
Silence is the theme in the International cartoon competition Brain Sneezing 2017, Slovakia

PRERAG, association
announces the international cartoon competition
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
Topic 2017: SILENCE
Brain Sneezing & Cartoons Therapy
Deadline: 15th August 2017 (EXTENDED:) 08 September 2017
Competition terms:
Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
The competition is non-anonymous.
The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
Registration: http://www.cartooneast.com/index/registration
The results will be announced on the 15th September 2017 and the winners will be awarded the following prizes:
1st prize: 500.00 EUR
2nd prize: 300.00 EUR
3rd prize: 200.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address.
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
The international competition and exhibition "Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back" is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Address :
Dubová 5
080 01 Prešov
email: info@cartooneast.com.
Also on facebook.


Cancellation of the First Prize in HumoDEVA 2017, Romania

Dear Artist,
A few days ago, with quite delay, Louis Pol sent to us the drawing you can find below, that was published in the Belgrad 2016 catalog (Zoo), at page 99.
The drawing has a striking resemblance to the drawing below, that we prized at the contest.
We don't accuse Rodrigo da Silveira of plagiarism or something like that, might be a simple coincidence of ideas. But the drawing made by Rodrigo lost its originality, an important quality for a cartoon that's to win a contest.
As a follow up, with regret, having to consider all this, we decided to cancel this First Prize ex aequo awarded at HumoDEVA 2017, Romania contest.
The updated list for the HumoDEVA 2017 prizes can be found here.
From here you can download the HumoDEVA 2017 catalog.
On behalf of the jury,

5th Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration of Picture Book Competition 2017

1. Participation
The competition is open to all artists (Picture book artist, Illustrator, Cartoonist, Comic artist, Caricaturist, Printmaker and Painter) regardless of nationality, age, sex, etc:
1) illustrators, including professionals and newcomers, submitting unpublished works or works of published.
2) art colleges submitting projects produced by their students in the last four years of study.
3) publishers presenting their illustrators.
2. Organizer
Host:Gold Panda Foundation
Sponsor: Red Man Art Center.
Official website: www.redmanart.com
3. Theme
A) Elves, Monster, Wonderland, Myth, The fairy tale, Legend. (It could be China, it could be the world.)
B) Cooperation, Link
C) Panda / Free theme
You can choose any theme, painting works.
4. Entries
1) The works whether they have been awarded in other contests previously will be accepted.
2) 8 original illustrations (minimum number), produced using any technique, including computer graphics (in case of mixed technique, please send both original drawings and printouts of the ultimate artwork).
3) The minimum 8 -- maximum 100 entries should be submitted for each category. These works form a story. Work is only allowed in Chinese or English. Words can't appear in works. If you need to writing, must be in English (or Chinese), writing the other a piece of paper .English (or Chinese) words according to the serial number order of works to write clearly.
4) The works should be accompanied by the author's resume and photo (or caricature).
5) First name, Last name, Address, Email, Telephone number should be written on the reverse side of the works. Please specify in envelope: “2017 Gold Panda”
6) Technique and medium of works are unlimited. Any painting, Print making, Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil painting, Watercolor, Crafts art or sculpture will be accepted.
7) Competition does not charge any fee.
5. Entry Form
Please down load the entry form on our website: www.redmancartoon.com/en
The self made entry form is not accepted. Each author must imperatively enclose the entry form, filled in every part and duly signed.
The registration form – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures to: hongtuart8@163.com (or to: hongtucp@163.com)
6. Deadline
1) The first stage (Digital works): 31 August 2017.
2) The second stage (Original works): 10 October 2017.
7. Delivery
1) The first stage:
Please E-mail your works to: hongtuart8@163.com (or to: hongtucp@163.com), There is no limit on the number of works. You can upload more than one book or some books illustrations.
2) The second stage:
After your works was selected, the organizing committee will notify you, send your original works mail to the organizing committee, to participate in the final awards. The largest number 8 works.
Please send works to the address:
8. Judgment
1) The jury committee is composed of artists, press editors, illustrators, cartoonist.
2) The jury meeting will be held on December 2017.
3) The committee will announce the result on January 2018 on website. At the same time organizer will contact the winning artists via postal mail or email.
9. Prizes
1) Gold Panda prize (Best Picture book) (1): Golden Panda Medal + 10000 RMB
2) Best work prize of Illustration (1): Silver Panda Medal + 3000 RMB
3) Best work prize of CG (1): Silver Panda Medal + 3000 RMB
4) Best work prize of Cartoon (1): Silver Panda Medal + 3000 RMB
5) Best work prize of Comic (1): Silver Panda Medal + 3000 RMB
6) The special prize of jury meeting (30 places): Copper Panda Medals + Catalog
7) Selected: Catalog.
10. Copyright
Explicitly participators have whole copyright for their entries. The committee has the right to use all the submitted works to spread competition on media, websites, posters, post cards, advertisements, etc.
11. Catalog
The authors whose works have been selected will receive one copy of the catalog made for the competition.
12. Provisions
1) The submitted works will not be returned. They will be exhibited and displayed in RedMan International Cartoon House.
2) Participation in the contest means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions and agreements with jury's decision.
For Information
Web: www.redmanart.com/en


Belgian artist Pieter De Jaegher wins the 5th Niels Bugge Cartoon Award 2017, Denmark

Results of the 5th Niels Bugge Cartoon Award, Viborg 2017, Denmark
Theme: Communication
1st Prize: Pieter De Jaegher, Belgium (Top)
2nd Prize: Alexandr Pshenyanikov, Ukraine
3rd Prize: Vladan Nikolic, Serbia.
The Jury:
Lars Refn, Denmark
Carlos Brito, France
Riber Hansson, Sweden
Jugoslav Vlahovic, Serbia
Peter Dyring-Olsen, Denmark.
The Participants.
Source: http://www.nielsbuggeaward.org/.


Results of the 49th International Cartoon Contest Osten WGC, Skopje 2017, Macedonia

These are the results of the decision of the International Jury on the 49th WORLD GALLERY of CARTOONS Skopje 2017!
The first selection was made by prominent cartoonist Damir NOVAK from Croatia, while members of the international jury deciding on the prizes were: Rudy GEYSENS (Belgium), Angel BOLIGAN (Mexico), Massoud Shojai TABATABAI (Iran), Seyran CAFERLI (Azerbaijan) and Mice Jankulovski (Macedonia). Due to the high quality of the submitted works, the selection and judging process was difficult, still they agreed on this results:
FIRST AWARD FOR CARTOON - Claudio Antonio GOMEZ (Brazil) (Top)
CICO AWARD (for Macedonian Cartoonist) - Blaze DOKULESKI.
SPECIAL AWARDS were granted to:
Musa GUMUS (Turkey)
Branko ILIC (Croatia)
Klaus PITTER (Austria)
Milanko KALICANIN (Serbia)
Bob DARROCH (New Zealand)
Makhmudjon ESHONKULOV (Uzbekistan)
Ross THOMSON (United Kingdom)
Vladimir KAZANEVSKY (Ukraine)
Hamidreza MOSAYEBI (Iran) (Down).
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners, and many thanks to all participants of the 49th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2017!
You have all made a contribution to the universal struggle for freedom of speech and expression, and it was our honor to provide you with a platform to communicate your points of view, ideas and inner feelings on matters which are relevant!
See you next year!
This report by OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons.


Exhibition of Graphic Humor Nomad, Forced Migration 2017, Spain

La Coordinadora d’ONGD I aMS and Humoràlia organize the Graphic Humor Show NOMADIC, Forced migration.
The aim of the exhibition is to carry out an awareness-raising campaign aimed at society to raise awareness of the causes of migration processes and to highlight the importance of the Right to Migrate as set out in the Charter of Emerging Human Rights. The graphic art is a visual journalistic genre of denunciation and civic commitment that seeks to contribute to the reflection, in this case the causes of forced migration.
1. Any professional artist or amateur can take part in the exhibition.
2. The exhibition topic is: FORCED MIGRATION: armed conflict, structural violence, post conflict situation, economical, environmental/ecological, ideological/policy, gender, sexual identity, ethnical, religious and/or cultural.
3. The Deadline for sending the works finishes on June 25, 2017.
4. The works may be carried out in any technique, with Din A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) or proportional.
5. Participants may send a maximum of 3 works, in black and white or in colour, if it is possible without text. In case of including a text, this must be in Catalan, Spanish, English or French.
6. Works have to be sent by e-mail to odm@coordinadora-ongdlleida.cat to 300 dpi in JPG o JPEG format.
7. In the same e-mail, include a document containing the following information: Title of the work, name and surname, pseudonym, postal address, telephone (with the corresponding international prefix), e-mail, a brief CV and a photography or caricature of the author. The organization undertakes to confirm receipt of the work via e-mail.
8. Due to the character of the Exhibition, the selected works will be not rewarded with any economical amount. On the contrary, the organization undertakes to send by post mail 2 copies of the printed catalogs to the authors of the selected works.
9. An on-line catalog with the selected works will be edited and published on the website of the Coordinadora www.coordinadora-ongd-lleida.cat.
10. A jury made up of qualified specialists in Solidarity and Graphic Humour will make a selection of 50 works among the presented ones.
11. The jury’s decision will be unappealable.
12. The selected drawings will be part of an itinerant exhibition of Humoràlia i la Coordinadora d’ONGD i aMS de Lleida
13. The works, as are digitals, will not be returned.
14. The author’s participation in the contest implies permission for the work to join the works presented and take part in the publication in an exhibition and a virtual gallery. The only aim of that use is to raise awareness between the populations about the causes of migrations processes. The use of the work will have no lucrative purpose. In all media where the work is published, the author’s name will always be indicated.
15. Taking part in the Exhibition implies accepting the entire terms and conditions. The Jury will solve any doubt that can arise.
Regulation in languages on source.

Winners in the 22nd International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2017, Croatia

The 22nd International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2017
has seen the arrival of 590 works of 249 authors from 55 countries.
More on hdk.

A place. Somewhere - International Cartoon Competition EXILE 2017, Germany

EXILE International Cartoon Contest 2017
Essen, Germany
A place. Somewhere - International Cartoon Competition
Never before have so many people across the world become refugees or have chosen to leave their home countries for some reason. UNHCR – the United Nations High Commission for Refugees – estimates that there are currently about 60 million refugees, and the numbers are increasing every year. In addition there are those who take flight, unregistered and unseen, within the family or in secrecy across borders, who do not appear in any statistics and whose numbers can only be guessed at. Today there are 250 million people worldwide living in a country other than the country of their
There are as many reasons for this state of affairs as there are for the fates of the individuals concealed behind the figures. They leave their homes to escape poverty and a lack of prospects, to flee war, environmental destruction, the consequences of climate change, the effects of discrimination and persecution on account of their gender or sexual orientation, and because they belong to a different ethnie or religion or hold a different political viewpoint.
The consequences for those affected, their families and friends, are enormous. Uprootedness, life as a refugee living in a camp or a home, of which only a fraction are in Europe or other western countries, confront people with severe and bitter problems. What all these people have in common is the desire to reach a place where life is better and more worth living, and to spend their lives in dignity and peace.
But where are attempts to remove the structural causes of poverty and marginalization through education, participation, medical care, humane workplaces, tolerance and cultural diversity to be found?
Where are there successful attempts to create living conditions such that people will stay at home or return there rather than opt for perilous ways of escape?
And where have there been attempts to enable people to live in dignity and security and to put down roots in a new home?
In announcing the international cartoon competition A place. Somewhere our aim is to gather voices and ideas, which will help us to understand the causes of flight and migration from various countries and from differing points of view, and to show the consequences for the lives of the people affected, particularly how women and children are affected. We also want to ask where and alternatives come from which contribute to combating the causes of flight.
The results of the competition will be publicized in the form of a travelling exhibition to be mounted in as many cities as possible, and an accompanying catalogue. We do not just want to inform people about how those in other countries and regions of the world see the theme, but also to encourage people to involve themselves in the public debate on flight and migration.
Conditions of Participation:
Artists may submit up to three works. The maximum size of the cartoons is DIN A3 or a data file with a resolution of 300 dpi (black and white or colour).
The final date for submissions is July 30th 2017. Submissions should be sent to:
Wandastr. 9, D 45136
(in German or English).
A jury will select the best three works, which will receive prizes of 1000 Euros, 750 Euros and 500 Euros, as well as 10 works, which will receive an honourable mention, and about 100, which will be displayed in a travelling exhibition and a catalogue. Through their participation the cartoonists agree to grant EXILE the rights to the publication of their work in the exhibition and the catalogue as well as for use in public relations.
Exile is a non-profit agency for international and intercultural projects in the arts, culture and
education. Since its foundation it has organized eight international cartoon competitions and has mounted successful travelling exhibitions on such themes as migrant labour, racism, ecology, and the rights of women. “The projects developed by EXILE Cultural Coordination aim through art and culture to make unheard voices audible and in this way to contribute to a change of perspective and understanding of social diversity in a globalized world”
A project of EXILE-Kulturkoordination in cooperation with Engagement Global commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Cooperation.
Web: http://exile-ev.de/en
Source: Goethe-Institut Nairobi.
Competition e-mail borrowed from source.


19th Annual Biennial Cartoon Competition, Novomestsky Osten 2017, Slovakia

Novomestsky Osten 2017
DEADLINE: 31.7.2017
Competition rules:
1. Each author can send at maximum five original works, including graphic techniques.
2. The competition is open to everyone. It is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3. The format of the works should not exceed the size A3.
4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the back and bear the author´s full address.
5. Submitted works will be not returned to the author and will become the property of the MsKS Nove Mesto nad Vahom.
6. Works should be sent to:
Mestske kulturne stredisko, Hviezdoslavova 4,
915 01 Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Slovakia
Friday the 15th September 2017 will be held in Nove Mesto nad Váhom an exhibition of the best competing works, a festive announcement of the results and the handling of prizes to the most successful authors of the 19th competition in accordance with the Jury´s decision will take place as follows:
1st Prize: Gold Novomestsky Osten and 300 €
2nd Prize: Silver Novomestsky Osten and 200 €
3rd Prize: Bronze Novomestsky Osten and 100 €
The Competition Jury reserves the right not to grant any of the prizes or to grant other special prizes.
The organizers of the competition reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials.
Selected competitor will receive a catalog.
WEB: msks.
Source: toonsmag.
Updated 18.06.2017.