
The 6th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest 2021, Turkey

The 6th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest Is Now Taking Submissions 
The 6th International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest will be held with the theme “Breaking Free of Addiction”. Declaring that the contest will accept submissions in the category “Under 16” for the first time this year, Green Crescent General Manager M. Nurullah Atalan stated, “We are excited to receive works created by our youth, by both professional and amateur adult cartoon artists alike on the theme of “Breaking Free of Addiction”. The jury of the contest includes cartoon artist Varol Yaşaroğlu. 
The Green Crescent, aiming to draw attention to and raise awareness of addiction, is organizing the 6th annual contest, which receives immense interest each year. It is expected that the works focus on alcohol, tobacco, substance, gambling, and technology addictions under the main theme of “Breaking Free of Addiction” in the contest, of which cartoonist Varol Yasaroglu is among the jury panel. Submissions will remain open to all artists both professional and amateur worldwide on cartooncontest.yesilay.org.tr until January 31, 2022

IV International Cartoon Competition "Eurasia", Russian Federation

on the IV International Cartoon Competition "Eurasia"
I. General provisions 
1. These Regulations govern the procedure for holding the IV International Cartoon Competition "Eurasia" (hereinafter referred to as the Contest). 
2. Founders of the Contest: 
• Pavlov Anatoly Ivanovich, member of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the All-Russian Council of Local Self-Government 
• Yekaterinburg Museum of Caricature. 
3. The Contest is held with the support of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region (to be agreed). 
4. Theme of the Contest: "Hello, Neighbor!
Today, when the peoples of the world are faced with the task of agreeing on common basic values, the International Caricature Contest on the theme "Hello Neighbor!" will become a universal negotiating platform, since a “drawn” thought does not require translation. 
The Contest will clearly demonstrate that people in different countries are worried about the same problems. 
And humor in graphic works is both an excellent translator and a cure for many diseases, including social and political ones. 
5. The aim of the Contest: to promote the development of good-neighborly relations between the peoples of the Eurasian continent and the whole world. 
6. Objectives of the Contest: 
• promoting the development of intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and friendship through the art of caricature; 
• attracting the attention of graphic artists from different countries of the world to common social problems; 
• assistance to the development of the cultural space of modern Eurasia. 
II. Organizational support for the Contest 
1. The Contest is carried out by the Organizing Committee formed by the founders. 
2. The exclusive competence of the Organizing Committee includes: 
• accepting applications for participation in the Contest; 
• formation of the composition of the competitive jury; 
• organization and conduct of the final award ceremony for the laureates of the Contest. 
3. Contest jury is formed from authoritative figures in the professional sphere in order to creatively evaluate the works submitted for the Contest. 
4. Members of the jury have the right to participate in the Contest without claiming prizes. 
III. Conditions for holding the Contest 
1. Contest works are accepted from November 15, 2021 to February 1 (EXTENDED:) March 15, 2022. The works must arrive in Ekaterinburg no later than March 15, 2022 (by postmark). 
2. Authors over the age of 18 are allowed to participate in the Contest. 
3. Each author may submit for participation in the Contest no more than 5 (five) works. 
4. Works that have received prizes in other Contests are not accepted for participation. 
5. Summing up the results of the Contest and the opening of the exhibition of the best works will be timed to coincide with the International Day of Laughter on April 1, 2022. 
6. Contest works are sent to the address: 
Lenin Avenue, 39, P.O. Box 126, 
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620000 
On the envelope it is necessary to indicate: "For the Cartoon Competition". 
7. Requirements for works: 
• Format: A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm) 
• Works must be hand made original. Photocopies, prints are not considered. Works convicted of plagiarism do not participate in the competition. 
• Technique is free; works can be either black and white or color. 
• Works should not contain text. 
• Full name of the author, time of creation, return address, e-mail are to be indicated on the back. 
• Works must be accompanied by a completed application form for the participant of the Contest 
• Works must be carefully packed. The organizers of the Contest are not responsible for damage during shipment. 
8. The works sent to the Contest are not returned and remain at the disposal of the founders of the Contest. 
9. Prizes of the Contest: 
• 1st place: € 1,500 
• 2nd place: € 1000 
• 3rd place: € 500 
• Special Prize: € 500 
• Honorable mention 
10. Authors of works participating in the final exhibition receive a certificate of the participants in the Contest and a printed copy of the catalog. 
11. The founders of the Contest reserve the right to further use the Contest works for exhibition and information purposes. 
E-mail address: eurasia-2022@mail.ru 
Deadline updated: 01.02.2022 23:30. 
Source: cartoonblues

Humorists in Marostica 2022: 50th International Contest of Humoristic Graphics, Italy

"Memory is life
This year the Humor Graphics Competition has reached its 50th edition, an important number that makes us proud. 
We therefore decided to celebrate this anniversary with the theme: MEMORY. 
When you reach a goal it is inevitable to look back, aware of the road traveled, but only to move forward. 
Memory allows us to preserve and rediscover memories of past events as needed, which is why, since ancient times, it has been celebrated as one of the most extraordinary human abilities because it is the only one capable of making men and events immortal. 
Memory preserves both ideas and images, even the saddest and most tragic ones, and allows us to create a bridge between past, present and future. 
In a period like this, it is even more important to remember what happened in order to overcome the difficulties. 
Once again, culture becomes a pillar to cling to in order to start again and to return to hope.
1. Theme of the competition and participation rules 
The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world. It is possible to participate also out of the competition. This request excludes the authors from the award of the prizes. 
The theme of the contest is: MEMORY 
Authors can participate with a maximum of 3 works (Cartoons or Strips), inherent to the theme proposed in relation to man, his existence and the society where he lives, seen in a humorous viewpoint. In order to be understood worldwide and beyond every linguistic barrier, the works must be without dialogue or texts. 
Works must be inedited (that is, neither published before nor used to partcipate in other competitions). The organization can decide to exclude from the award of the prizes those works that are found to have been already edited. 
2. Shipping of the works and deadlines 
Works and entry form can be sent both by email to: concorso@umoristiamarostica.it 
Otherwise, they can be sent through the following services by 27/02/2022
Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/
Mail: UMORISTI A MAROSTICA | Biblioteca Civica – Via Cairoli 3 – 36063 MAROSTICA (VI) – ITALY 
The works, in black/white or color made with any technique, must be in GIF, JPG, PNG or PDF, 150 dpi resolution, saved in high quality, weight max. 3 MB. 
Larger files will not be accepted. 
The acceptance of the works, the selection, and the assigning of the prizes are completely up to the jury nominated by the “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense”. The Jury’s decisions are inquestionable and incontestable. 
3. Delivery of the Original Works and the Award of the Prizes 
The authors selected by the jury receive an email with the informations about the deadlines and the modality to send the original works. 
If the work is realized exclusively with a digital technique, the author will have to send a dated, numbered and signed copy of the work. 
The Jury will award the “International Grand Prix Scacchiera”, the Special prize “Sandro Carlesso”, the special prize “Marco Sartore” and 10 Special prizes “Umoristi a Marostica”. Other special prizes or honorary mentions may be awarded. 
The results of the Jury will be given directly to all participating artists by email and published on the web site www.umoristiamarostica.it
4. Opening Ceremony, Awarding and Acceptance of the Regulation 
The opening ceremony and the prize distribution will take place on May, 14 2022 at Castello Inferiore of Marostica. The exhibition will be open until June 19, 2022. 
All the authors selected will receive a free copy of catalogue. Non-selected participants will have the possibility to demand the catalogue compiling the form on the web site www.umoristiamarostica.it
The works selected for the exhibition and for the catalogue will not be returned and will be included in the collection of “Umoristi a Marostica Museum”. 
The “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense” reserve the right to authorize the reproduction of the works and the diffusion of them through various communication means citing the author with the words “Taken from Umoristi a Marostica”, without any payment. The “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense” is not responsable for transport damages. 
The participation in the competition implies full acceptance of these regulations and expressly authorise the Graphic Marosticense Group to process the personal data transmitted pursuant to the code regarding the protection of personal date (GDPR 2016/679/UE) also for the purpose of inclusion in the Group's managed data bases for the conduct of the competition. 
Deadlines Umoristi a Marostica 2022 
Theme: MEMORY 
Works and entry form: February 27, 2022 
Opening ceremony: May 14, 2022 
Exhibition: May 14, 2022 – June 19, 2022 


1st International Exhibition of Sports Humor, Hangzhou 2022, China

First International Exhibition of Sports Humor, Hangzhou 2022, China
The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 will be held in Hangzhou, China in 2022. For this purpose, the first international sports humorous painting exhibition in 2022 (Hangzhou·Binjiang) will be held. 
1. Contents of Contributions: 
All works related to sports are limited to humorous works. 
2. Participation requirements: 
1) Preliminary evaluation: 
The exhibitor should send the electronic pictures of the works submitted to the exhibition to the receiving email address taosart@taosart.cn of the organizing committee . Electronic works can be submitted in jpg, png, tif and other image formats, with a capacity of 2M or more and meeting the 300 dpi standard. The name of the file is: name (subject to ID and passport), name of the work, and the title of the email must be marked "2022 (Hangzhou·Binjiang) First International Sports Humorous Painting Exhibition". Indicate in the mail: name, nationality, name of the work, detailed contact address, zip code, contact number, and personal profile. 
2) Re-evaluation: 
The organizing committee of the finalists for the preliminary evaluation will conduct a re-evaluation, and the organizing committee will notify the authors of the re-evaluation and selection results. All winning works are required to be hand-painted and sent to the organizing committee's receiving address. 
3) Requirements for works: 
The exhibited works are original by the author, and the submission of works that have been created and published in recent years is allowed. 
4) Submitting works: 
There is no limit to the number of submissions, and no more than 3 selected works. 
5) Posting of works: 
After receiving the notice of award of excellence award, post the original hand-painted works within the specified time to: 
The Organizing Committee of the 505 Competition, Block A, Ding'an Mingdu Commercial Building, No. 68 Ding'an Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Received by Mr. Zhu Kai, Zhejiang Cartoonists Association.  
Mobile phone 18058800172. 
6) Call for papers: from now until December 31, 2021. (The original deadline is invalidated) 
3. Author's treatment: 
The selected works will be compiled and published by Zhejiang Education Publishing House, together with the selection certificate issued by the organizing committee, to be awarded to the author. 30 excellent works will be selected and collected by the organizing committee. Collection fee before tax: 2,000 yuan per piece. 
4. Rights of the organizer: 
1) Have exhibition, research, photography, video, publication and publicity rights for the exhibited works. 
2) The organizer does not bear the legal responsibility caused by the copyright dispute of the work. 
3) All authors who send their works to the exhibition shall be deemed to have confirmed and abide by the requirements of the solicitation notice. 
2022 (Hangzhou·Binjiang) First International Sports Humorous Painting Exhibition Organizing Committee 
November 12, 2021.
Source: chinadaily.


International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2022, Czechia

International Cartoon Festival Franzensbad 2022, Czechia
Food and Drink (restaurants, pubs, culinary arts, customers, the consequences of alcohol, etc.) 
1- We accept cartoons only on the topic you entered 
2- Total number of cartoons per author: 3 pieces 
3- A cartoon must not have won an appraisal at previous competitions 
4- Cartoons should only be sent electronically using the form HERE or on mfkh@email.cz 
5- Deadline April 30th, 2022 
6- The technical parameters should be as follows: at least 300 DPI; JPG, PNG or PDF format 
7- By sending their cartoons, the author agrees with the following: 
a) The organizer can use the cartoons for the promotional purposes of this International Festival of Cartoons 
b) The cartoons will be used in Tapír, magazine of humor and satire. 
Award Winning Works: 
1st Prize 15.000 CZK 
2nd Prize 10.000 CZK 
3rd Prize 5.000 CZK. 
Source: zlatytapir.


The 8th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest 2022, Turkey

8th KalDer Bursa International Cartoon Contest Specification
The Caricature Contest will be held with collaboration of KalDer Bursa Branch Office and Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi (Anatolian Caricaturists Society) for the 8th with in the 19th Quality and Success Symposium,which is going to take place in Bursa on the date of 26th of May 2022. 
What needs to be done? Just saving the day or walking hand in hand towards the future ? The responsibility of the risks the World face, concerns not only goverments but also private sector organisations,non-governmental organizations and academies. Society is not indifferent to it too 
It’s obvious that nothing is like before. 
The pandemic effected the whole World in terms of economy as well. 
When we take a look at the circle of life, we see the signs of the fact that climate change will cause both enonomic and social problems in near future. Business world that aims for long-term objectives is uncertain about next year’s targets. Business world tries to preserve savings,which built-up over years and to save the day at the same time. 
It shouldn’t be going like this. 
Finding common purpose,joint principles and mutual understandings is the key to break this life cycle.Not only to save the day but also to walk hand in hand to the future,we organize this contest within the scope of TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG TOGETHER WE SUCCEED. 
2. Last date for application: 13th of January 2022, Thursday 
3. The contest is receptive internationally for all amateur and professional caricaturists. 
4. Limited with three (3) caricatures, may be e-mailed to bursa@kalder.org in 300 dpi jpg format. 
5. The caricatures can be published, yet should not be awarded in another competition. The caricatures will be published at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account for detection of plagiarism and resemblance. Beginning date and expiry date of publishing will be announced later. Objections will not be considered after the dates specified. 
6. Competing caricatures may be printed and used in KalDer organisations (posters, books, albums, postcards, brochures, invitations, exhibitions, etc.) and published in internet environment. One of the artworks may be used as the main visual of the 19th Quality and Success Symposium which will be held in Bursa on the date of 26th April 2022. All remaining publication rights belong to the author. Competitors are considered to have an agreement in these conditions. 
7. Categories (You need to indicate your category for which you applied on the form.) 
1. Adult Category (at the age of 17 and above ) 
- 1st Place 6.000 TL & Plaque 
- 2nd Place 4.000 TL & Plaque 
- 3rd Place 2.000 TL & Plaque 
- Three Honorable Mention Plaques 
- Anatolian Caricaturists Society Special Award (Plaque). 
2. Young Category (at the age of 16 and below) 
- 5 achievement certificates 
- 15 finalist participation certificates .
Explanation: Reward money and plaques will be sent to respective winners in March 2022. Reward money will be paid according to exchange rates of the date of payment in USD for international artists. 
8. Results will be announced at www.facebook.com/kalder.bursa social media account on 7 February 2022, Monday. 
Jury Members 
- Ahmet Aykanat (Turkey) Cartoonist 
- Mehmet Kahraman (Turkey) Cartoonist 
- Mehmet Zeber (Turkey ) Cartoonist 
- Halit Kurtulmuş (Turkey) Cartoonist 
- Alla Georgieva (Bulgaria) Cartoonist 
- Alireza Pakdel (Iran) Cartoonist 
- Olga Guler (Turkey) Cartoonist 
- Emin Direkci (Turkey) KalDer Bursa 
- Kutlu Sahin (Turkey) KalDer Bursa 
- Aykan Kurkur (Turkey) KalDer Bursa 
- Arzu Ozel (Turkey) KalDer Bursa 
Person in Charge of Organisation: Arzu Ozel 
E-mail Adress for the works to be sent: bursa@kalder.org 
Contact Information: 
Phone: +90224 241 60 10 
KalDer Bursa (Turkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Branch Office) 
Yuzuncu Yil Mah. 416 Sok. No:2/1 Nilufer / Bursa / Turkey 
Tel: 0224 241 60 10 
KalDer Bursa Şubesi (Türkiye Kalite Derneği Bursa Şubesi). 
Application Form on source.


28th International Cartoon Rendon Festival 2021, Colombia

(Click on the image to enlarge)
1) The contest is open to all of cartoon artist worldwide. 
2) The last day for participation is on Saturday, November 13 of 2021
3) The contest’s Theme is: 
ENVIRONMENT: The importance of caring for our natural environment, achieving control of deforestation, pollution, climate change, species extinction, and solid waste management, among others. 
The conservation of the environment will allow us to have a sustainable life. 
4) Each participant can submit a maximum of three cartoons to the contest. 
5) It’s possible to participate with black and white or colored cartoons. 
6) We kindly request that those who will participate in our contest, fill out the entry form and send their cartoons digitally to contestcartoonrendon2021@gmail.com attached as a doc. in A4 size, 300 dpi, JPEG or TIFF format, a maximum of 3 MB per cartoon, including the registration form (name, surname, postal address, country, email address, short biography, photo) until 6:00 p.m. on Saturday November 13 2021, Colombian local time. 
7) You can also participate in the contest with cartoons that have already been published or awarded previously, all the cartoons presented must be original. 
8) Selected cartoon artists will recieve a virtual catalog. 
9) The jury will be compossed by national and international cartoon artists. 
10) Results will be announced on about the end of November of 2021 and the winners must send the originals to the organization within 20 days. 
11) The presented cartoons won’t be returned, they’ll be part of the collection of the future Rionegro’s Cartoon Museum in agreement with Cartoonrendon agent. 
12) Filling out the application of participation and sending it involves that the contestants give their authorization to Rionegro’s town hall and Cartoonrendon to publish their work on any printed or digital media with all rights, including the transfer of these rights to thirds without any limit of time, place and number of publications. Besides, Rionegro’s town hall and/or Cartoonrendon will have the right to show, file and publish the works in other media not mentioned here. By sending the applicattion these conditions are considered as accepted. 
13) The organization reserves the right to exhibit works considered to attempt against individual or colective rights. 
14) The participation supposes the full acceptance of terms and conditions. 
AWARDS: They are subject to taxes according to tax regulations. And they will be paid to the TRM. 
1° Prize – 500 US 
2° Prize – 300 US 
3° Prize – 200 US 
Mentions (5 Diplomas). 
The Festival will take place between November 17 and 21, and the award ceremony on November 17, at the MAR Museum of Arts, in the city of Santiago de Arma de Rionegro at 4:00 p.m. 
Work must be sent to: contestcartoonrendon2021@gmail.com 
Entry Form and more on source.