
Theme in 2nd International Salon of Humor Mazatlan 2009: God

2do. Salon Internacional del Humor Mazatlan 2009 - Mexico
The Salon is open to all cartoonists from all over the world and beyond.
2. THEME: “God”
1st Prize: Golden mermaid + $ 2000 US Dollars.
2nd Prize: Silver mermaid + $ 1500 US Dollars.
3rd Prize: Copper mermaid + $ 1000 US Dollars.
Winners will be notified by E-mail, telephone or post after 15th December 2009.
A maximum of 3 works can be submitted by E-mail in any media, in black and white or colour, but they should not have received a prize in other contests.
Works should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and keep the proportions of a Letter size paper sheet (21.5 cms x 27.9 cms). They should be sent to: camino3@prodigy.net.mx
5. DEADLINE: November 27, 2009
The entry form must be completed and sent together with the works.
7. A catalogue with the winners and selected works will be available on www.salon.mazatlan.iespana.es
Copyright belongs to authors. The Salon will use some works, but only for promotional purposes, such as publicity, the catalogue and the press.
Instituto Municipal de Cultura Turismo y Arte de Mazatlan.
Source: cartoonblues


International Graphic Humor Contest on Transitional Justice - Barcelona 2009

1st International Graphic Humor Contest on Transitional Justice around the Mediterranean - Barcelona 2009
Conditions of Participation:
1. This contest is open to the participation of any professional and amateur cartoonist artist.
2. The scope is: daily comics, cartoons, visual jokes, graphic humor, caricature, etc.
3. The topic of the contest is “The processes of Transitional Justice in Spain, Algeria and Morocco”: The starting points are:
i. The right to know
ii. Torture and detention
iii. Disappearances and summary executions
iv. Freedom of expression
v. Independence of the judiciary, administration of justice, impunity
vi. Religious intolerance
vii. Truth commissions, reconciliation, dignity
viii. States of emergency
ix. Conscientious objection to military service
x. The right to reparation and welfare guarantees
xi. Dialogue promotion and trust-building for the peace achievement.
4. Participants may submit up to three (3) items to the contest, with the provision that these images have not previously recieved awards in other contests.
5. Works they can be carried out with any pictorial technique.
6. Works can be without words, and of course in Catalan, Spanish, Berber, Arabics, English, and/or in French language.
7. Format is unique: size A4 (210 mm x 297 mm).
8. All works must be submitted via e-mail, to concurs@elcalam.info , after being scanned at 300 DPI point resolution in JPG (JPEG) format.
9. Works can also be sent to the following address: Recipient: F. Sol, First International Contest of Graphic Humor, Crtra. Granera 92 bxs. 08183 Castellterçol (Barcelona, Spain).
10. The submission deadline is October 18, 2009.
11. Works must be accompanied by a file which includes first and last name, address, telephone number, background and a photograph or caricature of the artist.
12. A prize of 600 € will be given to the winning application, a second prize of 300 €, and a third prize of 100 € will also be awarded.
13. The winner of the first prize will be invited to Barcelona for the presentation of the exposition between the November 2-4, 2009.
14. The decision of the jury panel is not subject to appeal.
15. The composition of the jury panel will be made public after the winner is announced.
16. The decision of the jury panel will be held and communicated on October 23, 2009 to the winners, by e-mail, and will then be published on the website of Elcàlam.
17. The first fifty (50) works selected will be exposed in Barcelona.
18. All works will be exposed at the Elcàlam and AFD websites.
19. The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and distribute the winning entry without express authorization from the author and without further compensation to the artist.
20. Participating in the competition constitutes acceptance of the contest rules in their entirety and without reservation. Any questions or conflicts will be resolved by the jury panel.
Source: cartooncenter


New exhibit of cartoons promoting peace

New peace exhibit opens in Israel
A new exhibit to promote peace and reconciliation will be opening in Israel on September 12. The exhibit initiated by The Parents Circle - Families Forum features original cartoon art by Pat Oliphant, Jeff Danziger, Liza Donnelly, Jim Morin and Palestinian cartoonist Baha Bukhari of Ramallah. The exhibit will also travel to the United States and Europe.
The display is being curated by Michel Kichka, chairman of Israel's Cartoonists Association. Kichka said," The Parents Circle has taken upon itself a challenging and difficult task. Peace, reconciliation and tolerance are goals that seem unattainable in the morning, closer than ever in the afternoon and far off in the evening."
Over 500 families are members of the Parents Forum, with an equal number of Palestinians and Israelis. The forum offers a different approach using personal meetings and sharing personal stories with the joint aim of putting an end to violence, hatred and lack of trust.
Cartoons from the exhibit by Andrzej Krauze (above) and Ares (below).

Results 5th International festival of cartoon Solin 2009

Results of the 5th International festival of cartoon Solin 2009, CROATIA
The 5th International festival of cartoon Solin 2009 (Croatia) has seen the arrival of 800 works from 49 countries.
Grand Prix Solin 2009: Zdenko Puhin / Croatia (See above)
Special prizes:

Yurij Kosobukin / Ukraina,

Jacek Fracekiewicz / Poland,

Rumen Dragostinov / Bulgaria,

Ivailo Tzvetkov / Bulgaria,

Emil Strniša/Croatia,

Santiago Cornejo / Argentina.
Best regards,


4th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest: Integration / Assimilation

4th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest “Integration / Assimilation”
The word „Integration“ in dictionary means coalescence, cohesion and adaptation. „Assimilation“ contains the meanings of alteration, resembling each other or adjusting oneself. These conseptions which seem as if they are different from each other build the parts of a complement especially in migration countries. Also one of them is the entity reason of the other one.
Nowadays neither the immigrants can accommodate to the society where they live nor they can live their own ethnic cultures freely. At the process of accommadition to the society of immigrants where live it can be possible that they are assimilated as much they diverge from their own culture also that they become estranged. But the real meaning of „integration“ is to be able to live in a country without losing self-identity. Whatever the ethnic origin of the person, the society accord the right of protection of his ethnic culture and language. Otherwise there is an „assimilation“ in other words „obligatory alteration“.
In social life „ideal person“ is who embrace the other cultures and folks. Our goal is that the societies do not confuse „adaptation“ and „alteration“ conceptions and that they provide that people maintain their cultures freely. The aim of our cartoon contest is to actualize this synthesis which can not actualize in real terms- through the cartoon art and to convey the required messages to the immigrant countries.
The Rules of Competition:
1) The participation in contest is possible only by Internet.
2) At most three cartoons can be sent.
3) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
4) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 300 dpi dissolution and in JPEG format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment.
5) The sent cartoons are issued first on the web pages of the “Don Quichotte” under the column “Today”. Thus the work those is excluded the regulation to contradict, promptly from the competition. Thus in the past the pretty often experienced unauthorized counterfeit, of a work is avoided.
6) Deadline for the participation to the contest: 1 December 2009
7) The jury formed from the cartoonists of the different countries will evaluate the sent cartoons in December. The results will be announced on 15 January.
8) The prize ceremony will take place in Holland in March 2010. (Place and date of this meeting are communicated at a later time).
The Prizes:
- First Prize: € 1,000, 00
- Second Prize: € 750,00
- Third Prize: € 500,00
- Special Prize of “Semih Balcioglu”
- 10 Mentions.
Preselector Jury Members: Erdogan Karayel, Hicabi Demirci, Oğuz Gürel, Hayati Boyacioglu, Ahmet Aykanat.
Jury Members: Marlene Pohle, Massoud Shojai, Marcio Leite, Marian Avramescu, Vladimir Kazanevsky, Valeri Kurtu, Amorim, Julian Pena Pai, Raed Khalil, Willem Rasing, Seyran Caferli, Nezih Danyal, Eray Özbek, Firuz Kutal, Hüseyin Cakmak, Hicabi Demirci, Erdogan Karayel.


18th International Festival Golden Helmet 2010 - Serbia

2. WRITTEN FORM - Short story - Poem - Aphorism
1. CARTOON: ORIGINAL, MIN. A4 (210 x 297 mm), MAX A3 (297 x 420 mm), TECHNIQUE FREE;
2nd AWARD: 500 €;
3rd AWARD: 300 €.
Deadline: 20.11.2009.
Only unpublished works will be taken into consideration. Written works to be sent under a code!
Jury decision will be announced on - 01.12.2009.
Awards will be handed at Final Festival Evening on April 1, 2010. The Organizer will bear travel and accommodation cost of awarded authors.
Festival official languages are Serbian and English.
All works remain property of the Festival.
Address: Kulturni centar Krusevac, Festival “Golden Helmet” Toplisina br. 2; 37000 Krusevac, Serbia
tel: +381 (0) 37 / 423 025, 421 877 ; e-mail: kck@kck.org.rs , goldenhelmet@kck.org.rs , zlatnakaciga@kck.org.rs .


1st International Exhibition in Nis, Serbia with theme: Healthy Food


from September 25-27, 2009. Niška Banja, Serbia
Topic: HEALTHY FOOD /village, agriculture, rural tourism/
Format: A4
Number of works: 3
Deadline for submission: September 15, 2009.
Exhibition: September 25, 2009.
Works to be sent to the address: caricature.nis@gu.ni.rs
in JPEG format, resolution from 300 DPI to 1mb
or original works to the address:
Uprava za poljprivredu i razvoj sela
Leskovacka br 4, 18000 Nis - Srbija

First award: Seven day staying for two persons in natural, rural setting of Niš villages /hotel accomodation/ and diploma /charter
Second award: Five day staying for two persons in natural, rural setting of Niš villages /hotel accomodation/ and diploma /charter
Third award: Three day staying for two persons in natural, rural setting of Niš villages /hotel accomodation/ and diploma /charter
Note: Acommodation of high category with ethno cuisine including the sightseeing of cultural-historical monuments and attractive destinations in the wider area of the City of Niš
Three special awards/diploma/
Art Director: Aleksandar Blatnik
Director: Slaviša Dinić, President of City municipality of Pantelej-Niš
Organizer: Aleksandra Brzaković, Head of Department of agriculture and rural development
Source: comics-stripovi-exyu

1st International Cartoon Exhibition Kavarna 2009 by e-mail: Mussel & Fish

1st International Cartoon Exhibition Mussel & Fish Kavarna 2009 by e-mail
Dear Cartoonists and Organizers, a dear friends, I need your help from to create a new contest – Ist International Cartoon Contest Mussel & Fish Kavarna 2010
I want the major and municipality council to vote insert in Cultural program Kavarna 2010 this Contest. As a first resort that year - 2 exhibitions – Zero ICE 2009 and One-man show cartoon Walex (It’s my), both exhibition “Mussel and Fish”. You send cartoon and Intercession at your desire! Thank you !!!
I. Regulation:
1. Theme: MUSSEL & FISH
2. Deadline: 31 August 2009 – Exhibition open – 4 September 2009 – next info for fest
3. Size – JPEG, 300 dpi, A4, one cartoon (and more)
4. Old / use - ready the cartoons can to participed in previous (past) contests and exhibitions – no time for new cartoons! No prizes – only report and Diplom by mail! 2010 – www, prizes,catalog etc., possible catalog ’09.
5. Adresse:
e-mails: for both: walex_art@abv.bg , galeria@kavarna.bg - to make copies on paper and exhibit at: Art Galery Kavarna, 1 “Aheloy”str. 9650 – Kavarna, Bulgaria.

II.Kavarna – Black sea city in Europe
Info for city and Art Gallery from net:
