
1st LIBEX Competition 2018 : Imagination and power in the digital age

2nd Exhibition & 1st LIBEX Competition 2018
"Imagination and power in the digital age"
The Euro-Mediterranean Center LIBREXPRESSION – Foundation Giuseppe di Vagno, located in Conversano (BA), on the occasion of the 14th edition of its Festival LectorInFabula www.lectorinfabula.eu - from 13 to 16 September 2018 - organizes an exhibition of 54 selected satirical cartoons selected on the basis of a competition.
The cartoons must illustrate one of the themes developed during the Festival under the general title "Imagination and power in the digital age". (See the description of the festival theme and various sub-themes in annex).
1- The competition is open to press cartoonists without a nationality condition;
2- The participation form must be completed in its entirety and signed. The cartoons sent without a complete form will not be taken into consideration;
3- Each cartoonist can send a maximum of 3 cartoons;
4- The vignettes must be sent in high definition (at least 2 Mo), in .jpg or .png format ;
5- The cartoons must be in color;
6- The cartoons may not have been produced specifically for this exhibition / competition;
7- The cartoons sent must not have already been awarded in other competitions;
8- The cartoons without text will be privileged for the choice;
9- If the cartoon contains a text, the text must be translated in Italian by the author. Vignettes with text not translated in italian will not be considered eligible for the competition;
10- In the first phase, a high-level jury composed of journalists and cartoonists will select 54 vignettes for the exhibition;
11- In the second phase, the jury will nominate the 3 best cartoons and 10 with mention, among the 54 already selected.
- The cartoons must be sent by June 15, 2018
- The cartoons must be sent only by e-mail or via We transfer, to thierry.vissol@gmail.com
Awards and rewards:
* First prize: € 500.00
* Second prize: € 300.00
* Third prize: € 200.00
- The first three vignettes will also be reproduced in the form of a 50x70 cm poster.
- All the cartoonists selected for the exhibition will receive a catalog and 5 copies of the poster will be sent to the three winners.
- The 54 vignettes selected for the exhibition will also be published in the form of a postcard. Each selected cartoonist will receive 10 copies of the postcards with the reproduction of his own sticker.
Other conditions:
- The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and / or publish the cartoons received as part of this exhibition / competition (even those not selected for the exhibition) without the obligation of recognition of compensation to the author but will clearly indicate the copyright of the author.
The exhibition will be presented in the Major Cloister of the San Benedetto Monastery - home of the Giuseppe di Vagno Foundation - in Conversano, province of Bari- Italy, as from September 13, 2018 and will remain open to the public for at least a month.
The cartoons of the exhibition will be published in a four-color catalog.
Participation form:
The participation form can be downloaded at the following address: www.libex.eu / ......
Presidente: Thierry Vissol, direttore del Centro LIBREXPRESSION
- Cristiana Castellotti, capo redattrice RAI radio3
- Piero Ricci, presidente Ordine dei Giornalisti di Puglia
- Gianpaolo Accardo, Direttore di www.voxeurop.eu
- Marco De Angelis, vignettista
- Fabio Magnasciutti, vignettista (membro del Comitato scientifico di Librexpression).

The exhibition aims to illustrate in a satirical way the LectorInFabula 2018 festival on the theme "Imagination and power in the digital age"
The general theme of the Festival
In a particular way, we will try to understand today, what has become our society starting from the relationship between Power and Imagination and the consequences of a series of revolutions that have shaken the western world starting from the Sixties socio-cultural revolution, when the individual has been placed at the center of politics in order to arrive at the great changes related to communication and mobility, determined by new technologies and by the diffusion of internet.
The information society (and the imagination?) in particular has created unprecedented scenarios with respect to social, political, economic and cultural issues. The advent of the twenty-first century brings with it new challenges, completely revolting the geography of international relations and with it the associated paradigms, thus putting into discussion assumptions that were considered, until recently, unchangeable.
Thus, the globalization of the flows of people and goods, environmental problems, transnational market agreements, the pervasiveness of communications, produce continuous transformations while the gaps and inequalities in the world are increasingly widening. While, everything that happens, suddenly becomes social fact only in function of the echo and the consensus expressed through the "likes" that it is able to produce.
All this should lead us to a rethinking of our way of life. Starting from the concept of Power, also seen as the individual ability to make the best choices, through three key words: knowledge, awareness and responsibility.
And to understand what role to entrust to the imagination, to our ability to look beyond, to remember to better orient ourselves, to elaborate concepts to solve problems, to link memory to the present, in the need to imagine and build our future.
Specific themes
1) The digital man
- artificial intelligence
- human and humanoid
- industry 4.0
- digital natives and digital migrants
- do androids dream of electric sheeps?
2) Power without imagination
- the dictatorships and the "egoarchi" (Trump, Putin, Kim, Erdogan ...)
- invisible powers (finance, markets, criminality ..)
- populisms and nationalisms
- fascists and xenophobes
- the bureaucracy
3) Imagination in power: sustainable Utopias
- equality
- peace
- environment
- Welfare
- migrations
4) Far web: a new vocabulary
- hate speech
- fake news
- selfie
- fashion blogger
- influencer
- follower
5) (Super) Powers and (others) Imaginary
- heroes and superheroes
- women
- artists and culture
- the children's gaze
- the madmen and the dreamers.
More on
www.libex.eu .

1st Competition of satirical drawing «Dzhmelyk», Dolyna 2018, Ukraine

1st Competition of satirical drawing «Dzhmelyk»
Dolyna, Ukraine, 2018
The founder and organizer of the Competition: Dolyna City Council.
with the participation of the Association of Cartoonists of Ukraine
1. The Competition can be attended by citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons. Participation in the Competition is free.
2. The Competition is held in two age categories:
- Category I (from 12 to 17 years old)
- Category II (from 17 years old and older)
3. To participate in the Competition, the participant sends to the Organizer the original version of the handwritten drawing on a theme: a bumblebee, a bee, a drone, a hornet, beekeeping products and others.
4. A participant of Competition may submit no more than 2 works, on a sheet of A4 format, or maximum of A3 format.
5. The submitted work must be authored. The participant accepting the terms of this Regulation confirms that he is the author of the work he sent, and has the right to his unlimited copyright and related rights to use and dispose of the work submitted.
6. Every work should be described in the reverse way of a leaf as follows: year of birth, surname, name and address of the author, telephone or electronic contact, work title if it needed.
7. Entries sent to the Competition that do not meet the conditions set forth in this Regulation will not be included in the Competition.
8. All works with the inscription have to be sent to:
Dolyna city council
5 Prospect Nezalezhnosti,
Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region,
9. Provided that if the participant does not have time to send the work by the original mail (taking into account the distance), it is allowed to send the work to the e-mail: dmckst@gmail.com
10. Work that promotes violence, religious and ethnic enmity is not allowed for the Competition.
11. The submitted works will be evaluated according to the following main criteria:
- having a sense of humor;
- interesting plot;
- creative approach;
- technique of execution;
- compliance of the works with the subject matter of the Competition.
12. The deadline for submission of works by June 10, 2018.
13. The quantitative and personal composition of the jury is determined by the organizer, approved by the mayor's decree.
14. The jury selects works for the exhibition and defines the winners of the Competition in two age categories. The jury's decision is final and can not be appealed.
15. The organizers of the Competition provide the printing of the catalog. Each participant of the Competition, whose work is included in the number of selected works, will receive an illustrated catalog.
16. The winners of the Competition will be announced and awarded during the Festival of Humor «Vesela Kopytsya» on July 7, 2018. Selected works will be exhibited in Dolyna Local History Museum «Boykivshchyna» by Tetiana and Omelyan Antonovich (Chornovola St., 2a).
17. Winners of the Competition are awarded prizes and monetary rewards for the first, second, third place in each age category. Prize fund of the Competition - 20 thousand hryvnia. The Jury reserves the right to award the Grand Prix.
The Organizer may assign additional prizes in any form or quantity determined by him.
18. This Regulation is the only document defining the terms of the Competition. Changes and amendments to this Regulation are entered in the order of its adoption.
19. The organizers of the Competition reserve the right to use works in conducting further exhibitions, to prepare and publish informational materials, printed products (catalogs, calendars, booklets), publications on the competition in the media and on the Internet. The organizers are obliged to provide the corresponding reference to the author of the work in any public reproduction of the works of the participant.
20. Prospekt Nezalezhnosti 5, Dolyna, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Ukraine 77504, Dolyna City Council, http://rada.dolyna.info
e-mail for help: dmckst@gmail.com
Tel .: 0506405330 - Galyna Kurus, Director of the Organizing Committee of the Competition.


The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018, Brazil

Regulation of the III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco 2018
The III International Salon of Graphic Humor of Pernambuco (III SIHG-PE) has as its general theme THE LITERARY WORLD, inspired by the following phrase of Jorge Luís Borges: "It becomes great for what one reads and not for what one writes." The focus will therefore be on encouraging reading as the greatest treasure of people. Thus, the theme of the exhibition and award will be Writers - in the category CARICATURE; Literature - in the CARTOON category; and Adaptation of Stories, Tales and Novels of the Universal Public Domain Literature - in the category COMIC STORIES/COMIC STRIPS.
a) The graphic artists in general, amateurs or professionals, of Brazilian or foreign nationality may compete.
b) Each competitor may submit up to two (2) works in each category: cartoons, caricature and comic stories/comic strips, as long as they have not been awarded until the date of submission of the work to the III SIHG-PE. Comics should contain a maximum of 4 pages, in A3 format, vertical. Jobs that exceed the number of pages allowed will be automatically declassified.
c) By entering this contest, the candidate is aware that he / she is solely responsible for the veracity of the data and authorship of the submitted works, responding civilly and criminally if it is proven, during or after the contest, the falsity of the data or authorship works submitted.
d) Works of the comic stories/comic strips category will only be accepted based on authors in the public domain. Each participant must make sure of this condition to avoid having their work disqualified if the public domain concerning the chosen work is not confirmed.
e) The persons directly associated with the organization, the award committee and the production of the III SIHG-PE, in addition to their respective relatives up to the second degree, are excluded from participation in the contest.
a) Application forms will be available at www.sihg.org.
b) Registration can only be made exclusively via the website or by e-mail available on the site.
c) The participant must complete a registration form for each category, attaching the related works.
d) The works must be sent in the format A3 (297 mm x 420 mm), horizontal (cartoon) or vertical (cartoons, caricature and comic stories/comic strips) in JPEG, with resolution of 300 DPI - maximum 5 MB.
e) The organization is not responsible for registration or work not received due to technical reasons of computers, congestion, failure of communication lines, as well as any other factor that makes it impossible to successfully send via the event website.
f) The homologation of the registrations will be announced through a confirmation e-mail.
g) The registration will imply the acceptance of this regulation, in all its terms, including the compliance of the final result of the contest and the items referring to the destination and use of the drawings.
a) The works will go through a pre-selection and the selected ones will be exposed in the III SIHG-PE showcase. The complete list of the chosen ones will also be published on the website www.sihgpe.com.
b) The authors of the selected works will assign the copyright to the III SIHG for the use of the hall for the purpose of disclosure during the event and the dissemination of the next salons. The winning works may be used on a permanent basis for the promotion of this and the next editions of SIHG-PE. In both cases, the possibility of charging for the use of the works is excluded, in view of the selection and award criteria described in this regulation.
a) The works will be received from May 13, 2018 until midnight on August 12, 2018.
b) The selection of works will take place in August 2018.
c) The trial of the works will occur on October 28, 2018.
d) The awards will take place during the opening ceremony of III SIHG on October 30.
e) The exhibition of the winning and selected works takes place from October 30, 2018 to December 9, 2018, at Caixa Cultural, Marco Zero, Bairro do Recife (Recife-PE).
a) For the selection and award of the works, criteria of creativity, originality and relevance to the proposed theme will be obeyed, in an evaluation that will be the responsibility of the judging committee, whose decisions must be accepted by the participants, with no possibility of challenge.
b) The works sent to the SIHG will pass through two juries: one of selection and one of awards. The first, made up of professionals trained in the area of graphic humor, will select around 120 (one hundred and twenty) works that will compose the exhibition and the catalog. Among these, those awarded by the awards committee will be chosen.
c) Of the works selected, the first and second places of each category will be awarded.
d) The panel of judges may select up to two works in each category to receive Honorable Mention, which does not include cash prizes.
e) Any omissions of this Regulation shall be settled by the jury.
a) The following prizes will be awarded to the selected category:
CARTUM | literature
1st place ................................ R $ 5.000,00 and trophy;
2nd place ................................ R $ 3.000,00 and trophy;
Honorable Mention ................. Certificate.
CARICATURA | writers
1st place ................................ R $ 5.000,00 and trophy;
2nd place ................................ R $ 3.000,00 and trophy;
Honorable Mention ................. Certificate.
COMIC STORIES/COMIC STRIPS | adaptation of the public domain
1st place ................................ R $ 8.000,00 and trophy;
2nd place ................................ R $ 4.000,00 and trophy;
Honorable Mention ................. Certificate.
b) In total, R$ 28,000.00 (twenty-eight thousand reais) in prizes will be awarded.
c) All those selected for the exhibition will have their works published in the III SIHG catalog.
d) The release of the winners will be held on October 30, 2018, when the opening of the exhibition, at 7:00 pm, and the site of the event. Winners will be informed via telegram and / or call and / or e-mail of their prize.
e) The value of the award will be delivered within 40 days after its disclosure via deposit in bank account or via international transfer in the name of the holder.
f) The value of the prize is subject to the legal tax in force at the time of its assignment.
g) To receive the prize value, it is mandatory to hold a bank account in your origin country.
Samuca Andrade - Organizer of SIHG - PE
Clériston Andrade - Coordinator of SIHG - PE.
Source: sihg.


Dagarcik Turkiye Cartoon Contest 2018 : Don Quixote is against the unmanned utopia

Theme: "Don Quichotte is against the unmanned utopia".
The new technological developments that remove human power... An unmanned world... The efforts that seemed to remove human from the life... To rid of human-specific mistakes, not of human... Can a life be sustained without human? How come would an unmanned world? If the human being brings the end of the earth, could it be the human being who saved it again?
1- The contest is open to all cartoonists.
2- The cartoons sent to the competition may have already been published before but they should not have been awarded in another contest.
3- Free technic. The participants can send up to 5 cartoons. They can also send their work to the following addresses (mail or e-mail) in original or printable format JPG and 300 dpi.
No responsibility is taken for files sent in different formats and not opened.
4- The size of the cartoons should be at most 30X40 cm.
5- The Participants should send a brief biography, including their name, surname, address, and phone number with their cartoons.
6- The Deadline: 5th June 2018.
Enis Musluoğlu
Yatırım Finansman Menkul Değerler A.Ş.
Cumhuriyet Bulvarı No: 99 Kat: 3
E-mail: menekshecham@gmail.com
7- The results will be announced on 19th June 2018.
8- The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. They can be used for cultural purposes. Participants are deemed to have accepted these conditions.
9- The award ceremony will be held on 6th July 2018.
Jury Members:
Barış Baklan
Menekşe Çam
Turgay Karadağ
Kamil Masaracı
Enis Musluoğlu
3 Achievement Awards (3 Laptops)
Other Awards: The awards to be awarded by various organizations.
Source: Menekşe Çam.


27th International Festival of Humour and Satire, Golden Helmet 2019, Serbia

- Short story
- Poem
- Aphorism
2ND PRIZE...400 €
3RD PRIZE...200 €
DEADLINE: 25 January 2019.
Send only unpublished works of creation. Also you must send your short biography, address, contact telephone and e-mail address.
Written works must be sent by post in three copies with the code!
Caricatures can be sent by post, but also by e-mail in JPG form (resolution of 300 dpi and a maximum size of 4 MB). Original caricatures must be sent, too. Computer-generated caricatures must be printed in A4 format, signed manually with the No.1 mark and sent by post, also.
The decision of the jury will be announced by 14 February 2018.
The Awards ceremony will be held at Final Night of the Festival - 1st April 2019.
The Organizaion of the festival will bear the cost of the trip and accommodation for the awarded authors. The official langauges of the festival are Serbian and English.
All artists whose works are selected for the exhibition and the catalog, will receive a free copy of the catalog. The works of art remain the property of the Festival. The organizer reserves the right to use the works sent for the competition in order to promote the Festival.
Entry Form (PDF).
Address: Cultural Center Kruševac
International Festival of Humour and Satire "Golden Helmet"
Toplicina 2; 37000 Kruševac SERBIA
tel/fax: +381 (37) 423 025, 421 877
e-mail: goldenhelmet@ptt.rs
WEB: www.kck.org.rs.
Source: kck.


The XXV International Exhibition of Arts of Humor, Alcalá 2018, Spain

The General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, through the Instituto Quevedo del humor announces the XXV International Exhibition of Arts of Humor around the subject “The Movements and struggle of workers”. There will be more information about the subject in the website.
1. Participation is open to all the persons older than 18.
2 In order to participate in the Exhibition, every artist must send a piece on the theme THE MOVEMENT AND STRUGGLES OF WORKERS. It can be a vignette, a comic strip or a caricature. Together with the piece, the authors must send the filled formulary attached to these requirements, that can also be found and sent online (www.miah.iqh.es). The organization reserves the right to invite those authors that the organization members agree to consider important for the exhibition.
3 The works must be original and must be signed. They can be made with any technique and in any format, with maximum dimensions of A3 (297x420 mm). For digital works, they must be made in formats JPG or TIFF with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and they must be sent to miah@iqh.es or to the online form.
4 All pieces will be sent properly wrapped. It is recommended to protect them with flat cardboard. The organization won't take responsibility on any possible damage occurred during transportation. All shipping charges will be at the participant's expense.
5 All art pieces will be sent before June 15, 2018, by mail, online form, or to the following address:
Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá
Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor
C/ Nueva, 4.
28801 Alcalá de Henares
Madrid (España)
It is essential to comply with the noted date for the adequate planning of the catalogue and design of the exhibition.
6 A Selection Comission will carry out a selection of the pieces submitted, that will be exhibited in the XXV Internacional Exhibition of the Arts of Humor in september-november.
7 All pieces submitted will be kept at the Graphic Humour Archives of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá, except specific indication to the contrary, for which the artist must write on the reverse of the piece “Devolución”. The authors who want a donation certificate must write "Certificado" on the reverse of the piece.
8 The submission of the piece means that the author authorizes the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá to reproduce it and exhibit it, as long as the name of the artist is displayed and the objective is the media coverage of the Exhibition and the rest of activities of the General Foundation of the University of Alcalá within the field of Graphic Humour and/or of this call (edition of catalogues, posters, leaflets, media coverage, web page, etc.), and in any case it generates any type of obligation on the author's part.
9 The organization will communicate through the Exhibition web page the list of participants with submitted piece and the list of selected pieces.
10 At the end of the exhibition in Alcalá, those people with selected pieces will receive a copy of the catalogue, which will be edited to mark the celebration of the Exhibition.
11 The organization reserves the right to not exhibit those pieces considered to infringe individual or collective rights.
12 The participants will be responsible before any claim on the authorship of the works. The organization will not be responsible before any claim made by a third party upon the violation of intellectual rights or property of the works.
13 The participation on this Exhibition means the acceptance of these conditions of entry.
More info in languages.


The Second International Safe Community Cartoon Festival, Mashhad 2018, Iran

The Second International Safe Community Cartoon Festival
General Topics
Safe and Clean Transportation
Psychological Health in Societies
Ecological Problems
Handicap, Elderly and Children Safety in Cities
Safety Culture and Citizen Role
Special Topic
Megacities and Earthquake
Festival Rules and Regulations
Personal information forms and cartoons are to be sent to festival email.
Cartoons already awarded in other festivals will not be judged.
Cartoons will be used for festival announcements and likes.
Files must be in JPG, 300 DPI and 2000×2000 Pixels.
Cartoons accepted will be printed in festival book, a copy of which will be sent to their artists.
It is mandatory for the awarded artists to attend the closing ceremony in Mashhad.
First prize $1500.00
Second prize $ 1000.00
Third prize $ 750.00
Three Iranian artists each will be awarded IRR 10000000.00.
April 22 - September 22, 2018
Closing ceremony and Exhibition held in Mashhad, Iran and Atsugi, Japan.
Click here for festival information file.
Festival Form on source.


The 28th International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature, Gura Humorului 2018

Gura Humorului Townhall,
Suceava County Council The Bucovina Cultural Centre,
Mănăstirea Humorului Village hall
The 28th edition, 2018
The 28th edition of Humour at ... Gura Humorului, the International Festival of Cartoon and Humorous Literature will be held between June 22 – July 1, 2018.
1. The Edition theme: ONE HUNDRED ( 100 )
2. Original works are accepted, in digital format, created after January 1st, 2018, which were not published and submitted or awarded prizes to other competitions.
3. Each participant will submit two ( 2 ) cartoons to be analysed by the jury.
4. The works will be submitted by May 31st, 2018 (posting date) on the following addresses: email: umorlahumor@gmail.com or postal address: Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina, Piaţa Republicii, nr. 2, 725300 - Gura Humorului, judeţul Suceava, România.
5. Technical requirements:
- Papers sent by e-mail: minimum1600 x 1200 pixels, JPG format
- Papers sent by regular postal mail: format A 3
- The technique used for the works will be at the free choice of the artist
6. The works are not to be returned. They will be added to the patrimony of the Humour at ... Gura Humorului Festival and the organizers are entitled to use them later as edited materials with the name of their author on them.
7. The participants are required the following documents enclosed with their works: the completed entry form attached, a brief CV and a personal photography/cartoon self portrait of minimum 6x9cm ( on paper) or 710x1065pix. (digital format).
8. The prizewinners will be notified by June 20th, 2018 to be present for the Awards Festivity held on Sunday, June 24th, 2018.
9. Transport expenses, accomodation and meals are the responsibility of the participant or the organization/institution he/she is part of. The organizers will be notified in due time to make the necessary reservations.
10. The prizes to be awarded:
1st Prize: EUR 500
2nd Prize: EUR 300
3rd Prize EUR 200
The "George Gavrilean" Prize for the debutantes in Bucovina EUR 200.
11. The jury are the ones who decide upon awarding or not awarding or re-allocating the prizes. In addition, the jury will decide upon the works or the authors to be rewarded by sponsors, associations, mass-media, institutions, commercial societies or private persons, with their consent.
12. There will be no participation fees.
Further information:
The Bureau of Press Relations of „Humour at ... Gura Humorului” Festival
• Professor Elvira Romaniuc - Folk Customs Museum in Bucovina (Muzeul Obiceiurilor Populare din Bucovina)
Telephone: 00 40 740 926 479
E-mail: umorlahumor@gmail.com
• Professor Sever Dumitrache – cultural counselor
Telephone: 00 40 723270520.