
Regulation for the 4th Faro Cartoons Exhibition, FARTOON 2020, Portugal

4th Faro Cartoons Exhibition, FARTOON 2020, Portugal
1 - FARO 1540 - Association for the Defense and Promotion of Faro’s Cultural and Environmental Heritage, organizes FARTOON – Faro Cartoons Exhibition, whose works will be displayed in an exhibition at March of 2021.
2 – Participation in this Exhibition implies full acceptance of the conditions listed in this Regulation and the authorization to use the work(s) in this Exhibition and in future editions, in FARTOON extensions, promotions, publications and reproductions in any medium.
3 – All Portuguese or foreign citizens can participate in this Cartoons Exhibition.
4 – Only are accepted unpublished original works that can be black and white or color.
5 – Any graphic techniques are allowed and works measures should not exceed 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3).
6 – In 2020 edition, the contest theme is "The CoronaVirus and its effects on the relationship with the environment and society".
7 – Each competitor can participate individually or in teams to a maximum of 3 works.
8 - The enrollment in FARTOON should be formalized until 31st December 2020 and is free.
9 – Works must be sent by e-mail to faro1540@gmail.com or by mail to:
FARO 1540
FARTOON – 4ª Mostra de Cartoons de Faro
Rua Reitor Teixeira Guedes, 133
8000-424 Faro
10 – For a correct submission should be sent:
- Work(s) on paper;
- Registration form, duly completed and signed;
- Photocopy or scan from an identification document;
 - Author(s) short biographical note;
- Declaration of the author of the work(s) accepting the conditions of this Regulation and authorizing the use of the work(s) at the Exhibition, in its future editions, in its extensions, promotions and publications, but with the authors’ knowledge.
11 – All works submitted for this Exhibition must be sent free of charge (postage or customs). In their packaging should appear clearly and prominently "NO COMMERCIAL VALUE / SEM VALOR COMERCIAL”. Works sent to be paid at the addressee will not be accepted, and its reception will be refused.
12 – The cartoons received will be submitted to a pre-selection, by the organization, and the competitor will be notified by e-mail if the work was selected to the Exhition mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Regulation.
13 – The Jury of FARTOON will be composed of 5 elements.
14 – From the jury final decision there can be no appeal.
15 – There will be awarded 3 prizes by the jury.
16 – The Jury, according to the quality of the works presented, may or may not assign any of the prizes and/or assign Honorable Mentions.
17 – In addition to the award of diplomas, prizes mentioned in points 15 and 16 will have a symbolic character according to the partnerships established for this edition of FARTOON.
18 – All the works received for the Exhibition, which have been selected for display, or not, will not be delivered back to the competitors, becoming part of the estate of the FARTOON, and the organization will not use them for commercial purposes.
19 – The work(s) must have on the reverse the following information:
- Author's name and address;
- Title and year.
20 – In exceptional circumstances, the organization may exhibit works that do not fully comply with the present Rules.
21 – In case of doubt, those interested can request any clarifications to: faro1540@gmail.com
22 – Omissions in this Regulation shall be solved by the organizer.
Source: fartoon.


The international cartoon competition Brain Sneezing 2020, Slovakia

PRERAG, association
announces the international cartoon competition
Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back
The topic 2020: Free People
Deadline: 15th January 2021
Competition terms :
Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
The competition is non-anonymous.
The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
The results will be announced on the 05th April 2021 and the winners will be awarded the following prizes
 1st prize 500.00 EUR 
2nd prize 300.00 EUR 
3rd prize 200.00 EUR.
If you have problems with the online registration send your cartoons to the email address: info@cartooneast.com
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address: 
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. 
The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
The international competition and exhibition "Brain Sneezing & Salto Mortale" is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Source: cartooneast .

«1,5° C» International Cartoon Contest on the topic of ecology and global warming, Russia

«1,5° C» International Cartoon Contest on the topic of ecology and global warming.
1.5° C is the most critical indicator of climate change on the planet.
In the UN Paris Agreement, ratified in 2015, world leaders pledged to prevent an increase of the average global temperature by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (compared top pre-industrial levels) in 21st century.
Contest Organizer: Russian Ecological Movement -"RED" (http://www.red.help
Media partner of the Contest: "Ecosphere" newspaper (http://www.ecosphere.press
The theme of the International Contest of Cartoon is ECOLOGY. 
Here are the main subjects of the contest: 
• global warming and ecocide, 
• reasonable consumption and planet resources, 
• garbage and industrial waste, 
• biological and natural diversity. 
Works performed in the form of a drawing, poster or collage (including using the Photoshop program) are accepted. 
 The contest is open to professional and amateur artists from all over the world and to children aged 7 -16 years (a class of their own). 
• Grand prize - 350,000 rubles,(about 4.500 $ US). 
• Four prizes of 70,000 rubles (about 990 $ US),for each within listed topics. 
• One prize of 70,000 rubles (about 990$ US),from the newspaper "Ecosphere" by the results of the readership 
• One merit award in the children class. 
• Special award from sponsors and partner organizations. 
• Diplomas. 
Prize money is taxed under current law. 
The jury consists of professional artists and representatives of the Russian Ecological Movement. 
The jury has the right to change the amount of monetary awards within the limits of the overall funds.
The Chairman of the contest jury is Mikhail Zlatkovsky, professional artist. Members: Alexandrov Vasiliy, Bogorad Viktor, Russia; Kazanevskii Vladimir, Ukraine; Feldstein Andry, USA; Erenburg Baruch, Israel. 
Participation rules: 
1. Participants can choose any listed subject, including the main theme. 
2. By entering the contest, participant confirms that he or she is the author of the works and agrees that the Contest Organizer has the right to publish works on the Internet or other media, as well as use them in any other way without restriction. By sending works, author submits that Contest Organizer has the right to reproduce copies free of charge for publication on electronic resources, in print media and other sources without additional approvals and rewards. The work submitted to the Contest must not violate copyrights or infringe on the rights of others, violate confidentiality or contain defamation and insult against any company or person. The Organizer of the Competition will not be held liable if the participants do not take these rules into account. Participants pledge to release the Organizer in case of any claims by third parties who may arise if these conditions are not met. 
3. Along with the work, the author must send a completed participant form. This form has to be filled in Russian or English. The author should download the participant form from the website. By sending the completed form, the author or his legal representatives agree to the processing of his or her personal data. 
4. Participant should send no less than two, but no more than fifteen works. 
5. File name of the works must correspond to following sample: LAST NAME_name_country_work number (PETROV_Ishtvan_Sweden_01). 
6. Recommended size of files: 3000x2000 px, JPG format. Size of all files together must be LESS THAN 25 MB. 
7. Email for sending works: ecoart@red.help 
8. The deadline for sending works is March 01, 2021, inclusively. The deadline for jury decision is March 15, 2021. 
9. The works must be signed by the Author. Additional text in the work must be in Russian or English.
10. It is allowed to send previously awarded works. 
11. Pre-selected works will be published in the online newspaper "Ecosphere". 
12. The original drawings of the awarded works are the property of the Contest Organizer and must be sent to the Organizer within one month of the announcement to the address:123610, Russia, Moscow, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya embankment (naberezhnaya), Office 1337, Russian Ecological Movement.
Prize payments are made only after the Contest Organizer receives the originals of the awarded work.
13. The decision of the jury is final and not subject to any review. 
14. An online catalog of the best works will be published. 
15. At the end of the Contest the best works will be displayed at the exhibition.


Similarity: Naz Agaoglu - Payam Khalili

Naz Ağaoğlu
Theme: Child and Digital Addiction
2nd International Wise City Kocaeli Cartoon Contest (2018)
Entry work.
Payam Khalili
Theme: Social networks
1st International Competition "IT In Cartoons" 
Prize of magazine KRAINA (2020).


The 27th CartoonRendon International Festival 2020, Colombia

The most relevant Colombian cartoon artist, born in Rionegro, Antioquia (1894 – 1931), called “The emperor” of cartoon. 
One of the most perceptive and refined XX century Latinamerican humorists, in his work the humor was satire. 
He stood out specially for his political cartoon. 
His cartoons were true radiographs of events and individuals. He was a pioneer of graphic advertising in Colombia. 
26 years in tribute to Ricardo Rendón Bravo, The Festival, unique in Colombia’s history for it’s trajectory and continuity, has ennabled to see the perception of authors from more than 92 countries, protagonists of the changes and experiences of towns that through their humor contribute to humanity’s development. 
The sharp intelect and his universal language, achieve throughout cartoon, the dream and hope to erase territorial borders as ideological borders that keep us from living in harmony and inhibit us from visualize freedom as a principle of peace and coexistence. 
1) The contest is open to all of cartoon artist worldwide. 
2) The last day for participation is on Wednesday, November 18 of 2020
3) The contest’s Theme is: 
Today the Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world, we see the fear and suffering that it has produced, while we have experienced a state of global quarantine. The pandemic highlights the scope of social inequalities and teaches us that we must change many things to improve the world, from respecting the natural environment, rethinking education-culture and the integral values of being. 
Every crisis brings an opportunity, the coronavirus brought its own ... What will be yours? That of your people? What have we learned from the pandemic? 
4) Each participant can submit a maximum of three cartoons to the contest. 
5) It’s possible to participate with black and white or colored cartoons. 
6) We kindly request that those who will participate in our contest, fill out the entry form and send their cartoons digitally to contestcartoonrendon2020@gmail.com attached as a doc. in A4 size, 300 dpi, JPEG or TIFF format, a maximum of 3 MB per cartoon, including the registration form (name, surname, postal address, country, email address, short biography, photo) until November 18, 2020
7) You can also participate in the contest with cartoons that have already been published or awarded previously, all the cartoons presented must be original. 
8) Selected cartoon artists will recieve a virtual catalog. 
9) The jury will be compossed by national and international cartoon artists. 
10) Results will be announced on about the end of November of 2020 and the winners must send the originals to the organization within 20 days. 
11) The presented cartoons won’t be returned, they’ll be part of the collection of the future Rionegro’s Cartoon Museum in agreement with Cartoonrendon agent. 
12) Filling out the application of participation and sending it involves that the contestants give their authorization to Rionegro’s town hall and Cartoonrendon to publish their work on any printed or digital media with all rights, including the transfer of these rights to thirds without any limit of time, place and number of publications. Besides, Rionegro’s town hall and/or Cartoonrendon will have the right to show, file and publish the works in other media not mentioned here. By sending the applicattion these conditions are considered as accepted. 
13) The organization reserves the right to exhibit works considered to attempt against individual or colective rights. The participation supposes the full acceptance of terms and conditions. 
They are subject to taxes according to tax regulations. And they will be paid to the TRM. 
1° Prize – 1.000 US 
2° Prize – 500 US 
3° Prize – 300 US 
4° Prize – 200 US 
The Festival will take place between November 20 and 22, and the award ceremony on November 20, at the MAR Museum of Arts, in the city of Santiago de Arma de Rionegro. Work must be sent to: 


CARTUNAL: First world hall of graphic humor National University of Colombia

CARTUNAL: First world hall of graphic humor National University of Colombia

A day without laughing is a day lost. 
Charles Chaplin 

The cartoon covers many nuances and critical situations of the human being in their relationships with others and with their environment, these situations include what is a reason for academic attention for the University. We turn to caricature for its universal language, for its power to communicate and change the heavy into the light. 
From the National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters we offer a space for the academic community and society in general: the First CartUNAL World Cartoon Exhibition. 
We invite you to this meeting that widely summons cartoonists from around the world to present unpublished works that invite you to discuss, reflect, create and propose on a topic of global relevance: Peace
Contest prizes: 
1st place: A laptop and Honorable Mention. Specifications: 14 ”Dell brand laptop with the following features: Windows 10 Pro operating system; Intel® Core ™ i3 processors; 8 GB of DDR4 memory; 1 TB HD 5400 rpm storage; VGA-RJ45-HDMI ports, Webcam Integrated / Audio Hight Quality, BluetooTh 4.0; A year of warranty. 
2nd place: 1,000,000 = (One million Colombian pesos) and Honorable Mention. 
3rd place: 500,000 = (Five hundred thousand Colombian pesos) and Honorable Mention. 
4th, 5th and 6th place =  Digital Honor Certifications. 
Competition rules: 
Theme: Peace 
Each participant can submit a single (1) work of their complete authorship. Clarification: any artist who submits more than one work will be disqualified 
Only unpublished works can participate. 
To participate in the contest, the author must fill out the form "Copyright" with which he declares that it is an original, unpublished work, that he owns all rights to the work and that he authorizes the National University of Colombia to reproduce the work with academic purposes and in everything related to the contest. 
Contestants close to the contest jury or the organizers, in any degree of consanguinity or affinity, are not accepted. Clarification: if an artist wishes to participate in the contest and has the disability described in this paragraph, he will have the option to participate without competing, in any case he must comply with the other items described in the contest rules. To do so, in the registration form you must add the text "Participate without contest" after the title of the work. 
The work must be done in a minimum size A4 (210 X 297mm.), maximum size A3 (297 X 420mm.).
The technique is free, hand drawing or digital, black and white or color. 
The work must be graphically explicit, without text or explanation, without photographic or image support. 
The work, which with its content is exclusive or violates individual or collective rights, will be withdrawn from the contest and will not be considered in any way. 
The submission of the works is only through the mail cartunal_med@unal.edu.co, size 300 dpi, in JPG format. In the submission you must indicate: title of the work, full name of the author, nationality, email, photo and brief CV of the author, in English or Spanish. 
The deadline for receipt of works is punctual without exception, December 31, 2020. Note: Colombia's time zone must be taken into account. 
The works of the contest will be evaluated anonymously, by a national and international jury, which will privilege the universal concept and objectivity of the subject (70% of the qualification), and the technique used (30% of the qualification). 
The works that meet all the requirements of the contest and are shortlisted will be published on the official website of the event prior to the award ceremony, in order to put into public consideration everything related to similarities, foreign copyright or any other type of objection. 
The 40 best selected works will be printed and exhibited in the “Espacio del Hombre” of the Efe Gómez Library of the National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters, in April 2021, if conditions allow it. 
The jury is completely autonomous to choose the winning works and also those that will be included in the exhibition and the Virtual catalog (PDF). 
It is understood that the participant fully accepts the rules and conditions stipulated in the contest, with their participation. 
The results will be announced through the Salóncartunal.edu.co page in the month of April 2021. 
The winners will be previously notified via email. 
The winner of the first place agrees to send the original work to the National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters, and assume the shipping costs. If the work is digital, the author must print the work (with the measures indicated in the contest) and sign it with the number "1", for submission. 
All postal costs and bank deductions will be borne by the winner. 
The prize will be paid in Colombian pesos as described, except for the first prize, which is in kind. 
It is clarified that all the costs of sending the prizes and others will be assumed in full by the winner. 
On the website www.cartunal.com everything related to the passing and news of the event will be reported (calendars, exhibition sites, workshops, etc.) 
The organizers have the willingness to address the concerns that are generated, via email. 

23rd Euro-kartoenale 2021, Belgium: Chances and Opportunities

23rd Euro-kartoenale 2021
Dear Madam, Sir,
For the 23rd time already our association is organizing its biennial cartoon contest.
In the first place we would like to thank all participants of the previous editions for their continued participation in this contest. 
The continued increase in the number of participants, entries and participating countries, and especially the quality of your work, proves the trust you put in our organization.
Also this year you can upload your drawings with the online platform : www.ecc-kruishoutem.be/register .
Don’t forget to check your personal data in ‘my profile’.
We hope we can count on your collaboration and we wish you a lot of success with 'CHANCES AND OPPORTUNITIES'.
DEADLINE : 10th of January 2021.
2. The number of entries is limited to 5. Any kind of graphical technique will be accepted. The works may not have been exhibited, published or awarded before. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.
3. You can send your works in two ways:
Register and upload your cartoons on our website www.ecc-kruishoutem.be/register
send them by regular post to the following address: EURO-KARTOENALE - RENÉ D’HUYVETTERSTRAAT 5C - 9770 KRUISHOUTEM - BELGIUM – EUROPE
On our website you can check the list of participants to see if you works have arrived. The entry list is updated daily.
4. The drawings shall have the following dimensions: A4 – 300 dpi, maximum 3MB for digital works.
5. The drawings sent by post must bear, on the reverse side, the surname, forename and address of the participant.
6. By participating, the artist agrees with this rules and authorize the organizers to publish the submitted works in the catalogue and for the promotion of the exhibition. For any other use of the cartoons the permission of the cartoonist is previously requested.
7. The following prizes are awarded:
1st prize € 1.800,00 + trophy
2nd prize € 1.500,00 + trophy
3rd prize € 1.300,00 + trophy
Best European cartoon € 900,00
Best Belgian cartoon € 900,00
Prize of the ECC Personal exhibition in the ECC
On the occasion of the prize-giving ceremony, all the winners are invited for a stay of 3 days in Kruishoutem.*
8. On request the participants get a free catalogue. However, the postage costs are for their own account. They can also collect the catalogue at the European Cartoon Center. If your work is published in the catalogue a free copy is sent automatically.
9.  By participating the artist lends the submitted works to the organizers for itinerant exhibitions. Consequently, the selected works will remain at the disposal of the organizers until December 2022! The awarded works will become property of the organization.
10. The original entries will only be sent back by the organizers on written request. The organization can in no way be held responsible for eventually damaged or lost works.
11. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.
12. The international jury of cartoon professionals will meet in Kruishoutem on the 29th of January 2021. The complete list of jury members will be announced on our website after the expiry of the deadline.* 
13. The inauguration and prize-giving ceremony will take place on Saturday the 3rd of April 2021. The exhibition will run from the 4th of April till the 25th of June 2021.*
(*) If the corona pandemic results in specific restrictions on travelling or events the live jury meeting can be replaced by a digital meeting or the prize giving ceremony can be postponed or cancelled. We will look for alternatives.
Source: ecc-kruishoutem .