
Diogenes of Sinope 4th International Cartoon Competition, Sinop 2025, Turkey


1- The competition is open to all amateur and professional artists from all over the world. 
2- The subject of the competition has been determined as “Environment”. 
Along with the population growth, the industrialization that people have developed in order to meet their needs faster has also brought about waste problems. Applications such as industrial wastes that are left to nature without being separated and the endless destruction of soils with the savage methods used in mining threaten natural habitats. 
Our country, and therefore Sinop, also receives its share(!) of environmental destruction to a great extent. After the threat of the nuclear power plant that started to be built in Sinop, the allocation of a very large area in our Boyabat district as a “Copper Mine Exploration Area” has paved the way for the destruction of tens of thousands of trees, the extinction of endemic plants, the pollution of water and the endangering of people’s health… 
Only those who knew Kemal, who lived in Sinop between 1925 and 2004, who was the last representative of the cynic philosophy in Sinop after Diogenes, who was described by some as crazy because he walked around naked in modern environments almost like Tarzan due to his protest stance (Tarzan), could imagine what Kemal would do if he saw the environment he fought for throughout his life being massacred in Boyabat. 
Like Tarzan Kemal, who has spent his life trying to make known for years that environmental pollution poses a danger not only to humans but also to all living things, and that uncontrolled environmental pollution can cause irreversible and endless harm, the sensitive Sinoplu citizen will also resist harmful practices in Boyabat or anywhere in the world together with the warming environmentalists. 
Our expectation from the contestants is; to draw people's attention to the environmental ban that makes the natural environment livable and prevents sustainable life, and to contribute to the environment with beautiful products. 
We would like to thank all the artists in the world who will support our struggle for a "Livable Environment" by participating in the contest... 
3- The technique is free for the works that will participate in the competition. Artificial intelligence products will not be accepted to the competition. The works must not have received an award in any competition before. 
4- A digital certificate will be sent to all participating artists. 
5- Participants can send as many works as they want. However, a cartoonist will not be given more than one award. 
6- The cartoons to be sent must be at most A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) in size, 300 dpi resolution and in jpg format. 
7- The works to be participated in the competition must be sent to “sinopludiyojencartoons@gmail.com” by e-mail until May 19, 2025
8- All artists must send their names, postal addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, short biographies and a photograph along with the works. 
9- The exhibition and award ceremony of the competition will be held in Sinop on June 5, World Environment Day. The awards of those who cannot attend the ceremony will be sent to their addresses. 
10- Awards: 
Grand Prize: 15,000 TL/Plaque 
4 Success Awards: 2,500 TL/Plaque 
Special Awards to be Given by Various Institutions: Plaque 
11- The selection committee consists of sculptor Eşref Baş (Turkey), writer Tufan Bilgili (Turkey) and cartoonists Adnan Taç (Turkey), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey), Cemal Odabaşı (Turkey), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Fan Lintao (China), Leila Alaiy (Iran), Lütfü Çakın (Turkey), Marian Avramescu (Romania) and Musa Keklik (Turkey). 
12- Whether or not the cartoons participating in the competition win an award, they can be used by the institutions organizing the competition in non-commercial publications such as Exhibitions, Posters, Books, Albums, e-Albums, Calendars, Brochures, etc. They can be published on the internet. Apart from this, all rights of the works belong to the artists. 
13- The results of the competition will be announced on June 1st. 
14- Cartoonists participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted the above conditions. 
15- The competition is organized by Sinop Municipality and Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association. 


33. International Festival of Satire and Humor "City of Trento" 2025, Italy



Invisible is not only what we do not see, but often what we do not want to look at. Who are they, where are they and how many are the invisibles in the world? 
From children to the elderly, the invisibles are distributed in all age groups. According to UNICEF: “About 150 million children in the world remain without a legal identity, deprived of fundamental rights and vulnerable to serious forms of discrimination and abuse.” These children work in the most degrading conditions, beg exploited by gangmasters, are abandoned on the streets. 
The invisibles are among us and not only in the most exploited and degraded regions of the world, but also in our glittering cities and sometimes not only we do not see them, but their presence bothers us so much that some municipal administrations take measures to clean up the “good living rooms” of the cities by removing the homeless and the marginalized. 
Why are there the invisibles? The most common causes that lead to the invisible universe are being left without a job or home or without relationships like many elderly people, subjected to drug addiction, health problems, migration without welcome. No one knows exactly how many there are, but if we look at the reports of humanitarian organizations we find ever-increasing data. 
But the invisibles are not only those who bring us to human compassion, there are invisible people who are themselves the cause of the unfortunate: invisible are tax evaders, exploiters hidden behind corporate matryoshkas, white-collar mafiosi, secret societies that do not only exist in movies. 
We do not know if our Festival will make any difference, but we are certain that artists from all over the world, with their sensitivity, will be able to make visible some of these injustices, not only those that we cannot see, but also those ones that we are ashamed to look at. 

Art. 1 
Studio d’Arte Andromeda announces the XXXIII International Festival of Satire and Humor “City of Trento“. 
The contest will identify three winning artworks for the satire/humor category (A) and one in the comics category (B)
For each category there will be a cash prize. 
The jury will also select approximately 150 artworks that will form an exhibition that will be inaugurated in the course of 2025. 
Art. 2 
The participation to the contest is free and opened to italian and international artists from the age of 16. 

Art. 3 
Every artist must register by filling and sending, with the artworks, the form attached to the last page of this document. 
Each author can send a maximum of three artworks, with the possibility to join both categories, as long as it’s specified in the form. 
The artworks must be in A4 or A3 (vertical or horizontal) and be sent in JPG or TIFF format with resolution of 300 dpi. 
Art. 4 
Every artist joining the contest takes responsability for the originality of the artworks and declares to be their author, relieving the Organization from possible requests of reimbursement coming, at any scale, from thirds. 
Artworks that are made with AI are not admitted in the contest. 
The Jury has the chance to take back any prize in case the selected artwork proves to be made with AI or in the case it has been awarded in other competitions. 

Art. 5 
The artworks will be judged by a jury made of members of Studio d’Arte Andromeda and personalities of the world of satire, comics and illustration. 
The decisions of the jury are unquestionable. 
Art. 6 
The results of the jury selection will be announced to the participants via email. 

Art. 7 
From all the artworks received will be selected three winners for the satire/humor category and one for the comics category. 
For the satire/humor category there will be a First Prize of the amount of 1.000€, a Second Prize of 500€ and a Third Prize of 300€. 
For the comics category there will be a First Prize of the amount of 500€. 
The jury will also signal seven artworks for the satire/humor category and two for the comics category. 
The jury has the possibility of assigning special mentions to worthy artworks. 
The jury will also award the Alessandro Alfonsi Special Prize, of the amount of 300€, in honor of our friend and member who prematurely passed away. 

Art. 8 
For the final exhibition, the Organization will print at its own expenses every panel of the artworks selected from the jury. 
Art. 9 
The authors, joining the contest, give to the organization the non exclusive right for printing the artworks on any support to promote the Festival. 
The Organization commits to quote every artist’s name in each case. 
Art. 10 
The participation to the contest implies the approval of all the rules included in this document. 


1 June 2025 

The contest is opened to italian and international artists from the age of 16. Each artist can send maximum three artworks, not awarded or selected in other contests. 

A) Satire/Humor - max 3 artworks 
B) Comics - max 3 artworks (each artwork con be made of one or two pages) 

The artworks must be sent in A4/A3 format and be sent at 
Minimun resolution of 300 dpi, in JPG o TIFF. 

Images sent by email must not be over 5MB, for bigger files use www.wetransfer.com 

First Prize 1.000€ 
Second Prize 500€ 
Third Prize 300€ 

First Prize 500€ 


The award cerimony and exhibition will be held in the course of 2025. 



The 14th International Cartoon Contest, Kyrenia 2025, Cyprus




In line with the decision we made last year, WE ONLY ACCEPT cartoons sent to this contest WITH BLACK LINES ON A WHITE BACKGROUND. WE DO NOT ACCEPT GRAY SHADES EITHER!!! 

1 – This contest is open to amateur or professional World cartoonists over the age of 18 or anyone who can draw cartoons – regardless of religion, language or race. 
2 – THEMES: 
A) Olive Subject 
Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth. 
B) Free Subject 
Any topic can be drawn. 
3 – The works to be sent to the contest must be in cartoon style. Works in the form of paintings or illustrations will not be accepted. Cartoons must be without text. No brand, item or product name should be written on the cartoons. Only logos or symbols should be used. 
4 – Cartoons sent to the contest must be absolutely BLACK & WHITE and original. Grayscales are not accepted. Size A4 or A3. Each participant must write their name, surname, address, telephone, e-mail information on the back of the cartoon. A photo and a short CV must be sent. 
5 – The works to be sent to the contest may have been published before but should not have won an award. 
6 – After the evaluation of the International Selection Committee Members, the finalist works will be published on the official website of the contest. In addition, the finalist works will be brought to the attention and objection of cartoonists, cartoonist organizations, and international organizations established against similar, imitated and stolen cartoons. If it is documented that any work is similar, imitated or stolen or has previously won an award in another contest (with the date of publication), that work will be cancelled and the next highest scoring work will be taken into consideration. 
7 – It is possible to participate in the contest with any number of works (in Olive or Free subjects), however, a participant will not be given more than one award in each section. 
8 – CARTOONS PRODUCED WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARE NOT ACCEPTED!!! Cartoons produced with Artificial Intelligence will be disqualified from the contest. Even if a cartoon that is later understood to be a product of Artificial Intelligence wins an award, its award will be deemed invalid. 
9 – The works must be sent to the specified address by normal or insured mail by 15 MAY 2025 at the latest. HAND DELIVERY IS NOT ACCEPTED. 
10 – The cartoons sent – whether they receive an award or not – will not be returned; they will remain in the archives of the “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum” to be established by the Cyprus Turkish Cartoonists Association. 
11 – In addition to the works that win awards in the contest, the works deemed appropriate by the Organizing Committee will be published in an album and exhibited within the scope of the 24th International Olive Festival 2025. 
12 – The results of the contest will be communicated to all participants and the press and media. 
13 – All cartoons sent to the contest can be printed and reproduced by the Kyrenia Municipality or the Cyprus Turkish Cartoonists Association using exhibition, card, poster, album, newspaper, magazine, calendar, book, CD and similar techniques. They can also be used on television, video, web pages and social media for promotional purposes. 
14 – By sending works to this contest, participants are deemed to have accepted the terms of the contest. If the works sent are used in the places specified in these specifications, participants accept that they will not seek financial compensation or copyrights today or in the future. 
First Prize 800 Euros + Golden Olive Statue 
Incoming and outgoing flight ticket for one (1) person to attend the award ceremony and cultural events to be held within the scope of the International Olive Festival. Accommodation for one (1) person. 
Second Prize 500 Euros + Silver Olive Statue 
Incoming and outgoing flight ticket for one (1) person to attend the award ceremony and cultural events to be held within the scope of the International Olive Festival. Accommodation for one (1) person. 
Third Prize 300 Euros + Bronze Olive Statue 
Incoming and outgoing flight ticket for one (1) person to attend the award ceremony and cultural events to be held within the scope of the International Olive Festival. Accommodation for one (1) person. 
Special Prizes for 10 to 20 Cartoonists. 
First Prize 800 Euros + Golden Olive Statue 
Incoming and outgoing flight ticket for one (1) person to attend the award ceremony and cultural events to be held within the scope of the International Olive Festival. Accommodation for one (1) person. 
Second Prize 500 Euros + Silver Olive Statue 
Incoming and outgoing flight ticket for one (1) person to attend the award ceremony and cultural events to be held within the scope of the International Olive Festival. Accommodation for one (1) person. 
Third Prize 300 Euros + Bronze Olive Statue 
Incoming and outgoing flight ticket for one (1) person to attend the award ceremony and cultural events to be held within the scope of the International Olive Festival. Accommodation for one (1) person. 
Special Prizes for 10 to 20 Cartoonists. 
15 – If the invitation to the award ceremony is not responded to within 10 days, the award-winning artist will not be able to benefit from the transportation and accommodation facilities guaranteed in these specifications. 
MAY 15, 2025 
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği 
14. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması 
Posta Kutusu: 455 (Post Code: 99000) 
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Turkey) 


25th World Press Freedom Canada International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2025

The theme of the 25th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is: 
It’s a Trump World 
At Trump’s first inauguration, it was easy to dismiss « alternative facts » about the size of those in attendance. Now with American big tech bosses bowing at his feet, « alternative facts » may become the only ones we know as Facebook eliminates fact-checking in the name of free expression and Twitter reinstates Trump’s account, making it increasingly difficult to discern the truth. 
Media outlets refuse to endorse opposition candidates by invoking political neutrality and live under the threat of expensive lawsuits. 
There may have been adults in the room during Trump's first mandate but his current circle appears to be catering to his every whim. 
Competition rules 
Three prizes will be awarded: 
• First prize: $1500 plus a Certificate from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO 
• Second prize: $1000 
• Third prize: $500 
All sums are in Canadian dollars. 
Ten additional cartoons will receive an Award of Excellence, which are not remunerated. 
Only one cartoon may be submitted by each participant, either in colour or black and white. It must not have won an award previously. 
World Press Freedom Canada reserves the right to use the winning cartoons for promotion of the Cartoon Competition. 
The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced on Thursday May 1, 2025, two days before World Press Freedom Day. 
The names of the winners and their cartoons will be posted on our website. 
The deadline for reception of the cartoon is midnight (Eastern Daylight Saving Time), Friday, March 29, 2025
Please submit your cartoon to: 
Source: bado-badosblog .


The 2nd LEA International Exhibition of Graphic Humor 2025, Greece

XVII LEA Festival
Call for entries – Competition
II International Exhibition of Graphic Humor LEA 

The XVII LEA Festival is pleased to invite you to the 2nd LEA International Exhibition of Graphic Humor, to be held in Athens from June 10th to July 17th, 2025 at the premises of the Cervantes Institute of Athens. 
A. Participation 
The competition is open to all cartoonists worldwide, over 18 years of age, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and education. 
B. Graphic Humor Theme: “The book as a reflection between cultures” 
C. Works and Shipping 
Send by e-mail to the following address: humorgrafico@lea-festival.com 
Each participant can send a maximum of 1 work in digital format to the e-mail address humorgrafico@lea-festival.com. Size (A4 21×29,5 cm, up to 300 dpi, JPEG, maximum length per work is 3 MB; works larger than 3 MB will not be opened). In the name of the file, the author’s name and nationality must be included. The following information must be included in the mail: name, address, e-mail and a brief CV of 100 words (.doc format, NOT PDF). Condensed zip, rar, etc. files WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 
Graphic humor works that are not named as requested will be automatically discarded. 
Graphic humor works must not have been previously awarded. Only drawings will be accepted, not combined with photographs. Submissions that have passed the pre-selection will be published immediately on our event’s networks. 
D. Deadline 
The deadline for registration is March 3rd, 2025 (EXTENDED:) 20 MARCH 2025
E. Prizes and Awards 
First prize: Trip to Mexico to the Guadalajara Book Fair 2024 within the framework of the Encuentro Internacional de Caricatura e Historieta EICH and CUAAD : Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Guadalajara- Jalisco- Mexico (all expenses paid). 
Second prize: 500 euros donated by the Instituto Quevedo de las Artes del Humor of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá, Spain. 
Third prize: Diploma. 
F. Exhibition 
The exhibition will be held in Athens, Greece, at the Cervantes Institute of Athens from June 10th to July 17th, 2025. 
G. Catalog 
All participants will be able to download the catalog in PDF format from our website. 
H. Other Conditions 
The organizers reserve the right to use the works for various purposes without obligation of compensation. The works will be included in the archive portal and permanent exhibition. 
The exhibition will have an itinerant character and will be taken to various places in the country, the Ibero-American and other countries. 
By submitting works, the authors accept these rules. 
• Participation in this contest is voluntary and free of charge. 
• All participants must be of legal age. 
• Works that do not comply with the conditions specified in these rules or that are offensive, offensive, discriminatory, or promote racial, ethnic or religious hatred will not be admitted to the contest. 
• Each author shall send only one A4-sized work. 
• By participating in the contest, each author accepts the free transfer of the submitted works to the organizer and confirms that he/she is the author of the submitted works and that his/her submission to the contest does not infringe the rights of third parties. 
• The submission of the work authorizes the LEA contest to use the images in exhibitions, publications, social networks and platforms or formats where the promotion of the event is required. 
• The specified deadline for submitting the work may be modified in favor of the participants and extended without the need to modify these rules. 
• The organizer will notify the participants of the change of deadline. 
• When judging the works, the jury will take into account, in particular, the artistic value of the drawing, its accuracy in the interpretation of the theme and its humorous aspect. If the organizer, co-organizer or members of the jury, after or before the awarding of the prizes indicated in the regulations, receive information that the work submitted to the competition constitutes plagiarism or violates the law or the provisions of these regulations, the organizer has the right to: 
– Suspend the prize or the awarding of the prize until such doubts are clarified. 
– Take the decision not to award a prize in the contest. 
• The winner of the second prize must be the same titular of the bank account in which the prize will be deposited. 
By participating in the competition, the entrant declares that he/she holds all copyrights to the submitted work and that the work does not infringe any personal rights, copyrights or other rights of third parties. In case of claims related to the submitted work, the participant releases the organizer from any obligation arising in this respect, agrees to join the organizer in disputes related thereto and will cover the costs incurred by the organizer in connection with third party claims related to the contest work. 
The organizer reserves the right to modify these regulations: 
• In case of modification of the relevant legal provisions, 
• In emergency situations that could not be foreseen in advance, 
• In each case for the benefit of the participants. 
The organizer is not responsible for the provision of incorrect or false data by the participants, which may prevent the prize from being sent. 
The LEA Festival is organized by the non-profit company LEA Festival Intercultural Development and the Cervantes Institute of Athens
The organization of the LEA Graphic Humor Exhibition is in charge of the non-profit company LEA Festival Intercultural Development in collaboration with Encuentro Internacional de Caricatura e Historieta EICH and CUAAD: Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño de la Universidad de Guadalajara-Jalisco-México and the Instituto Quevedo de las artes del Humor IQH of the Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares-España UAH. The main venue for the exhibition is Cervantes Institute of Athens and the curator of the exhibition is the Colombian-Spanish cartoonist Adriana Mosquera (nani)
The LEA Festival, since its foundation, counts with the collaboration of the Embassies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela and the Honorary Consulate of Colombia in Athens. 
The LEA Festival is the only major cultural event in Greece with a Hellenic-Latin American literary content. It is also one of the most outstanding literary events in the city of Athens since 2008, and has also been held since 2012 on the island of Lefkada; finally, since 2022 it has also taken place in Halkida, Nafplio, Thessaloniki and Crete. 
Sources: iqh & lea-festival


Satirical Drawing Competition DINOSAURS. Still alive? 2025, Poland

The Geological Museum of the Polish Geological
Institute - National Research Institute in Warsaw
together with the Association of Polish Caricature
invite you to participate in
the International Satirical Drawing Competition
DINOSAURS. Still alive?

DINOSAURS. Still alive?

A. Organiser, duration and territory of the Competition 
1. The organiser of the competition (hereinafter: "Organiser") under the name: "Dinosaurs. Still alive?; Dinozaury. Wciąż żywe?” (hereinafter: "Competition") and the post-competition exhibition (hereinafter: "Exhibition") is the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, within which the organisational unit designated for the implementation of the Competition is the Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute in Warsaw (hereinafter: "PGI-NRI Geological Museum") in cooperation with the Association of Polish Caricature Artists (hereinafter: "SPAK") consisting of substantive support to the Organiser from SPAK. 
2. The competition begins on 30 January 2025 and will run until 25 June 2025 in two stages: 
Stage 1: 30 January 2025 - 10 March 2025
Stage 2: 11 March 2025 - 31 April 2025. 
Final of the Competition and opening of the Post-Competition Exhibition: 25 June 2025. 
3. The territory of the Competition is the area of the Republic of Poland. 
B. Conditions of participation and rules of the Competition 
1. The Competition is an open international competition. Participants in the Competition (hereinafter: "Participants" or singularly "Participant") may only be persons with citizenship of the following countries: 
a. which are members of the European Union(Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden); 
b. having the status of a candidate for accession to the European Union(Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Georgia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine); 
c. former members of the European Union (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland); 
d. which are members of the European Free Trade Association EFTA(Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland). 
2. Only persons with legal capacity within the meaning of the law in force in the Republic of Poland who are of full legal age on the day of announcement of the results of Stage 2 of the Competition at the latest may participate in the Competition. 
 3. The Competition is not open to members of the Jury, the Organiser's employees, the Organiser's representatives, persons collaborating with the Organiser on the basis of civil law contracts, persons closest to the above mentioned persons, i.e. a spouse, ascendant, descendant, sibling, relative by affinity in the same line or degree, a person in an adoptive relationship and their spouse, as well as a person in cohabitation, and other persons involved in preparing and conducting the Competition. 1 Persons who behave in a way that is detrimental to good manners will not be admitted or will be eliminated from the Competition. 
4. The subject of the Competition are drawings, graphics, single-panel comics and comic strips. The artworks submitted must be original works that have not been previously published, submitted or awarded in other competitions and meet the conditions set out in these Rules (hereinafter: (“Rules”) 
Works submitted to the Competition must be the original work of the participating authors. The works may not be encumbered with third-party rights. 
Works submitted to the Competition cannot be plagiarism, be a copy or extract of any other work, or be made using artificial intelligence tools. 
5. Competition categories: 
Category I. Dinosaurs - still alive? (fantasy - dinosaurs coexisting with humanity) - nature of the work: humour
Category II. Dinosaurs in geological history. (exclusively in relation to the geological past, not including anthropogenic elements; dinosaurs in the Mesozoic era) - nature of the work: caricature, joke
6. Works submitted to the Competition cannot violate good manners or the rights and personal interests of third parties, and in particular they cannot contain obscenities, discriminate or promote discrimination based on worldview, religion, gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin or be contrary to the law in force in Poland. 
The Organiser reserves the right not to consider entries that it deems to be in breach of the above criteria. 
7. A Participant may submit a maximum of 2 works in each category of the Competition (a total of 4 artworks submitted to the Competition). 
8. Technical specifications: 
Original works - The competition entry can be made using any technique. The work should be produced in a size not exceeding A-3 (420 x 297 mm), either vertically or horizontally. Only twodimensional works will be accepted. 
Works without texts are preferred. If the work contains textual elements in a language other than English, the author is required to accompany the work with an English translation of the text. If this condition is not met, the Organiser will translate the text into English itself, without the Participant being able to challenge the content of such translation. 
9. Competition stages: 
Stage 1 - Receipt and initial verification of submitted works: 
 The work produced should be scanned, saved in JPEG extension, at 300 dpi. The size of one file must not exceed 5 MB. The file should be signed according to the template: 
Category number_author's name_work number_work title in English 
E.g. II_Kowalski_2_T-rex_on_a_skooter.jpg 
 The application form on the website: dinosaurs.com.pl constituting Appendix 1 to the Rules should be filled in and files of scans of the works named according to the above formula should be attached. The name of each file must match the details on the application form. After completing the application form and attaching the scans of the works, a checkbox should be ticked on reading the Competition Rules and accepting their terms and conditions and then sending the package to the Organiser via the website indicated in the above subsection (indent). Works sent to any email of the Organiser will not be considered. 
The entries can be delivered to the Organiser until 10.03.2025 at 12:00 Polish time. 
The moment when the works are delivered to the Organiser shall be the moment when they have been entered into the electronic means of communication in such a way that the Organiser is able to acquaint itself with their contents. 
Stage 2 - Selection of the works qualified for the Competition and the Exhibition 
The Jury will assess the submitted works in terms of their originality, aesthetic value and conformity with the theme of the Competition. 
The index of the works qualified for the 2nd stage of the Competition will be published on the website: dinosaurs.com.pl by 24.03.2025. The authors of the qualified works will be obliged to send their originals by post or courier until 31.04.2025 to the address: 
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny 
 – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy 
Muzeum Geologiczne PIG-PIB 
ul. Rakowiecka 4 
00-975 Warszawa Polska | Poland 
with reference: "Dinosaurs
The date of delivery of the works to the Organiser will be decisive for timely delivery. 
The Jury will select the winners of the Competition from among the works qualified for the second stage of the Competition. 
10. The winners of the Competition and the authors of the works designated by the Organiser will be individually asked to send an e-mail to: dinosaurs@pgi.gov.pl a short biographical note in English and their photo or drawing showing the author's face. 
C. Jury and Awards 
1. The Competition Jury is appointed by the Organiser and is made up of artists recommended by SPAK and employees of the PGI - NRI Geological Museum and persons invited by the Organiser, in particular those recommended by the artistic community or the Organiser's supervisory body. 
2. The jury's verdicts and decisions are irrevocable and non-appealable. 
3. The results of the Competition will be published on 7.04.2025 on the website: dinosaurs.com.pl. The Organiser will notify the winners of the statutory prizes won in the Competition by e-mail no later than 14 days from the date of publication of the results of the Competition referred to in the preceding sentence, and will arrange with them how to collect the statutory prizes. 
4. The Competition Jury will award the following cash statutory prizes (7 prizes): 
Grand Prix - cash prize of PLN 12 000 gross 
I Category Dinosaurs - still alive? Dinozaury - wciąż żywe? 
- First place and a cash prize of PLN 9 000 gross 
- Second place and a cash prize of PLN 6 000 gross 
- Third place and a cash prize of PLN 4 000 gross 
II Category Dinosaurs in geological history. Dinozaury w historii geologicznej. 
- First place and a cash prize of PLN 9 000 gross 
- Second place and a cash prize of PLN 6 000 gross 
- Third place and a cash prize of PLN 4 000 gross 
5. One Participant in the Competition may receive a maximum of one cash statutory prize. 
6. The winners of the cash statutory prizes (7 people) will receive an invitation to a stay in Warsaw associated with the award ceremony. The ceremony will take place at the PGI-NRI Geological Museum in Warsaw on 25.06.2025
 The Organiser shall grant the winners of the cash statutory prizes referred to in paragraph 4 the right to:  accommodation with breakfast in a hotel indicated by the Organiser for a period of 3 nights (24-27.06.2025); 
 payment of travel expenses (from the countries listed in Part B) to Warsaw and back, by the Organiser's proposed means of transport and its category, up to a maximum of PLN 4,400 per person; 
with a total maximum value of PLN 5,615 combined with a prize of 11,(1)% of the amount referred to above for the payment of personal income tax. 
Cash prizes shall be paid in accordance with applicable legislation. 
The gross values of the cash prizes include personal income tax. 
The Organiser undertakes to calculate and collect the tax from the taxpayer and pay it to the tax authority in due time. 
By e-mail, the Organiser will ask the prize-winners to provide their personal data necessary to settle their tax obligations and organise their arrival and stay in Warsaw. 
7. The Competition Organiser allows the awarding of distinctions and additional non-statutory prizes by the Partners and Sponsors of the Competition. The Organiser is not responsible for any nonstatutory prizes funded, promised or otherwise established. The terms and conditions of cooperation with Partners and Sponsors are established with each individual entity in the form of a separate agreement. 
8. The works awarded with statutory prizes and the works awarded with distinctions by the Organiser will be presented at the final ceremony and at the post-competition exhibition, and may also be published in a catalogue. 
9. Winnings from the Competition are taxable in accordance with applicable law. The condition for the payment of the cash prize and the exercise of the rights referred to in paragraph 6 is the provision to the Competition Organiser, by 30.05.2025, of the personal data necessary for the 4 settlement of tax liabilities, including the bank account to which the cash statutory prize will be transferred. 
10. In the event that any of the Competition winners fails to collect their Competition prizes in the manner provided for in these Rules, they shall lose their right to them. 
11. There shall be no cash equivalent for the Competition prizes set out in paragraph 6. 
12. The entitlement to the Competition prizes provided for in these Rules is non-transferable. 
D. Final provisions 
1. The Competition is not a game of chance within the meaning of the Act of 19 November 2009 on games of chance (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 888, as amended). 
2. By participating in the Competition in accordance with the provisions of these Rules, the Participant confirms that they agree to the Competition rules contained in these Rules and to the dissemination of the author's name, country of origin and image in the catalogue of the postcompetition exhibition and the index presented on the Competition website. 
3. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Competition in part or in full at any time without giving any reason. In such an event, Participants shall not be entitled to any claims, including claims for damages, on this account, but they shall retain the right to the prizes won in the Competition until the date of cancellation of the Competition. In matters not regulated in the Rules, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply. 
4. In the event of force majeure affecting the conduct of the Competition in part or in full during the Competition period, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Competition in part or in full. In such an event, Participants shall not be entitled to any claims, including claims for damages, on this account, but they shall retain the right to the prizes won in the Competition until the date of cancellation of the Competition. 
5. The works awarded and honoured in the Competition become the property of the Organiser. Other works can only be sent back at the expense of their authors. The Organiser reserves the right to transfer the originals of the works presented at the post-competition exhibition to the Organiser's archives or to put the works up for charity auction. 
6. Participants declare that they hold unlimited proprietary and personal copyrights to works being the subject of this Competition, as well as the right to exercise derivative rights to these works within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, and hereby transfer the aforementioned rights to the Organiser and allow the Organiser to exercise them under the terms and conditions specified in Appendix 2 to the Rules entitled "Scope of transferred rights". 
7. Pursuant to Article 81(1) of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (i.e: Journal of Laws 2025, item 24) the Participant permits multiple, free of charge, non-exclusive, unlimited in quantity, time and territory dissemination and use by the Organiser and by persons or entities acting on behalf of the Organiser of the image of the Participant together with the name, surname and other personal data made available to the Organiser, in whole or in fragments, presented in the photograph(s) or film(s) recorded in any techniques or on any media by the photographer(s) or cameraman(men) acting on behalf of the Organiser during the Competition. In particular, the Competition Participant agrees that they may be photographed and filmed during the award ceremony and events directly related to the Competition and that the photographic and film materials with their likeness may be published on websites, social media operated by the Organiser, in brochures and other materials issued by the Competition Organiser. 
8. These Rules are available on the Organiser's website: dinosaurs.com.pl . The Competition application form, available on the same website of the Organiser, being Appendix 1 to the Rules, and Appendix 2 to the Rules, entitled "Scope of transferred rights", constitute an integral part of these Rules.


28th International cartoon humour and satire competition, Bombura Sword 2025, Slovakia

The Town of Brezno
XXVIIIth International cartoon
humour and satire
(Bombura Sword)
Competition works can be made in black and white or colour or any technique, paper size A4. 
One author can submit up to 5 competition works.
The topic for this year is: UNIVERSE 
Please label each work on its back side with the following: the name of the competition work, author's data: name and surname, age, occupation, phone number and e-mail address.
Competition is devided into two categories according to the age. First: up to 15 years of age, second: over 15 years of age.
The deadline to post all competition works is 24 April 2025 (based on the post stamp date).
The jury nominated by the organizers, will award prizes for the best works in each category as followed:
Up to 15 years of age:
1st place: material prize, 2nd place: material prize, 3rd place: material prize.
Over 15 years of age:
1st place: financial reward 500 € 
2nd place: financial reward 300 € 
3rd place: financial reward 100 € 
If the winner is not able to attend prize-giving event, all deposit fees will be withdrawn from the winnings.
The jury has the right not to award any of the prizes or to propose only Honorable mention. 
The best works will be exhibited at a seperate exhibition as a part of the event “Days of Brezno 2025”. 
The exhibition opening and award ceremony with authors will be held on May 29, 2025 in the Synagogue, Štúrova 11, Brezno.
The competition works are not being returned and organisers reserve the right to publish and promote them.
Competition works should be sent to:
Veronika Cerovská
Technické služby mesta Brezna
Rázusova 16 
97701 Brezno 
Please label the envelope as follows: “O Bomburovu šabľu
Veronika Cerovská
E-mail: veronika.cerovska@tsbrezno.sk 
Source: elaphlohovec


The 18th International Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2025, Luxembourg

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden,
in cooperation with
“Les Amis du Château de Vianden”
and “Naturpark OUR”,
is pleased to announce the
18th International Caricature and Cartoon Contest of Vianden

1. Theme: News (media, social media, fake news, etc)
2. Deadline: 6 April 2025
3. Prizes:
1st prize:1500 €
2nd prize: 1000 €
3rd prize: 500 €
3 honorable mentions.
4. Entries: Each participant can submit
up to 4 artworks in digital format
by submitting them via internet to the address:
The author must include the following details in their e-mail:
first name, surname, complete address, e-mail address,
phone number and the number of each artwork.
The specifications for these electronic artworks are as follows:
JPEG format, high resolution (300 DPI),
maximum 1.5 MB per image.
Out of these artworks, 80-120 artworks will be selected.
Only selected award-winning artists will be asked to mail the original.
All these artworks will be shown as prints
at the exhibition and in the catalogue.
Original artwork must be
between A4 (210 × 297 mm) and A3 (297 × 420 mm)
in size.
5. Medium: Open to any technique (black and white or colour).
No subtitles or text allowed.
6. Prizes and Exhibition:
Prizes and honourable mentions will be announced
on 26 April 2025, in the Castle of Vianden.
The exhibition will take place
in the Hall Jemmy Koltz of the Castle of Vianden
from 26 April until 25 May 2025.
Selected artworks may also be exhibited
at the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden
and in other locations in Luxembourg
or internationally.
7. Catalogue: The authors whose artwork are selected
for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue
by mail or in pdf format.
8. Results: The results will be published on the website
on 27th April 2025.
The winners selected by the jury
will be personally informed
via e-mail or by phone.
The jury’s decisions are final and binding.
9. Copyright: By participating, artists grant
the organizer the right to use selected artworks
for promotional materials, catalogues and exhibitions.
Award-winning artworks become the organizer’s property
and may not be entered in other contests
or published elsewhere
after results are announced.
10. Further information: cartoon@caricature.eu
11. Address for sending the originals of the awarded artworks:
Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden
48 Grand-rue, L-9410 Vianden Luxembourg


The 29th international competition Fax for Peace 2025, Italy

From 8.00 a.m. on Saturday, February 1st, 2025 until 24.00 p.m. on Saturday, May 31st, 2025
• Enrico Sarcinelli: Mayor of Spilimbergo 
• Costantino Ughi: Former student representative 
• Angelo Bertani: Art critic 
• Donato Guerra: President of the cultural association Il Circolo 
• Lucia D’Andrea: Headmistress of the Technical and Professional Schools of Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento 
• Antonella Sbuelz: writer (Udine) 
• Marco Tabilio: cartoonist (Riva del Garda). 
It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world. They are required to submit one or more works developing the themes of peace, tolerance, fight against any form of racism and of defense of human rights
Each competitor may take part in two ways: 
1) JPG format max 1,5 Mb one or more pictures or works of visual art. 
2) Send short films and cartoons of maximum 5 minute length that could also be forwarded in compressed format. The videos can be shot/made in the most common formats (AVI, MPEG, Real Video, QuickTime, Video for Windows ecc.). 
or by post to: 
Istituto d’istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento 
via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pn) Italia 
On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/class (if students), telephone and e-mail address, city, country. Single students will also have to specify their school address, their age and the class attended. Competitors implicitly authorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and in different media for no-profit activities. The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works. Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors. A catalogue will be printed, reproducing a wide selection of the works received after/following up, which later will be sent to competitors free of charge, previous formal request. 
The jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school world will select 6 works among those received within the expiry date, according to their development of proposed themes and their effectiveness. 
The following six prizes, will be awarded according to categories: 
- BEST WORK - Kindergarten and Primary Schools: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Lower Secondary Schools: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Secondary High Schools: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Video or cartoon: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK - Artists: € 300,00; 
- BEST WORK to satirical or humorous drawing on human and civil themes: € 300,00; 
SPECIAL PRIZE: “Social responsibility” 
- A 300,00 euro special prize, sponsored by Gruppo Bisaro, will be given to the author, the school or the institute who will submit the best work about the theme “Abbiamo in prestito il mondo” (we don’t own the world, we’re only borrowing it).The aim is to identify within the broader theme of peace, the link between environmental sustainability and the preservation of the international human rights, as interdependent issues. 
Istituto d’istruzione superiore di Spilimbergo Il Tagliamento 
via degli Alpini, 1 - 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia 
tel. + 39 (0) 427 40392 - fax + 39 (0) 427 40898 
Source: isspilimbergo.edu.it.


The 9th Alanya International Cartoon Competition 2025, Turkey

The International Mediterranean Cartoon Competition, which was first held in 2001 and last held in 2008, will be reorganized for the 9th time in 2025 - after 17 years - under its new name of Alanya International Cartoon Competition, in cooperation with Alanya Municipality and Alanya Tourism Promotion Foundation (ALTAV). 
The Turkish Language Association has determined the concept of 2024 as “crowded loneliness”. While the world is preparing for a new order with artificial intelligence, it can be considered normal for the old people of the planet to struggle. Since we are now closer neighbors with our smart devices supported by artificial intelligence, we may feel lonely in crowds. Because technological developments that are accelerating day by day negatively affect our human relations the most. 
Although cultures are different, we know that neighborliness is highly valued in every society. In the old world where technology did not take over our lives to this extent, weren’t our neighbors the closest proof that we were not alone in crowds? 
Artificial intelligence-supported technologies are an inseparable part of our lives today and they don’t seem to have any intention of slowing down. As the old people of the new order, we continue to live in a world with artificial intelligence - with its pros and cons - and to get used to our new neighbors in this new world a little more every day. 
1. The competition is for all cartoonists from all over the world. 
2. Cartoons sent to the competition may have been published in any medium before, but musn’t have received an award from another competition before. 
3. Each competitor can submit a maximum of three cartoons. 
4. Cartoons that will send to the competition must be maximum size 30x40cm. 
5. Participation in the competition can be made either by mail or digitally through https://ulakbel.alanya.bel.tr/WebBasvuru/cartoon#/ , depending on the competitor's preference. 
6. The delivery address for cartoons sent by post is, “ALTAV - Tosmur Mah. İbrahim Bilgen Cad. No:8 PK:07400 Alanya/Antalya-Turkey”. 
7. Cartoons to be sent digitally via https://ulakbel.alanya.bel.tr/WebBasvuru/cartoon#/ must be in A4 size, 300dpi resolution and JPEG format. The competition jury is not responsible for files sent outside the specified specifications or files that are not opened. 
8. Those who will participate in the competition by mail must attach a short CV with a photo, including their name-surname, e-mail address and telephone number to the file they will send. 
9. Cartoons that are determined to be produced with artificial intelligence will be considered out of the competition. Even if a cartoon that is later understood to be a product of artificial intelligence wins, it will be considered invalid. 
10. Cartoons must be delivered to the relevant address or uploaded to https://ulakbel.alanya.bel.tr/WebBasvuru/cartoon#/ by one of the methods specified above, by April 01, 2025 at the latest. 
11. The competition jury will meet on April 07, 2025 and the competition results and details of the award ceremony will be announced on the www.altav.org.tr website on April 08, 2025. 
12. The top three cartoonists who win the competition will be presented with a roundtrip flight ticket and a one-week hotel stay in Alanya with their guests as a gift from ALTAV. 
13. The cartoons deemed worthy of being exhibited by the competition jury will be exhibited within the scope of the Alanya Culture-Art and Tourism Festival, which will be held between May 23-25, 2025, where the award ceremony will be held. 
14. If an album of the cartoons exhibited by ALTAV is published, a free copy of the album will also be sent to the addresses of the owners of the works. 
15. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned to the owners of the works. All cartoons sent to the competition, whether they win or not, may be used by ALTAV in cultural activities. The copyrights of the submitted works belong to the artist, and the owner of the works consents to the use of these works in products such as souvenirs sold for public benefit by ALTAV and Alanya Municipality. 
16. The participants in the competition are deemed to have accepted these terms from the outset. 
COMPETITION JURY (alphabetical order): 
Cihan Demirci (Cartoonist / Türkiye) 
Ferit Avcı (Cartoonist / Türkiye) 
Feyzi Açıkalın (Photographer / Türkiye) 
Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu (Cartoonist / Türkiye) 
Kamil Yavuz (Cartoonist / Türkiye) 
Meral Onat (Cartoonist / Türkiye) 
Musa Gümüş (Cartoonist / Türkiye) 
Nahid Maghsoudi (Cartoonist / Iran) 
Nimet Hacıkura (Alanya Municipality Culture and Social Affairs Director / Türkiye). 
First Prize : 70.000 TL + One round trip flight ticket + One week half board holiday for two in Alanya + Plaque + Certificate 
Second Prize : 50.000 TL + One round trip flight ticket + One week half board holiday for two in Alanya + Plaque + Certificate 
Third Prize : 30.000 TL + One round trip flight ticket + One week half board holiday for two in Alanya + Plaque + Certificate. 
Special Award in Memory of Deniz Som  : 15.000 TL + Plaque + Certificate 
 Special Award in Memory of Bedri Koraman : 15.000 TL + Plaque + Certificate  
Special Award in Memory of İbrahim Tapa : 15.000 TL + Plaque + Certificate.  
 Alanya Municipality Mention Award: Plaque + Certificate 
Alanya Tourism Promotion Foundation (ALTAV) Mention Award : Plaque + Certificate  
Alanya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ALTSO) Mention Award : Plaque + Certificate  
Alanya Touristic Business Owners Association (ALTİD) Mention Award : Plaque + Certificate. 