
Board and Juries in 'The International Cartoon Festival of Wall Street Downfall'

Board and Juries in 'The International Cartoon Festival of Wall Street Downfall', Iran:
Executive Secretary: Mohammad Azizi
Art Secretary: Maziyar Bijhani
Policy Board: Seyed Nezamoddin Moussavi, Mohammad Azizi, Mohammad Hossein Ziyarati, Maziyar Bijhani, Alireza Zakeri, Shahin Kalantari.
1- National Section: Maziyar Bijhani, Alireza Zakeri, Mohammad Hossein Niroumand, Javad Alizadeh.
2- International Section: Julian Pena-Pai (Romania), Musa Gumus (Turkey), Marcin Bondarowicz (Poland).
Source: http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=9007278612

Santa Claus : Similarity was the best policy in 2011 either !

2011 Musa Gumus, Turkey

2007 (page 115) Santos Lunarde, Brazil.
Hope 2012 won't be any SIMILAR !
(Santa Klaus, Turkey).


Willem Rasing : End of 2011

6th International Humor and Satire on Manners Prize Novello 2012, Italy

6th Edition of the International Humor and Satire on Manners
Prize Novello: un signore di buona famiglia
(Novello: A Wellborn Gentleman)

Each artist may submit max three entries linked to the topic
"Il censimento: come cambia la società / Population census: How Society Is Changing".
The participants should submit their works
(with the application form and a copy of author's valid identity papers)
no later than March 26, 2012.
Rules & Application Form

Engin Selçuk, Turkey


Vasiliy Alexandrov, Russia

Happy New Year!
Sincerely yours,
Vasiliy Alexandrov
Moderator of the International Cartoonist's Club CARTUNION

Oleksy Kustovsky, Ukraine

Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Oleksy Kustovsky