Theme: Gaza in Fire
THE JURY: Marcio Leite / Brazil, Dachuan xia / China, Rahim Asgari / Iran, Akdag Saydut / Turkey, Peter Nieuwendijk / FECO, Bedaiwi / Egypt, Giovanni Sorcinelli – Giox / Italy, Yaser Ahmed / Syria, Raed Khalil / Syria.
Number of total participants (313) with (1020) cartoons. Participation countries: 66.
First Prize: Gonzalo Rodriguez / Argentina (See above)
Second Prize: BA.BILIG / China
Third Prize: Nader Genie / Sudan
Special Prize: Hule Hanusic / Austria, Jose Rubio Malagon / Spain, Kessusanto Liusvia / Indonesia, Matteo Bertelli / Italy, RAMIRO / Colombia, Soheil Mohammadi / Iran (See below), ARES / Cuba.
First Prize: Gonzalo Rodriguez / Argentina (See above)
Second Prize: BA.BILIG / China
Third Prize: Nader Genie / Sudan
Special Prize: Hule Hanusic / Austria, Jose Rubio Malagon / Spain, Kessusanto Liusvia / Indonesia, Matteo Bertelli / Italy, RAMIRO / Colombia, Soheil Mohammadi / Iran (See below), ARES / Cuba.

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