The Geological Museum of the Polish Geological
Institute - National Research Institute in Warsaw
together with the Association of Polish Caricature
invite you to participate in
the International Satirical Drawing Competition
DINOSAURS. Still alive?
DINOSAURS. Still alive?
A. Organiser, duration and territory of the Competition
1. The organiser of the competition (hereinafter: "Organiser") under the name: "Dinosaurs. Still alive?; Dinozaury. Wciąż żywe?” (hereinafter: "Competition") and the post-competition exhibition (hereinafter: "Exhibition") is the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, within which the organisational unit designated for the implementation of the Competition is the Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute in Warsaw (hereinafter: "PGI-NRI Geological Museum") in cooperation with the Association of Polish Caricature Artists (hereinafter: "SPAK") consisting of substantive support to the Organiser from SPAK.
2. The competition begins on 30 January 2025 and will run until 25 June 2025 in two stages:
Stage 1: 30 January 2025 - 10 March 2025;
Stage 2: 11 March 2025 - 31 April 2025.
Final of the Competition and opening of the Post-Competition Exhibition: 25 June 2025.
3. The territory of the Competition is the area of the Republic of Poland.
B. Conditions of participation and rules of the Competition
1. The Competition is an open international competition. Participants in the Competition (hereinafter: "Participants" or singularly "Participant") may only be persons with citizenship of the following countries:
a. which are members of the European Union(Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden);
b. having the status of a candidate for accession to the European Union(Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine);
c. former members of the European Union (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland);
d. which are members of the European Free Trade Association EFTA(Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland).
2. Only persons with legal capacity within the meaning of the law in force in the Republic of Poland who are of full legal age on the day of announcement of the results of Stage 2 of the Competition at the latest may participate in the Competition.
3. The Competition is not open to members of the Jury, the Organiser's employees, the Organiser's representatives, persons collaborating with the Organiser on the basis of civil law contracts, persons closest to the above mentioned persons, i.e. a spouse, ascendant, descendant, sibling, relative by affinity in the same line or degree, a person in an adoptive relationship and their spouse, as well as a person in cohabitation, and other persons involved in preparing and conducting the Competition. 1 Persons who behave in a way that is detrimental to good manners will not be admitted or will be eliminated from the Competition.
4. The subject of the Competition are drawings, graphics, single-panel comics and comic strips. The artworks submitted must be original works that have not been previously published, submitted or awarded in other competitions and meet the conditions set out in these Rules (hereinafter: (“Rules”)
Works submitted to the Competition must be the original work of the participating authors. The works may not be encumbered with third-party rights.
Works submitted to the Competition cannot be plagiarism, be a copy or extract of any other work, or be made using artificial intelligence tools.
5. Competition categories:
Category I. Dinosaurs - still alive? (fantasy - dinosaurs coexisting with humanity) - nature of the work: humour;
Category II. Dinosaurs in geological history. (exclusively in relation to the geological past, not including anthropogenic elements; dinosaurs in the Mesozoic era) - nature of the work: caricature, joke.
6. Works submitted to the Competition cannot violate good manners or the rights and personal interests of third parties, and in particular they cannot contain obscenities, discriminate or promote discrimination based on worldview, religion, gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin or be contrary to the law in force in Poland.
The Organiser reserves the right not to consider entries that it deems to be in breach of the above criteria.
7. A Participant may submit a maximum of 2 works in each category of the Competition (a total of 4 artworks submitted to the Competition).
8. Technical specifications:
Original works - The competition entry can be made using any technique. The work should be produced in a size not exceeding A-3 (420 x 297 mm), either vertically or horizontally. Only twodimensional works will be accepted.
Works without texts are preferred. If the work contains textual elements in a language other than English, the author is required to accompany the work with an English translation of the text. If this condition is not met, the Organiser will translate the text into English itself, without the Participant being able to challenge the content of such translation.
9. Competition stages:
Stage 1 - Receipt and initial verification of submitted works:
The work produced should be scanned, saved in JPEG extension, at 300 dpi. The size of one file must not exceed 5 MB. The file should be signed according to the template:
Category number_author's name_work number_work title in English
E.g. II_Kowalski_2_T-rex_on_a_skooter.jpg
The application form on the website: constituting
Appendix 1 to the Rules should be filled in and files of scans of the works named according to the above formula should be attached. The name of each file must match the details on the application form. After completing the application form and attaching the scans of the works, a checkbox should be ticked on reading the Competition Rules and accepting their terms and conditions and then sending the package to the Organiser via the website indicated in the above subsection (indent). Works sent to any email of the Organiser will not be considered.
The entries can be delivered to the Organiser until 10.03.2025 at 12:00 Polish time.
The moment when the works are delivered to the Organiser shall be the moment when they have been entered into the electronic means of communication in such a way that the Organiser is able to acquaint itself with their contents.
Stage 2 - Selection of the works qualified for the Competition and the Exhibition
The Jury will assess the submitted works in terms of their originality, aesthetic value and conformity with the theme of the Competition.
The index of the works qualified for the 2nd stage of the Competition will be published on the website: by
24.03.2025. The authors of the qualified works will be obliged to send their originals by post or courier until
31.04.2025 to the address:
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny
– Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Muzeum Geologiczne PIG-PIB
ul. Rakowiecka 4
00-975 Warszawa Polska | Poland
with reference: "Dinosaurs"
The date of delivery of the works to the Organiser will be decisive for timely delivery.
The Jury will select the winners of the Competition from among the works qualified for the second stage of the Competition.
10. The winners of the Competition and the authors of the works designated by the Organiser will be individually asked to send an e-mail to: a short biographical note in English and their photo or drawing showing the author's face.
C. Jury and Awards
1. The Competition Jury is appointed by the Organiser and is made up of artists recommended by SPAK and employees of the PGI - NRI Geological Museum and persons invited by the Organiser, in particular those recommended by the artistic community or the Organiser's supervisory body.
2. The jury's verdicts and decisions are irrevocable and non-appealable.
3. The results of the Competition will be published on 7.04.2025 on the website: The Organiser will notify the winners of the statutory prizes won in the Competition by e-mail no later than 14 days from the date of publication of the results of the Competition referred to in the preceding sentence, and will arrange with them how to collect the statutory prizes.
4. The Competition Jury will award the following cash statutory prizes (7 prizes):
Grand Prix - cash prize of PLN 12 000 gross
I Category Dinosaurs - still alive? Dinozaury - wciąż żywe?
- First place and a cash prize of PLN 9 000 gross
- Second place and a cash prize of PLN 6 000 gross
- Third place and a cash prize of PLN 4 000 gross
II Category Dinosaurs in geological history. Dinozaury w historii geologicznej.
- First place and a cash prize of PLN 9 000 gross
- Second place and a cash prize of PLN 6 000 gross
- Third place and a cash prize of PLN 4 000 gross
5. One Participant in the Competition may receive a maximum of one cash statutory prize.
6. The winners of the cash statutory prizes (7 people) will receive an invitation to a stay in Warsaw associated with the award ceremony. The ceremony will take place at the PGI-NRI Geological Museum in Warsaw on 25.06.2025.
The Organiser shall grant the winners of the cash statutory prizes referred to in paragraph 4 the right to: accommodation with breakfast in a hotel indicated by the Organiser for a period of 3 nights (24-27.06.2025);
payment of travel expenses (from the countries listed in Part B) to Warsaw and back, by the Organiser's proposed means of transport and its category, up to a maximum of PLN 4,400 per person;
with a total maximum value of PLN 5,615 combined with a prize of 11,(1)% of the amount referred to above for the payment of personal income tax.
Cash prizes shall be paid in accordance with applicable legislation.
The gross values of the cash prizes include personal income tax.
The Organiser undertakes to calculate and collect the tax from the taxpayer and pay it to the tax authority in due time.
By e-mail, the Organiser will ask the prize-winners to provide their personal data necessary to settle their tax obligations and organise their arrival and stay in Warsaw.
7. The Competition Organiser allows the awarding of distinctions and additional non-statutory prizes by the Partners and Sponsors of the Competition. The Organiser is not responsible for any nonstatutory prizes funded, promised or otherwise established. The terms and conditions of cooperation with Partners and Sponsors are established with each individual entity in the form of a separate agreement.
8. The works awarded with statutory prizes and the works awarded with distinctions by the Organiser will be presented at the final ceremony and at the post-competition exhibition, and may also be published in a catalogue.
9. Winnings from the Competition are taxable in accordance with applicable law. The condition for the payment of the cash prize and the exercise of the rights referred to in paragraph 6 is the provision to the Competition Organiser, by 30.05.2025, of the personal data necessary for the 4 settlement of tax liabilities, including the bank account to which the cash statutory prize will be transferred.
10. In the event that any of the Competition winners fails to collect their Competition prizes in the manner provided for in these Rules, they shall lose their right to them.
11. There shall be no cash equivalent for the Competition prizes set out in paragraph 6.
12. The entitlement to the Competition prizes provided for in these Rules is non-transferable.
D. Final provisions
1. The Competition is not a game of chance within the meaning of the Act of 19 November 2009 on games of chance (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 888, as amended).
2. By participating in the Competition in accordance with the provisions of these Rules, the Participant confirms that they agree to the Competition rules contained in these Rules and to the dissemination of the author's name, country of origin and image in the catalogue of the postcompetition exhibition and the index presented on the Competition website.
3. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Competition in part or in full at any time without giving any reason. In such an event, Participants shall not be entitled to any claims, including claims for damages, on this account, but they shall retain the right to the prizes won in the Competition until the date of cancellation of the Competition. In matters not regulated in the Rules, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply.
4. In the event of force majeure affecting the conduct of the Competition in part or in full during the Competition period, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Competition in part or in full. In such an event, Participants shall not be entitled to any claims, including claims for damages, on this account, but they shall retain the right to the prizes won in the Competition until the date of cancellation of the Competition.
5. The works awarded and honoured in the Competition become the property of the Organiser. Other works can only be sent back at the expense of their authors. The Organiser reserves the right to transfer the originals of the works presented at the post-competition exhibition to the Organiser's archives or to put the works up for charity auction.
6. Participants declare that they hold unlimited proprietary and personal copyrights to works being the subject of this Competition, as well as the right to exercise derivative rights to these works within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, and hereby transfer the aforementioned rights to the Organiser and allow the Organiser to exercise them under the terms and conditions specified in Appendix 2 to the Rules entitled "Scope of transferred rights".
7. Pursuant to Article 81(1) of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (i.e: Journal of Laws 2025, item 24) the Participant permits multiple, free of charge, non-exclusive, unlimited in quantity, time and territory dissemination and use by the Organiser and by persons or entities acting on behalf of the Organiser of the image of the Participant together with the name, surname and other personal data made available to the Organiser, in whole or in fragments, presented in the photograph(s) or film(s) recorded in any techniques or on any media by the photographer(s) or cameraman(men) acting on behalf of the Organiser during the Competition. In particular, the Competition Participant agrees that they may be photographed and filmed during the award ceremony and events directly related to the Competition and that the photographic and film materials with their likeness may be published on websites, social media operated by the Organiser, in brochures and other materials issued by the Competition Organiser.
8. These Rules are available on the Organiser's website: . The Competition application form, available on the same website of the Organiser, being Appendix 1 to the Rules, and Appendix 2 to the Rules, entitled "Scope of transferred rights", constitute an integral part of these Rules.