
Refuse To Stay Silent: International Cartoon Contest and Exhibition, Norway 2022

International Cartoon Contest and Exhibition, Norway 2022

“Refuse To Stay Silent: Stop Violence against Women Worldwide"

243 million women and girls were abused by an intimate partner in the past years 2020-2021, according to the United Nations. Violence against women statistics was already painting a dark picture compared with previous years, and the virus has now severely aggravated the situation. 
The already staggering numbers are not to be taken at face value, as a large proportion of cases go unreported. The frequent impunity of perpetrators, stigma towards the victims, and self-inflicted societal shame lead many women and girls to be silent. Abuse, traditionally represented as merely physical, manifests itself in many forms: battery, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide, rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber-harassment, human trafficking (slavery and sexual exploitation), female genital mutilation, child marriage and more… 
As countries went into lockdown to stop the spread of the virus, violence against women intensified, especially domestic violence, and the challenges of reporting it grew. Some countries saw calls for help rise significantly, with phone calls to helplines increasing five-fold. Yet, the number of regular reports fell in others, as access to support via channels became more limited. In a perverse cycle, a lot of women found themselves more isolated as the risk of violence in intimate relationships increased, frequently only in contact with their own abusers for long periods of time, unable to ask for help. 
We know the cartoons speak a universal language. Sometimes the text needs to be translated, but that is unnecessary for most cartoons. You can cry, laugh or get excited about them at first glance, and sometimes readers may have to think a little. cartoonists want you to laugh, cry or get mad about the sad, crazy, and cruel things on our planet, to raise awareness about what is happening. For that, our purpose in this contest is to create the main theme combining cartoonists from the whole world on tailored subjects about women's rights and stop violence against them worldwide and protect them because it's a global social crisis. And it has devastating consequences for the societies of the entire world. 
We Shouting about the perpetuation of violence against women worldwide: ”stop”. 

Terms and Conditions of Participation in the International cartoon contest and exhibition- Norway 2022. 
Please read the terms and conditions of participation attentively!. 
1. The main theme: Refuse To Stay Silent: Stop Violence against Women Worldwide.
The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators, and graphic artists from all over the world. 
– The artworks can be produced traditionally or digitally. 
– The paper size of the artworks must be A3 only. 
– Authors can participate with a maximum of 2 artworks (Cartoons or comic Strips) only. 
– Artworks must be inedited (that is, neither published before nor used to participate or win in other competitions). 
– Important tip! We will not accept any artworks created before the date of our contest. The organizer can decide to exclude from the award of the prizes those works that are found to have been already Similarity to other cartoons are all precisely documented according to the name of the caricaturist, newspaper, or the website that published these works and the date of publishing. 
– In order to be understood worldwide and beyond every linguistic barrier, the works must be without dialogue or texts. 
Submission is only possible on the following email: rightswomen22@gmail.com 
5. Parameters of digital reproductions: 
– the file size of the digital image may not exceed 2 MB; 
– the digital images can be uploaded in uncompressed jpg, jpeg format, 300 dpi resolution. 
6. The deadline for submitting the digital reproductions is 08th of June 2022, midnight, 12:00 (UTC+2). 
7. The jury: 
– Norwegian and international jury members will make a selection of the winners' artworks on 15.06.2022 (online meeting). 
– The jury decisions are taken by majority vote and are not subject to appeal. 
– According to the assessment made on the quality standard of the competing works, the jury may not award all the expected prizes. 
8. The exhibition: 
– The exhibition of winning cartoons and 30 selected artworks will post on Cartoon Home Network International (Facebook platform) and take place at the Norwegian Cartoonist Gallery on the 26th of November 2022. 
9. The Prizes: 
In total, 08 prizes will be awarded according to the following structure: 
– First prize: 500 Dollars + Diploma (that will be sent by e-mail to download). 
– Second prize: 300 Dollars + Diploma (that will be sent by e-mail to download). 
– Third prize: 200 Dollars + Diploma (that will be sent by e-mail to download). 
– Honour prizes (5): Diploma (that will be sent by e-mail to download). 
– The prize value amounts are subject to subtraction of legal taxation as valid at the time of its attribution. 
– The winning cartoonists will receive the prizes on the 30th of June 2022. 
10. Rights: 
– Participation in the contest automatically implies that the author waives copyrights of his works in any kind of platform, concerning the production and diffusion of the contest and exhibition. 
– The artworks may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition or for humanitarian purposes. 
– Copyrights of the exhibition and catalog belongs to the organizer. 
– Winners and selected cartoonists in the exhibition will receive a digital catalog of the contest. that will be sent by e-mail to download. 
If the cartoonist wants to receive a printed catalog, he/she should request it and support the shipment costs. 
If you might have any questions or problems with online sending, please contact the organizer on the following e-mail: chni2016@gmail.com 
We will happy to answer you. 
You can visit our Cartoon Home Network International on Facebook: 
Good luck to all! 
Source: CHNI .

Mathemathics in Cartoons: The DMV Math Cartoon Prize 2022, Germany

The DMV Math Cartoon Prize 2022
A competition on the topic: Mathemathics in Cartoons
On the occasion of the „International Day of Mathematics 2022“, the German Mathematical Society / DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker- Vereinigung) publishes the call for its cartoon prizes 2022 in mathematics. 
The DMV with its partners toonpool.com and imaginary.org are looking for the funniest and most sophisticated cartoons on the subject of mathematics. 
All artists are invited to upload their math cartoons on www.toonpool.com until August 31, 2022
Up to 100 of the best entries will be collected for a virtual exhibition to be displayed globally and in local presentations throughout the year 2022. 
All submitted cartoons will be evaluated by a jury (representatives of mathematics, media and arts) to honor three outstanding artworks with the "DMV Math Cartoon Prize 2022". 
The award ceremony will take place in September 2022 during the DMV annual meeting in Berlin. 
The DMV Math Cartoon Prize 2022 is awarded with: 
1. Prize: EUR 1000 
2. Prize: EUR 500 
3. Prize: EUR 250 
and 5 mentions of honor. 
1.) Starting date for submitting your cartoons: March 14, 2022 
2.) Important: For participating in the competition, each cartoon must be uploaded on toonpool.com (artworks sent by e-mail or by other forms of submission can not be considered)! 
3.) Also required: While uploading it, each cartoon entering the contest has to be tagged with math2022 
4.) If possible: Please upload high-resolution cartoons for the competition. 
5.) The number of entries is limited to 5 cartoons for each participant. 
6.) Deadline for your submissions: August 31, 2022 (24:00 h CET). 
7.) Any legal recourse to the competition is excluded. 
14.03.2022: Start of the DMV Math Cartoon Competition 2022 
02.05.2022: A first virtual exhibition is presenting cartoons submitted up to that point (will be successively expanded). You will be informed of your participation in the exhibition. 
31.08.2022: Deadline - the submission period ends at 24:00 h CET 
05.09.2022: Jury meeting – in order to generate the final prize decisions (followed by a personal information to the winners) 
07.09.2022: The winners of the DMV Math Cartoon Prize 2022 will be announced in a press release and press conference organized by the DMV, toonpool.com and imaginary.org 
07.09.2022: Start of the final virtual exhibition highlighting the winner's artworks 
12.09.2022: Award Ceremony 
Peace & smiles, 


The 16th International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics, Bukovina 2022, Romania

The National Museum of Bukovina invites you to participate at
the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics "Bukovina",
the XVI-Edition, 2022.
The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics theme: "The Bread"
1. We address all professional and amateur cartoonists, regardless of  age, from around the world.
2. You can submit a maximum of five cartoons to the contest.
3. Please attach the participation form in .doc format with your name and surname, the exact address, and e-mail.
4. Exhibition awards:
- "Bukovina" Prize – 500 € + diploma - offered by the National Museum of Bukovina. 
- 1st Prize - 400 € + diploma - offered by S.C. MOPAN SUCEAVA S.A. 
- 2nd Prize - 300 € + diploma - offered by S.C. MOPAN SUCEAVA S.A. 
- 3rd Prize - 200 € + diploma - offered by S.C. MOPAN SUCEAVA S.A. 
- Special Prize - 300 € + diploma - offered by Restaurant Padrino. 
- 10 Special Prizes - diploma.
5. The cartoons must be sent to the e-mail address: competition@muzeulbucovinei.ro, it is necessary to have a resolution of 300 dpi, and the maximum A3 format, made in any technique: black and white or color.
6. All events related to this exhibition will be published on the website of the National Museum of Bukovina. All artists selected for the exhibition will receive the printed catalogue of the exhibition.
7. If you want to participate in this event, please send your cartoons by 31 May 2022.
8. The results of the exhibition - contest will be announced at the beginning of June. Cartoonists who win the Bukovina Prize and the Special Prizes must send the original works by 30 June 2021, the date of postage, at the following address:
National Museum of Bukovina, 
str. Stefan cel Mare, no. 33, 720003
Suceava, Romania 
International Exhibition of Satirical Graphics "Bukovina"
9. The exhibition will be open to the public at the National Museum of Bukovina in July 2022. 
10. The National Museum of Bucovina – muzeulbucovinei.ro reserves the right to use the works sent to the contest to promote the contest and its results. 
Jury Members: 
Mihai Panzaru PIM – cartoonist 
George Licurici – cartoonist www.licurici.eu 
Ovidiu Borta BOA – cartoonist www.artboa.ro boa-caricatura.eu . 
Entry Form cartoon Bucovina - Romania 2022 on source: muzeulbucovinei.
Prizes updated: 19.03.2022 18:20.


The XIV International Contest Snail Graphic Humor 2022, Spain

RULES 2022
1 Any professional or amateur artist can participate in this contest. 
2 The theme of the contest is the SNAIL
3 The participants can send a maximum of 3 works to compete, as long as they have not been previously awarded in another contest. 
4 The works (only vignettes, we will not accept comics or strips) can be made with any pictorial technique, with unique format of A-4 size (210 mm X 297 mm) or proportional. 
5 Works can be without words or, in case of having them, they must be in Catalan, Spanish or English. 
6 Only works sent to the email pedro.jimenez@viajesazulmarino.com will be accepted. You can send up to 3 images to that email which must have the format indicated in point 4. We will not accept any work sent by regular mail. 
7 The deadline for works admission ends on April 14, 2022
8 The email sent must include, besides the work, the name and surname, address, telephone, short curriculum vitae and photograph or/and an author’s caricature. 
9 The winning work will recieve a single prize of 1,014 euros (amount on which the corresponding tax deduction will be applied); and a trip to Lleida for two people and, if so expressed by the winner, two nights of accommodation in the city to attend the award ceremony that will take place on May 20, 2022, coinciding with the opening of the XLI Aplec del Caragol. It is recommended not to modify the dates of the trip since the expenses that any change of the agreed dates will be borne by the winner. 
10 The decision of the jury will be unappealable. 
11 The Jury will be composed by people representig the Fecoll, Azul Marino Viatges and Escola Ermengol. 
12 The decision of the Jury will be notified to the winner during the last two weeks of April or the first two weeks of May 2022 by electronic mail and it will be published later to websites, facebook and Instagram of Escola Ermengol www.escolaermengol.cat and Fecoll www.aplec.org
13 The author of the winning work will have to give the original work in hand on the award ceremony, or by certified mail properly protected, to the organization of the contest (if the author cannot come to receive the award in person). In case the work is made, totally or partially, by digital tools, a copy signed by hand by the author. must be sent. The address of the Federació de Colles de l’Aplec del Caragol is: C/Obradors, 2. 25002 Lleida. 
14 The selected works - with a maximum of 50 chosen by the jury, they will be exhibited in the Fecoll’s head office or, if necessary, in other facilities. 
15 The electronic version of the works can be visited on a virtual gallery that will be published afterwards on the websites of Escola Ermengol and Fecoll. 
16 The organization reserves the right to spread and reproduce the winning work and the others selected, only during the promotion of the Aplec and this same contest in future calls, without express permission of the author or authors, and without this representing any obligation to the artist. 
17 Participation in the contest implies full acceptance and no reservation of these bases. Any doubt that may arise will be solved by the Jury. 
Lleida, 2022 February 

The XXX International Festival of Satire and Humor “City of Trento“ 2022, Italy

Dear Artists, 
The XXX International Festival of Satire and Humor “City of Trento” is, for sure, an important step: the Studio d’Arte Andromeda wants to celebrate it with an universal, timeless theme, a continuous line made of changes in direction, references, quotes and different matters. 
The SHADOW throughout history has encouraged the observation of ancient philosophers, psychoanalists, physicists and, of course, artists. 
The contest offers the fuse to light up a new gaze on this presence/absence, with the certainty that drawers and illustrators will be able to confirm and revolutionize the current theories or give new visions looking at the present days with wit, creativity and humor. 
                                                                                                                                Nadia Baldo 
                                                                                     President of Studio d’Arte Andromeda 
Art. 1 
Studio d’Arte Andromeda announces the XXX International Festival of Satire and Humor “City of Trento“. 
The contest will identify three winning artworks for the satire/humor/illustration category (A) and one in the comics category (B). 
For each category there will be a cash prize. 
The jury, also, will decide a selection of approximately 150 artworks that will form an exhibition that will be inaugurated in the course of 2022. 
Art. 2 
The participation to the contest is free and opened to italian and international artists from the age of 16. 
Art. 3 
Every artist must register by filling and sending, with the artworks, the form attached to the last page of this document. 
Each author can send a maximum of three artworks, with the possibility to join both categories, as long as it’s specified in the form. 
The artworks must be in A4 or A3 (vertical or horizontal) and be sent in JPG or TIFF format with resolution of 300 dpi. 
Art. 4 
Every artist, joining the contest, takes responsability for the originality of the artworks and declare to be their authors, relieving the Organization from possible requests of reimbursement coming, at any scale, from thirds. 
Art. 5 
The artworks will be judged by a jury made of members of Studio d’Arte Andromeda and personalities of the world of satire, comic and illustration. The decisions of the jury are unquestionable. 
Art. 6 
The results of the jury selection will be announced to the participants via email. 
Art. 7 
From all the artworks received will be selected three winners for the satire/humor/illustration category and one for the comics category. 
For the satire/humor/illustration category there will be a First Prize of the amount of 1.000 €, a Second Prize of 700 € and a Third Prize of 500 €. 
For the comics category there will be a First Prize of the amount of 500 €. 
The jury will also signal seven artworks for the satire/humor/illustration category and two for the comics category. 
The jury has the possibility of assigning special mentions to worthy artworks. 
Art. 8 
For the final exhibition, the Organization will print at its own expenses every panel of the artworks selected from the jury. 
Art. 9 
The authors, joining the contest, give to the organization the non exclusive right for printing the artworks on any support to promote the Festival. The Organization commits to quote every artists’ name in each case. 
Art. 10 
The participation to the contest implies the approval of all the rules included in this document. 
25 May 2022 
The contest is opened to italian and international artists from the age of 16. Each artist can send maximum three artworks, not awarded or selected in other contests. 
A) Satire/Humor/Illustration 
B) Comics (max 2 pages) 
The artworks must be sent in A4/A3 format and be sent at 
Minimun resolution of 300 dpi, in JPG o TIFF. 
Images sent by email must not be over 10MB, for bigger files use www.wetransfer.com 
First Prize 1.000,00 € Second Prize 700,00 € Third Prize 500,00 € 
First Prize 500,00 € 
The award cerimony and exhibition will be held in the course of 2022. 
Download the Competition Notice with the Form on source: studioandromeda


Theme for Caneva Ride 2022, Italy: Opportunity makes a thief

Pro Castello di Caneva promotes the International Contest Caneva Ride! (Caneva Laughs!) for humorous and satirical cartoons on the theme “L'occasione fa l'uomo ladro” "Opportunity makes a thief".
The Contest is open to all cartoonists of the world from the age of 16. Participants can apply individually or in groups (if there are several authors, a referent for all communications with the Contest promoters should be indicated).
The contestants may send up to three unpublished works, realized by using any technique, color or black and white, which haven’t been awarded in other contests. The maximum format should be A4 (21 X 29.7 cm).
The works should be sent to canevaridecontest@gmail.com no later than midnight of 26 June 2022 in one of the following formats: .jpg, .tiff or .pdf with a resolution of 300 dpi, together with the registration form including personal data (first name, last name, full address, telephone number; if the contestant is under the age of 18, the name of a parent authorizing the participation needs to be added). 
The individual files should not exceed the weight of 5 MB. If more than one work is submitted, please send them one at a time.
5 - JURY
Walter Leoni Cartoonist - President of the Jury
Davide Perin Pro Castello - Caneva
Mario Zorzetto Heirs Toni Zampol
Vicenzo Bottecchia Cultural comics operator
(Giancarlo Rupolo RIP) Domenico Florio Photographer
FIRST PRIZE euro 600,00
SECOND PRIZE euro 250,00
THIRD PRIZE euro 150,00.
The amounts are to be considered pre-tax applied by the country of origin. 
The Jury reserves the right to point out further works, which will not receive cash prizes. During the exhibitions of the works, it will be possible for visitors to indicate their favorite. 
The authors participating in the competition will transfer to Pro Castello the non-exclusive right to publish their works on any support for promotional purposes, without claiming copyrights.
The opening of the exhibition and the prize giving ceremony will be held on Saturday, 9 July 2022 at Villa Frova, Caneva. 
Registration Form on source
More on facebook.
Jury updated on 21.06.2022 22:10.

The 46th Italian Lies championship graphics section contest dedicated to Lie 2022, Italy

The Italian Championship of Lies was born in 1966. The reasons that led to the creation of this competition are to be found in the traditions of our little village over the Pistoia’s mountains, on the Italian Apennines, when in last century people used to meet in front of a fireplace to tell stories that mixed reality and fictious. The Italian Lie Academy, in occasion of the 46th Italian Lies championship, declares the graphics section contest dedicated to Lie.

This year theme is:
Cinema and Lies
1. The competition is structured in a single section.
2. Participation is free. Deadline for cartoon submission is Wednesday, 6th July 2022. Each participant can send up to 2 cartoons and each cartoon must have a title or an explanation
3. The entry form below (also in PDF on source: labugia) must be completed in all its parts and sent along with the presentation of the works that take part in the competition.
4. The paper must be sent by postal mail to: Accademia della Bugia - Pro Loco Alta valle del Reno, via della chiesa, 27 - 51100 Le Piastre PT, Italy. Otherwise you can use our electronic mail address: accademiabugia@gmail.com
5. The comics can be written in italian or in english, but we advice that you can make a cartoon simply draw, without any text.
6. Italian Lie Academy will award the top three as follows: 1st place: "Gold Bugiardino". 2nd: "Silver Bugiardino". 3rd: "Bronze Bugiardino". The Bugiardino is the symbol made in resin of the Championship and is the bell tower of the village with a long nose, like the Pinocchio’s one.
It will be awarded with the "International Bugiardino" the best cartoon coming from abroad or drawn by a foreign national.
7. All the winning cartoons will be published on the website of the Italian championship of Lies (www.labugia.it).
8. The authors waive any fee related to copyright.
9. Prizes will be delivered during the 46th Italian Championship of Lies that will take place in Le Piastre on August 6 and 7, 2022.
10. The works will be judged by a jury headed by the italian cartoonist Marco Fusi.
Source: labugia .


XVIIth International Cartoon Contest, Braila 2022, Romania

International Cartoon Contest, the XVIIth edition, 2022, Braila, Romania
The running of the contest: March-September 2022 
Entries: max. 3 
The cartoon works will be original and accompanied by a brief biography, photo, addresse and phone number. 
The making technique of the cartoons is free. 
Submission of the cartoon works: The cartoon works will be sent by e-mail until the 27th of May, 2400 o’clock (Romanian local time) to: cartooncontestbraila@gmail.com 
The judging process will take place between: the 13th-24th of June 2022. 
Technical conditions: 
The works will be submitted in electronic format, JPG, 300 dpi resolution, CMYK. 
Each submitted cartoon work will contain the author's name and the title of the work, in the file name. 
Awarded Prizes: 
The BIG prize 1000 EURO 
The FIRST prize 700 EURO 
The SECOND prize 500 EURO 
The THIRD prize 400 EURO 
3 SPECIAL prizes 3 x 200 EURO each. 
The prizes will be taxed according to the Romanian legislation in force. In order to receive their prizes, winners must submit the original winning cartoon work (with the author's signature on the back of the work) within a maximum of 30 days from the communication, accompanied by a statement (attached to this Regulation) regarding the assignment of the copyright of the cartoon work, in order to be indefinitely exposed and to send the personal bank account in Lei currency (for the Romanian competitors), respectively in euro / national currency (for the foreign competitors). 
The winning cartoon works will be sent by post to the following address: Romania, Brăila, Traian Square, no. 2, postal code 810153
The Organizer shall not be responsible for the impossibility of a winner to take possession of the prize for reasons not related to it. If the competitor does not comply with the obligations imposed by this regulation, the Organizer is exonerated from any liability. 
Note: In the absence of interbank relations between Romania and the country of origin of the winner, the Organizer is exonerated from any liability. 
The participants own the works and own the copyright of the cartoon works entered in the competition. 
By entering the works in the contest, the participants agree on the exhibition of the respective works in a maximum of 5 cartoon exhibitions organized in art galleries or museums during September-December 2022, assigning the copyrights for the respective works (the agreement being given implicitly for the promotion of the International Cartoon Contest). 
The organizer assumes no responsibility for any infringements of copyright or ownership. The single responsibility lies to the person who submitted the cartoon work. 
The winners of the International Cartoon Contest transfer the ownership of the awarded works to the Organizer (Braila County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture) at the time of sending over the original cartoon works to it. 
The winners declare under their own responsibility that they assign the copyright on the cartoon works for the realization of exhibitions in order to promote the event, the institution and the image of the city, for an indefinite period, by any means. 
The contest opening and the awarding ceremony: the 6th of September, 2022. 
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals for one day, for the winners who will be present at the opening ceremony. 
The exceptions to the accommodation are the winners residing in the Municipality of Brăila. 
Depending on the evolution of Covid 19, the Organizer reserves the right to change the conditions of the contest; subsequent changes will be communicated to those interested. 
The development will comply with the conditions imposed by the legislation regarding Covid 19, but also by the evolution at national and international level of the pandemic caused by Coronavirus. 
Taking into account the restrictive measures adopted in order to prevent and limit the spread of Covid 19, the Organizer reserves the right to modify the conditions regarding the opening ceremony. 
The catalog of the International Cartoon Contest, in pdf format, can be downloaded from the institution's website: http://centruldecreatiebraila.ro/ after the Cartoon Contest opening will take place. 
Registration for the Cartoon contest is equivalent to taking note of and complying with the Regulation of the International Cartoon Contest. 
Contact: Brăila County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, Traian Square 2, 810153, Brăila, Romania; Telephone and fax: +40.239.614.710 
Declaration - assignment of copyright 

I, the undersigned………………………………..hereby declare that I assign the copyright to Brăila County Center for the Preservation and Promotion of the Traditional Culture, on the awarded cartoon work within the 17th Edition of the International Cartoon Contest, 2022, Brăila, Romania, for the making of exhibitions, in order to promote the event, the institution and the image of the city, indefinitely, by any means. 

Date                                                                      Signature



The Festas de Lisboa’22 Sardine Contest is underway

The Festas de Lisboa’22 Sardine Contest is underway and this year there are two good reasons to create some brilliant sardines: the return of the Festas de Lisboa and Parque Mayer’s hundredth anniversary celebrations. We look forward to another contest full of glamour, colour and talent.
The competition is now officially open and runs until 4 April. It’s aimed at a creative world which knows no borders: Portuguese or foreign, young or old, individual or joint entries, first-timers or returning contestants. Everyone is invited to participate in this EGEAC-promoted initiative. 
There are no barriers to competing, so let your imagination run free. In terms of creativity, the only rule is originality; let inspiration do the rest. At this 12th edition, we’re celebrating the long and rich history of Parque Mayer (the centre of bohemian Lisbon and birthplace of the high point of the Festas de Lisboa: the street parades known as the Marchas Populares) which serves as the theme for this year’s competition. 
Have you ever imagined what depictions of culture you could fit within the outline of a sardine? It’ll be a tight squeeze! “Films, parades and sardines”; “Fado, clubbing and sardines”; “Circus, dancers and sardines”; “Festivals, cabarets and sardines”; “Operetta, tango and sardines”? 
On this hundredth anniversary of Parque Mater, the Sardine will take the leading role! 
This year, Turma da Sardinha (Sardine Class) is making a return too, in a contest exclusively for children in primary or lower secondary education. And there’ll also be a prize for the coolest sardine in school. 
We’ll be selecting a total of six winning designs; five winners will receive a prize of €1500, plus the winner of Turma da Sardinha, who will receive a prize worth €2000. 
Entrants (both individuals and partnerships) can put forward a maximum of three sardines, which must be submitted by 18.00 on 4 April
The winning designs will be announced by 31 May. 
See here contest regulations and check the FAQ section or contact EGEAC on concursosardinhas@culturanarua.pt.


Results Diogenes of Sinope, 1st International Cartoon Competition 2022, Turkey

The 1st Diogenes of Sinope International Cartoon Contest on Sabahattin Ali Portraits organized by Sinop Municipality, Sinop History and Culture Research Association and Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association has concluded.
Sculptor Eşref Baş (Turkey), cartoon artists Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Behiç Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria), Marian Avramescu (Romania), Murat Özmenek ( Turkey), Musa Keklik (Turkey) and Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukraine) examined 336 works of 223 artists from 40 countries and determined the award winners as follows: 
2nd Prize: M.K.RAGHU-INDIA


Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association Special Prize: MOJMIR MIHATOV-CROATIA
Sinop History and Culture Research Association Special Prize: MEHMET ALI GÜNEŞ-TURKEY
Sinop Tradesmen and Bail Cooperative Special Prize: MARYAM MAHMOUDI MOGHADAM-IRAN 
Sinop Bar Association Special Prize: OKTAY BINGOL-TURKEY
Sinop Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen Special Prize:HUANG RONGHAI (CAOTO)-ÇİN
Sinop Associations Federation Special Prize: KÜRŞAT ZAMAN-TURKEY
Sinop Chamber of Commerce and Industry Special Prize: ARİF DEMİREL-TURKEY
Sinop Tourism Association Special Prize: ECEM KAYABAŞ-TURKEY
Fethiye-Yusuf Eren Special Prize: JALIL SABERI-IRAN.
See Special Prize-winning caricatures here.


The final results of Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2021, Turkey

A total of 776 cartoonists (620 adults and 156 young people) from 64 different countries participated with 1736 cartoons in Bursa International Cartoon Contest, for which applications have been completed as of 31 December 2021. 
Pre-Selection Committee of the contest, as a result of a meticulous study,  determined the cartoon works that were eliminated and those left for the final selection as of January 18, 2022. According to the preliminary election results, in Adult category 126 Water-themed cartoons and 100 Cemal Nadir GÜLER portrait cartoons, plus in Youth category 64 Water-themed cartoons and 36 Cemal Nadir GÜLER portrait cartoons passed the pre-selection and made it to the finals. 
The 126 finalist nominees in the Adult category have been announced for objections. Till the deadline 10 objection applications received, 8 were unanimously accepted. After the objection processes, 118 cartoons could pass to the final election. After final elections, the awarded works have been officially determined as of 22nd February 2022: 

FIRST PRIZE : Michel Moro GOMEZ – Cuba (Top) 
MENTION PRIZE : Konstantin KAZANCHEV – Ukraine. 

FIRST PRIZE : Omar Alberto Figueroa TURCIOS - Spain (Above) 
SECOND PRIZE : Erkin ERGİN – Turkey 

Didar Aşkın AYRANCIOĞLU – Turkey (Above) 
Deniz Nur AKTAŞ – Turkey 
Selen Gökcen ÖZMEN – Turkey 
Helia PANAH – Iran 
Ognjan STOJANOVIC – Serbia 
Zeynep Nur ÖZDEMİRBAŞ – Turkey 
Mete İLHANLAR – Turkey 
Furkan AYTUR – Turkey 
Kezban RAVZAMADEN – Turkey 
Erencan ZENGIN – Turkey. 

Amir Hossein VALINIA – Iran (Above) 
Serdar KAYA – Turkey 
Gökalp ÇINAR – Turkey 
Mete İLHANLAR – Turkey 
Elif Nisa ERDEM – Turkey 
Liva SARIOĞLU – Turkey 
Canan Ezgi AYAN – Turkey 
Sırma Naz YILDIRIM – Turkey 
Doruk DELİCE – Turkey 
Zeynep NORMAN – Turkey 
İskender Recep BELBAĞ – Turkey. 

Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2021 Organizing Committee 


22nd World Press Freedom Canada International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2022

22nd World Press Freedom Canada International Editorial Cartoon Competition
1. The theme for the 22nd International Editorial Cartoon Competition is: 
Silence is golden 
Cancel culture has become a source of our newest cultural cleavage. 
Whether it be on social media or at live events, 'cancelling' someone has become a modern day version of excommunication and is being used as a weapon by political partisans both left and right to discourage civil discourse and media freedom. 
In opposing systemic racism, misogyny and xenophobia, progressives feel the need to resort to extreme tactics in an attempt to be heard. 
Fearing that history is being re-written, traditionalists, for their part, use cancel culture to silence critics and whitewash history's wrongs. 
2. Three prizes will be awarded: a first prize of $1,500 plus a Certificate from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third prize of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an Award of Excellence, which are not remunerated. 
3. Only one cartoon may be submitted by each participant, either in colour or black and white, but must not have won an award previously. 
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4 (21 x 29.2 cm) or 8.5 x 11 inches, and should be in jpeg or pdf format at 300 dpi. 
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the participant must be included in the submission. 
6. World Press Freedom Canada reserves the right to use the winning cartoons for promotion of the Cartoon Competition. 
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced on World Press Freedom Day on Tuesday May 3, 2022 and will be notified by e-mail. 
8. The winners' names and their cartoons will be posted on our website. 
9. Submission deadline is Friday, April 8, 2022 at midnight EDT. 
Send submission by e-mail to: info@worldpressfreedomcanada.ca 
Source: bado-badosblog.