
Cartoonist & web editor Zoran Matic Mazos passed away

Respectable friends, colleguaes, associates,
This morning, June 17th, 2010, on 3:15 a.m. in the Hospital in Paracin, Serbia has passed away my dear friend, colleague, brot...her (not only through writing - poet, satiric, cartoonist, designer) ZORAN MATIC MAZOS...R.I.P...:(
Yesterday we have spoken through the telephone around 1 p.m., through exchanging information about planned activities, but his health condition aggravated during afternoon hours.
As Deputy editor in chief of ZIKISON, I would like kindly to ask you to keep the dignity and honor with the respect for the late MAZOS, by respecting the certain period of time until I prepared everything for the continuance of the work and activities of the projects which we have jointly shaped and worked on, Mazos and me.
I hope that I, with your help, also succeed in that.
God rest his soul.
Zamjenik gl.i odg.urednika/Deputy Editor in chief
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Knjievnik i freelance novinar/Writer and freelance journalist
Sabahudin Hadzialic
Grbavicka 32,
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

+387 - (0)33 619 364
+387 - (0)62 291 743
WWW & Blogs


Warning from Irancartoon about fake competitions

False Competitions!!
We recently see many competitions that have no evidence for being credible, and become a reason for unreliability and confusion of world artists.
We can mention Sun Shine competition as one of these kinds of contests. We see many problems in this Contest that shows its falseness.
1) In all Japanese contests, some of the Jurors are Japanese, but in this contest they don’t have even one Japanese Juror.
2) The entry form to participate in this Competition is not in Japanese Language, and this is an unusual process.
3) The prizes of this Competition are really unbelievable and are even more than closed Yomiuri Shimbon Competition.
4) This competition by the great prizes even doesn’t have a website for giving information, and they just gave one Email address.
5) Responsible of this False competition don’t give any answer to our correspondence, and don’t response our questions.
So it’s obvious that such Competitions are unreliable, and we can’t rely on them.
Iran cartoon Site by its professional activities and to lighten the mind of world cartoonist condemns these delusive activities and ask cartoonists by not participating in such contests confront them.
Source: irancartoon


Another fake competition of cartoons in the net: World Cup

Forwarded from a cartoonist friend, the following message reveals the so-called participation rules of another fake competition of cartoons I'm afraid. There is only an e-mail address where cartoonists are supposed to send their work (as few as 20 cartoons at all!) knowing neither the person nor the institution to collect hundreds of artwork ready to be published or exhibited in a nowhereland for whose benefit God only knows.
How informative the introduction is (!) - possibly a copy-paste paragraph, yet how untrustworthy they are by showing no sign of human existence... What sponsor is to pay the cash prizes, who is responsible to produce a catalog, what website will publish the lists of participants & winners? Please read more

From: Fifa Cartoon fifacartoon@yahoo.com>
Date: 2010/6/10
karikaturachilar@yahoo.com, info@fanofunny.com, info@karikaturculerdernegi.org, cartoon@caricature.eu, info@cartoonists.gr, rudy.gheysens@telenet.be, editor@indianink.org, ...
South Africa will become the first African country to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup, starting from 11 June to 11 July 2010. South Africa made its final presentation to host the World Cup to FIFA's Executive Committee at the Trade Centre in Zurich on 14 May 2004. On 15 May 2004, FIFA President, Sepp Blatter, announced that South Africa would be the host of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Thirty-two countries have qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Six of these are from Africa, namely: South Africa, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Cameroon and Algeria. The rest of the qualified countries are Japan, the Netherlands, Korea Democratic People’s Republic, Australia, Korea Republic, United States of America, Brazil, England, Paraguay, Spain, Denmark, Chile, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Serbia, Switzerland, Argentina, Honduras, Slovakia, France, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece, Uruguay and New Zealand.
The World Cup will take place in eight of South Africa’s nine provinces, using 10 stadiums in nine host cities. Five of the 10 stadiums are new and the rest have been upgraded for the event. Johannesburg, as South Africa’s economic hub, is the only city with two venues for the world cup, namely Soccer City and Ellis Park. Other host cities are Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Polokwane, Nelspruit, Bloemfontein and Rustenburg.
The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
Work must be carried out in black and white or in colour. The work minimum must be of 3500 x 2480 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 300 pixels an inch.
Contestants must send in an e-mail supplying their names, surnames, address, date of birth and a contact telephone number. This e-mail must contain an attachment with the graphics work file in JPG format.
All Works, together with the author's personal information, must be sent via e-mail to: fifacartoon@yahoo.com .
Number of entries
max : 20

1st Prize: 500 Euros.
2nd Prize: 300 Euros.
3rd Prize: 200 Euros.
A qualified jury will choose the best works.
Participation in competition means the consent of authors to all conditions, including on gratuitous publication of works in any form.

Results 15th International Cartoon Exhibition Zagreb 2010

The 15th International Exhibition of Cartoons ZAGREB 2010 has seen the arrival of 662 works of 325 authors from 57 countries.





(All winning cartoons)


Turkish master cartoonist Ferit Ongoren passed away

Today about 17.00 h on June 07, 2010 dies the master Turkish cartoonist Ferit Öngören in Istanbul, Turkey. After having an operation against cancer of the colon last February, he was suffering from a liver tumor.

Ferit Öngören was born in Diyarbakır, Turkey, in 1932. He spent his childhood in Kütahya’s Tavşanlı township. He graduated from Afyon High School, and the Istanbul University School of Law. In 1956, Öngören moved to Cağaloğlu, the heart of the Turkish press, and began to draw and write. He wrote essays and critiques on art and published the “Yeni A” magazine. He drew cartoons for several magazines such as Akbaba, Dolmuş, Taş, Tef and wrote articles for newspapers like Vatan, Akşam, Günaydın, Gün, Sabah, Bugün, and Meydan. In 1969, he founded the Association of Cartoonists along with Turhan Selçuk and Semih Balcıoğlu. Together they established the Cartoon Museum and launched the International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest. He co-published books titled “Pictures from Istanbul” with Orhan Kemal and “Petrol” with Edip Cansever. He illustrated folk songs in his album, “Listening to Folk Songs.” He collected and illustrated folktales. Ferit Öngören made illustrations of Istanbul at various times and from different views. He documented the growing of shantytowns around Istanbul with his drawings. Read more


The Big Boat of Humour 2010 - Lodz, Poland

In Polish, the word LÓDZ means a vehicle propelled by sails, oars or engine, used as a means of water transport. Almost all around the world, it carries symbolic connotations:
• it is an allegory of human fate in both individual and collective dimension,
• it is associated with courage, when imagining sailors embarking on a voyage across rough oceans,
• it symbolizes human longing for adventure and some change in life.
Lódz is also the name of the second largest city in Poland which is an inland city with no access to navigable waters. We hope that the name of our metropolis will become an inspiration for graphic artists, especially those with a flair for satire. The theme should be taken up with humour, with panache and perhaps with a bit of poetry... This explanation, indispensable to foreigners, is also aimed at the Poles, for whom the popular usage of the name of the city might have blurred the sharpness of its paradox. For the fifth time, the Big Boat of Humour invites all the artists, who would like to face the theme of Lódz, to enter the competition.
1. The aim of the contest is:
• promoting the city, changing the traditional perception of Lódz and challenging the stereotypical image of the city.
• creating an art gallery comprising works that could be used in actions promoting the city in a printed form or in the form of organized exhibitions.
2. It is an open contest. Everyone can participate in it, on condition that they submit their works with the application form before the regulatory deadline. The contest is an international event.
3. The theme the fifth Big Boat of Humour contest is 'CITY – THE POWDER KEG'
4. The original works entered in the contest can be made using any drawing, graphic (including computer graphics) or painting technique and should not be larger than A3 format (297x420 mm). Also copies issued by the author, described and signed by the author are accepted by the Jury as original graphic works. Photocopies and xerox copies of the works, computer printouts of scanned works or any other kind of duplication using multicopy techniques, for example offset printing, which serve as reproductions of a work, shall not be accepted by the Jury. Previously published works, works entered in other contests or works to which rights do not belong to the authors shall also be excluded from the contest.
5. Each participant may submit up to 5 works. The works should be unframed, provided with the name and the surname of the author and possibly the title on the reverse. The works should be accompanied with an application form, which shall be tantamount to the acceptation of the contest regulations and a permission for publishing author's personal data contained in the form, and with a CD with the electronic form of submitted works (in TIFF format, the resolution of 300 dpi, 15 cm at the base), which is the condition of placing them in the catalogue.
6. The works should be sent to the following address: Lódzki Dom Kultury (Lódz Cultural Center), Traugutta 18, 90-113 Lódz, Poland till 31 August 2010 (with a note on an envelope "The Big Boat of Humour 2010").
7. The organizers are not liable for any damage to the works during delivery.
8. The Jury shall choose works for the post-contest exhibition and hand out the Grand Prix of the contest in September 2010.
9. The ceremonial opening of the post-contest exhibition and the verdict announcement shall take place in October 2010.
10. The authors of works admitted to the contest shall be invited to the ceremonial opening of the exhibition and shall receive the catalogue. The organizers do not provide the return of expenses covering transport to Lódz and stay in the city. The organizers plan the exhibition of the original works admitted to the contest and the exhibition of printouts (on the basis of the submitted CDs) in Piotrkowska Street in the centre of the city.
11. The works that shall not be admitted to the contest as well as the works shown on the exhibition should be taken back from the organizers or they shall be sent back at the author's expense.
1. The works shall be judged by the Jury of the Contest consisting of professional artists, the representatives of the City of Lódz Office and the Organizers of the contest.
2. The Jury shall hand out the regulatory Grand Prix of the contest amounting to PLN 10,000, funded by the Mayor of the City of Lódz. The prize is indivisible. The Jury reserves the right to resign from handing out the award. In such case, the amount is added to the pool of prizes of the next edition of the contest. The decisions of the Jury are definitive without the right to appeal. The work (or works of one author) honoured with the prize, together with all the rights, become the property of the sponsor.
3. The organizers allow for a possibility of handing out sponsored awards other than the regulatory prize. Works awarded by the sponsors, with all the rights, shall become the property of the sponsors.
1. Sending works to the contest together with a filled in application form equals giving consent to:
• participation in the post-contest exhibition (or a series of exhibitions), free reproductions of the works in all media and all techniques as far as promoting the City, the Contest and the exhibition is concerned.
• duplicating the works for the needs of non-commercial promotional actions carried out by the organizers (occasional publications, press materials and the Internet), at the same time, promoting the authors and their works.
• using the works in charity actions, carried out for the citizens in need by the Organizers, Sponsors or the City of Lódz during the period of one year starting from the date of the post-contest exhibition opening.
2. Participation in the contest means the acceptation of the above regulations.
Regulations & Application Form: http://www.bigboatofhumour.com/