
International Cartoon Festival Sportimonium 2017, Belgium

English Version
ENG/ REGULATIONS 2017 : Sports in the future
The contest is open to any person. Participation is free of charge. Participation in the contest implies full acceptance of the current regulations. The jury’s decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
Art.2. Contest theme: Sports in the future
Art.3. Specifications of entries
Paper entries
3.1. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4).
3.2. The works shall not be provided by a passe-partout, or be stuck on larger paper.
3.3. The drawing must mention, on the reverse, the surname, name, address and e-mail of the participant.
3.4. The drawings shall not include subtitles
Digital entries
3.1. Digital entries are admissible.
3.2. Cartoons can be sent by e-mail to: cartoonale@sportimonium.be
3.3. They shall have following dimensions 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4) and resolution of max. 72 DPI.
3.4. When your digital entry is selected, you are obligated to send in your original work
3.5. Entries which do not meet these criteria will not be accepted.
Art.4. Entry
4.1. The entry-form must be sent together with the cartoons.
4.2. The works must be sent to the following address:
SPORTIMONIUM, to: Liesbeth Salens, Trianondreef 19, 1981 Hofstade-Zemst (Belgium).
Art.5. Number of entries
5.1. Each contestant can provide up to 5 cartoons.
5.2. The cartoons shall not have been exhibited or published before.
Art.6. Jury
6.1. A jury will select the works for the exhibition and will award the following prizes.
6.2. Prizes: The first place will be awarded with the prize of 600 EURO – 2nd place: 400 EURO – 3rd place: 250 EURO.
Art.7. Property of organisation
All received entries will become the property of the organizers.
Art.8. Damage or loss
The organisation cannot be held responsible for damage or loss during the shipment.
Art.9. Patent rights and intellectual property
9.1 Participants grant the authorization to publish their works free of charge for the purposes of eventual promotion campaigns and communications
9.2. Participants guarantee that they are the authors of submitted artworks.
Art.10. Deadline
10. Entry until 1st of May 2017.
Art.11. Vernissage
11.1. The awards are planned to be granted with the opening of the exhibition (25th of June 2017).
11.2. The participant can visit the exhibition for free.
Entry Form on source: sportimonium.
More in languages on WEB.


10th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2017: Respect differences!

Theme: “Respect differences!
Societies differ based on their language, religion and racial features. These features create the basics of the “differences” description. In such terms, we may not talk about equality since every body has a different color. Amongst crowds, these concepts are unfortunately referred as discriminators. Whereas these differences should be seen as riches. Whilst facing differences, we should acknowledge everybody as they are and respect their differences. Respecting people’s thoughts, lifestyles, views of life are a must in the first place for societal values. These differences shouldn’t be a reason for imposition, othering and end up into opression. People’s values, lifestyles, visions, beliefs, anticipations, tastes, perceptions and interpretations pof the World may differ. All of them represents the riches of life. Acknowledging, understanding the other and whatever his/her differences are, knowing that he/she also owns all the rights we do, elevates our humanist side and universality.
In a society where some masses want the others to be just like themselves and rejecting the others’ cultural heritage representing the differences is a menace towards societal values. In any society, all the people must live in equal conditions and rights. Every race is different yet all create a harmony like a rainbow when joined. We deserve living in a colorful World independent of race, language and religion. Respecting the differences..
The purpose of our contest is to underline the difference while showing its importance to societies and implement it through the cartoon art.
The Rules of Competition:
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. (respect@donquichotte.org)
2) All submitted work should be participating a contest for the first time. With an offence, there's a risk of deprivation of the achieved prizes.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3 Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the color technical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
4) The closing date of the competition is 15 March 2017.
5) Pre-selective Jury will determine the 100 finalists between dates 20-31st March 2017.
Finalists will be presented in social media and on DQ website for the following 10 days.
6) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 01 and 07 April 2017. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned works are published on 10 April 2017.
7) The award of the prize will take place in the context of the opening of the exhibition in 5 May 2017 in the municipal art gallery Filderstadt.
8) Received caricatures will be securely saved in Don Quichotte's archive. We certainly will get permission from you if we need to use your caricatures for purposes other than displaying it in exhibitions and album.
9) Contest Album will be developed in pdf and, if sponsored, will be printed.
10) Awarded and best performing cartoons will be exhibited in various European countries.
The Prizes:
- First Prize: 1.000 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Second Prize: 750 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Third Prize: 500 Euro +Don Quichotte Medal
- Special Awards
- 10 Mentions
Preselector Jury:
- Hayati Boyacıoğlu/Germany
- İsmail Doğan/Belgium
- Erdoğan Karayel/Germany
Jury Members:
- Tan Oral/Turkey
- Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu/Turkey
- Elena Ospina/Colombia
- Peter Nieuwendijk/Netherlands
- Jitet Koustana/Indonesia
- Marco De Angelis/İtaly
- Walter Toscano/Peru
- Valeriu Kurtu/Germany
- Ivailo Tsvetkov/Bulgaria
- Hicabi Demirci/Turkey
- Hayati Boyacıoğlu/Germany
- Erdoğan Karayel/Germany
Technich Assistance:
Saadet Demir Yalçın/Turkey.
Source: facebook.
WEB: donquichotte.
First blogged: 01.01.2017 18:30.



Osten Biennial of Drawing, Skopje 2016, Macedonia

22nd International cartoon contest, Haifa 2016, Israel

4th Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition 2015, China

Rubbish: 7th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2016, Germany

Intolerance: 8th Medplan Humor Exhibition 2016, Brazil

2015 International Cartoon Competition on Community of Common Destiny for All, China

36th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2016, Turkey

2nd International Cartoon Competition theme "Let's Remove the Barriers" 2016, Turkey

4th International Festival of Stock Market Cartoons 2016, Iran

Satire: Just for Laughs International Visual Arts Contest 2016, Canada

Un/Lucky: Caneva Ride 2016, Italy

All About Rock & Roll: 2nd MIKS 2016, Croatia

5th International Olive Cartoons Contest 2016, Cyprus

Cartoo'n'kite International Competition of satirical design 2016, Italy

Zoo: 1st International Animal Cartoon Contest 2016, Serbia

Free Feeling: International Cartoon Competition Brain Sneezing 2016, Slovakia

Artificial Intelligence: XVIII International Open Cartoon Contest, Zielona Góra 2016, Poland

33rd Aydin Dogan International Cartoon Competition 2016, Turkey

Future: XXIV International Festival of Satire and Humor, Trento 2016, Italy

9th DQ International Cartoons Contest 2016: Quo Vadis Europa?/Journey of Hope

21st International Cartoon Exhibition, Zagreb 2016, Croatia

Utopia: 4th Niels Bugges Cartoon Award 2016, Denmark

47th World Gallery of Cartoons Skopje 2016, Republic of Macedonia

6th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition, Milas 2016, Turkey

Art against terrorism: 12th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2016

31st National & International Cartoon Competition, Burdur Museum 2016, Turkey

My Home is My Castle: 9th Int Contest of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden 2016, Luxembourg

"Right" to be forgotten: 16th Int Editorial Cartoon Competition of the CCWPF 2016, Canada

Bread: 47th International Graphic Humor Competition "Umoristi a Marostica" 2016, Italy

To Be a Child in Amasya: 7th Int Cartoon Contest Amasya 2016, Turkey

Tourism and Peace: 7th International Tourism Cartoon Competition 2015, Turkey

Human Rights: II International Exhibition of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2016, Brazil

18th PortoCartoon 2016: The Global Understanding + Free theme, Portugal

22nd International Cartoon Humour Competition Golden Keg 2016, Slovakia

District Heating Cartoon Contest 2016, Hungary

Women's Rights: tOOnsMaG International Cartoon Contest 2016, Norway

55th International cartoon contest Knokke-Heist 2016, Belgium

International Exhibition Satyrykon - Legnica 2016, Poland

Love at the Wheel: Zagreb Car Cartoon

Refugees: 1st International KYM Cartoon Competition 2016, Turkey

National Cuisine: 24th International Golden Helmet, Krusevac 2016, Serbia

World's Greatest Writers: Magazine Nosorog VIII Int Caricature Contest 2015

The United Nations / Ranan Lurie Political Cartoon Award 2015

Vladimir Semerenko, Russia


Astra Motor International Cartoon Contest 2017, Indonesia

Theme: Transportation
Subtheme: Traffic ethics
The competition can be participated by cartoonists all over the world and free of charge.
We only accept your cartoon works via email.
Your cartoon works must be in color. not black and white.
Send your works to:
Size File Format:
Minimum Size: 1 MB; maximum Size: 15 MB
File Format: JPG; Resolution: 200-300 dpi;
Color Mode: RGB.
In other word the work must be safe and fine to be printed on A3.
Number of cartoons:
Max. number of entries per cartoonist: five cartoons
The cartoons must be the original work of the artist.
Deadline: 31 March 2017.
1st Prize: 15.000.000 lDR + Certificate (Pdf)
2nd Prize: 9.000.000 IDR + Certificate (Pdf)
3rd Prize: 6.000.000 IDR + Certificate (Pdf)
Five Citations: 3.000.000 IDR.
(Each winner subject to income tax at 15% of Prize).
Except for the winners, each cartoon can be purchased/collected
by visitors to the exhibition at a price 1.000.000 IDR per-print of work and
cartoonists get the right 50% of each work sold.
The caption in English.
The prize winners are determined by Indonesia independent Jury.
The decision of the Jury is final.
The jury starts with the determination of the prize winners around 20 April 2017.
And the winners of the competition will be announced on 25 April 2017.
Presentation of the cartoons:
With the sending of the works tor the competition the contestant accepts
automatically the regulation of the competition and agrees the print of
the cartoons for the exhibition and catalogues.
The catalogue will be sent to participants by email in Pdf file.
Awards Ceremony:
The exhibition date and The Awards ceremony of
the Astra Motor International Cartoon Contest 2017,
will take place around May 2017. in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Fixed time and date will be announced later.
All copyrights are held by the author of the cartoons.
The decision is final. Errors and changes excepted.
Semarang, 23 December 2016.
Best Regards.
Jitet Koestana (Cartoonist)
Darminto M Sudarmo (Humor Observer).
(Source: irancartoon).


Yalda Hasheminezhad, Iran

XXV International festival of satire and humor 2017, Italy

XXV International festival of satire and humor 2017
Cartoon theme 
Enrolment conditions
Any Italian and foreign artists can enroll.
The minimum age is 16 years.
Each participant is allowed to submit max 3 original works, not rewarded or reported in other competitions.
Artistic languages
Illustration/ satire/ humor: size A4/A3.
Cartoon max 2 pages size A4/A3.
Animations video maximum running time of 1 minute.
Rules concerning the dispatch of works
The works must be sent in digital format to info@studioandromeda.net 
Images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be saved in JPG or TIFF format at the highest quality.
Important: the images can be max 5MB, for images larger than 5MB use www.wetransfer.com Deadline 
Works must be received no later than March 19, 2017 (EXTENDED:) April 15, 2017.
Selection of works
The international jury will select the works that will be exhibited in the exhibition and published in the online catalog and sent in pdf format to the selected authors.
The three winning authors will be hosted at the expense of Studio d’Arte Andromeda in Trento within three days of the inauguration.
1° prize € 1000,00
2° prize € 700,00
3° prize € 500,00
Cartoon special prize € 300,00
Prize winning ceremony and exhibition of works
The award ceremony will be in October 2017, the exact date will be announced later.
Rights and royalties
The authors, taking part in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the work in any medium for promotional purposes by Studio d’Arte Andromeda not having any claim as copyright.
Entry Form on WEB: http://studioandromeda.net/.
(Deadline updated on 28.02.2017 03:30).


1st Int. Cartoon Festival on Safe & Optimal Consumption of natural gas, Alborz 2017, Iran

The first International Cartoon Festival on
Safe & Optimal Consumption of natural gas
Alborz 2017, Iran
Theme: Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas
“Consumption Optimization and observation the gas safety tips”
- Each participant can send maximum 6 works.
- Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Tel) of artists Just by word file is necessary.
- Festival catalogue will be given to those artists whose works will be published (please apply extreme attention in writing your mailing address and contact information).
- Artworks must be A4 and A3 in size, 300 dpi by jpg format.
- The Artworks published and Awarded In Other Festivals Or Competitions Are Not Accepted And They Will Be Rejected In The Judgment Stage.
- There is no limitation in the employed techniques.
- Secretariat of the festival has the copyright of printing and exhibiting the received works.
- Attending in the competition means the artists agree with all rules of the festival.
First prize: 3.000.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Second prize: 2.000.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Third prize: 1.000.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy.
10 Special Prize: 500.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy
3 Special Prize of technical jury alborz gas: Honorable mention & Trophy
Deadline: 2017-01-17 (EXTENDED:) 2017-01-21
Address for sending artworks: gascartoonfest@gmail.com
For more information, please send your questions to the following email address:

Halis Dokgoz, Turkey


17th International Comic Art Festival "Unlimited Comics" Prilep 2017, Macedonia

,,UNLIMITED COMICS”- Prilep-Macedonia
The “Byzant”—Visual Art Center is organizing the 10-th Annual international Comic art exhibition to be held in Prilep, Macedonia. The topic is: ”Freedom” - (Dreams, life, borders, walls, war, sex, food, sports, people, zoo, natural…)
1.Participation is open to all artists of comics that currently publish or have published in national or international mass media and not published.
2.Participation will consist of an entry on the topic ,,Freedom” format can be 21 x 29,7 cm - A4 Gallery formate. Send original work. Each works must bear the signature or initials of the artist at the front, with name, surname, adress, telephone number and e-mail address indicated on the back.
3.The entries should be packaged to protect the contents. The organization recommends placing the entry between two pieces of cardboard. Shipping will be paid by the participant. On packaged sign: ,,PRINT OUT OF VALUE”. The organization is not responsible for any damage caused during shipment.
4.March 12th is the deadline for resident authors in Balkans,and April 7th for participants of the other countries.The entries must be sent to the following address:
,,VIZANT,,-Visual Art Center
“Dimo Narednikot”;58
Contact person : Iv
e-mail: vizant@t.mk
5.The entries selected by the Committee will be displayed in the 17th annual international exhibition of comic Arts.
6.The entries become part of the “Byzant,,-visual art center archive. The entryes may be displayed in all the premises of the ,,Vizant”-Visual Art center in itinerant exhibitions, and in publications that are periodically published.
7.The ,,Vizant”-Visual Art center has the right to reproduce and circulate the entries, whenever the authors's name appears and the main objective is the dissemination of the exhibition or the participation in other activities of the “Vizant”-Art center general in area of art comix, that is to say, catalogues, posters, the press, web pages, etc…without generating any obligation towards the participating authors.
8.The organization will communicate through its web page or by means of letter the name of the authors whose entry has been received as well as the names of the selected entries.. The authors will be informed of accommodation conditions if they want attend the exhibition opening or any acttivities parallel to this event.
9.Once the exhibition has closed in Prilep, all the authors whose work has been selected will receive a copy of the publication made for the exhibition.
10.The organization reserves the right to not exibit those entries considered to be an affront to individual or collective rights.
11.Awards. Invited 7 artists on international comic art collony in Macedonia traveling expenses, visa, accomodation is a to ensure from organizateur.
12.Participation in the exhibition means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions.

Engin Selcuk, Turkey


Nenad Ostojic, Croatia

22nd International cartoon exhibition Zagreb 2017, Croatia

The organizer of the 22nd International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2017 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
B. THEME HOTELS, HOSTELS, APARTMENTS AND CAMPS (Tourism workers and tourists' funny stories)
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on festivals.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
Entry deadline is the 13th April 2017.
First Prize 1.000 EUR
Second Prize 500 EUR
Third Prize 300 EUR
Five Special mentions
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 30th May 2017.
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque.
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2018).
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2017, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.
WEB: www.hdk.hr .


The 13th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2017

Syria Cartoon website present
The 13th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2017
T h e m e s:
Cartoon Section:
F R E E ( funny)
Caricature Section:
Momtaz Al-Bahra, Syrian painter and cartoonist born in 1938, studied fine arts in Cairo university then moved to Damascus where he published a lot of his drawings in the Syrian journals and magazines, then he quit cartoon "Karikatur" during early 80s... Al-Bahra is considered as one of the most outstanding painters of the "children's literature" in Syria, he has pioneer contributions to the history of the Syrian contemporary Artistic Movement as an immortal pioneer Artist.
(see photos on source)
Note: Each participant can send maximum 2 artworks
A4, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 25 /2 / 2017
Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants
(They will participate only in exhibition,
Not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards....etc)
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
Syria Cartoon website:
Thank you for participation


4th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2017, Turkey

Topic of the Contest:“NEW LIFE
Explanation about the topic of the contest: Our world has been changing and progressing from its existence point to our day. Humanity took big steps for its own future, everything moved so fast. Sustainability, economy, change, Industry 4.0, universal values, environment, climate changes, rapidly consumed resources in danger of extinction, nature friendly production systems, livable future subjects are being approached in “NEW LIFE” theme.
Last date for application: 19 January 2017, Thursday
The contest is receptive internationally for all amateur and prfessional caricaturists.
Application: Limited with three caricatures, may be e-mailed to bursa@kalder.org in 300 dpi jpg format.
The caricatures can be published, yet should not be awarded in another competition.
The caricatures will be published at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account between 21.01.2017 - 31.01.2017 for detection of plagiarism and resemblance. Objections will not be considered after these dates.
Competing caricatures may be printed and used in KalDer organisations (posters, books, albums, postcards, brochures, invitations, exhibitions, etc.) and published in internet environment. One of the artworks may be used as the main visual of the 15th Quality and Success Symposium which will be held in Bursa between 14th to 15th of April 2017. All remaining publication rights belongs to the author. Competitors are considered to have an agreement in these conditions.
1st Place 3.000 TL ve plaque
2nd Place 1.500 TL ve plaque
3rd Place 750 TL ve plaque
Three Honorable Mention Plaques
Anatolian Caricaturists Society Special Award (plaque)
Explanation: Reward money and plaques will be sent to respective winners in March 2017. Reward money will be paid according to exchange rates of the date of payment in USD for international artists.
Results will be announced at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account on 06 February 2017, Monday.
Person in Charge of Organisation: Arzu Özel
E-mail Adress for the Works to be sent: bursa@kalder.org
Contact Information:
Phone: +90224 241 60 10
KalDer Bursa Department (Türkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Department)
Fethiye Mah. Sanayi Cad. No:317/2 Nilüfer / Bursa / Turkey.

Ljubica Heidler, Zdenko Puhin & the Croatian Cartoonist Association, Croatia

Savska 100, 10000 ZAGREB, CROATIA