
The 8th Beavers Laugh Bobritsa Village Cartoon Competition 2024, Ukraine

2024 RULES
1 – PARTICIPATION: 1 September to 1 December 2024. 
The 8th "BEAVERS LAUGH" Bobritsa Village Cartoon Competition (the Ukraine) is open to all graphic artists, who can enter works that have not been awarded until the closing date of the entries, in the cartoon, caricature and comics modalities (the comic strip should have only one page). 
Each artist can enroll with the maximum of five (5) UNPUBLISHED works in the preferable format 30x40 cm (А4 minimum) and using any technique. On the back of each drawing, or in registration you must provide the author's full name, address (with ZIP code), email, phone number. 
The artists can participate by sending their work: 
(a) by email: beaverslaugh@yahoo.com (with maximum size of 10 megabytes of each artwork sent separately or 10 megabytes for all artworks 
(b) by post or courier mail: 
Bobritsa Cartoon Competition 
27 Naberezhaya Street, Bobritsa, 
Buchansky District, Kiev Region, 
08142, UKRAINE 
The main theme of the 8th Bobritsa Cartoon Competition is the COUNTDOWN
Although the name of the contest is BEAVERS LAUGH (in Ukrainian language the name of the village Bobritsa originates from "beaver"), this does NOT mean that the artworks should be only about beavers. First, they should be original, smart and funny, so, please, do not restrict yourself to beavers as heroes! 
Meantime, apart to the main theme of the contest we have our SPECIAL BEAVER AWARD for all «beavers» artworks as well! 
(a) First prize for the main theme: EURO 500 (five hundred). 
(b) Second prize for the main theme: EUR) 300 (three hundred). 
(c) Third prize for the main theme: EURO 200 (two hundred). 
(d) Appreciation awards (2): EURO 100 (one hundred) each. 
(e) Special BEAVER AWARD (awarded for artworks where BEAVERS are the heroes regardless of the main theme): EURO 300 (three hundred). 
Before the official announcement of the winners by the Jury, the organizers reserve the right to publish electronic copies of the preliminary selected artworks (from which the Jury will make its final selection) in the internet with the purpose to determine with the help of the public if any of submitted artwork repeats or copies previously published cartoons. 
By sending his / her artwork to the contest the author gives to the organizers his / her permission to display publicly the artwork during the award ceremony as well as to publish it electronically on the official sites / pages of the contest on the internet or in other electronic and print media in connection with the promotion of the contest, advertisement and news / reports publishing. If you are not agreeing with this, you should not send your artwork to us. 
The awarded artworks will be considered acquisitive and will become part the property of the organizers, and all winning artists assign their copyright and property rights worldwide to the organizers from the date when their artworks were submitted. 
The works will not be returned. 
May not participate in this competition officials of Bobritsa village community, the Jury, their relatives and anyone involved in the organization. 
The award cash amounts are payable only upon the receipt of the original artworks by the organizers of the Competition to the personal bank accounts (IBAN or another appropriate bank account number, full name of the bank, bank code (BIC / SWIFT), correspondent bank’s name and account (for non-EU banks)) of the winners provided in writing (email) along with copies of their passports / IDs (if required by our bank). 
The organizers have full discretion to decline any submission before the Jury's consideration and to revoke / cancel any prize awarded by the Jury in case of confirmed facts of plagiarism, repetition of the plot etc. 
By sending your artwork to the organizers you (participant) confirm his/her full agreement to all terms above. 
For any information, please, contact: beaverslaugh@yahoo.com or send a message via our Facebook page.


Caricature Contest, Sharawatch 2024, Serbia: Full batteries - Empty land

The organization "Sharawatch" announces a caricature contest with the following theme:
"Full batteries - Empty land"
We invite all professional and amateur caricaturists to submit their works, made under a mining lamp, light powered by lithium batteries, candle light, the Sun or in the shadow of Rio Tinto… by 1 November 2024.
Contest rules: 
1. Theme 
Key words: ...mine, lithium, scorched land, batteries, electric and "flying" cars, profit, displacement of people, "prosperity", colonization... 
When you are digging for lithium under fields and pastures, the next image is still life. The batteries you get as a result will only suffice for one emergency call. The surrounding land will be empty, devastated, and the answer will be – the user is not available or has cancelled …everything. 
2. Contestants 
The contest is open to all citizens of Serbia and beyond. Citizens of the World can participate, even aliens, people living close to mines, owners of electric cars, even those using rickshaws, cell phone owners and those using smoke signals. Owners of mines and miners, why not? 
3. Works 
- Maximum number of works per contestant - 3. 
- Works must be sent in JPG/PDF format (resolution 300dpi). Only original works will be accepted. All graphic techniques are allowed. Format A4. 
- Works should be supplemented with information: title of the work, name and address, e-mail address, cell phone number and short biography of the author. 
- Send works to: sharawatch19@gmail.com 
- Closing term: 1 November 2024
4. Copyright 
Three winning works will become property of the contest organizer. All participants agree the contest organizer may publish their works in brochures, catalogues, the calendar and the media. Award-winning works from other contests will not be selected. 
5. Awards 
First award: 300 EUR + a day’s stay in a mine. 
Second award: 200 EUR + three days’ stay in a mine. 
Third award: 100 EUR + five days’ stay in a mine. 
6. Jury 
Members of the jury: Caricaturist Goran Ćeličanin; Milenko Vasović, columnist of the daily Nova; Ljiljana Bralović, acvist; Snežana Jovanović, "Sharawatch"; Zoran Mihailović, caricaturist. 
The jury will not be assessing the works at the Hyatt or in a mine shaft but will certainly adhere to professional standards. 
The decisions of the jury are final and not open to appeal (neither is BlackRock). 
The authors of selected works will receive the catalog in PDF format. 
By subming their works, contestants accept the rules of the Contest. 
Nebojša Redžić, founder of "Sharawatch" and Contest organizer. 
P.S. For addional information, feel free to contact Nebojša Redžić, Belgrade, Serbia at bopas53@gmail.com or call: +381 63 8076 498. 
Source: Sharawatch.


International Festival of humor and satire, In Vinica Veritas 2024, North Macedonia

The House of Culture „Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica
and the Council of the International Festival of humor and satire
(In caricature)
Theme:  "Who started first?"
1. One author can take participation with 3 caricatures, but not more than 3.
2. The size of the cartoons should be A4 or A3, resolution 300 dpi.
3. The cartoons can be sent in their original version or via e-mail to: 
4. The House of Culture provides the following awards:
– First prize: 300 euro
– Second prize: 200 euro
– Third prize: 100 euro
5. The works should be sent at the address: 
House of Culture "Tosho Arsov" – Vinica, ul. "Bel Kamen" 13, North Macedonia, indicated for the competition "In Vinica Veritas".
–  The works should be sent by 1st October 2024.
6. The prizes will be awarded to the authors at the opening of the exhibition of caricature, which will be held in the second half of October..
7. The festival organizer keeps the rights to use the awarded works at any time.
8. The received caricatures will not be sent back to the participants of the competition.
9. After the announcement of the results, the awarded works from the competition need to be sent in original form because only in that way it will be paid to you.
Person for contact: Blagica Stojanovska, phone number: +389 (0)33 361-150 
e-mail: invinicaveritasfestival@gmail.com
Municipal facility
House of culture
„Tosho Arsov“ – Vinica, 
Republic of North Macedonia. 


International "Construction Accidents" Cartoon Competition 2024, Turkey

The Topic of the Cartoon Competition:
The construction industry is known as one of the most dangerous sectors in terms of working. One of the most important problems in the construction industry is work accidents that occur on the construction site, causing worker deaths and serious injuries. Besides these, economic losses, productivity and bad reputation are other important aspects of the job. The main purpose of this competition is to reveal the importance of occupational accidents in the construction industry with the help of cartoons and to raise awareness by encouraging sector employees to think.
Prof. Dr. Gökhan Arslan
İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi
Civil Engineering Department
You can reach all the information about competition by
1. Prize: 3.000 $
2. Prize: 2.000 $
3. Prize: 1.000 $
An honorary award will be also given in memory of our cartoon artist Atila Özer, who we lost in recent years.
Cartoons will be sent to the following address:


2024 Golden Olive Humor Service Awards announced

International Olive Humor Festival
Organizing Committee Members
Announced the Result...

(Kyrenia, 14 August 2024)

In line with the decision of the 23nd International Olive Festival International Olive Humor Festival Organizing Committee, the Golden Olive Humor Service Awards 2024, which are given to people who make significant contributions to the Cyprus Humor Culture or World Cartoon Art, have been determined.

In the evaluation meeting held by the members of the International Olive Humor Festival Organizing Committee consisting of Murat Şenkul (Honorary President), M. Serhan Gazioğlu, Musa Kayra, Aysun Çelik, Misli Kadıoğlu and Hüseyin Çakmak, the 2024 "Golden Olive Humor Service Awards" winners were determined as follows:

Arturo Kemchs
(For his Contributions to World Cartoon Art and Mexican Cartoon Art);

Aziz Yavuzdoğan
(For his Contributions to Turkish Cypriot Cartoon Art);

Doğan Erçağ
(For his Plays in Humorous Theater and the Characters he Played);

Orkun Bozkurt
(For his Contributions to Humorous Story Art);

Peter Nieuwendijk
(For his Contributions to World Cartoon Art and Dutch Cartoon Art);

Şadiye Balıkçıoğlu
(For her Plays in Humorous Theater, Humorous TV - Radio Parody and the Characters she Played)

Zafer Tutkulu
(For his Contributions to Turkish Cypriot Cartoon Art).

The 2024 Golden Olive Humor Service Awards will be presented to their winners at the 23rd International Olive Festival to be held in Zeytinlik village in October.


The 7th International Cartoon Festival, Pristina 2024, Kosovo

KrAgi Cartoon and Art of Kosova in Prishtina Association
announces the cartoon contest at the 7th International Cartoon Festival
with the themes: 
● a) Caricature of Kosovo's Famous Artists, Politicians, and Musicians 
● b) Corruption 
The cartoon contest will start from 09 August 2024 - 20 September 2024.
You can find the application form at: https://tinyurl.com/yeb5kphh
Source: KrAgi.


Human is the Bridge: The 13th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival, Turkey

13. International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival
Eskisehir, TURKEY
Dear Cartoonist Friend, 
Eskişehir International Cartoon Festival is a cultural activity organization organized one in two years by Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association. The festival started in Istanbul and later continued in Eskişehir. This year, we are organizing the 13th edition of the festival. In previous years; Karma (1997), East - West (2000), Water and Life (2003), Global Warming (2005), Intercultural Tolerance (2007), Energy (2009), Philosophy (2012), Volunteering (2014), World Heritage (2016), Black - White 'Consensus' (2018), Differences and Similaraties (2020), Migration (2022). Many cartoonists from different countries participated in the festival with thousands of cartoons. 
The theme of our 13th International Cartoon Festival to be organised this year will be "Human is the bridge". We aim to address the engagement of people to each other, solidarity, unity and integrity of humanity with the power of expression of caricature. 
The metaphor of "human is the bridge", which is distilled through the ancient wisdom of humanity, offers us a unique perspective to understand our existence and our role in society. This analogy emphasises that, just as a bridge connects two sides, human being is a path that brings different areas and elements together, connects, integrates and, most importantly, transfers human values to the next generations. 
Bridges and humans share the mission of uniting the separated areas. Bridges create a path that connects lands by overcoming natural barriers such as rivers, cliffs, or seas. Similarly, humans become a generational bridge, transmitting knowledge, experience, and human values, thus forming a passage across the flowing river of time. 
Just as a bridge is built on solid foundations, a person goes through a process of constructing its own existence as well. This process begins with being born from parents and continues through growing up as part of a society, developing physically and mentally, and emerging with a resilient inner structure capable of facing life's challenges. This inner strength helps individuals contribute to society as valuable members and realize their potential. Just as the solid foundations of a bridge determine its carrying capacity, this inner structure, characterized by confidence, action motivation, values, and moral principles, provides stability, consistency, and reliability to our lives. 
The most fundamental task of human is not only to build his own existence, but also to build bridges that will contribute to making society a better place. This involves becoming a path that conveys one's own experiences. These bridges can be built through studies in education, art, science, philosophy and other fields, and through the spirit of solidarity and cooperation created in society. In order to see the presence of values such as generosity, justice, self-confidence, love, respect, etc. in future generations, the bridge must have a solid structure so that it can fulfil its duty of transferring these values. In this way, just as a solid and aesthetic bridge beautifies a city and makes it more livable, people can contribute to the development and progress of society and make it a better place. 
The metaphor “Human is the bridge" inspires us not only to understand our existence and our role in society, but also to develop ourselves, contribute to society and build a better world. This metaphor reminds us of our individual and social responsibility and encourages us to connect with each other, show solidarity and act together. It is important in the sense that each of us, as a carrier of this bridge, bears the responsibility to build a fairer, more peaceful and more livable world. 
As Aktiffelsefe, we have been trying to build the idea of "a better human and a better world" for 35 years. This year, we would like to reiterate this notion by examining the concept of "Human is the Bridge" for our 13th International Cartoon Festival. 
The artworks exhibited at this festival will later be presented in various cities across Turkey, including Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Eskişehir, Istanbul, Izmir, Izmit, and Mersin. These exhibitions will be organized through the branch offices and representatives of the Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association, as well as through collaborations with other organizations that the association works with internationally.This will allow art enthusiasts across the country to appreciate the works presented at the festival. 
1. The theme of the exhibiton is “Human is the Bridge”. Cartoons with different subjects can not participate in the festival nor the exhibition. Organizing Committee has all the rights. The Committee works under the leadership of the cartoonist Tan Oral. 
1. Technique is free. It can be black white or coloured. 
2. Size is A4 or A3. Cartoons with sizes other than these will be evaluated but not be exhibited. 
3. One or more than one cartoon can be sent. 
1. Via E-mail: contact@cartoonfest.org 
The works that will be sent via e-mail should be scanned with 300 dpi resolution and uploaded as JPEG format. (2 MB max.) Names of the works should be as follows: the artists country_name and surname of the artist_work no.jpeg (türkiye_alikorkmaz_1) 
1. The works will be archived in Aktiffelsefe International Cartoon Festival archives and will not be resent. (If resending is required, it should be declared.) 
• All the rights belong to Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association with the exception of being used with commercial purposes. Aktiffelsefe Cultural Associaiton can publish the works domestic and abroad, can exhibit them, can use them in the published media such as books, catalogs, magazines etc., can send to another association abroad for publishing or exhibiting without commercial purposes. The cartoonist has all the publishing and commercial rights. The cartoons exhibited will be collected in a festival catalog and the news in the press with this catalog will be announced on the website of Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association (www.aktiffelsefe.org) and on the website of the cartoon festival (www.cartoonfest.org). Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association is responsible for its own sharings. 
1. The deadline for the cartoons to arrive to the Organizing Committee of the Cartoon Festival is September 1st, 2024 (EXTENDED:) September 20th, 2024
Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association is a philosophical-cultural movement which was founded in 1989. It has no commercial, political and religious purposes and it is formed by volunteers. 
Aktiffelsefe contributes to the society with public interest activities, to the cultural world with cultural activities, to the nature with ecology activities and to the people in need in emergencies with GEA search and rescue activities. Aktiffelsefe does all these activities based on universal principles: 
• To integrate the people having different beliefs, societies and social status with the nature and the active-philosophical unity ideal. 
• To provide a wholistic view by investigating comparatively the arts, sciences, beliefs and philosophies. 
• To make it possible for the people to know themselves in order to develop their potentials and integrate them with nature. 

Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association Eskisehir Branch 
Public Relations Unit 
Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association 
Visnelik Mah. Gul Sok. No:18 26020 Odunpazari - Eskisehir / TURKEY 
Tel: +90 222 220 51 66 
Whatsapp: +90 553 167 26 93 
For your questions, you can send e-mail or phone between 09.00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
(Updated 29.08.2024 17:00)


Final Results: The 13th International Cartoon Contest, Kyrenia 2024, Cyprus



Murat Şenkul (Cyprus), M. Serhan Gazioğlu (Cyprus), Kemal Özyurt (Turkey), Elif Atamaz (Cyprus), Olena Tsuranova (Ukraine), Fahriye Çıtaklı (Turkey), Musa Kayra (Cyprus), Zafer Tutkulu (Cyprus), Sergii Riabokon (Ukraine), Hüseyin Çakmak (Cyprus)

Evaluation Date:
01 – 04 July 2024 Kyrenia Municipality Art Gallery (Kyrenia – Cyprus)

Grand Prize (Olive Section)
30.000 Turkish Lira + Golden Olive Statue
Saeed Sadeghi (Iran)

First Prize: 15.000 Turkish Lira + Golden Olive Statue
Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue
Mete Ağaoğlu (Turkey)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue
Slobodan Butir (Croatia)

First Prize: 15.000 Turkish Lira + Golden Olive Statue
Doru Axinte (Romania)
Second Prize: Silver Olive Statue
Firuz Kutal (Norway)
Third Prize: Bronze Olive Statue
Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukraine)

Mümin Bayram (Turkey)
Valerii Momot (Ukraine)
Oleg Gutsol (Ukraine)
Saeed Sadeghi (Iran)
Oleksiy Kustovsky (Ukraine)
Boris Erenburg (Israel)

Nikola Ojdanic (Serbia)
Slawomir Makal (Poland)
Pavel Talas (Czechia)
Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia)
Nikola Listes (Croatia)
Christakis Skoufaris (Cyprus)
Mark Winter (United Kingdom)
Muammer Kotbaş (Turkey)
Hassan Omidi (Iran)
Mustafa Kurmalı (Turkey)
İsmail Kar (Turkey)
Eray Özbek (Turkey)
Ayhan Alkan (United Kingdom)
Boboc Mihai Gabriel (Romania)
Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine)
Mustafa Yıldız (Turkey)
Bossens Philippe (Belgium)
Mümin Bayram (Turkey)

Buse Çelikdal (North Cyprus).


Prize-winning cartoons of FREE SECTION are on kozyurt.


Results the 3rd Diogenes of Sinop International Cartoon Competition 2024, Turkey

“No to Nuclear!” organized by Ayancık Municipality and Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association. The 3rd Diogenes of Sinope International Cartoon Competition has concluded. 
Ayancık Mayor Hayrettin Kaya (Turkey), sculpture artist Eşref Baş (Turkey), writer Tufan Bilgili (Turkey) and cartoon artists Adnan Taç (Turkey), Altan Özeskici (Turkey), Ares-Aristides Hernandez (Cuba), Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey). ), Erhan Yaşar Babalık (Turkey), Fan Lintao (China), Leila Alaiy (Iran), Mehmet Selçuk (Turkey) and Musa Keklik (Turkey) examined 620 works of 240 artists from 48 countries. 
Sinop, which takes its name from Sinope, who made Zeus fall in love with her, is under a nuclear threat these days. Diogenes from Sinope was also looking for support for Sinop "against the nuclear power plant", instead of walking around with a lantern in his hand during the day and "looking for a man"... We would like to thank all the artists who were not insensitive to Diogenes' search and stood against nuclear power with their works. With his valuable works, he explains nuclear as political, humanitarian, economic, ecological, vital, environmental, etc. Among the artists who examine the subject from different perspectives and reflect this with aesthetic values, those deemed worthy of the award are listed as follows…
Grand Prize: 10,000 TL/Plaque

4 Achievement Awards: 2,500 TL/Plaque

Grand Prize & Achievement Awards winning cartoons are blogged on kozyurt.

Special Awards: Plaque
Sinop Municipality Special Award: OLEKSIY KUSTOVSKY-UKRAINE
Ayancık Municipality Special Award: FERNANDO PICA-COLOMBIA
Sinop Writers, Poets and Artists Association Special Award: MEHMET ALİ GÜNEŞ-Türkiye
Eren Family Special Award: AGUS HARSANTA-INDONESIA
Payidar Wedding Hall Special Award: DAVOUD HOUSMAND TAGHI ABAD-IRAN
Tebeşir Cartoon Magazine Special Award: MEHMET ZEBER-Türkiye
Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu Cartoon Workshop Special Award: NILYA SADAT MIRREZAIE (Age 12)-IRAN