Competition rules:
1 st PRIZE OF 2500 PLN
2 nd x 2 PRIZE OF 1500 PLN
THE WORKS MUST ARRIVE BY 23 SEPTEMBER 2008!!! (Miroslaw Hajnos notes the deadline as September 30: http://hajnos.miroslaw.w.interia.pl/cc10.htm)
Sources: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=770
Results 3rd Humor Graphic Santomera 2008

At III CONTEST HUMOR GRAPHIC SANTOMERA 2008 have been submitted about 100 artists from almost all continents of the world, in total some 150 works have been received this year, some of them quite humorous and artistic level, which in essence is what was intended. In the end, after deliberation by the jury of comics graphics and personnel at the town hall related to the proposed thematic "Intercultural Tolerance", and after discarding many good pictures have been awarded the four who has been named below:

2 º. Ilya Katz - Katz. Israel.
Accésit. María José Mosquera - Sex. Spain.
Accésit. Elena Ospina - Elena. Colombia. (See below)

Thanks to all and to all for participating. After exposure -1 to April 30- will draw up a catalogue with at least one book for each participant, and that all receive if there were no problems in mid-June.

Click the post title to see all prize-winning cartoonists and their artworks: Results 3rd Humor Graphic Santomera 2008.
(Thanks to Google Language Tools)
Results 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest
The 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest “Take the funny way" concludes
The caricature contest titled “Take the funny way” aiming to collect creative works from all the amateur and professional caricaturists. The contest was open from February 4th till April 1st. This time Prestigio welcomed artists to express their own vision of modern traveling and navigation in hi-tech era. Life is a journey and adventurous trip with lots of paths and roads to go which are full of surprises and unexpected and funny moments. Each of us from time to time experiences such moments full of laughter and joy. Authors shared their own reminiscences and experiences connected with road and navigation in it.
Grand Prix: Igor Kondenko (Ukraine) (See above)
Gold Prize: Pol Leurs (Luxembourg) (See above)
Click the post title to see all prize-winning cartoons: Results 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest.
The caricature contest titled “Take the funny way” aiming to collect creative works from all the amateur and professional caricaturists. The contest was open from February 4th till April 1st. This time Prestigio welcomed artists to express their own vision of modern traveling and navigation in hi-tech era. Life is a journey and adventurous trip with lots of paths and roads to go which are full of surprises and unexpected and funny moments. Each of us from time to time experiences such moments full of laughter and joy. Authors shared their own reminiscences and experiences connected with road and navigation in it.
Silver Prize: Kelemen Istvan (Hungary)
Users' Choice: Olga K (Ukraine).
Users' Choice: Olga K (Ukraine).
Click the post title to see all prize-winning cartoons: Results 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest.
19th Carioca Humor Exhibition Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
The 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition RIO DE JANEIRO/BRAZIL
Rules and regulations
1 - The 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition will take place at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim –FUNARJ, from June 2nd through July 31st, 2008.
2 – Among other activities, there will be a contest of graphic Humor, divided into four categories: Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Caricature and Comic strips.
3 - Any person is allowed to take part of the contest, except the employees of the Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim –FUNARJ and the people involved in the organization of the event. Each participant is allowed to submit up to five works in each category.
4 – The submitted works must be in the standard size 30 x 40 cm or assembled on cardboard in this size. They may be about any theme and be done with any technique of illustration. If the work is done using computer techniques, the printed work will be accepted.
5 – The comic strips must be of five pages, maximum. The pages may be about a story or a compilation of comic strips. They may be on any theme, although its humorous content will be evaluated at the final evaluation.
6 - Awarded works or works that have been published will not be allowed. The drawings published without any kind of financial gain will be allowed to participate in the contest.
7 – The period for registrations ranges from April 14th through April 28th, 2008.
8 - The registrations can be done at http://www.funarj.rj.gov.br/ where the artist will fill in the form and get its number of participation.
9 – Each work must bear on its back the number of participation, its category, its title (in case it has one) name and pseudonym of the artist. For the comic strips, besides having the above information it is necessary the numbers of the sequence of the story.
10 – To participate in the contest, the works must be:
a) Handed in at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ from April 14th through April 28th, 2008, from Monday through Friday. From 1 P.M. to 7 P.M.
b) Sent by mail. Works mailed until April 28th, 2008 and received until April 30th, 2008 will be accepted. Address:
XIX Salão Carioca de Humor
Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ
Av. Vieira Souto 176 – Ipanema
22.420-000 Rio de Janeiro RJ. BRAZIL
11 – The works will be evaluated by a selection committee, which consists of organizing team of the 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition and by guests specialized in humor drawings.
12 – The selected works will be appreciated by jury that consists of five members.
13 – The first prize in each category will get a prize of R$ 6.000,00 (Six thousand reais). The second place R$ 4.000,00 (Four thousand reais). The 3rd prize R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais) (before taxes).
14 – The first three prizes in each category will get a trophy, especially done for this contest.
15 – The 10 best works in the categories Comical Cartoon, Cartoon and Caricature, according to the jury, and the five best works in the category Comic Strips will be exibited at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ and will be in the official catalogue of the event.
16 – The result will be announced from May 19th, 2008 on the site http://www.funarj.rj.gov.br/
17 – The works awarded with the 1st place in each category will become part of the collection of the Carioca Humor Exhibition. The returning of the other works will take place from August 18th through September 18th, 2008 at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim. The artists must go there to claim their works. If the artist prefers to do that by mail, the artist must mention it when registering and send stamps that correspond to the mail expenses.
18 – The organization is responsible for the works only until September 18th, 2008.
19 – If an itinerant exhibition occurs, the date to return the works may be postponed.
20 – If something happens and the organization of the event needs to change dates or cancel the event, the organization can do so without informing the participants and the works will be sent back according to item 17.
21 – Other matters not mentioned here will be solved by the direction of Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim and the organizers of the 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition. By submitting their works, the participants agree with all rules mentioned here.
Source: http://www.brazilcartoon.com/
Rules and regulations
1 - The 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition will take place at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim –FUNARJ, from June 2nd through July 31st, 2008.
2 – Among other activities, there will be a contest of graphic Humor, divided into four categories: Cartoon, Comical Cartoon, Caricature and Comic strips.
3 - Any person is allowed to take part of the contest, except the employees of the Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim –FUNARJ and the people involved in the organization of the event. Each participant is allowed to submit up to five works in each category.
4 – The submitted works must be in the standard size 30 x 40 cm or assembled on cardboard in this size. They may be about any theme and be done with any technique of illustration. If the work is done using computer techniques, the printed work will be accepted.
5 – The comic strips must be of five pages, maximum. The pages may be about a story or a compilation of comic strips. They may be on any theme, although its humorous content will be evaluated at the final evaluation.
6 - Awarded works or works that have been published will not be allowed. The drawings published without any kind of financial gain will be allowed to participate in the contest.
7 – The period for registrations ranges from April 14th through April 28th, 2008.
8 - The registrations can be done at http://www.funarj.rj.gov.br/ where the artist will fill in the form and get its number of participation.
9 – Each work must bear on its back the number of participation, its category, its title (in case it has one) name and pseudonym of the artist. For the comic strips, besides having the above information it is necessary the numbers of the sequence of the story.
10 – To participate in the contest, the works must be:
a) Handed in at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ from April 14th through April 28th, 2008, from Monday through Friday. From 1 P.M. to 7 P.M.
b) Sent by mail. Works mailed until April 28th, 2008 and received until April 30th, 2008 will be accepted. Address:
XIX Salão Carioca de Humor
Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ
Av. Vieira Souto 176 – Ipanema
22.420-000 Rio de Janeiro RJ. BRAZIL
11 – The works will be evaluated by a selection committee, which consists of organizing team of the 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition and by guests specialized in humor drawings.
12 – The selected works will be appreciated by jury that consists of five members.
13 – The first prize in each category will get a prize of R$ 6.000,00 (Six thousand reais). The second place R$ 4.000,00 (Four thousand reais). The 3rd prize R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais) (before taxes).
14 – The first three prizes in each category will get a trophy, especially done for this contest.
15 – The 10 best works in the categories Comical Cartoon, Cartoon and Caricature, according to the jury, and the five best works in the category Comic Strips will be exibited at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim/FUNARJ and will be in the official catalogue of the event.
16 – The result will be announced from May 19th, 2008 on the site http://www.funarj.rj.gov.br/
17 – The works awarded with the 1st place in each category will become part of the collection of the Carioca Humor Exhibition. The returning of the other works will take place from August 18th through September 18th, 2008 at Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim. The artists must go there to claim their works. If the artist prefers to do that by mail, the artist must mention it when registering and send stamps that correspond to the mail expenses.
18 – The organization is responsible for the works only until September 18th, 2008.
19 – If an itinerant exhibition occurs, the date to return the works may be postponed.
20 – If something happens and the organization of the event needs to change dates or cancel the event, the organization can do so without informing the participants and the works will be sent back according to item 17.
21 – Other matters not mentioned here will be solved by the direction of Casa de Cultura Laura Alvim and the organizers of the 19th Carioca Humor Exhibition. By submitting their works, the participants agree with all rules mentioned here.
Source: http://www.brazilcartoon.com/
Cartoon Award of Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung
http://www.toonpool.com - the international cartoon platform - announces:
On the occasion of the YEAR OF MATHEMATICS 2008 the DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung / German Mathematicians Organization) will award
1 cartoon treating MATHEMATICS in an imaginative and most surprising way.
Awarding prize: 1000 euro
Joining cartoons (published or unpublished) may not be created before January 2007 but all time after - or could be brandnew, too...
DMV will receive rights for using all joining cartoons in DMV's own publications. Further copyrights will stay in artists' possession.
Selecting jury:
Til Mette (stern),
Jan-Michael Richter (jamiri),
Prof. Rainer Schulze-Pillot (DMV),
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler (DMV)
Please send applications until JULY 30th, 2008 to the DMV's president:
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler
Institut für Mathematik, MA 6-2
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin / Germany
By e-mail:
Peace & smiles,
Bernd Pohlenz, cartoonist
http://www.toonpool.com - the international cartoon platform - announces:
On the occasion of the YEAR OF MATHEMATICS 2008 the DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung / German Mathematicians Organization) will award
1 cartoon treating MATHEMATICS in an imaginative and most surprising way.
Awarding prize: 1000 euro
Joining cartoons (published or unpublished) may not be created before January 2007 but all time after - or could be brandnew, too...
DMV will receive rights for using all joining cartoons in DMV's own publications. Further copyrights will stay in artists' possession.
Selecting jury:
Til Mette (stern),
Jan-Michael Richter (jamiri),
Prof. Rainer Schulze-Pillot (DMV),
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler (DMV)
Please send applications until JULY 30th, 2008 to the DMV's president:
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler
Institut für Mathematik, MA 6-2
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin / Germany
By e-mail:
Peace & smiles,
Bernd Pohlenz, cartoonist
The Festival of European Satire "Billygoats" - Poland

1. The Contest has a semi-open formula and it is addressed to professional artists acting throughout Europe and European art schools students, who create caricature, satirical drawings or animation.
2. Invitations for the Contest together with Contest Regulations and Entry Form will be sent directly to the artists, to art associations and organizations and to art schools rector’s offices. Informing the interested parties will be carried out by mail and e-mail or possibly by media announcements.
3. The Contest has two technical categories:
A. drawing, graphics and other artistic works made in traditional technique
B. computer animation
4. Terms of entries submission:
A category
- the submitted works must be original (no photocopies allowed), not larger than A3 size (297 x 420 mm). In the case of sculptures, non-standard sizes are allowed, but not larger than 300 x 300 x 300 mm.
B category
- the entered works can be made with the traditional art of graphics (drawing) or computer graphics entirely. The length of the animation cannot exceed 30 sec. The file containing the animation should be delivered in the form of MPG1, MPG2 or WMV file.
For category A and B
- works previously awarded or submitted for other contests are excluded.
Every participant is allowed to send not more than 5 works, regardless of the technical or theme category of the given contest edition.
Works must be properly secured for shipping to prevent damages.
Any damaged works and not suitable for the display are excluded from the Contest and organizers are not responsible for any damages arisen during transport.
Works sent by e-mail are also excluded from the Contest.
5. Contest themes of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” – Poznań 2008:
I. Free topic
II. Climate changes. Water
III. Famous painters in caricature
6. Contest deadline: 16.06.2008
7. Results announcement: 1.07.2008
8. Contest office address:
9. A photograph or a caricature of the author, a short biography note and a completed Entry Form (the form should be typed or handwritten with block letters) should be attached to the entry. The author gives consent to the organizers’ use of their personal data and image in public.
1. The entries are evaluated and qualified for the exhibition by an international jury.
2. The following prizes will be awarded by the jury:
- in A category (graphics):
· GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5000 Euro
· II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 2500 Euro
· III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 1500 Euro
- in B category (graphics):
· GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5000 Euro
· II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 2500 Euro
· III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 1500 Euro
· The organizers additionally plan prizes from the sponsors of the Contest .
3. The organizers have sole right to the final prizes distribution, change of their value or not to award any entrant with the Festival’s GRAND PRIX.
4.The Jury’s decisions are final. The contest results will be announced until: 1.07.2008 on the website http://www.eurofestsat.eu/
5. Note: The prizes are liable to taxation pursuant to the Polish rules of law.
6. To receive the prize in cash the winner must be present at contest results announcement ceremony and collect the prize personally or give their account number. In this case, the prize amonut will be transferred within 7 days.
1. The authors of the works qualified for the post-contest exhibition receive a free catalogue and a place there.
2. The organizors bear the winners transport expenses and guarantee their free participation in the event on 6-7.09.2008
1. The entries are evaluated and qualified for the exhibition by an international jury.
2. The following prizes will be awarded by the jury:
- in A category (graphics):
· GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5000 Euro
· II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 2500 Euro
· III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 1500 Euro
- in B category (graphics):
· GRAND PRIX of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 5000 Euro
· II prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 2500 Euro
· III prize of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
- a statue and a prize in cash: 1500 Euro
· The organizers additionally plan prizes from the sponsors of the Contest .
3. The organizers have sole right to the final prizes distribution, change of their value or not to award any entrant with the Festival’s GRAND PRIX.
4.The Jury’s decisions are final. The contest results will be announced until: 1.07.2008 on the website http://www.eurofestsat.eu/
5. Note: The prizes are liable to taxation pursuant to the Polish rules of law.
6. To receive the prize in cash the winner must be present at contest results announcement ceremony and collect the prize personally or give their account number. In this case, the prize amonut will be transferred within 7 days.
1. The authors of the works qualified for the post-contest exhibition receive a free catalogue and a place there.
2. The organizors bear the winners transport expenses and guarantee their free participation in the event on 6-7.09.2008
1. The participation in the Contest is free of charge. The winners’ works are kept in the festival archive, the remaining works are passed to The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation and can be sold directly, auctioned or bartered - to gain funds or direct help to realize the following aims within the borders of Europe:
A. Organization of and financing:
a) scholarships for European satire and humour creators,
b) individual and collective exhibitions,
c) courses, conferences and seminars on satire and humour,
d) social help, the of materials, equipment, accessories and tools for satire and humour creators and for chosen scientific-didactic institutions, not-organized children and adults, who are specified by Foundation Board
B. Promotion of European satire and its artists in the media,
C. Running publishing activity within the scope of Foundation’s aims.
(points A, B, C are in concordance with § 9 of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation statute)
Every contest participant can specify an aim to pass the means. This information should be written (preferably in English) in ENTRY FORM FOR THE CONTEST in the column: AUTHOR'S NOTICES. The Foundation Board consisting of independent art creators – representatives of different countries – will decide by voting and choose the aim. Information about the realization of the aim will be placed on http://www.eurofestsat.eu/
2. The entrants give consent to use their works without any compensation and use the information about the Authors in any manner or medium to promote and advertise the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
3. The organizers are the only and final entity to interprete these Regulations.
4. By entering the Contest the Authors agree to accept the Regulations provisions.
5. The Organizer of the Contest is The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
Mazurska 15, 60-433 Poznań, Polska (POLAND)
www.eurofestsat.eu e-mail: info@eurofestsat.eu tel./fax +48 61 8 488 744
(FSE carries on its direct correspondence only in Polish and English)
A. Organization of and financing:
a) scholarships for European satire and humour creators,
b) individual and collective exhibitions,
c) courses, conferences and seminars on satire and humour,
d) social help, the of materials, equipment, accessories and tools for satire and humour creators and for chosen scientific-didactic institutions, not-organized children and adults, who are specified by Foundation Board
B. Promotion of European satire and its artists in the media,
C. Running publishing activity within the scope of Foundation’s aims.
(points A, B, C are in concordance with § 9 of The Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS” Foundation statute)
Every contest participant can specify an aim to pass the means. This information should be written (preferably in English) in ENTRY FORM FOR THE CONTEST in the column: AUTHOR'S NOTICES. The Foundation Board consisting of independent art creators – representatives of different countries – will decide by voting and choose the aim. Information about the realization of the aim will be placed on http://www.eurofestsat.eu/
2. The entrants give consent to use their works without any compensation and use the information about the Authors in any manner or medium to promote and advertise the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
3. The organizers are the only and final entity to interprete these Regulations.
4. By entering the Contest the Authors agree to accept the Regulations provisions.
5. The Organizer of the Contest is The Foundation of the Festival of European Satire “BILLYGOATS”
Mazurska 15, 60-433 Poznań, Polska (POLAND)
www.eurofestsat.eu e-mail: info@eurofestsat.eu tel./fax +48 61 8 488 744
(FSE carries on its direct correspondence only in Polish and English)
Results XII Contest On-Line Fabricarica / Brazil
XII Contest On-Line Fabricarica / Brazil concluded
Great Brazilian architect known internationally and that at the end of last year (2007) completed 100 years of life.
We started 2008 dedicating the contest online him, Oscar Niemeyer. After voting made between the participants, the result of the 12 th Contest On-Line Fabricarica / EPTV was:
1st Place: FERNANDES (42 votes): http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?sec_cod=53&popup_cod=28
2nd Place: Lex (17 votes): http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?sec_cod=53&popup_cod=36
3rd Place: Rafael Camargo (13 votes): http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?sec_cod=53&popup_cod=60
Congratulations to all the participants who once again enhanced the prestige of the competition with excellent work.
Theme of the 13th Contest online soon at http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?ref=concurso
Great Brazilian architect known internationally and that at the end of last year (2007) completed 100 years of life.
We started 2008 dedicating the contest online him, Oscar Niemeyer. After voting made between the participants, the result of the 12 th Contest On-Line Fabricarica / EPTV was:
1st Place: FERNANDES (42 votes): http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?sec_cod=53&popup_cod=28
2nd Place: Lex (17 votes): http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?sec_cod=53&popup_cod=36
3rd Place: Rafael Camargo (13 votes): http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?sec_cod=53&popup_cod=60
Congratulations to all the participants who once again enhanced the prestige of the competition with excellent work.
Theme of the 13th Contest online soon at http://fabricarica.2it.com.br/?ref=concurso
SIMILARITY: Duarte - Aghaei

Results 1st Molla Nasreddin - Azerbaijan 2008
The Results of the "1st Molla Nasreddin, Azerbaijan-2008" International Cartoon Contest
Gold Medal: Slawomir Luczynski / Poland (See above), Shahram Rezaei / Iran, Seyran Caferli / Azerbaijan.
Silver Medal: Alessandro Gatto / Italy, Kazanevsky Vladimir / Ukraine, Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria, Sergey Sichenko / Israel (See above).
Bronze Medal: Yuriy Kosobukin (Ukraine), Mehrdad Abbasi (Iran) (See above), Jugoslav Vlahovic (Serbia), Atila Ozer (Turkey), Nickolay Chernyshev (Russia).
Honorable Mentions: Robert Rousso / France, Omar Zevallos Velarde / Peru, Ilya Katz / Israel, Sung-il Hung / South Korea, Vafa Alahyarova / Azerbaijan, Radik Azizov / Uzbekistan, Leon De Borger / Belgium, Elman Mirzoyev / Azerbaijan, Mihaita Porumbita / Romania, Afet Isayeva / Azerbaijan, Serafim Bakoulis / Greece, Behzad Riazi / Iran, Prokopljevic Jovan / Serbia & Montenegro, Kazanevsky Vladimir / Ukraine, Hafiz Nasiroglu / Azerbaijan, Julio Angel Carrion Cueva / Peru, Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria, Musa Gumus / Turkey, Bayram Gasimkhanli / Azerbaijan, Raimundo Waldez Da C. Duarte / Brasil.
See all prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.azercartoon.com/

Honorable Mentions: Robert Rousso / France, Omar Zevallos Velarde / Peru, Ilya Katz / Israel, Sung-il Hung / South Korea, Vafa Alahyarova / Azerbaijan, Radik Azizov / Uzbekistan, Leon De Borger / Belgium, Elman Mirzoyev / Azerbaijan, Mihaita Porumbita / Romania, Afet Isayeva / Azerbaijan, Serafim Bakoulis / Greece, Behzad Riazi / Iran, Prokopljevic Jovan / Serbia & Montenegro, Kazanevsky Vladimir / Ukraine, Hafiz Nasiroglu / Azerbaijan, Julio Angel Carrion Cueva / Peru, Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria, Musa Gumus / Turkey, Bayram Gasimkhanli / Azerbaijan, Raimundo Waldez Da C. Duarte / Brasil.
See all prize-winning cartoons at: http://www.azercartoon.com/
Gallery Tibet at Brazilcartoon website

Visit the gallery: http://www.brazilcartoon.com
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