Call for Entries
10th Cartoon Contest
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Caricature is an act of provocation, of criticism; capable of defending freedom through humor. Caminos de la Libertad invites reflection and discussion on the different aspects of freedom, to generate thought around it and to make those who have not yet realized the value it has in their lives aware.
Freedom is the fundamental right of the human being, but efforts to limit it have become systematic in the contemporary world.
There is no more direct and effective form of communication than the caricature. Since its inception, it has been a tool for criticism and analysis of the reality of our world.
In the search to encourage debate around freedom, Grupo Salinas calls for the caricature contest.
1. People from anywhere in the world may participate in this contest.
2. The works must be completely original and unpublished and if they contain words, they must be in Spanish. They must not be participating simultaneously in any other contest. Adaptations of other originals will not be accepted.
3. Freedom must be the theme of the caricature. The winning works will be those that best capture, analyze, contrast, promote and disseminate freedom, those that offer proposals to expand the options for freedom in Mexican society or that present examples of success and failure in the application of this right.
4. Each contestant may participate with as many works as they wish.
5. The works must be submitted in JPEG format in the best possible resolution.
6. The works must be signed with a pseudonym.
7. The author must send, in the same email as his work, a file in which he will write down the pseudonym, the title of the caricature, the full name of the author, his address, occupation, telephone number, email address and a brief biographical summary.
9. This call will be valid from today until April 30, 2025.
10. The composition of the jury will remain secret until the publication of the decision.
11. The results of the contest will be announced on the website The winners will be notified directly to the address, telephone number or email provided.
12. Those contestants whose works are chosen to be published are obliged to sign the necessary documentation that will be delivered to them at the time.
13. The jury's decision will be final. The prize may be declared void if the jury considers that none of the works submitted is of sufficient quality. The jury will be empowered to resolve any situation related to the contest that is not specified in these rules.
First place: MX$ 30,000
Second place: MX$ 20,000
Third place: MX$ 10,000
These prizes may be collected upon compliance with the tax requirements of Mexico and the contestant's country of origin.
15. Up to seven honorable mentions will be awarded, without a cash prize, for works that, in the opinion of the jury, are of sufficient quality.
16. In the event that the prize published in this call is not claimed within three months from the date of publication on the official Caminos de la Libertad website (, as well as on its social networks, Caminos de la Libertad may use the amount of said prize for its own purposes, without the winner being able to make any subsequent claim of any kind.
17. Any work that does not comply with the provisions of these rules will be disqualified.
18. Participation in this contest presupposes acceptance of these rules. No awards or prizes will be given, nor will the works of contestants who do not comply with the rules established in this call be published.