
Results 29th National & 3rd International Cartoon Competition, Burdur Museum 2014

Results 29th National & 3rd International Cartoon Competition, Burdur Museum 2014, Turkey
Theme: Historical Artifacts - Musem and Human Relations.
85 artists sent in 176 cartoons.
1st Award: Ömer Çam (İzmir, Turkey)
2nd Award: Sait Munzur (Ankara, Turkey)
3rd Award: Aytur Şahinbay (İstanbul, Turkey)
Mention: Hulisi İlhan (Burdur, Turkey) (Top)
Jury Special Prizes:
Halit Kurtulmuş Aytoslu (Bursa, Turkey)
Muammer Bilen (Ankara, Turkey)
Ahmet Esmer (Balıkesir, Turkey).
All winning cartoons on source.


24th Gura Humorului International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature 2014

* Gura Humorului Townhall
* Suceava County Council The Bucovina Cultural Centre
* „Terra Design” Print Shop Gura Humorului
The 24nd edition, 2014
The 24nd edition of „Humor......at Gura Humorului”, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held between 11th and 13th of July, 2014.
1. The Edition theme: Over border leap
2. Original works are accepted, in digital format, created after January 1st, 2014, which were not published and submitted or awarded prizes to other competitions.
3. Two (2) is the number of papers accepted.
4. The works will be submitted by June 20th, 2014 (posting date) on the following addresses:
email: umorlahumor@gmail.com
or postal address:
Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piaţa Republicii, nr. 2, 725300-Gura Humorului, judeţul Suceava, România.
5. Technical requirements:
- Papers sent by e-mail: minimum 1600 x 1200 pixels, JPG format
- Papers sent by regular postal mail: format A3
- The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist.
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be added to the patrimony of the „Humor......at Gura Humorului” Festival and the organizers are entitled to use them later as edited materials with the name of their author on them.
7. The participants are required the following documents enclosed with their works: the completed entry form attached (See bottom), a brief CV and a personal photography/cartoon self portrait of minimum 6x9cm (on paper) or 710x1065 pix. (digital format).
8. The prizewinners will be notified by July 9th, 2014 to be present for the Awards Festivity held on Sunday, July 13th, 2014.
9. Transport expenses, accomodation and meals are the responsibility of the participant or the organization/ institution he/she is part of. The organizers will be notified in due time to make the necessary reservations
10. The prizes to be awarded:
1st Prize : EUR 500
2nd Prize : EUR 300
3rd Prize : EUR 200
The "George Gavrilean" Prize for the debutantes in Bucovina - EUR 200.
11. The jury are the ones who decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide upon the works or the authors to be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons, with their consent.
12. There will be no participation fees.
Further information:
The Bureau of Press Relations of „Humor......at Gura Humorului” Festival
• Prof. Elvira Romaniuc- Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina
Telephone: 00 40 740 926 479
E-mail: umorlahumor@gmail.com
• Coordinating Director Mihai Mardare – Local Cultural Center Gura Humorului
Telephon : 00 40 749 683 278

Just for Laughs International Visual Arts Contest 2014, Montréal, Canada

Just for Laughs International Visual Arts Contest 2014, Montréal, Canada
Contest Regulations
Visual artists, graphic designers, painters, designers and photographers are welcome to submit a new or existing piece of work. It must adhere to the criteria laid out below and address this yearʼs theme: FARCE.
Applications should be sent to ciav@urbana-marketing.com before Friday, May 30th 2014, at 5 p.m (EST)
The exhibition will take place from July 12-26th, 2014 as part of the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal, including a vernissage and an awards ceremony. Winners of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Public’s Choice prizes will be awarded the prestigious Victor trophy along with their prizes.
• Visual works need to be intentionally humorous and address this yearʼs theme, FARCE;
• For a two-dimensional work to be admissible, its dimensions must not exceed 36 inches by 44 inches. (92 cm by 112 cm);
• For a three-dimensional work to be admissible, its dimensions must not exceed 11 inches by 11 inches, with a height of 19 inches (28 cm by 28 cm by 49 cm).
• A picture of the work, submitted by email;
• A text describing the work, along with its dimensions (approximately 150 words);
• Artistʼs biography (approximately 200 words);
• The participation form completed and signed.
• Deadline to participate and submit application by email: May 30th, 2014, 5 p.m (EST)
• Deliberation by the jury for the selection of finalists (works to be exposed): week of June 2nd 2014;
• Selected artists will be contacted via email and phone by June 9th in order to proceed with the shipping of their work;
• Last date for works to be received in Montreal is June 27th, 2014 before 5 p.m (EST).
CONTACT ciav@urbana-marketing.com // 514-501-0262.

6th P. C. Rath Memorial International Web Cartoon Contest 2014, Bolangir, India

In remembrance of Historian Purna Chandra Rath, Superintendent of Archeology, Patna State, Bolangir, P.C. Rath Memorial Trust invites cartoons from both professional and amateur cartoonists of the world.
2. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ENTRIES: One (Any technique: Black & white; Colour; Digital)
A) Only one unpublished Cartoon is to be sent as e-mail attachment. (Don't send previously awarded cartoon)
B) The e-mail should also have Full Name and Complete Postal Address of the participant in CAPITAL LETTERS.
C) The Entry Form (only in MSWord) must accompany the cartoon as attached mail (See Entry form below)
D) Size: 21 x 30 cm (A-4)
E) Cartoon should be in JPG format (strictly 100 dpi) (Maximum 1MB).
4. E-MAIL: pcrcon6@yahoo.com (Write Full Name and Complete Postal Address in CAPITAL LETTERS in the email accompanying the cartoon)
WEB SITE: www.aswiniabani.com
5. DEADLINE: 5th June 2014
There will be 07 prizes (First, Second, Third, Special mention-2 and Honourable mention-2). All the prize winners will be awarded with a Diploma Certificate and a CD album of selected cartoons.
A) Result of the contest is likely to be declared in the last week of June 2014 and selected cartoons will be exhibited in the website: www.aswiniabani.com
B) The Diploma certificates and CD albums for all the winners will be sent by post after the function.
C) The exhibitions will be organized from June onwards in various places.
A) Once sent, the works belong to the organizing committee. It can be published, distributed or used for promotional purpose in future.
B) Cartoons should be downloadable and clear. Committee would not be responsible in situations like net-failure, undownloadable cartoon etc. It is therefore advised to keep the file small.
C) Plagiarism, if detected, the entry will be summarily rejected or even the diploma would be withdrawn, if awarded.
D) In case of a dispute, decision of the Committee would be final. The committee reserves all rights to cancel or modify any of the rules/conditions.
Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetary compensation.
Convener Jury: Aswini and Abani.

(Must be sent in MS Word)







My entry is original and unpublished. I accept all the terms and conditions of the contest.



The Jury and the Winners of HumoDEVA 2014, Deva, Romania

The Jury and the Winners of HumoDEVA 2014, Deva, Romania
The Jury
Horia CRISAN, Romania, President
Julian PENA - Pai, Romania, Member
Liviu STANILA, Romania, Member
The Winners
5 GOLD PRIZES (300 $ each, and a Special Honor Diploma):
Bogdan Petry (Romania)
Ivailo Tsvetkov (Bulgaria)
Klaus Pitter (Austria)
Mello (Brazil)
Toso Borkovic (Serbia)
10 SILVER PRIZES (Special Honor Diploma):
Borislav Stankovic (Serbia)
Florin Padurean (Romania)
Galym Boranbayev (Kazakhstan)
Javad Alizadeh (Iran)
Jitet Koestana (Indonesia) (Top)
Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraine)
Riina Maido (Finland)
Trayko Popov (Bulgaria)
Valentin Druzhinin (Russia)
Walter Toscano (Peru)
10 BRONZE PRIZES (Special Honor Diploma):
Aurel Stefan Alexandrescu (Romania)
Behrooz Firoozi (Iran)
Bour Octavian (Romania)
Burak Ergin (Turkey)
Darko Drljevic (Montenegro)
Doru Axinte (Romania)
Ismail Kar (Turkey)
Mauricio Para (Colombia)
Miroslaw Hajnos (Poland)
Raed Khalil (Syria).
The Participants, The Finalists, The Winners, The Winners - eBook, and The Gallery.


Results 14th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition, Canada

The jury (Jennifer Ditchburn, Roderick Macdonell and Guy Badeaux) met April 8, 2014 to select the winners of the 14th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2014, Canada. The winners are:
Grand Prize: Bruce MacKinnon, Canada
Second Prize: Pierre Brignaud, Canada (Top)
Third Prize: Rodrigo de Matos, Macao
Awards of Excellence:
José Rubio Malagón, Spain
Ali Miraee, Iran
Gilbert Daroy, Philippines
Diego Herrera (Yayo), Canada
Frédérick Fontaine (Frefon), Canada
Daniel Murphy, Canada
Muammer Olcay, Turkey (Above)
Run Tang Li, China
Kevin Kallaugher (Kal), USA
William Rasoanaivo (Pov), Mauritius.
Sources: Bado's blog & ccwpf.


The 10th International Comics and Cartoon Festival 2014, Kosovo

- The Kosovo Comic Book Artists Association "Xhennet Comics" is organizing the 10th Internacional Comics and Cartoon Festival.
- The Festival will be held from 06 until 09 September 2014 on the Gallery "Hamam" in Prizren KOSOVO.
- The Festival is not going to be competitive; however 25 foreign and 10 kosovar artists will be selected from the jury to have the expenses of travel and hotel accommodation covered for 3 days.
- All the participants of the festival will be delivered with The Catalogue, T-shirts with Festival logo, and The Certificate of Gratitude. Those absent will receive the catalogue via e-mail, PDF file or they can download from the official website of the association.
- The Festival of Comics and Cartoons is held every year in Prizren, Republic of Kosova, organized from the Kosovo Comic Book Artists Association "Xhennet Comics".
- The festival is open for every artist, professional or amateur, from all around the world.
Participating Conditions:
1. The genre and topic are free, whether for Comics or Cartoons.
2. The Works may be done from one or more artists.
3. The works can be posted to us or they can send through e-maıl which has to have a good scan at least 300 dpi. The Participant can send his/her work through e-mail - a good scan with minimum 300 dpi.
4. Comics and Cartoons should be from 1 to 4 pages (A3 or A4 format).
5. The language of texts is free to all of the world's languages (preferable in English).
6. Required details to be sent with the works are: Name, Surname, A short biography, Country, Address, E-mail, and A Photo. ( Attention without of these informations the works will not be taken to consideration ).
7. The Deadline is 15 August 2014 (EXTENDED:) 15 SEPTEMBER 2014
The Address for sending the works is:
Kosovar Comic Book Artist's Association "XhennetComics"
str. Xhemil Doda nr. 3/a - 20000 Prizren - Republic of Kosovo
Cell: +37744288791
E-mail: xhennetcomics@gmail.com
More info on www.xhennetcomics.blogspot.com
Source: xhennetcomics.

The 8th HumoDeva International Cartoon Contest, Deva 2014, Romania

The CULTURE CENTER of Deva city, CRISAN Publishing House and The ACCES Association – as the organizers – and the founders are very glad to invite you to participate in
The event is a part of the 14th edition of Deva anual Humor Festival Liviu Oros.
1. The artworks must be presented in a
I. FREE THEME - MY BEST OF 2013, (your best cartoons made in 2013) or on
II. THE THEME - CRISAN Publishing House - 15 Years! , with the subjects:
a. The Children Books of CRISAN Publishing House (books, characters, fairy-tales...)
b. Funny congratulations and wishes for our age - 15 years! (cartoons, of course)
c. Portraits of the CRISAN Publishing House founder - Horia CRISAN.
d. Cartoons with our mascot LULI and ideas for a new logo design.
Note: The cartoons sent until now to the HumoDEVA 2013 Special will participate at this section.
2. The 8th HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST is an open competition for cartoonists all over the world. The participation is free of charge. For all the cartoonists accepted in the contest, the drawings will be displayed FREE OF CHARGE on HumoDEVA’s site.
3. You can submit max 3 works, made in 2013, for FREE THEME and max 3 works for THEME SECTION.
The Deadline for sending works, only by e-mail, is April 28 2014 at the e-mail address humodeva@gmail.com .
4. The works must be digitized in 300 DPI resolution, RGB color mode, in JPG format, with the maximum limit of 5 MB. Works should be accompanied by the author’s photo or caricature and a short biography in English, including date of birth, education, profession, citizenship, awards, publications and exhibitions.
5. The decisions of the Jury are final. The Jury will award the following prizes for the best works, no mater the categories:
5 GOLD PRIZES - 1500 $ (300 $ each) and Special Honor Diploma
10 SILVER PRIZES - Special Honor Diploma
10 BRONZE PRIZES - Special Honor Diploma
Other Special Prizes offered by the sponsors may be awarded.
6. The contest results will be announced on the HumoDEVA 2014 web site.
The prizes can be paid in Deva or can be posted to the cost of the receiver. The organizer does not assume any liability regarding taxes or bank charges. The original drawings of the prize winning entries should be sent in maximum two weeks from the results announcement, well wrapped and protected against damages. The mail adress for sending winning originals is: CRISAN Publishing House, Mihai Viteazu bl 47, ap 1, 330.091 Deva, jud. HD, ROMANIA.
7. All selected cartoonists will get, free of charge, a full-color Catalogue of the 2014 HumoDEVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST in PDF format.
8. The participation in HumoDEVA means automatically that the author is waving copyrights of his works in any kind of support, concerning the production and diffusion of the contest.
9. For further information: phone 0040-721328855, e-mail: humodeva@gmail.com .
10. By submitting the works to The HumoDÆVA INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CONTEST, the artists accept the decisions of the Jury and the rules printed above.
Horia CRISAN, Founder
Liviu STANILA, Co-founder and art director

Theme in 23rd Cartoon Contest Golden Helmet, Krusevac 2015, Serbia: Changes

- Story
- Poem
- Aphorism
1. CARTOON: ORIGINAL, MIN. A4 (210x297 mm), MAX A3 (297x420 mm), TECHNIQUE FREE;
1ST AWARD: PLAQUE GOLDEN HELMET.............. 800 €
2ST AWARD ................................................................. 400 €
3ST AWARD ............................................................... 200 €
STORY: PLAQUE GOLDEN HELMET .......................200 €
POEM: PLAQUE GOLDEN HELMET ....................... 200 €
SPECIAL AWARD RADE BRKA................................... 200 €
Written works to be sent under a code!
DEADLINE: 25.01. 2015.
Only unpublished works will be taken into consideration. Author's short biography, phone number and e-mail addres are obligatory.
Jury decision will be announced on 05.02. 2015.
Awards will be handed at Final Festival Evening on April 1, 2015. The Organizer will bear travel and accommodation cost of awarded authors. Festival official langauges are Serbian and English.
All works remain property of the Festival.
Source: www.kck.org.rs.


Results 46th International Exhibition Umoristi A Marostica 2014 with theme "Rights"

Source: bestcartoons.

1st International Cartoon Competition Izmir 2014, Turkey: “Peace through Children”

International Cartoon Competition “Peace through Children”
Objectives of the competition:
Sister and Friend Cities of Izmir gather around the International Cartoon Competition.
The competition is to be organized in order to contribute to the friendship of communities with the creative power of culture and art as well as strengthen friendship ties between cities. The theme of the competition, which will be held for the first time this year, is determined as “Children and International Peace” and the results will be announced on the 1st of September 2014, the World Peace Day.
Today, thousands of children lose their lives and are forced to leave their home lands due to wars. They become disabled, suffer from psychological problems and they are abused. In wars, mostly children die first and for those who survive; they don’t smile anymore since their dreams, hopes and future are taken away from them. Every child has the right to grow up in peace regardless of their color, language, religion and ethnic origin. Ensuring this is the joint responsibility of humanity.
With this consciousness, Izmir Metropolitan Municipality would like to invite the cartoonists living in our sister and friend cities to participate in the competition; we believe that their works will increase the sensibility and awareness for peace.
Rules of Participation:
• The International Cartoon Competition with the theme of “Children and International Peace” organized by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is open to all cartoonists.
• Competitors who are under the age of 18 must participate in the competition with the permission of their parents. A document, which shows the acceptance of the conditions, must be signed by the parents and submitted to the Organizing Committee.
• Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with maximum 5 cartoons. The cartoons that will be sent to the competition may have been published previously; but had not been awarded from a competition. The cartoons that are found out to be rewarded before will be disqualified and the prize will be taken away.
• Participants who send cartoons to the competition are considered to have declared and committed that these works belong to themselves. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality does not accept any responsibility for permission and copyrights about the participants’ cartoons.
• The cartoons can be used on different platforms (brochure, exhibition, periodicals, calendar, etc.) with the artist's name by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. Participants are considered to have accepted these conditions beforehand.
• Transportation and accommodation expenses of the winners will not be covered by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. The prizes of the winners who could not attend the award ceremony will be deposited to their bank accounts.
• The cartoons which are found to be the most creative by the jury will be exhibited and will be put into an album. The cartoonists of all the exhibited cartoons will be offered or sent the album after the award ceremony.
• The cartoons that do not comply with the terms and conditions of the competition will be cancelled and disqualified from the competition.
Digital Delivery of the Cartoons:
• Applications will be sent via internet. Participants must fill in the application form on www.izmir.bel.tr/cartoon/en and click on the “Cartoon Competition” to upload their cartoons.
• The cartoons must be sent in A4 size (21cmx29.7cm) RGB color, 300 DPI resolution and JPG format. Any compressor programs such as ZIP or RAR cannot be used.
For questions and further information:
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality,
EU and Foreign Relations Department
Cumhuriyet Bulvari No:1
Konak izmir / TURKIYE
Tel: +90232 293 14 84
Fax: +90232 293 11 56
Competition Calendar:
Commencement: 21 April 2014
Deadline for application: 1 August 2014
Announcement of the Results: 20 August 2014
Award Ceremony: 1 September 2014
$1000 and Plate
Second Prize:
$750 and Plate
Third Prize:
$500 and Plate
Vladimir Kazanevsky
Valeriu Kurtu
Luc Descheemaeker
Eray Özbek
Ömer Çam
Mustafa Yıldız
Sadık Pala
Dr. Pınar Meriç.


VII International Exhibition of Graphic Humor Lima 2014, Peru

VII International Exhibition of Graphic Humor Lima 2014, Peru
Dear colleagues and artists:
El Peru wears joy, creativity and art with the completion of the VII International Exhibition of Graphic Humor Lima 2014.
This event brings together representatives of different global gag cartoon, as in previous editions, raise awareness in society about the care of the environment through graphic works. The theme for this year is CLIMATE CHANGE.
The opening of the international quality event will take place Thursday, September 4 with the traveling exhibition of the different graphic pieces. This exhibition will cover the most representative areas of the Peruvian capital and later cities within the country.
In addition, all the artists whose works are selected for the sample receive by post our official catalog, in which the various works forming part of the exhibition will be found.
The success of the International Exhibition of Graphic Humor, considered one of the most important art events in Latin America, is up to you.
1. The artist who wishes to participate in the VII International Exhibition of Graphic Humor Lima 2014 shall send to the organizers their personal details (full name, address, contact number, e-address) accompanied by his work, a brief autobiographical note and photography and/or caricature.
2. Contestants must adhere to the chosen theme for this sixth edition: “Climate Change”.
3. The artist may submit two works from his personal archives. These may have been published and/or previously awarded.
4. The work must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi and a minimum size of A4 (30 X 21 cm).
5. The works, along with the required data must only be sent to official e‐mail: salonhumorperu@salonhumorperu.com .
6. The closing date is 30 June 2014.
7. The works received passing selection form the exhibition which is scheduled for Thursday, September 4, 2014.
8. The artists whose works are selected will receive a copy of the Official Catalogue of Humor, which has published the different jobs received.
9. The artist allows the organizers to use his work for advertising pieces the Chart Show Humor required to promote the event (posters, t-shirts, press releases, etc.).
10. Upon registration, the artist accepts all the conditions laid down in the rules of the competition for the VII International Exhibition of Humor Graphic.


New deadline for the 4th International Turhan Selçuk Caricature Contest: 16 May 2014

1.The contest is free for all cartoonists.
2.Caricatures to be sent to this contest may be published anywhere else before. But they must not become entitled to receive any awards in another contest.
3.Technique is free. A cartoonist may join this contest with a large number of caricatures as he / she wishes. But works must be original. Digital printing products may be accepted provided that they are signed (original signature) by cartoonist.
4.Maximum dimension of caricatures to be sent for this contest must be 30×40 cm.
5.Participants to this contest must write their name, surname, address, e-mail, country and telephone number behind their work and must put a short curriculum vitae in a develop.
6.Caricatures must be sent to below mentioned address by 16 May 2014:
Milas Municipality Culture and Art Department, Hacı Aliağa Villa
48200 Milas – Muğla  TURKEY
7.Contest results will be announced on 28 May 2014.
8.Caricatures to be sent for contest shall not be returned. Caricatures ranking or not ranking in contest may be used for cultural purposes or published. Participants to this contest are deemed to have been accepted these conditions. Works will be kept in Turhan Selçuk Karikatürlü Ev.
9.Owners of works to be selected by jury, to be exhibited and included in album shall be sent a contest album.
10. Award ceremony will be carried out on 16 August 2014. Also with the purpose of exhibition of caricatures which were seen worth-exhibiting and won a prize on that very date, an opening ceremony will be performed in Turhan Selçuk Karikatürlü Ev.
Tel: 0 252 5121416 – 136 Fax: 0 252 512 80 29
www.milas.bel.tr info@milas.bel.tr
11.Meals and accommodation expenses of special prize winners shall be covered. Travel expenses belong to them.
Muhammet Tokat (Mayor of Milas)
Kamil Masaracı (Cartoonist)
Marilena Nardi (Cartoonist) İtaly
TRAX (Cartoonist) France
Menekşe Çam (Cartoonist)
Emre Yılmaz (Cartoonist)
Latif Demirci (Cartoonist)
Ersin Yeniceli (Culture and Art Officer of Milas Municipality)
Bülent Örkensoy (Graphics Designer).
First Prize : 3.000 USD
Second Prize : 2.000 USD
Third Prize : 1.000 USD
Other special prizes will be given by various institutions, associations, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, agencies and real persons.
Note: A jury meeting will be held on May 24, 2014.


2nd International Cartoon Competition Tallinn 2014, Estonia: Living Streets

Tallinn, Estonia
The organizers of the INTERNATIONAL CARTOON COMPETITION are Estonian Humour Union, humour magazine Pilkaja (Mocker), Tallinn Old Town Days XXXIII and Tallinn Central City Government.
Entries: A maximum of 5 entries can be submitted, works must be free from politics and without words, digitally at least 3500x2400 px (A4, 300 dpi), JPG. The work may have been previously published.
Information: Author's first and last name, title (if applicable), year of creation, e-mail.
Address digitally to: pilkaja.sisu@gmail.com
Entry deadline is the 5th of May 2014.
Prizes: nominal gold, silver and bronze trophy pencils (size 30 cm) and diploma.
Other conditions: The prize-winning works become the property of the organizer. All works may be published in humor magazine Pilkaja without additional fees. All participants get a free digital catalog of the exhibition.
Exhibition will take place in: Kiek in de Kök tower, Tallinn, Estonia. The exhibition will open in May 23, 2014.
More information at phone: +372 51 77 861
E-mail: pilkaja.sisu@gmail.com
Source: http://www.pilkaja.ee.


Oleksy Kustovsky wins the International 7-77 Cartoon Competition 2014, Turkey

The aim of the International 7-77 Cartoon Competition during the festival is to make children - the adults of tomorrow - love cartooning, to contribute to the development of their awareness of humour and to enrich their world with cartoons. For the competition, 922 cartoons have been drawn and sent for children by the master cartoonists from 73 countries.
The cartoon by Oleksy Kustovsky (Ukraine) has been chosen as eligible for the award of 1000 Euro by the jury composed of cartoonists Tan Oral, Kiyarash Zandi (Iran), İzel Rozental, Kamil Masaracı, Prof. Dr. Efser Kerimoğlu (Psikiyatrist), Muhammet Şengöz and Nezih Danyal.
Source: http://www.nd-karikaturvakfi.org.tr/7-77.html.