
"Drought & Water" March 2008 results - Turkey

MAN & NATURE March 2008 results
March 2008 results of the monthly Nature & Man Cartoon Contest 2008 with theme "Drought & Water" are announced at the contest website: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/default.asp


Tawan Chuntra - Thailand

Lubomir Kotrha - Slovakia

Young Sik Oh - South Korea


European Cartoon Contest "Intercultural Dialogue”

European Cartoon Contest "Intercultural Dialogue”
Dear Cartoonist,
We are very pleased to invite you to participate on a European Cartoon Contest which theme will be "Intercultural Dialogue”, which deadline for the reception of works will be the 16th June 2008. This contest’s theme is in accordance with the proclamation of 2008 as the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.
The objective of this initiative of the European Commission is to promote the awareness of all citizens to respect the cultural diversity. The EU decision is in keeping with respect by several fundamental principles written in the Treaty establishing the European Community and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union.
It is in line with these purposes that Portugal launches a European-Cartoon Contest with the theme "Intercultural Dialogue", relying on the importance of the language of humour as a way to build and des-build the looks on the subject.
As per the contest of 2007 - Inequalities, Discrimination and Prejudice - this contest is for European authors, of any country, being part or not of the 27 countries of the European Union. We do look forward to receive you participation!
Warm regards
The Director
Luís Humberto Marcos
National Printing Museum
Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206,
4300- 316 Porto
Tel: 351+22 530 49 66
Fax: 351+22 530 10 71

4th International Solin Cartoon Festival - Croatia

The organizer of 4th International festival of cartoon Solin 2008 is the city Solin.
The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profesion.
Conditions of entry:
1. All entries must be original cartoons. Framed works, also, will not be accepted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40 x 30 cm)
Entry deadline is the 01 August 2008.
Please write "PRINTED MATTER- NO VALUE" on the envelope.
«DOM ZVONIMIR» Kralja Zvonimira 50, 21210 Solin, CROATIA
GOLD MEDAL....................................................1001 EUR
PRIZE CITY SOLIN.............................................3
PRIZE TURIST COMYNITY SOLIN............................2
The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“ Solin on the 29.08.2008.
Authors of works that quality to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue (DVD).
The works will be returned only on the special reqest of an autor. The postage EUR4 will be paid by autor.
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Solin 2008, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.


LAST NAME ---------------------------------------------

FIRST NAME --------------------------------------------

PSEUDONIM --------------------------------------------

STREET ---------------------------------------------------

POSTCODE -----------------------------------------------

CITY -------------------------------------------------------

COUNTRY -----------------------------------------------

TELEPHONE --------------------------------------------

E-MAIL ---------------------------------------------------

FAX --------------------------------------------------------

NUMBER OF ENTRIES -------------------------------

MALE-FEMALE ----------------------------------------


Results 1st International Contest Ciudad de Bogota

The jury of the FIRST INTERNATIONAL CARICATURE AND CARTOON CONTEST CIUDAD DE BOGOTÁ has decided to declare the winner of the first prize in the Professional category with a value of US 1000, the work of Iranian SAEED SADEGHI. The second prize in this category, a value of US 800, was won by Colombian cartoonist based in Spain ELENA OSPINA with the work "PUZZLES."
Special mentions:
The First honourable mention was given to the work of cartoonist Colombian RAÚL FERNANDO ZULETA entitled "SOPAS CAMPBELL'S"
The Second honourable mention was given to the work of cartoonist ARGÓN entitled "THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT"
The Third honourable mention was given to the work of Venezuelan cartoonist OSCAR ROJAS entitled "VENEZUELA: ENTREPRENEURS ESPECULADORES"
The Fourth honourable mention was given to the work of Bulgarian cartoonist RUMEN DRAGOSTINOV "CHILDREN."
In the category AMATEUR was awarded the First Prize consisting of US 500 in materials design, the Colombian cartoonist YUDIR STERLING GUEVARA with the work REFLEJOS OF WAR. The Second prize in this category consisting of US 400 in materials of drawing, has been awarded to Colombian cartoonist GUAICO with the work THE GUERNIKA.
Second Prize:
In the category CHILDREN minority participation was very significant and therefore the jury had decided to grant SCHOLARSHIPS courses at the National School of Cartoon for all participating children and their works will be displayed at the upcoming International Book Fair Bogotá between April 23 and May 5.
In total, 50 works have been chosen to be displayed in all the categories that will be shown at the Pavilion of Design and Caricature in the event.


First International Cartoon Beer Contest - Canada

First International Cartoon Beer Contest
MBière Mondial de la Bière Mondial de la Bière, 2236, Beaubien East, Montréal, (Québec) Canada H2G 1M7 • Phone: 514-722-9640 # 442 • FAX: 514-722-8467 •
For the 15th anniversary of the Mondial de la bière, we are pleased to announce the first International Cartoon Beer Contest.
The contest will be announced February 11th 2008 via the internet. Judging will take place on May 28th 2008 with a panel of International Judges. Their decision will be final.
Announcement of the winners will be made on May 30th 2008.
Winners and selected cartoons will be seen on the website at www.festivalmondialbiere.qc.ca
1) The contest is open to anyone aged 18 years or older. All contestants accept the conditions and provisions included in the official rules and regulations. The original art work together with signed entry form must be received by May 10th, 2008. Participation to the contest is free of charge, the participants are responsible for delivering their work at their own expense to: Cartoon Beer Contest
c/o Mondial de la bière
2236 Beaubien East
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2G 1M7
E-mail will be sent to contestants to confirm the registration. If you want to deliver your work electronically send it to: olegderg@hotmail.com and infombiere@globetrotter.net
2) Theme: Beer, beer and women, beer and humour, beer and love, beer and sports, beer and history, beer and fun, beer and global warming, beer and politics, beer and ecology etc. etc. You may choose any humorous beer related theme to inspire your original cartoon, comic strip, caricature or gag. For comic strips we ask artists to include 3 to 4 frames on one page.
3) Entries: participants may submit a maximum of 3 cartoons, or comic strips.
a) The cartoons must have never been exhibited in Canada, or have won an award in a previous competition.
b) The cartoons may bear no captions, except for comic strips.
c) The cartoons must be sent flat without folds, or rolled in a tube.
d) The participants are responsible for the originality of their cartoons. Discussions and claims related to the originality, privacy, property rights, and or good taste of the work is the responsibility of the participant. The cartoons will not be returned and will belong to the permanent collection of the Mondial de la bière.
4) a) Dimensions of the cartoons. Cartoons should be 21.5 cm x 28 cm or, 11 inches by 8 inches (horizontal, or vertical).
b) Cartoons that are submitted under glass, framed or on other materials than paper as a support will be rejected from the competition.
5) Property rights, By agreeing to take part in the contest the participants renounce their property rights on the work submitted, thus empowering the organizing association to make use of their entries for promotional purposes on behalf of the International Concours bières bandes desssinées - Cartoon Beer Contest. This includes use of their entries by sponsors for publicity, publicity in the media, cartoon books, posters and or catalogues, folders, calendars or other promotional materials etc. Entries may be used for official gifts by the festival organizers.
6) Jury. A first selection of all entries will be made by the Head Judge the Honourable Oleg Dergachov in preparation of the final judging that will be done by an International team of expert judges. The judging will take place on May 28th 2008 in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The International jury will include professional cartoonists, and or art critics, and possibly a representative of a major sponsor and also one of the festival. A minimum of 6 judges will be on the jury. (Jury members: John A. Lent, Svetlana Kruglova, Guy Badeaux, Aislin ( Terry Mosher), Tina Seemann. Source: http://www.cartoonblues.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3141)
7) Prizes
Golden Mug — First prize cash award of $1,500 CDN, dyploma and Trophy
Silver Mug — Second prize cash award of $1,000 CDN, dyploma and Throphy
Bronze Mug — Third prize cash award of $500 CDN, dyploma and Trophy
Source: http://www.cartoonblues.com/Contests2008/Contest_2008May_Montreal.html

Entry form:


Date of birth:



Zip code:



I agree to the rules and regulations of the International Concours bières bandes desssinées - Cartoon Beer Contest. No entries will be returned to the participants, and will remain the property of the festival. The cartoons may be used for promotional purposes as described in the rules and regulations. Legal responsibilities related to the work submitted remains the responsibility of the author of the cartoons or comic strips.


Results 14. Golden Keg 2008 - Presov / Slovakia

Results 14. Golden Keg 2008 - Presov / Slovakia
Grand Prix: Henryk Cebula (Poland)
I. Prize: Andreas A. Malecki (Germany)
II. Prize: Camilla Tabaka (Poland)
III. Prize: Nikolaj Arnaudov (Bulgaria)
Special Prizes:
Ivan Popovic (Slovakia)
Giorgio Giaiotto (Italy)
Leszek Hermanowicz (Australia)
Seyran Caferli (Azerbaijan)
Jindrich Otta (Slovakia)
Roman Kubec (Czech Republic)
Honorary Mention:
Urmas Nemvalts (Estonia)
Otto Schubert (Czech Republic)
Marek Kretowicz (Poland)
Liviu Stanila (Romania)
Jitka Holecek (Switzerland)
Malgorzata Tabaka (Poland)
Érico - Jungueira Ayres (Brazil)
Bretislav Kovarik (Czech Republic)
Mykola Dmytruch (Ukraine)
Ernest Svrcek (Slovakia)
Victor Crudu (Moldavia)
Roman Jurkas (Czech Republic)
Rumen Dragostinov (Bulgaria).


3rd ArtijaNet (Zikison) Cartoon & Comic Strip Contest

3rd Competition of a Caricature and a Short Comic Strip 2008
http://www.artija.net/ & The SRZ (SRŽ) – The Satirical Manufactory "Žikišon" (Satirična Radionica Žikišon) are announcing in the categories, the themes:
1. THE PORTRAIT CARICATURE "ŽIKIŠON" WITHOUT WORDS. How do caricaturists imagine "Žikišon" and his life time?
For both of categories you can send up to 3 works on A/4 size of paper, up to 200 KB by E-mail, any technique is allowed.
3. THE SHORT ALTERNATIVE COMIC STRIP – FREE FORM. A board needs to content up to 6 squares, A/3 format, up to 400 KB by E-mail, any technique is allowed, up to 3 boards in a work or 3 boards of a single strip.
The competition will be opened and free for all of the professionals and amateurs, for affirmed and unknown authors from 7 to 77 years of age, for all people on this planet but in the case if someone appears from other planet then we will become the first interplanetar competition.
AWARDS: The first award in each of three categories - a presentation on a particular page on the site http://www.artija.net/ and SATIR and kiks (Caricature and Short Cartoon).
Works can be sent by e-mail caricature.comics@gmail.com and zikison.mazos@gmail.com with author’s short biography and photography. All of received works will not be returned to the senders. The organization of this project keeps the right for using and publishing of received works for the organization’s needs.
Deadline: No deadline (Permanent Exhibition)
(The Results: November 1, 2008)
ZIKISON (1885 - 1950) was a satirist, a caricaturist, an editor, a publisher, and a printer. Between two wars in Serbia he was an actuator, a co–author editor of many newspapers for humor and satire. He has been suffering and imprisoned by Communist Regime in 1949. Soon after that torture and seizing his property, he died in 1950.