompanied by the appropriate label. 
The participation form and coupon can be downloaded from the website www.biumor.com
The jury-selected works for the exhibition will be requested from the author in their original form. 
The deadline to enter the contest is October 23, 2023
ART. 4 – JURY 
Admission of the works, their selection for display, and the awarding of prizes are exclusive competence of the jury nominated by the Municipality of Tolentino in consultation with the Artistic Director. The jury's decision is final and irrevocable.
The Jury will award below prizes:
“Premio Internazionale Città di Tolentino” ("City of Tolentino International Award”) for humour in art with a free theme 
1st Money Prize - € 3,000.00, will be awarded to the winner of the 2023 Exhibition. In case of a tie, the prize money awarded will be split among the winners.
2nd Prize - € 1,000.00
“Premio Luigi Mari” (“Luigi Mari Award”) for caricatures of illustrious figures
1st Prize - € 1,000.00
Other special commendations may possibly be awarded by the jury. 
All monetary awards are subject to gross taxation. 
The prize winning works will not be returned, they shall remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino and will become part of the collection of MIUMOR – the International Museum of Humour in Art. 
The works selected for the exhibition, if expressly donated by the Author shall remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino, that is entitled to make a discretionary use of them. 
The works not expressly donated can be collected from the MIUMOR as from 28 February 2024 personally by the artist or their delegate; alternatively they can be returned, not earlier than the thirtieth day after the scheduled closing date of the Exhibition, unless extended, if specifically indicated. 
The Municipality of Tolentino, in its capacity as organizer of the event, pledges to the greatest care, custody and supervision over the length of time they will be at the venue of the Biennale Exhibition and during transportation, but declines all responsibility for theft, fire, damage or loss that may occur as a result of any unforeseen causes. 
Contestants allow the Municipality the right to reproduce any of the selected works free of charge for publication in the official catalogue of the Exhibition, in as many copies as the Municipality shall deem appropriate, including publication on the website and any other form of communication and promotion. 
The City is authorized to publish the works on any support, even for commercial purposes. In case of reproductions, the author will be mentioned in the habitual ways. The author allows free use of their work for popularisation, cultural and recreational purposes, as well as for public enjoyment. The author must expressly renounce all rights to any compensation. 
Contestants expressly authorize the Municipality of Tolentino to process the personal data in its possession in accordance with the personal data protection law, so as to include them in databases operated directly by the local administration or a third party appointed by it.
As organizer of the 32nd Biennale Exhibition, the Municipality is entitled to adopt final decisions on all matters not mentioned in these Regulations. 
These are published on the website www.biumor.com in Italian, English, French and Spanish. In case of controversy, the Italian text shall prevail. Participation in the 32nd Biennale Internazionale dell'Umorismo nell'Arte implies unconditional acceptance of all items contained herein.
tel: 0733.901365/0733.969797
E-mail: info@biumor.com 


20th International Comics and Cartoon Festival Competition, Prizren 2023, Kosovo

New Deadline: 20 September 2023
Source: Gani Sunduri.

The 8th International Cartoon Exhibition, Čakovec 2023, Croatia

8th International Cartoon Exhibition, Čakovec 2023, Croatia
Everyone can participate regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession. 
Over 16 years 
Up to 16 years 
Participants can send maximum 2 works. 
Size of entries is A4 or A3 format (jpg 300 dpi) - required. 
When submitting, each entry should have author’s full name, country and the number of the entry. For example: 
All entries should be emailed to: cartoondamir@gmail.com 
First prize - 250 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Second prize - 150 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Third prize - 100 EUR, diploma and catalogue 
Seven special mentions + catalogue 
First prize - diploma and catalogue 
Second prize - diploma and catalogue 
Third prize - diploma and catalogue 
Seven special mentions + catalogue
DEADLINE 01.10.2023 (EXTENDED:) 10.10.2023 
The international jury will choose the cartoons. 
Authors of works that qualify for the exhibition of 50 authors will be given a copy of the cataloque. The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the exhibition as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to an author. 
Prizes announced 06 August 2023. 
Source: Damir Novak . 


Spirito di Vino 2023: 24° International Competition for cartoonists on the world of wine

Spirito di Vino
24° International Competition for cartoonists
on the world of wine
Art. 1 – Subject of the competition 
Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia holds a competition called “Spirito di Vino” to award prizes to authors of satirical cartoons focussing on the world of wine and wine culture. The participation to the competition is free of charge. 
Art. 2 – Participation to the competition 
The competition is open to artists coming from Italy and abroad, exclusively on an individual basis, over 18 years old (who turn 18 in 2023 and above). Participants will be split into two categories: the “under”, from 18 to 35 years old, and the “over”, above 36 years old. 
Art. 3 – Work format and requirements 
The satirical cartoons can be drawn manually or digitally with any technique, black and white or colour. Each participant is entitled to only submit one work. The manually works are to be signed in a non invasive way with ©Name and Surname of the author in the corner (front) or in the back of the page. 
Art. 4 – Deadline and submission of the works 
The works can be submitted from Saturday 1st June to Friday 20 October 2023. To take part to the competition, the cartoonists need to register in the competition section of the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, download the competition rules, as well as the registration form. 
The works shall be uploaded on the website www.spiritodivino.cloud, together with the registration form, in jpg and high resolution (300 dpi) format. 
The works received after the aforementioned deadline will not be accepted. 
Art. 5 – Exclusion 
The works that do not comply with the rules stipulated by art 1, 2, 3, 4 will not be accepted. 
Art. 6 – Members of the jury 
Movimento Turismo del Vino selected a jury made of great masters of the Italian satire, such as Giorgio Forattini, Alfio Krancic, Emilio Giannelli, Valerio Marini and other leading personalities from the world of cartoons, graphics and food&wine. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable and irrevocable. 
The jury will assess the capacity of the cartoonists to best interpret the proposed topic. 
Art. 7 – Prizes 
The prizes up for grabs for the three winners will be distributed as follows 
1° prize - “under”: 78 bottles 
2° prize - “under”: 54 bottles 
3° prize - “under”: 30 bottles 
1° prize - “over”: 78 bottles 
2° prize - “over”: 54 bottles 
3° prize - “over”: 30 bottles. 
Shipping to countries outside Europe is not guaranteed. 
Art. 8 – Awarding ceremony and exhibition 
During the awarding ceremony, the works selected by the jury for the finals will be put on display in an exhibition held in a representative location. 
Art. 9 – Copyright 
By participating in the competition, the cartoonists grant Movimento Turismo del Vino the nonexclusive right to reproduce, publicise and promote the works – with the sole obligation to mention the author – on digital material (websites, social networks, TV programmes, online magazines, etc.), on any material connected to the competition (brochures, flyers, folders, invitations, billboards, shoppers, etc.), on the catalogue of the exhibition, as well as on postcards, calendars and posters. This list is not complete and just gives some examples of the possible ways in which the organisers are entitled to use the works. The use of the aforementioned works by the organisers does not entitle the cartoonists to claim any income. The participants guarantee that they are the authors of the submitted works, explicitly lifting and removing any liability from the organisers in case any compensation is claimed by third parties for any circumstance. Such authors declare, taking full civil and criminal liability, that the submitted works do not violate the relevant legislation.  
Art. 10 – Approval of the competition rules 
By participating to the competition, the artists declare that they fully acknowledge and accept all the conditions and clauses illustrated in this document.  


The international cartoon competition Brain Sneezing 2023, Slovakia

PRERAG, association
announces the international cartoon competition
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2023: Antihybrid (manipulation, conspiracy, etc.)
Deadline: 15th August (EXTENDED:) 31 August 2023
Competition terms :
1. Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
2. The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. Required resolution of 300 dpi. 
4. The competition is non-anonymous.
5. The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
6. The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
The results will be announced on the 15th September 2023 and the winners will be awarded the following prizes
1st prize 500.00 EUR 
2nd prize 300.00 EUR 
3rd prize 200.00 EUR.
If you have problems with the online registration send your cartoons to the email address: info@cartooneast.com
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address: 
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. 
The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
Supported using public funding by the Visegrad Fund and the Slovak Arts Council.
Source: cartooneast . 


The 9th International Cartoon Festival, Ferizaj 2023, Kosovo

TOPIC 1: Railway as social and economic development, connection between people and war, urbanism and nature. 
TOPIC 2: Free topic
Each applicant can send up to 5 works (for each topic) in black and white or in color. 
Size 210x297 mm, min. resolution 300 dpi, and JPG format. 
Send to: hithi.kosova@gmail.com with subject: Name, Surname, Country and topic 
The deadline for submission of works: From 22 May until 30 June 2023
1. Golden HiTHi (plaque and 300 €) 
2. Silver HiTHi (plaque and 200 €) 
3. Bronze HiTHi (plaque and 100 €) 
(These three prizes are only given for Topic 1).
Also 5 special prizes/certificates.
More on cartoonkosova


Announcement: Cartoon Movement joins AI-free newsrooms campaign of Molly Crabapple

Cartoon by Stellina Chen
Good morning, 
This is Emanuele Del Rosso, political cartoonist and editor of the international syndication and cartoonists collective platform Cartoon Movement (some of you know me for my role at the European Press Prize as well). 
I am reaching out to you to let you know that Cartoon Movement joined the campaign for AI-free newsrooms launched by the renowned artist Molly Crabapple and the Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting. 
The work of illustrators and political cartoonists is in jeopardy because of the uncontrolled use of AI-powered tools in newsrooms all around the world. AI seems to be a good substitute for human-made art, but it is not: it doesn't convey any artistic message, it strips artists, writers, and authors of their livelihood, to produce what are only simulacra of artistic products, and it must be fed with millions of images or real art that most of the time is under copyright. You can read the open letter Molly wrote, here
I know all of you work for high-quality media, that value ownership and authorship of what you publish. Therefore I am asking you to give resonance to this campaign, to undersign - if you will - Molly's manifesto and to ask your publication to show its position using, in the footer of their websites, the label attached to this email, linking it to our post or to the original one. Readers have to know what they are seeing and reading is not produced by some cold machine, but it is the work of dedicated and passionate professionals. Ultimately, I am sure, newspapers will profit from being openly AI-free. 
I hope this will interest you, and I want to close with a cartoon by my fellow cartoonist Stellina Chen. This comes for free to your outlet, if you will want to use it! 

Reported by Francisco Puñal.


33rd International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature, Gura Humorului 2023

Gura Humorului Townhall
Suceava County Council
The Bucovina Cultural Centre
The 33rd edition, 2023
The 33rd edition of Umor la ... Gura Humorului, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held between July 07 – July 09, 2023. 
This year's edition will be held online. 
1. The Edition theme: THREE COLOURS 
2. Original works are accepted, in digital format, created after January 1st, 2023, which were not published and submitted or awarded prizes to other competitions. 
3. Each participant will submit two ( 2 ) cartoons to be analysed by the jury. 
4. The works will be submitted by JUNE 21, 2023 (posting date) on the following addresses: 
or postal address: 
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, str. Sfântul Gavril, nr 14, 725300 - Gura Humorului, judeţul Suceava, România. 
5. Technical requirements: 
- Papers sent by e-mail: minimum 1600 x 1200 pixels, JPG format 
- Papers sent by regular postal mail: format A3 
- The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist 
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be added to the patrimony of the Umor la ... Gura Humorului Festival and the organizers are entitled to use them later as edited materials with the name of their author on them. 
7. The participants are required the following documents enclosed with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photography/cartoon self portrait of minimum 6x9 cm (on paper) or 710x1065 pix. (digital format). 
8. The winners will be announced online until July 01, 2023 to be present for the Awards Festivity held on Sunday, July 09th, 2023, if they will not be able to participate, the diplomas will be sent by mail and the cash prizes by bank transfer. 
9. Transport expenses, accomodation and meals are the responsibility of the participant or the organization/institution he/she is part of. The organizers will be notified in due time to make the necessary reservations. 
10. The prizes to be awarded for adult participants: 
1st Prize : EUR 500 
2nd Prize : EUR 300 
3rd Prize : EUR 200 
The "George Gavrilean" Prize for the debutantes in Bucovina : EUR 200 
11. The prizes to be awarded for participants under the age of 18: 
1st Prize : EUR 100 
2nd Prize : EUR 50 
3rd Prize : EUR 25 
12. The jury are the ones who decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide upon the works or the authors to be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons, with their consent. 
13. There will be no participation fees. 
Further information: 
Press Relations Office of „Umor la ... Gura Humorului” Festival 
• Curator Galavan Robert George - Folk Customs Museum in Bucovina (Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina) 
Telephone: 00 40 757485882 
• Professor Sever Dumitrache – cultural adviser 
Telephone : 00 40 723270520 
Contest Rules & Entry Form on primariagh & umorlagurahumorului.