
27th edition of the International Satire and Humor Festival "Città di Trento" 2019, Italy

XXVII International satire and humor festival “Città di Trento” 2019
Theme: Where is the wind blowing?
Enrolment conditions:
Any Italian and foreign artists can enroll. The minimum age is 16 years. Each participant is allowed to submit maximum 3 original works, not rewarded or reported in other competitions.
A) Illustration/Satire/Humor.
B) Cartoon (Maximum 2 pages).
Rules concerning the dispatch of works:
The works must be sent in digital format size A4/A3 to info@studioandromeda.net
Images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be saved in JPG or TIFF format at the highest quality.
Important notes: the images can be maximum 6MB, for images larger than 6MB use www.wetransfer.com
Deadline: Works must be received no later than March 31, 2019
Selection of works:
The jury will select the works that will be exhibited in the exhibition and published on the website.
Section Awards (A)
1st Prize: € 1.000
2nd Prize: € 700
3rd Prize: € 500.
Section Awards (B)
Special Cartoon Award: € 500.
Awarding and exibition:
The award ceremony will be in October 2019, the exact date will be announced later.
Rights and royalties:
The authors, taking part in the competition, give the non-exclusive right to publish the work in any medium for promotional purposes by Studio d’Arte Andromeda not having any claim as copyright.


20th International Festival of aphorisms and caricature - Strumica 2019, R. Macedonia

XX-th International Festival of aphorisms and caricature - Strumica 2019
Theme: C A R N I V A L – E R O T I C A
• In this category each author can participate with maximum of 10 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars about the author, and set in sealed envelope.
• The authors are allowed to participate with more works, each as group of 10 (ten) aphorisms and marked with particular code.
• In this category, the authors can participate and send 3 caricatures at maximum. The technique is on their own choice, and dimensions A/4.
• Particulars about the authors should be written at the back side of the work.
Contest due date:
The works will be accepted up to: February 19, 2019, at latest.
• Three main prizes will be awarded: Golden, Silver and Bronze Plaque .
• The Organizer retains the right to award some additional prizes.
• The works should be sent to:
NUCK "Anton Panov"
Blvd. "Goce Delcev" bb
2400 Strumica , R Macedonia
with note: To the Festival of aphorism and Caricature
• The works received, remain in property of the Organizer and the author, and they have the right to its public presentation, catalogue edition or other publication.
• The works received in due time will be reviewed and evaluated by competent jury commission.
• The presentation of the works – exhibition and the Reward Ceremony will come to: March 11, 2019.
Contact -Further information
Tel: ++389 (0) 71 205 263
E-mail: trimerotikon@yahoo.com ;  anton.panov.sr@gmail.com .
Source: Anton Panov Strumica.


Received the color catalog of the 7th SICACO 2018 from Korea

Received today the color catalog of the 7th Sejong International Cartoon Contest (SICACO) 2018 from Korea with my Best Cartoon Prize certificate. Many thanks to Dr Cheong San Lim, the President of the Sejong International Cartoon Institute, and the members of the Selection Committees.
The classical A4 sized (21x29.7 cm) catalog has 104 pages full of far more cartoons that it certainly deserves the title "World Cartoons Encyclopedia Vol.27". The cover cartoon depicting the four seasons is by the Croatian artist Marijan Pavecic.
This edition received 1588 works by 482 entrants from 57 countries of whom 317 are prized. 57 entrants are students. 34 artists sent in 83 works by e-mail, yet digitoons are not prized. The most entrants from Korea (128) are followed by 33 artists from Serbia, 30 cartoonists from Turkey, 24 from Iran, and 21 entrants from Indonesia.
From Turkey they received 134 works and 19 artists are prized:
Gold Prize: Recep Bayramoğlu.
Student Special Prize: Aziz Göveli (12 y), Songül Sep (14 y).
Student Honorable Mention: Yusuf Mert Ertürk (10 y).
Theme Prize: Hicabi Demirci, Mete Ağaoğlu, Kamil Yavuz, Ömer Çam.
Best Cartoon Prize: Musa Gümüş, Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu, Musa Keklik, Erdoğan Başol, Ercan Baysal, Kemal Özyurt, Bülent Okutan.
Honorable Mention: İsmet Lokman, Kaan Saatçi, Ferhat Demirbaş, Zülküf Aba.


The 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art 2019, Bulgaria

24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art
Dimensions of Publicness
17 May – 30 September 2019, Gabrovo
The 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art invites artists to contribute their edgy takes on the concept of the public sphere. The exhibition will present contemporary art and cartoons addressing:
public space
public art
public debate
public broadcasting
public interest
public threat/security
and other whatchamacallits with public dimension.
47 years of poking fun at issues of utmost social significance give us the confidence that it is time to call on humour in order to deconstruct and redefine whatever is left nowadays of the concept of publicness.
The 24th Gabrovo Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art is comprised of a competition and a curated exhibition. The competition is held in two sections: cartoons and contemporary art.
The Biennial is organized by the Museum of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo Municipality and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Organizing Committee is chaired by the Mayor of Gabrovo.
The Biennial will open on 17th May 2019, 7.00 p.m. at the Museum of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo.
Eligible for the contemporary art section of the competition are works of art executed in any technique and media.
Golden Aesop Grand Prix in section contemporary art – a statuette and 5 000 BGN (appr. 2 550 euro)
Prize of the town of Gabrovo awarded to a promising young artist – a statuette and 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro).
The cartoons competition section  the following categories:
Cartoons – original works signed by the artists, up to A3 size, digital works, including animated cartoons (gif, flash and video)
Artist cartoon or comic strip books
Prizes :
Golden Aesop Grand Prix in section cartoons – 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
Prize for cartoon – 2 000 BGN (appr. 1 020 euro)
Prize for artist cartoon or comic strip book – 1 000 BGN (appr. 510 euro).
The prizewinning works remain in the art collection of the Museum of Humour and Satire.
The organizers kindly invite all artists to visit Gabrovo on 17th May 2019 for the opening of the Biennial exhibition and to join in the Gabrovo carnival.
General Entry Rules


The 9th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition 2019, Turkey

9th International Turhan Selcuk Cartoon Competition 2019
1. The competition is open to any cartoonist.
2. It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition.
3. Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reponsibility will be assumed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened.
4. All cartoons must be 30x40cm maximum.
5. The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope.
6. The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 30 April 2019
Milas Belediyesi Ozel Kalem Mudurlugu
48200-Milas-Mugla / Turkey
www.milas.bel.tr e-mail: info@milas.bel.tr
7. The results of the competition will be announced on 20 May 2019.
8. The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘Turhan Selcuk Karikaturlu Ev’.
9. The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album.
10. The reward ceremony will be held on 13 September 2019. The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘Turhan Selcuk Karikaturlu Ev’ for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until 1 October 2019.
11. Accommodation and meal expenses for participants who have won a ‘Special Award’ will be met. Travel expenses will be borne by the participants. ​Travel, accommodation and meal expenses for competitors who come first, second and third will be met by Milas Municipality.
​Muhammet Tokat - Mayor
Ruhan Selçuk
Kamil Masaracı
İzel Rozental
Aslı Alpar
Turgay Karadağ
Halit Kurtulmuş
Adriana Mosquera-Nani (Colombia)
Christina Sampaio (Portugal)
Serter Karataban - Rapporteur.
​13. PRIZES:
​Winner:​ ​₺7.500.00
Runner up: ​₺5000.00
3rd:​ ​ ​₺3000.00
Other Special Prizes will be awarded by various establishments, societies, newspapers, art magazines, trade unions, news agents and individuals.
Note: The jury meeting will be held on the 11th May 2019.
Tel: 0 252 5121416 - 136 Faks: 0 252 512 80 29
www.milas.bel.tr info@milas.bel.tr


The 8th International Olive Cartoons Contest 2019, Cyprus

1. The contest is open to all amateur or professional cartoonist or any one who could submit a cartoon regardless individual's race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other protected characteristic.
2. Themes: Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth.
3. All Submissions must be in the form of cartoon. Any painting or illustrations will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Cartoons must be without words
4. All submissions must be originals. Submission dimensions: A4 or A3 in any color or black and white. Each entrant must provide name and surname, address, phone number including country code, and email address on the back of the submission; each entrant should also provide short background and a photo (optional) on a separate A4.
5. Submission of material which has previously been submitted and/or presented and/or published elsewhere is welcomed providing copyright is not infringed; however, any previously award wining material cannot be submitted.
6. All work submitted for evaluation by the International Selection Committee and work of finalist will be published at official web page of the contest. In addition submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for plagiarism by international associations. If Plagiarism detected and or any previously award wining material submitted, submissions will be canceled and the next eligible entry will be considered for the prize.
7. Entrants could submit more than one work, however no more than one award will be awarded to participants.
8. All submission must be received by APRIL 30, 2019 at the address provided below.
9. All submission, awarded or not, will be kept and archived by Cypriot-Turkish Cartoonist Association at the newly established “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum.”
10. All prize winner submissions and selected works by the Steering Committee will be published in an album. In addition, they will be exhibited at the 18th Olive Festival in 2019.
11. The results of the contest will be published thru media and prizing-winning entrants will be informed by contact information provided.
12. Kyrenia Municipality will provide travel and boarding expenses for three prize winners as stated in the terms and conditions of the contest. The prize-winning cartoonist must respond to the prize ceremony invitation within 10 days. The responses outside of 10 days are not considered.
13. The Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot-Turkish Cartoonist Association will have the publishing rights to publish or print, in any media or format, any or all submissions.
14. All persons entering the contest agree that the rules of the contest as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. And all submissions could be published and printed by the Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot-Turkish Cartoonist Association as set out in these terms and conditions without any future compensation.
15. For the exhibition and album, digital works can be sent to the following email address: olivecartoons@gmail.com Digital works are excluded from awards.
1. Prize: 1,000 Euro + Gold Olive + Diplom
2. Prize: 800 Euro + Silver Olive + Diplom
3. Prize: 600 Euro + Bronze Olive + Diplom
6 Entrants: Special Prize (Bronze Olive)
100 Finalist Prizes.
APRIL 30, 2019
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
7. Uluslararası Zeytin Karikatürleri Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87 (Post Code: 99000)
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey)