
Results 18th International Festival of aphorism and caricature, Strumica 2017, Macedonia

The international jury of the 18th International Festival of aphorism and caricature, Strumica 2017, composed of:
Maja Тcholakova, Bulgaria - President
Miroslav Georgievski – Miro, Macedonia - member of the jury
Gorgi Panov, Macedonia - member
Nikola Sarajlija, Macedonia - member
Aleksandar Filev, Macedonia - member.
On the day of 24th of January 2017, reviewed the incoming caricatures and aphorisms at the 18th International Festival of Cartoon and aphorisms and granted awards as below:
Category CARTOON:
Golden Plaque - Ivailo Tsvetkov, Bulgaria
Silver Plaque – Konstantin Kazanchev, Ukraine
Bronze Plaque - Klaus Pitter, Austria
Award of the Municipal Organizational Board of Strumica Carnival - Zlatko Krstevski, Macedonia
Goran Chelichanin, Serbia
Vladimir Semerenko, Russia
Tsocho Peev, Bulgaria
Tadeush Krotos, Poland
Branko Zupanich, Slovenia
Stojan Dechev, Bulgaria
Marco Ramos, USA
Erdogan Basol, Turkey.
Category APHORISM:
Golden Plaque - Code "Charobna lampa" Milorad Vujnović, Serbia
Silver Plaque - Code "Zoro sviti" Peko Lalichić, Serbia
Bronze Plaque - Code "Tajna veza" Aleksandar Chotrić, Serbia
Code "MM" Mane Marović, Serbia
Code "222" Veselin Zidarov, Bulgaria
Code "Sheeset i devet" Pande Petrovski, Macedonia
Code "Zhivot 2" Ekrem Mačić, Bosnia
Code "Karagash" Ljubomir Ilić, Serbia
Code "Divlje meso" Sasha Miletić, Serbia
Code "Nostalgia" Veselin Milicević, Serbia
Code "To me svidja" Abdurrahman Halilović, Croatia
Code "Od prva" Natasha Kurchiska, Macedonia.
Source: fb.


Selected works in the 4th Kalder Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2017, Turkey

The application for the 4th Kalder Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2017 ended. A total of 807 works participated in the competition with the theme "New Life". The four-person front jury made the initial assessment. The front jury chose 180 cartoons. The results will be announced on February 6th. Please notify bursa@kalder.org with a certified document for objections to copies, similar and stolen works until 31 January 2017.


Jury members of the 4th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2017, Turkey

Theme: New Life

9th International Biennial Masters of Caricature, Plovdiv 2017, Bulgaria

Plovdiv’ 2017
Wealth and Charity
The caricature is universal language with hidden messages, “dressed” in humour.
Its goal is to make everybody smile, even when they suffer of life in hardship. “In order to receive, learn to give.” This folk wisdom has been experienced and well suffered.
“If you have two shirts, give one to the poor.” was written in the Bible. For some people wealth is in the possession of money and property. Others find it in love and wisdom…
Richness gives privileges, but it also obliges. Wealth can provide indulgence for the rich, but it can also mean another day of life for the poor. Is what some find valuable, valuable for others too? Should you possess, in order to give? Values and wealth meet in the act of donation.
In this Biennial, we will see how caricaturists will draw the shades of wealth and charity. Whether old wisdom will interweave with new mores and what will come out from it remains to be seen.
Address for submission:
Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv
2 Dr. Stoyan Chomakov str.
4000 Plovdiv
1. The Biennial for Caricature is open to professional and amateur caricaturists from all over the world;
2. Each participant should send up at least one piece of work 210/297 (A4 format);
3. The caricatures may be colourful or black-and-white;
4. Participants should send their caricatures by 31 July 2017;
5. Caricatures, sent only via email do not participate in the Biennial.
6. It is advisable that together with their caricatures, participants also send a photograph or take-off and CV;
7. An international jury will nominate five caricaturists who will be conferred the title Master of Caricature;
8. Awarded caricatures are not sent back;
9. The rest of the caricatures will be sent back if authors state that in written form;
10. The Catalogue of the exhibition will be given free of charge to participants whose caricatures are included in the Catalogue.
Time and venue: October, 1-st 2017, at 18:00
in the Regional Ethnographic Museum.
Submission deadline: July 31, 2017
The nominated works will be kept in Works of Fine Art Stock of Regional Ethnographic Museum – Plovdiv
Phone: ++ 359 32 626328; ++ 359 32 626339.
E-mail: ethnograph@abv.bg.

Results of the 6th International Humor Contest GIN 2017, Spain

The winners of the 6th International Humor Contest GIN 2017 are:
FIRST PRIZE: Darko Drljevic, from Montenegro (Top)
SECOND PRIZE: Soltan Soltanli, from Azerbaijan.
THIRD PRIZE: Tawan Chuntraskawvon, from Thailand.
The exhibition "Humor Global: Sixth Contest GIN" will be open from January 17 to February 26 in La Fábrica del Humor (Alcalá de Henares). It is a selection of 77 works, including the 3 winners, of the nearly one thousand works received for the contest. The selected authors are:
Haller Scholarian
Ridha Ridha, RidhaStefan
Alejandro Becares, Becs
Horacio Petre, Petre
Ricardo Daniel Douelle, Dany Duel
Soltan Soltanli, Soltan (Segundo Premio)
Constann Sunnerberg, Cost
Jason William McLarnin, MC
Luc Descheemaeker O‐Sekoer
Hursky Arkadzi
Alexandre Alves Franco, Lex Franco
Alisson Orz Affonso, Alisson
Érico Junqueira Ayres, Érico
Joao Bosco Jaco de Azevedo, J Bosco
Ronaldo Cunha Dias Silvano Mello, Mello
Wallace Ramón Rolim Silva, Walace
Trayko Popov, Trayko P
Tsocho Peev
Jing Shan, Jingshan
Lijie Yang, Jimy
Raúl Grisales, Guaico
Raúl Zuleta, Zuleta
Nikola Listes
Omar Santana Caviedes, Santana
Fawzy Morsy, Fawzy
Vladimir Pavlík
Franšek Bojničan, Bojničan
Alex Estrada Delgado, Alex
Carlos Matera, Matt
Erik Berlin, ErikBerlin
Jorge Isurralde Gómez, Tatúm
José Luis Castro Lombilla, Lombilla
Josef Prchal, JP
Juan Gabriel Benavides Formas, Gabo
Luis Mendiguren Tarrés, Menta
Moisés Ramírez Alonso, Moi
Bernard Bouton, Bernie
Istvan Kelemen
BV Parundanga Rao, BC Parunganga
Lega Cecilia, Lega Cecilia
Ehsan Cheraghi Iranshahi
Esmaeil Babae
Hamid Ghalijari, Hamid
Mahdieh Sabbaghkar, Mahdieh
Mohammad Fakhredindost
Saeed Sadeghi, Saeed
Ilya Katz
Sergey Sichenko
Alfio Leoa, Fleo
Marco Fusi, Fusi
Román Rivas, Román
Darko Drkjevic, Darco (Primer Premio)
Nueva Zelanda
Bob Darroch, Darroch
Julio Ángel Carrión Cueva, Karry
Omar Zevallos Velarde, Omar
Czesław Przęzak, Cz. Przezak
República Checa
Tomas Trunecek, TT
Horia Crisan & Bogdan Petry, Crisan & Petry
Marin Chiorean, Cornel
Victor Eugen Mihai, VEM
Aleksey Kivokourtcev, Lexaxa
Vladimir Khakhanov, Khakhanov
Vladimir Vasiliev
Jovan Prokopljevic
Milenko Kosanovic, MK
Toso Borkovic, Toshow
Tawan Chuntraskawvong, TC
Gurhan Bilget
Kemal Ozyurt, Kozy
Musa Keklik, Musa Keklik
Turan Aksoy, Turan Aksoy
Konstann Kazanchev, Kazanchev
Sergey Dudchenko
Vladimir Chmyriov
Alfredo Cuesta
Pablo López,
(Source: iqh).

49th World Gallery of Cartoons, Skopje 2017, Macedonia

49th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2017
OSTEN is inviting you to participate in the 49th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2017
Download the APPLICATION FORM, fill it, submit it along with your works and you can win one of the following awards:
FIRST AWARD for Cartoon (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Satiric Drawing (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Comic / Strip (1000$)
CICO AWARD (for Macedonian cartoonist).
Following our principle of creating and preserving the art on paper, only ORIGINAL WORKS (hand drawn cartoons, satirical drawings and comics) will be considered in the selection process. They should be sent no later than 31st March 2017 to our address:
8.Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Damir NOVAK, Croatia (Cartoonist)
Jury members:
Rudy GEYSENS, Belgium (President of the ECC – European Cartoon Center)
Angel BOLIGAN, Mexico (Cartoonist, editorial cartoonist of “El Universal” newspaper)
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai, Iran (Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Iran Cartoon”)
Seyran CAFERLI, Azerbaijan (Cartoonist and Director of the International Cartoon News Center)
Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia (Artist, representative of OSTEN).
The jury activities will take place in April 2017, and the official opening of the 49th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2017 and the announcement of the awards will take place on 25th May 2017 at the OSTEN Gallery, Skopje.
Download the APPLICATION FORM, fill it, submit it, follow us on FB, and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. For additional information, you can always contact us on: cartoons@osten.com.mk .
Source: osten.


23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art, Gabrovo 2017, Bulgaria

23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art
19th May – 30th September 2017, Gabrovo
The 23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art is comprised of a competition and a curated exhibition. The competition is held in two sections: cartoons and contemporary art.
1. Organizers
Museum House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo Municipality and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Organizing Committee is chaired by the Mayor of Gabrovo.
2. Opening
19th May 2017, 7.00 p.m. at the Museum House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo
3. Theme: Laughing in the Face of…
fear, crises, adversity, the status quo – artists are invited to complete the phrase and make a statement by addressing the present day and its social, economic, political, cultural and daily problems and challenges.
Eligible for the contemporary art section of the competition are works of art executed in any technique and media (painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, drawing, poster, installation, video, and others).
Golden Aesop Prize – a statuette and 5 000 BGN (appr. 2 550 euro)
Gascar Prize of the town of Gabrovo awarded to a young artist (up to 40 yrs.) – a statuette and 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
Special prize given by Skalni Materiali JS Co-Rousse – 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
The cartoons competition section includes the following categories:
Cartoons (original works signed by the artists and digital works, up to A3 size)
Animated cartoons (gif and flash)
Printed cartoon publications (albums, catalogues, artists’ books)
Grand Prix – 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
Prize for cartoon (hand-signed originals and digital drawings) – 2 000 BGN (appr. 1 020 euro)
Prize for animated cartoon (gif and flash formats) – 2 000 BGN (appr. 1 020 euro)
Prize for printed cartoon publication – 1 000 BGN (appr. 510 euro).
The prizewinning works remain in the Humour of the Peoples art collection of the Museum House of Humour and Satire.
The organizers kindly invite all artists to visit Gabrovo on 19th May 2017 for the opening of the Biennial exhibition and join in the Gabrovo carnival.
General Entry Rules
1. The competition is open to all artists who accept the conditions of entry. Each artist may enter no more than two works in a section.
2. Application procedure:
In order to apply, artists complete an online entry-form; depending on the type and media, each work may be visually represented with:
* up to 3 images each one of which should not be larger than 4 MB, jpg or png format (your images are best represented at 1000px on the longest side and a resolution of 72ppi)
* video that can be watched online at a URL provided by the artist in the entry form
* animated cartoons (gif and flash) with duration of up to 25 seconds (provided through a URL or file upload)
The selection of the works is made online by an international jury.
Artists with selected works send the originals by post within the indicated deadline.
Print cartoon publications are sent directly by post – no online submission is necessary.
3. Important dates:
* 12th March 2017, midnight Bulgarian time (GMT+2) – closing date for applications
* 24th March – the selected works are published on the website
* 27th March – 22nd April – the original works are to be received at the following address:
68, Bryanska Str., P.O.B. 104
5300 Gabrovo
4. Artists whose works are not selected to be shown in the competition exhibition will not be personally notified.
5. The Museum House of Humour and Satire will be pleased to accept donations. Artists are requested to state their will as donors (provided their works are selected to be shown in the competition exhibition) in the entry form. The donated works become part of the museum collection.
6. Artists who wish to have their works returned should indicate it in the entry form. Works will be sent back from 1st October until 30th November 2017 at the artists’ expense by post or express services to an address indicated by them. Artists may personally collect their works within the same deadline at the Museum. The Museum bears no responsibility for the storage of the unclaimed works after 30th November 2017.
7. All works should be sent by post or express services with PRINTED MATTER and NO COMMERCIAL VALUE noted on the package.
8. Artists should cover the transport costs franco Gabrovo. The organizers will not collect packages sent to other destinations. All customs dues and landing charges payable upon the receipt and the return of the works should be covered by the artists who will be personally notified of the exact amount.
9. The cash prizes are subject to taxation in conformity with Bulgarian law. The prizes can be received no later than 31st December 2017.
10. The Museum guarantees the safety of the works from the date of receipt to the date of return assuming no responsibility for damage or loss during transit. It is recommended that the works should be insured in advance.
11. With regard to the Biennial exhibition, the Museum reserves the right to reproduce the works on display and have them printed in its and other publications, as well as on the Biennial website.
12. The organizers guarantee that the artists’ personal data shall be processed as it is stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Act in force in the Republic of Bulgaria now.
13. The conditions of entry are contractually binding. By submitting works to the competition artists agree to the terms of this contract.
Source: biennial.humorhouse.

Free theme in the 7th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition 2017, Turkey

7th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition 2017
1. The competition is open to any cartoonist.
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition.
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reposnibility will be assuemed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened.
4. All cartoons must be 30x40 cm maximum.
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope.
6. The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 5th May 2017:
Milas Belediyesi Ozel Kalem Mudurlugu
48200 - Milas - Mugla / Turkey
e-mail: info@milas.bel.tr
7. The results of the competition will be announced on 17 th May 2017.
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘Turhan Selcuk Karikaturlu Ev’.
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album.
10. The reward ceremony will be held on 11th September 2017. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘Turhan Selcuk Karikaturlu Ev’ for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until 1th October 2017.
11. Accommodation and meal expenses for participants who have won a ‘Special Award’ will be met. Travel expenses will be borne by the participants. Travel, accommodation and meal expenses for competitors who come first, second and third will be met by Milas Municipality.
Muhammet Tokat - Mayor of Milas
Ruhan Selçuk
Kamil Masaracı
Gülay Batur
Meral Onat
Erhan Candan
Grigoris Georgiou
Coordinator :İzel Rozental
Winner: ₺7.500.00
Runner up: ₺5000.00
3rd: ₺2000.00
Other Special Prizes will be awarded by various establishments, societies, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, news agents and individuals.
Note: The jury meeting will be held on the 13th May 2017.
Source: Milas Municipality.