
Theme in 16th Humour a Gallarate International Cartoon Contest 2010: Modern Art

Humour a Gallarate International Cartoon Contest Grand Prix 'Marco Biassoni'
1) The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world
2) Theme: MODERN ART
Sections: A) Graphics/Cartoon, B) Satire, C) Caricature.
Beginning this year, there will also be instituted a special Section dedicated to Osvaldo Cavandoli - in art "Cava" - creator of the famous character "La Linea".
It's possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original and accompanied by the author's photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back.
The author have to indicate the section for each work/s.
4) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. Common graphic and digital prints will be accepted but only if signed by the author. Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable. The works sent in digital form, by email or informatic devices, will not be considered for the awarding of prizes of Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni"; the works will be taken into consideration only for the exhibition and for the catalogue.
All the works, included works sent in digital form, will be taken into consideration only for the "Cava" Prize.
6) Deadline: September 27, 2010 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Prizes: the Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix "Marco Biassoni" for the best work
1st Prize / Special Prize of Jury / 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)
"Cava" Prize for the best work that combines humoristic beauty with the essentiality of graphic execution.
8) Exhibition: October 17 - 24, 2010 at the "MAGA" Museum Art Gallarate.
Opening ceremony: October 17, 2010 at 11,00 AM
9) Catalogue: each selected author will receive a copy
10) Property: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the "Humour Gallarate Collection".
By submitting the works, the author accepts the rules and regulations of the Contest and the decisions of the Jury.
The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco Gallarate
Vicolo del Gambero n. 10,
21013 Gallarate (VA) ITALY

Click and download the Entry-form (doc format)
For further informations:
Phone/Fax: (+39)0331.774968.

Results of Competition Opera & Ballet 2010 - Poland

Organizers of Competition Opera & Ballet 2010, Poland send information about results of Competition.
Best regards.
Jacek Frankowski.


I Prize: Pawel Kuczynski - Poland

II Prize: Dusan Polakovic - Slovakia

III Prize: Andrzej Krawczak - Poland

Mention I: Maciej Olender - Poland

Mention II: Valentin Georgiev - Bulgaria

Mention III: Grzegorz Sobczak - Poland

Mention IV: Jacek Frackiewicz - Poland

Mention V: Pavel Constantin - Romania.


Call to participate in "The Show of Graphical Humor by the Memory, the Truth, and the Justice" in Argentina

Call Cartoonists
We summon all the cartoonists to join "The Show of Graphical Humor by the Memory, the Truth, and the Justice" that was recently declared of interest by the Honorable House of Representatives of the Argentine Nation.
The subject of the works must help to consolidate the collective memory of the society in order to generate feelings opposed to all kinds of authoritarianism, and to support the permanent emplacements of the State of Right and the total use of the Human Rights.
"The show is a way to incorporate the young generations, from an unusual flank, in the knowledge of a pathetic time that we do not have to forget, and in that sense we undestand that this Board must emphasize the initiatives of this nature of social, cultural, and political projection, encouraging to go on exposing in different places in Argentina in order to contribute the values included in the convocation: Memory, Trust and Justice, basic bricks for the construction of a different Argentina" (Projection of Resolution, House of Representatives - Number of File 3364-D-2010).
The works can be sent in JPG format, A3 size (29.7 x 42.0 cm), and to a minimum of 300 pp until July 31, 2010 to sebaoz@hotmail.com or humormemoria@gmail.com enclosing:
- Pen name
- Country or province of origin
- Web page, blog, or email to contact the artist.
The deadline for reception responds to the necessity to make a catalogue with all the participants´ works.
It is possible to say that this show does not aim to any profit, that it will be itinerant, and its objective is to be visited in all the latitudes of the country.
In www.humormemoria.blogspot.com everybody can see some pictures and journalistic reviews that have been already made, and meet the participants who are exposing.
Looking forward to seeing all of you.
Best wishes,
Seba Ozdoba, Show Co-ordinator.
Source: humormemoria

Jury report: DEBIUT, Zielona Góra 2010 - Poland

Zielona Góra, dn. 3 lipca 2010 r.
z posiedzenia Jury Otwartego Międzynarodowego Konkursu Na Rysunek Satyryczny – temat: „MUZEUM”
zorganizowanego przez Lubuskie Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Działań Kulturalnych „DEBIUT” w Zielonej Górze
pod Honorowym Patronatem Marszałka Województwa Lubuskiego oraz Prezydenta Miasta Zielona Góra
Na posiedzeniu w dniu 3 lipca 2010r., jury Otwartego Międzynarodowego Konkursu na Rysunek Satyryczny – temat: MUZEUM, w składzie:
Grzegorz Szumowski (Polska) – rysownik, karykaturzysta
Ryszard Błażyński (Polska) – Stowarzyszenie DEBIUT, dyrektor Konkursu
Konstantin Kazanchev (Ukraina) – rysownik, prezydent ukraińskiego Stowarzyszenia Karykaturzystów
Bretislav Kovarik (Czechy) – rysownik, przewodniczący Czeskiej Unii Karykaturzystów
Igor Myszkiewicz (Polska) – rysownik, grafik
Krzysztof Rutkowski (Polska) – rysownik, satyryk, dziennikarz Radia Zachód
Szczepan Sadurski (Polska} – rysownik, dziennikarz. Szef Wydawnictwa Humoru i Satyry Superpress, przewodniczący Partii Dobrego Humoru
Sekretarz :
Alicja Błażyńska – Kierownik Galerii „Krzywe Zwierciadło”
zapoznało się z 700 pracami 308 autorów (z 51 państw), nadesłanych na konkurs i dokonało wyboru 153 prac 147 autorów – do wystawy pokonkursowej. Do nagród regulaminowych nominowano 35 prac 33 autorów. Do ścisłego finału zakwalifikowano 7 prac – 7 autorów.
Po głosowaniu w trybie tajnym, jury postanowiło przyznać:
GRAND PRIX - Jerzy Głuszek (Polska)
I NAGRODA - Zbigniew Jujka (Polska)
II NAGRODA - Grigori Katz (Izrael)
III NAGRODA - Michaił Ignat (Rumunia)

Na tym protokół zakończono i podpisano.
Grzegorz Szumowski............. Igor Myszkiewicz...................
Ryszard Błażyński................. KrzysztofRutkowski …….........
Konstantin Kazanchev.......... Szczepan Sadurski..................
Bretislav Kovarik............. .....Alicja Błażyńska.....................


International cartoon contest “Uniformal corruption”

International cartoon contest “Uniformal corruption” 2010 - Russia
Dear visitors,
Interregional public organization for assistance and protection of human rights “Spravedlivost” and editorial staff of the portal “S-pravdoy.ru” invite you to the International cartoon contest on the subject “Uniformal corruption”.
We suggest you to express your attitude to corrupt policemen and prosecutors, bribe takers judges and customs officers and others public officers, who parasitize at the expense of government. We focus our attention on those who tainted the honour of regiment, uniform and gown for their own benefit. Those who earn their living taking kickbacks, who turn supervised branches into the family business.
1. The competition is open to all interested, professionals or amateurs without any age limit.
2. Cartoons number unlimited, free technique.
3. A4 size at 300 dpi in JPEG or the printed copy with “wet signature” of the author.
4. It doesn’t matter if works were awarded, exhibited or published before.
5. On the reverse side you must specify your name and surname, postal address and e-mail.
6. Postal address - 127006, Moscow, st. Dolgorukovskaya, d. 38, str. 2., The office of the "Kollegiya advokatov "Zakon i Chelovek", Russia
Please mark the envelope: "MOO "Justice" contest".
7. E-mail box: konkurs@s-pravdoy.ru , konkurs.spravdoy@gmail.com
The work is considered to be accepted after receiving corresponding notification by organizers.
8. Deadline for receipt of works - 1 August 2010.
9. Awards:
1st place – 30 000 Russian rubles
2nd place - 15 000 Russian rubles
3rd place – 10 000 Russian rubles
- Audience Award (from 100 best chosen works) by Internet voting
- 10 Diplomas of Honour
10. Jury:
The President of Jury – Mikhail Zlatokovskii, a member of the Artist and Journalist’s Union of USSR and Russian Federation, a member of the French Academy of humoristic arts, the Academy of Authorities (Saint-Petersburg) and the International Academy of Pedagogy, winner of multiple international cartoon contests, Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour.
Jury members:
- Sergey Tunin, an artist-cartoonist, winner of scores international cartoon contests. Among awards – “Gold Aesop” in Bulgaria, “Gold Date” and “Gold Andrey” in Italy, “Gold Ostap” in St-Petersburg.
- Andrey Stolbunov, a lawyer, Chairman of Board of Directors of IPO «Spravedlivost»
- Dmitriy Baranovskiy, first deputy Director General of OJSC «RATEP». Deputy Chairman of IPO «Spravedlivost»
11. As a result will be chosen 100 best works that will participate in the exhibition in Moscow and will be included in the catalogue.
12. The participation in the contest means the agreement of the author with all conditions including an agreement on gratuitous publishing of works in any form.
13. Sent works will not be returned to the authors.
Sources: cartoonblues ; http://en.s-pravdoy.ru/ .

2nd City of Ideas Caricature / Cartoon Contest 2010


1. Any artist (professional or not) from around the world can participate, as long as he or she is over 18 years of age.
2. Submissions must be completely original and unedited. They must not be participating in a similar contest or event simultaneously.
3. The question to develop is: If you came from another planet, what would you ask Humanity?
The contest attempts to discover what you would answer to this question with a caricature/cartoon, you can add short texts to the artwork and they must be written in Spanish or English. You must represent the question very clear, either by implying within the artwork or as the title thereof.
* The organization is within rights to cancel submissions that prove offensive.
4. Contestants can submit up to 3 works (authors who submit more than 3 will be disqualified).
5. Any technique is accepted (digital or hand made, color or black and white).
6. Works should not be bigger than 21 cm x 29 cm or in proportional size, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi.
7. Contestants will add a document where the following will be specified:
Full author name and pseudonym - Author picture or caricature - Address - Telephone Number - Email - Nationality - Title of each submission - Is it the first time you participate? - Brief biography (Curriculum).
8. Contestants will sign a certificate, which will be sent in a sealed envelope, or in case of being sent by email, signature must be scanned.
I, (author name), certify being the author of: If you came from another planet, what would you ask Humanity? Which I submit to the La Ciudad de las Ideas Contest. I, (author name), accept the contest rules by the mere fact of having submitted this work, and its use for any pertinent means by Poder Cívico A.C.

9. Works and envelopes with author data will be sent to the following address:
2nd International Caricature/Cartoon Contest
Reforma 222,Piso 12 Col. Juárez,
Delegación Cuauhtémoc,
C.P. 06600 México D.F.

Email submissions at: mar_interactiva@yahoo.com.mx and mar@marideas.com forwarded to contacto@ciudaddelasideas.com
10. Selected works will be shown in the city of Puebla, Mexico on November 11, 12 and 13 2010, and will be posted on the blog created towards this goal: http://cartonist-ciudaddelasideas.blogspot.com/ / and at the official La Ciudad de las Ideas webpagehttp://www.ciudaddelasideas.com/.
11. Contest is valid from May 17th till September 10th, 2010. Works submitted by email must be within these dates in their registry.
12. Contest results will be made known at http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com/ . Winners will be notified by email. Ignore any information emails if they are not within the @ciudaddelasideas.com or @podercivico.org.mx .
13. The jury will be selected by Poder Cívico and will be qualified to solve any situation related with the contest that doesn’t meet the requirements. The award will be declared null if the jury decides that none of the works submitted meet quality standards, which will be unappealable. Jury members will be kept secret until results are published.
14. Submissions that do not win will be able to get picked up at the Poder Cívico offices three months after results are published, works that are not picked up will be made available by Martha Barragán Méndez for any return that could be required after the date established by Poder Cívico.
First Place: A full expenses paid trip to the city of Puebla, Mexico, to attend the La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival and a diploma.
Second Place: A full expenses paid trip to the city of Puebla, Mexico, to attend the La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival and a diploma.
Third Place: A full expenses paid trip to the city of Puebla, Mexico, to attend the La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival and a diploma.
Two Honorable Mentions: Each will be awarded a diploma that will be sent a few days after the festival.
Note: Awards will not be able to be made in cash, nor be transferable to anyone else.
LINK: http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com/win/
Source: regulamentoscartoon


Catalog of Balkan Exhibition in Greece on "Football"

Today received the catalog of the first Balkan Cartoon Exhibition organised by the Cultural Center of Nea Philadelphia in Greece on the occasion of the "2010 FIFA WORLD CUP SOUTH AFRICA". The exhibit was on between 10-18 June 2010.
"World Cup 2010, South Africa, football, fiesta, spectacle, agony, hope, anticipation, a popular sport, the million-earning football stars, nationalism, racism, hooliganism, the great interests, the commercialization, the multinational companies, the role of the referees, the first World Cup for the poorest Continent, the TV, a man's world, the universality of the game, a return to childhood, a woman's discomfort to a man's obsession, the monetary crisis...multiple thoughts, in parallel ways...
On the other hand, caricature. The art of cartooning, the mediated criticism, the sight into our everyday life and its malfunctions, satire and self sarcasm, all given through the artistic view of the people of a unique area, such as the Balkan Peninsula, that has always loved, and still does, both football and humor", writes Mr Stavros Kontos, the Mayor of Nea Philadelphia, in his introduction to the catalog.
The catalog of size 16x23 cm contains color and b/w cartoons of 70 artists from the following Balkan countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey. Most of the cartoonists have contributed with more than one cartoons and they are all included in this catalog of 96 pages.
Many thanks to the organisers for publishing and sending to the participants this humorous book in a year of financial crisis.
Participants from Turkey:
Burhanettin Ardagil, Muhammet Bakır, Erdoğan Başol, Nuri Bilgin, Kenan Böğürcü, Ferhat Demirbaş, Halis Dokgöz, Faruk İnan, Ayten Köse, Önder Önerbay, Kemal Özyurt, Serdar Sayar, Nevzat Varhan, Kamil Yavuz, Mustafa Yıldız.

Deadline for Koroglu exhibition in Turkey: 15 July 2010

Ruhi Su, says about KOROGLU who is an Anatolian legendary hero: "He is a brave person and a legendary hero who rebels against atrocious people and advise not to touch to the old and poor people, to contend with the covetous-rich people, to care about aggrieved ones and their difficulties.", in his album, named "Poets & Folksongs” (in Turkish). As do Ruhi Su, my brother, Mehmet KOROGLU, spent his whole life as a revolutionist and artist with respect to labor, too. In the first year of his decease, we want to remember/commemorate him with his friends, in Iskenderun. In this context; we will organize an exhibition which his and his friends' works take space in it.
Aim: To make a fine excuse and a cause to create something which give meaning to our lives for the people who make the labor valuable.
1- The works which will be take space in the exhibition;
Mehmet Koroglu portraits and his artist friends' cartoons, pictures, diagrams... which are made by all techniques and types.
2- All participant works will be put in a CD and it will be sent to each participant.
3- Five (5) trees will be planted and a planting certificate will be sent to each participant.
4- The works should be in digital media, as A4 sized, 300 dpi resolution.
5- The works must be sent to the following adress: muhitcartoon@hotmail.com
6- Deadline: 15 July 2010
Thanks in advance for all participants.
Muhittin Koroglu.
Please visit: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/koroglu_sergi_2.asp
For more information: muhitcartoon@hotmail.com, http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/


2010 International Cartoon Contest “Naji al Ali” on Palestine

Naji al Ali and Handala are two symbols of the Palestinian national resistance who never yielded to the occupiers since decades. The Palestinian cartoonist Naji al Ali, who had shelted to a refugee camp in Lebanon after the 1948 occupation when he was 10 years old and who has been assasinated by Israeli agents in London in 1987 has left a child to all of the peoples of the world; it is Handala, a child who will always be 10 years old. Under nearly 40 thousand cartoons who narrate Palestine, appears Handala as he has turned us his back. He is offended to everybody who do not hear the voice of a people of which the country and right to life is stolen; and it is only after the liberation of Palestine that he will turn his face again.
We started to work to commemorate the memory of Naji al Ali, who dedicated his life of 50 years to the stuggle to free his country, and he did it mainly by his cartoons. We know well that the zionist occupiers have even fear of the designs. Let them have fear! We shall continue to design Palestine.
Not only the Palestine who fights, but also the Palestine who breathes...
We’re calling everyone who want to support this heritage as well as to support this struggle, to participate to the 2010 International Cartoon Contest “Naji al Ali” on Palestine and to make heard the sound of Naji al Ali, Handala and Palestine.
About the contest
This contest is being organized by Assocation for Solidarity with Palestinian People (Turkey) and HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group.
Conditions of participation
* The works must reach the organizing association not later than 22nd of November 2010, Monday. Also the participants using the way of postal, should arrange the last day of sending as 22nd November of 2010, Monday. Nevertheless, all of the works which will arrive before the gathering of the Selective Committee will be assessed. The organizing association will not be responsible of the postal delays.
* The submitted works must be original. In case of submitting the works with the print out of the cartoons, it is a necessary that the cartoonists put their original signatures on their works.
* The standard size for the dimension of the works must be A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) or A3 (29,7 x 42 cm). The works sent by internet must be high resolution file(300 dpi required).
* The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest. The maximum number of works for each cartoonist to participate the contest is 3.
* The Contest is open to cartoonists from all over the world. Also "Handala ‘Stone General’ Special Prize" will be given to two cartoonists who are between 10-13 and 14-17 years old.
* The adress for the cartoonists preferring to use post offices to participate the contest is:
Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma Derneği, Hüseyin Ağa Mah. Dudu Odalar Sok. No:10 Kat:3 Beyoğlu/İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE
E-mail adress for the online participation is: hanzalakarikatur@gmail.com
(For more information: homur.blogspot.com; bizimhanzala.blogspot.com; for communication: hanzalailetisim@gmail.com)
* Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation by post. Name, surname, birth date, postal adress, phone number and e-mail adress should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
* Participants should send their works with participation forms which can be found in annex after filling it completely and signing it. The participants who send their works via internet must also send their signed participation form to the adress mentioned above.
* Participants who filled the participation form are assumed that they transfer all the rights on the cartoons defined by Turkish laws to the Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People and that the mentioned association has the right to exibit, keep them in its archive and broadcast works on the internet. Moreover they also accept that HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group can use all the works without any restrictions.
* At the end of the contest, a BIG PRIZE OF NAJI AL-ALI will be given to one of the works.
In addition to this, there will be four equivalent ACHIEVEMENT PRIZES. These are:
Also, two of the cartoonists between 10-13 and 14-17 years old will be awarded with "HANDALA ‘STONE GENERAL PRIZE".
In addition to the special prizes given by Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People and HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group, there will also be awards from some different institutions.
The Selective Committee and the announcement of the results
* Selective Committee (Jury) for the contest will be announced later.
* Selective Committee will be gathered at 27th of November 2010, Saturday.
* The results of the contest will be announced at 28th of November 2010, Sunday.
* Prize Ceremony will be held on 11th December of 2010, Saturday in Istanbul. The ceremony is open for everyone, and the winners of “big prize”, “achievement prizes” and the “Handala ‘stone general’ prizes” may able to participate the ceremony, as 3 days-accomodation will be supplied by Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People.
After the contest
* One album of cartoons those determined by the jury will be sent to cartoonists. Besides, a circulating exhibition will be organized from the participant workings. Foremost, this exhibition will travel to cities of Turkey, like İstanbul, İzmir, Eskişehir, Adana, Zonguldak, Antalya. Then,it will be exhibited both some cities and centers of the world and Middle Eastern Countries. After the contest,exchange of information with the participants will also continue and the participants will be informed about the exhibitions.
* The works will not be returned. After the exhibition, they will be kept in Museum Of Cartoon and Humor, under the responsibility of Association of Cartoonists (Turkey).
* The only professional organization of the cartoonists in Turkey, the Association Of Cartoonists supports the contest.
(Regulations in Turkish)







Telephone Number:…………………………

E-mail Adres:………………………………..

Birth Date:…………………………………….


Name and Surname



2nd International "Aleksandar Klas" Cartoon Contest 2010

Second International "Aleksandar Klas" Cartoon Contest 2010 - Serbia
The oldest Serbian illustrated review "Ilustrovana politika" is organizing The Second International Cartoon Contest honoring its own the most famous cartoonist Aleksandar Klas (1928-2002).
Since 1950 over 30 000 his cartoons were published in national and international newspapers and magazines, and he had over 60 individual exhibitions. He got more than 130 prizes, so he entered in "Guinness's book of records" as the most rewarded cartoonist in the world. Besides cartoon his occupation is painting, as well as illustration of books.
Participation rules:
1. Competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
2. The theme of the cartoons is free.
3. Participants take part in the competition with original cartoons. Cartoons must be signed by the cartoonist in case that they are submitted as digital prints. Photographs, photocopies, etc., will not be accepted.
4. Size of cartoons should not exceed 30 x 40 cm.
5. Name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail, country of origin of the participant should be written on the back of his/her piece of work.
6. Works must reach the organizer not later than October 25, 2010, packed in protective cover to:
"Ilustrovana politika"
Za konkurs karikatura "Aleksandar Klas"
Cetinjska 1,
11000 Belgrade SERBIA
7. Result will be announced on first half of November 2010.
8. Participating cartoons will be kept at the virtual Cartoon Museum, to be established by the review "Ilustrovana politika".
9. Second International "Aleksandar Klas" Cartoon Contest will be celebrated with an award ceremony and exhibition of selected cartoons in November 2010 in Belgrade.
10. Jury will award the following prizes:
- Grand Prix A. Klas: 1000 euros and diploma
- Second award A.Klas: 500 euros and diploma
- Third award A. Klas: 300 euros and diploma
- 5 diplomas A. Klas.
11. Participating cartoons will be put into catalogue. The cartoons for the catalogue and exhibition will be selected by a jury. A catalogue will be sent to the cartoonists whose piece of work are exhibited and published in the catalogue.
12. Organizer reserve the right to use the sent cartoons for ILUSTROVANA POLITIKA advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed in catalogue and review.
13. Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions.
14. Participants are kindly asked not to post the works via electronic means as these will not be accepted for the competition.
Source: tabrizcartoons


Theme in 5th International Braila Cartoon Contest: CRISIS

The contest is open to all cartoonists.
Maximum number of works: 5
The works sent must be original, overleaf there will be mentioned the author’s data (the postal address, telephone number, e-mail ). Each cartoonist is expected to send also a short biography and a photo.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) - A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline of sending the works: August 20th, 2010
Great Prize –1500 €;
First Prize – 1000 €;
Second Prize – 800 €;
Third Prize – 500 €;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 € (each).
The varnishing of the exhibition and prize awarding: September 18th, 2010.
The catalogue will contain a selection of the most valuable works registered in the contest. The cartoonists who will find their works in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
The works won’t be returned, they will be included in the County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture’s patrimony.
The works should be sent to:
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila, no. 2, Piata Traian 810153 Braila, Romania
Contact details:
telephone and fax: +40.239.614.710
Source: ecc


10th Barakaldo International Graphic Humor Contest 2010

FIRST.- To pass the public announcement of the 10th International Graphic Humour contest on new Technologies –Barakaldo Hermes Prize 2010, which is an official announcement regulated by the guidelines established in the regulations of the Barakaldo Cultural Competitions, published in the Official Biscayan Bulletin on February 12th, 2010.
SECOND- The budgetary limit for the aforementioned is set at four thousand five hundred Euros (4.500 €) charged against the Budget allocation 00700 451802269902. In compliance with rules established under Article 7 of the regulation, prizes awarded will be as follows: First Prize – 1.500 €, Second Prize – 1.000 €, Third Prize – 800 €, Fourth Prize – 700 € and Fifth Prize – 500 €.
THIRD.- Legal regulations which the competition will adhere to are as follows:
Sketchers will send in a scene depicting graphic humour relating to new technologies which impacts on daily life (INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC...) and which allows the citizens to reflect on new spheres of scientific progress.
Anyone who so desires may take part with no age restrictions. Each contestant may submit up to three pieces of work. Anyone who was a Hermes prizewinner at the previous year’s renewal will not be allowed to submit entries to this year’s official announcement.
Scenes and characters must be the personal creation of the author and unpublished. Work can be submitted either in black and white or in colour. Works must not exceed a single page, with a format not exceeding 800 x 600 pixels per inch, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
Works may be labelled in Spanish or Basque. It is permissible to enter humorous scenes without text written for those artists from different linguistic and geographical backgrounds.
Contestants must send an email containing their name, surname(s), address, date of birth, National I.D. Number or NIE number (Foreign Resident ID Number) and contact telephone no. This email is to be sent with the picture file attached in JPG format.
Works containing the author’s details should be sent exclusively by email to: hermesbarakaldo@barakaldo.org, before October 13th 2010.
Presentation of works will imply the granting of permission to the Local Council for the reproduction of images entered, for purely exhibition purposes only. Any such exhibition of the works does not mean that financial benefit will accrue to the authors of the illustrations.
The awarding of the Hermes de Barakaldo prize carries a financial reward amounting to 4500 Euros and is divided into five categories: First Prize: 1.500 €, Second Prize: 1.000 €, Third Prize: 800 €, Fourth Prize: 700 € and Fifth Prize: 500 €.
After the winners are notified individually, and by email, of the resolution, the prize winners will have a maximum three months term to supply their details to the awarding organisation in order for the cash prize to be transferred to them. Should the time period of three months since the first communication have already elapsed, without the relevant data having been supplied, it is understood that the prize winner will relinquish his/her right to the relevant prize and the corresponding illustration will likewise be withdrawn from any medium the local council has published it in.
Any of the prizes may be declared void if none of the works come up to the required minimum qualitative standards.
Prizes will be awarded according to the following criteria:
a.- Quality and artistic relevance of the work: 50 points.
b.- Adherence to the theme of the Competition and to the humorous language pertaining to it: 30 points.
c.- Social and cultural impact of the cartoon in relation to the thematic aspect set out regarding new technologies and their implications for everyday life: 20 points.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules and regulations as already laid down in the current Decree.
FOURTH.- Prizes will be awarded in accordance with the competition rules system, through comparisons of the works presented, and through the establishment of priority criteria amongst them, in conformity with the already outlined criteria, and the awarding of the corresponding financial amounts in compliance with the same with limits as stated in the official announcement, not exceeding the available credit.
FIFTH.- In order to analyse and evaluate the works presented, a Qualifying Panel or Jury will be convened, composed by Mr. Carlos Fernández Martínez Delegate-Councillor of Culture, Education, Basque Language and Sport, who will assume the title of President of the said panel, and Mr. Alex Orbe, Mr. Prudencio Díaz Lopez de Armentia and Mr. Sergio Román, as people of renown prestige in the world of graphic humour and illustration, and Mr. Juan Manuel de Los Santos Aranaz, a Technician in the sphere of Culture, who will take part as Secretary.
SIXTH.- The maximum allowable timescale for the resolution and notification of the prizes’ awarding procedure will be two months, starting from the closing date for the submission of entries.
SEVENTH.- All interested parties will receive notification under terms outlined in Article 58 of the Law 30/1992, dated November 26th, of the Law Regulation of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedures.
EIGHTH.- in case of any appeal against the decision, which exhausts the administrative procedures, an optional administrative reconsideration appeal may be lodged with the Council President to set aside the current resolution within a timeframe of one month starting from the day after the announcement of the
results, alternatively an Administrative Reconsideration Appeal can be entered at the Court for Contentious Administrative Proceedings by virtue of the distribution of authority outlined in Articles 8 and 10 of the Law 29/1998, dated July 13th, which regulates the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction within a timeframe of two months, also commencing, like the previous, on the day after receipt of official notification.
Rules in various languages + in PDF


Cartoonist & web editor Zoran Matic Mazos passed away

Respectable friends, colleguaes, associates,
This morning, June 17th, 2010, on 3:15 a.m. in the Hospital in Paracin, Serbia has passed away my dear friend, colleague, brot...her (not only through writing - poet, satiric, cartoonist, designer) ZORAN MATIC MAZOS...R.I.P...:(
Yesterday we have spoken through the telephone around 1 p.m., through exchanging information about planned activities, but his health condition aggravated during afternoon hours.
As Deputy editor in chief of ZIKISON, I would like kindly to ask you to keep the dignity and honor with the respect for the late MAZOS, by respecting the certain period of time until I prepared everything for the continuance of the work and activities of the projects which we have jointly shaped and worked on, Mazos and me.
I hope that I, with your help, also succeed in that.
God rest his soul.
Zamjenik gl.i odg.urednika/Deputy Editor in chief
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Knjievnik i freelance novinar/Writer and freelance journalist
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Grbavicka 32,
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 - (0)33 619 364
+387 - (0)62 291 743
WWW & Blogs


Warning from Irancartoon about fake competitions

False Competitions!!
We recently see many competitions that have no evidence for being credible, and become a reason for unreliability and confusion of world artists.
We can mention Sun Shine competition as one of these kinds of contests. We see many problems in this Contest that shows its falseness.
1) In all Japanese contests, some of the Jurors are Japanese, but in this contest they don’t have even one Japanese Juror.
2) The entry form to participate in this Competition is not in Japanese Language, and this is an unusual process.
3) The prizes of this Competition are really unbelievable and are even more than closed Yomiuri Shimbon Competition.
4) This competition by the great prizes even doesn’t have a website for giving information, and they just gave one Email address.
5) Responsible of this False competition don’t give any answer to our correspondence, and don’t response our questions.
So it’s obvious that such Competitions are unreliable, and we can’t rely on them.
Iran cartoon Site by its professional activities and to lighten the mind of world cartoonist condemns these delusive activities and ask cartoonists by not participating in such contests confront them.
Source: irancartoon


Another fake competition of cartoons in the net: World Cup

Forwarded from a cartoonist friend, the following message reveals the so-called participation rules of another fake competition of cartoons I'm afraid. There is only an e-mail address where cartoonists are supposed to send their work (as few as 20 cartoons at all!) knowing neither the person nor the institution to collect hundreds of artwork ready to be published or exhibited in a nowhereland for whose benefit God only knows.
How informative the introduction is (!) - possibly a copy-paste paragraph, yet how untrustworthy they are by showing no sign of human existence... What sponsor is to pay the cash prizes, who is responsible to produce a catalog, what website will publish the lists of participants & winners? Please read more

From: Fifa Cartoon fifacartoon@yahoo.com>
Date: 2010/6/10
karikaturachilar@yahoo.com, info@fanofunny.com, info@karikaturculerdernegi.org, cartoon@caricature.eu, info@cartoonists.gr, rudy.gheysens@telenet.be, editor@indianink.org, ...
South Africa will become the first African country to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup, starting from 11 June to 11 July 2010. South Africa made its final presentation to host the World Cup to FIFA's Executive Committee at the Trade Centre in Zurich on 14 May 2004. On 15 May 2004, FIFA President, Sepp Blatter, announced that South Africa would be the host of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Thirty-two countries have qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Six of these are from Africa, namely: South Africa, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Cameroon and Algeria. The rest of the qualified countries are Japan, the Netherlands, Korea Democratic People’s Republic, Australia, Korea Republic, United States of America, Brazil, England, Paraguay, Spain, Denmark, Chile, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Serbia, Switzerland, Argentina, Honduras, Slovakia, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece, Uruguay and New Zealand.
The World Cup will take place in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces, using 10 stadiums in nine host cities. Five of the 10 stadiums are new and the rest have been upgraded for the event. Johannesburg, as South Africa’s economic hub, is the only city with two venues for the world cup, namely Soccer City and Ellis Park. Other host cities are Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Polokwane, Nelspruit, Bloemfontein and Rustenburg.
The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
Work must be carried out in black and white or in colour. The work minimum must be of 3500 x 2480 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 300 pixels an inch.
Contestants must send in an e-mail supplying their names, surnames, address, date of birth and a contact telephone number. This e-mail must contain an attachment with the graphics work file in JPG format.
All Works, together with the author's personal information, must be sent via e-mail to: fifacartoon@yahoo.com .
Number of entries
max : 20

1st Prize: 500 Euros.
2nd Prize: 300 Euros.
3rd Prize: 200 Euros.
A qualified jury will choose the best works.
Participation in competition means the consent of authors to all conditions, including on gratuitous publication of works in any form.

Results 15th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2010

The 15th International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2010 has seen the arrival of 662 works of 325 authors from 57 countries.





(All winning cartoons)