Spirito di Vino is back!
On May 25th, day of Cantine Aperte 2014, the fiveteenth edition of the international competition of satirical cartoons concerning the world of wine “Spirito di Vino” (Wine and Wit) will be launched. The competition is organised every year by Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia together with the
Istituto Europeo di Design, the
Municipality and the
University of Udine and the
Cassa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia. The aim of the competition is to collect and select the funniest satirical cartoons concerning the world of wine produced by cartoonists from all around the world.
Since its first edition, Spirito di Vino has been particularly focussed on young artists, who have always proved very willing to take part to the initiative. Today Movimento Turismo del Vino is still carrying out this project with passion and momentum with the aim of raising awareness, not only among young people, but also among wine lovers from all around the world, on the need to drink responsibly. As last year, the competition will be made of two groups of cartoonists: the first group from 18 to 35 years old and the second one for artists older than 36 years old.
Spirito di Vino has always been characterised by its international allure as, since its first edition, it has been very well received by artists from Europe, Russia, Latin America, Japan and China. This cultural mix has resulted in a rich variety of viewpoints concerning the fascinating world of wine. Thanks to Spirito di Vino, satirical cartoons become a common ground enabling participants to express their thoughts and ideas.
To take part to the competition, applicants can send their works of art from May 25th to August 31st 2014 to Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia (Via del Partidor 7 – 33100 Udine), or by visiting the website www.mtvfriulivg.it.
The satirical cartoons will be assessed by a jury chaired by
Alfio Krancic – president of the competition - and
Giorgio Forattini – honorary president of the competition - and composed of eminent figures from the field of journalism, satire and graphics such as:
Emilio Giannelli (cartoonist),
Valerio Marini (cartoonist),
Gianluigi Colin (Corriere della Sera art director),
Franz Botré and
Enzo Rizzo (director and deputy director of the magazine Spirito DiVino),
Carlo Cambi (editorial manager of the magazine Wine Passion),
Paolo Marchi (journalist of Il Giornale),
Aldo Colonetti (scientific manager of the Istituto Europeo di Design),
Fede & Tinto (Decanter RadioRai radio programme) ,
Francesco Salvi (actor).
After August 31st, the jury will meet at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Milano to select
30 cartoons for each group. On September 13th 2014, on the backdrop of the food and wine festival Friuli Doc, the three best cartoons of each group will be awarded a
selection of wines produced by Movimento Turismo del Vino Fvg partner wineries.
Registration: http://www.mtvfriulivg.it/index.php?pag=isc_spirito&l=eng.
To have further information on the competition:
Movimento Turismo del Vino
Friuli Venezia Giulia
Tel. +39 0432 289540
Here you find the 2013 winners.