
The Anatolian Cartoonists Association, based in Bursa, Turkey, dissolves

Announcement to the Cartoon World, Turkish and International Cartoonists
Founded on February 28, 2007, and based in Bursa, the Anatolian Cartoonists Association has officially ceased its operations following the unanimous decision made during the 7th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held on December 21, 2024. 
All official procedures regarding the closure of the association have been completed. The association's bank and postal accounts have been closed. The remaining balance of 2,175 Turkish Lira and 10 kuruş in the association's treasury has been donated to the Leukemia Foundation for Children (LÖSEV). 
On this occasion, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to: 
* All members of the Board of Directors and members who have voluntarily served the association from its inception to its closure, 
* All companies, associations, public institutions, organizations, and their employees who supported and collaborated with the association, 
* All cartoonists and cartoon enthusiasts who contributed to and supported the art of cartooning. 
We hereby announce that following the dissolution of the Anatolian Cartoonists Association, no individual or entity is authorized to carry out any transactions on behalf of the association. In such cases, neither the former Board of Directors nor any other individuals shall bear any responsibility. 
We firmly believe that the spirit of solidarity carried out in the name of the art of cartooning will continue in other fields. 
Respectfully announced to the public. 
Anatolian Cartoonists Association 
Board of Directors 


26th International Festival of aphorisms and caricature, Strumica 2025, R. Macedonia

XXVI International Festival of aphorisms and caricature - Strumica 2025
Theme: C A R N I V A L – E R O T I C A
• In this category authors participate with 10 aphorisms at maximum, printed in three copies, completed with code, particulars about the author, and set in sealed envelope.
• The authors are allowed to participate with more works, each as group of 10 (ten) aphorisms, each group with particular code.
• In this category, authors can participate with 3 caricatures, at maximum. 
The technique is on their own choice, and dimensions A/4.
• Each caricature should contain author's information on the back.
Contest deadline:
The deadline for submitting works is: 20 February 2025.
• Three main prizes are awarded: Golden, Silver and Bronze Plaque, with the right of the Organizer to award a number of additional prizes.
• The works should be sent to:
NUCK "Anton Panov"
Blvd. "Goce Delcev" bb
2400 Strumica, R Macedonia
noted: To the Festival of aphorism and Caricature
• The works received, remain as property of the Organizer and the author, and they hold the right to its public presentation, catalogue edition or other publication.
• All works arriving within the set deadline will be reviewed by a jury.
• The presentation of the works – exhibition and the Reward Ceremony will come to: 03 March 2025.
Contact -Further information
Tel: ++389 70 291 544 
E-mail: anton.panov.sr@gmail.com .
Source: Anton Panov - Strumica .


New Year and Christmas greetings exhibition in Cartoon Gallery website, Slovakia

This year's collection of New Year and Christmas greetings from cartoonists and cartoon fans from home and abroad has just been published on the Cartoon Gallery website: http://www.cartoongallery.eu/englishversion/happy-2025/.


The color catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama 2024, Japan

Received yesterday the color catalog of the International Cartoon Festival in Saitama, Japan. It was the 34th year of the festival in 2024. I participated in the event with two cartoons of mine, one titled "Here you are!" on the theme of UCHU which means "The Universe" and the second one of Free theme. Works on both themes by 40 Japanese and 39 foreign artists are included in the catalog of the exhibition that took place at Plaza North in November 2024. 
Saitama City is the place where Rakuten Kitazawa - the father of modern cartoon in Japan - spent his later years. The Saitama Municipal Cartoon Art Musem in the home to Kitazawa in his later years hold the Saitama-City Rakuten-Kitazawa Manga Awards competition each year. In 2024 they held the 39th edition and the winning cartoons are included in this collection book of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon" which are also displayed on the museum website here.
The standard A4-sized (21x29.7 cm) catalog of "The Best Cartoons of Nippon 2024" has almost 100 pages, about 70 of them covering the color and the monochrome cartoons participated in the festival and selected for the catalog. The remaining pages are the lists of the Japanese and the Foreign artists with their personal histories in both Japanese and English. With this perfectly designed book of art in hand, it is possible to compare the style and wit of the native and overseas manga/cartoon artists and enjoy the great humour in their works.
From Turkey are published the works of the following cartoonists in the catalog: Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu, Erdoğan Başol, Kamil Yavuz, Kemal Özyurt, Muammer Kotbaş, Musa Gümüş, Oğuz Gürel, Seyit Saatçi, and Hüseyin Çakmak from Cyprus.
Thank you to the festival organizers and the staff of Plaza North who sent me this great collection of manga/cartoon art.


The 30th International Cartoon Exhibition, Zagreb 2025, Croatia

The organizer of the 30th International Cartoon Exhibition ZAGREB 2025 is Croatian Cartoonist Association. The exhibition is open to all authors over the age of 18, regardless of nationality, gender or profession. 
Conditions of entry: 
1. Only digital artworks will be accepted: A4 size, 300 dpi, jpeg
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured. 
3. The works should be named as follows: name.surname.country.number 
(in case of more than one work). 
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals. 
5. Maximum 3 entries may be submitted. 
Entry deadline is March 7th, 2025
Send your cartoons to: 
Within the e-mail participant should provide informations as follows: 
Name and Family Name 
Address (street and house number) 
Postal code and city 
Phone number 
First Prize - 1.000 EUR 
Second Prize - 500 EUR 
Third Prize - 300 EUR 
Five Special mentions 
Every author whose work is included in the exhibition will receive a catalogue. 
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the Zagreb 2025 festival as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used. 
More on source: hdk.hr.


Results International Cartoon Competition on the subject of "Earthquake", Boyabat 2024


The international cartoon competition on the subject of "Earthquake", organized in order to draw the attention of the young people of the world to the "Earthquake" problem and to raise awareness about earthquakes through the language of art, has concluded.
429 cartoonists from 42 countries participated in the competition in the youth and adult categories with a total of 698 works.
As a result of the evaluation made by the cartoon artists Ali Rastroo (Iran), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Fawzy Morsy (Egypt), Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan), Musa Keklik (Turkey), Youth Center Manager Halil Emre Kaya (Turkey) and Academy Sports Club President Kesim Yıldız (Turkey), the award-winning cartoonists were determined as follows.

Youth Category:
First Prize: FATMANUR ATICI-Turkey
Second Prize: DEFNE DEMİRCİ-Turkey
Third Prize: ADA YILDIZ-Turkey
Achievement Awards:
Special Jury Awards:
(See the prize-winning cartoons in Youth Category on kozyurt.)

Adults Category:
First Prize: DARKO DRLJEVIC-Montenegro
Second Prize: HİKMET ÇİL-Turkey
Third Prize: SAEED SADEGHI-Iran
Special Jury Awards:

The award ceremony and exhibition opening of the competition will be held at Boyabat Cultural Center on Thursday, February 6. The awards of those who cannot attend the ceremony will be delivered to their addresses. Additionally, digital certificates will be sent to everyone who participated in the competition.

(See the prize-winning cartoons in Youth Category on kozyurt.)


Winners in the Annual Cartoon Contest, Olen 2024, Belgium

Maim theme: Road Signs
They have received 1.823 entries, sent by 495 different participants from all over the world. The participants are from 70 different countries. 
In the downloads you will find the cartoonists who took part in the competition in 2024.
Winners category adults: 
1st Prize: Ali Paknahad (Iran) 
2nd Prize: Gabriele Corvi (Italy) 
3rd Prize: Jona Jamart (Belgium) 
4th Prize: Peter Radacina (Canada) 
Prize of the city of Bialogard: Pawel Kuczynski (Poland) 
Special Prize Amnesty International: Ali Miraee (Iran). 
Winners category youth: 
Best international work: Fatih Dursun (Turkey) (Top)
Best Belgian work): Griet Stijnen (Belgium). 
You can view the winning cartoons on their facebook page and watch their Youtube video for a nice overview of all winners and the cartoons that were selected for the exhibition and catalog.

Olense Kartoenale 2025
The main theme 2025 is 'The artist'.
The theme of Amnesty International 2025 is 
'Right to everyone who needs shelter'.
You can sign up your participation on
starting the 1st July 2025.


X International Festival "SMILE OF THE SEA", Novorossiysk 2025, Russia

Conditions for the X International Festival "SMILE OF THE SEA 2025" in Novorossiysk, Russia
The themes of the Festival "SMILE OF THE SEA 2025": 
"Multipolar World"; 
"O Sport, are you Peace?
1. Competition works are accepted from January 1, 2025 to August 15, 2025
2. Authors of all age groups are allowed to participate in the competition. 
3. The author may submit no more than 5 (five) works on each of the announced themes. 
4. Works that have received prizes in other competitions are not accepted for participation. 
5. Competition works are sent only to the email address: imeempravo@mail.ru In the subject of the letter you must indicate: “For the competition.” 
6. Requirements for competitive works: 
• Format: A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm), JPEG, 300 dpi 
• Works must be original. 
• The technique is free, works can be either black and white or color. 
• Works should not contain text. 
• The author, along with the work, sends: his photo in a separate file, a short autobiography in a separate file (in English only), indicates his last name, first name, age, postal address (required country of residence), e-mail. 
7. All participants will receive a festival catalog in electronic format. 
8. Authors of works that take prizes will be awarded certificates, diplomas. 
9. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to further use the competition works for exhibition and information purposes. And also in order to popularize the genre of caricature and the festival “SMILE OF THE SEA”. 
We are waiting for your works! See you in the new year 2025! 
Text: cartoonblues .
Image: Walex Alexandrov .


Freedom: 10th Cartoon Contest, Caminos de la Libertad 2025, Mexico

Call for Entries
10th Cartoon Contest
Deadline: April 30, 2025

Caricature is an act of provocation, of criticism; capable of defending freedom through humor. Caminos de la Libertad invites reflection and discussion on the different aspects of freedom, to generate thought around it and to make those who have not yet realized the value it has in their lives aware. 
Freedom is the fundamental right of the human being, but efforts to limit it have become systematic in the contemporary world. 
There is no more direct and effective form of communication than the caricature. Since its inception, it has been a tool for criticism and analysis of the reality of our world. 
In the search to encourage debate around freedom, Grupo Salinas calls for the caricature contest. 
B A S E S 
1. People from anywhere in the world may participate in this contest. 
2. The works must be completely original and unpublished and if they contain words, they must be in Spanish. They must not be participating simultaneously in any other contest. Adaptations of other originals will not be accepted. 
3. Freedom must be the theme of the caricature. The winning works will be those that best capture, analyze, contrast, promote and disseminate freedom, those that offer proposals to expand the options for freedom in Mexican society or that present examples of success and failure in the application of this right. 
4. Each contestant may participate with as many works as they wish. 
5. The works must be submitted in JPEG format in the best possible resolution. 
6. The works must be signed with a pseudonym
7. The author must send, in the same email as his work, a file in which he will write down the pseudonym, the title of the caricature, the full name of the author, his address, occupation, telephone number, email address and a brief biographical summary. 
8. The works must be sent by email to the following address: caminosdelalibertad@tvazteca.com.mx
9. This call will be valid from today until April 30, 2025
10. The composition of the jury will remain secret until the publication of the decision. 
11. The results of the contest will be announced on the website www.caminosdelalibertad.com. The winners will be notified directly to the address, telephone number or email provided. 
12. Those contestants whose works are chosen to be published are obliged to sign the necessary documentation that will be delivered to them at the time. 
13. The jury's decision will be final. The prize may be declared void if the jury considers that none of the works submitted is of sufficient quality. The jury will be empowered to resolve any situation related to the contest that is not specified in these rules. 
First place: MX$ 30,000 
Second place: MX$ 20,000 
Third place: MX$ 10,000 
These prizes may be collected upon compliance with the tax requirements of Mexico and the contestant's country of origin. 
15. Up to seven honorable mentions will be awarded, without a cash prize, for works that, in the opinion of the jury, are of sufficient quality. 
16. In the event that the prize published in this call is not claimed within three months from the date of publication on the official Caminos de la Libertad website (www.caminosdelalibertad.com), as well as on its social networks, Caminos de la Libertad may use the amount of said prize for its own purposes, without the winner being able to make any subsequent claim of any kind. 
17. Any work that does not comply with the provisions of these rules will be disqualified. 
18. Participation in this contest presupposes acceptance of these rules. No awards or prizes will be given, nor will the works of contestants who do not comply with the rules established in this call be published. 
For more information, contact: caminosdelalibertad@tvazteca.com.mx or visit the website www.caminosdelalibertad.com (More info on this site).