
Ochakovsky passed away

Yuri Ochakovsky passed away
The report by AZCARTOON http://azcartoon.bravehost.com/:
"The cartoon world lost his famous cartoonist Yuriy Ochakovsky. Azcartoon announces its condolence over his departure. God bless him."
The sad news confirmed by CARTUNION http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum-e/viewtopic.php?t=189:
"The prominant cartoonist Yuri Ochakovsky passed away February 3rd 2008. The International Cartoonists' Club sends our condolences to the artist's family. CARTUNION is planning an exhibition of Ochakovsky's art. Please help us with the material. Works should be sent to the cartoongallery@gmail.com"

Yuri Ochakovsky was a great cartoonist who depicted the situation of mankind in modern times perfectly. I am deeply grieved to hear his decease. With my condolences to the family and the cartoon world.
Can't reach at the moment his excellent cartoons on New Technologies (Windows-faced man & Man playing with his robot-dog) awarded at Barakaldo in 2006 I think.
Ochakovsky was the Grand Prize winner in International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest (Turkey) in 1999 and the Jury member of the Contest in 2005.
The following info from a message by Andrey Feldshteyn is forwarded by Julian Pena-Pai:
"We were discussed the outstanding Yuri's art at the CARTUNION just before he died: http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3165&start=0&sid=d6fbfb1fb56b11fb810ad84c7de05159"


Results Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest - Turkey

Results of Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest - Turkey
1st International Manisa-Mesir Cartoon Contest with theme "Last Exit Before Doom!" concluded. The results are announced at http://site.mynet.com/karderizmir/ as follows:

402 cartoonists participated with 651 cartoons. The Jury comprised of Marlene Pohle (Germany) , Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) , Rasit Yakali , Eray Ozbek, Cem Koc, and Recep Kafes decided to award the prizes to the following artists:

First Prize: Sherif Arafa - Egypt (See above)

Second Prize: Junior Lopes Cunha - Brazil (See above)
Third Prize: Grzegorz Szumowski - Poland

Special Prize of the Jury: Askin Ayrancioglu - Turkey (See above)
Among the junior participants under age 18, Ekin Ozeskici (Turkey) is awarded the Encouragement Prize.

January 2008 results of Nature & Man - Turkey

January 2008 results of Nature & Man with theme "Drought & Water"
January 2008 results of Nature & Man Cartoonet Contest with theme "Drought & Water" have been announced at: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/default.asp


Musa Gumus - Turkey

Zygmunt Figura - Poland

Oguz Gurel - Turkey

You can view the runners-up as well: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/finalist.asp


Results 40th Umoristi a Marostica 2008 - Italy

Results of 40th UMORISTI A MAROSTICA 2008 - Italy
Theme: TIME
Participated 261 artists from 38 countries.

Jury: Silvia Ziche (President), Maria Angela Cuman, Silvano Mezzavilla, Maurizio Minoggio, Giovanni Sorcinelli, Alessandro Tich, Piero Zanotto.

Grand Prix: Valentin Georgiev - Bulgaria

Prizes of UMORISTI A MAROSTICA equally:

Rahim Baqqal Asghari - Iran (See above)
Seyran Caferli - Azerbaijan
Paolo Dalponte - Italy
Nadayoshce Noran - Iran
Domenico Sicolo - Italy
Rosanna Stefani - Italy
Toni Vedu - Italy

Special Prize of SANDRO CARLESSO: Andrea Pecchia - Italy

Grand Prix of Strip: Gerrit Huig - USA

Prize of Finalists equally:
Mohammad Amin Aghaei - Iran
Giacomo Cardelli - Italy
Babak Chamangol - Iran
Han Na Choi - South Korea
Dmitri Kononov - Russia
Luka Lagator - Montenegro
Gabriel Rusu - Romania

Prize of MARCO SARTORE: Yuriy Kosobukin – Ukraine.


Deadline for "Stamps" has changed: February 29

The deadline for "Stamps" has changed: February 29, 2008
Dear Andrey Feldshteyn,
I am Jaksa Vlahovic, graphic artist and cartoonist from Belgrade and organizer of the "STAMPS" cartoon contest.
I am informing you that deadline for "STAMPS", INTERNATIONAL CARTOON EXHIBITION, Belgrade 2008 is expanded till the end of February. Also cartoonists outside Serbia can send their works by e-mail on: jvlahovic@ptt.yu
Can you please update your web page with this information. We are also expecting your cartoons. Thank you in advance.
Greetings from Serbia!
Jaksa Vlahovic
(Quoted from the post in CARTUNION: http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum-e/viewtopic.php?t=184)


3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest

The 3rd International Prestigio Caricature Contest: "Take the funny way"
Contest Rules
1.1 The Theme of the Contest
The entries (submitted cartoons) should illustrate the motto «Take the funny way». The entries have to be related to GPS navigation systems and their main idea – searching the right way to destination. Cartoon has to include Prestigio logotype and/or image of Prestigio navigation devices
Contest organizers: Prestigio Technologies (Cyprus) Ltd., and Prestigio Europe spol. s.r.o., (Czech Republic). Website: http://www.prestigio.com/
1.2 Prize Fund
Grand prix: US$1000
Prestigio Gold Prize: GeoVision 430+ 400$
Prestigio Silver Prize: GeoVision 350 + 200$
User Choice: GPS BT Receiver +100$
1.3 Rules of Identifying Winning Entries The Grand-Prix, Prestigio Gold and Sliver Prize will be awarded to the entrant who will score the highest number of points as a result of the Prestigio Jury’s voting. The cartoons considered for this nomination must contain at least one element of the Prestigio brand (product and/or logo and/or slogan). The Prestigio Jury consists of 20 company employees from corporate divisions based in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Netherlands. The Prestigio Jury includes professional designers and artists.
The special Prestigio Prize will be awarded to the entrant who will score the maximum number of votes in an independent poll at the website http://art.prestigio.com as of 29 March, 2008. The cartoons considered for this nomination must contain at least one element of the Prestigio brand (product and/or logo and/or slogan).
1.4 Voting via site
Any visitor of the website http://art.prestigio.com/ will be able to vote one time per day for one entry. Every voter will be required to leave a comment at the website in English related to the entry. The Contest organizers reserve the right to remove the comments containing obscenities, insults, remarks of racist nature, advertising, calls for violence. Such comments will be removed without notice and explanations. The vote submitted for the entry with such a comment will be automatically subtracted from the entry’s voting score.
1.5 Prestigio Jury Voting Rules
The Prestigio Jury consists of Prestigio employees based in various offices and regions. The Jury is headed by Viktoria Kletskova, Prestigio Internet marketing coordinator. The Jury also includes corporate designers, marketing and brand managers. The Jury shall take into account the theme of submitted entries, sense of humour, and relation to the Prestigio brand.
1.6 Contest Stages and Terms
Contest term: 4 February – 1 April, 2008
Submission deadline: 29 March
Voting via website: until 29 March
Announcement of the results: 1 April
1.7 Rules of Entry Submissions
Any author can submit either a digital or a print version of the artwork.
1.7.1 Digital Artwork Submission
Digital artworks can be submitted either via the website http://art.prestigio.com/ (Authors’ Entry) or by sending it to the following email address: art@prestigio.com
1.7.2 Print Artwork Submission
Any author can submit the artwork by regular mail to one of the following Contest Entry Centres:
Prestigio Europe, spol. s r.o.
Tichonická 29, 104 00 Praha 22 - Uhříněves Czech Republic
Attn: Ms. Simona Blumentritova
Prestigio Russia
Kalitnikovskaya, st 42B-501, 109029 Moscow Russia
Attn: Mrs. Maria Sergeeva
Prestigio Technologies Cyprus
Diamond Court, 43 Kolonakiou Str. Ayios Athanasios, 4103 Lemesos
P.O.Box 50231, 3602 Lemesos CYPRUS
Attn: Mr. Slavi Slavchev
1.8 Entry Requirements
The Jury will only accept completed original graphic products matching the definition of Cartoon, as well as meeting the purposes and goals of the Contest, its theme and priorities. The artworks submitted to the Contest should be executed on a high artistic and technological level.
The print version of the artwork must be executed on an A3 sheet of paper (420 x 297 mm). The author must enclose the signed Copyright Release which are available for download at the Contest website http://art.prestigio.com. The artworks which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted. All artworks must arrive at Contest Entry Centres no later than 29 March, 2008. The Organizers cannot be hold liable for any damage or loss of entries incurred during the delivery. The submitted artworks will not be returned to authors.
When submitting the entry via email, the authors must attach a scanned copy of the signed Copyright Release which is available for download at the Contest website http://art.prestigio.com. The artworks which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted. The artworks must be presented in one of the following formats: jpg/gif/tif with resolution of no less than 300dpi and having the size of no more than 2MB.
The following types of cartoons will not be accepted for participation in the Contest:
materials of erotic and/or pornographic nature;
artworks executed (or published) with infringement of third party copyrights, or of other current legislation.
The Contestants who have been exposed of plagiarism or use of other person's ideas, shall be permanently disqualified and shall not be allowed to further participate in the Contest.
1.9 Contest Media Coverage
The course of the Contest will be highlighted at the site http://art.prestigio.com and the site www.prestigio.com. At Prestigio discretion the Contest can also be highlighted at other Internet resources of the company, including through continuous exposure of all entries in the Internet. At the discretion of the Contest organizers, the course of the Contest can be widely covered at information sites and in mass media.
1.10 Applicable legislation
These Rules, as well as all rights and duties of the parties to the Contest shall be governed by the material legislation of the Czech Republic. All disputes and disagreements between Organizers of the Contest and participants, where agreement has not been achieved, shall be resolved in the courts of the Czech Republic.
1.11 Use of Author’s Materials
The term “author’s materials” denotes any materials which the Contestant or the participant uploads to the Contest Site on his/her own behalf or sends to the Contest Entry Centers, including (but not limited to) graphic and text materials, name and/or a pseudonym (nickname), images, photos, author’s biographic data.
Authors grants to Prestigio Europe spol. s.r.o. of Czech Republic and any its agents, representatives, assignees, affiliated, parent and related companies (the “Prestigio Companies”) the non exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, display, produce, distribute, publish, copy, or otherwise exploit including the right of modification, translation and adaptation, independently and/or as part of the catalogue of contests catalogue, either in whole or in part sent by author to the caricature competition: “Take the Funny Way” hosted by http://art.prestigio.com/ (the “Material”).
If there is no other written agreement between the author and the Contest organizers, signed by both parties, the author cannot demand neither from the Contest organizers, nor from other persons who have received from organizers of Contest the right to use Contest artworks, any indemnification or payment for use and demonstration of the materials.
1.12 Disclosure of Information
These Rules and the information on the course of the Contest are openly published at the Contest Website. Any interested persons have the right to contact the Organizers asking for explanations of specific provisions of these Rules or other necessary information. The Organizers can be contacted at the following address: art@prestigio.com
Contest Rules: http://art.prestigio.com/Rules.xhtml

SICAF 2008 - Korea

3rd SICAF International Digital Cartoon Competition 2008
Deadline: February 28, 2008
Rules and Regulations
1. Qualifications: Your work should hold major characteristics of cartoon & comics, and should be viewable using digital techniques. You should be the copyright holder of the artwork you submit. Only original, unpublished works, without any previous award-winning or competition selection history and any commercially used history, are qualified. Works entered in previous SICAF Digital Competition cannot be submitted again.
2. Theme and Official Languages
There is no special theme designated by the organizing committee. The official languages of the competition are Korean and English.
3. Categories
A) Web-Cartoon: 1 to 4 frame web-based cartoon
B) Web-Comics: No limitation on number of episodes, but the submitted should have a complete narrative structure as a story
C) Digital Illustration: Illustration made of Computer Graphics (ex. 2D, 3D, 2D+3D composite works)
4. Technical Requirements
- Web-Cartoon: 1 to 4 frame cartoon viewable in a web browser (I.E. Version 6.0, Firefox Version 2.0). Max. width 800 pixel, no limit on height.
- Web-Comics - Scroll Cartoon: Max. width 800 pixel, no limit on height. Viewable in a web browser (I.E. Version 6.0, Firefox Version 2.0). No limitation on length, but should have a complete narrative structure as a story.
- Mobile Cartoon: Each cut should be smaller than 400*400pixel (320*240pixel recommended). Viewable in browsers of mobile devices such as cell phone, PMP, etc. About 30 cuts for one episode. No limit on number of episodes, but the submitted should have a complete narrative structure as a story.
-Digital Illustration: 1280(height) * 960pixel(width) or 960 (height) * 1280 pixel (width). Based on the characteristics or work and need of producers. Illustration made of Computer Graphics (ex. 2D, 3D, 2D+3D composite works).
NOTES: Sound source should be owned by the producer, or should not be copyright-protected.
- Acceptable file format: jpg or gif
- Min. resolution = 150dpi
- swf (550*400)
- Choose the color you want: Black/White or Color, both OK
- Official Language: KO and/or EN
- In Web Cartoons and Web Comics, a special focus will be given on digital media factors working well within the overall artwork. Subject, movement of background, sound and other elements may be such factors that could be used to utilize the
advantage of digital media.
A) Please enter your work in the appropriate format. You may choose from the following modes of implementation: the internet, mobile, or other digital media.
B) If you are submitting something not in either .jpg or .gif format, you must specify the viewer software or tool which can open the file. The specific viewer software should be submitted along with the artworks.
C) If the works contain texts in languages other than the official languages (English or Korean), English translation should be submitted with the artwork.
5. How to enter your work
A) No registration fee is required
B) You can submit works in more than one category.
C) Entry Deadline: All forms and materials must be submitted no later than Feb. 28, 2008. Works received after this date will not be considered for selection.
D) Please make sure to include ALL of the following:
- Entry Form: One entry form is required for each work. Only completed and signed entry forms will be accepted.
- Producer’s photo or caricature
- 3 digital color images representing your work (min.6cm x 8cm, 300dpi or higher)
- Text or dialogue list in Korean or English (If the entrants fail to submit English text or dialogues, the selection will be solely based on the artwork itself. Texts and dialogues will not be put into consideration.)
- Your original work
E) All materials should be submitted to: Official Website : http://www.sicaf.org/
For any questions, please contact : digitalcartoon@sicaf.org
* Offline submission is not available.
F) Submission
- Please submit your work on-line at our official website, www.sicaf.org.
- Any modification should be made only on and before the entry deadline. Modification after the deadline is not allowed.
6. Preliminaries
-The Selection Committee is responsible for the Preliminaries, choosing works to advance into the final round of competition.
-Members of the Selection Committee, all of whom must be cartoon & comics professional, will be appointed by the Chairman of SICAF.
-None of members must be, in any way, involved in the production and/or distribution of works submitted for selection. The Committee members will elect their President at the first Committee meeting.
-The selection result will be announced no later than April 9, 2008 on the SICAF official web-site (http://www.sicaf.org/) and by the SICAF e-mail newsletter.
-Should you wish to withdraw a submitted work, you should delete your file on official web-site by Feb 28, 2007. No request for withdrawal after the deadline will be accepted.
7. Finals
- Final selection will take place in April, 2008, and this time the International Jury is responsible to decide the award-winning works.
- The International Jury members, all of whom must be cartoon & comics professionals, will be appointed by the Chairman of SICAF, and will be announced no later than April 23,2008, on SICAF official website.
- 40% of the Jury will be non-Korean professionals invited from abroad, and no Jury member must be, in any way, involved in the production and/or distribution of works presented in competition.
-The decision of the International Jury will be considered final, and no objections regarding the decisions will be accepted.
8. Awards
Grand Prize: 10,000
Gold Prize: 5,000
Silver Prize: 3,000 each
Bronze Prize: 2,000 each
Netizen’s Choice: 1,000
Jury Special Prize (USD): 1,000 each
*1USD = 1,000KRW approximately. Foreign exchange rate is subject to change.
9. Exclusion on selection and Annulment of Award Decision
A) An entry will not be considered for selection in any of the following:
- Entry form is not completed and the entrant’s information is not clearly provided
- Information on the entry form is not faithful to the truth
- The entrant is not the copyright holder of the work.
B) Awards / award decisions may be annulled when:
- The entrant is not the copyright holder of work.
- The work has been awarded or selected at any previous competition.
- The work is found to be a plagiarism of, or closely similar to other works.
10. Translation
- The SICAF Organizing Committee will provide Korean translations of non-Korean works selected for the final competition. We will bear all expenses of translation only if the SBA Seoul Animation Center receives the complete English text of the dialogue and commentary. The Korean translation will remain as the property of SICAF and SBA Seoul Animation Center. Korean translation will be exhibited with the artwork during the festival period.
- Non-English texts should be translated in English by the entrants themselves, at their own expense.
11. Invitation
- Award-winners will be invited to come for the awarding ceremony and festival. We will be happy to cover the costs for award winners as follows:
Grand Prize / Gold Prize / Silver Prize / Bronze Prize / Jury Special Prize/ Netizen’s Choice winners
: Festival accreditation
: Flight expenses, Accommodation and meal allowances
- The invitation is not transferable under any circumstances
- Flight expense, accommodation, and meal allowances are provided only to the winner whose residence is out of Korea. If a team work, produced by 2 or more, wins any of the prizes, only one of the producers will be entitled to the hospitality.
12. Promotional Use
- All selected works for the final competition will be exhibited at SICAF exhibition venue. For promotion purposes, they may appear in all related catalogues and pamphlets published by the SICAF Organizing Committee and on the Internet. Third party rights protection is also guaranteed.
- With the agreement of producers, award-winning works may be published for a certain period of time on digital media, including main and other pages of portals or cartoon web sites for promotional purposes. They can also be published in a book, as a compilation titled “SICAF Digital Cartoon Competition Winners.”
- After the closing of the festival, the SICAF Organizing Committee is granted the right to reproduce award winning works and selected works for promotion purpose. The SICAF Organizing Committee obtains a non-exclusive right to use the works without any further contract with the entrants.
- For promotional use, the entrants may be requested to provide artworks with higher-definition.
- Any other proposed use outside of the Festival will be referred by the SICAF Organizing Committee to the entrants for direct negotiation.
13. Others
- Each entrant should hold all the license and permission to use the materials and softwares used to create the entering work, including graphic software packages for creating artworks.
- All materials submitted for selection will not be returned.
- Matters not mentioned in this document will be decided by the SICAF Organizing Committee.
- By submitting the entry form for SICAF 2008 International Digital Cartoon Competition, the entrant accepts, without reservation, the terms of the present regulations as stated in this document.
Source: http://www.brazilcartoon.com/


Picking Up The Pieces Cartoon Competition - Kenya

Picking Up The Pieces Cartoon Competition
Over the last few weeks, Kenya has witnessed post-election violence on an unimaginable scale. As efforts to resolve the political stalemate continue apace, there is need for the Kenyan society to initiate dialogue on the root causes of this violence and also to provide alternative avenues for the people to air their grievances without resorting to force.
The Association of East African Cartoonists (KATUNI) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) are organizing a cartoon competition entitled “Picking up the Pieces” in hopes of contributing towards the identification of a lasting solution to the problem.
The goals of this competition are to identify the reasons for the violence and propose ways out of the crisis on the basis of the following questions:
What are the root causes of the violence?
How have our leaders reacted to crisis?
What is the way forward?
Participation in the competition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists.
All entries must include the artist’s address and daytime telephone number.
Submitted cartoons are to be either A4-Size (210 x 297 mm) or A3-Size (420 x 297).
Digital copies submitted via email should be 300 dpi resolution and in JPEG format.
Cartoons may be either black-and-white or colored.
Cartoons advocating ethnic hatred, containing obscene language or scenes of gratuitous violence will not be accepted.
The deadline for receiving artworks is Monday 25th February 2008.
A jury of experts will select the 3 best cartoons for prize awards. The jury’s decision will be final.
The award of the prizes will take place during the opening of the exhibition on 7 March, 2008 at the Goethe Institut on Monrovia St., Nairobi.
All entries will be © FES and KATUNI and will not be returned.
- First Prize: Art equipment worth Kshs. 30,000.00
- Second Prize: Art equipment worth Kshs. 20,000.00
- Third Prize: Art equipment worth Kshs. 10,000.00
Cartoons may be sent via email to katuni@gmail.com and should be in JPEG format with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Original artworks should be marked “Picking up the Pieces Cartoon Competition” may be sent via post to: Patrick Gathara, P.O Box 3613-00200, Nairobi
or dropped off at Communicating Artists Limited, 3rd floor, Revlon Towers, Kimathi Street, Nbi.
Source: http://kenyatoons.blogspot.com/2008/02/picking-up-pieces-cartoon-competition.html

The Fashions of Plagiarism - Alessandro Gatto

Source: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=688
After the recent similarities and coincidences between some cartoons of Alessandro Gatto, which both were sent by Louis Postruzin and published in our website: http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=684 and http://www.tabrizcartoons.com/en/detail.asp?ID=680, Alessandro wrote a letter to Louis and emailed Rahim to publish his letter. Below comes his precious letter.
Dear Louis Postruzin,
I don't know you and I don't understand why you sent me this message about "plagiarism".
I have often seen the same idea being realized by artists who had never met before. I have even seen a lot of my own ideas (ideas which I had never published nor sent to competitions) being realized by other artists. I have seen cartoonists winning a competition with the same idea I had had (and I have seen my own cartoon being rejected because of an imperfect technique).
We are all part of the same world, we all experience the same emotions, we all read the same books, hear the same news, use the same things, share the same symbols ... we all live and die. It is quite normal, I believe, that we may have similar thoughts as well.
Lately, I think, it has become fashionable to hunt for "plagiarism". Are we really sure that it is always "plagiarism"? Shouldn't we consider the possibility of a "coincidence"? Without any firm evidence, isn't there a risk of throwing mud to honest people? Why can't we ask for the author's reasons before publishing a "scoop"?
I know the problem exists and I know that it is difficult to find a solution: our first judge is our own conscience. However, I would like to ask these "hunters" to be more careful, because they run the risk of hurting other people!
And a last thought: I would never ever "copy" somebody else's idea. I have no need for that. I would rather change my job!
About the cartoon "Elderly People", I would like you to know my source of inspiration: "The Alzheimer patient is like a book that loses a page every day. In the end only the cover will be left." Elie Wiesel
Alessandro Gatto


Brazilcartoon – Yearbook 2008
31 jan 08
Brazilcartoon’s Yearbook is an original initiative that will gather the best humor drawings of 2008 exhibited on “the best day’s humor”. The yearbook will be printed and will have attached to it a DVD containing the drawings in high quality for printing. Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008 will have all drawings and their respective authors, their names, e-mail or the author’s website.
1 – Why to participate?
Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008 will be released nationally and internationally and a lot of people will see it. Besides, it will be a historical document on the drawings of humor.
2 – What to send?
Cartoons that deal with a universal subject will be accepted, which means cartoons with no texts. The theme is free, however only cartoons that do not contain any kind of discrimination, be it religious, ethnic or pornographic will be accepted. Another category is Caricature and illustration following the same criteria just mentioned. The caricatured ones must be people internationally known at sports, politics, culture, etc. All techniques will be accepted, since the works are sent digitally.
3 – How to send the works?
All information must be provided so that we avoid frauds: Full name, address, picture, short biography, e-mail. Send to anuario@brazilcartoon.com
Note: The same drawing must be sent through the system “The Best Day’s Humor” which is available at Brazilcartoon Home Page.
4 - Format:
All works must be sent through e-mail: 300 DPIs, color mode RGB, JPG format. Limit 20 x 17 cm.
5 - Number of works:
Candidates are allowed to send one work a day. Everyday Brazilcartoon will select three works (caricature, cartoon, Illustration) from different authors that will be part of the gallery “Yearbook 2008”.
6– Selection:
Participants selected for the Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008, will have the right of receiving a DVD, which will be sent through the mail service. The author must request it and he or she will pay only for the mail expenses.
7 – Purchasing it:
Brazilcartoon will sell the yearbooks to provide income for its production. If you are interested in buying it, please contact us through e-mail: anuario@brazilcartoon.com or by phone 38 – 3216-1109.
8 - Deadline:
The drawings may be sent to anuario@brazilcartoon.com from February 1st, 2008 to December 31st, 2008.
9 – Copyright:
From the moment the participant sent the drawings to us, he or she transfers their works so that they be part of the Brazilcartoon’s International Yearbook 2008 without any kind of charge for that. The drawings may be used for any kind of publicity concerning to the yearbook.
Source: http://www.brazilcartoon.com/